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Tradescantia paludosa 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) has been characterized with respect to its base composition and relative electrophoretic mobility in comparison with that of E. coli . The period of 5S rRNA synthesis during pollen grain development was determined by pulse labeling the RNA synthesized during a 24 hr period of development with 32P and then chasing in cold medium until pollen maturity. The period of highest 5S rRNA synthesis was found to occur prior to microspore mitosis. During and following mitosis over a period of 4 days there was a sharp decrease in the amount of 5S RNA synthesized and during the last 48 hr of pollen maturation, no 5S rRNA was synthesized.  相似文献   

The effect of protein synthesis inhibition by cycloheximide on nucleolar RNA synthesis and processing has been studied in HeLa cells. Synthesis of 45S RNA precursor falls rapidly after administration of the drug. However, the nucleolar content of 45S RNA remains relatively constant for at least 1 hr because the time required for cleavage of the precursor molecule into its products is lengthened after treatment with cycloheximide. The efficiency of transformation of 45S RNA to 32S RNA remains constant with approximately one molecule of the 32S RNA produced for each cleavage of a molecule of 45S RNA. However, shortly after the cessation of protein synthesis the formation of 18S RNA becomes abortive. The amount of 32S RNA present in the nucleolus remains relatively constant. After long periods of protein synthesis inhibition the 28S RNA continues to be synthesized and exported to the cytoplasm but at a greatly reduced rate. When the protein synthesis inhibitor is removed, a prompt, although partial, recovery in the synthesis rate of 45S RNA occurs. The various aspects of RNA synthesis regulation and processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis was measured in ribosomal systems derived from the cerebral cortex of 5-and 35-day-old rats. Under optimal conditions incorporation of radioactive leucine per mg ribosomal protein was four times higher with ribosomes from the younger animals than with ribosomes from the 35-day-old rats. This suggests that a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis occurs during neural development. Both ribosomes and the pH enzyme fraction from the cerebral cortex of 35-day-old rats had lower activities than preparations from the younger rats. Cerebral cortical ribosomes from 35-day-old animals had a lower polyribosome content than similar preparations from 5-day-old rats. A three-fold higher requirement for the pH 5 enzyme fraction was observed with the ribosomal system from 5-day-old rats, an observation which correlated with the yields of pH 5 enzyme and ribosomal protein from the younger tissue. The nature of the changes in the composition of the pH 5 enzyme fraction was investigated. Methylated albumin kiesselguhr (MAK) and Sephadex G-75 column chromatography showed that RNA from the pH 5 enzyme fraction was heterogeneous, containing tRNA, rRNA, and a small molecular weight RNA. This latter RNA, perhaps a degradation product of rRNA, comprised the greatest portion of RNA from the pH 5 enzyme fraction of cerebral cortex. The data obtained with MAK chromatography were used to estimate the total tRNA content of the cerebral cortex, with no age-related differences being observed. Since evidence of RNA degradation was seen, tRNA was also isolated by phenol extraction of whole cerebral cortex in the presence of bentonite. Purification of tRNA by NaCl and isopropanol fractionation gave preparations with no detectable rRNA or small molecular weight RNA. With this purification method, the tRNA yield was greater than estimated by the MAK method, demonstrating that losses of tRNA occurred during the cell fractionation steps. With the purification method 1.6 times more tRNA was obtained from the cerebral cortex of 5-day-old animals than from the older tissue. This higher level of tRNA in the younger, more active tissue appeared to involve all tRNA species, since in vitro aminoacyiation studies revealed nearly identical acceptance values for 18 individual amino acids. These results suggest that the rate of protein synthesis in cerebral cortex is regulated in part by the total amount of tRNA present to translate the higher level of polysome-bound mRNA.  相似文献   

