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Fish species richness decreases with salinity in tropical coastal lagoons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim To analyse the relationship between fish species richness and salinity, and to provide a simple linear model for fish diversity trends across salinity gradients in a tropical coastal lagoon that can be compared with other similar ecosystems and other communities. To reinforce our conclusions, the salinity–fish richness relationship was investigated at different spatial scales (sampling station, set of stations and whole lagoon) and for two different periods, separated by 18 years. Location The Terminos coastal lagoon, a shallow tropical lagoon (mean maximum depths ranging between 3.5 and 4.5 m), is located in the southern Gulf of Mexico (18.5–18.8° N, 91.3–91.9° W). The lagoon is 70 km long and 30 km wide, with a surface area of 1700 km2. Methods Fish sampling, individual identification to the species level, and environmental variable measurements were carried out monthly at 17 sampling points. Multiple regression analysis with a backward selection procedure was used to relate fish species richness to environmental variables. Other statistical techniques, including cluster analysis and ancova , were applied to experimental data surveys. Results Among the different environmental variables, salinity was significantly and consistently related to fish species richness, whatever the period and the scale of observation. We found mainly significant negative correlations (P < 0.05) between fish species richness and salinity when sampling stations were analysed individually, and particularly for the river runoff zones with high variation in salinity throughout the year. For the entire lagoon, robust negative linear models were observed when fish species richness was organized into salinity ranges, with salinity explaining c. 8% of the variation in mean fish species richness (in a multiple regression analysis; 63–93% when considered in isolation). Main conclusions In the Terminos lagoon the relationship between fish species richness and salinity is mainly negative on any spatial scale. This result may be due partially to the penetration of freshwater fishes into estuarine areas following freshwater discharges, and partially to the dominance of estuarine taxa more able to tolerate low than high salinity values. Finally, we suggest that the ‘realized’ ecotone, where species from different origins really mix, is situated between 5 and 10‰, corresponding to the highest fish richness.  相似文献   

The fish biodiversity of the Ria de Aveiro has been analysed during the 20th century, as an indicator of the biological integrity of the ecosystem. Ninety-two distinct species and 38 families of Agnatha, Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes occurred during the period. The family and species richness showed two levels of magnitude, from the 1910s, with high values (26–28 families and 51–52 species), and during the last two decades with more variable values (20–27 families and 38–55 species). A total of 13 species (four non-sporadic species) have disappeared recently. The lagoon system has been affected by large-scale anthropogenic influences mainly the substantial development of industries and the increasing population in the watershed, in addition to overfishing, climatic changes and dredging. In general, as shown by an analysis of the ecotrophic guilds present, the area maintained a similar structure during the whole period. No significant differences in time were recorded for any of the designated guilds. The twenty-two frequent species, which occurred in six or seven surveys, were mainly estuarine resident species or marine adventitious species, living in the substratum (benthic fish), on soft substratum and vegetated bottoms. They were feeding either on invertebrates alone or on invertebrates and fish, and producing pelagic or benthic eggs. The 19 sporadically-recorded species, recorded only once, were mostly marine adventitious, demersal fishes, living above rough bottom and vegetation, feeding strictly on invertebrates, and producing eggs benthically or deposited into vegetation. It is concluded that the Ria de Aveiro estuarine coastal lagoon has supported similar fish communities during the past century and that these comprise representatives of various ecological types.  相似文献   

The present study aims to determine biological fish production of a lagoon and relate this to the commercial fisheries yield. The fish community of an estuarine lagoon in the west coast of Portugal was sampled between November 1998 and November 2000 to estimate the production ecology of the community, including somatic production, population size, species richness, species diversity, and biomass. Using the Allen curve method of determination, the total annual fish production of all fish species in the lagoon was calculated at 90.3 tonnes or 2.1 g m−2 year−1 in the first year and 106.7 tonnes or 2.5 g m−2 year−1 in the second year. The marine seasonal migrant species, sardine, Sardina pilchardus, which colonises the lagoon during the juvenile period of its life stages, produced more than 35 tonnes in each year and accounted for >39 and >33%, in the first and second year respectively, of the total fish production in this lagoon. Sardine was numerically more abundant (18,217 specimens) but due to their small size contributed only 13% to the total biomass. Sardine was thus the most important fish species in terms of the consumption and production processes of the whole fish community in this system. Commercial fisheries’ records indicate that approximately 300 tonnes per annum of fish are taken from the lagoon, which corresponds to three times more than the estimated production in the lagoon. Thus, if it exists, the sustainability of the fishery appears to depend on the immigration of fish from the adjacent coastal area and it is questioned whether the fishery is sustainable in the long-term. The findings indicate that careful and effective management of the lagoon is required to ensure a long-term healthy aquatic environment and sustainable catches in the future.  相似文献   

