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The requirement for the signals in induction of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) has been investigated. C57BL/6 X CBA/T6 F1 spleen cells stimulated with the lectin leukoagglutinin (L-A) failed to show CTL activity in a PHA-facilitated assay, although L-A-activated splenic T cells were able to respond to T cell growth factor (TCGF). Concanavalin A (Con A) on the other hand was able to induce cytolytic activity from CTL-P, as well as to render splenic T cells responsive to TCGF. Furthermore, L-A-activated splenic T cells could generate cytolytic activity upon subsequent culture in secondary mixed leukocyte culture supernatant (2 degrees MLC SN). In contrast, EL-4-derived SN (EL-4 SN) was unable to induce cytolytic activity from L-A-activated spleen cells. In addition, proliferation of L-A-activated spleen cells cultured in EL-4 SN was similar to those cultured in 2 degrees MLC SN. Nonactivated spleen cells were totally unresponsive to both SN in proliferation and generation of CTL. Analysis of T cell clones for the production of a factor necessary for induction of cytolytic activity revealed that both cytolytic and noncytolytic T cell clones were able to produce a factor(s) for the generation of cytolytic activity from L-A-activated T cells. On the other hand, SN from certain antigen-stimulated T cell clones produced factors capable of inducing cytocytic activity by L-A-activated T cells only in the presence of EL-4 SN. Neither EL-4 SN nor cloned T cell SN alone had such a capacity. The nature of the necessary lymphokines in the SN from the clone cells or from the EL-4 is unknown. In the case of the EL-4 SN, it is not known whether the presence of TCGF plays a role or whether that role is perhaps more differentiative than proliferative. This study provides evidence that the induction of CTL from CTL-P can be dissociated into activation, which is required to render T cells responsive to second signals, and differentiation, which is mediated by two different factors.  相似文献   

Human blood mononuclear cells were separated into Leu-11+7-NK, Leu-11-7+, and Leu-11-7-T cells by means of a combination of the Percoll gradient method and C-mediated cytolysis using mAb. When purified Leu-11+7-NK, Leu-11-7+, and Leu-11-7-T cells were cultured with rIL 2 (500 U/ml) for 6 days in a medium supplemented with 10% FCS, Leu-11+7-NK cells responded at the maximum level and Leu-11-7+ cells responded moderately as shown by both cell-proliferation response and cytotoxic activity generated. On the other hand, Leu-11-7-T cells did not respond at all to rIL-2. However, when Leu-11-7-T cells were cultured with rIL-2 in a medium supplemented with 10% autologous serum, they showed considerable responsiveness to rIL-2. In addition, much greater response to Leu-11-7-T cells were produced by the addition of monocytes. Monocyte cytokines, neither IL 1, IFN-gamma, TNF, nor their combination were able to substitute for monocytes in the induction culture. In contrast, the response level of Leu-11+7- NK cells remained unchanged irrespective of supplementation with autologous serum to medium or the addition of monocytes to the culture. These results indicated that culture conditions in the experiments significantly affected the results as to determination of lymphokine-activated killer cell precursors, especially the result pertaining to the conversion of T lymphocytes to lymphokine-activated killer cells. Under appropriate conditions, not only NK cells but also T cells are important precursors of lymphokine-activated killer cells.  相似文献   

Murine cortisone-resistant thymocytes were separated by staining with monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibody and FMF into Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ subsets in order to analyze the nature of stimulator accessory cells required to activate each of these functionally distinct T cell subpopulations. The Lyt-2- fraction was able to proliferate but not to generate cytotoxic cells when stimulated by irradiated allogeneic spleen cells. Fractionation of the stimulator population showed that low numbers of dendritic cells and splenic macrophages, but not equivalent numbers of whole spleen cells or peritoneal macrophages, were able to stimulate the Lyt-2- population. On the other hand, the Lyt-2+ population, which showed little if any proliferation in response to irradiated spleen cells, contained all the precursors of cytolytic T lymphocytes. In contrast to the highly specific stimulator requirement of the Lyt-2- fraction, allospecific cytotoxic cells were generated from Lyt-2+ cells by any alloantigen-bearing stimulator cell provided interleukin 2 was present. This was confirmed by limiting dilution analysis: alloreactive CTL-P frequencies in spleen and thymus were not influenced by the nature of the stimulator cell. These data collectively indicate that heterogeneous Ia+ accessory cells are required to stimulate helper but not cytolytic T cell precursors.  相似文献   

