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中国猫科动物红外相机监测平台始建于2007年, 致力于评估中国12种本土野生猫科动物的保护现状, 并推动猫科动物保护。该平台由中国猫科动物保护联盟(猫盟)牵头组织, 与科研院所、高校、保护组织、政府部门、保护地管理机构等合作开展监测。监测点涵盖我国10个省/自治区28个监测点, 包括自然保护区、风景名胜区、社会公益保护地、林场、非保护地等多种类型。根据调查目标和内容, 红外相机采用网格化布设和沿样线布设两种调查方案。监测数据由猫盟集中管理, 并与保护地共享使用。截至2019年12月, 平台共设置有效调查/监测位点939个, 有效相机工作日合计约283,239天, 获得有效独立探测164,262次, 积累红外相机照片/视频约25万份(删除连续空拍后), 另有约5万份待处理。记录到分属7目24科的91种野生兽类与分属9目23科的102种野生鸟类物种, 其中国家I、Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物分别有25种与55种。在23个监测点记录到10种猫科动物, 独立探测共6,507次, 其中金钱豹(Panthera pardus) 3,196次(50.7%), 豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis) 2,817次(44.7%)。加强监测数据分析能力、评估濒危猫科动物种群现状、建立志愿者工作团队是猫科动物监测平台今后的重点工作方向。  相似文献   

四川栗子坪国家级自然保护区鸟类资源与多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外调查并结合有关文献,四川栗子坪国家级自然保护区有鸟类15目53科260种,其中,留鸟169种(65.0%),夏候鸟57种(21.9%),冬候鸟18种(6.9%),旅鸟16种(6.2%);东洋界物种161种(61.9%),古北界物种70种(26.9%),广布种29种(11.2%)。保护区分布有IUCN红色名录鸟类6种,其中濒危(EN)1种,易危(VU)2种,近危(NT)3种;国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生鸟类4种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类20种;中国特有鸟类14种。分析表明,秋季优势物种4种,春季5种。秋季的鸟类多样性低于春季,但无论秋季还是春季,中低海拔阔叶林的鸟类多样性最高,针叶林和针阔混交林次之,河谷灌丛最低。秋季和春季鸟类群落相似性指数以及不同生境之间鸟类物种相似性指数皆低于0.50,说明时间和空间上群落组成差异较大。在保护区鸟类保护与管理中,建议注重维持多样的生境类型,同时应当重视保护中低海拔阔叶林。  相似文献   

根据已发表的文献和资料,对广西繁殖鸟类资源进行了整理分析。截至目前,广西共有繁殖鸟类20目67科428种,主要由347种留鸟构成(占81.07%)。列入国家Ⅰ级保护动物的有金雕(Aquila chrysaetos)、黄腹角雉(Tragopan caboti)、白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti)和黑颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus humiae)4种;列入国家Ⅱ级保护动物的有68种。列入IUCN红色名录的有20种,包括2种濒危(EN)、8种易危(VU)和10种近危种(NT)。区系上,东洋界种类最多(77.34%),广布种次之(15.42%),古北界种最少(7.24%)。在繁殖鸟中,有89.02%的鸟类偏好于林地生境,其中72.43%属东洋界鸟类,而古北界和广布种鸟类生境偏好则相对多样。在桂西南喀斯特地区和桂南沿海地区,繁殖鸟类非常丰富,其种类分别占整个广西繁殖鸟类的82.24%和61.21%。因此,建议在优先保护这两个地区的基础上,加强保护区外、尤其是林区生境的保护。  相似文献   

雪豹(Panthera uncia)是一种仅公布于中亚高山地区的珍稀濒危大型猫科动物,被IUCN红皮书列为濒危物种,并被收录入CITES公约附录Ⅰ,在中国雪豹被列为国家一级重点保护动物(杨奇森和冯祚建,1998).  相似文献   

<正>世界自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)自1948年成立以来,一直是国际自然保护运动的领导力量,也是引领《生物多样性公约》起草、谈判和履行的主要国际机构。基于多年来在保护地管理方面的经验,IUCN近年提出一个激励创新机制,即:IUCN保护地绿色名录(Green List of Protected Areas,GLPA)计划(简称IUCN/GLPA计划),目的是通过制定标准和指标体系,对保护地管理内容与成效进行实际评估,促进其生物多样性保护目标的实现。  相似文献   

