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Savannas are highly diverse and dynamic environments that can shift to forest formations due to protection policies. Long‐distance dispersal may shape the genetic structure of these new closed forest formations. We analyzed eight microsatellite loci using a single‐time approach to understand contemporary pollen and effective seed dispersal of the tropical tree, Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. (Fabaceae), occurring in a Brazilian fire‐ and livestock‐protected savanna. We sampled all adult trees found within a 10.24 ha permanent plot, young trees within a subplot of 1.44 ha and open‐pollinated seeds. We detected a very high level of genetic diversity among the three generations in the studied plot. Parentage analysis revealed high pollen immigration rate (0.64) and a mean contemporary pollen dispersal distance of 74 m. In addition, half‐sib production was 1.8 times higher than full‐sibs in significant higher distances, indicating foraging activity preference for different trees at long distances. There was a significant and negative correlation between diameter at breast height (DBH) of the pollen donor with the number of seeds (r = ?0.640, P‐value = 0.032), suggesting that pollen donor trees with a higher DBH produce less seeds. The mean distance of realized seed dispersal (recruitment kernel) was 135 m due to the large home range dispersers (birds and mammals) in the area. The small magnitude of spatial genetic structure found in young trees may be a consequence of overlapping seed shadows and increased tree density. Our results show the positive side of closed canopy expansion, where animal activities regarding pollination and seed dispersal are extremely high.  相似文献   

  • Plant microRNAs are small RNAs that are important for genetic regulation of processes such as plant development or environmental responses. Specific microRNAs accumulate in the phloem during phosphate starvation, and may act as long‐distance signalling molecules.
  • We performed quantitative PCR on Arabidopsis hypocotyl micrograft tissues of wild‐type and hen1‐6 mutants to assess the mobility of several phosphate starvation‐responsive microRNA species.
  • In addition to the previously confirmed mobile species miR399d, the corresponding microRNA* (miR399d*) was identified for the first time as mobile between shoots and roots. Translocation by phosphate‐responsive microRNAs miR827 and miR2111a between shoots and roots during phosphate starvation was evident, while their respective microRNA*s were not mobile.
  • The results suggest that long‐distance mobility of microRNA species is selective and can occur without the corresponding duplex strand. Movement of miR399d* and root‐localised accumulation of miR2111a* opens the potential for persisting microRNA*s to be mobile and functional in novel pathways during phosphate starvation responses.

Bird migration is often framed as a straightforward journey between one breeding site and one wintering site, but recent research has shown that the reality is often more complex. Many species of birds undertake short‐distance movements separate from long‐distance migration. Such movements appear to be common in species that breed in western North America, where mountainous terrain creates a mosaic of habitats and climatic conditions. However, individual‐based tracking studies have disproportionately focused elsewhere, leaving gaps in our understanding of the year‐round movements of western species. I used tracking data from light‐level geolocators and citizen science data from eBird to study the movements of Cassin’s Vireos (Vireo cassinii) breeding in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, USA. During three breeding seasons (2013–2015), my observations suggested that Cassin’s Vireos vacate their breeding territories during the post‐breeding period in July and August. In April and May 2016, I tagged 22 Cassin’s Vireos with light‐level geolocators and, in April and May 2017, recaptured four that had retained their geolocators. Geolocator data showed that these four birds remained in the same geographic region as their breeding territories (likely the same mountain range) during the post‐breeding period in July and August 2016, ruling out the possibility of long‐distance movements during this time. Analysis of eBird citizen science data suggested that Cassin’s Vireos undertake short‐distance molt‐migration to higher elevations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains during the post‐breeding period. Geolocator data revealed that long‐distance fall migration took place in September and spring migration in April or May, and the four birds spent the winter in different parts of the Mexican winter range of Cassin’s Vireos. These results add to the body of literature on the complex movements of migratory songbirds breeding in the mountains of western North America, an understanding that will be important for effective conservation in the future.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal and host detection are behaviours promoting the spread of invading populations in a landscape matrix. In fragmented landscapes, the spatial arrangement of habitat structure affects the dispersal success of organisms. 2. The aim of the present study was to determine the long distance dispersal capabilities of two non‐native pine bark beetles (Hylurgus ligniperda and Hylastes ater) in a modified and fragmented landscape with non‐native pine trees. The role of pine density in relation to the abundance of dispersing beetles was also investigated. 3. This study took place in the Southern Alps, New Zealand. A network of insect panel traps was installed in remote valleys at known distances from pine resources (plantations or windbreaks). Beetle abundance was compared with spatially weighted estimates of nearby pine plantations and pine windbreaks. 4. Both beetles were found ≥25 km from the nearest host patch, indicating strong dispersal and host detection capabilities. Small pine patches appear to serve as stepping stones, promoting spread through the landscape. Hylurgus ligniperda (F.) abundance had a strong inverse association with pine plantations and windbreaks, whereas H. ater abundance was not correlated with distance to pine plantations but positively correlated with distance to pine windbreaks, probably reflecting differences in biology and niche preferences. Host availability and dispersed beetle abundance are the proposed limiting factors impeding the spread of these beetles. 5. These mechanistic insights into the spread and persistence of H. ater and H. ligniperda in a fragmented landscape provide ecologists and land managers with a better understanding of factors leading to successful invasion events, particularly in relation to the importance of long‐distance dispersal ability and the distribution and size of host patches.  相似文献   

