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Genetic diversity in an insular endemic plantAster asa-grayi was examined using enzyme electrophoresis. Distribution ofA. asa-grayi is restricted to only four subtropical islands of Japan, and this species is listed as vulnerable to extinction in the Red Data Book of Japanese wild plants. A total of 161 individuals were sampled from five populations on four islands. Genetic diversity values at the population level were very low, compared to other plant species with a similar life history. Genetic variability at the species level is comparable to the mean value of endemic species. Genetic differentiation among populations is extremely high (GST= 0.71), indicating that the gene flow among populations is highly impeded, and pollen and seed dispersal is limited due to the pollinators and the seed morphology. This is because the four islands are geographically isolated. Fixation indices suggested that most populations do not randomly cross. To conserve the genetic diversity of the species, artificial crossings among different island populations are necessary.  相似文献   

潘跃芝  赵玉娟  龚洵 《广西植物》2021,41(3):340-350
异叶泽兰属于菊科泽兰属,是该属分布海拔相对较高的植物,分布在青藏高原东部和横断山海拔1700~3000 m的地区.该文利用ycf6-psbM和rpl32-trnL两个叶绿体DNA(cpDNA)片段以及核DNA片段ITS(nITS)作为分子标记,研究了异叶泽兰的遗传多样性及其分布特征,探讨了其居群历史动态.结果表明:(1...  相似文献   

王爱兰  李维卫 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7251-7257
唐古特大黄(Rheum tanguticum)是中国传统的中藏药材,近几年由于生境的严重破坏,已濒临灭绝,并被列入濒危植物名单。为了探索唐古特大黄物种濒危的原因并保护其野生资源,本研究采集了9个居群87个个体的唐古特大黄样本,基于该物种的叶绿体基因trn S-G序列对其进行了遗传多样性研究。结果表明,唐古特大黄物种具有较高的遗传多样性水平(Ht=0.694),其中95.97%的遗传分化来自于居群间(G_(ST)=0.960),4.03%的遗传分化来自于居群内(Hs=0.028)。AMOVA分析也显示唐古特大黄居群间基因流较小(N_m=0.01),存在较高的遗传分化(F_(ST)=0.9631)。唐古特大黄较高的遗传多样性水平可能与该物种较长的进化史和生活史有关,居群间较高的遗传分化可能与高山地区特殊的地理环境和人类活动有关。根据研究结果,建议对唐古特大黄所有野生居群进行就地保护,同时收集种质资源开展异地繁殖工作,以保护物种的遗传多样性,维持其进化潜力。  相似文献   

The endangered herb Kirengeshoma palmata, from eastern Asia, has had its population severely reduced in number through habitat loss and fragmentation. All of the individuals within five subgroups at Mt. Baek-un-san, in the southern part of Korea, were genetically surveyed by allozyme analysis. Genetic diversity levels within subgroups were relatively high, and a consistently high outcrossing rate as well as a negligible biparental mating rate were confirmed by this study. Several groups of visibly connected ramets were observed in a clustered distribution which suggested cloning. Absence of mating partner rather than pollinators decreased seed production in small mating groups. The present genetic structure of the five subgroups was probably the result of local extinction of intervening populations. Because K. palmata may be a self-incompatible species, populations with few genets face lowered seed set due to mate scarcity. Thus, this type of population may be at an increased risk of extinction as a result of inbreeding depression, loss of genetic variability, and reduced sexual reproduction. The small, genetically depauperate subgroups may need an input of seeds or plants from other populations in China or Japan in order to regenerate, but the possibility of outcrossing depression leads us to recommend outbreeding among the local subgroups of Mt. Baek-un-san to restore genetic variability.  相似文献   

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to measure genetic diversity within and divergence among species of Dendroseris (Asteraceae: Lactuceae), a genus endemic to the Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile. Results were compared to previous studies employing allozymes. For five of the species, RAPD banding patterns distinguished all individuals examined, and different mutilocus genotypes were found even in species exhibiting no allozyme diversity. RAPD band diversities ranged from 0.003 to 0.022 within species; >90% of total diversity was among species and <10% within them. Relative levels of allozyme and RAPD diversity were similar for some species, particularly those with highest and lowest diversities, but overall there was no significant correlation. Relationships inferred from a neighbor-joining tree generated from RAPD bands were similar to results obtained from morphology, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site mutations, and sequences from the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS), but somewhat better resolution was achieved. Relationships shown by allozymes differed from trees based on other data; this ostensibly is a result of the sharing of ancestral alleles and the absence of alleles generated subsequent to speciation. Dendroseris represents an example where RAPD markers, because of their greater variability, provide a useful alternative to allozymes for assessing diversity in rare species endemic to oceanic islands and for resolving relationships among the species.  相似文献   

