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The restoration of the high botanical diversity of the premining jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest is a major priority of rehabilitation following bauxite mining in southwestern Australia. This study investigated the effects of different ripping, seeding, and scarifying dates on the establishment of plants from propagules stored in the topsoil and from applied seed on areas being rehabilitated after mining. Seed stored in the topsoil, rather than applied seed, was the major contributor to plant diversity. Ripping late (April) or scarifying in June significantly reduced the number of species and numbers of individual plants that established from propagules in the topsoil. Species originating from broadcast seed were most numerous when the seed was broadcast in April or after scarifying in June. Scarifying before seeding, particularly in June, increased the establishment of species from the broadcast seed. To make best use of the applied seed, without jeopardizing the establishment of species from the topsoil, pits should be ripped and sown by April. We list a number of strategies that can help maximize plant numbers and botanical diversity on rehabilitated bauxite mines, which may also be of more general application for restoring the original native vegetation on disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence of 12 selected northern jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Smith) forest species were investigated to assist Alcoa of Australia Ltd. in maximizing the establishment of topsoil species in rehabilitated bauxite mining sites. The species, which encompassed a range of seed weights (0.024 mg to 87 mg), plant families, seed-storage types, life forms, and germination requirements, were placed on the soil surface and at depths of 1, 2, 5, 10, and 15 cm under controlled conditions in a glasshouse. Ability to emerge from deep burial was found to depend on seed size for species that annually release their seed to the topsoil but not for species that store their seed on the plant. All selected species were capable of emerging from 2 cm depth of burial, but eight of the 12 species were either unable to emerge from 5 cm or showed a significant reduction in emergence from 5 cm depth of burial compared to optimally buried seed. This group included two small-seeded species, Stylidium calcaratum and Chamaescilla corymbosa; the major forest dominant, Eucalyptus marginata; the serotinous canopy-borne seed of Hakea amplexicaulis; and the wind-dispersed seed of Xanthorrhoea gracilis. A few seeds of the legume species Kennedia coccinea, Acacia pulchella, and Bossiaea aquifolium established seedlings from depths of 15 cm. Currently, Alcoa removes the upper 15 cm of topsoil separately from the underlying soil prior to the commencement of mining. This topsoil is respread at a similar depth following mining as part of the rehabilitation procedure. It is recommended that Alcoa continue to strip topsoil to a depth of 15 cm but investigate the option of re-spreading topsoil onto rehabilitated pits at a shallower depth to maximize establishment via the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Summary Germinable seed stores of 5- and 8-year-old rehabilitated bauxite mine pits in south-west Western Australia were assessed before and after burning. These seed stores were compared to those of adjacent unmined Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata ) forest, to identify at what age fire can be reintroduced, in order to measure restoration success and reduce fire hazard. Soils were sampled in early summer (before fire) and late autumn (after fire). Before fire, the mean topsoil seed bank of 5-year-old sites was 2121 seeds per m2 while 8-year-old sites had a mean of 1520 seeds per m2. Only the 5-year-old sites were significantly different from the forest mean of 1478 seeds per m2 for the same season. After summer burns (and possibly due to seasonal effects) topsoil seed banks of rehabilitated areas (sampled in autumn) decreased by an average of 53 per cent. Topsoil seed banks of 5–8-year-old sites were resistant to lower intensity burns, with 362 seeds per m2 of native species surviving mild burns and 108 seeds per m2 of native species surviving after an intense summer fire. The topsoil seed reserve of 5–8-year-old rehabilitated areas had a high proportion of annual weed species while the forest sites had high levels of subshrubs and native annuals. Low-intensity burns did not alter the composition of life-forms in the soil seed bank, while intense burns favoured annual weed and shrub species. The results indicate that it is not appropriate to introduce fire to rehabilitated areas before 8 years, due to limited fuel reduction benefits and possible adverse effects on obligate seeding species. The large proportion of weed species in the soil seed bank of young rehabilitated areas is a concern, and remains a major consideration for future disturbance of these areas.  相似文献   