We report cases of long‐distance dispersal in Odonata, some of which were directly observed by identifying single individuals of riverine species in unsuitable habitat, mostly desert, far distant from reproduction habitats. The shortest possible linear distances of the observation points to reproduction habitats were measured. Furthermore, established populations of riverine species were recorded in artificial lakes in central and southern Namibia far distant from the next regular reproduction sites. Our records demonstrate that single individuals of riverine species were probably covering distances of several hundred kilometres over arid landscape without any intervening possible reproduction habitat. Although it is likely that only small numbers of individuals of the river populations may disperse long distances, relatively recent colonizations of artificial habitats suggest that a few, or even single, dispersing individuals may lead to large‐scale‐range expansions.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom predicts that sequential founder events will cause genetic diversity to erode in species with expanding geographic ranges, limiting evolutionary potential at the range margin. Here, we show that invasive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in South Africa preserve genetic diversity during range expansion, possibly as a result of frequent long‐distance dispersal events. We further show that unfavourable environmental conditions trigger enhanced dispersal, as indicated by signatures of selection detected across the expanding range. This brings genetic variation to the expansion front, counterbalancing the cumulative effects of sequential founding events and optimizing standing genetic diversity and thus evolutionary potential at range margins during spread. Therefore, dispersal strategies should be highlighted as key determinants of the ecological and evolutionary performances of species in novel environments and in response to global environmental change.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) slows aging and consistently reduces circulating sex hormones in laboratory animals. However, nothing is known regarding the long‐term effects of CR with adequate nutrition on serum sex‐hormone concentration in lean healthy humans. In this study, we measured body composition, and serum total testosterone, total 17‐β‐estradiol, sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG), and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA‐S) concentrations in 24 men (mean age 51.5 ± 13 years), who had been practicing CR with adequate nutrition for an average of 7.4 ± 4.5 years, in 24 age‐ and body fat–matched endurance runners (EX), and 24 age‐matched sedentary controls eating Western diets (WD). We found that both the CR and EX volunteers had significantly lower body fat than the WD volunteers (total body fat, 8.7 ± 4.2%; 10.5 ± 4.4%; 23.2 ± 6.1%, respectively; P = 0.0001). Serum total testosterone and the free androgen index were significantly lower, and SHBG was higher in the CR group than in the EX and WD groups (P ≤ 0.001). Serum 17β‐estradiol and the estradiol:SHBG ratio were both significantly lower in the CR and EX groups than in the WD group (P ≤ 0.005). Serum DHEA‐S concentrations were not different between the three groups. These findings demonstrate that, as in long‐lived CR rodents, long‐term severe CR reduces serum total and free testosterone and increases SHBG concentrations in humans, independently of adiposity. More studies are needed to understand the role of this CR‐mediated reduction in sex hormones in modulating the pathogenesis of age‐associated chronic diseases such as cancer and the aging process itself.  相似文献   