Embryos of Xenopus laevis at stage 6 were labeled with 14CO2 for 4 hr and then allowed to develop under nonradioactive conditions until they reached stage 9, 10, 11 or 12. RNA was extracted and electrophoresed on a polyacrylamide-agarose gel. From the pattern of newly synthesized RNAs, the incorporation into 18S and 28S ribosomal RNAs was measured. At the same time, the specific radioactivity of nucleoside triphosphates in the acid-soluble fraction was determined. On the basis of the results obtained, the absolute amounts of the RNAs synthesized were calculated. The results show that the synthesis of the ribosomal RNAs begins, or is at least markedly activated, around stage 10. Moreover, cytological examination has shown that cells with nucleolated nuclei appeared between stages 9 and 10 and increased thereafter.
Thus, from the results of these studies along two different lines, it can safely be concluded that the initiation of 18S and 28S RNA synthesis takes place around stage 10.  相似文献   

Isolated cells from animal or vegetal pole regions of Xenopus blastulae were cultured, and the timings of rRNA synthesis and cell division were determined. rRNA synthesis was measured by the incorporation of (3H)methionine into rRNA, and cell division was studied by the decrease in cell size and rRNA content. Nucleoli in these cells were also examined. It was found that these animal and vegetal cells continue to divide under the present conditions in the same temporal pattern as that of intraembryonic cells, and that rRNA synthesis begins soon after the cells have undergone the division which probably corresponds to the 15th division following fertilization. At this time, the rRNA content and concentration of the animal and vegetal cells are significantly different. These results seem to support the view that cell division is involved in some way in the mechanism determining the timing of rRNA synthesis in early embryonic development.  相似文献   


The pattern of RNA biosynthesis in rabbit cerebral cortex was examined during periods of physiological sleep and wakefulness monitored with EEG techniques. The types of newly synthesized RNA were analysed by sedimentation on sucrose gradients. In experiments lasting 60 and 105 minutes the labelling ratio of RNA sedimenting in two regions of the gradient (28 S-50 S50 S) increased with decreasing percentages of EEG synchronization. Analysis of the radioactivity distributions of five homogeneous experiments in terms of moments confirmed the dependence of the RNA synthetic pattern on the electric state of the cortex. The possible nature of the RNA species involved in this effect is discussed.  相似文献   

De novo synthesis of 5S RNA and of transfer RNA (tRNA) has been demonstrated previously to occur by mid-cleavage (128-cell stage) in sea urchin embryos (24). The present study focused on determining more precisely the time of onset of activity of the genes for 5S RNA and for tRNA during sea urchin embryogenesis by preloading the GTP precursor pools of unfertilized eggs. The results showed that newly-made 5S RNA and tRNA could be detected as early as the 32-cell stage. In order to determine whether newly-synthesized 5S RNA accumulates coordinately during development with newly-made 26S (34) and 18S ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), the relative rates of accumulation of these three RNA molecules were measured and compared at each of several stages of sea urchin embryogenesis. In contrast to the coordinated accumulation of newly-synthesized 26S and 18S rRNAs, newly-made 5S RNA accumulated in excess at the mesenchyme blastula (9-fold excess), midgastrula (5-fold excess) and prism (3-fold excess) stages. The 5S RNA/26S RNA molar ratios only approached unity in advanced (48 hr) plutei. The non-coordinated accumulation of newly-made 5S RNA with that of 26S and 18S rRNAs suggests that the accumulation of these newly-synthesized RNAs is differentially regulated during early sea urchin development.  相似文献   

The 5 day chick embryo liver cell still lacks many of the ultrastructural features of the adult liver cell. During organ culture on rafts over Eagle's medium, it develops electron-opaque mitochondria with granules, biliary microvilli, and compact Golgi complexes containing what appears to be secretory material. Rough ER proliferates and free ribosomes become bound to membrane. Thus, the 5 day cell, exposed only to simple nutrients (glucose, amino acids, vitamins) develops the general appearance of the adult liver cell except for the continued absence of smooth ER and glycogen. The significance of this incomplete differentiation and the factors controlling development are discussed in the light of accompanying metabolic changes.  相似文献   