An analysis of the effects of topsoil handling and storage methods was undertaken to optimize the potential rehabilitation of southwest Western Australian Banksia woodland species present before site disturbance. An increase in the depth of topsoil stripped from the Banksia woodland, from 10 to 30 cm, correlated to decreasing seedling recruitment from the soil seedbank by a factor of three following in situ respreading in an area to be restored. There was no significant difference in total seedling recruitment in situ at two depths of spread, 10 cm and 30 cm. These results concur with an ex situ trial on the effects of depth of seed burial on seedling recruitment that showed most species failed to emerge from depths greater than 2 cm. In situ stockpiling of the woodland topsoil for 1 or 3 years demonstrated a substantial and significant decline in seedling recruitment to 54% and 34% of the recruitment achieved in fresh topsoil, respectively. Stripping and spreading during winter substantially depressed seedling recruitment, compared with autumn operations, as did in situ stockpiling followed by spreading in the wet season, or stockpiling in winter followed by spreading in spring. No loss in total seedling recruitment occurred when replaced topsoil and subsoil were ripped to 80 cm following spreading of topsoil in sites to be restored. Conclusions from this study are that (1) topsoil provides a useful source of seeds for rehabilitation of Banksia woodland communities in the southwest of Western Australia, (2) correct handling of the topsoil, stripped and replaced fresh and dry (autumn direct return) to the maximum depths of 10 cm, can be used to optimize revegetation of species‐rich plant communities with this type of seedbank, and (3) ripping of topsoil and subsoil to ease compaction of newly restored soils does not diminish the recruitment potential of the soil seedbank in the replaced topsoil.  相似文献   

Abstract Germinable seed stores were measured in jarrah forest soils at six sites during one year. The overall mean seed content to a depth of 5 cm was 292 seeds m?2. There was a significant seasonal difference, with a maximum of 435 seeds m?2 in summer, after the majority of species in this Mediterranean ecosystem had flowered and set seed, and a minimum of 207 seeds m?2 in winter. There were also large site differences in both the densities of seed present and the species represented in the soil seed store. More than 85 species were represented in the germinable seed store from a total sampling area of 17.28 m2. The germination of Acacia drummondii, Acacia pulchella, Bossiaea aquifolium, Kennedia coccinea, Lasiopeialum floribundum and Trymalium ledifolium were significantly increased by heating the soil. Smoke produced a significant positive germination response in one species (Trymalium ledifolium). To maximize the contribution of the soil seed store to mine rehabilitation, the ideal revegetation sequence is to collect the topsoil immediately after clearing the vegetation in summer, immediately return the soil to an area to be revegetated, and carry out all earthmoving, landscaping and seedbed preparations prior to the onset of the autumn rains.  相似文献   

Abstract Germinable seed stores were estimated for 12–13 year old rehabilitation sites in the jarrah forest over two seasons (autumn and spring). Collected soils were subjected to combinations of smoking and heating treatments before the germination procedure was commenced. The mean topsoil seed reserve to a depth of 10 cm was 1938 seeds m?2. Of this total reserve, more than 80% was found in the upper 5 cm of soil. The topsoil seed reserve of these rehabilitation areas was almost seven times that of the adjacent native jarrah forest (292 seeds m?2; Ward et al. 1997). There was a seasonal effect with autumn-collected soils having significantly more germinable seeds (2723 seeds m?2) than soils collected in spring (1153 seeds m?2). More than half (53%) of the topsoil seed reserve in rehabilitated areas was composed of annual weed species, dominated by Aira caryophyllea, Centaurium erythraea and the native Levenhookia pusilla. Of the total of 70 species identified, 13 species showed significantly higher germination in smoked trays while 11 species exhibited significantly higher germination in heated trays. Species responding to the smoking treatment tended to be annuals while those responding to the heating treatment were typically legume shrub species. Examination of the topsoil seed reserve and the vegetation present in these areas showed that while the species composition was similar between the seed store and the vegetation, there was a large difference in densities, with species occurring at much higher densities in the topsoil than in the vegetation. However, the rankings of species were significantly correlated between the topsoil seed reserve and the vegetation present at the site. The implications of these results to prescribed burning of these rehabilitated areas is discussed.  相似文献   

The immediate effect of burning and ash-fertilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Changes in the vegetation and soil store of major nutrients were followed under the local practice of shifting cultivation. Changes in the soil store of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Na were recorded under recently cleared forest before, 24 hours, and 40 days after the burning of vegetation of known biomass and chemical composition.The immediate increase of K and the delayed increase of P in the upper 50 cm—although equal to the content of the above-ground vegetation before burning—is not to be explained by the ash-fertilization alone. The immediate increase of K after burning was not observed after 40 days at any depth, and less Ca and Mg were found in the topsoil immediately after the burning and after 40 days, than before. Apparently mobilization and/or diffusion due to heat are important factors, even in the deeper horizons.  相似文献   

