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Abstract. The effect of nitrate supply upon leaf area development in willow ( Salix viminalis ) was investigated. Rooted cuttings were grown in culture solution at two different rates of exponentially-increasing nitrate supply and with free access to other nutrients. During the lag-phase in attaining stable nutrition, the rate of production of unfolded leaves, in the treatment with poorer N-supply, decreased. After acclimation to the different N-availabilities, the rate of dry matter increase per plant nitrogen was constant and the same in both treatments. The ratio of total leaf area to total amount of nitrogen in the plant was slightly higher in the treatment with poorer nitrogen supply. During the exponential (stable) phases of growth, nearly all the increase in total leaf area was attributable to main-stem leaves; large numbers of leaves on axillary shoots in the treatment with better N-supply contributed little to the total area. During the stable growth phase, the rate of production of unfolded leaves was the same in both treatments. Higher maximum values of relative rate of increase in area of single leaves were found with a better N-supply and at higher leaf positions on the main stem. The duration of leaf expansion was not much affected by N-supply. Final leaf size was greater at higher positions on the main-stem. Within a treatment (investigated for poorer N-supply), differences in final leaf size were proportional to differences in numbers of epidermal cells. Final leaf size was greater, at the same node, in the treatment with better N-supply. Better N-availability had increased the final size but not the number of epidermal cells. It was concluded that the higher exponential rate of total area increase with a better N-supply was largely associated with higher rates of expansion in epidermal cells.  相似文献   

The heat shock response in three vegetatively propagated clones of Salix viminalis L. was studied. In the clone 78198, synthesis of a total of 58 proteins was induced or increased by heat shock. Of these proteins, 39 were found in both leaves and callus, 8 only in leaves, and 11 only in callus. The number of heat shock proteins differed between the three clones studied. The molecular weights of the heat shock proteins ranged from 18000 to over 94000. The optimal synthesis of heat shock proteins took place at 37–40°C, but several proteins could be induced at 25–30°C. The synthesis of the majority of the proteins present at a normal growth temperature (20°C) was not completely blocked by the heat shock. More than 12 h was needed for the reappearance of the normal protein synthesis pattern after heat shock.  相似文献   

Growth measurements of hormone-treated roots from willow cuttings were combined with electrophysiological recordings to study hormone-induced changes in membrane potential and in endogenous ion currents. The mean growth rate of roots was 10 ± 2 μm min?1 in regular nutrient solution. It increased to 13 ± 2 μm min+1 after application of spermine and decreased to 0.07 ± 0.01 μm min?1 after treatment with abscisic acid (ABA). Transient depolarizations were elicited in root cortex cells by spermine, while ABA caused a transient hyperpolarization. All changes in membrane potential were accompanied by transient responses of the endogenous current. These responses suggest that first anions, then cations leave the root during spermine-induced depolarizations. From the changes of the endogenous current an apparent efflux of anions (presumably Cl?) and cations (presumably K+) of 200 to 700 pmol cm?2 per depolarization was calculated. To further investigate a possible relation between endogenous ion currents, growth and the growth regulators ABA and spermine, long-lasting extracellular vibrating-probe measurements were performed. Control roots showed an inward current of about 1.5 μA cm?2 at the apical elongation zone and an outward current with a maximum density of 1.3 μA cm?2 at the central and basal elongation zone. The addition of ABA and spermine (final concentration 0.1 mM) to the bathing medium affected the endogenous current in opposite ways: ABA caused a reduction of inward and outward current, while spermine stimulated both. Since protons are a major component of the endogenous current, and sucrose can be taken up by root cells from the apoplast via symport with H+, a role of the endogenous current in growth regulation is indicated.  相似文献   

Willow cells transformed with an ipt gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens grow in tissue culture as undifferentiated callus without shoot induction. We show that the transformed calluses contained high levels of the cytokinins 9-β- d -ribofuranosyl zeatin and its monophosphate, demonstrating the presence of a functional isopentenyl transferase enzyme. The ipt gene was transcribed at different levels in different transformed callus lines. The absence of shoot differntiation is apparently not due to a lack of zeatin-type cytokinins in the transformed callus.  相似文献   

