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Six families of the cryptic moth, Allophyes oxyucanthae , four of which contained both the typical and melanic forms of this polymorphic species, were tested for evidence of resting site selection in a large box lined with oak bark of three reflectances. Moths from different families were tested separately. Typicals from all four families tended to show a preference for the background which most closely matched their reflectance and on which they were most cryptic. Melanic moths from different families showed different resting site selection behaviour; those from two families preferring dark bark, on which melanics were most cryptic, while those from other families did not. The significance of these results in relation to previous suggestions about the control of resting site selection is discussed  相似文献   

Oecologia - Climate change has shifted geographical ranges of species northwards or to higher altitudes on elevational gradients. These changes have been associated with increases in ambient...  相似文献   

Radar observations of moths migrating in a nocturnal low-level jet   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. 1. Radar observations of insects migrating at night over central-western New South Wales have detected an instance of migration in a low-level wind jet.
2. From the characteristics of the radar echoes, and from the catches obtained in traps at ground level and at the altitude of migration, the migrants can be identified as noctuid and pyralid moths of a number of different species.
3. The migration, which was in a downwind direction, started at dusk and ended at about dawn. During the period immediately before first light, a large proportion of the migrants were concentrated into a 100m deep layer at an altitude of about 250m; this layer had not been present during the first half of the night.
4. The boundary layer wind profile at dawn exhibited a clear low-level jet structure, with a wind maximum between 100 and 300m, and strong shear in the wind direction below 300m. A strong surface temperature inversion, but not a wind-speed maximum, had been present the previous evening.
5. The formation of the layer concentration in the upper part of the jet may be accounted for in terms of previously described responses of nocturnally migrating insects to a surface temperature inversion. It is not therefore necessary to assume that the migrants were responding specifically to the presence of a wind-speed maximum.  相似文献   

The natural resting orientations of several species of nocturnal moth on tree trunks were recorded over a three-month period in eastern Ontario, Canada. Moths from certain genera exhibited resting orientation distributions that differed significantly from random, whereas others did not. In particular, Catocala spp. collectively tended to orient vertically, whereas subfamily Larentiinae representatives showed a variety of orientations that did not differ significantly from random. To understand why different moth species adopted different orientations, we presented human subjects with a computer-based detection task of finding and ‘attacking’ Catocala cerogama and Euphyia intermediata target images at different orientations when superimposed on images of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) trees. For both C. cerogama and E. intermediata, orientation had a significant effect on survivorship, although the effect was more pronounced in C. cerogama. When the tree background images were flipped horizontally the optimal orientation changed accordingly, indicating that the detection rates were dependent on the interaction between certain directional appearance features of the moth and its background. Collectively, our results suggest that the contrasting wing patterns of the moths are involved in background matching, and that the moths are able to improve their crypsis through appropriate behavioural orientation.  相似文献   

The melanic and typical morphs from 13 families of the moth, Allophyes oxyacanthae (Linnaeus) were tested for evidence of resting site selection in a large box lined with oak bark of three reflectances. For 12 of the families, one or both of the parents originated from two families, 0/1 and 0/3, which had been tested in a similar manner in the previous year. In all of these 12 families typicals showed a preference for the palest background available, "light grey". The melanic results for the same families were significantly heterogeneous but could be partitioned on the basis of parentage, into six families in which melanics preferred light grey, and six families in which melanics preferred the background on which they are most cryptic, dark grey. In the only family in which neither of the parents originated from either 0/1 or 0/3, both typical and melanics showed a preference for the background on which typicals are most cryptic, bare bark. The results of the two years' experiments indicate that it is necessary to postulate that, in addition to the pleiotropic effects of alleles at the melanic locus, another locus (or loci) is involved in the control of resting site selection.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Viable Mansonia egg masses occur in nature on both the upper and under surfaces of Pistia stratiotes (L.) leaves. Upper-surface masses were from Mansonia dyari Belkin, Heinemann & Page, but lower-surface oviposition was attributable to both M. dyari and M. titillans Walker.
2. Upper-surface egg masses were often out of water but were concentrated near a wet-dry stain line on the leaf. Lower-surface masses were laid underwater within 3 mm of the leaf edge, except for those oviposited through fenestrations caused by insect damage.
3. Oviposition varied seasonally and masses were most numerous between August and December when water lettuce plants were large and crowded. Egg masses were clumped on plants and leaves and concentrated on mature or mature-old leaves that subtended mean angles of 28–34° from the horizontal.
4. On intact plants in cages, M. dyari laid egg masses on both leaf surfaces in approximately the same proportions as observed in nature. On detached leaves floating flat on the water, M. dyari laid all masses on under surfaces.
5. At 20 and 25°C, egg development of M. dyari required 17.4 and 8.8 days (means), these being significantly longer than the mean times for M. titillans. Some larvae from eggs that hatched in the absence of water survived 72 h in the eggshell.
6. Upper-surface oviposition by M. dyari may be an adaptation to the crowded growth of water lettuce, the mosquito's favoured host plant, whose leaves are largely out of water. Leaf ageing and subsidence cause submergence of most upper-surface eggs by the time of hatching.  相似文献   

