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新合成的锰配合物LMnAc([L2Mn2(Ac)(H2O)2](Ac))能够显著,并且选择性地抑制肿瘤细胞的增殖,其选择性优于顺铂,本研究主要探讨锰配合物抗肿瘤作用的分子机制.研究发现,LMnAc的选择性抗肿瘤作用可能与其转运路径,即肿瘤细胞上高表达的转铁蛋白-转铁蛋白受体系统有关;LMnAc可诱导肿瘤细胞发生线粒体介导的凋亡和自噬;它能诱导线粒体膜电位降低,ATP产生减少,并且还能诱导细胞内Ca2+超载及活性氧(ROS)的产生;本研究还发现,用氮乙酰半胱氨酸将ROS清除后,其抗肿瘤效果显著降低,说明ROS是细胞死亡的触发者.综上所述,本研究表明,LMnAc是一种有选择性的抗肿瘤先导化合物.  相似文献   

丁伟  尚蕾  熊鲲 《现代生物医学进展》2015,15(12):2345-2348
神经元的死亡是许多神经系统疾病如阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病、急性青光眼等发生发展过程中的重要事件,传统认为,细胞死亡有凋亡、自噬、坏死三种方式,凋亡和自噬为程序性的细胞死亡,坏死为非程序性的死亡途径。而近年来的研究发现了一种名为程序性坏死(necroptosis)的可调控的坏死,因此,对这些可调控的细胞死亡的研究对治疗这类神经系统疾病有重要的意义。大量研究发现,在能量代谢和自由基代谢中占据着重要地位的线粒体在细胞死亡过程中也发挥重要作用。本文对线粒体在神经元凋亡、自噬和程序性坏死中的生物学作用的最新进展做一综述。  相似文献   

线粒体融合蛋白2(mitofusin 2,Mfn2)位于线粒体外膜上,是线粒体外膜融合的重要蛋白之一。研究发现,它不仅参与调控线粒体形态结构,还与细胞代谢、增殖、凋亡密切相关。近年来资料提示,Mfn2参与调控内质网应激、自噬、线粒体自噬等方面。由于Mfn2作用复杂,生理状态下细胞内必定存在精细的调控网络以使其保持在稳定水平。本文概括介绍了Mfn2结构、功能及其调控机制新进展。  相似文献   

目的:探究微囊藻毒素-LR对小鼠肝细胞线粒体功能的影响。方法:采用BALB/c小鼠作为模型动物,随机分为3组:A组,空白对照组,正常饮用水;B组,添加5g门L微囊藻毒素.LR的饮用水;C组,添加30gm微囊藻毒素-LR的饮用水。分组喂养3个月,分离小鼠肝脏、提取线粒体,采用线粒体荧光探针JC-1测定线粒体膜电位(MMP),qRT-PCR检测自噬相关基因Beclinl和Lc3α的转录水平,WesternBlot检测细胞色素c的释放,电镜观察线粒体的形态和内部结构。结果:微囊藻毒素-LR处理组的小鼠肝细胞线粒体膜电位明显下降,自噬相关基因Lc3α的转录水平上升,细胞色素C由线粒体释放到胞浆,电镜观察线粒体形态异常、内部结构被破坏。结论:微囊藻毒素-LR对小鼠肝细胞线粒体有较强的毒性作用,并引发线粒体自噬。  相似文献   

