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6 种无机絮凝剂对布朗葡萄藻的絮凝效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了6种无机絮凝剂对布朗葡萄藻的絮凝效应。采用光密度法测定布朗葡萄藻的生物量,分别研究了硫酸铝、硫酸铝铵、硫酸铝钾、硫酸镁、硫酸铁、氯化铁对布朗葡萄藻的絮凝效应。结果表明,光密度法可应用于布朗葡萄藻生物量的测定,可间接测定絮凝效应,且最佳测定波长为680nm;6种无机絮凝刺的絮凝时间为60min,同时6种无机试剂对布朗葡萄藻均有明显的絮凝效应,硫酸铝、硫酸铝钾、氯化铁对布朗葡萄藻的絮凝效应较硫酸铝铵、硫酸镁、硫酸铁明显(P〈0.05)。硫酸铝浓度控制在1.1g/L,硫酸铝钾浓度控制在0.45g/L以内,氯化铁浓度控制在0.9g/L。  相似文献   

为给微藻大规模培养生产生物燃料提供稳定可靠的种质资源,本研究以葡萄藻为研究对象,建立了一套葡萄藻快速高效冷冻保藏的方法.通过对不同冷冻保护剂二甲基亚砜(DMSO)、甲醇(MeOH)、乙二醇(EG)、丙二醇(PG)和甘油(Gly)的毒性测试和冷冻保藏效果的比较,结果表明在以6% MeOH作为冷冻保护剂的条件下葡萄藻的存活...  相似文献   

Unicellular microalgae generally grow in the presence of bacteria, particularly when they are farmed massively. This study analyzes the bacteria associated with mass culture of Botryococcus braunii: both the planktonic bacteria in the water column and those forming biofilms adhered to the surface of the microalgal cells (∼107–108 culturable cells per gram microalgae). Furthermore, we identified the culturable bacteria forming a biofilm in the microalgal cells by 16S rDNA sequencing. At least eight different culturable species of bacteria were detected in the biofilm and were evaluated for the presence of quorum-sensing signals in these bacteria. Few studies have considered the implications of this phenomenon as regards the interaction between bacteria and microalgae. Production of C4-AHL and C6-AHL were detected in two species, Pseudomonas sp. and Rhizobium sp., which are present in the bacterial biofilm associated with B. braunii. This type of signal was not detected in the planktonic bacteria isolated from the water. We also noted that the bacterium, Rhizobium sp., acted as a probiotic bacterium and significantly encouraged the growth of B. braunii. A direct application of these beneficial bacteria associated with B. braunii could be, to use them like inoculants for large-scale microalgal cultures. They could optimize biomass production by enhancing growth, particularly in this microalga that has a low growth rate.  相似文献   

利用烟道气培养产烃葡萄藻的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对烟道气培养产烃葡萄藻的可行性进行了研究,重点考察了SO2和NOx的水溶形态对葡萄藻的影响。结果表明,亚硫酸氢盐浓度低于0.8mmol/L时,对葡萄藻生长没有明显抑制作用,可以提供葡萄藻生长的硫源,但高浓度(大于2mmol/L)时抑制细胞生长;当亚硝酸盐浓度小于8mmol/L时,可以作为葡萄藻生长的唯一氮源,亚硝酸盐的去除主要是由微藻利用所致。当起始浓度为2mmol/L和4mmol/L时,亚硝酸盐的去除率分别为100%和99.7%。  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Agricultural fertilisers (NPKs) have been recognised as an alternative to make microalgae cultivation cheaper as well as simpler in terms of the preparation of the...  相似文献   

研究了布朗葡萄藻(Botryococcus braunii)764株和765株在3种培养基Chu10、Chu13×2和SE中的生长效应.结果表明:(1)B.braunii764在Chu10中的细胞密度、生物量、总脂含量和总烃含量均高于Chu13×2和SE;B.braunii765在Chu10中的细胞密度、生物量和总脂含量高于Chu13×2和SE,而总烃含量在Chu13×2中较高.(2)B.braunii764的总脂和总烃含量分别为19.4%、23.4%,显著高于B.braunii765.  相似文献   

高产烃的丛粒藻研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王修垣 《微生物学报》1997,37(5):405-409
呈串状集落生的丛粒藻(Botryococcus braunii Kiitzig,1989),又译葡萄藻,是一种在温带、热带和大陆性气候带的陆地、淡水和微咸湖水等地广为分布的单细胞绿色微藻(microalgae)。在培养物中,其产烃量为生物量干重的0.3%~76%,通常为25%~40%;在天然样品中,最高达86%,大大高于其它微生物的含烃量(几乎都低于1%)。在国外,从晚远古代(约10~9年前)到近代的沉积岩中,在我国的北部湾沿岸、渤海湾沿岸和茂名油页岩等石油沉积层中,均发现了它的化石。也从云南抚仙湖中得到了该藻。由于在一些石油沉积中几乎全部有机质都是该藻形成的,故美其名曰“油藻”。  相似文献   