Vast numbers of insects and passerines achieve long-distance migrations between summer and winter locations by undertaking high-altitude nocturnal flights. Insects such as noctuid moths fly relatively slowly in relation to the surrounding air, with airspeeds approximately one-third of that of passerines. Thus, it has been widely assumed that windborne insect migrants will have comparatively little control over their migration speed and direction compared with migrant birds. We used radar to carry out the first comparative analyses of the flight behaviour and migratory strategies of insects and birds under nearly equivalent natural conditions. Contrary to expectations, noctuid moths attained almost identical ground speeds and travel directions compared with passerines, despite their very different flight powers and sensory capacities. Moths achieved fast travel speeds in seasonally appropriate migration directions by exploiting favourably directed winds and selecting flight altitudes that coincided with the fastest air streams. By contrast, passerines were less selective of wind conditions, relying on self-powered flight in their seasonally preferred direction, often with little or no tailwind assistance. Our results demonstrate that noctuid moths and passerines show contrasting risk-prone and risk-averse migratory strategies in relation to wind. Comparative studies of the flight behaviours of distantly related taxa are critically important for understanding the evolution of animal migration strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Retinular fine structure has been compared in the superposition compound eyes of three sphingid moths, one nocturnal, Cechenena, and two diurnal, Cephonodes and Macroglossum. Cechenena and Cephonodes have tiered retinas with three kinds of retinular cells: two distal, six regular and one basal. The distal retinular cells in Cechenena are special in having a complex partially intracellular rhabdomere not present in Cephonodes. Macroglossum lacks the distal retinular cell. In Cephonodes a unique rhabdom type, formed by the six regular retinular cells in the middle region of the retinula, is divided into three separate longitudinal plates arranged closely parallel to one another. Their constituent microvilli are consequently all nearly unidirectional. The ratio of rhabdom volume to retinular cell volume in the two diurnal sphingids is 10–27%; this is about the same as that (25%) of skipper butterflies, but significantly smaller than in the nocturnal Cechenena (60%). In the diurnal sphingids retinular cell membranes show elongate meandering profiles with septate junctions between adjacent retinular cells. From the comparative fine structure of their eyes the diurnal sphingids and the skippers would appear to be phylogenetically closely related.Supported in part by grants from Ministry of Education Japan (Special Project Research in Animal Behaviors)  相似文献   

Summary We examined nest site selection by foundresses of the polygyne form ofSolenopsis invicta. In the laboratory, foundresses were allowed to nest in control soil vs. soil inoculated with refuse from a colony ofPheidole dentata, a natural enemy. In a second experiment foundresses chose between control andS. invicta soil. More foundresses (100%) avoided the soil of a natural enemy than the soil of a conspecific colony (79%) that may accept them into the nest. Foundresses from this polygyne ant appear to avoid other colonies in general, but avoid heterospecific colonies more.  相似文献   

The small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins are a kind of proteins that can be attached to a series of proteins. The sumoylation of protein is an important posttranslational modification. Thus, the prediction of the sumoylation site of a given protein is significant. Here we employed a combined method to perform this task. We predicted the sumoylation site of a protein by a two-staged procedure. At the first stage, whether a protein would be sumoylated was predicted; whereas at the second stage, the sumoylation sites of the protein were predicted if it was determined to be modified by SUMO at the first stage. At the first stage, we encoded a protein with protein families (PFAM) and trained the predictor with nearest network algorithm (NNA); at the second stage, we encoded nonapeptides (peptides that contain nine residues) of the protein containing the lysine residues, with Amino Acid Index, and trained the predictor with NNA. The predictor was tested by the k-fold cross-validation method. The highest accuracy of the second-staged predictor was 99.55% when 12 features were incorporated in the predictor. The corresponding Matthews Correlation Coefficient was 0.7952. These results indicate that the method is a promising tool to predict the sumoylation site of a protein. At last, the features used in the predictor are discussed. The software is available at request.  相似文献   

