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Method for the isolation of iron-loaded lysosomes from rat liver   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A process to extract and enrich extracellular peptides and proteins from tissues should have broad utility in the burgeoning proteomics field. To address this need, a novel three-step protocol was developed to extract polypeptides from whole tissue samples and enrich the extracellular components. The initial homogenization of rat brain was carried out at neutral pH to optimize protein and peptide stability and solubility. Subsequent covalent chromatography on an activated thiopropyl resin was employed to debulk the tissue extract by selectively removing a substantial fraction of the intracellular protein component under nondenaturing conditions. Finally, extraction with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid was used to selectively precipitate large proteins while enhancing the solubility of smaller proteins and peptides. The fractions from each step in the process were compared to a single extract obtained by homogenization in 0.5 M acetic acid. The recovery and yields of endogenous neuropeptides and an exogenously added peptide were evaluated by enzyme immunoassay and Western blotting, respectively. In summary, the three-step protocol was superior to the extraction of tissue with 0.5 M acetic acid in terms of peptide recovery, enrichment, and sample stability. Enrichment of the extracellular protein compartment from tissues should be valuable in proteomics experiments aimed at identifying biomarkers that can partition into serum.  相似文献   

To attain a superior in vitro model of mature muscle fibers, we modified the established protocol for isolating single muscle fibers from rat skeletal muscle. Muscle fiber cultures with high viability were obtained using flexor digitorum brevis muscle and lasted for at least 7 days. We compared the expression levels of adult myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms in these single muscle fibers with myotubes formed from myoblasts; isolated fibers contained markedly more abundant adult MyHC isoforms than myotubes. This muscle fiber model, therefore, will be useful for studying the various functions and cellular processes of mature muscles in vitro.  相似文献   

A procedure is suggested for obtaining intact enterocytes from rat duodenum mucosa by the tissue trypsinization in the isotonic Krebs solution (pH 7.9). The maximum yield of certain enterocytes is reached at the enzyme concentration of 0.03%; the incubation time--15 min; 200-250 mg of mucosa produces 3,7 X 10(6)--4,7 X 10(6) cells.  相似文献   

Cardiac titin was isolated from rabbit and ground squirrel ventricular muscles by a method that was used earlier to obtain myofibrils with intact minor proteins located in A-bands of sarcomeres (Podlubnaya, Z. A., et al. (1989) J. Mol. Biol., 210, 655–658). Small pieces of cardiac muscle were incubated for 2–3 weeks at 4°C in Ca2+-depleting solution before their homogenization to decrease activity of Ca2+-dependent proteases. Then the muscle was homogenized, and titin was isolated by the method of Soteriou, A., et al. (1993) J. Cell Sci., 14, 119–123. In control experiments, titin was isolated from cardiac muscle without its preincubation in Ca2+-depleting solution. Sometimes control titin preparations contained only T2-fragment, but generally they contained ~5–20% N2B-isoform of titin along with its T2-fragment. Preparations of titin obtained from rabbit cardiac muscle by our method contained ~30–50% of N2BA- and N2B-titin isoforms along with its T2-fragment. The content of α-structures in titin isolated by our method was increased. Actomyosin ATPase activity in vitro increased in the presence of titin preparations containing more intact molecules. This result confirms the significant role of titin in the regulation of actin-myosin interaction in muscles. The method used by us to preserve titin might be used for isolation of other proteins that are substrates of Ca2+-dependent proteases.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for the rapid isolation of functionally intact skeletal muscle mitochondria is described. The method involves homogenization of muscle in a medium comprising sucrose (0.25 M) containing 50,000 units of heparin/liter, followed by differential centrifugation. Mitochondria so isolated are functionally and morphologically intact.  相似文献   

Catabolism of thyroliberin by rat adenohypophyseal tissue extract   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rapid fragmentation of thyroliberin (less than Glu-His-Pro-NH2) by rat adenohypophyseal tissue enzymes could be demonstrated. Based on the identification of the metabolic products and by the demonstration that the individual enzymatic reactions can be preferentially blocked by enzyme inhibitors, specific and sensitive biochemical tests could be developed in order to monitor the enzymatic activities after gel chromatographic fractionation of the tissue extracts. These findings are in agreement with the interpretation that the observed degradation of thyroliberin by hypophyseal tissue extracts may follow the proposed pathways. The primary enzymatic cleavage of thyroliberin is either initiated by the action of a 'thyroliberin-deamidating enzyme' (thyroliberin leads to less than Glu-His-Pro-OH + NH3), or by the action of a pyroglutamate aminopeptidase (thyroliberin leads to less than Glu + His-Pro-NH2). While the pyroglutamate aminopeptidase also catalyzes the subsequent degradation of deamidated thyroliberin (less than Glu-His-Pro-OH leads to less than Glu + His-Pro-OH), the enzymatic deamidation of His-Pro-NH2 is not catalyzed by the 'thyroliberin-deamidating enzyme; but by a post-proline dipeptidyl aminopeptidase. Hydrolysis of the common intermediary metabolite His-Pro-OH to the free amino acids is apparently catalyzed by a proline dipeptidase. In addition to these enzymatic events rapid cyclization of His-Pro-NH2 to histidyl-proline-diketopiperazine His-Pro could be observed. This reaction however is mainly due to the non-enzymatic intramolecular condensation reaction which is characteristic for proline-containing dipeptide derivatives. An enzymatic activity which catalyzes this reaction could not be observed when the enzyme fractions were tested. Enzymatic degradation of His-Pro by hypophyseal tissue extracts could also not be observed.  相似文献   