摘要目的:探究微囊藻毒素-LR 对小鼠肝细胞线粒体功能的影响。方法:采用BALB/c 小鼠作为模型动物,随机分为3 组:A 组, 空白对照组,正常饮用水;B 组,添加5 g/L微囊藻毒素-LR 的饮用水;C 组,添加30 g/L 微囊藻毒素-LR 的饮用水。分组喂养3 个月,分离小鼠肝脏、提取线粒体,采用线粒体荧光探针JC-1 测定线粒体膜电位(MMP),qRT-PCR检测自噬相关基因Beclin1 和 Lc3琢的转录水平,Western Blot检测细胞色素C的释放,电镜观察线粒体的形态和内部结构。结果:微囊藻毒素-LR 处理组的小 鼠肝细胞线粒体膜电位明显下降,自噬相关基因Lc3琢的转录水平上升,细胞色素C由线粒体释放到胞浆,电镜观察线粒体形态 异常、内部结构被破坏。结论:微囊藻毒素-LR 对小鼠肝细胞线粒体有较强的毒性作用,并引发线粒体自噬。  相似文献   

5’单磷酸腺苷活化蛋白激酶(AMP—activated protein kinase,AMPK)是细胞的能量感受器,调节细胞能量代谢,在正常细胞和癌细胞中均发挥重要的生物功能,它的激活有助于纠正代谢紊乱,使细胞代谢趋向生理平衡。在细胞应急反应中,细胞感受到能量危机,ATP浓度下降,AMP浓度上升,细胞内AMP/ATP比例上升,AMPK被激活:而在病理状态下,如代谢综合征、肿瘤等,常伴随能量代谢紊乱和AMPK激活抑制,因此,AMPK被视为治疗代谢性疾病与肿瘤的潜在作用靶点。然而,AMPK对能量代谢的调节与线粒体的功能密不可分,线粒体作为细胞的能量工厂,在健康与疾病中也发挥着重要的作用。越来越多的研究表明,线粒体能影响AMPK的活性,同时AMPK也通过多方面对线粒体进行调节,线粒体相关疾病与AMPK的调节有着密切的关系。该文主要针对AMPK是如何对线粒体的合成、线粒体自噬、内源性凋亡及线粒体相关疾病等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

线粒体复合体II,也被称为琥珀酸脱氢酶,参与线粒体呼吸作用及代谢重编程的调控过程。复合体II由四个亚基构成,其突变与肿瘤的发生密切相关。本论文探讨了复合体II与线粒体自噬调控及细胞增殖之间的关系。本实验采用复合体II的特异性抑制剂TTFA或敲除复合体II的B亚基SDHB使其功能缺失。结果发现,复合体II功能的缺失显著引起线粒体形态的片段化进而发生线粒体自噬,导致线粒体蛋白水平减少,抑制ATP生成,由于线粒体功能受到抑制,细胞葡萄糖消耗及乳酸产生水平增加,并显著抑制细胞的细胞的增殖。综上所述,复合体II功能缺失可能通过调控线粒体自噬而影响细胞增殖,从而在肿瘤发生中起重要作用。  相似文献   

MiRNA为小分子非编码RNA,通过与靶基因的相互作用调节靶基因的表达,参与调控细胞的多个生物学过程。本文综述了miRNA与线粒体生物合成、线粒体动力学、线粒体能量代谢、线粒体钙稳态、线粒体自噬间的关系及其调节机制,阐述了microRNA调节线粒体功能的研究进展。  相似文献   

胰岛素抵抗(IR)是诱发许多代谢疾病的关键因素,包括代谢综合征、非酒精性脂肪性肝病、动脉粥样硬化和2型糖尿病(T2DM)。随着相关代谢疾病日益增多,寻找新的治疗靶点迫在眉睫。线粒体自噬是一种选择性自噬,其通过清除受损和功能失调的线粒体以维持正常线粒体功能和能量代谢。研究发现,线粒体自噬在代谢疾病中有积极作用,线粒体自噬受到各种信号通路与信号分子调控而改善代谢疾病,如AMPK/ULK1、PINK1/Parkin信号通路以及BNIP3/Nix和FUNDC1等信号分子。本文阐述了线粒体自噬在胰岛素抵抗中的作用及调控机制,综述了近年的相关研究进展。  相似文献   