Causes of variation in cold hardiness in the autumn were assessed among closely related, fast‐growing clones of willow of northern/continental and southern/maritime origins, under controlled regimes and natural conditions. Cold hardiness was assessed by controlled freezing followed by injury analysis, based on measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence (stems) and electrolyte leakage (leaves). During growth at a given temperature, the cold hardiness of the clones' stems was negatively correlated with their rate of growth. This apparently phenotypic variation was independent of temperature and, hence, the absolute growth rate. At later stages, cold hardiness of stems varied mainly with respect to genetic differences in the timing and rate of cold hardening. Cold hardening began up to 7 weeks earlier in northern/continental clones, and their rates of hardening in cool temperature regimes were up to three times higher than in southern/maritime clones. Ranking of clones with respect to rates was essentially the same whether natural or abrupt reductions of day length were used to trigger cold hardening. Results closely agreed with those of a previous field trial. Comparisons of rates at cool and warm temperatures suggest that cold hardening became increasingly dependent on cool temperatures with time. Increasing sucrose‐to‐glucose ratios, and especially dry‐to‐fresh weight ratios, paralleled early cold hardening. Before leaves were shed in the autumn they underwent cold hardening in parallel with stems, eventually allowing them to tolerate temperatures down to ?10 °C.  相似文献   

 Genetic variation in number of sylleptic shoots, wood density, dry matter content, flower production, budbreak, growth cessation, insect susceptibility and rust susceptibility and the relationships of these characters with other growth characters were studied. Forty of sixty-four families in an 8×8 factorial crossing with Salix viminalis were used. Fourteen plants from each family were planted in the framework of a nutrient experiment with optimal and suboptimal nutrient availability and in a sandy soil. The analyses showed high additive genetic variances for all characters studied. Characters measured in both nutrient environments did not show any genotype×environment interaction. Both in the nutrient and in the sand environment insect susceptibility was negatively correlated to different growth characters. This was also the case for rust susceptibility in the sand environment. The highest negative correlation was found between number of days to budburst and weight, indicating the importance of early budburst for production. Ideas on important characteristics for an Salix ideotype are discussed. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod and temperature on frost resistance of seedling populations and clones of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) originating from various latitudes (58°48'–69°54'N) and altitudes (up to 1100 m above sea level) were studied in a phytotron. Low-temperature-induced cold acclimation in all populations was significantly stimulated by short photoperiod and low temperature. The highest levels of frost resistance were found in the northernmost seedling populations and in clones from northern coastal locations.  相似文献   

Twenty inter‐ and intra‐species genotypes of willows (Salix spp.) were grown in large mono‐plots and incorporated into five, 10,15 and 20–way mixtures. In each growing season from 1996 to 2001 the level of rust disease caused by Melampsora epitea was recorded on each genotype where it was growing as a mono‐plot or as part of a mixture. Three genotypes, S. schwerinii×viminalis×dasyclados’V7531′, S. schwerinii×aquatica‘V7533’ and S. viminalis‘Gigantea’ remained virtually rust free through the six yr of the trial. It is, however, argued that there are benefits of including such genotypes in a mixture in order to reduce the risk of them developing rust susceptibility. S. burjatica‘Germany’, S. dasyclados×aquatica‘V7511’ and S. dasyclados×caprea‘V794’ were severely affected by rust, although levels tended to be less when included in mixtures. The levels of rust on S. mollissima‐undulata‘SQ83’ were much higher in the first three‐year harvest cycle than during the second cycle. On a number of genotypes, e.g. S. burjatica‘Germany’ and S. dasyclados×aquatica‘V7511’ rust was more severe on the regrowth from freshly coppiced stools.  相似文献   

A nutrient thin film hydroponic system has been developed which allows rapid screening of willow (Salix) clones for their resistance to heavy metals, and hence their use in phytoremediation. Two clones known to be different in their resistance to heavy metals (Salix burjatica (Germany) and S. triandra x viminalis (Q83)), could be distinguished on the basis of leaf biomass, root biomass and stem height after 6 weeks. There were also differences in the uptake of heavy metals between the two clones.  相似文献   