Abstract Although recruitment of pelagic larvae is a fundamental and well‐documented process in the dynamics of benthic marine populations, identifying the sources of recruitment, or the degree to which populations are connected via dispersal of larvae, has remained elusive for most marine taxa. In this study we used natural environmental markers (trace elements) recorded in fish otoliths (ear stones) as tags of natal origin. Specifically, we used the otolith core and edge chemistries of a locally endemic wrasse (Coris bulbifrons) from Lord Howe Island (LHI), Australia, and a widely distributed species (Coris picta) from three potential mainland source regions, to determine the likely sources of recruitment to C. picta populations on LHI. The use of a local endemic species, which is by definition self‐recruiting, is a novel approach for ground‐truthing the dispersal history of non‐endemic coral reef fish. Discriminant function analyses were able to separate LHI from mainland fish, using both edge and core signatures, with a high degree of accuracy, suggesting at least some of the C. picta collected on LHI were of local origin. This result was corroborated when half of the C. bulbifrons and LHI C. picta were introduced as unknowns into a discriminant function analysis using the remaining C. bulbifrons, LHI C. picta, and the mainland C. picta as a training data set. Overall, our findings suggest that both long distance dispersal and local retention are important sources of recruitment to populations of C. picta on LHI and that otolith chemistry of endemic species could be a useful benchmark for determining the prevalence of self‐recruitment in insular populations of other widespread species.  相似文献   

Rock boulders or ‘bush‐rocks’ provide essential habitat for many organisms and there has been interest in rehabilitating areas denuded of rock with artificial substitutes. We examine whether the density and size of bush rock influences the density of the coppertail skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus). The success of habitat rehabilitation is contingent on dispersal of rock‐dwelling organisms into areas that have been remediated. To gauge the likelihood of this we characterize geneflow of coppertail skinks among discrete patches of rocky habitat associated with ridge tops. We genotyped 154 individuals from seven localities at six microsatellite DNA loci and from a subset of these individuals we obtained sequence data from the mitochondrial ND4 region. Our field survey established that lizard density was positively associated with the availability of suitably sized bush‐rock (P < 0.001), highlighting the importance of maintaining this habitat element, or replacing it where it has been lost. Despite the presence of habitat features that might be presumed as barriers to dispersal for coppertail skinks, such as intervening gullies and dense vegetation, our genetic data demonstrated high levels of geneflow among rocky ridge tops. Levels of partitioning estimated by global FST were significant but low for both microsatellite (FST = 0.020) and mitochondrial data (FST = 0.113). Spatial autocorrelation of genotypic similarity supports our conclusion of regular longer‐distance geneflow, and we infer lower levels of dispersal in juveniles than in adults. This study suggests that dispersal of coppertail skinks can be sufficient to naturally colonize areas of restored habitat.  相似文献   

Vaccines based on pathogen components require adjuvants to enhance the antigen‐specific adaptive immune response. Intramuscular injection of adjuvanted‐vaccines induces inflammatory cytokines and inflammatory nodules at the injection site within 48 hr after injection (Vaccine 2014; 32 : 3393–401). In the present study, long‐term regulation of cytokine production was investigated at 3, 6, 24, and 48 hr, 5 and 7 days, and 2 and 4 weeks after immunization with human papilloma virus (HPV), diphtheria and tetanus toxoids combined with acellular pertussis (DTaP), Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), and pneumococcal conjugated (PCV) vaccines in mouse models. The second dose was given 4 weeks later, and cytokine profiles were investigated 2, 5, and 7 days after re‐immunization. IL‐1β, IL‐6, granulocyte‐colony stimulating factor (G‐CSF), and MCP‐1 were produced from 3 hr and peaked at 48 hr after immunization with Cervarix in mice. IL‐4, MCP‐1, and TNF‐α peaked at 5 or 7 days after immunization with Gardasil. These cytokines decreased 7 days after immunization with Cervarix and Gardasil. After the second dose, similar responses were observed. Both vaccines induced neutrophil extracellular traps (NET) in inflammatory nodules. The peak amount of IL‐1β, IL‐6, G‐CSF, and MCP‐1 was observed on day 5 of immunization and that of IL‐4 on days 5‐7 of immunization with DTaP, but no increase in IL‐6 and G‐CSF was observed after re‐immunization. A similar response was noted after immunization with PCV13. An inflammatory response is essential for the development of adaptive immunity through the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Modulation of growth in response to environmental cues is a fundamental aspect of plant adaptation to abiotic stresses. TIP41 (TAP42 INTERACTING PROTEIN OF 41 kDa) is the Arabidopsis thaliana orthologue of proteins isolated in mammals and yeast that participate in the Target‐of‐Rapamycin (TOR) pathway, which modifies cell growth in response to nutrient status and environmental conditions. Here, we characterized the function of TIP41 in Arabidopsis. Expression analyses showed that TIP41 is constitutively expressed in vascular tissues, and is induced following long‐term exposure to NaCl, polyethylene glycol and abscisic acid (ABA), suggesting a role of TIP41 in adaptation to abiotic stress. Visualization of a fusion protein with yellow fluorescent protein indicated that TIP41 is localized in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Abolished expression of TIP41 results in smaller plants with a lower number of rosette leaves and lateral roots, and an increased sensitivity to treatments with chemical TOR inhibitors, indicating that TOR signalling is affected in these mutants. In addition, tip41 mutants are hypersensitive to ABA at germination and seedling stage, whereas over‐expressing plants show higher tolerance. Several TOR‐ and ABA‐responsive genes are differentially expressed in tip41, including iron homeostasis, senescence and ethylene‐associated genes. In yeast and mammals, TIP41 provides a link between the TOR pathway and the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), which in plants participates in several ABA‐mediated mechanisms. Here, we showed an interaction of TIP41 with the catalytic subunit of PP2A. Taken together, these results offer important insights into the function of Arabidopsis TIP41 in the modulation of plant growth and ABA responses.  相似文献   