线粒体为细胞正常生命活动提供物质和能量,然而各种因素会导致线粒体损伤,衰老及功能紊乱。线粒体自噬是维持细胞稳态,及时清除细胞潜在危险因素的关键过程,FUNDC1是新近发现的一种线粒体自噬受体蛋白,在介导线粒体自噬方面有重要作用。运动是激活线粒体自噬的应激条件,其诱导骨骼肌线粒体自噬及FUNDC1在此过程中的作用机制正逐步明确。本文介绍FUNDC1的结构、功能和调节,分析FUNDC1与线粒体分裂、融合、自噬的关系,探讨运动诱导线粒体自噬过程中FUNDC1的调控机制,为进一步研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Function in Apoptotic Neuronal Cell Death   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Apoptosis can be defined as the regulated death of a cell and is conducted by conserved pathways. Apoptosis of neurons after injury or disease differs from programed cell death, in the sense that neurons in an adult brain are not "meant" to die and results in a loss of function. Thus apoptosis is an honorable process by a neuron, a cell with limited potential to replace itself, choosing instead to commit suicide to save neighboring cells from release of cellular components that cause injury directly or trigger secondary injury resulting from inflammatory reactions. The excess of apoptosis of neuronal cells underlies the progressive loss of neuronal populations in neurodegenerative disorders and thus is harmful. Mitochondria are the primary source for energy in neurons but are also poised, through the "mitochondrial apoptosis pathway," to signal the demise of cells. This duplicity of mitochondria is discussed, with particular attention given to the specialized case of pathological neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

自噬相关基因Becn1在肺癌等多种肿瘤中处于低表达状态,具有抑制肿瘤发生发展的作用。目前,已有研究发现Becn1可以通过自噬途径参与调控肺癌的发生发展过程,且细胞自噬还与凋亡关系密切。但是,Becn1在调控肺癌发生发展过程中涉及的凋亡过程和相关机制尚未完全阐明。本研究选用肺癌细胞系PC9和A549,建立Becn1高表达的肺癌细胞模型,采用蛋白质免疫共沉淀实验和GFP-BECLIN1、DsRed-Mit荧光共定位实验首次证实了Becn1可通过线粒体途径参与调控肺癌细胞的凋亡过程。  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer is a common cause of death among gynecological cancers. Although ovarian cancer initially responds to chemotherapy, frequent recurrence in patients remains a therapeutic challenge. Pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) plays a pivotal role in regulating cancer cell survival. However, its therapeutic role remains unclear. Here, we investigated the anticancer effects of compound 3K, a specific PKM2 inhibitor, on the regulation of autophagic and apoptotic pathways in SK-OV-3 (PKM2-overexpressing human ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line). The anticancer effect of compound 3K was examined using MTT and colony formation assays in SK-OV-3 cells. PKM2 expression was positively correlated with the severity of the tumor, and expression of pro-apoptotic proteins increased in SK-OV-3 cells following compound 3K treatment. Compound 3K induced AMPK activation, which was accompanied by mTOR inhibition. Additionally, this compound inhibited glycolysis, resulting in reduced proliferation of SK-OV-3 cells. Compound 3K treatment suppressed tumor progression in an in vivo xenograft model. Our findings suggest that the inhibition of PKM2 by compound 3K affected the Warburg effect and induced autophagic cell death. Therefore, use of specific PKM2 inhibitors to block the glycolytic pathway and target cancer cell metabolism represents a promising therapeutic approach for treating PKM2-overexpressing ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Secondary injury following traumatic brain injury (TBI) is characterized by a variety of pathophysiologic cascades. Many of these cascades can have significant detrimental effects on cerebral mitochondria. These include exposure of neurons to excitotoxic levels of excitatory neurotransmitters with intracellular calcium influx, generation of reactive oxygen species, and production of peptides that participate in apoptotic cell death. Both experimental and clinical TBI studies have documented mitochondrial dysfunction, and animal studies suggest this dysfunction begins early and may persist for days following injury. Furthermore, interventions targeting mitochondrial mechanisms have shown neuroprotection after TBI. Continued evaluation and understanding of mitochondrial mechanisms contributing to neuronal cell death and survival after TBI is indicated. In addition, important underlying factors, such as brain maturation, that influence mitochondrial function should be studied. The ability to identify, target, and manipulate mitochondrial dysfunction may lead to the development of novel therapies for the treatment of adult and pediatric TBI.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2020,77(1):189-202.e6
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Cell death pathways such as apoptosis can be activated in response to oxidative stress, enabling the disposal of damaged cells. In contrast, controlled intracellular redox events are proposed to be a significant event during apoptosis signaling, regardless of the initiating stimulus. In this scenario oxidants act as second messengers, mediating the post-translational modification of specific regulatory proteins. The exact mechanism of this signaling is unclear, but increased understanding offers the potential to promote or inhibit apoptosis through modulating the redox environment of cells. Peroxiredoxins are thiol peroxidases that remove hydroperoxides, and are also emerging as important players in cellular redox signaling. This review discusses the potential role of peroxiredoxins in the regulation of apoptosis, and also their ability to act as biomarkers of redox changes during the initiation and progression of cell death.  相似文献   