In 2001, the white abalone Haliotis sorenseni became the first marine invertebrate in United States waters to receive federal protection as an endangered species. Prior to the endangered species listing, 20 abalone were collected as potential broodstock for a captive rearing program. Using DNA from these animals, we have developed genetic markers, including five nuclear microsatellite loci and partial sequences of one nuclear (VERL) and two mitochondrial (COI and CytB) genes, to assess genetic variability in the species, aid in species identification, and potentially track the success of future outplanting of captive-reared animals. All five microsatellite loci were polymorphic and followed expectations of simple Mendelian inheritance in laboratory crosses. Each of the wild-caught adult abalone exhibited a unique composite microsatellite genotype, suggesting that significant genetic variation remains in natural populations. A combination of nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequencing demonstrated that one of the original wild-caught animals was, in fact, not a white abalone, but H. kamtschatkana (possibly subspecies assimilis). Similarly, another animal of uncertain identity accidentally collected by dredging was also shown to be H. kamtschatkana. Inclusion of these two animals as broodstock could have resulted in unintentional hybridizations detrimental to the white abalone recovery program. Molecular genetic identifications will be useful both in preventing broodstock contamination and as markers for future restocking operations.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was studied in all nine diploidErigeron species known from the Alps:E. alpinus, E. neglectus, E. polymorphus, E. candidus, E. uniflorus, E. atticus, E. gaudinii, E. acer, andE. angulosus. A total of 248 individuals from 24 natural populations was investigated using starch gel electrophoresis. Seven enzymes and 13 loci were assessed. Genetic variation within populations was low with the proportion of polymorphic loci ranging from 0.0–0.385, and average number of alleles per polymorphic locus from 2.0–2.5. In general, 70–100% of the genetic variation was attributed to between population differences. Mean genetic identities for pair-wise comparisons of populations averaged 0.893 within species, and 0.890 among species. Interspecific genetic variation of populations usually did not exceed intraspecific variation. It was concluded that theErigeron species from the Alps may have arisen by recent speciation probably during the epoches of glaciation. Morphological and ecological differences between species seem to be based on few gene loci.  相似文献   

Phagnalon rechingeri spec. nova from S Baluchestan (Iran) is described as a species new to science and illustrated; its relationships to other species of the genus, in particular to thePh. woodii group from S Arabia, are discussed.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the morphological andmolecular variation in individuals from aLimonium dufourii population in which we hadpreviously described the presence of twomarkedly different molecular haplotypes bymeans of RAPDs and AFLPs. Ten differentmorphological variables were scored in each of72 individuals and their molecular haplotypegroup was established by RAPD analysis. Thevariation observed in the 10 morphometricvariables was explained by four dimensions in aprincipal components analysis, and a plot ofeach individual in the plane defined by the twofirst dimensions did not show any significantgrouping until the molecular haplotype wasincorporated into the plot. A discriminantanalysis performed using the molecularhaplotype as the grouping variable resulted in88.9% of correctly classified cases, thusreflecting a high correlation betweenmorphometric and molecular variation in theseindividuals. We discuss the relevance of thiscorrelation for the conservation strategypreviously proposed for this species.  相似文献   

Rare plant species can be divided into naturally, ‘old rare’ species and anthropogenically, ‘new rare’ species. Many recent studies explored genetic diversity of ‘new rare’ species. Less is, however, known about genetic diversity of ‘old rare’ species. We examined isozyme genetic variability of 20 populations of an ‘old rare’ plant species, Ligularia sibirica (Asteraceae) in the Czech and Slovak Republic. It is a long-lived perennial herb with mixed-mating breeding system, widely distributed from East Asia to European Russia, with few isolated relict populations in the remaining part of Europe.The results showed high genetic diversity within populations (80.8%) and a low level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.179). Genetic distance between populations correlated significantly with geographic distance. There was also a significant positive correlation between genetic diversity and population size. This is probably caused by destruction of habitats in last centuries and subsequent decrease of population size. Patterns of genetic diversity suggest that the recent distribution is a result of stepwise postglacial migration of the species and subsequent natural fragmentation.We conclude that L. sibirica populations preserve high levels of genetic diversity and are not yet threatened by genetic factors. However, this may change if changes in habitat conditions continue.  相似文献   