Phenotypic correlations and quantitative trait loci (QTL) for important growth traits and a surrogate of intrinsic water-use efficiency (leaf delta(13)C) were analysed in a willow pedigree of 92 full-sibling clones grown under two water regimes. The major objective was to examine the genetic basis of the phenotypic correlations. Cuttings of Salix were glasshouse-grown during one growing season. The relative growth rate (RGR) and underlying traits were assessed. QTL analysis was conducted based on an available linkage map for Salix. Leaf area productivity and leaf nitrogen productivity were more important in determining RGR than leaf area ratio and specific leaf area. However, phenotypic correlations among growth traits partly varied between the two environments. QTL were detected for most growth traits, among them many common QTL for different traits. The QTL pattern reflected the phenotypic correlation pattern. None of the QTL for the complex traits was consistent across the different environments. The results demonstrate a genetic basis for phenotypic correlations among growth traits in Salix, and provide evidence for the existence of 'master switches' regulating some of the traits.  相似文献   

Saunders, P. F. and Barros, R. S. 1987. Periodicity of bud bursting in willow ( Salix viminalis ) as affected by growth regulators.
Lateral vegetative buds of willow ( Salix viminalis L.) were only innately dormant for 3–5 weeks in October; during this time their apices were correlatively inhibited by the bud leaflets. Exogenous gibberellins stimulated the opening of cultured buds when the plants were dormant or entering dormancy. As dormancy was being released, however, cultured buds became more responsive to exogenous cytokinins. Thus the demand for gibberellins and cytokinins for bud opening seemed to be sequential rather than simultaneous. Dormant buds cultured in the presence of abscisic acid remained unopened, but they opened after a chilling treatment. Subsequent growth of such buds as measured by dry matter accumulation, was observed only if a cytokinin was added to the medium.  相似文献   

Changes in ethylene production and in the contents of 1-aminocydopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), 1-(malonylamin6)-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (MACC), abscisic acid (ABA) and L-proline were determined after 40 days of cold hardening at 4°C in three wheat cultivars differing in frost resistance. Proline and especially ABA accumulated with hardening in all varieties in parallel with the degree of frost resistance, e.g. proline and ABA increases in the non-resistant cv. Slávia were 2x and 5x, whilst in the resistant cv. Mironovská 808 increases were 4X and 20X. Ethylene production and MACC level showed no significant changes with hardening in any of the cultivars after 40 d, but ACC levels did increase with hardening. The production of ethylene, ACC and MACC was studied during hardening. Ethylene production decreased sharply at low temperature and rose rapidly (within 1 day) on return to normal temperature, while ACC production reacted in the opposite direction. MACC levels rose rapidly during the first 4 days of cold, then more slowly for about 2 weeks, thereafter decreasing again steadily. The only varietal differences occurring at maximum levels were correlated with the degree of frost resistance.  相似文献   

王爱芳  张钢  魏士春  崔同祥 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5741-5749
采用电阻抗图谱(EIS)法和电导(EL)法对不同发育时期的樟子松(Pinus sylvestris L. var. mongolica Litv.)茎和针叶进行了抗寒性测定,试图通过比较两种方法测定抗寒性结果的相关性,找到适合冷冻处理后樟子松抗寒性测定和不经冷冻处理估测抗寒性的EIS参数,完善EIS法测定抗寒性。以8年生樟子松苗为试材,在抗寒锻炼阶段(10月份)和脱锻炼阶段(3月份)分别取样进行EIS和EL测定。结果表明,EIS法胞外电阻率(re)与EL法测定的樟子松抗寒性相关性较高(R2=0.97),但比EL法求出的抗寒性高。针叶的细胞膜时间恒量(τm)和茎的弛豫时间(τ1)随冷冻温度变化与re表现相似的S曲线,相关分析表明,re(茎和针叶)与τ1(茎)和τm(针叶)的变化有较好的相关性(R2=0.74~0.84)。经Logistic方程拟合,EIS的τm(针叶)和τ1(茎)法与EIS(re)法、EL法测定的樟子松抗寒性相关性也较高(R2=0.88~0.91),说明针叶τm和茎τ1也可以作为计算抗寒性的参数。另外,8年生樟子松两个发育时期(10月和3月份)未经冷冻的针叶τm与茎的τ2随抗寒性的增强而显著增加,表明不经过冷冻处理样本用τ2(茎)和τm(针叶)估计樟子松抗寒性是很有前途的方法。  相似文献   