Precursors and effectors of murine lymphokine-activated killer cells, natural killer cells, and cytotoxic T lymphocytes are compared. Natural killer cells are resistant to gamma-irradiation (1000 R) whereas precursors of lymphokine-activated killer cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes are sensitive. Lower doses of gamma-irradiation (500 R) remove precursors for cytotoxic T lymphocytes but not lymphokine-activated killer cells. In addition, lymphokine-activated killer cells are regenerated before classical CTL after sublethal doses of gamma-irradiation. Natural killer cells are resistant to anti-Thy 1 and C' and anti-thymocyte serum, but sensitive to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Precursors of cytotoxic T lymphocytes are sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement and anti-thymocyte serum, but are resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Precursors of lymphokine-activated killer cells are partially sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement and anti-thymocyte serum, but are resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Effector cells of cytotoxic T lymphocytes are sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement and resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Lymphokine-activated killer cell effectors are sensitive to anti-asialo GM1 and complement at 24 hr after activation. These effectors are more closely aligned with classical natural killer effectors. Lymphokine-activated killer effectors, 7 days after activation, are resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement and sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement. Relationships and differences among these cytotoxic subsets are discussed.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine known to modulate the outcome of sepsis by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine production, including IL-12, a main activator of natural killer (NK) cells. We hypothesized that neutralization of IL-10 would increase NK and natural killer T (NKT) cell activation through increased IL-12 in a mouse model of bacterial peritonitis. NK and NKT cell activations were measured by CD69 expression on NK1.1+/CD3- and NK1.1+/CD3+ cells after cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). NK cells were significantly more activated in mice treated with anti-IL-10 antibodies, whereas no such effect was observed in NKT cells. Similarly, intracellular interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) levels were increased in NK cells of anti-IL-10-treated mice, but not in NKT cells. IL-12 and IL-18 levels were increased in both CLP groups, but in anti-IL-10-treated mice, early IL-12 and late IL-18 levels were significantly higher than in controls. Survival at 18 h after CLP was lower in anti-IL-10 mice, which was associated with increased liver neutrophil accumulation. In summary, these data show an activating effect of IL-10 on NK, but not on NKT cells after CLP, which corresponded with decreased survival, higher IFN-gamma production, and increased remote organ neutrophil accumulation. These effects were not mediated by IL-12 and IL-18 alone, and reinforce a role for NK cells in remote organ dysfunction following peritonitis.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of human neuroblastoma cells to direct cellular cytotoxicity has not been previously established. This is of particular interest because of their aggressive growth and low HLA expression. Neuroblastoma lines CHP 100 and CHP 126 were found to be excellent targets in 4-hr CML assays. Natural killer (NK) cells from fresh PBL and from an NK clone, 3.3, have high lytic activity against both cell lines. We also studied mixed lymphocyte culture-generated cytotoxic lines containing allo-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) directed against HLA antigens present on the neuroblastoma target cell lines. These lines did show excellent lytic activity, but cold target competition studies indicated that all of the lysis resulted from NK activity. This was verified by using inhibition studies with the use of monoclonal antibodies. OKT 3 and anti-HLA antibodies that block CTL function caused no reduction in kill. In contrast, anti-lymphocyte function antigen-1 (anti-LFA-1), which blocks both NK and CTL function, significantly inhibited lysis. These results serve as a functional confirmation of earlier findings of a very weak expression of HLA-A,B,C and beta 2-microglobulin on neuroblastoma cells.  相似文献   

P D Shah 《Cellular immunology》1987,104(2):440-445
Both dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages (M phi) stimulate lymphocyte proliferation in secondary mixed-lymphocyte (ML) reactions, though DC are approximately fourfold more effective. Natural killer (NK) cells suppress secondary ML reactions when DC are used, but NK cells do not suppress when M phi are used in these reactions. The findings are consistent with the idea that DC, but not M phi, are potential targets in immune regulation mediated by NK cells.  相似文献   