The fish community of an East African mangrove creek   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The results of a beach seine survey of an East African mangrove creek are presented. The fish community of the creek is described and is compared with that of a nearby lagoonal site and with those described for other mangrove and estuarine systems. The species composition was found to differ substantially between the creek and the lagoon site, though diversity indices for the two areas were similar. Eighty-three species of teleost fish werecollected from the mangrove area of the creek. This number is considered high in relation to comparable studies and is attributed to the constant high salinity (approximately 35%o) measured throughout the study period. Approximately 90% of the fish caught were juveniles. Plankton sampling was also carried out and representatives of 21 fish families were collected as larvae within the creek. Catches from both beach seining and plankton sampling in the mangrove areas were dominated numerically by resident clupeid and gobiid species. The majority of species, however, were considered to have a widespread distribution as adults. A discrepancy between the catch composition of larvae and juveniles suggests that species that use the creek as a nursery area enter the system principally at a post-larval/ juvenile stage of development. No systematic spatial or temporal variation in the community structure was identified over the study period.  相似文献   

Coastal and estuarine environments are particularly productive ecological systems and can provide protein and nutrient exports to adjacent marine ecosystems. In spite of this, studies of fish school migration patterns between lagoons and the sea are lacking. In 1999, fish samplings combining fishing and acoustic sonar field data collection were performed in two shallow water channel lagoons to monitor fish school diel migration (lagoon-sea). Lagoon fish assemblages included 15 species and 10 families. The estimated abundances and the fishes' swimming characteristics permit those detected by sonar to be selected according to 3 criteria. Direct sampling by cast net confirmed that Dicentrarchus labrax schools were present during the autumn migration period. In situ horizontal sonar observation in shallow water bodies constitutes a powerful tool for the study of fish behaviour. Fish school migration within the range of values recorded was not affected by current velocity (maximum 0.83 m/s). No relationships among school shape, surface area or migratory direction were found. The amphidromous schools were small (0.3 to 15 m2) and observed mainly at night. Migratory behaviour appeared to be determined to some extent by fluctuations in lagoon salinity and temperature. Consistent with the ‘multi-transit’ hypothesis, which states that schools pass several times in front of the sonar transducer before moving toward or away from the lagoon, the net flow of fish was less than that predicted by the sonar methodology. Thus the multi-transit behaviour hypothesis should be considered when interpreting fish population transfer data gathered with acoustic methods using a single transducer in rivers, estuaries, or channels. In addition, the exclusive use of echosounder could generate major biomass underestimation when the fish are grouped in schools.  相似文献   

Patos Lagoon is located off the southern Brazilian coast and represents one of the largest coastal lagoons in the world. We estimated hydrological and physicochemical conditions associated with spatial variation in the abundance and diversity of freshwater fishes along the lagoon, and inter-annual variability in abundances of freshwater fishes occurring in its estuarine zone. During our study, the region experienced two periods of average rainfall and two periods with above-average rainfall. The characids Astyanax eigenmaniorum and Oligosarcus jenynsii and the siluriform Parapimelodus nigribarbis were the most abundant freshwater fishes in the estuary during wet periods when water levels were higher and salinity was lower. Increases in abundance of these species in the estuarine area, all of which members of primary-division freshwater families, apparently were associated with pulses of reproduction and passive transport from freshwater habitats located near middle and upper lagoon reaches. Abundance of species from secondary freshwater families, such as poeciliids and cichlids, were less correlated with hydrological conditions, and their patterns of occurrence in the estuary suggest active migration from nearby freshwater habitats draining into this area. Findings indicate that freshwater discharge in the basin and expansion/retraction of freshwaters in the middle-upper lagoon determined patterns of freshwater fish abundance and species richness in the estuarine zone.  相似文献   

