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An Hfr strain (PB15) that carries a duplicated copy of the galactose operon genes flanking the integrated sex factor is unusually stable since it does not show excision of the repeated deoxyribonucleic acid segment. The right-hand galactose operon is in the normal orientation. Deletion mutations that eliminate the right-hand galactose genes, the sex factor, and some of the left-hand operon have been isolated. Mutants believed to have their left-hand galactose operon inverted were able to be induced for galactose epimerase synthesis by D-fucose but did not show escape synthesis on induction of bacteriophage lambda. Ribonucleic acid specific for the galactose operon was isolated after induction of lysogenic strains presumed to carry the galactose operon in the normal and inverted orientation. Hybridization to the isolated left and right strands of lambdapgal showed that the noninformational strand of the left-hand galactose operon of the deletion mutant of PB15 was transcribed on escape induction. These results show that inversion has occurred.  相似文献   

Using purified F plasmid TraJ protein (Cuozzo, M., Silverman, P., and Minkley, E. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 6659-6666), we prepared rabbit anti-TraJ protein antibodies to analyze for the first time the TraJ protein as it is synthesized in normal F' and Hfr conjugal donor strains. Using affinity-purified antibody, we identified the protein on immuno-overlay blots of whole cell proteins separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In contrast to the TraJ protein synthesized in large quantity by heat-induced lambda (traJ) lysogens, the TraJ protein synthesized in normal donor cells was soluble, even after sedimentation at 100,000 X g. The soluble protein was found with the cytoplasmic fraction after separation of cytoplasmic and periplasmic proteins. Velocity sedimentation analysis indicated an S20,w of 3.5 for the single molecular species composed of or including all the TraJ polypeptide in crude extracts. Quantitative analyses showed that conjugal donor strains normally contain 2000-4000 TraJ monomers/cell. However, that level depended on other plasmid and chromosomal genes.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that the radiation sensitivity of lexA- strains of Escherichia coli K-12 can be suppressed by thermosensitive mutations (designated tsl) that are closely linked to the lexA locus and are thought to be intragenic suppressors of lexA mutations (Mount et al., 1973). When a recA mutation is crossed into a suppressed tsl- strain, the extreme radiation sensitivity usually conferred by a recA mutation is decreased, but there is no detectable change in genetic recombination deficiency. Increased resistance to UV in the tsl-reA-strains depends upon ability to synthesize active uvrA+ product.  相似文献   

Strain JC10240 (Hfr PO45 srlC300::Tn10 recA56 thr-300 ilv-318 rpsE300) was constructed. On account of the close linkage of Tn10 to recA56, the latter can be moved to other Escherichia coli (and closely related) strains in transductional or conjugational crosses selecting resistance to tetracycline.  相似文献   

Summary Several conditional-lethal mutations that do not permit the replication of F-factors ofEscherichia coli K-12 are located at a site calledseg. This gene is located on theE. coli chromosome betweenserB andthr. It is unrelated to other known genes involved in DNA replication. Strains carryingseg mutations were unable to replicate F-lac+, several F-gal+s, F-his+ and bacteriophage at 42°. However, neither phage T4, ColE1, nor any of the R factors tested were prevented from replicating at 42°C.When the kinetics of the loss of F-primes is studied inseg strains, it is found that the rate of curing depends on the size of the plasmid, larger F factors curing faster than smaller ones, and that Hfrs are formed at high frequencies. The Hfrs showed both F-genote enlargement and normal transfer of chromosomal markers. The F-genotes are unstable and segregate chromosomal markers at high frequencies. Some orthodox Hfrs were examined, and two that were known to revert to the F+ condition relatively frequently were found to generate enlarged F-genotes on mating, whereas two strains that were very stable with respect to reversion to the F+ state did not show F-genote formation.F-genote formation fromseg Hfr strains is dependent of a functionalrecA gene, as F-genote formation was not seen with aseg-2, recA-1 Hfr. This is in contrast to F-genote enlargement shown by both orthodox Hfrs and an Hfr strain constructed by integration of a temperature-sensitive F-gal+, whose F-genote enlargement is Rec-independent. Thus there may be more than one mechanism for the formation of enlarged F-genotes.  相似文献   

