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Amoebae of cellular slime molds have two developmental modes, asexual fruiting body formation and sexual macrocyst formation. How developmental choice is made is an interesting subject of wide importance. Light exposure and dry conditions are favorable for asexual development, while conditions of darkness and high humidity are so for sexual development. In Dictyostelium discoideum , the latter conditions enhance zygote formation, which determines the fate of surrounding cells for sexual development. Here, a mutant (TMC1) defective in the post-fusion aggregation of cells during sexual development is described. This mutant is also aggregationless in asexual development, and the level of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) receptor is reduced. Correspondingly, a series of existing mutants with defects in cAMP signaling pathways showed the same sexual phenotype as TMC1. These results suggest that molecular mechanisms of development are shared by the two alternative developmental modes.  相似文献   

The aim was to determine the function of peroxisomal NAD+-malate dehydrogenase (PMDH) in fatty acid β-oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle in Arabidopsis. Seeds in which both PMDH genes are disrupted by T-DNA insertions germinate, but seedling establishment is dependent on exogenous sugar. Mutant seedlings mobilize their triacylglycerol very slowly and growth is insensitive to 2,4-dichlorophenoxybutyric acid. Thus mutant seedlings are severely impaired in β-oxidation, even though microarray analysis shows that β-oxidation genes are expressed normally. The mutant phenotype was complemented by expression of a cDNA encoding PMDH with either its native peroxisome targeting signal-2 (PTS2) targeting sequence or a heterologous PTS1 sequence. In contrast to the block in β-oxidation in mutant seedlings, [14C]acetate is readily metabolized into sugars and organic acids, thereby demonstrating normal activity of the glyoxylate cycle. We conclude that PMDH serves to reoxidize NADH produced from fatty acid β-oxidation and does not participate directly in the glyoxylate cycle.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which high concentrations of cAMP selectively destabilize the gp80 mRNA in Dictyostelium discoideum was investigated. This treatment which leads to down-regulation of the cAMP receptor was also found to cause an increase in calcium uptake. Given this observation, we sought a role for calcium as a second messenger in the degradation of the gp80 mRNA. Changes in the mRNA levels were examined after treating cells with compounds known to alter their intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. This included the use of A23187, Ca2+, 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl-3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate HCl (TMB-8), LiCl and 8-p-chlorophenylthioadenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (ClPhS-Ado-3′:5′-P). The sum of the data suggest that it is the cAMP-induced influx of Ca2+ acoss the plasma membrane, as opposed to a cAMP-mediated release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores, that initiates gp80 mRNA degradation. Treatment of cells with Concanavalin A (ConA) to induce cAMP receptor down-regulation, also causes a reduction in gp80 mRNA levels and an increase in calcium uptake.  相似文献   

This paper reviews aspects concerning the genetic regulation of the expression of the well studied peroxisomal genes including those of fatty acid β-oxidation enzymes; acyl-CoA oxidase, multifunctional enzyme and thiolase from different tissues and species. An important statement is PPARα, which is now long known to be in rodents the key nuclear receptor orchestrating liver peroxisome proliferation and enhanced peroxisomal β-oxidation, does not appear to control so strongly in man the expression of genes involved in peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation related enzymes. In this respect, the present review strengthens among others the emerging concept that, in the humans, the main genes whose expression is up-regulated by PPARα are mitochondrial and less peroxisomal genes. A special emphasis is also made on the animal cold adaptation and on need for sustained study of peroxisomal enzymes and genes; challenging that some essential roles of peroxisomes in cell function and regulation still remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

Forty aggregation-deficient mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum were screened for changes in intracellular cAMP during the first 10 hr of starvation. The pools in 39 of the mutants remained low and relatively static during this period. However, amoebae of one mutant, strain HC151, exhibited significantly elevated levels of intracellular cAMP during vegetative growth and for several hours after starvation. A more detailed analysis of this mutant indicated that the elevated cAMP pools in these cells are a consequence of the premature appearance and partial activation of an adenylate cyclase. The mutation(s) altering adenylate cyclase regulation in this strain appears to map in linkage group IV. Complementation tests between strain HC151 and another mutant, HH201, which has recently been shown to produce an adenylate cyclase activity precociously [1], indicated that the mutations affecting adenylate cyclase activity in these strains map at different loci. Although both of these mutations behave recessively in heterozygous diploids with respect to gross development, an examination of early cAMP metabolism and terminal spore differentiation in these diploids suggest that these mutations are at least partially expressed during some stage(s) of the developmental cycle.  相似文献   