The fish biodiversity of Lake Nokoué, a lagoon in Bénin, was monitored for one year from August 2000 to July 2001 by means of samples from the artisanal fishery collected once a month at three stations. A total of 5 933 fish weighing 95 322g (mean individual weight 16.0g) belonging to 51 species, 47 genera and 34 families were sampled. An abundance of juveniles was observed, confirming the importance of the lake as nursery grounds, rich in exploitable habitats like other tropical estuaries and lagoons. The fish fauna comprised three main components: i) an estuarine component (strict, freshwater and marine origins) which is the basis of the lagoon fauna community and which is stable in space and time; ii) a marine component containing fishes which appeared in the lagoon during the dry season where the salinity remains high (>20‰) and iii) a freshwater component with fishes coming into the lagoon from the river during the flood period. The magnitude of the spatial and seasonal fluctuations of the last two components varies depending on the area: marine (Zogbo), freshwater (Vêki) or intermediate (Ganvié). The global species richness and the relative abundances of fish vary between stations and from month to month. November, with 20 species on average, and January, with 6 species on average, are significantly different as regards species richness.  相似文献   

Multimetric fish-based indices have been increasingly gaining importance in Europe, as the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires fish fauna, and particularly its composition and abundance, to be taken into account in the assessment of the ecological quality of continental surface waters, including transitional waters. These indices are composed of several metrics, mostly related with structural and functional characteristics of fish communities, such as species richness, the role of nursery areas, or trophic web structure. Therefore, ecological quality assessments should ensure that these structural and functional characteristics of fish communities were covered by the sampling methods used. In the present work, the influence of sampling effort on several metrics of the Estuarine Fish Assessment Index (EFAI) was studied. Pseudo-random samples were generated from data of four Portuguese estuaries and bootstrap cycles were performed, in order to obtain metrics’ means and standard deviations per number of hauls analysed. The number of hauls necessary for the means to level off differed with the metrics considered. Generally, for metrics on percentages (percentage of marine migrants, percentage of estuarine residents and percentage of piscivores) the curve levelled off with less than 20 hauls, both for the estuary as a whole and for different estuarine salinity zones. On the other hand, metrics on species richness required much larger samples. In order to decrease to −5% the current estimated bias of metrics, the WFD sampling costs would have to be more than 3 times higher than they currently are. The findings in the present study are of great importance for an effective assessment of estuarine ecological quality and particularly in the context of the WFD, as the metrics studied are common to other Member State indices.  相似文献   

Host range is a critical life history trait of parasites, influencing prevalence, virulence and ultimately determining their distributional extent. Current approaches to measure host range are sensitive to sampling effort, the number of known hosts increasing with more records. Here, we develop a novel application of results-based stopping rules to determine how many hosts should be sampled to yield stable estimates of the number of primary hosts within regions, then use species richness estimation to predict host ranges of parasites across their distributional ranges. We selected three mistletoe species (hemiparasitic plants in the Loranthaceae) to evaluate our approach: a strict host specialist (Amyema lucasii, dependent on a single host species), an intermediate species (Amyema quandang, dependent on hosts in one genus) and a generalist (Lysiana exocarpi, dependent on many genera across multiple families), comparing results from geographically-stratified surveys against known host lists derived from herbarium specimens. The results-based stopping rule (stop sampling bioregion once observed host richness exceeds 80% of the host richness predicted using the Abundance-based Coverage Estimator) worked well for most bioregions studied, being satisfied after three to six sampling plots (each representing 25 host trees) but was unreliable in those bioregions with high host richness or high proportions of rare hosts. Although generating stable predictions of host range with minimal variation among six estimators trialled, distribution-wide estimates fell well short of the number of hosts known from herbarium records. This mismatch, coupled with the discovery of nine previously unrecorded mistletoe-host combinations, further demonstrates the limited ecological relevance of simple host-parasite lists. By collecting estimates of host range of constrained completeness, our approach maximises sampling efficiency while generating comparable estimates of the number of primary hosts, with broad applicability to many host-parasite systems.  相似文献   