通过对布朗葡萄藻分别在Chu13、Chu13×2和BG-11培养基中培养结果的比较,发现在气升式光照生物反应器中Chu13培养基最有利于布朗葡萄藻的生长和烃的合成,培养15d后,其生物量和粗烃质量分数分别为1.82g/L和58.7%;棕榈酸、油酸和亚麻酸是布朗葡萄藻的主要脂肪酸组成,Chu13培养获得的藻体不饱和脂肪酸比例最高。Chu13培养基中布朗葡萄藻代谢规律的研究表明:粗烃含量随着生物量的增加而逐渐增大,15d后粗烃产量达到最大值1.07g/L,不同生长周期烃的组成保持一致,布朗葡萄藻的烃主要由C33H56和C34H58组成;在布朗葡萄藻生长周期中,不饱和脂肪酸的比例显著上升,培养15d达到64%以上。  相似文献   

Hydrocracking of the oils of Botryococcus braunii to transport fuels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrocarbon oils of the alga Botryococcus braunii, extracted from a natural "bloom" of the plant, have been hydrocracked to produce a distillate comprising 67% gasoline fraction, 15% aviation turbine fuel fraction, 15% diesel fuel fraction, and 3% residual oil. The distillate was examined by a number of standard petroleum industry test methods. This preliminary investigation indicates that the oils of B. braunii are suitable as a feedstock material for hydrocracking to transport fuels.  相似文献   

利用测定净光合放氧速率的方法研究了光照强度、温度、 pH值、盐度对布朗葡萄藻Botryococcus braunii UTEX 572和B.braunii UTEX 2441两个品系的光合作用的影响.B.braunii UTEX 572的适宜光照强度范围400~1600 μmol·m-2·s-1,光饱和点在800 μmol·m-2·s-1附近;适宜温度范围25~35℃,最适温度30℃;适宜pH范围5.0~8.0,最适pH7.0;适宜盐度范围0~0.2 mol/L,最适盐度0.1mol/L.B.braunii UTEX 2441的适宜光照强度范围400~1600 μmol·m-2·s-1,光饱和点在400 μmol·m-2·s-1附近;适宜温度范围25~35℃,最适温度30℃;适宜pH范围5.0~8.0,最适pH 7.0;对盐度的适应范围较小,盐度升高,光合放氧速率明显下降.两个布朗葡萄藻净光合放氧速率随光照强度、温度、pH值和盐度变化的规律,表明布朗葡萄藻的基本生理生态学特征:适应于较强的光照强度、较高的温度、中性偏酸的环境和较低的盐度.对布朗葡萄藻基本生理生态学特征的了解,为培养条件的优化提供了依据.2个布朗葡萄藻品系对光强、温度、pH值和盐度变化的反应有所不同:与B.braunii UTEX 2441相比,B.braunii UTEX 572具有更高的光饱和点,适应更高的温度,对pH值变化有更宽的适应范围,适当提高盐度对其光合作用有促进作用,表明B.braunii UTEX 572在快速生长繁殖方面具有更大的潜力,这一研究结果为筛选适合于大量培养的优良藻种提供了依据.  相似文献   

Botryococcus braunii is a green colonial fresh water microalga and it is recognized as one of the renewable resources for production of liquid hydrocarbons. CFTRI-Bb-1 and CFTRI-Bb-2 have been reported for the first time and their performance with regard to growth and biochemical profile is presented here. The present study focused on effect of carbon dioxide (CO2) on biomass, hydrocarbon, carbohydrate production, fatty acid profile, and carotenoid content in various species of B. braunii (LB-572, SAG 30.81, MCRC-Bb, N-836, CFTRI-Bb-1, and CFTRI-Bb-2) at 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% (v/v) levels using a two-tier flask. CO2 at 2.0% (v/v) level enhanced growth of the organism, and a two-fold increase in biomass and carotenoid contents was observed in all the B. braunii strains studied compared with control culture (without CO2 supplementation). At 1% and 2% (v/v) CO2 concentrations, palmitic acid and oleic acid levels increased by 2.5 to 3 folds in one of the strains of B. braunii (LB-572). Hydrocarbon content was found to be above 20% at 2% CO2 level in the B. braunii LB-572, CFTRI-Bb-2, CFTRI-Bb-1, and N-836 strains, whereas it was less than 20% in the SAG 30.81 and MCRC-Bb strains compared with control culture. This culture methodology will provide information on CO2 requirement for growth of algae and metabolite production. B. braunii spp. can be grown at the tested levels of CO2 concentration without much influence on culture pH.  相似文献   