—The activities of sRNA-aminoacyl synthetases (EC 6.1.1) were investigated in the cerebral white and grey matter of rabbits subjected during their prenatal life to a single X-ray dose of 150 rad. The results of investigations have shown that ionizing radiation acting during intrauterine development of the experimental animal brings about a distinct depression of all sRNA-aminoacyl synthetase activities in the newborn irradiated litter. During the postnatal development of these animals the activities of some of the synthetases further decreased and even at adulthood, where they are normally very low, their activities were below the control values. The activities of some other synthetases, after the initial depression, showed no further decrease and at adulthood had values comparable to controls. Our results indicate clearly that prenatal exposure to ionizing radiation also affects the step of protein biosynthesis which depends on the activity of sRNA-aminoacyl synthetases.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells in the mitotic and G1 phases of the growth cycle were incubated for 30 or 60 min in suspension tissue culture and pulse-labeled with tritiated uridine. After appropriate chases, washes, and extractions, it was found that all incorporation into the nucleic acid may be accounted for by those cells in interphase. An average of 410 counts was found for incorporation into the cell population (approximately 2.0 x 105 cells) of which over 80% of the cells was initially in mitosis. The increasing number of cells leaving mitosis and entering interphase during the 30 min incubation was theoretically able to account for 470 counts. In addition, short-pulse labeling experiments have shown a consistent linear relationship between the percentage of cells in division and the incorporation of the isotope, which strongly suggests that, if 100% of the cells were in mitosis, the counts would be essentially zero. Thus, the entire label may be attributed to those cells in interphase where portions of the chromosomal material are known to be already extended.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and RNA synthesis during mitosis were studied by autoradiography on mammalian tissue culture cells. Protein synthesis was followed by incubating hamster epithelial and human amnion cells for 10 or 15 minutes with phenylalanine-C14. To study RNA synthesis the hamster cells were incubated for 10 minutes with uridine-C14. Comparisons of the synthetic capacity of the interphase and mitotic cells were then made using whole cell grain counts. The rate of RNA synthesis decreased during prophase and reached a low of 13 to 16 per cent of the average interphase rate during metaphase-anaphase. Protein synthesis in the hamster cells showed a 42 per cent increase during prophase with a subsequent return to the average interphase value during metaphase-anaphase. The human amnion cells showed no significant change at prophase but there was a 52 to 56 per cent drop in phenylalanine incorporation at metaphase-anaphase as compared to the average interphase rate. Colcemide was used on the hamster cells to study the effect of a prolonged mitotic condition on protein and RNA synthesis. Under this condition, uridine incorporation was extremely low whereas phenylalanine incorporation was still relatively high. The drastic reduction of RNA synthesis observed under mitotic conditions is believed to be due to the coiled condition of the chromosomes. The lack of a comparable reduction in protein synthesis during mitosis is interpreted as evidence for the presence in these cells of a relatively stable messenger RNA.  相似文献   

Apoptosis was measured in mammary glands during whole organ culture, to determine whether regression resulting from hormone withdrawal results in epithelial cell death as in vivo involution. Glands were evaluated for morphology and DNA degradation prior to whole organ culture, after lobulo-alveolar development and 2, 4, or 6 days after hormone withdrawal. The data indicated that mammary regression during whole organ culture mimics in vivo involution and results in part from apoptosis of epithelial tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract— Drugs such as cocaine, procaine, pheniprazine (Catron) and veratridine, which have actions on sympathetic nerves and nerve terminals, were examined for their ability to increase serotonin N-acetyltransferase (EC; NAT) in pineal organ culture. The absence of potassium (0 KCl) was also examined. NAT is known to respond to β-adrenergic stimulation. It was found that these drugs and 0 KCl increased the enzyme activity 100 to 2000-fold in innervated pineals but had virtually no effect in denervated pineals. The effects on innervated pineals were blocked by the β-blocker propranolol but not by the α-blocker, phentolamine. These drugs and 0 KCl inhibited to varying degrees [3H] 1-norepinephrine uptake in pineals. It is concluded that these agents activated the β-adrenergic receptor on pineal cells by causing an accumulation of extraneuronal norepinephrine. The accumulation of norepinephrine is due, at least in part, to the blockade of norepinephrine reuptake by nerve terminals. The ability of veratridine to stimulate NAT and to inhibit norepinephrine uptake was reversed by tetrodotoxin, a blocker of sodium permeability in excitable tissue, thus veratridine acts by increasing sodium permeability in nerve terminals. This adds support to the theory that catecholamine uptake is a process that requires a sodium gradient across the nerve terminal membrane.  相似文献   