Post-germinative growth of oilseeds is dependent on the breakdown of the stored lipid reserves. Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase activities (LACS) are critically involved in this process by activating the released free fatty acids and thus feeding the beta-oxidation cycle in glyoxysomes. Here we report on the identification of two LACS genes, AtLACS6 and AtLACS7 from Arabidopsis thaliana coding for peroxisomal LACS proteins. The subcellular localization was verified by co-expression studies of spectral variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). While AtLACS6 is targeted by a type 2 (PTS2) peroxisomal targeting sequence, for AtLACS7 a functional PTS1 as well as a PTS2 could be demonstrated. Possible explanations for this potentially redundant targeting information will be discussed. Expression studies of both genes revealed a strong induction 1 day after germination resembling the expression pattern of other genes involved in beta-oxidation. Analysis of the substrate specificities of the two LACS proteins demonstrated enzymatic activity for both enzymes with the whole spectrum of fatty acids found in stored lipid reserves. These results suggest that both LACS proteins might have overlapping functions and are able to initiate beta-oxidation in plant peroxisomes.  相似文献   

(3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase is part of multifunctional enzyme type 2 (MFE-2) of peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation. The MFE-2 protein from yeasts contains in the same polypeptide chain two dehydrogenases (A and B), which possess difference in substrate specificity. The crystal structure of Candida tropicalis (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase AB heterodimer, consisting of dehydrogenase A and B, determined at the resolution of 2.2A, shows overall similarity with the prototypic counterpart from rat, but also important differences that explain the substrate specificity differences observed. Docking studies suggest that dehydrogenase A binds the hydrophobic fatty acyl chain of a medium-chain-length ((3R)-OH-C10) substrate as bent into the binding pocket, whereas the short-chain substrates are dislocated by two mechanisms: (i) a short-chain-length 3-hydroxyacyl group ((3R)-OH-C4) does not reach the hydrophobic contacts needed for anchoring the substrate into the active site; and (ii) Leu44 in the loop above the NAD(+) cofactor attracts short-chain-length substrates away from the active site. Dehydrogenase B, which can use a (3R)-OH-C4 substrate, has a more shallow binding pocket and the substrate is correctly placed for catalysis. Based on the current structure, and together with the structure of the 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 unit of yeast MFE-2 it becomes obvious that in yeast and mammalian MFE-2s, despite basically identical functional domains, the assembly of these domains into a mature, dimeric multifunctional enzyme is very different.  相似文献   

Abstract The novel gene dia2 (differentiation-associated gene 2) was originally isolated as a gene expressed specifically in response to initial differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum Ax-2 cells. Using dia2AS cells in which the dia2 expression was inactivated by the antisense RNA method, DIA2 protein was found to be required for cAMP signaling during cell aggregation. During late development, the DIA2 protein changed its location from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to prespore-specific vacuoles (PSVs) that are specifically present in prespore cells of the slug. In differentiating prestalk cells, however, DIA2 was found to be nearly lost from the cells. Importantly, exocytosis of PSVs from prespore cells and the subsequent spore differentiation were almost completely impaired in dia2AS cells. In addition, spore induction by externally applied 8-bromo cAMP was significantly suppressed in dia2AS cells. Taken together, these results strongly suggested that DIA2 might be closely involved in cAMP signaling and spore differentiation as well as in the initiation of differentiation during Dictyostelium development.  相似文献   

Abstract The gdt1 gene is a negative regulator of the growth-differentiation-transition (GDT) in Dictyostelium . gdt1 cells express the GDT marker discoidin earlier and at higher levels and prematurely enter the differentiation pathway. Protein kinase A is a positive regulator of the GDT and is required for multicellular development. Disruption of the PKA catalytic subunit or overexpression of a constitutively active mutant of the regulatory subunit results in cells which do not form multicellular aggregates and which show strongly reduced levels of discoidin. We have created PKA /gdt1 double mutants and show that these display high levels of discoidin expression but no aggregation, suggesting that gdt1 may be a downstream target of PKA in a branched signalling cascade initiating differentiation. Data obtained with the PKA inhibitor H89 support these result: in wild type cells H89 inhibits discoidin expression while in gdt1 mutants there is no obvious effect. However, since PKA/gdt1 cells display less discoidin expression than the single gdt1 mutant, we propose that PKA and gdt1 are in two parallel interacting pathways.
To get insight into the mechanism how PKA may block gdt1, we have tested two putative PKA phosphorylation sites in the protein and found that one of them is efficiently phosphorylated by PKA in vitro. A model for the interplay between PKA and gdt1 during the growth-differentiation-transition is discussed.  相似文献   