Luanta-fir (Cunninghamia konishii), an endemic to Taiwan, is an outcrossing, long-lived conifer. Populations of C. konishii are generally fragmented due to a once high intensity of timber exploitation. C. konishii and Cunninghamia lanceolata are two sibling taxa constituting derivative-progenitor species relationship. The amount of genetic variations within and between 11 and 10 populations of C. konishii and C. lanceolata, respectively, were assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in this report. Three AFLP primer pairs generated a total of 357 and 226 markers for C. konishii and C. lanceolata samples, of which 56.1 and 65.3% are polymorphic, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance indicates a 4.78% variation between C. konishii and C. lanceolata. A relatively high value of genetic variation (24.60%) was apportioned between the populations of C. konishii. In contrast, a lower divergence value (12.21%) between populations was found for C. lanceolata. The population with the highest genetic diversity was found in Nantou County, which concurred with the results of many other tree species investigated in Taiwan. The estimates of the number of migrants between populations (Nm), obtained from population pair-wise PhiST, suggest that gene flow in C. konishii is efficient in some adjacent populations but is restricted in the rest. Individual UPGMA tree, generated based on AFLP markers, suggests six evolutionary lineages for C. konishii. All evolutionary lineages of C. konishii were derived from C. lanceolata. In conclusion, the migration patterns of Cunninghamia from mainland China may have been established following multiple sources, migrant-pools, long-distance dispersal events, and via different directions.  相似文献   

Phaedranassa schizantha (Amaryllidaceae) is an endangered species endemic to Ecuador and two varieties have been described: P. schizantha var. schizantha and P. schizantha var. ignea. We assessed population genetic structure and demographic patterns in 11 populations across the range of the species using 13 microsatellite loci. Our data show that genetic diversity was generally lower in the southern part of the range and was especially low in populations closest to cities. We found significant population differentiation (FST = 0.14, DEST = 0.34) and evidence of a genetic bottleneck. Genetic variation did not show isolation by distance. Instead, results suggest genetic barriers around two main cities. Bayesian analysis identified two genetic groups, neither of which represents either of the two varieties previously recognized. Coalescent analysis indicates a relatively recent colonization pattern between the two genetic groups (< 3000 generations). Conservation efforts need to be taken to facilitate genetic exchange between the groups, especially between locations that seem to be genetically isolated.  相似文献   

薄叶金花茶、小花金花茶和小瓣金花茶是三种濒危金花茶植物,为了解珍稀濒危植物遗传多样性和遗传结构,该研究利用微卫星标记对他们的7个种群共184个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。结果表明:11个位点共检测到等位基因92个。在物种水平上,小瓣金花茶平均等位基因数(N_A)为3.9、有效等位基因数(N_E)为2.328、观测杂合度(H_o)为0.520、期望杂合度(H_e)为0.501,高于薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶。在种群水平上,有效等位基因数(N_E)在1.788~2.466之间,期望杂合度(H_e)在0.379~0.543之间;种群间遗传分化系数(FST)在0.143 7~0.453 3之间,种群间基因流(N_m)在0.301 5~1.488 9之间。AMOVA分子变异分析显示65.72%的变异存在于种群内。三种金花茶具有较低水平的遗传多样性和高水平的种群间遗传分化。STRUCTURE和PCoA种群遗传结构分析结果将取样种群分为2组,即薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶大部分个体分为一组,小瓣金花茶大部分个体分为一组。现存所有种群应根据实际情况尽快采取就地保护或迁地保护措施。  相似文献   

Taxonomic revision of South American species of Grindelia Willd. has revealed a new species from Argentina, with homogamous capitula and cushion-shaped habit. The taxon is here described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Abstract Enzyme electrophoresis was used to measure genetic diversity in two populations of Coreopsis intermedia of section Coreopsis , a rare species endemic to a small area of Texas and Louisiana. Genetic diversity is higher in C. intermedia than has been reported for many other geographically restricted species. C. intermedia contains levels of genetic variation comparable to those of other species in section Coreopsis , and a greater amount of diversity than either the rare congener, C. latifolia (section Silphidium ), or the Florida endemic, C. leavenworthii (section Calliopsis ). The two populations, although greatly different in size, exhibited similar levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Luan S  Chiang TY  Gong X 《Annals of botany》2006,98(3):583-589
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nouelia insignis Franch., a monotypic genus of the Asteraceae, is an endangered species endemic in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces of China. Most of the populations are seriously threatened. Some of them are even at the brink of extinction. In this study, the genetic diversity and differentiation between populations of this species were examined in two drainage areas. METHODS: DNA fingerprinting based on inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphisms was employed to detect the genetic variation and population structure in the species. KEY RESULTS: Genetic diversity at species level was high with P=65.05% (percentage of polymorphic loci) and Ht=0.2248 (total genetic diversity). The coefficient of genetic differentiation among populations, Gst, which was estimated by partitioning the total gene diversity, was 0.2529; whereas, the genetic differentiation between populations in the Jinsha and Nanpan drainage areas was unexpectedly low (Gst=0.0702). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the genetic analyses of the DNA fingerprinting, recent habitat fragmentation may not have led to genetic differentiation or the loss of genetic diversity in the rare species. Spatial apportionment of fingerprinting polymorphisms provides a footprint of historical migration across geographical barriers. The high diversity detected in this study holds promise for conservation and restoration efforts to save the endangered species from extinction.  相似文献   