Frost resistance of leaves of holly ( Ilex aquifolium L.) increased from about −9°C in late summer to −24°C in mid-winter. The gradual rise in cold hardiness occurred when the minimum air temperature dropped to 0°C or below and was closely related to increase in the cellular sap concentration. Predominantly, the decrease in the osmotic potential of the cellular sap was caused by sugar accumulation, mainly of sucrose. The capacity of net photosynthesis of the leaves, as well as the total lipid and protein content and the proportion of individual lipids of the thylakoid membranes, did not significantly change during cold acclimation. The gradual shift towards desaturation in the fatty acids of the thylakoid lipids during the hardening period was neither correlated with alterations in the frost resistance nor did it affect the potential efficiency for various light-induced chloroplast membrane reactions such as linear photosynthetic electron transport, photophosphorylation and the proton gradient (ΔpH). It is suggested that in holly leaves reduction in cell volume changes during freeze-thawing and cryoprotection by sugars could play a dominant role for the increase in frost resistance. Seasonal changes in the degree of unsaturation of polar lipids of the thylakoids could contribute to maintain optimal functional efficiency of the membranes at low temperatures rather than to avoid freezing damage.  相似文献   

Willow species (Salix) are important as short‐rotation biomass crops for bioenergy, which creates a demand for faster genetic improvement and breeding through deployment of molecular marker‐assisted selection (MAS). To find markers associated with important adaptive traits, such as growth and phenology, for use in MAS, we genetically dissected the trait variation of a Salix viminalis (L.) population of 323 accessions. The accessions were sampled throughout northern Europe and were established at two field sites in Pustnäs, Sweden, and at Woburn, UK, offering the opportunity to assess the impact of genotype‐by‐environment interactions (G × E) on trait–marker associations. Field measurements were recorded for growth and phenology traits. The accessions were genotyped using 1536 SNP markers developed from phenology candidate genes and from genes previously observed to be differentially expressed in contrasting environments. Association mapping between 1233 of these SNPs and the measured traits was performed taking into account population structure and threshold selection bias. At a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.2, 29 SNPs were associated with bud burst, leaf senescence, number of shoots or shoot diameter. The percentage of accession variation () explained by these associations ranged from 0.3% to 4.4%, suggesting that the studied traits are controlled by many loci of limited individual impact. Despite this, a SNP in the EARLY FLOWERING 3 gene was repeatedly associated (FDR < 0.2) with bud burst. The rare homozygous genotype exhibited 0.4–1.0 lower bud burst scores than the other genotype classes on a five‐grade scale. Consequently, this marker could be promising for use in MAS and the gene deserves further study. Otherwise, associations were less consistent across sites, likely due to their small estimates and to considerable G × E interactions indicated by multivariate association analyses and modest trait accession correlations across sites (0.32–0.61).  相似文献   

Although plants are more susceptible to frost damage under elevated atmospheric [CO2], the importance of frost damage under future, warmer climate scenarios is unknown. Accordingly, we used a model to examine the incidence and severity of frost damage to snow gum (Eucalyptus pauciflora) in a sub‐alpine region of Australia for current and future conditions using the A2 IPCC elevated CO2 and climate change scenario. An existing model for predicting frost effects on E. pauciflora seedlings was adapted to include effects of elevated [CO2] on acclimation to freezing temperatures, calibrated with field data, and applied to a study region in Victoria using climate scenario data from CSIRO's Global Climate Model C‐CAM for current (1975–2004) and future (2035–2064) 30 years climate sequences. Temperatures below 0 °C were predicted to occur less frequently while the coldest temperatures (i.e. those below ?8 °C) were almost as common in the future as in the current climate. Both elevated [CO2] and climate warming affected the timing and rates of acclimation and de‐acclimation of snow gum to freezing temperatures, potentially reducing the length of time that plants are fully frost tolerant and increasing the length of the growing season. Despite fewer days when temperatures fall below 0 °C in the future, with consequently fewer damaging frosts with lower average levels of impact, individual weather sequences resulting in widespread plant mortality may still occur. Furthermore, delayed acclimation due to either warming or rising [CO2] combined with an early severe frost could lead to more frost damage and higher mortality than would occur in current conditions. Effects of elevated [CO2] on frost damage were greater in autumn, while warming had more effect in spring. Thus, frost damage will continue to be a management issue for plantation and forest management in regions where frosts persist.  相似文献   