The fish assemblage of the Óbidos lagoon was studied between January 1993 and December 1994 based on beach seine catches. Forty-one species were identified, with Gobius niger, Syngnathus acus, Atherina boyeri, Dicentrarchus labrax, Liza aurata, Chelon labrosus and Symphodus bailloni the most common species. The community was dominated by the families Atherinidae, Mugilidae and Gobiidae, which is characteristic of temperate and tropical estuaries and coastal lagoons. Community ordination analysis outlined three major fish assemblages along a longitudinal environmental gradient, determined by salinity, sediment and turbidity. Euryhaline fish species, such as Liza ramada and Mugil cephalus, were particularly abundant in the upper part of the lagoon. The middle area was dominated by estuarine resident species, namely G. niger, A. boyeri, S. acus and S. bailloni, while in the lower part of the lagoon the fish assemblage was composed of inshore marine species. The seasonal pattern was mainly induced by the annual cycle of resident species and by the migration of juveniles moving between coastal areas and the lagoon. If human activities related to keeping the mouth of the lagoon open to the sea ceased, the nursery function of this estuarine system would be affected, with a dominance of euryhaline fish species expected throughout the lagoon.  相似文献   

Synopsis Some 190 South African estuaries, covering all biogeographic provinces within the region, were classified into three types based on a combination of mouth condition and estuary size (surface area). The fish communities of the estuary types within each zoogeographic region were described and compared. Multivariate analyses revealed that each estuary type contained somewhat distinct fish communities. In addition, the study identified common patterns in species richness and ichthyofaunal composition. Open estuaries have relatively high species richness; this is a reflection of a permanent or near-permanent connection with the sea which allows access into these estuaries by all marine migrant species within the region. Intermittent connection with the sea limits the recruitment and utilisation of closed estuaries by marine migrant species; this results in reduced species richness in moderate to large closed estuaries. Small closed estuaries exhibit the lowest species richness and this is probably a result of their limited habitat and increased isolation from the sea. The key fishes that utilise estuaries could also be categorised into a number of groups based on their relative importance within each estuary type. Some species are largely restricted to predominantly open systems. Other taxa, while important in predominantly open estuaries, also occur in moderate to large closed systems. Some estuarine-associated species are well represented in all estuary types but exhibit a greater importance in closed estuaries. This study has shown that South African fish communities not only reflect estuarine typology but also respond to these differences in a consistent manner that spans all zoogeographic regions. The prevalence of similar patterns in other parts of the world suggests that estuarine typology is a major driver in the structuring of global estuarine fish communities.  相似文献   

Relationships between the fish community and selected habitat features were examined in a set of short temperate streams located at the northern end of the Iberian Peninsula. The fish fauna in these streams consists mostly of diadromous or estuarine species. Species richness and diversity increased with stream order, depth and width and decreased with elevation and distance from the sea. Stream order (positively) and elevation (negatively) were the two variables most highly correlated with species richness and diversity; higher order streams (order 3–4) showed greater values of species diversity than lower order ones (order 1) even when the elevation effect was removed. Addition of species in the downstream direction, but no replacement or loss was evidenced. We also compared the observed values of species diversity with those predicted from habitat features for a set of locations above unpassable dams. A great majority of the sites showed lower than predicted diversity values, which is an expected outcome for this mainly migratory fish fauna.  相似文献   

The taxonomic list and the structure of benthic diatom assemblages occurring in fine sediments (silt and sand) from the mangrove forest of the Balandra lagoon in Baja California Sur, Mexico was determined based on seasonal samplings for one year. Assemblage structure was analyzed using several ecological indices for estimating diversity (H'), dominance (REDI), equitability, and similarity. A total of 230 diatom taxa were identified and include 109 new records for the Baja California peninsula coast. Taxa representative of highly productive and hypersaline environments were common. Assemblages were characterized by a few abundant species and many uncommon or rare taxa. High diatom diversity estimates at all sampling sites during all seasons suggest that diatom assemblages in sediments of the Balandra lagoon represent a quasi-pristine environment.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and the vertical distribution of the phytoplanktonic population of the lagoon of Cullera, an elongated coastal lagoon with estuarine circulation of water, has been studied in three sampling stations: mouth, centre and source. Seasonal variation is determined by a marine-freshwater interaction. In winter, the sea influence is important, a marine water wedge of anoxic water arrives at the sampling station located at the source and marine and brackish water species dominate the phytoplankton. Also marine species of zooplankton and fish enter the system, which may then be considered as exploited by the sea. In spring the marine wedge retreats from the source but remains in the centre and mouth, salinity diminishes, vertical mixing persists and phytoplankton is dominated by Cyclotella species. From late spring to autumn the freshwater influence prevails and a sharp stratification of the water is produced in the stations at the mouth and the centre, by means of a steep halocline coincident with an oxycline. The phytoplankton in this period follows a typical succession like those described in freshwater eutrophic lakes. Vertical distribution of phytoplankton is determined by the presence of the oxycline, originated by the marine water wedge, whose depth varies seasonally but which is always present in the mouth and centre of the lagoon; only few species of algae can be found below its level.  相似文献   

