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Using immunocytochemistry based on a monoclonal antibodyagainst Diploptera punctata allatostatin I and horseradishperoxidase-diaminobenzidine reaction, the presence of allatostatin-likeimmunoreactivity is demonstrated in the synganglion of Dermacentorvariabilis females. The immunoreactive cells are located in theprotocerebral, cheliceral, palpal, stomodeal, postesophageal, and opisthosomalregions of the synganglion. Strongly immunoreactive granules accumulate in theboundary area of the subganglia in the preesophageal part of the synganglion.This suggests that the immunoreactive materials may be released directly fromthere. In addition, a putative neurohemal area is found in the anterior area ofthe opisthosomal ganglion, where abundant immunoreactive materials are stored.Weak immunoreactivity and fewer immunoreactive cells are seen in newly moltedfemales compared with one month old, unfed females. Thus, the immunoreactiveproducts may be depleted during molting and synthesized in females beforefeeding.  相似文献   

The reproductive strategies and variation in reproductive success of ticks are poorly understood. We determined variation in multiple paternity in the American dog tick Dermancentor variabilis . In total, 48 blood-engorged female ticks and 22 male companion ticks were collected from 13 raccoon ( Procyon lotor ) hosts. In the laboratory, 56.3% of blood-engorged females laid eggs, of which 37.0% hatched or showed signs of development. We examined the presence of multiple paternity in the ensuing clutches by genotyping groups of eggs and larvae at 5 microsatellite loci and subtracting the known maternal alleles, thereby identifying male-contributed alleles. Seventy-five percent of the clutches presented multiple paternity, with a mode of 2 fathers siring the clutch. Males associated with the females on the host always sired some offspring. In 1 case, a male was the sire of clutches derived from 2 females, indicating both polygyny and polyandry may occur for this species. These results, combined with those of several other recent studies, suggest that multiple paternity might be frequent for ixodid ticks.  相似文献   

The synganglion of Dermacentor variabilis Say is a single nerve mass, condensed around the esophagus and within the periganglionic sinus of the ciculatory system. Protocerebral, cheliceral (including stomodeal bridge), and pedipalpal ganglia lie in the pre-esophageal portion of the nerve mass and bear optic, cheliceral, and pedipalpal nerves respectively. The unpaired stomodeal and the recurrent nerve which forms the hyper-esophageal ganglion arise from the stomodeal bridge. Paired primary and accessory nerves to the retrocerebral organ complex have mixed protocerebral-cheliceral origins. Pedal ganglia (including ventral olfactory lobes of pedal ganglia I) and composite opisthosomal ganglion lie in the post-esophageal nerve mass and bear pedal nerve trunks and two pairs of opisthosomal nerves respectively. Internally, the synganglion consists of cellular rind and fibrous core. A welldefined neurilemma with a laminar matrix covers nerve mass and peripheral nerves. The rind contains the somata of ganglionic neurons and ensheathing glial cells and is restricted to the synganglion mass. It is limited by two specialized glial layers, the external perineurium and internal subperineurium. Discrete glomerular formations are present within the protocerebrum and olfactory lobes. Olfactory glomeruli located in pedal ganglia I are associated with a pair of globuli cell groups. Possible physiological relationships between anatomical specializations of the synganglion, extraneural sinuses and circulating hemocytes are considered. The evolutionary significances of condensation in the stomatogastric neuropile regions and throughout the synganglion, together with the simplification and loss of glomerular formations, are discussed.  相似文献   