The gdt1 gene is a negative regulator of the growth-differentiation-transition (GDT) in Dictyostelium. gdt1- cells express the GDT marker discoidin earlier and at higher levels and prematurely enter the differentiation pathway. Protein kinase A is a positive regulator of the GDT and is required for multicellular development. Disruption of the PKA catalytic subunit or overexpression of a constitutively active mutant of the regulatory subunit results in cells which do not form multicellular aggregates and which show strongly reduced levels of discoidin. We have created PKA-/gdt1- double mutants and show that these display high levels of discoidin expression but no aggregation, suggesting that gdt1 may be a downstream target of PKA in a branched signaling cascade initiating differentiation. Data obtained with the PKA inhibitor H89 support these result: in wild type cells H89 inhibits discoidin expression while in gdt1- mutants there is no obvious effect. However, since PKA-/gdt1- cells display less discoidin expression than the single gdt1 mutant, we propose that PKA and gdt1 are in two parallel interacting pathways. To get insight into the mechanism how PKA may block gdt1, we have tested two putative PKA phosphorylation sites in the protein and found that one of them is efficiently phosphorylated by PKA in vitro. A model for the interplay between PKA and gdt1 during the growth-differentiation-transition is discussed.  相似文献   

Beta-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids and branched-chain fatty acids is carried out in mammalian peroxisomes by a multifunctional enzyme (MFE) or D-bifunctional protein, with separate domains for hydroxyacyl coenzyme A (CoA) dehydrogenase, enoyl-CoA hydratase, and steroid carrier protein SCP2. We have found that Dictyostelium has a gene, mfeA, encoding MFE1 with homology to the hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and SCP2 domains. A separate gene, mfeB, encodes MFE2 with homology to the enoyl-CoA hydratase domain. When grown on a diet of bacteria, Dictyostelium cells in which mfeA is disrupted accumulate excess cyclopropane fatty acids and are unable to develop beyond early aggregation. Axenically grown mutant cells, however, developed into normal fruiting bodies composed of spores and stalk cells. Comparative analysis of whole-cell lipid compositions revealed that bacterially grown mutant cells accumulated cyclopropane fatty acids that remained throughout the developmental stages. Such a persistent accumulation was not detected in wild-type cells or axenically grown mutant cells. Bacterial phosphatidylethanolamine that contains abundant cyclopropane fatty acids inhibited the development of even axenically grown mutant cells, while dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine did not. These results suggest that MFE1 protects the cells from the increase of the harmful xenobiotic fatty acids incorporated from their diets and optimizes cellular lipid composition for proper development. Hence, we propose that this enzyme plays an irreplaceable role in the survival strategy of Dictyostelium cells to form spores for their efficient dispersal in nature.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis acyl-CoA oxidase (ACX) family comprises isozymes with distinct fatty acid chain-length specificities that together catalyse the first step of peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation. We have isolated and characterized T-DNA insertion mutants in the medium to long-chain (ACX1) and long-chain (ACX2) acyl-CoA oxidases, and show that the corresponding endogenous activities are decreased in the mutants. Lipid catabolism during germination and early post-germinative growth was unaltered in the acx1-1 mutant, but slightly delayed in the acx2-1 mutant, with 3-day-old acx2-1 seedlings accumulating long-chain acyl-CoAs. In acx1-1 and acx2-1, seedling growth and establishment in the absence of an exogenous supply of sucrose was unaffected. Seedlings of the double mutant acx1-1 acx2-1 were unable to catabolize seed storage lipid, and accumulated long-chain acyl-CoAs. The acx1-1 acx2-1 seedlings were also unable to establish photosynthetic competency in the absence of an exogenous carbon supply, a phenotype that is shared with a number of other Arabidopsis mutants disrupted in storage lipid breakdown. Germination frequency of the double mutant was significantly reduced compared with wild-type seeds. This was unaffected by the addition of exogenous sucrose, but was improved by dormancy-breaking treatments such as cold stratification and after-ripening. We show that the acx1-1, acx2-1 and acx1-2 acx2-1 double mutants and the ketoacyl-CoA thiolase-2 (kat2) mutant exhibit a sucrose-independent germination phenotype comparable with that reported for comatose (cts-2), a mutant in a peroxisomal ABC transporter which exhibits enhanced dormancy. This demonstrates an additional role beyond that of carbon provision for the beta-oxidation pathway during germination or in dormant seeds.  相似文献   

Sexual development in Dictyostelium discoideum is initiated by the fusion of opposite mating type cells to form zygote giant cells, which subsequently gather and phagocytose surrounding cells for nutrition to form macrocysts. Here we performed the targeting of 24 highly gamete-enriched genes we previously isolated, and successfully generated knockout mutants for 16 genes and RNAi mutants for 20 genes including 6 genes without disruptants. In the knockout mutants of two genes, cell aggregation toward the giant cells was much less extensive and many cells remained around poorly formed macrocysts. We named these genes tmcB and tmcC. Although macrocyst formation of wild type cells was suppressed by the addition of exogenous cAMP, that of knockout mutants of tmcB was much less sensitive. The mRNA level of phosphodiesterase (pde) was higher and that of its inhibitor (pdi) was lower in the latter cells compared to the parental strains during sexual development. Thus, tmcB appeared to be a novel regulator of the cAMP signaling pathway specific to sexual development. Knockout mutants of tmcC were indistinguishable from the wild type cells with respect to the cAMP response, suggesting that this gene is relevant to other processes.  相似文献   