Soil stockpiles are essential to the reclamation of large‐ and small‐scale mining and other industrial sites. However, stockpiling soils can lead to the degradation of seed banks. This study examines the diversity, composition, depth of seed storage, and relationships between the aboveground and seed bank plant communities in stockpiles and compares them to the nearby boreal forest. The seed bank and aboveground vegetation sampled at eight stockpiles and six mature forest sites were near Fort McMurray (57.337°N, 111.755°W) and Cold Lake (54.695°N, 110.730°W), Alberta, Canada. Seed bank samples were taken from the forest floor (LFH) and depths of 0–5, 5–10, 10–20, 20–30, >50 cm. Aboveground vegetation cover was also estimated at these locations. The seed bank composition was determined using the seedling emergence method in a greenhouse. Stockpile seed banks had higher seedling abundance and species richness than nearby forested sites but were dominated by grasses and non‐native forbs. Most seeds germinated from the surface layer, with 92% of seeds germinating from the LFH layers in the forested sites, and 68% from the 0 to 5 cm layer in the stockpiles. Mature forest sites had more similar aboveground and seed bank communities than the stockpiles. Overall, integrating information on seed bank and aboveground plant communities would improve reclamation decisions, rather than relying on aboveground vegetation alone.  相似文献   

Cool smoke treatments were applied to unmined Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) forest soils, rehabilitated bauxite mine soils, and broadcast seed to determine if enhancement in germination could be effected with a view toward maximizng the establishment of species in bauxite mines in Western Australia. Forest sites showed a 48-fold increase in total germinants from the soil seed bank when treated with aerosol smoke. Newly returned bauxite mine soils showed a greater than threefold increase in total germinants after the same treatment. There were also significant increases in the number of species germinating in response to the aerosol smoke treatment in both the forest and the mined soils. Similarly, application of smoked water to the soil seed bank in previously mined sites elicited a significant positive germination response, increasing total germinants and species numbers by 56 and 33%, respectively. Treatment of mixed seed lots with aerosol smoke before broadcast resulted in highly significant improvement in germination when compared to untreated seed. Both total number of germinants, and number of species emerging from mined sites were positively influenced (85% and 34% increases, respectively). Ten target species were used to determine the relative effectiveness of different methods of smoke treatment on the germination of broadcast seed. Nine of the species involved displayed a promotive effect with at least two of the treatments. Generally, however, aerosol smoking of seed before broadcast proved to be the more effective approach. As a result of these findings, all broadcast seed for use in Alcoa's bauxite mined areas in the southwest of Western Australia is now routinely smoke treated before application.  相似文献   

The establishment success of woody plant species at 56 revegetation sites, four to 26 years old, across the Meandu open‐cut coal mine in south‐east Queensland was assessed. The revegetation process involved returning stockpiled topsoil, deep ripping and mechanical sowing of a mix of native seeds. Blakes Wattle (Acacia blakei) and less often Black Wattle (A. leiocalyx), both primarily derived from respread topsoil seed, dominate the vegetation canopy at 59% and 20% of revegetation sites, respectively. The additional sowing of seeds of many tree and shrub species within the sites has had limited success with most failing to persist or grow well. Revegetation management, for example selective thinning of acacias (Acacia spp.) saplings within the first 5 years is recommended to release the competition pressure on the poorly performing tree species. This will also allow opportunities for other less well represented shrub and herb species to persist. This study has shown that a range of tree and shrub species, including Eucalyptus spp., are performing poorly under the current revegetation regime, suggesting adjustments to revegetation species selection and/or methodologies are needed. The natural colonization of woody native species within the sites from nearby remnant vegetation is shown to be limited to only four species, and therefore is unlikely to significantly supplement the species diversity of the revegetation.  相似文献   