Studies of capability to echolocate in nocturnal moths using the method of echo-signal retransmission are described in detail. During retransmission the insect was presented not with the echo from some real object but with electronically generated echo-like signal which appears following the certain delay after insect's own acoustic signal. In that way the artificial echo from non-existent obstacle is produced. In the current study the delay was set to 0.5 ms that corresponds to a distance of about 8 cm from obstacle. At the same time there was no any single movement of any object near the flying insect therefore the activities of sensory systems other than auditory did not cause systematical influence on results obtained. Noctuid moths (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera) are acoustically active insects. They are capable of producing ultrasonic clicks during flight. The most typical response of a moth to the retransmission of echo-like stimuli is an activation of own clicks emission that is often accompanied with rise in click amplitude. Using the activation of emission as a criterion of moth's response to the echo-like stimulation we measured echolocational thresholds in three species: Amphipyra pyramidea (36 dB SPL), Enargia paleacea (31 dB SPL) and Blepharita satura (26 dB SPL). The ability to echolocate was also demonstrated in 20 species of subfamilies Catocalinae, Amphipyrinae, Cuculliinae, Hadeninae, Noctuinae, Heliothinae.  相似文献   

When choosing subsequent nest sites, species that produce multiple broods in a single breeding season have the option of dispersing from a site where they previously suffered depredation, i.e., a predator-avoidance tactic. In our study on yellow-faced honeyeaters Lichenostomus chrysops it was found that 89% of nest failures were attributed to nest depredation, the primary cause of reproductive failure. Pairs re-nested further from depredated nesting attempts than from successful nesting attempts and progressively higher above the ground as the breeding season progressed. Pairs nesting in dioecious Coprosma quadrifida plants only nested in non-fruiting male plants. Artificial nests were used to test the hypothesis that nest height and plant preferences were strategies to reduce the risk of depredation. There was no evidence that either higher nests or nests in non-fruiting C. quadrifida achieved reduced levels of depredation during 14 days of artificial nest exposure. Specific nest site characteristics were not found to be associated with nest outcome for either natural or artificial nests. Our study provides further evidence that species may choose a diverse range of nest sites in order to avoid predators from developing specific search images and then, following depredation, compensate by rapidly re-nesting away from the failed attempt.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Facilitation is an ecological interaction in which the presence of one species (e.g., ecosystem engineers) alters the environment in a way that enhances growth, survival or...  相似文献   

Ecological relationships of animals and their environments are known to vary spatially and temporally across scales. However, common approaches for evaluating resource selection by animals assume that the processes of habitat selection are stationary across space. The assumption that habitat selection is spatially homogeneous may lead to biased inference and ineffective management. We present the first application of geographically weighted logistic regression to habitat selection by a wildlife species. As a case study, we examined nest site selection by greater prairie-chickens at 3 sites with different ecological conditions in Kansas to assess whether the relative importance of habitat features varied across space. We found that 1) nest sites were associated with habitat conditions at multiple spatial scales, 2) habitat associations across spatial scales were correlated, and 3) the influence of habitat conditions on nest site selection was spatially explicit. Post hoc analyses revealed that much of the spatial variability in habitat selection processes was explained at a regional scale. Moreover, habitat features at local spatial scales were more strongly associated with nest site selection in unfragmented grasslands managed intensively for cattle production than they were in fragmented grasslands within a matrix of farmland. Female prairie-chickens exhibited spatial variability in nest site selection at multiple spatial scales, suggesting plasticity in habitat selection behavior. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for spatial heterogeneity when evaluating the ecological effects of habitat components. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Habitat use and habitat selection are essential for successful stopovers. Passerine migrants use habitats in a clearly non-random manner, even if many species utilise a broader range of habitats during passage than during breeding or wintering. Habitat selection proceeds as a sequence of events: landfall; search/settling, including redistribution across habitats if necessary; and habitat exploitation, with all stages probably condition-dependent. This review is aimed at studying this sequence and also the factors which govern decision-making in nocturnal passerine migrants at all levels. In most cases, habitats are (pre)selected by migrants already at landfall using both visual and acoustic cues. After landfall, migrants start to perform direct sampling of habitats during which they may move constantly and perform fine-tuning of their habitat choice. Some species subsequently occupy a small home range in a particular (micro)habitats, whereas others continue to move broadly during the whole stopover period. An interaction of several factors shapes the use of habitats after landing, among which are migrants’ innate preferences and functional morphology, foraging strategies and food resource distribution, habitat carrying capacity and exposure to predators. The large-scale spatial context probably also plays a role which might be currently underestimated.  相似文献   

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