A complementary way for the assessment of HCC prognosis is represented by the analysis of molecular markers. Thus, immunohistochemical assessment of proliferation can describe tumor aggressiveness, probability of local recurrence or metastasis potential, being very useful for the assessment of recurrence-free survival and survival until death. The aim of our study was to assess proliferating cell nuclear antigen activity in HCC and dysplastic nodules as compared with surrounding nonneoplasic areas. Immunohistochemical techniques were thus performed on the samples obtained by ultrasound-guided liver biopsies or intraoperative biopsies, in 32 patients with HCC, as well as in 3 patients with dysplastic nodules ocurring in liver cirrhosis. Expression of PCNA within extranodular areas of the HCC patients in the absence or presence of cirrhosis, was increasing from 40% to 70%, respectively. PCNA expression further increased within intranodular areas of dysplastic nodules and HCC, to 100% and 96.88%, respectively. A progressive increase of the mean values of PCNA-LI was also observed from extranodular areas without or with cirrhosis, towards intranodular areas of dysplastic nodules and HCC (4.2%, 6.8%, 31.9%, respectively). Dysplastic nodules can thus be considered lesions with a high-proliferation rate, representing an early stage of hepatocarcinogenesis. This supported the current recommendations for borderline hepatocellular nodules identified by ultrasound, which indicate an aggressive treatment similar to malignant lesions. In summary, we demonstrated a progressively increasing rate of cellular proliferation, from extranodular non-neoplasic areas to intranodular areas (dysplastic nodules and HCC), as reflected by an increased expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen labelling index.  相似文献   

The three basic cell types in the migrating slug of Dictyostelium discoideum show differential chemotactic response to cyclic AMP (cAMP) and differential sensitivity to suppression of the chemotaxis by ammonia. The values of these parameters indicate a progressive maturation of chemotactic properties during the transdifferentiation of slug cell types. We present a model that explains the localization of the three cell types within the slug based on these chemotactic differences and on the maturation of their chemotactic properties.  相似文献   

Rhythmic noradrenergic signaling from the hypothalamic clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus to the pineal gland causes an increase in intracellular cAMP which regulates the circadian fluctuation of melatonin synthesis. The activation of phospholipase C (PLC)-coupled P2Y(2) receptors upon treatment with ATP and UTP exclusively inhibited the isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP production in mouse pineal gland tumor cells. However, the activation of other PLC-coupled receptors including P2Y(1) and bombesin receptors had little or no effect on the isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP production. Also, ATP did not inhibit cAMP production caused by forskolin, prostaglandin E(2), or the adenosine analog NECA. These results suggest a selective coupling between signalings of P2Y(2) and beta(2)-adrenergic receptors. The binding of [(3)H]CGP12177 to beta(2)-adrenergic receptors was not effected by the presence of ATP or UTP. Ionomycin decreased the isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP production, whereas phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate slightly potentiated the isoproterenol response. Chelation of intracellular Ca(2+), however, had little effect on the ATP-induced inhibition of cAMP production, while it completely reversed the ionomycin-induced inhibition. Treatment of cells with pertussis toxin almost completely blocked the inhibitory effect of nucleotides. Pertussis toxin also inhibited the nucleotide-induced increase in intracellular Ca(2+) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate production by 30-40%, suggesting that the ATP-mediated inhibition of the cAMP generation and the partial activation of PLC are mediated by pertussis toxin-sensitive G(i)-protein. We conclude that one of the functions of P2Y(2) receptors on the pineal gland is the selective inhibition of beta-adrenergic receptor-mediated signaling pathways via the inhibitory G-proteins.  相似文献   

Neuronal loss has often been described at post-mortem in the brain neocortex of patients suffering from AIDS. Neuroinvasive strains of HIV infect macrophages, microglial cells and multinucleated giant cells, but not neurones. Processing of the virus by cells of the myelomonocytic lineage yields viral products that, in conjunction with potentially neurotoxic molecules generated by the host, might initiate a complex network of events which lead neurones to death. In particular, the HIV-1 coat glycoprotein, gp120, has been proposed as a likely aetiologic agent of the described neuronal loss because it causes death of neurones in culture. More recently, it has been shown that brain neocortical cell death is caused in rat by intracerebroventricular injection of a recombinant gp120 coat protein, and that this occurs via apoptosis. The latter observation broadens our knowledge in the pathophysiology of the reported neuronal cell loss and opens a new lane of experimental research for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to limit damage to the brain of patients suffering from HIV-associated dementia.  相似文献   

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