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Severe forms of dengue, such as dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome, are examples of a complex pathogenic mechanism in which the virus, environment and host immune response interact. The influence of the host's genetic predisposition to susceptibility or resistance to infectious diseases has been evidenced in several studies. The association of the human leukocyte antigen gene (HLA) class I alleles with DHF susceptibility or resistance has been reported in ethnically and geographically distinct populations. Due to these ethnic and viral strain differences, associations occur in each population, independently with a specific allele, which most likely explains the associations of several alleles with DHF. As the potential role of HLA alleles in the progression of DHF in Brazilian patients remains unknown, we then identified HLA-A alleles in 67 patients with dengue fever and 42 with DHF from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, selected from 2002-2008 by the sequence-based typing technique. Statistical analysis revealed an association between the HLA-A*01 allele and DHF [odds ratio (OR) = 2.7, p = 0.01], while analysis of the HLA-A*31 allele (OR = 0.5, p = 0.11) suggested a potential protective role in DHF that should be further investigated. This study provides evidence that HLA class I alleles might be important risk factors for DHF in Brazilian patients.  相似文献   

Southern blot analysis of the B-chain genes in one of eight C1q-deficient individuals revealed an abnormal banding pattern. The defect, which was homozygous, could be localized by restriction mapping to a single Taq I site within residue 150 in the coding region of the B-chain gene. DNA sequencing across the site revealed a stop codon that would cause premature termination of the protein product. No material corresponding to the A or C chains, or a truncated B chain, could be identified by antigenic analysis of the patient's serum, indicating that a complete B chain is required for secretion of a Clq molecule.  相似文献   

HLA-A2 protects from EBV+ classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) in Western Europe, but it is unknown whether this protective effect also exists in the Chinese population. We investigated the association of HLA-A2 and specific common and well documented HLA-A2 subtypes with EBV stratified cHL patients (n = 161) from the northern part of China. Quantitative-PCR and sequence-based subtyping was performed to identify HLA-A2 positive samples and their subtypes. 67 (42%) of the cHL patients were EBV+. There were no significant differences in percentages of HLA-A2 positivity between cHL and controls (65% vs 66%) and between EBV+ and EBV− cHL patients (70% vs 61%). The frequency distribution of HLA-A2 subtypes was significantly different between EBV stratified cHL subgroups and controls. This difference was most striking for the HLA-A*02:07 type with a frequency of 38% in EBV+ cHL, 8% in EBV− cHL and 20% in controls. Significant differences were also observed for the HLA-A*02:07, HLA-A2 (non-02:07) and the A2-negative typings between EBV+ cHL vs controls (p = 0.028), EBV− cHL vs controls (p = 0.045) and EBV+ vs EBV− cHL cases (p = 2×10−5). In conclusion, HLA-A*02:07 is a predisposing allele for EBV+ cHL and a protective allele for EBV− cHL in the northern Chinese population.  相似文献   

The coxsackie B virus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) and the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I alpha2 domain have been identified as high-affinity cell receptors for adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) fiber. In this study we show that CAR but not MHC class I allele HLA-A*0201 binds to Ad5 with high affinity when expressed on hamster cells. When both receptors are coexpressed on the cell surface of hamster cells, Ad5 fiber bind to a single high-affinity receptor, which is CAR.  相似文献   

Dentin matrix protein1 (DMP1), highly conserved in humans and mice, is highly expressed in teeth, the skeleton, and to a lesser extent in nonskeletal tissues such as brain, kidney, and salivary gland. Pathologically, DMP1 is associated with several forms of cancers and with tumor-induced osteomalacia. Conventional disruption of the murine Dmp1 gene results in defects in dentin in teeth and in the skeleton, including hypophosphatemic rickets, and abnormalities in phosphate homeostasis. Human DMP1 mutations are responsible for the condition known as autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets. For better understanding of the roles of DMP1 in different tissues at different stages of development and in pathological conditions, we generated Dmp1 floxed mice in which loxP sites flank exon 6 that encodes for over 80% of DMP1 protein. We demonstrate that Cre-mediated recombination using Sox2-Cre, a Cre line expressed in epiblast during early embryogenesis, results in early deletion of the gene and protein. These homozygous Cre-recombined null mice display an identical phenotype to conventional null mice. This animal model will be useful to reveal distinct roles of DMP1 in different tissues at different ages.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old Jewish girl of Turkish extraction with abetalipoproteinaemia was found to be homozygous for haemoglobin Szuhu (beta80 Asn leads to Lys). Except for the abnormal haemoglobin, no other haematological or biochemical abnormalities were found in her consanguineous parents and one sister. In the propositus, erythrocyte morphology showed the acanthocytosis known to be in association with abetalipoproteinaemia. Increased autohaemolysis was also found, which reverted to normal after treatment with vitamin E. This case represents the first reported association of abetalipoproteinaemia with an abnormal haemoglobin, and the first homozygous Hb G-Szuhu.  相似文献   