为了了解我国两栖动物受威胁现状和致危因素, 进而制定相关的保护措施和开展国际合作, 本文依据中国两栖动物野生种群与生境现状, 利用《IUCN物种红色名录濒危等级和标准》(3.1版)和《IUCN物种红色名录标准在国家或地区的应用指南》(4.0版), 对中国已知的408种两栖动物的濒危状况进行了评估, 并编制了《中国两栖动物红色名录》。评估结果表明: 中国两栖动物有1种灭绝, 1种区域灭绝, 受威胁的两栖动物共计176种, 占评估物种总数的43.1%, 明显高于《IUCN濒危物种红色名录》(2015)的物种受威胁率(30.8%)。中国两栖动物特有种272种, 其中48.9%属于受威胁物种。中国两栖动物受威胁比例最高的目是有尾目(63.4%), 明显高于无尾目(39.0%); 受威胁比例最高的科是隐鳃鲵科(Cryptobranchidae) (仅有1种, 100%受威胁), 小鲵科(Hynobiidae) (86.7%)和叉舌蛙科(Dicroglossidae) (78.1%)。有11个省区的受威胁物种数占本省区两栖动物物种总数的30%及以上, 前3位分别是四川(40.8%)、广西(39.2%)和云南(37%)。中国大多数两栖动物物种分布在西南山地和华南地区, 以海拔2,000 m以下区域为主。栖息地退化或丧失、捕捉、环境污染列受威胁两栖动物致危因子的前3位。鉴于中国两栖动物区系的复杂性和独特性, 进一步加强两栖动物资源调查、种群和生境监测及相关科学研究, 仍是今后一段时期开展两栖动物多样性保护和濒危物种拯救行动的关键性基础工作。  相似文献   

试论海南省蝴蝶保护与可持续性利用的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据世界自然保护联盟 (IUCN) 1994年前制订的《IUCN红色名录》和 1994年IUCN理事会第 4 0次会议上通过的《世界物种红色名录濒危等级》(IUCNRedListCatagories) ,针对我国 1989年颁布的《国家重点保护野生动物保护名录》和 2 0 0 0年国家林业局颁布的《国家保护的有益或者有重要经济、科学价值的陆生野生动物名录》中有关蝴蝶的部分 ,简述制订时的历史背景 ,就其中涉及海南分布的蝴蝶保护种划分的科学依据进行了探讨 ;建议今后蝴蝶保护名录修订时应将栖息地的保护状况列为评估濒危状况的首要依据 ,使保护名录更附合客观事实并有利于保护的可操作性 ;提出保护生物资源的最终目的是在条件成熟时对它们进行利用 ,如果可持续性利用的生物资源不加以利用 ,就是对资源的浪费 ;在利用中需引入高新技术、开拓创新 ,以提高利用效益 ,进而提升资源保护的管理水平。  相似文献   

解焱 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22445-3254
IUCN受威胁物种红色名录已经成为世界上最全面的关于全球动物、真菌和植物物种灭绝风险状况的信息来源, 是生物多样性健康的关键指标, 是促进生物多样性保护和决策的有力工具。本文全面介绍IUCN受威胁物种红色名录(简称IUCN红色名录)的发展以及应用状况, 积极推动其在中国的物种评估和广泛应用。总结了IUCN红色名录从依赖于评估专家的主观意志决定物种濒危等级的濒危物种红皮书(Red Data Book)到IUCN受威胁物种等级和标准(3.1版)的客观量化和所有门类使用统一标准的过程。该等级体系可囊括全球所有物种, 其中“受威胁”的3个等级——极危(CR)、濒危(EN)或易危(VU)需使用5个标准进行量化评估, 对评估规范有非常严格的要求。该等级和标准体系不仅适用于全球层面, 同样也适用于地区层面物种评估, 只是在具体物种种群如果和周边其他地区(国家)存在种群交流情况时, 评估结果要进行调整。迄今为止, 全球层面使用该等级体系和标准评估了14万多种(其中在中国有分布的物种10,846种), 100多个国家和地方制定了地区/国家层面的红色名录, 中国红色名录评估了5.5万多种。IUCN红色名录已广泛应用于评估生物多样性变化速度; 为保护规划提供决策信息; 支持履行国际公约、修订国家/地区重点保护物种名录和自然保护地管理等; 指导资源有效合理分配和宣传教育等。广泛应用过程中, 讨论主要集中在获取数据的方法改进上; 另外, 一方面有专家认为标准存在缺陷需要完善, 另一方面有呼吁维持标准的长期相对稳定, 以便进行跨时间、跨区域、跨物种门类的比较。本文提出来了中国红色名录的持续机制和应用建议, 包括建立中国红色名录委员会、建立中国红色名录专业网站、发展评估专家队伍、建立中国红色名录评估更新机制, 以及加强国际协作、促进全球和中国红色名录的应用和发展。  相似文献   