In the region of plasmid F DNA with coordinates 52,2-55,8 kb, the chr ("chromosome replication") locus has been revealed. A failure in the functioning of this locus in the integrated plasmid, which leads to a temperature-sensitive disturbance in chromosome replication of the Hfr strain and to the changes in its sensitivity to some membranotropic agents. Integration of an F segment containing the chr+ allele into the chromosome of an F-like derivative of such Hfr strain (retaining a mutant part of the F DNA), results in formation of temperature-resistant clones. In these clones, chromosomal replication is controlled by the plasmid replicon at the elevated temperature. It has been concluded that the F plasmid can control chromosome replication of the dna+ HfrC strain of Escherichia coli K-12 and that the product of the chr gene is a membrane protein involved in chromosomal replication.  相似文献   

Summary Degradation of DNA occurs in a mated UV irradiated Hfr recA strain but at a rate less than when not mated. The difference in the amount of DNA degradation between mated and unmated UV irradiated Hfr recA can be accounted for by the net synthesis of DNA previously observed in the mated males.  相似文献   

From citrate-utilizing (Cit+) Escherichia coli strain C53 of bovine origin, strains C53A and C53B were obtained. Upon mating with recA+ but not with recA mutant recipients of K-12, C53A produced chromosomal recombinants at quite high frequencies, leading to the following conclusions: (i) C53A is an Hfr strain; (ii) the site of integration of the Cit plasmid (IncH1) is between metA (89 min) and ara (1 min); (iii) the direction of chromosome transfer is clockwise; and (iv) the plasmid-associated determinants are transferred as the terminal markers. A transductant of a dnaA(Ts) strain, CRT46, which acquired Cit determinants from a recombinant, SG13, was also an Hfr strain similar to SG13, and thermoresistant due to suppressive integration. On the other hand, unstable C53B did not produce recombinants, but the frequency of RecA-independent transfer of the Cit plasmid was high, indicating that the Cit plasmid (IncH1) exists autonomously in C53B. Attempts to isolate an Hfr strain from C53B failed.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of a recA Hfr strain of Escherichia coli to form colonies is extremely sensitive to inhibition by ultraviolet light (Fig. 2). Furthermore, in this strain the synthesis of DNA is stopped completely by a dose of 385 ergs/mm2 of UV (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, the ability of this recA Hfr strain to act as a donor in sexual recombination was no more sensitive to UV than that of a wild type donor (Fig. 1). Furthermore, when irradiated and mated with a recA female, in which DNA synthesis was also inhibited by UV (Fig. 3), there was a net synthesis of DNA as measured by the incorporation of C14 thymidine (Fig. 4). By using nalidixic acid resistant recA donors and recipients in all combinations, irradiating with UV and treating with nalidixic acid during mating, it is shown that DNA was synthesized by the donor (Fig. 5). It is concluded that synthesis of DNA directed by the sex factor during mating in a recA donor is not as sensitive to inhibition by UV as normal DNA synthesis in a recA donor.  相似文献   

Summary A derivative of the IncP-1 plasmid RP1, temperature-sensitive for maintenance, was inserted into the Pseudomonas aeruginosa chromosome by selection for a plasmid marker (carbenicillin resistance) at nonppermissive temperature. In one strain, PAO 1000, the plasmid was stably integrated in the trpA, B gene cluster mapped at 27 min, as shown by the following evidence. (i) Trp+ transductants lost all plasmid markers. (ii) Cleared lysates of PAO 1000 showed no plasmid band typical of the autonomous RP1 in agarose gel electrophoresis. (iii) No transfer of carbenicillin resistance by PAO 1000 was detectable. (iv) PAO 1000 mobilised the chromosome from an origin at, or very near, the plasmid insertion site with high frequency (recovery of proximal markers 10–3 per donor). Matings on the plate with and without interruption of conjugation showed that chromosome transfer was unidirectional. (v) Recombinants from PAO 1000-mediated crosses did not inherit plasmid markers or the trpA, B mutation. A derivative of PAO 1000 was obtained which had lost the Hfr property and all plasmid markers except carbenicillin resistance. This strain (PAO 1001), when carrying the autonomous RP1 plasmid, was capable of unidirectional chromosome mobilisation like PAO 1000, but with 50-fold lower efficiency. We propose that integration of the temperature-sensitive RP1 plasmid in PAO 1000 occurred via transposition of Tnl, the element specifying carbenicillin resistance.  相似文献   