The generation of Th1 responses is important for resistance to intracellular pathogens, including the parasite, Leishmania major. Although IFN-gammaR/STAT1 signaling promotes a Th1 response via the up-regulation of T-bet, the requirement for STAT1 in Th1 cell differentiation remains controversial. Although in some cases Th1 cells develop independently of STAT1, STAT1(-/-) mice fail to develop a Th1 response during L. major infection. However, the interpretation of this result is complicated by the role STAT1 plays in Ag presentation and, more importantly, in elimination of parasites by macrophages, because both defective Ag presentation and increased parasite burden can influence Th cell development. To resolve this issue, we assessed the ability of STAT1(-/-) T cells to become Th1 cells and protect mice against L. major following adoptive transfer into STAT1-sufficient mice. We found that whereas T-bet is critical for the differentiation of protective Th1 cells during L. major infection, IFN-gammaR and STAT1 are dispensable. Given that a STAT1-independent Th1 cell response was generated by STAT1-sufficient APCs, but not by STAT1(-/-) cells, we next addressed whether dendritic cells (DCs) require STAT1 signaling to effectively present Ag. We found that STAT1(-/-) DCs had impaired up-regulation of MHC and costimulatory molecules, and, as a consequence, the absence of STAT1 resulted in reduced Th1 cell priming. Taken together, these results demonstrate that T cell expression of STAT1 is not required for the development of Th1 cells protective against L. major and instead stress the importance of STAT1 signaling in DCs for the optimal induction of Th1 responses.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs), in peripheral tissues, derive mostly from blood precursors that differentiate into DCs under the influence of the local microenvironment. Monocytes constitute the main known DC precursors in blood and their infiltration into tissues is up-regulated during inflammation. During this process, the local production of mediators, like prostaglandins (PGs), influence significantly DC differentiation and function. In the present paper we show that treatment of blood adherent mononuclear cells with 10 μM indomethacin, a dose achieved in human therapeutic settings, causes monocytes’ progressive death but does not affect DCs viability or cell surface phenotype. This resistance of DCs was observed both for cells differentiated in vitro from blood monocytes and for a population with DCs characteristics already present in blood. This phenomenon could affect the local balance of antigen-presenting cells, influence the induction and pattern of immune responses developed under the treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, therefore, deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells are not essential for primary clearance of replicating murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) but are required for effective long-term control. The virus reactivates in the lungs of major histocompatibility complex class II-deficient (CII-/-) mice that lack functional CD4 T cells. CD40 ligand (CD40L) is upregulated on activated CD4 T cells, and it is thought that CD40-CD40L interactions are an important component of CD4 T-cell help. Our previous studies have shown that agonistic antibodies to CD40 can substitute for CD4 T-cell function in the long-term control of MHV-68. In the present study, we sought to identify the CD40-positive cell type mediating this effect. To address this question, we adoptively transferred MHV-68 peptide-pulsed CII(-/-) dendritic cells (DC) that had been treated with an agonistic antibody to CD40 into MHV-68-infected CII(-/-) recipients. Viral reactivation was significantly lower in mice injected with anti-CD40-treated DC than in those injected with control DC or in mice that did not receive any DC. However, in similar experiments with B cells, anti-CD40 treatment had no effect. We also investigated the requirement for CD40 expression on T cells by adoptive transfer of T cells from CD40(+/+) or CD40(-/-) mice into T-cell-deficient recipients that were subsequently infected with MHV-68. The results showed that CD40 expression on T cells is not necessary for preventing viral reactivation. Taken together, our data suggest that CD40 engagement on DC, but not on T or B cells, is essential for effective long-term control of MHV-68.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) loaded in vitro with Ag are used as cellular vaccines to induce Ag-specific immunity. These cells are thought to be responsible for direct stimulation of Ag-specific T cells, which may subsequently mediate immunity. In this study, in transgenic mouse models with targeted MHC class II expression specifically on DCs, we show that the DC vaccine is responsible only for partial CD4(+) T cell activation, but to obtain optimal expansion of T cells in vivo, participation of endogenous (resident) DCs, but not endogenous B cells, is crucial. Transfer of Ag to endogenous DCs seems not to be mediated by simple peptide diffusion, but rather by DC-DC interaction in lymph nodes as demonstrated by histological analysis. In contrast, injection of apoptotic or necrotic DC vaccines does not induce T cell responses, but rather represents an immunological null event, which argues that viability of DC vaccines can be crucial for initial triggering of T cells. We propose that viable DCs from the DC vaccine must migrate to the draining lymph nodes and initiate a T cell response, which thereafter requires endogenous DCs that present transferred Ag in order induce optimal T cell expansion. These results are of specific importance with regard to the applicability of DC vaccinations in tumor patients, where the function of endogenous DCs is suppressed by either tumors or chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Human rIL-4 was studied for its capacity to induce lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell activity. In contrast to IL-2, IL-4 was not able to induce LAK cell activity in cell cultures derived from peripheral blood. IL-4 added simultaneously with IL-2 to such cultures suppressed IL-2-induced LAK cell activity measured against Daudi and the melanoma cell line MEWO in a dose-dependent way. IL-4 also inhibited the induction of LAK cell activity in CD2+, CD3-, CD4-, CD8- cells, suggesting that IL-4 acts directly on LAK precursor cells. IL-4 added 24 h after the addition of IL-2 failed to inhibit the generation of LAK cell activity. Cytotoxic activity of various types of NK cell clones was not affected after incubation in IL-4 for 3 days, indicating that IL-4 does not affect the activity of already committed killer cells. No significant differences were observed in the percentages of Tac+, NKH-1+ and CD16+ cells after culturing PBL in IL-2, IL-4 or combinations of IL-2 and IL-4 for 3 days. IL-4 also inhibited the activation of non-specific cytotoxic activity in MLC, as measured against K-562 and MEWO cells. In contrast, the Ag-specific CTL activity against the stimulator cells was augmented by IL-4. Collectively, these data indicate that IL-4 prevents the activation of LAK cell precursors by IL-2, but does not inhibit the generation of Ag-specific CTL.  相似文献   