The pattern of synthesis of rapidly-labelled RNA of hen sciatic nerve was studied during Wallerian degeneration. At 2,4,8, 16 and 30 days of degeneration the proximal and distal stumps of the severed nerve as well as the intact contralateral sciatic nerve (functional control) were excised and incubated with either [5-3H]uridine or [2-14C]uridine for 0.5 h. The electrophoretic pattern of RNA from the normal adult sciatic nerve showed that most of the radioactivity was incorporated into RNA species migrating between the 18 S and 4 S components of the bulk RNA. The synthesis of RNA was sensitive to actinomycin-D, an indication that it was directed by a DNA template. The electrophoretic patterns of the rapidly-labelled RNA in the proximal and distal nerve stumps demonstrated a change following nerve section. After 2–4 days of Wallerian degeneration the degenerating distal nerves incorporated more radioactivity in the 4 S region than the corresponding controls, but at 8 and 16-days after degeneration relatively more label appeared in higher molecular weight RNA species. In the intact sciatic nerve of the operated hens progressively more radioactivity was detected in the 4 S region with increasing time after the contralateral nerve section. At each stage of Wallerian degeneration the specific radioactivities of RNA in the control nerves from experimental hens were higher than those of the normal adult sciatic nerve. These results indicated a change of RNA metabolism in increased functional activity and during Wallerian degeneration.  相似文献   

To help elucidate the role of protein in the maturation of ribosomal RNA in cultured L cells, we have studied the effects of cycloheximide upon the maturation process and upon the intranucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles containing the "preribosomal RNA's." Five parameters of these particles were analyzed: (a) extractability, (b) sedimentation characteristics in sucrose gradients, (c) RNA composition, (d) buoyant density in CsCl gradients, and (e) effects of increased ionic strength on the buoyant density. When protein synthesis is inhibited, the rate of conversion of the precursor 45S ribosomal RNA is rapidly diminished, falling to less than 30% of the control rate within 1 hr. Nevertheless, in terms of the first three parameters there is no difference between control and cycloheximide nucleolar particles. However, the cycloheximide particles have a lower and more heterogeneous buoyant density and a more variable response to increased ionic strength. The results imply that the protein composition of the cycloheximide particles is different from that of particles from control cells, and that the entire protein complement is not necessary for the first cleavages in the maturation process, although it is necessary for the normal rate of processing and for the eventual appearance of both 18S and 28S rRNA in mature ribosomes.  相似文献   

The intracellular site of synthesis of mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRP) in Neurospora crassa has been investigated using three complementary approaches. (a) Mitochondrial protein synthesis in vitro: Tritium-labeled proteins made by isolated mitochondria were compared to 14C-labeled marker MRP by cofractionation in a two-step procedure involving isoelectric focusing and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Examination of the electrophoretic profiles showed that essentially none of the peaks of in vitro product corresponded exactly to any of the MRP marker peaks. (b) Sensitivity of in vivo MRP synthesis to chloramphenicol: Cells were labeled with leucine-3H in the presence of chloramphenicol, mitochondrial ribosomal subunits were subsequently isolated, and their proteins fractionated by isoelectric focusing followed by gel electrophoresis. The labeling of every single MRP was found to be insensitive to chloramphenicol, a selective inhibitor of mitochondrial protein synthesis. (c) Sensitivity of in vivo MRP synthesis to anisomycin: We have found this antibiotic to be a good selective inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis in Neurospora. In the presence of anisomycin the labeling of virtually all MRP is inhibited to the same extent as the labeling of cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins. On the basis of these three types of studies we conclude that most if not all 53 structural proteins of mitochondrial ribosomal subunits in Neurospora are synthesized by cytoplasmic ribosomes.  相似文献   