A common method for sampling tick populations is flagging, which is a method of dragging a white cloth over a plant substrate for a fixed distance along a transect. Flagging over rough physical surfaces or using long subtransect lengths could lead to the underestimation of tick densities. Using estimates of the drop-off rates of adult Ixodes pacificus in flag sampling, optimal sampling schemes (the length and number of subtransects) were examined using the relationships between the tick drop-off rates (c), the tick density and distribution patterns and the roughness of the sampled plant substrate. It was found that the optimal number of subtransects and Lmax, the longest subtransect length which did not significantly underestimate the tick density from c, were affected by the tick density, substrate roughness and tick distribution pattern. This study also showed that the density and distribution of I. pacificus and Dermacentor occidentalis varied greatly over time in the populations sampled, while the Dermacentor variabilis densities were low and showed no significant changes over time. Both I. pacificus and D. occidentalis had clumped distributions along trails and these clumps were aggregated. However, the clump sizes (or individual clump areas) changed significantly over time because of density fluctuation or the movement of ticks. Finally, a positive association between the number of I. pacificus and D. occidentalis adults was observed from 2 m subtransect flag collections in March 1995; no relationship was found in 1994. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The release of the defence secretion from the large wax glands (sensilla sagittiformia) of Dermacentor variabilis ticks modifies the behaviour of other ticks by inducing clustering. A coating of natural tick secretion onto test objects (delipidized ticks, glass beads or filter paper discs) also elicits a clustering response, but a topically applied squalene, its major component, does not have this effect. The clustering response appears to be species specific: D. variabilis cluster on conspecific ticks that secreted but they fail to cluster on Amblyomma americanum or Ixodes scapularis ticks unless coated with secretions from D. variabilis. Volatile components in the defence secretion are involved in recruiting conspecific ticks to those that secreted. When attacked by predatory fire ants, Solenopsis invicta, D. variabilis clustered on individuals that had released the defence secretion. This suggests that the secretion protects ticks from predation by functioning as an alarm pheromone. If confirmed, this is the first report of an alarm pheromone and its glandular source in ticks. The terminology applicable to the integumental glands of ticks is discussed.  相似文献   

The cold-hardiness of Dermacentor marginatus using laboratory-reared offspring of ticks collected in Germany was characterized. Investigations of unfed stages revealed that adult ticks suffered 50% mortality at –10°C after 4–5 months, but larvae and nymphs suffered mortality within few days, whereas –15°C was lethal for all stages within a very short period. Larval hatch and moulting of engorged larvae and nymphs did not occur at 10°C. Embryonic development of eggs with larval hatch was considerably reduced by exposure of eggs to 10°C. Engorged females did not lay eggs at 10°C, the oviposition capability, however, persisted over 6 months at 10°C, 5 months at 5°C, 3 months at 0°C and 2 months at –10°C without substantial decrease of the oviposition capacity or reduction of viable eggs. These results present evidence that unfed adult ticks are the ecoepidemiologically most effective stages, which are capable to tolerate long and extremely cold winters without substantial impairment of the population density. It is also considered that engorged females interrupt their oviposition at low and subzero temperatures delaying it for months and so contribute in bypassing winter conditions. None of the stages survived supercooling indicating that D. marginatus is freeze intolerant. Mean supercooling point (SCP) ranged between –26°C in eggs and –12, 6°C in engorged females. Compared with eggs, the SCP of the other stages was significantly higher. In conclusion, the SCP is considered to have no predictive value in the context with cold-hardiness.  相似文献   