Asterchusanensis is described and illustrated, and compared with its most closely related species,A. pseudoglehni andA. spathulifolius. This new species differs markedly from the latter two by its unequal inner and outer phyllaries, pubescent stem, leaves, and corolla tube, and ray florets partly in two series.  相似文献   

【目的】外来入侵种锈色棕榈象是全国林业检疫性有害生物。本研究旨在探讨锈色棕榈象在我国的种群遗传结构和分化规律,旨在为今后锈色棕榈象传播蔓延控制提供一定依据。【方法】基于微卫星技术测定12个锈色棕榈象中国地理种群在9个微卫星位点上的序列,使用PopGen32、BOTTLENECK、STRUCTURE等软件对锈色棕榈象种群间的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行分析。【结果】12个地理种群中,有9个种群具有较高的遗传多样性(Nei''s平均值>0.5);瓶颈效应的检测结果显示,除云南蒙自的锈色棕榈象种群在近期遭遇了瓶颈效应以外,其他种群近期均未经历瓶颈效应;广西和江西的锈色棕榈象种群在大多数位点符合哈迪温伯格平衡,其他种群在9个微卫星位点中基本都偏离该平衡;12个地理种群在9个SSR位点的Fst值大部分都小于0.18,平均值为0.1769,基因流Nem为0.4332~2.1130;Structure和主坐标分析法(PcoA)将12个地理种群划分为3支。【结论】锈色棕榈象种群间主要的遗传变异发生在种群内部,种群间遗传变异的变化并不明显,大部分种群间存在频繁的基因交流;新入侵地江西新余和四川崇州的地理种群可能由福建传入。中国锈色棕榈象种群可能存在多个入侵源和入侵路径。  相似文献   

Summary A cell line (SWT) was established from embryonic tissue of the red swordtailXiphophorus helleri. The SWT cells grew optimally, at 26°C to 30°C in Eagle's basal medium plus 10% fetal calf serum but failed to grow at 16°C and 37°C. After 50 subcultivations, the cells remained contact-inhibited and were pseudodiploid with a chromosomal modal number of 46. Virological studies demonstrated that SWT cells supported replication of the following viruses at the indicated temperatures: IPN virus (22°C), FV-3 (30°C), and VSV (33°C). The following mammalian, viruses failed to replicate at 33°C: vaccinia, poliovirus 2, herpes simplex, and reovirus 2. Although not replicating, reovirus induced interferon in there cells. This work was supported in part by a grant from the University Research Council. A part of these results was presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Lake Placid, N. Y. 1971.  相似文献   

拉雅松是广西西北部稀有的乡土用材、用脂树种,有较高的经济价值,但其遗传多样性状况及种间进化关系未知。利用SSR分子标记检测拉雅松群体遗传多样性,希望对该物种保护策略的制定提供参考依据。此外,鉴于该地区自然分布的松属树种仅有拉雅松、细叶云南松与马尾松三个种,试图利用SSR分子标记信息分析拉雅松与细叶云南松、马尾松的种间亲缘关系。结果表明:7对SSR引物在拉雅松群体共检测到14个等位基因。有效等位基因数为1.653,观测杂合度为0.577,期望杂合度为0.374,Shannon信息指数为0.540,Nei多样性指数为0.367,表明拉雅松具有较高的遗传多样性。拉雅松与马尾松遗传距离最近为0.0175,与3个细叶云南松群体距离较远,平均为0.0525。拉雅松与马尾松、细叶云南松平均共祖系数(Θ)分别为0.094、0.066,据此推测拉雅松可能与马尾松存在较近的亲缘关系。讨论了拉雅松的遗传多样性保护策略。  相似文献   

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