华南虎(Panthera tigris amoyensis)又称中国虎,为我国特有虎亚种,是现存5个虎亚种中最濒危的一种.它曾广泛分布于我国黄河流域以南至珠江以北的广大地区,现仅分布在福建、江西、广东和湖南交界的南岭山地林区,野外数量不足30只(韩宗先,2004),被列为国家Ⅰ级保护野生动物.IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)将其濒危等级划分为极危(CR),亦被认为是"最优先需要国际保护的动物"(IUCN,2010).  相似文献   

段菲  李晟 《生物多样性》2020,28(12):1459-774
黄河流域幅员辽阔, 多样的地理气候、植被类型及人类活动塑造了多样化的生物多样性格局。本研究以IUCN与国际鸟盟发布的鸟类分布图层为基础, 同时收集了黄河流域2009-2019年的鸟类实地观测记录, 包括观鸟记录、GBIF数据库、红外相机监测及其他实地调查的鸟类数据, 共得到35,026条鸟类实地观测有效记录。汇总结果显示, 黄河流域记录有鸟类物种662种, 占中国鸟类物种总数的45.81%。这些鸟类分属于23目83科, 其中雀形目物种数最多(384种, 占本目全国鸟种总数的46.83%), 其次为鸻形目(67种, 占50.00%)和雁形目(39种, 占72.22%)。黄河流域受威胁鸟类共计121种, 其中有37种和52种分别在IUCN红色名录和《中国脊椎动物红色名录》中被列为受威胁物种(即评估级别为极危、濒危或易危), 22种和73种被分别列为国家I级和II级重点保护野生动物。这些受威胁鸟种多为地栖性、体型大、营养级高或具有长距离迁徙习性的物种。黄河流域鸟类整体物种多样性由南向北递减, 以黄河上中游四川、甘肃、陕西的高原与山地内鸟种最为丰富, 而受威胁鸟类物种多样性热点区则在黄河中下游, 下游黄河三角洲及邻近平原区为受威胁鸟类最主要集中分布区。黄河流域内48个国家级自然保护区共覆盖鸟种数504种(占黄河流域鸟类总种数的76.13%), 其中受威胁鸟种92种(占黄河流域受威胁鸟种数的76.03%)。区域内国家级自然保护区大多分布在黄河上游, 对黄河下游的受威胁物种覆盖程度较低, 保护空缺较严重。对此, 我们建议着重加强中下游自然保护区建设与能力提升, 增加对中下游受威胁鸟种的保护力度, 在保护策略上应当积极探索高强度土地利用下的多样化保护机制。  相似文献   

Historical samples, like tanned hides and trophy skulls, can be extremely important for genetic studies of endangered or elusive species. Selection of a sampling protocol that is likely to provide sufficient amount and quality of DNA with a minimum damage to the original specimen is often critical for a success of the study. We investigated microsatellite genotyping success of DNA isolated from three different types of Eurasian lynx historical samples. We analysed a total of 20 microsatellite loci in 106 historical samples from the endangered Dinaric lynx population, established from re-introduction of three pairs of lynx in 1973 from Slovakian Carpathians. Of the three tested sample types, turbinal bone and septum from the nasal cavity of the trophy skulls had the lowest percentage of samples successfully genotyped for all 20 microsatellite loci. Footpad samples, collected using a cork drill, exhibited better results in polymerase chain reaction amplification and genotyping than samples of footpad epidermis cut with a scalpel. We report simple and efficient sampling protocols, which could be widely applied for future studies utilizing historical samples.  相似文献   

The Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra, is a well known endangered species in South Korea that experienced rapid population decreases through poaching and industrialization until the 1980’s. To evaluate the genetic diversity and the existing number of otters recently found in Daegu City, 81 fecal samples collected from the Gumho River and Shincheon stream were subjected to DNA extraction for sex determination and genetic analysis using nuclear genetic markers. Individual identification and relatedness between individuals were detemined by genotypic data using twelve microsatellite loci, and sex identification was also determined based on sequence variation of the zinc finger protein gene on sex chromosomes. Our results showed that at least seven otter individuals were identified and the kinship relationships of seven individual pairs were determined. It was concluded that otters distributed widely in Daegu City have moderate levels of genetic diversity, and close monitoring of the small-sized otter population is necessary to promote successful settlement of the otters in the area.  相似文献   