Bcl-2 and other closely related members of the Bcl-2 family of proteins inhibit the death of neurons and many other cells in response to a wide variety of pathogenic stimuli. Bcl-2 inhibition of apoptosis is mediated by its binding to pro-apoptotic proteins, e.g., Bax and tBid, inhibition of their oligomerization, and thus inhibition of mitochondrial outer membrane pore formation, through which other pro-apoptotic proteins, e.g., cytochrome c, are released to the cytosol. Bcl-2 also exhibits an indirect antioxidant activity caused by a sub-toxic elevation of mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species and a compensatory increase in expression of antioxidant gene products. While classic approaches to cytoprotection based on Bcl-2 family gene delivery have significant limitations, cellular protein transduction represents a new and exciting approach utilizing peptides and proteins as drugs with intracellular targets. The mechanism by which proteins with transduction domains are taken up by cells and delivered to their targets is controversial but usually involves endocytosis. The effectiveness of transduced proteins may therefore be limited by their release from endosomes into the cytosol.  相似文献   

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a lethal malignancy, and the progress toward long‐term survival has stagnated in recent decades. Pristimerin, a quinone methide triterpenoid isolated from the Celastraceae and Hippocrateaceae families, is well‐known to exert potential anticancer activities. In this study, we investigated the effects and the mechanisms of action on CML. We found that pristimerin inhibited cell proliferation of K562 CML cells by causing G1 phase arrest. Furthermore, we demonstrated that pristimerin triggered autophagy and apoptosis. Intriguingly, pristimerin‐induced cell death was restored by an autophagy inhibitor, suggesting that autophagy is cross‐linked with pristimerin‐induced apoptosis. Further studies revealed that pristimerin could produce excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS), which then induce JNK activation. These findings provide clear evidence that pristimerin might be clinical benefit to patients with CML.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death via mitochondria: Different modes of dying   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Programmed cell death (PCD)is a major component of normal development, preservation of tissue homeostasis, and elimination of damaged cells. Many studies have subdivided PCD into the three categories of apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis based on criteria such as morphological alterations, initiating death signal, or the implication of caspases. However, these classifications fail to address the interplay between the three types of PCD. In this review, we will discuss the central role of the mitochondrion in the integration of the cell death pathways. Mitochondrial alterations such as the release of sequestered apoptogenic proteins, loss of transmembrane potential, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), disruption of the electron transport chain, and decreases in ATP synthesis have been shown to be involved in, and possibly responsible for, the different manifestations of cell death. Thus, the mitochondria can be viewed as a central regulator of the decision between cellular survival and demise.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 284 293.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Bras, Queenan, Susin.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the post codes.  相似文献   

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