The diversity of fish parasite life history strategies makes these species sensitive bioindicators of aquatic ecosystem health. While monoxenous (single-host) species may persist in highly perturbed, extreme environments, this is not necessarily true for heteroxenous (multiple-host) species. As many parasites possess complex life cycles and are transmitted through a chain of host species, their dependency on the latter to complete their life cycles renders them sensitive to perturbed environments. In the present study, parasite communities of grey mullet Liza aurata and Liza ramada (Mugilidae) were investigated at two Mediterranean coastal sites in northern Israel: the highly polluted Kishon Harbor (KH) and the relatively unspoiled reference site, Ma'agan Michael (MM). Both are estuarine sites in which grey mullet are one of the most common fish species. The results indicate that fish at the polluted site had significantly less trematode metacercariae than fish at the reference site. Heteroxenous gut helminths were completely absent at the polluted sampling site. Consequently, KH fish displayed lower mean parasite species richness. At the same time, KH fish mean monoxenous parasite richness was higher, although the prevalence of different monoxenous taxa was variable. Copepods had an increased prevalence while monogenean prevalence was significantly reduced at the polluted site. This variability may be attributed to the differential susceptibility of the parasites to the toxicity of different pollutants, their concentration, the exposure time and possible synergistic effects. In this study, we used the cumulative species curve model that extrapolates "true" species richness of a given habitat as a function of increasing sample size. We considered the heteroxenous and monoxenous species separately for each site, and comparison of curves yielded significant results. It is proposed to employ this approach, originally developed for estimating the "true" parasite species richness for a given habitat, in the characterization of communities of differentially impacted coastal marine ecosystems. Communicated by H. von Westernhagen, A. Diamant  相似文献   

Species check-lists are helpful to establish Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and protect local richness, endemicity, rarity, and biodiversity in general. However, such exhaustive taxonomic lists (i.e., true surrogate of biodiversity) require extensive and expensive censuses, and the use of estimator surrogates (e.g., habitats) is an appealing alternative. In truth, surrogate effectiveness appears from the literature highly variable both in marine and terrestrial ecosystems, making it difficult to provide practical recommendations for managers. Here, we evaluate how the biodiversity reference data set and its inherent bias can influence effectiveness. Specifically, we defined habitats by geomorphology, rugosity, and benthic cover and architecture criteria, and mapped them with satellite images for a New-Caledonian site. Fish taxonomic and functional lists were elaborated from Underwater Visual Censuses, stratified according to geomorphology and exposure. We then tested if MPA networks designed to maximize habitat richness, diversity and rarity could also effectively maximize fish richness, diversity, and rarity. Effectiveness appeared highly sensitive to the fish census design itself, in relation to the type of habitat map used and the scale of analysis. Spatial distribution of habitats (estimator surrogate's distribution), quantity and location of fish census stations (target surrogate's sampling), and random processes in the MPA design all affected effectiveness to the point that one small change in the data set could lead to opposite conclusions. We suggest that previous conclusions on surrogacy effectiveness, either positive or negative, marine or terrestrial, should be considered with caution, except in instances where very dense data sets were used without pseudo-replication. Although this does not rule out the validity of using surrogates of species lists for conservation planning, the critical joint examination of both target and estimator surrogates is needed for every case study.  相似文献   

Juvenile reef fish communities represent an essential component of coral reef ecosystems in the current focus of fish population dynamics and coral reef resilience. Juvenile fish survival depends on habitat characteristics and is, following settlement, the first determinant of the number of individuals within adult populations. The goal of this study was to provide methods for mapping juvenile fish species richness and abundance into spatial domains suitable for micro and meso-scale analysis and management decisions. Generalized Linear Models predicting juvenile fish species richness and abundance were developed according to spatial and temporal environmental variables measured from 10 m up to 10 km in the southwest lagoon of New Caledonia. The statistical model was further spatially generalized using a 1.5-m resolution, independently created, remotely sensed, habitat map. This procedure revealed that : (1) spatial factors at 10 to 100-m scale explained up to 71% of variability in juvenile species richness, (2) a small improvement (75%) was gained when a combination of environmental variables at different spatial and temporal scales was used and (3) the coupling of remotely sensed data, geographical information system tools and point-based ecological data showed that the highest species richness and abundance were predicted along a narrow margin overlapping the coral reef flat and adjacent seagrass beds. Spatially explicit models of species distribution may be relevant for the management of reef communities when strong relationships exist between faunistic and environmental variables and when models are built at appropriate scales.  相似文献   