The age‐specific density of the red‐lipped stromb Strombus luhuanus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) was monitored over 13 years (1981–1993) at four locations on the intertidal reef flat at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Densities were highly variable, but there were persistent, location‐specific differences in population density, age structure and adult body size, the latter indicating that the populations were not extensively linked by adult movement. There was relatively high recruitment at most locations in 1984, 1989 and 1993, each occurring approximately 2 years after El Niño/Southern Oscillation events, although recruit density during these years varied in both space and time. The studied strombs experienced three disturbance events: (i) experimental harvesting at two locations (1984–1985); (ii) siltation from a harbour dredging operation (1987–1988); and (iii) a severe cyclone (1992). Resilience to harvesting at a local scale (0.5–2 ha) was high: density had recovered within a year, due to immigration of adults and older juveniles. Strombus luhuanus responded much more strongly to broad‐scale changes to its environment than to localized harvesting. After dredging, there was a progressive density decline coupled with low recruitment at two locations, and a later decline at a third location, followed by a recruitment‐driven rebound after the cyclone. Generalized environmental effects of siltation and the cyclone were also reflected in substantial changes in algal cover. Long‐term variations in environmental conditions probably cause high temporal variation over large spatial scales through effects on the survival of larvae or recruits. Localized short‐term field monitoring of such species would give a misleading picture of key factors affecting population dynamics.  相似文献   

High‐elevation forests are experiencing high rates of warming, in combination with CO2 rise and (sometimes) drying trends. In these montane systems, the effects of environmental changes on tree growth are also modified by elevation itself, thus complicating our ability to predict effects of future climate change. Tree‐ring analysis along an elevation gradient allows quantifying effects of gradual and annual environmental changes. Here, we study long‐term physiological (ratio of internal to ambient CO2, i.e., Ci/Ca and intrinsic water‐use efficiency, iWUE) and growth responses (tree‐ring width) of Himalayan fir (Abies spectabilis) trees in response to warming, drying, and CO2 rise. Our study was conducted along elevational gradients in a dry and a wet region in the central Himalaya. We combined dendrochronology and stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) to quantify long‐term trends in Ci/Ca ratio and iWUE (δ13C‐derived), growth (mixed‐effects models), and evaluate climate sensitivity (correlations). We found that iWUE increased over time at all elevations, with stronger increase in the dry region. Climate–growth relations showed growth‐limiting effects of spring moisture (dry region) and summer temperature (wet region), and negative effects of temperature (dry region). We found negative growth trends at lower elevations (dry and wet regions), suggesting that continental‐scale warming and regional drying reduced tree growth. This interpretation is supported by δ13C‐derived long‐term physiological responses, which are consistent with responses to reduced moisture and increased vapor pressure deficit. At high elevations (wet region), we found positive growth trends, suggesting that warming has favored tree growth in regions where temperature most strongly limits growth. At lower elevations (dry and wet regions), the positive effects of CO2 rise did not mitigate the negative effects of warming and drying on tree growth. Our results raise concerns on the productivity of Himalayan fir forests at low and middle (<3,300 m) elevations as climate change progresses.  相似文献   