Other investigators have previously reported that TNF has been induced from macrophages by bacteria and, more recently, from NK cells by certain tumor cells. Sendai virus has also been reported to induce TNF from macrophages. We report here that an opportunistic fungi, Candida albicans, can also induce TNF, not only from human monocytes, but also from Percoll-fractionated large granular lymphocytes (LGL) which mediate NK function. Incubation of monocytes of LGL with C. albicans for 8 h was sufficient for detection of TNF release and peak induction was observed at 24 h. Induction of TNF from LGL did not require the participation of monocytes or T cells because treatment of the LGL with CD14 or CD15 to eliminate contaminating monocytes and CD3, CD4, or CD8 to eliminate contaminating T cells did not decrease the level of TNF produced from the treated LGL. Small T cells recovered from the denser fractions of the Percoll gradient had no ability to produce TNF, even when 10% monocytes were added to the T cells to provide accessory function. The phenotype of the TNF-producing LGL was CD2+, CD11+, CD16+, NKH1+, LEU7-. The TNF produced by both monocytes and LGL was neutralized by specific monoclonal and polyclonal anti-TNF but not by monoclonal antilymphotoxin. These results indicate that TNF production is a normal response of monocytes and LGL to stimulation by fungi such as C. albicans and that the release of TNF may be related to its ability to activate effector function to control Candida growth, which we have shown earlier for neutrophils with TNF.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic B cells are required for the induction of suppressor T cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A nylon wool-adherent, B cell-enriched population is required during the in vitro induction of third order effector suppressor T cells (Ts3). This B cell population expresses IgM and IgD and is devoid of conventional T cell markers such as Thy-1, L3T4, and Lyt-1. Treatment of the B cell population with anti-NP antibodies expressing the NPb idiotype and complement specifically eliminated the ability to generate Ts cell activity, suggesting that the critical B cells expressed anti-idiotypic receptors. To independently verify the role of anti-idiotypic B cells in the generation of Ts cells, B cells were panned on antibody-coated plates. The results demonstrated that only NPb idiotype-binding B cells could induce effector suppressor cells from naive T cell populations. The combined data demonstrate the role of Ig network interactions in the generation of Ts cells.  相似文献   

In the embryonic mouse retina, retinoic acid (RA) is unevenly distributed along the dorsoventral axis: RA-rich zones in dorsal and ventral retina are separated by a horizontal RA-poor stripe that contains the RA-inactivating enzyme CYP26A1. To explore the developmental role of this arrangement, we studied formation of the retina and its projections in Cyp26a1 null-mutant mice. Expression of several dorsoventral markers was not affected, indicating that CYP26A1 is not required for establishing the dorsoventral retina axis. Analysis of the mutation on a RA-reporter mouse background confirmed, as expected, that the RA-poor stripe was missing in the retina and its projections at the time when the optic axons first grow over the diencephalon. A day later, however, a gap appeared both in retina and retinofugal projections. As explanation, we found that CYP26C1, another RA-degrading enzyme, had emerged centrally in a narrower domain within the RA-poor stripe. While RA applications increased retinal Cyp26a1 expression, they slightly reduced Cyp26c1. These observations indicate that the two enzymes function independently. The safeguard of the RA-poor stripe by two distinct enzymes during later development points to a role in maturation of a significant functional feature like an area of higher visual acuity that develops at its location.  相似文献   