Catalase-peroxidases have a predominant catalase activity but differ from monofunctional catalases in exhibiting a substantial peroxidase activity and in having different residues in the heme cavity. We present a kinetic study of the formation of the key intermediate compound I by probing the role of the conserved distal amino acid triad Arg-Trp-His of a recombinant catalase-peroxidase in its reaction with hydrogen peroxide, peroxoacetic acid, and m-chloroperbenzoic acid. Both the wild-type enzyme and six mutants (R119A, R119N, W122F, W122A, H123Q, H123E) have been investigated by steady-state and stopped-flow spectroscopy. The turnover number of catalase activity of R119A is 14.6%, R119N 0.5%, H123E 0.03%, and H123Q 0.02% of wild-type activity. Interestingly, W122F and W122A completely lost their catalase activity but retained their peroxidase activity. Bimolecular rate constants of compound I formation of the wild-type enzyme and the mutants have been determined. The Trp-122 mutants for the first time made it possible to follow the transition of the ferric enzyme to compound I by hydrogen peroxide spectroscopically underlining the important role of Trp-122 in catalase activity. The results demonstrate that the role of the distal His-Arg pair in catalase-peroxidases is important in the heterolytic cleavage of hydrogen peroxide (i.e. compound I formation), whereas the distal tryptophan is essential for compound I reduction by hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Tn5 insertion mutations in the recN gene, and in what appears to be a new RecF pathway gene designated recO and mapping at approximately 55.4 min on the standard genetic map, were isolated by screening Tn5 insertion mutations that cotransduced with tyrA. The recO1504::Tn5 mutation decreased the frequency of recombination during Hfr-mediated crosses and increased the susceptibility to killing by UV irradiation and mitomycin C when present in a recB recC sbcB background, but only increased the sensitivity to killing by UV irradiation when present in an otherwise Rec+ background. The effects of these and other RecF pathway mutations on plasmid recombination were tested. Mutations in the recJ, recO, and ssb genes, when present in otherwise Rec+ E. coli strains, decreased the frequency of plasmid recombination, whereas the lexA3, recAo281, recN, and ruv mutations had no effect on plasmid recombination. Tn5 insertion mutations in the lexA gene increased the frequency of plasmid recombination. These data indicate that plasmid recombination events in wild-type Escherichia coli strains are catalyzed by a recombination pathway that is related to the RecF recombination pathway and that some component of this pathway besides the recA gene product is regulated by the lexA gene product.  相似文献   

One of the most studied examples of adaptive mutation is a strain of Escherichia coli, FC40, that cannot utilize lactose (Lac-) but that readily reverts to lactose utilization (Lac+) when lactose is its sole carbon source. Adaptive reversion to Lac+ occurs at a high rate when the Lac- allele is on an F' episome and conjugal functions are expressed. It was previously shown that nonselected mutations on the chromosome did not appear in the Lac- population while episomal Lac+ mutations accumulated, but it remained possible that nonselected mutations might occur on the episome. To investigate this possibility, a second mutational target was created on the Lac- episome by mutation of a Tn1O element, which encodes tetracycline resistance (Tetr), to tetracycline sensitivity (Tets). Reversion rates to Tetr during normal growth and during lactose selection were measured. The results show that nonselected Tetr mutations do accumulate in Lac- cells when those cells are under selection to become Lac+. Thus, reversion to Lac+ in FC40 does not appear to be adaptive in the narrow sense of the word. In addition, the results suggest that during lactose selection, both Lac+ and Tetr mutations are created or preserved by the same recombination-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Genetic and physical characteristics of an enterotoxin plasmid.   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
We are engaged in the genetic and physical characterization of an enterotoxin (Ent) plasmid, Ent P307, which contains genes for the production of a hear-labile and a heat-stable enterotoxin. We are using an Escherichia coli K-12 strain, 711 (P307), constructed by S. Falkow, which contains no other plasmids besides Ent P307. Our genetic studies have shown that the plasmid is incompatible with the sex factor F, both in the integrated (Hfr) and the autonomous (F-prime) state. Ent P307 can thus be assigned to incompatibility group FI. An R factor, R386, which belongs to the same incompatibility group, was also found to be incompatibile with Ent P307, whereas five other R factors belonging to different incompatibility groups were compatible with Ent P307. In the presence of Ent P307, conjugal transfer and sensitivity to a male-specific phage of a derepressed F-like R factor, R1drd19, were repressed. Ent P307 is, thus, finO+. Presumably, it also causes repression of its own transfer genes since conjugal transfer of Ent P307 could not be demonstrated. Unlike F, it does not restrict the growth of female-specific phage phiII. From physical studies on extracted deoxyribonucleic acid, the molecular weight of Ent P307 was determined to be 54 X 10(6). By electron microscope heteroduplex analysis, the plasmid was found to be homologous with F in four regions, encompassing about half of its length. One long region and two short ones contain genes for conjugal transfer; the other short region carries genes for replication and incompatibility.  相似文献   