The extreme species richness of native shrubland vegetation (kwongan) near Eneabba, Western Australia, presents a major problem in the restoration of sites following mineral sand mining. Seed sources available for post-mining restoration and those present in the native kwongan vegetation were quantified and compared. Canopy-borne seeds held in persistent woody fruits were the largest seed source of perennial species in the undisturbed native vegetation and also provided the most seeds for restoration. In undisturbed vegetation, the germinable soil seed store (140–174 seeds · m?2) was only slightly less than the canopy-borne seed store (234–494 seeds · m?2), but stockpiled topsoil provided only 9% of the germinable seeds applied to the post-mining habitat. The age of stockpiled soil was also important. In the three-year-old stockpiled topsoil, the seed bank was only 10.5 seeds · m?2 in the surface 2.5 cm, compared to 56.1 to 127.6 seeds · m?2 in fresh topsoil from undisturbed vegetation sites. In the stockpiled topsoil, most seeds were of annual species and 15–40% of the seeds were of non-native species. In the topsoil from undisturbed vegetation, over 80% of the seeds were of perennial species, and non-native species comprised only 2.7% of the seed bank. Additional seeds of native species were broadcast on restoration areas, and although this represented only 1% of the seed resources applied, the broadcast seed mix was an important resource for increasing post-mining species richness. Knowledge of the life-history characteristics of plant species may relate to seed germination patterns and assist in more accurate restoration where information on germination percentages of all species is not available.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of overstorey, type of site, seedbed, seeding date and seed harvesting by vertebrates and invertebrates on the emergence of Eucalyptus marginata (jarrah) seedlings were studied experimentally in the northern jarrah forest of Western Australia. Seed harvesting by small vertebrates substantially reduced emergence, whereas invertebrates only slightly reduced emergence. Ninety per cent of seed was removed within 1 day when it was on the soil surface and in the open, whereas seed removal was insignificant when the seed was covered by soil. Vertebrates harvested seed more effectively when the understorey and litter were removed and the seed was more visible on the soil surface. Seed harvesting by small vertebrates had less impact on a site where there had been bauxite mining, possibly because the surrounding area was being revegetated with large numbers of seed and the area afforded poor cover for vertebrates. Emergence was less where the overstorey was removed compared to where it was retained, and on the rehabilitated bauxite mined site compared to the forest sites. There was no difference in emergence between the low and high quality forest sites and so the emergence phase could not fully explain the variation in abundance off. marginata seedlings on different quality sites. Post emergence events are likely to be important in explaining this difference between low and high quality sites.  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus (P) is a major driver of forest development and a critically limited nutrient in tropical soils, especially when topsoil is removed by mining. This nutrient can be present in soils in the form of different fractions, which have direct consequences for P availability to plants and, consequently, for restoration success. Therefore, understanding how the stocks of different soil P fractions change over the restoration process can be essential for guiding restoration interventions, monitoring, and adaptive management. Here, we investigated the recovery of soil P fractions by forest restoration interventions on bauxite mine sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We assessed the concentration of different fractions of soil organic and inorganic P at (1) a bauxite mine prepared for restoration; (2) two former bauxite mines undergoing forest restoration for 6 and 24 years; and (3) an old‐growth forest remnant. Overall, restored areas recovered levels of labile organic P (Po‐NaHCO3) at 5–40 cm and of moderately labile organic P (Po‐NaOH) at different depths, exhibiting concentrations similar to those found in a conserved forest. The use of P‐rich fertilizers and forest topsoil may have greatly contributed to this outcome. Some other fractions, however, recovered only after 24 years of restoration. Other inorganic P fractions did not differ among mined, restored, and conserved sites: nonlabile Pi (residual P and P‐HCl), labile Pi (Pi‐NaHCO3), and moderately labile Pi (Pi‐NaOH). Forest restoration was able to promote efficient recovery of important soil P fractions, highlighting the value of restoration efforts to mitigate soil degradation by mining.  相似文献   

Contrary to large areas in Amazonia of tropical moist forests with a pronounced dry season, tropical wet forests in Costa Rica do not depend on deep roots to maintain an evergreen forest canopy through the year. At our Costa Rican tropical wet forest sites, we found a large carbon stock in the subsoil of deeply weathered Oxisols, even though only 0.04–0.2% of the measured root biomass (>2 mm diameter) to 3 m depth was below 2 m. In addition, we demonstrate that 20% or more of this deep soil carbon (depending on soil type) can be mobilized after forest clearing for pasture establishment. Microbial activity between 0.3 and 3 m depth contributed about 50% to the microbial activity in these soils, confirming the importance of the subsoil in C cycling. Depending on soil type, forest clearing for pasture establishment led from no change to a slight addition of carbon in the topsoil (0–0.3 m depth). However, this effect was countered by a substantial loss of C stocks in the subsoil (1–3 m depth). Our results show that large stocks of relatively labile carbon are not limited to areas with a prolonged dry season, but can also be found in deeply weathered soils below tropical wet forests. Forest clearing in such areas may produce unexpectedly high C losses from the subsoil.  相似文献   