We describe here the protein expression of H4 histamine receptor in cells of the innate immune system, which include NK cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells (DCs). Anti-H4R specifically stained permeabilized NK cells, THP-1 clone 15 monocytes, and DCs. This binding was inhibited by incubating anti-H4R Ab with its corresponding peptide. Histamine induced NK cells, THP-1 clone 15 cells, and DCs chemotaxis with high affinity. The ED(50) chemotactic effect was 5 nM, 6.8 nM, and 2.7 nM for NK cells, THP-1 clone 15 cells, and DCs, respectively. Thioperamide, an H3R/H4R antagonist, inhibited histamine-induced chemotaxis in all these cells. However, histamine failed to induce the mobilization of [Ca(2+)](i) in NK cells and THP-1 clone 15 cells, but it induced calcium fluxes in DCs. Using a new method of detecting NK cell-mediated cytolysis, it was observed that NK cells efficiently lysed K562 target cells and that histamine did not affect this NK cell activity. In summary, this is the first demonstration of the protein expression of H4 receptor in NK cells. Also, the results of the chemotactic effects of histamine on NK cells and THP-1 cells are novel. These results may shed some light on the colocalization of cells of innate immune arm at sites of inflammation. They are also important for developing drugs that target H4R for the treatment of various disorders, such as autoimmune and immunodeficient diseases.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that generation of mature dendritic cells (DCs) with full T cell stimulatory capacity from human monocytes in vitro requires 5-7 days of differentiation with GM-CSF and IL-4, followed by 2-3 days of activation. Here, we report a new strategy for differentiation and maturation of monocyte-derived DCs within only 48 h of in vitro culture. Monocytes acquire immature DC characteristics by day 2 of culture with GM-CSF and IL-4; they down-regulate CD14, increase dextran uptake, and respond to the inflammatory chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha. To accelerate DC development and maturation, monocytes were incubated for 24 h with GM-CSF and IL-4, followed by activation with proinflammatory mediators for another 24 h (FastDC). FastDC expressed mature DC surface markers as well as chemokine receptor 7 and secreted IL-12 (p70) upon CD40 ligation in the presence of IFN-gamma. The increase in intracellular calcium in response to 6Ckine showed that chemokine receptor 7 expression was functional. When FastDC were compared with mature monocyte-derived DCs generated by a standard 7-day protocol, they were equally potent in inducing Ag-specific T cell proliferation and IFN-gamma production as well as in priming autologous naive T cells using tetanus toxoid as a model Ag. These findings indicate that FastDC are as effective as monocyte-derived DCs in stimulating primary, Ag-specific, Th 1-type immune responses. Generation of FastDC not only reduces labor, cost, and time required for in vitro DC development, but may also represent a model more closely resembling DC differentiation from monocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

The vertebrate retina develops from an amorphous sheet of dividing retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) through a sequential process that culminates in an exquisitely patterned neural tissue. A current model for retinal development posits that sequential cell-type differentiation is the result of changes in the intrinsic competence state of multipotent RPCs as they advance in time and that the intrinsic changes are influenced by continuous changes in the extracellular environment. Although several studies support the proposition that newly differentiated cells alter the extrinsic state of the developing retina, it is still far from clear what role they play in modifying the extracellular environment and in influencing the properties of RPCs. Here, we specifically ablate retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) as they differentiate, and we determine the impact of RGC absence on retinal development. We find that RGCs are not essential for changing the competence of RPCs, but they are necessary for maintaining sufficient numbers of RPCs by regulating cell proliferation via growth factors. Intrinsic rather than extrinsic factors are likely to play the critical roles in determining retinal cell fate.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroethylnitrosoureas have been used widely to treat human and experimental animal tumors. We have earlier observed that >90% of the mice transplanted with syngeneic tumors survive following treatment with nitrosoureas such as 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and furthermore, they resist subsequent challenge with the same tumor. The present investigation was initiated to determine the mechanism by which BCNU brings about this effect. Treatment of tumor cell targets in vivo or in vitro with BCNU, increased their susceptibility to macrophage (MØ)-mediated cytotoxicity as measured in a direct cytotoxicity assay or in an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) assay. In contrast, the antitumor cytotoxicity caused by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), natural killer (NK) cells, or lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, was not altered following BCNU treatment of tumor targets. Studies were also conducted to investigate the direct effect of BCNU in vivo on various cytotoxic effector cells. For this purpose, MØ, NK, LAK, and CTL activities from BCNU-treated-tumor-bearing mice were screened for cytotoxicity against untreated tumor targets in vitro. It was observed that tumor-specific CTL and LAK cell activity increased in BCNU-treated tumor-bearing mice when compared to untreated controls while the cytotoxic potential of NK cells and MØs was not altered. The present study suggests that antitumor drugs such as BCNU are not only tumoricidal but also selectively act in a variety of ways at both the effector and target cell level, leading to overall enhanced antitumor immunity and high rate of cures from the syngeneic tumor challenge.The work at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University was supported by NIH grants CA45009 and CA45010 and by a Biomedical Research Support Grant. The work at University of Kentucky was supported by NIH grants CA34052 and CA33629 and by a grant from the Tobacco and Health Institute  相似文献   

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