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群体感应(Quorum sensing,QS)是近来受到广泛关注的一种细菌群体行为调控机制,通过感应一些信号分子如酰基高丝氨酸环内酯(acyl-homoserine lactone,AHL)来判断菌群密度和周围环境变化,假单胞菌中同样也有AHL信号分子,当信号达到一定的浓度阈值时,能启动菌体中相关基因的表达来适应环境中的变化,从而调节菌体的群体行为(如致病性及群体生长调节)。众多报道说明了假单胞菌的群体感应调节系统是由一些全面的调节子所调控的。本文系统介绍了假单胞菌群体感应调控系统,并分析假单胞菌在该系统中复杂的应答反应。  相似文献   

吩嗪是由假单胞菌或链霉菌产生的一类具有抗菌、抗肿瘤和抗寄生虫活性的含氮杂环代谢物,在农业和医疗领域具有广泛的应用.但吩嗪的合成受到复杂的级联网络调控.本文总结了假单胞菌属中双组分信号转导系统(two-component signal transduction system,TCS)对吩嗪生物合成的调控机制,阐明在双组分...  相似文献   

高必达 《生物工程进展》2000,20(4):55-59,43
综合评述了近10年来在丁香假单胞菌脂肽毒素生理和分子生物学研究上的发现。这些毒素依肽部AA数目可分两组。丁香假单胞霉素组(syringomycuns)已报告4个成员,肽部有9个AA;丁香假单胞肽毒素组有2个成员,肽部分别有22个和25个AA。肽部C-端羧基与分子内羟基氨基酸残基(AA)的羟基酯化闭合成环,再由羟基脂肪酸酰化。两组毒素都诱导植物电解质渗漏、人和动物红血球溶解,其机制在于在细胞膜上形成  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌中群体感应系统研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
群体感应系统(Quorum-sensing system,QS)是一个依赖于细胞数量的基因调控系统。系统中的自诱导物(Autoinducer或AI)随细胞的数量增加而变化,当细胞数达到一定数量时,系统中的自诱导物达到一定的域值时可以与一类转录调节蛋白结合,开始诱导或抑制数量众多的基因表达,使细菌表现多细胞特性的群体行为。同时,群体感应系统受到许多外界环境因素的影响,其调节途径是一个极其复杂的级联过程。此外,以群体感应系统为药物靶点来筛选新型抗菌药物越来越受到人们的重视。结合作者本人的工作及铜绿假单胞菌中群体感应系统的最新研究进展,对该系统在铜绿假单胞菌中的作用及其调控途径进行分析、探讨和总结。  相似文献   

综合评述了近10年来在丁香假单胞菌脂肽毒素生理和分子生物学研究上的发现。这些毒素依肽部AA数目可分两组。丁香假单胞霉素组(syringomycuns)已报告4个成员,肽部有9个AA;丁香假单胞肽毒素组有2个成员,肽部分别有22个和25个AA。肽部C端羧基与分子内羟基氨基酸残基(AA)的羟基酯化闭合成环,再由羟基脂肪酸酰化。两组毒素都诱导植物电解质渗漏、人和动物红血球溶解,其机制在于在细胞膜上形成二价阳离子可通过的寡体通道。对酵母菌的抑制作用受固醇的种类影响,以胆固醇的保护作用最强。丁香假单胞霉素的合成涉及一个多酶系统,有些负责肽合成,有些负责运输或调节,除受内源调节蛋白调节外,也受外源信号分子调节,尤其是受植物酚糖苷诱导。这些毒素具有抗真菌活性,对人和动物的一些病原霉菌有明显效果,在试验剂量无副作用,在医药上应用的前景良好。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA)是临床常见的革兰阴性菌之一,分布广泛且可引起多种感染。PA可分泌大量的毒力因子,包括脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)、鼠李糖脂(rhamnolipid)、外毒素A(exotoxin A)、蛋白酶(proteinase)、生物膜(biofilm)和Ⅲ型分泌系统(type III secretion system, T3SS)等,且PA毒力机制较复杂。在PA感染过程中,群体感应系统(quorum-sensing, QS)和双组分系统(two-component systems, TCS)扮演着重要的角色,调控PA生物膜的形成和毒力因子的产生。现就PA毒力因子的研究进展及调控机制作一概述。  相似文献   

群体感应是细菌根据细胞密度变化调控基因表达的一种调节机制。铜绿假单胞菌中QS系统由lasI和rhlI合成的信号分子3OC12-HSL和C4-HSL以及各自的受体蛋白LasR、RhlR组成,它们以级联方式调控多个基因表达。【目的】研究细菌群体感应(QS)对聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。【方法】利用铜绿假单胞菌PAO1及其QS突变株为材料通过气相色谱、荧光定量PCR在生理和分子水平上研究QS对聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。【结果】QS信号分子合成抑制剂阿奇霉素处理铜绿假单胞菌PAO1和QS突变株导致胞内PHA积累量显著减少;铜绿假单胞菌PAO1中C4-HSL合成酶基因rhlI缺失突变株PAO210胞内PHA积累量与野生型无差别;而3OC12-HSL合成酶基因lasI缺失突变株PAO55、3OC12-HSL受体合成酶基因lasR缺失突变株PAO56以及lasI/lasR双缺失突变株PAO57胞内PHA含量与野生型相比明显减少;lasI和lasR的突变株体内PHA合成酶基因phaC1的表达量显著降低,信号分子3OC12-HSL回补实验使phaC1的表达量可恢复到野生株水平,但只可部分恢复lasI缺失导致的胞内PHA合成。【结论】由此推测,铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统中lasI/lasR系统参与胞内聚羟基脂肪酸酯合成的调控。  相似文献   