Despite that several studies have shown that data derived from species lists generated from distribution occurrence records in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) are not appropriate for those ecological and biogeographic studies that require high sampling completeness, because species lists derived from GBIF are generally very incomplete, Suissa et al. (2021) generated fern species lists based on data with GBIF for 100 km × 100 km grid cells across the world, and used the data to determine fern diversity hotspots and species richness–climate relationships. We conduct an evaluation on the completeness of fern species lists derived from GBIF at the grid–cell scale and at a larger spatial scale, and determine whether fern data derived from GBIF are appropriate for studies on the relations of species composition and richness with climatic variables. We show that species sampling completeness of GBIF is low (<40%) for most of the grid cells examined, and such low sampling completeness can substantially bias the investigation of geographic and ecological patterns of species diversity and the identification of diversity hotspots. We conclude that fern species lists derived from GBIF are generally very incomplete across a wide range of spatial scales, and are not appropriate for studies that require data derived from species lists in high completeness. We present a map showing global patterns of fern species diversity based on complete or nearly complete regional fern species lists.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of parasite species richness was performed across 53 species of fish from the floodplain of the upper Paraná River, Brazil. Values of catch per unit effort, CPUE (number of individuals of a given fish species captured per 1000 m(2) of net during 24 h) were used as a rough measure of population density for each fish species in order to test its influence on endoparasite species richness. The effects of several other host traits (body size, social behaviour, reproductive behaviour, spawning type, trophic category, feeding habits, relative position in the food web, preference for certain habitats and whether the fish species are native or exotic) on metazoan endoparasite species richness were also evaluated. The CPUE was the sole significant predictor of parasite species richness, whether controlling for the confounding influences of host phylogeny and sampling effort or not. The results suggest that in the floodplain of the upper Paraná River (with homogeneous physical characteristics and occurrence of many flood pulses), population density of different host species might be the major determinant of their parasite species richness.  相似文献   

The freshwater fish assemblage in most estuaries is not as species rich as the marine assemblage in the same systems. Coupled with this differential richness is an apparent inability by most freshwater fish species to penetrate estuarine zones that are mesohaline (salinity: 5·0–17·9), polyhaline (salinity: 18·0–29·9) or euhaline (salinity: 30·0–39·9). The reason why mesohaline waters are avoided by most freshwater fishes is difficult to explain from a physiological perspective as many of these species would be isosmotic within this salinity range. Perhaps, a key to the poor penetration of estuarine waters by freshwater taxa is an inability to develop chloride cells in gill filament epithelia, as well as a lack of other osmoregulatory adaptations present in euryhaline fishes. Only a few freshwater fish species, especially some of those belonging to the family Cichlidae, have become fully euryhaline and have successfully occupied a wide range of estuaries, sometimes even dominating in hyperhaline systems (salinity 40+). Indeed, this review found that there are few fish species that can be termed holohaline (i.e. capable of occupying waters with a salinity range of 0–100+) and, of these taxa, there is a disproportionally high number of freshwater species (e.g. Cyprinodon variegatus, Oreochromis mossambicus and Sarotherodon melanotheron). Factors such as increased competition for food and higher predation rates by piscivorous fishes and birds may also play an important role in the low species richness and abundance of freshwater taxa in estuaries. Added to this is the relatively low species richness of freshwater fishes in river catchments when compared with the normally higher diversity of marine fish species for potential estuarine colonization from the adjacent coastal waters. The almost complete absence of freshwater fish larvae from the estuarine ichthyoplankton further reinforces the poor representation of this guild within these systems. An explanation as to why more freshwater fish species have not become euryhaline and occupied a wide range of estuaries similar to their marine counterparts is probably due to a combination of the above described factors, with physiological restrictions pertaining to limited salinity tolerances probably playing the most important role.  相似文献   

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