Isoelectric patterns of peroxidase isoenzymes from tobacco tissue cultures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Peroxidases from tobacco tissue cultures have been separated by thin-layer isoelectric focusing into 12–14 isoenzymes, which have been divided into three groups according to differences in isoelectric points. The isoelectric patterns of callus tissues with and without buds have been compared with those of leaves and stems developed in vitro. Qualitatively, there was a basic similarity of the isoelectric patterns, the same isoenzymes being present in all samples. Distinct quantitative differences in the content and substrate specificity were noted for some of the isoenzymes.  相似文献   

Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), also referred to as Ito cells, perisinusiodal cells and fat-storing cells, have numerous vital functions. They are the main extracellular matrix-producing cells within the liver and are involved in the storage of retinol. HSCs are also known to secrete a number of liver mitogens. Current isolation techniques are cumbersome and most require a pronase digestion step, which destroys any hepatocytes present. We present a simple method for isolation and culture of hepatic stellate cells from the normally discarded washings from a two-step collagenase hepatocyte isolation, which has shown a yield of more than 1.5 × 106 viable HSCs after 5 days in culture. The cells were positively identified as HSCs by staining for two intermediate filaments (desmin and GFAP) and observing their distinct morphology from other liver cell types. This efficient method allows rapid and consistent isolation of stellate cells to give a culture that may be passaged several times.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antiserum and monoclonal antibodies raised against the sodium channel from rat skeletal muscle sarcolemma have been immobilized on Sepharose and used to immunoaffinity purify this channel directly from skeletal muscle without the intervening purification of surface membranes. These antibodies isolate a approximately 260-kDa protein from whole muscle, although each purifies predominantly a 150-kDa component when isolated sarcolemmal membranes are used as starting material. A 45-kDa band is also found in the material purified from sarcolemma but not that obtained from whole muscle. In addition, these immunoaffinity columns isolate a 38-kDa band from both whole muscle and sarcolemma that copurifies with the 260-kDa protein. In some preparations this component appears as two closely spaced bands of 37 and 39 kDa. These small subunits coelute with the 260-kDa subunit when thiocyanate gradients are used to displace protein bound to the immunoaffinity columns and behave as integral components of the sodium channel. Estimates of stoichiometry were made for the large and small subunits of the muscle channel protein. After correction for labeling efficiency, values consistent with a ratio of one 260-kDa subunit to one 38-kDa subunit were obtained. We conclude that the rat skeletal muscle sodium channel contains a large alpha subunit of approximately 260 kDa that is sensitive to proteolytic nicking during the isolation of sarcolemmal membranes. In addition, at least one 38-kDa beta subunit is associated with each alpha subunit in the native channel.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of brown adipocytes free of fat interferences and sensitive to noradrenalin is presented. The cells were isolated from pieces of brown adipose tissue with a collagenase treatment. The cells were obtained in the presence of heparin, in order to free the lipoprotein lipase attached to the cell surface. The cells were isolated in the presence of Amberlite XAD-2 [polymeric hydrophobic absorbent beads], which retained most of the fat droplets, formed from broken cells, during the process of disaggregation. The combined use of heparin and Amberlite XAD-2 during the isolation procedure resulted in a lowered cell basal oxygen consumption rate when compared with that of cells isolated with standard methods. The treatment presented lowered the availability of extracellular fatty acids for the isolated brown fat cells, resulting in lower operation of the thermogenin shunt, and thence in decreased basal oxygen consumption and higher sensitivity to glucose and noradrenalin stimulation.  相似文献   

Studies on serine hydroxymethylase isoenzymes from rat liver   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

A procedure for the isolation of native proteins from membranes by isoelectric focusing is described. It was used to resolve into six components the major fraction of cytochrome P450, obtained from liver microsomes of phenobarbital-treated rats, after chromatography on DE-52 cellulose. When eluted from the gel, these proteins are in a native form as shown by (a) the light absorption spectra of the Soret region of their reduced carbonyl derivatives, all characterized by maxima around 450 nm, and (b) their enzymatic activities toward three different substrates. Characterization by a monoclonal antibody and partial sequence analysis of tryptic peptides reveal that three of the IEF-purified proteins have P450IIB1 character, whereas the other three are related to P450IIB2.  相似文献   

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