【背景】绿针假单胞菌(Pseudomonas chlororaphis) GP72是一株可生产吩嗪类抗生素吩嗪-1-羧酸(PCA)和2-羟基吩嗪(2-OH-PHZ)的生防根际促生菌。基因组比对发现GP72菌中存在aurI/aurR双元调控系统。【目的】研究该系统对GP72中吩嗪类物质的调控作用。【方法】将aurI基因在大肠杆菌中异源表达,用紫色杆菌CV026和根癌农杆菌NTL4做显色实验。构建基因敲除菌株和回补菌株,发酵测量突变株的生长曲线与总吩嗪产量。构建转录融合质粒,测定吩嗪合成基因启动子的转录水平。【结果】显色实验显示,aurI能产生多种信号分子,使CV026显紫色、NTL4显蓝色。分别单独敲除aurI和aurR基因,同时敲除aurI/aurR基因,吩嗪产量均会升高,而回补菌株吩嗪产量降为野生型水平。β-半乳糖苷酶活性测定结果显示,突变株的酶活比野生型高。【结论】aurI/aurR负调控GP72的吩嗪合成,通过抑制吩嗪合成启动子的转录而影响吩嗪类物质的产量。  相似文献   

群体感应系统是一种细胞密度依赖的基因表达系统,其广泛存在于细菌性病原体中,是细菌细胞通讯方式的一种。群体感应系统可利用细菌释放的信号分子不断监控周围细菌的密度。当细菌密度达到阈值时,群体感应系统网络将启动,参与调控生物被膜、细菌毒力等特定基因的表达,从而使临床抗感染治疗失败。而通过抑制群体感应系统,可一定程度上治疗铜绿假单胞菌引起的感染。本文通过查阅近年国内外相关文献,对铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统研究进展进行总结,为临床铜绿假单胞菌治疗提供新的方向,即群体感应系统抑制剂有可能成为治疗铜绿假单胞菌感染的新策略。  相似文献   

生物被膜是一种与浮游细胞相对应的生长方式,由细菌和自身分泌的包外基质组成。铜绿假单胞菌是研究这一生长方式的模式生物。在过去十年,对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的研究已取得显著进展。群体感应(QS)的细胞沟通机制在铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜形成中发挥着重要作用。介绍生物被膜的特点,并重点讨论了QS和生物被膜之间的关系。  相似文献   

GacS/GacA is a conserved two-component system that functions as a master regulator of virulence-associated traits in many bacterial pathogens, including Pseudomonas spp., that collectively infect both plant and animal hosts. Among many GacS/GacA-regulated traits, type III secretion of effector proteins into host cells plays a critical role in bacterial virulence. In the opportunistic plant and animal pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, GacS/GacA negatively regulates the expression of type III secretion system (T3SS)-encoding genes. However, in the plant pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae, strain-to-strain variation exists in the requirement of GacS/GacA for T3SS deployment, and this variability has limited the development of predictive models of how GacS/GacA functions in this species. In this work we re-evaluated the function of GacA in P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Contrary to previous reports, we discovered that GacA negatively regulates the expression of T3SS genes in DC3000, and that GacA is not required for DC3000 virulence inside Arabidopsis leaf tissue. However, our results show that GacA is required for full virulence of leaf surface-inoculated bacteria. These data significantly revise current understanding of GacS/GacA in regulating P. syringae virulence.  相似文献   

The two-component regulatory system comprised of the sensor kinase, GacS, and its response regulator, GacA, is involved in regulation of secondary metabolism and many other aspects of bacterial physiology. Although it is known that the sensor kinases RetS and LadS feed into the GacS/GacA system, the mechanism through which this occurs is unknown, as are the protein–protein interactions in this system. To characterize and define these interactions, we utilized a bacterial two-hybrid system to study the interactions of GacS and GacA from Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. Domains of GacA and GacS, identified through bioinformatics, were subcloned and their ability to interact in vivo was investigated. We found that the entire GacA molecule is required for GacA to interact with itself or GacS. Furthermore, the HisKA/HATPase/REC domains of GacS together are responsible for GacS interacting with GacA, while the HAMP domain of GacS is responsible for GacS interacting with itself. In addition, homologs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa hybrid sensor kinases, RetS and LadS, were identified in P. fluorescens , and shown to interact with GacS, but not GacA.  相似文献   