Homozygous inheritance of the null bellingham alpha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1AT) gene is associated with early-onset emphysema, resulting from the lack of alpha 1AT to protect the lung from neutrophil elastase. Cloning and sequencing of the null bellingham gene demonstrated that the promoter region, coding exons, and all exon-intron junctions were normal except for a single base substitution in exon III, causing the normal lys217 (AAG) to become a stop codon (TAG). Evaluation of genomic DNA of family members by using oligonucleotides directed toward this region demonstrated that the index case had inherited this mutation in a homozygous fashion. Although the consequences to the individual (i.e., emphysema) are identical to those associated with the common homozygous Z mutation, the homozygous null bellingham form of alpha 1AT deficiency has a very different genetic basis.  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein (apo) B exists in plasma as two isoproteins designated apoB-100 and apoB-48. ApoB-100 (512 kDa) and apoB-48 (250 kDa) are synthesized by the liver and intestine respectively. Analysis of apoB cDNA clones isolated from a human intestinal cDNA library revealed that the intestinal apoB mRNA contains a new in-frame translational stop codon. This premature stop codon is generated by a single base substitution of a 'C' to 'T' at nucleotide 6538 which converts the codon 'CAA' coding for the amino acid glutamine residue 2153 to an in-frame stop codon 'TAA'. The generation of a stop codon in the intestinal apoB mRNA appears to be tissue specific since it has not been reported in cDNA clones isolated from human liver cDNA libraries which code for the 4536 amino acid apoB-100. A potential polyadenylation signal sequence 'AATAAA' was also identified 390 bases downstream from the new stop codon. The new stop codon in the human intestinal apoB mRNA provides a potential mechanism for the biosynthesis of intestinal apoB-48.  相似文献   

Here we present the first molecular characterization of the defect associated with an avian sarcoma and leukosis virus (ASLV) receptor resistance allele, tvb(r). We show that resistance to infection by subgroups B, D, and E ASLV is explained by the presence of a single base pair mutation that distinguishes this allele from tvb(s1), an allele which encodes a receptor for all three viral subgroups. This mutation generates an in-frame stop codon that is predicted to lead to the production of a severely truncated protein.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena thermophila and Paramecium tetraurelia are ciliates that reassign TAA and TAG from stop codons to glutamine codons. Because of the lack of full genome sequences, few studies have concentrated on analyzing the effects of codon reassignment in protein evolution. We used the recently sequenced genome of these species to analyze the patterns of amino acid substitution in ciliates that reassign the code. We show that, as expected, the codon reassignment has a large impact on amino acid substitutions in closely related proteins; however, contrary to expectations, these effects also hold for very diverged proteins. Previous studies have used amino acid substitution data to calculate the minimization of the genetic code; our results show that because of the lasting influence of the code in the patterns of substitution, such studies are tautological. These different substitution patterns might affect alignment of ciliate proteins, as alignment programs use scoring matrices based on substitution patterns of organisms that use the standard code. We also show that glutamine is used more frequently in ciliates than in other species, as often as expected based on the presence of the 2 new reassigned codons, indicating that the frequencies of amino acids in proteomes is mostly determined by neutral processes based on their number of codons.  相似文献   

Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D (LGMD2D) is caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the alpha-sarcoglycan gene. The clinical, biochemical, histological, imunohistochemical and molecular genetic data in 2 Albanian siblings with LGMD2D (adhalinopathy or alpha-sarcoglycanopathy) are presented and the resemblance with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is discussed. Both siblings had very high level of CK and a negative molecular test for DMD deletions and duplications. The muscle biopsy showed dystrophic features as well as deficiency in two different proteins, the Gamma sarcoglycan protein (-SG) and the Alpha -SG protein (-SG). DNA analysis demonstrated homozygosity for a pathogenic point mutation (574C>T) in the alpha-sarcoglycan gene, confirming the diagnosis of limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2D. We believe it is the first confirmed case of primary alpha-sarcoglycanopathy identified in Albania which support the assumption of a wide geographic prevalence of severe childhood onset of autosomal recessive muscular dystrophy, We show that muscle biopsy and DNA diagnosis remains the most sensitive and specific method for differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

During the early mid-1990s, a number of rural farmers across central China were employed to the unregulated plasmaselling-activity and many of them were infected by HIV-1. However, AIDS progression in the former blood donors (FBDs) is various. The aim of this study is to assess human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I allele distribution in FBDs and evaluate its association with HIV-1 infection and disease progression. A total of 353 FBDs were enrolled in the cohort including 294 ART naïve HIV-1 seropositive and 59 HIV-1 seronegative age-matched subjects. The viral load and CD4/CD8 T cell counts were assessed in all subjects. Compared with HIV-seropositive group, the frequency of HLA-A*03 in control was significantly higher. After classifying the HLA-B alleles of the subjects according to the presence of Bw4/Bw6 serological epitopes, detrimental effect of HLA Bw6/ Bw6 homozygosity was also confirmed in the HIV-seropositive subjects. This study provides novel evidence on HLA class I allele distribution and association of HLA-A*03 frequency with HIV-1 infection and viremia in the HIV-1 infected FBDs, which may throw light on intervention strategy for the HIV-1 infection and our understanding how host immunity and genetic background affect HIV infection and AIDS progression.  相似文献   

X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (XALD, MIM 300100), the commonest inherited peroxisomal disorder, is characterized by central nervous system demyelination, primary adrenal failure and the systemic accumulation of saturated very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). The defective gene ABCD1 encodes an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transport protein named ALDP, which functions as a crucial transporter of VLCFAs into the peroxisomes for beta-oxidation. Here, we report a Chinese man with adrenomyeloneuropathy characterized by Addison's disease and spastic paraparesis. His plasma VLCFA levels, ratios of C24:0/C22:0 and C26:0/C22:0 were all significantly elevated. We performed mutation analysis of the ABCD1 gene in the proband and the family members using direct DNA sequencing and restriction analysis. A novel insertion 496_497insG in exon 1 causing a frame shift and a premature stop codon at amino acid position 194 (D194X) was identified (GenBank accession No. NM_000033). The insertional mutation abolishes an HhaI restriction site. The same mutation was found in his mother and the eldest sister even though their clinical and biochemical abnormalities were milder. Diagnosis of XALD often relies upon the detection of elevated VLCFA levels and ratios of C26:0/C22:0 and C24:0/C22:0 in fasting blood, however, 5-15% of the obligate heterozygotes would give normal values. DNA-based testing thus remains the most reliable tool for heterozygote detection when the disease-causing mutations are known. Using restriction fragment length polymorphism with HhaI, we have devised a rapid method for the identification of the carriers among the proband's family members and possibly for the screening of the mutations in other XALD patients.  相似文献   

Summary Isoelectric focusing (IEF) with carrier ampholytes was used for the determination of transferrin C subtypes and transferrin B and D variants in a sample of 1125 unrelated individuals from Southern Germany. The observed TfC allele frequencies were Tf*C1=0.7872, Tf*C2=0.1365, and Tf*C3=0.0675. The rare C subtype C6 was observed twice. A new C subtype, called C10, was observed and identified by IEF with immobilized pH gradients. The rare C subtypes C4 and C8 were also studied by this method. TfB and TfD variants were found with a heterozygous frequency of 1.53%. One new TfD was found which is located between D1 and D2 and therefore named D1-2. Evidence for a Tf null allele was obtained in a child and the putative father; they were considered to be heterozygous for an allele Tf0. The theoretical exclusion rate for paternity examinations was calculated for the Tf system and found to be 17.95%.  相似文献   

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