The appearance of biotypes of the annual grass weed black‐grass (Alopecurus myosuroides L. Huds), which are resistant to certain graminicides, is the most significant example of acquired resistance to herbicides seen so far in European agriculture. An investigation was perfomed into the basis of the specific cross‐resistance to cyclohexanedione (CHD) and aryloxyphenoxypropionoic acid (AOPP) herbicides in the ‘Notts A1’ population of A. myosuroides, which survived treatment of fields with recommended rates of AOPP herbicides. In comparison with the wild‐type ‘Rothamsted’ population, the resistant biotype showed over 100‐fold resistance to these herbicides in a hydroponic growth system. Biosynthesis of fatty acids and activity of crude extracts of acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACCase) were commensurately less sensitive to these herbicides in Notts A1 compared with the Rothamsted biotype. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the highly resistant population has arisen through selection of a mutant ACCase which is much less sensitive to the AOPP and CHD graminicides. Rapidly growing cell suspension cultures established from the Notts A1 population also showed high resistance indices for CHD or AOPP herbicides compared with cultures from the Rothamsted biotype. Fatty acid biosynthesis and ACCase activity in the cell suspensions were similarly sensitive towards the graminicides to those in the foliar tissue counterparts of the resistant and sensitive populations. Moreover, purification of the main (chloroplast) isoform of acetyl‐CoA carboxylase showed that this enzyme from the Notts A1 population was over 200‐fold less sensitive towards the AOPP herbicide, quizalofop, than the equivalent isoform from the Rothamsted population. These data again fully supported the proposal that resistance in the Notts biotype is due to an insensitive acetyl‐CoA carboxylase isoform. Overall, cell suspensions were also demonstrated to be excellent tools for further investigation of the molecular basis of the high level herbicide resistance which is prone to occur in A. myosuroides.  相似文献   

We previously reported that in cultured adipose cell lines insulin increased selectively the expression of Glut 1, in contrast to in vivo regulation where variations in insulinemia have been shown to affect only GLUT 4. We have addressed here the question of the long-term regulation of GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 in fat cells by using primary cultures of rat adipocytes. Epididymal fat cells were isolated by collagenase and cultured 4 days in DMEM supplemented with BSA 1%, FCS 1%, and glucose 10 mM. GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 proteins were assessed in total cellular membranes by Western blotting, using specific antibodies against their respective C-terminal peptides. GLUT 1 steadily increased over culture time to reach at day 3, a level 3-fold higher than the initial value. In contrast, GLUT 4 decreased sharply and stabilized at day 3, at 30% of the initial value. The changes in GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 mRNAs with culture time were parallel to changes in the corresponding proteins, suggesting a pre-translational level of regulation. The expression of the lipogenic enzyme, fatty acid synthetase (FAS), highly expressed in fat cell, decreased over time following a pattern closely parallel to that of GLUT 4. Chronic exposure to insulin added at day 2 had no effect on GLUT 4 expression but increased the expression of GLUT 1 and FAS by 70% and 36%, respectively. Glucose consumption was stable over 4 days of culture, while lactate production increased from 24 to 36% of glucose utilization, in agreement with the loss in FAS. Glucose consumption increased only slightly with insulin (+160%), in good keeping with the low levels of expression of both GLUT 4 and FAS in these cultured cells. These data indicate that culture alters oppositely the expression of GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 in rat adipocytes and suggest that factor(s) other than insulin predominate in their regulation in vivo.  相似文献   

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) to Uromyces pisi in pea was studied by using a proteomic approach. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) was used in order to compare the leaf proteome of two pea genotypes displaying different phenotypes (susceptible and partial resistance to the fungus), and in response to parasite infection under the effect of two inducers of SAR, BTH and BABA. Multivariate statistical analysis identified 126 differential protein spots under the experimental conditions (genotypes/treatments). All of these 126 protein spots were subjected to MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry to deduce their possible functions. A total of 50 proteins were identified using a combination of peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) and MSMS fragmentation. Most of the identified proteins corresponded to enzymes belonging to photosynthesis, metabolism, biosynthesis, binding and defense response, whose behavior pattern was different in relation to susceptibility/resistance of the genotypes studied and to the BTH/BABA induction to pathogen response. Results obtained in this work suggested that plants could reduce their photosynthesis and other energy metabolism and enhance the production of defense-related proteins to cope the stress. On the other side, we postulated that resistance induced by the chemicals operates via different mechanisms: BABA inducer could act via phenolic biosynthesis pathway, whereas resistance provided by BTH inducer seems to be mediated by defense and stress-related proteins. The results are discussed in terms of response to rust under the effect of inducers.  相似文献   

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