Summary A hydrocarbon-rich green microalga, Botryococcus braunii, was able to grow well in secondarily treated sewage (STS) from domestic waste-water in a batch system. The growth in STS from domestic waste-water was as good as in the common artificial medium of modified Chu 13 and its hydrocarbon contents were high enough at 53% and 40% compared with 58% in the case of the modified Chu 13 medium. B. braunii utilized nitrate from 7.67 or 4.48 mg/l to a level below detection of < 0.01 mg/l in STS. After this consumption of nitrate, nitrite was consumed, and ammonium was not. Phosphate, even at an extremely low concentration, was also consumed by B. braunii. These results show the possibility of using STS as a medium to grow B. braunii and for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by algal consumption in STS.Correspondence to: S. Yokoyama  相似文献   

Botryococcus braunii, a green colonial microalga, is an unusually rich renewable source of hydrocarbons and other chemicals. Hydrocarbons can constitute up to 75% of the dry mass of B. braunii. This review details the various facets of biotechnology of B. braunii, including its microbiology and physiology; production of hydrocarbons and other compounds by the alga; methods of culture; downstream recovery and processing of algal hydrocarbons; and cloning of the algal genes into other microorganisms. B. braunii converts simple inorganic compounds and sunlight to potential hydrocarbon fuels and feedstocks for the chemical industry. Microorganisms such as B. braunii can, in the long run, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and because of this B. braunii continues to attract much attention.  相似文献   

The cells and colonies of Botryococcus braunii laboratory cultureswere examined by interference and scanning electron microcopyand compared with cells isolated from a bloom in Lake Kinneret,Israel. The green cells were located in cups representing theparental cell wall; the cell walls of successive daughter cellsappeared to be fused to the parent and daughter cells wherethey were contiguous. The arrangement of green cells in laboratorycultures was consistent; groups of 2 or 4 cells formed a unitand these units appeared joined together at their bases to formclusters. Green cells from the lake bloom appeared in irregularclusters of units of 2, 3 or more cells. Red bloom cells appearedto be dead with each cup compressed and empty with a hole showingat the cell surface. A hypothesis describing the role of senescenceand nitrogen depletion, based on cytological, ecological, andchemical data, is invoked to explain the change of the bloomcells from green relatively low lipid to orange (or red) highlipid cells.  相似文献   

Four new strains of Botryococcus braunii were isolated from Japanese waters and cultured under defined conditions. Their hydrocarbon content and composition were analyzed and compared with those of the Darwin and Berkeley strains. The Yamanaka strain produced only alkadienes characteristic of the A race, whereas the others, the Yayoi, Kawaguchi-1 and -2 strains as well as the Darwin and Berkeley strains, produced botryococcenes peculiar to the B race. The hydrocarbon content of the Yamanaka strain was 16.1 % dry weight and that of the B race strains ranged from 9.7 to 37.9%. Botryococcene composition of the Japanese strains differed from each other as well as from the Darwin and Berkeley strains. More than 50% of the hydrocarbons in the Yayoi, Darwin, and Berkeley strains were composed of C34H58, but the main components were different from one another as isomers. The Kawaguchi-1 and -2 strains did not have a high level of C34 botryococcenes, C32 ones being the main components. In these strains significant amounts of squalene-related compounds were detected.  相似文献   

The outer walls of the green alga Botryococcus braunii (main sites of hydrocarbon production and accumulation) show a complex constitution. They comprise a biopolymer highly resistant to non-oxidative degradation. The resistant polymer accounts for ca 9% of the cell dry wt and appears, along with hydrocarbons, as one of the major constituents of the alga. In addition to chemical resistance, B. braunii polymer exhibits other properties: mode of deposition and fluorescence, often used to identify sporopollenins. (Class of wall components generally regarded as originating from polymerization of carotenoid derivatives.) Nevertheless further studies, using IR spectroscopy and high resolution 13C NMR of solids, along with determination of elemental composition and unsaturation levels, indicate that the bulk of the resistant polymer from B. braunii outer walls does not derive from carotenoids; accordingly it cannot be considered, in this respect, as a sporopollenin. In fact the information obtained on the structure of this important constituent of the alga is consistent with its formation via oxidative polymerization of B. braunii dienic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   


Botryococcus braunii, a green colonial microalga, is an unusually rich renewable source of hydrocarbons and other chemicals. Hydrocarbons can constitute up to 75% of the dry mass of B. braunii. This review details the various facets of biotechnology of B. braunii, including its microbiology and physiology; production of hydrocarbons and other compounds by the alga; methods of culture; downstream recovery and processing of algal hydrocarbons; and cloning of the algal genes into other microorganisms. B. braunii converts simple inorganic compounds and sunlight to potential hydrocarbon fuels and feedstocks for the chemical industry. Microorganisms such as B. braunii can, in the long run, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and because of this B. braunii continues to attract much attention.  相似文献   

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