North American prairie vegetation has been a role model for designing highly attractive plantings for German urban green spaces for the past decade. In combination with gravel mulch top layers on planting sites and non-selective maintenance techniques like mowing or burning, prairie plantings are considered to be cost-effective and low-maintenance. This study was undertaken to assess the impact of different maintenance strategies and especially the necessity of fire management on the development success of ornamental prairie plantings in central Europe. A four factorial split-plot-block design was set up for investigation of different mixtures of prairie species under varying management conditions (mow-only, mowing plus selective weeding, mowing plus weeding and burning) on two differing soil types (in-situ topsoil and in-situ topsoil with a graywacke gravel mulch top layer) over three years. Significant effects of maintenance strategy on mortality rates and vitality were documented for a number of target species, which responded species specifically, either being slightly affected by the burning or thriving on it. Those effects were mostly restricted to topsoil sites. A strong impact on weed species presence and abundance and resulting maintenance times was found on both soil types. On topsoil sites, mow-only treatment resulted in a short-term loss of the original planting due to extensive weed growth. Corresponding gravel mulch sites were generally less colonised and visually dominated by weeds. Differences between weeded and weeded plus burned sites were minor. Unexpectedly, weed species populations were mostly unaffected by the additional burning treatment, while maintenance times and costs increased. No overall benefit of fire management for the establishment of prairie plantings was documented. The most effective management combination proved to be mowing plus regular selective weeding measures on gravel mulched planting sites.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the role of soil seed banks in vegetation recovery after fire in savanna, the spatial distribution and temporal changes in the soil seed banks of regularly burning savanna in Gambella, western Ethiopia, was studied. The seedling emergence technique was employed to determine the species composition and density of the soil seed bank of six sites ranging in fire severity from wooded grassland with frequent fires over woodland with intermediate fire frequency to forest with absence of fires. Species composition and density of seeds in the soil were compared between seasons, depths and sites with different types of standing vegetation. Fourteen plant species were recorded in the soil seed bank from the grassland and woodland sites and 6 from the dry forests; 60 % of the taxa in the soil seed bank were annuals and 40 % were perennials. The soil seed banks were largely dominated by graminoids and 48–97 % of the soil seed bank in the grasslands and woodlands was of a single grass species, Hyparrhenia confinis , which was absent from the dry forests. The soil seed pools ranged from less than 100 to 4700 seeds per m2 depending upon the season. The soil seed bank of graminoids was nearly empty after the onset of the rainy season whereas seeds of broadleaved herbs and woody species able to germinate were still found after this time. Floristic composition, representation of life forms and density of seeds in soil did not correspond closely with that of the standing vegetation, but within graminoids there was a strong similarity between the soil seed bank and the standing vegetation. The current fire regime of Ethiopian savanna woodlands appears to maintain the dominance of graminoids over broadleaved herbs and woody plants both as seeds in the soil and in the standing vegetation.  相似文献   

Topsoil is a valuable resource for revegetation of mine sites as it contains seeds of plant species indigenous to the local environment. As mine site restoration is undertaken after the completion of mining, it is a common practice to stockpile topsoil in preparation for restoration activities. While many studies have found a decrease in seedling emergence with increasing stockpile age in temperate regions around the world, a few examine the effect of stockpile age on topsoil seed bank and seedling recruitment in arid environments. Seed longevity is promoted under dry conditions whereas viability loss is increased under warm and moist conditions. Here in a study in Australia's Great Sandy Desert, the effect of topsoil storage age and method of storing topsoil (under‐cover and exposed) on seedling recruitment was examined for a major gold mining site. There was a trend for lower seedling emergence (68% lower) and species richness (30% lower) from topsoil stored for 2 years than from topsoil direct returned and topsoil stored for 1 year. Seedling emergence from topsoil stockpiled for 2 years was more than 3.5‐fold higher from covered topsoil stockpiles than uncovered topsoil stockpiles. For two ecologically dominant species, after 2 years of storage, seedling emergence of the grass Triodia basedowii was 13% of direct returned topsoil and seedling emergence of the shrub Acacia stellaticeps was 68% of direct returned topsoil. The implication of the decline in seedling emergence from topsoil stockpiling on mine site revegetation in a biodiverse arid region is discussed.  相似文献   