Patterns in the utilization of host immunoglobulin G (IgG) during nymphal development differed between Dermacentor varibilis (Say) and Ixodes scapularis Say ticks. In unfed nymphs of D. variabilis, host IgG was readily detectable in both hemolymph and whole body homogenates. In unfed nymphs of I. scapularis, host IgG was absent in hemolymph and at very low concentrations in whole body homogenates. Host IgG in unfed nymphs was undoubtedly the remnants of IgG acquired during the larval bloodmeal that persisted through metamorphosis to the nymphal stage. In both tick species, host IgG crossed the midgut into the hemocoel during the latter phases of engorgement. Concentrations of host IgG in I. scapularis declined considerably after replete nymphs molted to the adult stage. In contrast, concentrations of host IgG in D. variabilis remained elevated throughout metamorphosis to the adult stage. When larval D. variabilis were fed on a rat, then 2 months later as nymphs on a rabbit, the rat IgG (“old IgG”) present in unfed nymphs was totally replaced by rabbit IgG (“new IgG”) within 2 d of nymphs attaching to the rabbit. Presumably, the old IgG acquired from a previous bloodmeal was secreted via saliva into the new host. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Light- and electron-microscopic enzyme cytochemistry was used to localize acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the synganglion (brain) of the tick Dermacentor variabilis. High AChE activity was observed throughout the neuropil as well as adjacent to most neuronal perikarya. Intracellular activity was not observed by light microscopy. By electron microscopy, reaction product was localized at the plasma membrane of glia and neurons. Enzyme activity was not associated with the olfactory globuli neurons. In other types of neurons, small amounts of reaction product were observed in the Golgi apparatus and nuclear envelope. Large neurosecretory neurons contained activity that appeared to be associated with deep invaginations of the plasma membrane as well as intracellular membranes. AChE activity was also associated with processes of both neurons and glia. In most peripheral nerves AChE activity was associated with virtually all axons. Clearly then, AChE is associated with glia and non-cholinergic neurons as well as with presumed cholinergic neurons. The widespread localization and large amounts of AChE in the tick brain exceeds that reported for other invertebrates and vertebrates. As has been suggested for other animals, AChE in the tick brain may have functions in addition to its known role in cholinergic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

The process of oviposition in D. reticulatus was observed and found to be a sequence of exactly coordinated, interlocking events independent of the phase of oviposition. The average period of oviposition in the investigated ticks was 31.6 days at 20 °C and 95% relative humidity. The number of eggs deposited on each day increased until reaching a maximum on the fifth day of oviposition and then decreased continuously. As a result, most of the eggs were deposited during the initial phase of oviposition. The total number of eggs was proportional to the ticks' weight replenishment. Egg-laying commenced with the lowering of the capitulum and the simultaneous spread of the pedipalps which were lowered to the body wall embracing the genital aperture on both sides. Immediately afterwards the cuticular sac of Gene's organ was pushed out and retracted several times. At the cuticular sac's maximum extension, the vestibulum vaginae prolapsed, forming the ovipositor as an extended tube which handed over an egg to the two horns of the cuticular sac after a brief, but intensive, contact with the cuticular sac. Then the vestibulum vaginae invaginated, the pedipalps closed, and the cuticular sac was retracted. Finally, the egg was transported onto the dorsal area of the tick by means of a vigorous rising of the capitulum. During the course of oviposition most of the events, especially the period of egg embracement by the cuticular sac, were prolonged, as was the total time for laying one egg. Similarly, the intervals between successive egg-laying processes increased continuously.The number of eggs deposited was not dependent on the functional ability of Gene's organ, as shown by similar numbers of deposited eggs from ticks with and without mechanical blocking of the cuticular sac. But the participation of the organ in the process of oviposition proved to be a prerequisite for the viability of the eggs. Larvae developed and hatched only from those eggs which were deposited from ticks with an undisturbed Gene's organ. In comparison, eggs without contact to the cuticular sac of Gene's organ dried up and shrivelled immediately after being deposited and did not hatch. Consequently, it strongly suggests, together with the results from other studies, that Gene's organ covers the eggs with a secretion that prevents the loss of water.  相似文献   