The pre- and postmitotic stages of rhizoid cell differentiation in Pteris vittata L. were pulsed in radioactive uridine for 30 min and the data analyzed quantitatively by autoradiography. The total grain count rises from 594 in the nondifferentiating cell to 1,369 in the corona stage; increases to 2,745 in the internally segmented rhizoid cell (IRC) and to 2,779 in the wheel; and then drops to 1,306 in the protrusion and to 1,261 in the early rhizoid. The significant increase in nucleolar labeling in the corona reflects an increase in ribosomal RNA synthesis for mitosis-associated syntheses. The two-fold increase in grains over the cellular compartments of the IRC and wheel reflects an increase in RNA synthesis in these postmitotic stages. The similarity of labeling profiles between these stages suggests that they are not far enough separated to show a difference in their roles. The decline in total grain counts in the protrusion and early rhizoid stages to half the maximum levels suggests that an overall decrease in RNA synthesis is attended by a shift from a differentiating phase to a steady-state growth system.  相似文献   

The differentiation in organ culture of a rat nephroblastoma is compared with differentiation of normal rat metanephric tissue under the same conditions. The nephroblastoma arose in a 19 week old female Fischer F344 rat given a single intraperitoneal injection of 4.0 μmole methyl(methoxymethy1)nitrosamine (DMN-OMe)/g body weight at one day of age. The tumor consisted almost entirely of spindle cells although a few well-differentiated tubules were scattered throughout the tumor mass. No primitive tubules were seen, but focal aggregates of tumor cells suggestive of nascent epithelial differentiation were frequent. Fragments of the nephroblastoma were cultured on gelfoam sponge in Williams Medium E supplemented with hydrocortisone, insulin, and fetal bovine serum. Within one day extensive tubulogenesis was observed. High mitotic activity resulted in a steady increase in the size of cultured explants over a period of 6 days. By day six, differentiating tubules filled the explant tissue. Cultured fragments were nearly indistinguishable histologically from normal F344 rat fetal kidney explanted to organ culture on day 15 of gestation and grown in vitro for the same period.  相似文献   

Early events in the evocation of the flower in Pharbitis nil Chois seedlings were investigated by following the incorporation of tritiated uridine into the shoot apex. The uridine was applied to the expanded cotyledons of seedlings at 8 hr into the inductive dark period. The shoot tips were fixed at 20 hr (a 12-hr labeling period). After the 12-hr labeling period there was considerable label throughout the shoot tips of both control plants (dark period interrupted with 5 min of red light at 8 hr) and plants induced to flower. Both RNase and acid hydrolysis removed the nonexchangeable label and the Azure B staining, thus leading to the conclusion that the uridine was incorporated into RNA. Induction in the cotyledons was followed quickly by an increased synthesis of RNA in the rib meristem region of the receptor bud at the time when the floral stimulus is assumed to be arriving. The increase in RNA synthesis is revealed by an increase in the rib meristem/central zone ratio of counts due to the incorporation of tritiated uridine. A comparison of counts in each of the two regions revealed that the change in ratio was due to an increase in the rib meristem and not due to a decrease in the central zone in induced shoot apices. The initial activation of the rib meristem probably occurred by 16 hr from the beginning of the dark period. Tendencies in the literature to disregard the role of the rib meristem in giving rise to part of the flower are discussed.  相似文献   

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