Effect of 3 uvs mutations (uvs 12, 19 and 25) on recombination processes in Aspergillus nidulans is studied. All the mutations are found either to affect the fertility of carp bodies and germination ability of askospores, or result in complete inability of heterokaryons to form cleistocarpia. Two mutations change the frequency of spontaneous meitotic crossing-over at pro-paba region of the chromosome I and do not affect the rate of mitotic recombination at w-centromeric region of the chromosome II: uvs 12 mutation increases, and uvs 19 mutation decreases the frequency of meiotic recombination. One mutation (uvs 25) decreases the rate of spontaneous mitotic crossing-over. All uvs mutations decrease the frequency of VU light induced mitotic recombination at w-centromeric region of the chromosome II. The data obtained, together with earlier reported characteristics of uvs mutants, suggest that recombination mechanisms in yeast participate in reparation processes more actively than in prokariotes. Different effects of the same uvs mutations on spontaneous frequency of meiotic and mitotic crossing-over draw to the conclusion that genetic control and molecular mechanisms of these processes in A. nidulans are not identical.  相似文献   

Conjugation in Escherichia coli involves an oriented transfer of DNA from the Hfr to the F?. We have examined the course of DNA replication in a donor cell while it is transferring its DNA. Using isotopic density shift for estimating replication, we have shown that mating is accompanied by initiation of a new round of DNA replication in Hfr cells. With the onset of F-mediated transfer replication, the normal vegetative replication in the Hfr appears to be suppressed. Experiments with F′ donors indicate that the transfer of the chromosome is necessary for switching off vegetative replication.  相似文献   

Flavodoxin and ferredoxin I have both been implicated as components of the electron transport chain to nitrogenase in the aerobic bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii. Recently, the genes encoding flavodoxin (nifF) and ferredoxin I (fdxA) were cloned and sequenced and mutants were constructed which are unable to synthesize either flavodoxin (DJ130) or ferredoxin I (LM100). Both single mutants grow at wild-type rates under N2-fixing conditions. Here we report the construction of a double mutant (DJ138) which does not synthesize either flavodoxin or ferredoxin I. When plated on ammonium-containing medium, this mutant had a very small colony size when compared with the wild type, and in liquid culture with ammonium, this double mutant grew three times slower than the wild type or single mutant strains. This demonstrated that there is an important metabolic function unrelated to nitrogen fixation that is normally carried out by either flavodoxin or ferredoxin. If either one of these proteins is missing, the other can substitute for it. The double mutant phenotype can now be used to screen site-directed mutant versions of ferredoxin I for functionality in vivo even though the specific function of ferredoxin I is still unknown. The double mutant grew at the same slow rate under N2-fixing conditions. Thus, A. vinelandii continues to fix N2 even when both flavodoxin and ferredoxin I are missing, which suggests that a third as yet unidentified protein also serves as an electron donor to nitrogenase.  相似文献   

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