Question: Are trees sensitive to climatic variability, and do tree species differ in their responses to climatic variability? Does sensitivity of forest communities to climatic variability depend on stand composition? Location: Mixed young forest at Walker Branch Watershed near Oak Ridge, East Tennessee, USA. Methods: Using a long‐term dataset (1967–2006), we analyzed temporal forest dynamics at the tree and species level, and community dynamics for forest stands that differed in initial species composition (i.e., chestnut oak, oak–hickory, pine, and yellow poplar stands). Using summer drought and growing season temperature as defined climate drivers, we evaluated relationships between forest dynamics and climate across levels of organization. Results: Over the four‐decade study period, forest communities underwent successional change and substantially increased in biomass. Variation in summer drought and growing season temperature contributed to temporal biomass dynamics for some tree species, but not for others. Stand‐level responses to climatic variability were related to the responses of component species, except in pine stands. Pinus echinata, the dominant species in pine stands, decreased over time due to periodic outbreaks of pine bark beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis). These outbreaks at Walker Branch could not be directly related to climatic conditions. Conclusions: The results indicate that sensitivity of developing forests to climatic variability is stand type‐dependent, and hence is a function of species composition. However, in the long term, direct effects of climatic variability on forest dynamics may be small relative to autogenic successional processes or climate‐related insect outbreaks. Empirical studies testing for interactions between forest succession and climatic variability are needed.  相似文献   

Ecological mismatches between reproductive events and seasonal resource peaks are frequently proposed to be a key driver of population dynamics resulting from global climate change. Many local populations are experiencing reduced reproductive success as a consequence of mismatches, but few mismatches have led to species‐level population declines. To better understand this apparent paradox, we investigated the breeding phenology and chick survival of two disjunct populations of Hudsonian godwits Limosa haemastica breeding at Churchill, Manitoba and Beluga River, Alaska. Only one population experienced a mismatch: godwits bred nearly one week after the onset of the invertebrate peak at Churchill because of asynchronous climatic change occurring throughout their annual cycle. However, chicks were not uniformly affected by the mismatch — growth rates and survival of young chicks were not correlated with invertebrate abundance, but older chicks tended to suffer lower survival rates on days of low invertebrate abundance. Ecological mismatches thus resulted in a complex array of consequences, but nonetheless contributed to reductions in chick survival. In contrast, godwits at Beluga River hatched their chicks just before the invertebrate peak, such that the period of highest energetic need coincided with the period of highest invertebrate abundance. As a result, growth rates and survival of godwit chicks were unaffected by invertebrate abundance. Godwits at Beluga River were able to properly time their reproduction because of predictable rates of climatic change and strong selection imposed by high predation on late‐hatched chicks. Taken together, our results suggest that population‐specific, local‐scale selection pressures play a critical role in determining the degree and severity of ecological mismatches. The potential for global climate change to induce species‐level population declines may therefore be mediated by the spatial variation in the selection pressures acting across a species’ range.  相似文献   

We compiled a >50‐year record of morphometrics for semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla), a shorebird species with a Nearctic breeding distribution and intercontinental migration to South America. Our data included >57,000 individuals captured 1972–2015 at five breeding locations and three major stopover sites, plus 139 museum specimens collected in earlier decades. Wing length increased by ca. 1.5 mm (>1%) prior to 1980, followed by a decrease of 3.85 mm (nearly 4%) over the subsequent 35 years. This can account for previously reported changes in metrics at a migratory stopover site from 1985 to 2006. Wing length decreased at a rate of 1,098 darwins, or 0.176 haldanes, within the ranges of other field studies of phenotypic change. Bill length, in contrast, showed no consistent change over the full period of our study. Decreased body size as a universal response of animal populations to climate warming, and several other potential mechanisms, are unable to account for the increasing and decreasing wing length pattern observed. We propose that the post‐WWII near‐extirpation of falcon populations and their post‐1973 recovery driven by the widespread use and subsequent limitation on DDT in North America selected initially for greater flight efficiency and latterly for greater agility. This predation danger hypothesis accounts for many features of the morphometric data and deserves further investigation in this and other species.  相似文献   

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