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The protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) 'YopH' is a virulence factor of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. Potential use of Yersinia as a bioterrorism agent renders YopH inhibitors of therapeutic importance. Previously, we had examined the inhibitory potencies of a variety of phosphotyrosyl (pTyr) mimetics against the human PTP1B enzyme by displaying them in the EGFR-derived hexapeptide sequence, 'Ac-Asp-Ala-Asp-Glu-Xxx-Leu-amide', where Xxx=pTyr mimetic. The poor inhibitory potencies of certain of these pTyr mimetics were attributed to restricted orientation within the PTP1B catalytic pocket incurred by extensive peripheral interaction of the hexapeptide platform. Utilizing the smaller tripeptide platform, 'Fmoc-Glu-Xxx-Leu-amide' we demonstrate herein that several of the low affinity hexapeptide-expressed pTyr mimetics exhibit high PTP1B affinity within the context of the tripeptide platform. Of particular note, the mono-anionic 4-(carboxydifluoromethyl)Phe residue exhibits affinity equivalent to the di-anionic F(2)Pmp residue, which had previously been among the most potent PTP-binding motifs. Against YopH, it was found that all tripeptides having Glu residues with an unprotected side chain carboxyl were inactive. Alternatively, in their Glu-OBn ester forms, several of the tripeptides exhibited good YopH affinity with the mono-anionic peptide, Fmoc-Glu(OBn)-Xxx-Leu-amide, where Xxx=4-(carboxymethyloxy)Phe providing an IC(50) value of 2.8 microM. One concern with such inhibitors is that they may potentially function by non-specific mechanisms. Studies with representative inhibitors, while failing to provide evidence of a non-specific promiscuous mode of inhibition, did indicate that non-classical inhibition may be involved.  相似文献   

Jackson MD  Fjeld CC  Denu JM 《Biochemistry》2003,42(28):8513-8521
Human PP2Calpha is a metal-dependent phosphoserine/phosphothreonine protein phosphatase and is the representative member of the large PPM family. The X-ray structure of human PP2Calpha has revealed an active site containing a dinuclear metal ion center that is coordinated by several invariant carboxylate residues. However, direct evidence for the catalytic function of these and other active-site residues has not been established. Using site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme kinetic analyses, we probed the roles of conserved active-site amino acids within PP2Calpha. Asp-60 bridges metals M1 and M2, and Asp-239 coordinates metal M2, both of which were replaced individually to asparagine residues. These point mutations resulted in >or=1000-fold decrease in k(cat) and >or=30-fold increase in K(m) value for Mn(2+). Mutation of Asp-282 to asparagine caused a 100-fold decrease in k(cat), but no significant effect on K(m) values for metal and substrate, consistent with Asp-282 activating a metal-bound water nucleophile. Mutants T128A, E37Q, D38N, and H40A displayed little or no alterations on k(cat) and K(m) values for substrate or metal ion (Mn(2+)). Analysis of H62Q and R33A yielded k(cat) values that were 20- and 2-fold lower than wild-type, respectively. The mutant R33A showed a 8-fold higher K(m) for substrate, while the K(m) observed with H62Q was unaffected. A pH-rate profile of the H62Q mutant showed loss of the ionization that must be protonated for activity. Br?nsted analysis of substrate leaving group pK(a) values for H62Q indicated a greater dependency (slope -0.84) on leaving group pK(a) in comparison to wild-type (slope -0.33). These data provide strong evidence that His-62 acts as a general acid during the cleavage of the P-O bond.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) play important, highly dynamic roles in signaling. Currently about 90 different PTP genes have been described. The enzymes are highly regulated at all levels of expression, and it is becoming increasingly clear that substrate specificity of the PTP catalytic domains proper contributes considerably to PTP functionality. To investigate PTP substrate selectivity, we have set up a procedure to generate phage libraries that presents randomized, phosphotyrosine-containing peptides. Phages that expressed suitable substrates were selected by immobilized, substrate-trapping GST-PTP fusion proteins. After multiple rounds of selection, positive clones were confirmed by SPOT analysis, dephosphorylation by wild-type enzyme, and Km determinations. We have identified distinct consensus substrate motifs for PTP1B, Sap-1, PTP-beta, SHP1, and SHP2. Our results confirm substrate specificity for individual PTPs at the peptide level. Such consensus sequences may be useful both for identifying potential PTP substrates and for the development of peptidomimetic inhibitors.  相似文献   