Alcoa World Alumina Australia mines bauxite under lease agreements with the Government of Western Australia. The leases lie in the Darling Range to the east of Perth, the capital and major population center. In addition to bauxite and other mineral ores, the Darling Range is a major potable water source and harbors a species-rich forest dominated by Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata), a significant commercial timber. Conservation and recreation are important land uses in the region. Social and political pressures have led to stringent governmental requirements for restoration. In addition, a summer drought period, a soil deficient in most nutrients, water management challenges, an introduced disease, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands, and a post-mining ecosystem that must be conducive to the prescribed burning management of the region pose significant challenges to successful restoration. Alcoa presently mines and restores approximately 550 ha per annum. Although the “footprint” at the end of the life of the mining operations represents only about 4% of the total forest estate, Alcoa is committed to restoring the forest values of the region of all lands impacted by mining. The major objective of restoration is to enhance or maintain forest values by restoring habitat and structural characteristics of the native forest environment. Completion criteria for Alcoa’s mine restoration have been developed. The original Alcoa mine at Jarrahdale has been rehabilitated, and in 2005, a 975-ha area received a “certificate of completion” and was returned to the management control of the State of Western Australia.  相似文献   

Summary Snottygobble ( Persoonia longifolia ) is an ecologically and economically important species in the jarrah forest in Western Australia but is not well represented in jarrah forest restoration projects because it is difficult to germinate. In restored bauxite mines the establishment density of Snottygobble from the soil seed bank is variable and often inadequate. Alcoa considers it a priority to re-establish such key species at adequate densities in its restored mine areas The aims of the present research were: (i) to determine if the species could be cued to germinate; and (ii) to develop a practical method to re-establish the species in restored bauxite mines. We found that fresh Snottygobble seed has high viability (> 90%) but seed stored at 4°C rapidly loses viability over the first year after seed fall. We obtained up to 40% germination using fresh seed that had been treated with gibberellic acid (GA3) after having part of the endocarp chipped away, sown on the soil surface and watered twice daily in an ambient temperature glasshouse in winter/spring. We found that the key to successful germination was combining surface sowing, endocarp chipping and GA3 treatment. Germination involved the breakdown of mechanical and, probably, chemical dormancy. There also appears to be a cool temperature requirement for germination. Practical recommendations to germinate Snottygobble are made. This germination method will have application to land managers, restoration practitioners and the horticultural industry. Alcoa will continue work to translate this success into an adequate stocking of Snottygobble in restored bauxite mines.
Key words bauxite mine, dormancy, endocarp chipping, endogenous, germination, gibberellic acid , Persoonia longifolia , restoration, Snottygobble.  相似文献   

Post‐mining landscape reconstruction on open‐cut coal mines aims to support restoration of self‐sustaining native vegetation ecosystems that in perpetuity require no extra inputs relative to unmined analogs. Little is known about the soil moisture retention capacity of the limited layer of topsoil replaced (often <30 cm deep), impacts of deep ripping of the profile, and the combined impacts of these on plant available water during the mine restoration process. We examined changes in soil moisture parameters (soil water potential, Ψ, and soil water content, Θ) daily using automated soil sensors installed at 30 and 45–65 cm depths on mine restoration sites aged between 3 and 22 years and on adjacent remnant vegetation sites following heavy rainfall events at Meandu mine, southeast Queensland, Australia. Consistent patterns in soil moisture attributes were observed among rehabilitated sites with generally marked differences from remnant sites. Remnant site soil profiles had generally higher Θ after drying than rehabilitated sites and maintained high Ψ for extended periods after rain events. There was a relatively rapid decline of Ψ on reconstructed soil profiles compared with remnant sites although the times of decline onset varied. This response indicated that vegetation restoration sites released soil moisture more rapidly than remnant sites but the rate of drying decreased with increasing rehabilitation age and increased with increasing tree stem density. The rapid drying of mine rehabilitated sites may threaten the survival of some remnant forest species, limit tree growth, and delay restoration of self‐sustaining native ecosystem.  相似文献   

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