Brinton LP 《Tissue & cell》1971,3(4):615-622
Intercellular bridges are present between oogonia and between oocytes of nymphs and newly molted and fasting adult Dermacentor andersoni Stiles. During these stages there is synchronous development of oogonia and oocytes. These bridges are unique both in their degree of development and in possessing narrow, elongated invaginations of the plasma membrane around both bases. Dictyosomes are frequently present in close proximity to bridge bases and vesicles are often noted in bridges between oocytes of adults. Bridges between oogonia infrequently contain cisternae of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the mitochondrial (mt) 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene was examined for the American dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say, 1821). Nine different haplotypes were detected among 369 adult D. variabilis collected from four localities in Canada. There were eight variable nucleotide positions in the 404 bp sequence alignment. Individuals of haplotype 1 occurred at frequency of >75% at all localities. Five haplotypes were detected at only one of the four localities. High haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity, combined with significantly negative Fs values for ticks at three localities, suggest a recent population expansion. Genetic differences were found between populations at different localities, but a Mantel regression analysis revealed no association between genetic differences and geographical distances. There was also no association between tick haplotype and the prevalence of the bacterium, Rickettsia montanensis Weiss and Moulder, 1984, in D. variabilis among localities or on opposite sides of Blackstrap Lake (Saskatchewan). The 16S rDNA haplotypes from Canadian populations of D. variabilis formed a clade with those from the eastern and central U.S.A., to the exclusion of D. variabilis from geographically isolated populations in the western U.S.A. Although sample sizes for D. variabilis in the eastern U.S.A. are small, there may be genetic divergence between populations in Canada and those in the eastern U.S.A., which may have implications for studies on the pathogenic agents transmitted by D. variabilis to its hosts.  相似文献   

Synganglia, salivary gland, midgut, ovary, fat body and muscle alone and in combination from the ixodid tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say), or the argasid tick, Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley, were incubated in vitro in separate experiments with L-[methyl-(3)H]methionine and farnesoic acid or with [1-(14)C]acetate. Life stages examined in D. variabilis were 3 and 72 h old (after ecdysis) unfed nymphs, partially fed nymphs (18 and 72 h after attachment to the host), fully engorged nymphs (2 d after detachment from host), 3 and 72 h old (after eclosion) unfed females, partially fed unmated females (12-168 h after attachment to host) and mated replete females (2 d after detachment from the host). Those from O. parkeri were third and fourth stadium nymphs and female O. parkeri, 1-2 d after detachment. Corpora allata from Diploptera punctata, Periplaneta americana and Gromphadorina portentosa were used as positive controls in these experiments. No farnesol, methyl farnesoate, JH I, JH II, JH III, or JHIII bisepoxide was detected by radio HPLC from any tick analysis while JH III, methyl farnesoate, and farnesol were detected in the positive controls. To examine further for the presence of a tick, insect-juvenilizing agent, Galleria pupal-cuticle bioassays were conducted on lipid extracts from 10 and 15 d old eggs, unfed larvae (1-5 d after ecdysis), unfed nymphs (1-7 d after ecdysis), and partially fed, unmated female adults (completed slow feeding phase) of D. variabilis. Whole body extracts of fourth stadium D. punctata and JH III standard were used as positive controls. No juvenilizing activity in any of the tick extracts could be detected. Electron impact, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of hemolymph extracts from fed, virgin (forcibly detached 7 d after attachment) and mated, replete (allowed to drop naturally) D. variabilis and fully engorged (1-2 d after detachment) O. parkeri females also failed to identify the common insect juvenile hormones. The same procedures were successful in the identification of JH III in hemolymph of fourth stadium D. punctata. Last stadium nymphal (female) O. parkeri implanted with synganglia from second nymphal instars underwent normal eclosion to the adult. The above studies in toto suggest that D. variabilis and O. parkeri do not have the ability to make the common insect juvenile hormones, and these juvenile hormones do not regulate tick metamorphosis or reproduction as hypothesized in the literature.  相似文献   

During a collection of ticks from vegetation in March 2006, a single adult male Rocky Mountain wood tick, Dermacentor andersoni (Stiles, 1908), was collected that exhibited unique morphological anomalies, including the absence of a leg on the right side of the body. Coxa IV on the right side also was missing in this specimen. Such teratological changes have not been reported previously for D. andersoni.  相似文献   

An adult female of Dermacentor marginatus (Sulzer, 1776) was found in the territory of Petrozavodsk (Karelia, Russia) in May, 2011.  相似文献   

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