The bacterial protein tyrosine phosphatase YopH is an essential virulence determinant in Yersinia spp., causing gastrointestinal diseases and the plague. Like eukaryotic PTPases, YopH catalyzes the hydrolysis of the phosphate moiety of phosphotyrosine within a highly conserved binding pocket, which is also characterized by the closure of the so-called "WPD loop" upon ligand binding. In this study, we investigate the conformational changes and dynamics of the WPD loop by molecular dynamics simulations. Consistent with experimental observations, our simulations show that the WPD loop of YopH is intrinsically flexible and fluctuates between the open and closed conformation with a frequency of approximately 4 ns for the apo, native protein. The region of helix alpha4 spanning loop 384-392, which has been revealed experimentally as a second substrate-binding site in YopH, is found to be highly associated with the WPD loop, stabilizing it in the closed, active conformation, and providing a structural basis for the cooperation of the second-substrate binding site in substrate recognition. Loop L4 (residues 323-327) is shown to be involved in a parallel, correlated motion mode with the WPD loop that contributes the stabilization of a more extended open conformation. In addition, we have simulated the loop reopening in the ligand-bound protein complex by applying the locally enhanced sampling method. Finally, the dynamic behavior of the WPD loop for the C403S mutant differs from the wild-type YopH remarkably. These results shed light on the role of the WPD loop in PTPase-mediated catalysis, and are useful in structure-based design for novel, selective YopH inhibitors as antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   

Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are important for the control of proper cellular tyrosine phosphorylation. Despite the large number of PTPs encoded in the human genome and the emerging roles played by PTPs in human diseases, a detailed understanding of the role played by PTPs in normal physiology and in pathogenic conditions has been hampered by the absence of PTP-specific inhibitors. Such inhibitors could serve as useful tools for determining the physiological functions of PTPs and may constitute valuable therapeutics in the treatment of several human diseases. However, because of the highly conserved nature of the active site, it has been difficult to develop selective PTP inhibitors. By taking an approach to tether together two small ligands that can interact simultaneously with the active site and a unique proximal noncatalytic site, we have recently acquired Compound 2 (see Fig. 1), the most potent and selective PTP1B inhibitor identified to date, which exhibits several orders of magnitude selectivity in favor of PTP1B against a panel of PTPs. We describe an evaluation of the interaction between 2 and its analogs with PTP1B and its site-directed mutants selected based on hydrogen/deuterium exchange of PTP1B backbone amides in the presence and absence of 2. We have established the binding mode of Compound 2 and identified 12 PTP1B residues that are important for the potency and selectivity of Compound 2. Although many of the residues important for Compound 2 binding are not unique to PTP1B, the combinations of all contact residues differ between PTP isozymes, which suggest that the binding surface defined by these residues in individual PTPs determines inhibitor selectivity. Our results provide structural information toward understanding of the molecular basis for potent and selective PTP1B inhibition and further establish the feasibility of acquiring potent, yet highly selective, PTP inhibitory agents.  相似文献   

The pathogenic bacteria Yersinia are causative agents in human diseases ranging from gastrointestinal syndromes to bubonic plague. There is increasing risk of misuse of infectious agents, such as Yersinia pestis, as weapons of terror as well as instruments of warfare for mass destruction. Because the phosphatase activity of the Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase, YopH, is essential for virulence in the Yersinia pathogen, potent and selective YopH inhibitors are expected to serve as novel anti-plague agents. We have identified a specific YopH small molecule inhibitor, p-nitrocatechol sulfate (pNCS), which exhibits a Ki value of 25 microM for YopH and displays a 13-60-fold selectivity in favor of YopH against a panel of mammalian PTPs. To facilitate the understanding of the underlying molecular basis for tight binding and specificity, we have determined the crystal structure of YopH in complex with pNCS at a 2.0-A resolution. The structural data are corroborated by results from kinetic analyses of the interactions of YopH and its site-directed mutants with pNCS. The results show that while the interactions of the sulfuryl moiety and the phenyl ring with the YopH active site contribute to pNCS binding affinity, additional interactions of the hydroxyl and nitro groups in pNCS with Asp-356, Gln-357, Arg-404, and Gln-446 are responsible for the increased potency and selectivity. In particular, we note that residues Arg-404, Glu-290, Asp-356, and a bound water (WAT185) participate in a unique H-bonding network with the hydroxyl group ortho to the sulfuryl moiety, which may be exploited to design more potent and specific YopH inhibitors.  相似文献   

The receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatase mu (PTPmu) is a homophilic adhesion protein thought to regulate cell-cell adhesion in the vascular endothelium through dephosphorylation of cell junction proteins. In subconfluent cell cultures, PTPmu resides in an intracellular membrane pool; however, as culture density increases and cell contacts form, the phosphatase localizes to sites of cell-cell contact, and its expression level increases. These characteristics of PTPmu, which are consistent with a role in cell-cell adhesion, suggest that control of subcellular localization is an important mechanism to regulate the function of this phosphatase. To gain a better understanding of how PTPmu is regulated, we examined the importance of the conserved immunoglobulin domain, containing the homophilic binding site, in control of the localization of the enzyme. Deletion of the immunoglobulin domain impaired localization of PTPmu to the cell-cell contacts in endothelial and epithelial cells. In addition, deletion of the immunoglobulin domain affected the distribution of PTPmu in subconfluent endothelial cells when homophilic binding to another PTPmu molecule on an apposing cell was not possible, resulting in an accumulation of the mutant phosphatase at the cell surface with a concentration at the cell periphery in the region occupied by focal adhesions. This aberrant localization correlated with reduced survival and alterations in normal focal adhesion and cytoskeleton morphology. This study therefore illustrates the critical role of the immunoglobulin domain in regulation of the localization of PTPmu and the importance of such control for the maintenance of normal cell physiology.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate various mechanistic proposals that have been made regarding the mechanism of the first step of the reaction catalyzed by protein-tyrosine phosphatases, new experimental data have been obtained, and some existing data have been carefully reevaluated. New kinetic isotope effect data for the uncatalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate allow a better evaluation of previously reported data from enzymatic reactions with this substrate. The interpretation, and misinterpretation, of pH rate studies is considered. The pathway of this reaction has been modeled computationally and is found to be generally consistent with experimental studies, except for the extent of proton transfer to the leaving group.  相似文献   

A sensitive, automated, and nonisotopic assay for protein-tyrosine kinases and phosphatases has been developed. The assay uses commercially available antiphosphotyrosine monoclonal antibodies and the recently developed particle concentration immunofluorescence immunoassay technology. The assay is specific for phosphotyrosine residues, can be performed faster, and is at least 100-fold more sensitive than the current standard filter type radioassay. Myelin basic protein and a synthetic peptide corresponding to the autophosphorylation site of p56lck performed equally well in the detection of p56lck kinase activity. Myelin basic protein phosphorylated on tyrosine residues by p56lck was successfully used as substrate in the detection of phosphatase activity and vanadate or molybdate were shown to inhibit the phosphatase activity. The assay is particularly useful for the rapid detection of enzyme activities in column fractions from biochemical procedures steps and also for screening of large numbers of potential inhibitors or activators of protein-tyrosine kinases and phosphatases.  相似文献   

Because of their antagonistic catalytic functions, protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) and protein-tyrosine kinases act together to control phosphotyrosine-mediated signaling processes in mammalian cells. However, unlike for protein-tyrosine kinases, little is known about the cellular substrate specificity of many PTPs because of the lack of appropriate methods for the systematic and detailed analysis of cellular PTP function. Even for the most intensely studied, prototypic family member PTP1B many of its physiological functions cannot be explained by its known substrates. To gain better insights into cellular PTP1B function, we used quantitative MS to monitor alterations in the global tyrosine phosphorylation of PTP1B-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts in comparison with their wild-type counterparts. In total, we quantified 124 proteins containing 301 phosphotyrosine sites under basal, epidermal growth factor-, or platelet-derived growth factor-stimulated conditions. A subset of 18 proteins was found to harbor hyperphosphorylated phosphotyrosine sites in knock-out cells and was functionally linked to PTP1B. Among these proteins, regulators of cell motility and adhesion are overrepresented, such as cortactin, lipoma-preferred partner, ZO-1, or p120ctn. In addition, regulators of proliferation like p62DOK or p120RasGAP also showed increased cellular tyrosine phosphorylation. Physical interactions of these proteins with PTP1B were further demonstrated by using phosphatase-inactive substrate-trapping mutants in a parallel MS-based analysis. Our results correlate well with the described phenotype of PTP1B-deficient fibroblasts that is characterized by an increase in motility and reduced cell proliferation. The presented study provides a broad overview about phosphotyrosine signaling processes in mouse fibroblasts and, supported by the identification of various new potential substrate proteins, indicates a central role of PTP1B within cellular signaling networks. Importantly the MS-based strategies described here are entirely generic and can be used to address the poorly understood aspects of cellular PTP function.  相似文献   

Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatases (RPTPs) belong to the superfamily of protein-tyrosine phosphatases and have the intrinsic ability to transduce signals across the cell membrane. We are beginning to understand the role of RPTPs in development of invertebrates, due to elegant genetic studies. In contrast, relatively little is known about the role of RPTPs in vertebrate development. Signalling by RPTPs has predominantly been studied in mammalian cell systems, which has led to important insights into potential ligands, into regulation of RPTP activity and into potential RPTP substrates. Here, we will introduce the RPTPs, and discuss the function of the LAR-subfamily of RPTPs. In addition, we focus on the function and signalling of the haematopoietic RPTP, CD45. Finally, we will discuss the structure and function of RPTPalpha, the RPTP that is the subject of our studies.  相似文献   

Autophosphorylation in the activation loop is a common mechanism regulating the activities of protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs). PTKs in the Csk family, Csk and Chk, are rare exceptions for lacking Tyr residues in this loop. We probed the function of this loop in Csk by extensive site-specific mutagenesis and kinetic studies using physiological and artificial substrates. These studies led to several surprising conclusions. First, specific residues in Csk activation loop had little discernable functions in phosphorylation of its physiological substrate Src, as Ala scanning and loop replacement mutations decreased Csk activity toward Src less than 40%. Second, some activation loop mutants, such as a single residue deletion or replacing all residues with Gly, exhibited 1-2% of wild type (wt) activity toward artificial substrates, but significantly higher activity toward Src. Third, introduction of a thrombin cleavage site to the activation loop also resulted in loss of 98% of wt activity for poly(E4Y) and loss of 95% of wt activity toward Src, but digestion with thrombin to cut the activation loop, resulted in full recovery of wt activity toward both substrates. This suggested that the catalytic machinery is fully functional without the activation loop, implying an inhibitory role by the activation loop as a regulatory structure. Fourth, Arg313, although universally conserved in protein kinases, and essential for the activity of other PTKs so far tested, is not important for Csk activity. These findings provide new perspectives for understanding autophosphorylation as a regulatory mechanism and imply key differences in Csk recognition of artificial and physiological substrates.  相似文献   

A bivalent tethered approach toward YopH inhibitor development is presented that joins aldehydes with mixtures of bis-aminooxy-containing linkers using oxime coupling. The methodology is characterized by its facility and ease of use and its ability to rapidly identify low micromolar affinity inhibitors. The generality of the approach may potentially make it amenable to the development of bivalent inhibitors directed against other phosphatases.  相似文献   

Receptor protein-tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) are single membrane spanning proteins belonging to the family of PTPs that, together with the antagonistically acting protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs), regulate the protein phosphotyrosine levels in cells. Protein-tyrosine phosphorylation is an important post-translational modification that has a major role in cell signaling by affecting protein-protein interactions and enzymatic activities. Increasing evidence indicates that RPTPs, like RPTKs, are regulated by dimerization. For RPTPalpha, we have shown that rotational coupling of the constitutive dimers in the cell membrane determines enzyme activity. Furthermore, oxidative stress, identified as an important second messenger during the past decade, is a regulator of rotational coupling of RPTPalpha dimers. In this review, we discuss the biochemical and cell biological techniques that we use to study the regulation of RPTPs by dimerization. These techniques include (co-) immunoprecipitation, RPTP activity assays, chemical and genetic cross-linking, detection of cell surface proteins by biotinylation, and analysis of RPTPalpha dimers, using conformation-sensitive antibody binding.  相似文献   

M Almehdi  Y S Yoo    H W Schaup 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(24):6895-6903
Ribosomes play an active role in protein biosynthesis. Ribosomal RNA conformation in ribosomal subunits, intramolecular interactions between different rRNA sequences within the confinement of the particles, and intermolecular interactions are presumed necessary to support efficient and accurate protein synthesis. Here we report an analysis of the disposition of 16S rRNA conserved zones centered about positions 525, 1400, and 1500 in 30S subunits. Complementary oligodeoxyribonucleotides in conjunction with nuclease S1 digestion were used to do this. All of the sequences examined in 30S subunits are accessible to DNA probes of 9 to 12 nucleotide residues in length. However, the kinetic characteristics of the respective DNA interactions with 30S particles vary significantly. In addition to the investigation of normal 30S particles, a four base deletion within the 1400 region of 16S rRNA was analyzed. The deletion was made by using synthetic DNAs to target the deletion site for RNase H digestion. The direct in vitro procedure for manipulating rRNA conserves nucleotide modifications. The alteration causes a significant change in the disposition of 16S rRNA in 30S subunits, suggesting a reduction in the freedom of movement of the altered zone in the particle. In a factor-dependent in vitro protein synthesis system primed with MS2 mRNA and altered 30S subunits, there was a 50% decrease in phage coat protein synthesis. The reduction could be due to a decrease in the rate of translation or premature termination of translation. We present evidence here, based on isotopic studies, which supports the latter possibility.  相似文献   

Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) are becoming an important family of enzymes that might regulate key events in cell growth and transformation. While isolating a new member of this family via amplification of human lung cDNA by the polymerase chain reaction, we found a clone identical to but truncated at the 3'-end of the coding region of human PTPase beta (HPTP beta) mRNA. This difference in sequence is situated in the most conserved part of the catalytic domain of the enzyme. The expression level of the truncated form of HPTP beta mRNA in human lung was lower than its normal form.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that inhibiting protein-tyrosine kinase increased whereas inhibiting protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) decreased renal outer medullary potassium channel 1 (ROMK1) channel activity (1). We have now used confocal microscopy, the patch clamp technique, and biotin labeling to further examine the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in regulating ROMK1 trafficking. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells were cotransfected with c-Src and green fluorescent protein-ROMK1, which has the same biophysical properties as those of ROMK1. Patch clamp studies have shown that phenylarsine oxide (PAO), an inhibitor of PTP, decreased the activity of ROMK1. Moreover, addition of PAO reduced the cell surface localization of green fluorescent protein-ROMK1 detected by confocal microscopy and diminished the surface ROMK1 density by 65% measured by biotin labeling. Also, PAO treatment significantly increased the phosphorylation of ROMK1. The notion that the effect of PAO is mediated by stimulating tyrosine phosphorylation-induced endocytosis of ROMK1 has also been supported by findings that mutating the tyrosine residue 337 of ROMK1 to alanine abolished the effect of PAO. Finally, the inhibitory effect of PAO on ROMK1 was completely blocked in the cells co-transfected with dominant negative dynamin (dynaminK44A). This indicates that the tyrosine phosphorylation-induced endocytosis of ROMK1 is dynamin-dependent. We conclude that inhibiting PTP increases ROMK1 phosphorylation and results in a dynamin-dependent internalization of the channel.  相似文献   

Structure determination of T cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) has recently received much attention as a potential drug target in type 2 diabetes. This has in particular been spurred by the finding that PTP1B knockout mice show increased insulin sensitivity and resistance to diet-induced obesity. Surprisingly, the highly homologous T cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase (TC-PTP) has received much less attention, and no x-ray structure has been provided. We have previously co-crystallized PTP1B with a number of low molecular weight inhibitors that inhibit TC-PTP with similar efficiency. Unexpectedly, we were not able to co-crystallize TC-PTP with the same set of inhibitors. This seems to be due to a multimerization process where residues 130-132, the DDQ loop, from one molecule is inserted into the active site of the neighboring molecule, resulting in a continuous string of interacting TC-PTP molecules. Importantly, despite the high degree of functional and structural similarity between TC-PTP and PTP1B, we have been able to identify areas close to the active site that might be addressed to develop selective inhibitors of each enzyme.  相似文献   

This study explores the catalytic and allosteric roles of a flexible loop in tryptophan synthase. Trypsin is known to cleave the tryptophan synthase alpha 2 beta 2 complex in an alpha subunit loop at Arg-188. Cleavage yields an active "nicked" alpha 2 beta 2 derivative. The new results provide evidence that the alpha subunit loop serves two important roles: substrate binding and communicating the effects of substrate binding to the beta subunit. A role for the loop in substrate binding is supported by our finding that addition of a substrate analogue of the alpha subunit, alpha-glycerol 3-phosphate, decreases the rate of cleavage by trypsin. An allosteric role for the loop is supported by the finding although the native alpha 2 beta 2 complex is strongly inhibited by alpha-glycerol 3-phosphate, the nicked alpha 2 beta 2 complex is desensitized to this inhibition. The time course of proteolysis in the presence and absence of alpha-glycerol 3-phosphate is followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and by assays of activity in the presence and absence of alpha-glycerol 3-phosphate. We use spectroscopic measurements of the pyridoxal phosphate-L-tryptophan intermediates at the active site of the beta subunit to determine the affinity of the native and nicked enzymes for L-tryptophan and alpha-glycerol 3-phosphate. Although cleavage alters the equilibrium distribution of intermediates and reduces the affinity for alpha-glycerol 3-phosphate, it has little effect on the affinity for amino acids bound to the beta subunit. We conclude that the loop in the alpha subunit is important for ligand binding and for communicating the effects of ligand binding from the alpha subunit to the beta subunit in the alpha 2 beta 2 complex.  相似文献   

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