Bacterial signaling histidine kinases (HKs) have long been postulated to function exclusively through linear signal transduction chains. However, several HKs have recently been shown to form complex multikinase networks (MKNs). The most prominent MKN, involving the enzymes RetS and GacS, controls the switch between the motile and biofilm lifestyles in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. While GacS promotes biofilm formation, RetS counteracts GacS using three distinct mechanisms. Two are dephosphorylating mechanisms. The third, a direct binding between the RetS and GacS HK regions, blocks GacS autophosphorylation. Focusing on the third mechanism, we determined the crystal structure of a cocomplex between the HK region of RetS and the dimerization and histidine phosphotransfer (DHp) domain of GacS. This is the first reported structure of a complex between two distinct bacterial signaling HKs. In the complex, the canonical HK homodimerization interface is replaced by a strikingly similar heterodimeric interface between RetS and GacS. We further demonstrate that GacS autophosphorylates in trans, thus explaining why the formation of a RetS-GacS complex inhibits GacS autophosphorylation. Using mutational analysis in conjunction with bacterial two-hybrid and biofilm assays, we not only corroborate the biological role of the observed RetS-GacS interactions, but also identify a residue critical for the equilibrium between the RetS-GacS complex and the respective RetS and GacS homodimers. Collectively, our findings suggest that RetS and GacS form a domain-swapped hetero-oligomer during the planktonic growth phase of P. aeruginosa before unknown signals cause its dissociation and a relief of GacS inhibition to promote biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 6605 causes wildfire disease on host tobacco plants. To investigate the regulatory mechanism of the expression of virulence, Gac two-component system-defective mutants, ΔgacA and ΔgacS, and a double mutant, ΔgacAΔgacS, were generated. These mutants produced smaller amounts of N-acyl homoserine lactones required for quorum sensing, had lost swarming motility, and had reduced expression of virulence-related hrp genes and the algT gene required for exopolysaccharide production. The ability of the mutants to cause disease symptoms in their host tobacco plant was remarkably reduced, while they retained the ability to induce hypersensitive reaction (HR) in the nonhost plants. These results indicated that the Gac two-component system of P. syringae pv. tabaci 6605 is indispensable for virulence on the host plant, but not for HR induction in the nonhost plants. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the DDBJ/GenBank/EMBL databank with the accession numbers AB266103, AB266104, AB266105, AB266106, AB266107, AB266108.  相似文献   

The GacS/GacA two-component regulatory system in pseudomonads regulates genes involved in virulence, secondary metabolism and biofilm formation. Despite these regulatory functions, some Pseudomonas species are prone to spontaneous inactivating mutations in gacA and gacS. A gacS(-) strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 was constructed to study the physiological role of this sensor histidine kinase. This loss-of-function mutation was associated with hypermotility, reduced production of acylhomoserine lactones, impaired biofilm maturation, and decreased antimicrobial resistance. Biofilms of the gacS(-) mutant gave rise to phenotypically stable small colony variants (SCVs) with increasing frequency when exposed to silver cations, hydrogen peroxide, human serum, or certain antibiotics (tobramicin, amikacin, azetronam, ceftrioxone, oxacilin, piperacillin or rifampicin). When cultured, the SCV produced thicker biofilms with greater cell density and greater antimicrobial resistance than did the wild-type or parental gacS(-) strains. Similar to other colony morphology variants described in the literature, this SCV was less motile than the wild-type strain and autoaggregated in broth culture. Complementation with gacS in trans restored the ability of the SCV to revert to a normal colony morphotype. These findings indicate that mutation of gacS is associated with the occurrence of stress-resistant SCV cells in P. aeruginosa biofilms and suggests that in some instances GacS may be necessary for reversion of these variants to a wild-type state.  相似文献   

许多革兰氏阴性菌通过产生N-酰基-高丝氨酸内酯(AHLs)类信号分子来调控某些性状的表达,即群体感应(quorum sensing)。假单胞菌是一种导致食品腐败的重要腐败细菌,也产生AHLs。本文研究了不同温度及碳源对食源假单胞菌AHLs产生的影响。结果表明,该假单胞菌在25℃条件下,产生两种AHL信号分子,而在4℃条件下,所产生的短链AHL分子消失,主要产生长链AHL分子。而且在不同碳源(葡萄糖,果糖,木糖,麦芽糖等)的培养基中生长,所产生的AHLs分子种类也不同。同时发现当pH>7.5时,AHLs的稳定性下降。由此得出,在不同的环境条件(碳源及温度)下假单胞菌所产生的AHLs种类不同。为进一步研究群体感应现象在食品腐败中的作用以及开发基于干扰腐败菌群体感应的新型食品防腐技术提供研究基础。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌群体感应抑制剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜绿假单胞菌是一种常见的机会致病菌,可在人群中引起严重的急性和慢性感染,是病人在医院期间发生感染的第三大致病菌。铜绿假单胞菌多种毒力因子的分泌以及生物被膜的形成都是受一种被称为群体感应(Quorum Sensing,QS)的胞间信号传导系统调控的。QS使细菌能够根据细胞密度变化进行基因表达的调控。通过抑制QS来治疗铜绿假单胞菌感染是一个很有前景的发展方向。本文将就近年来铜绿假单胞菌群体感应抑制剂的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

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