Noninvasive methods using genetic markers have been suggested as ways to overcome difficulties associated with documenting the presence of elusive species. We present and assess a novel, reliable and effective molecular genetic technique for the unequivocal genetic identification of faeces from the endangered Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). From mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b and D-loop region sequences, we designed four species-specific primers (for products 130-161 bp long) that were considered to be likely to amplify degraded DNA. We compared two DNA extraction methods, various DNA amplification conditions and the robustness and specificity of the primer pairs with 87 lynx samples from 5 potentially different lynx populations and with 328 samples of other carnivore species. The utility of the identification technique was tested with faeces of different ages, with faeces from controlled field experiments, and with faeces collected from locales with possible lynx populations from throughout the state of Andalusia, Spain (8052 km2). Faecal mtDNA extraction was more efficient using PBS wash of the faeces instead of a faeces homogenate. Our assay increased from 92.6 to 99% efficiency with a second amplification and a reduction in template concentration to overcome polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibition. Our assay never produced false positives, and correctly identified all lynx faeces. Of 252 faeces samples of unknown species collected throughout Andalusia, 26.6% (from three different areas) were classified as Iberian lynx, 1.4% showed evidence of PCR inhibition and 1.2% were of uncertain origin. This method has proven to be a reliable technique that can be incorporated into large-scale surveys of Iberian lynx populations and exemplifies an approach that can easily be extended to other species.  相似文献   

The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), one of the world's most endangered cat species, is vulnerable due to habitat loss, increased fragmentation of populations, and precipitous demographic reductions. An understanding of Iberian lynx evolutionary history is necessary to develop rational management plans for the species. Our objectives were to assess Iberian lynx genetic diversity at three evolutionary timescales. First we analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation to position the Iberian lynx relative to other species of the genus LYNX: We then assessed the pattern of mtDNA variation of isolated populations across the Iberian Peninsula. Finally we estimated levels of gene flow between two of the most important remaining lynx populations (Do?ana National Park and the Sierra Morena Mountains) and characterized the extent of microsatellite locus variation in these populations. Phylogenetic analyses of 1613 bp of mtDNA sequence variation supports the hypothesis that the Iberian lynx, Eurasian lynx, and Canadian lynx diverged within a short time period around 1.53-1.68 million years ago, and that the Iberian lynx and Eurasian lynx are sister taxa. Relative to most other felid species, genetic variation in mtDNA genes and nuclear microsatellites were reduced in Iberian lynx, suggesting that they experienced a fairly severe demographic bottleneck. In addition, the effects of more recent reductions in gene flow and population size are being manifested in local patterns of molecular genetic variation. These data, combined with recent studies modeling the viability of Iberian lynx populations, should provide greater urgency for the development and implementation of rational in situ and ex situ conservation plans.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven carcasses of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) collected and examined in Estonia during 1999-2001 had helminths. Parasites identified and their prevalence included Diphyllobothrium latum (5%), Taenia pisiformis (100%), Taenia laticollis (41%), Taenia hydatigena (3%), Taenia taeniaeformis (3%), Toxocara cati (68%), and Trichinella spp. (22%). The only significant relationships (P < or = 0.05) between occurrence of helminths and host age and sex were a greater number of T. pisiformis and T. laticollis in older than in youger male lynx, and older males had a greater number of species of helminth than did younger lynx. Sixty-one fecal samples collected during snow tracking of nine lynx were examined; eggs of T. cati were identified in 38 samples, and Capillaria spp were found in eight samples. This is the first systematic investigation of parasites of lynx in Estonia.  相似文献   

任鹏  龚堃  鲍毅新  黄相相  周晓  韩金巧 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6933-6944
2014年4月至2015年1月,在古田山国家级自然保护区内共收集634份粪便样本,2份肌肉样本。通过严格筛选,最终获得390份可用于PCR扩增的样本。用多态性较高的8个微卫星位点进行基因型分型,共识别出177个小麂个体。SRY基因性别鉴定显示研究样本中雄性84只,雌性93只。所使用的8个微卫星位点在177个样本中,平均等位基因数(A)为11,平均观测杂合度(Ho)在0.960—1.000之间,平均值为0.9685,平均期望杂合度(He)在0.799—0.887之间,平均值为0.8429,多态信息含量(PIC)在0.766—0.872之间,平均多态信息含量为0.8214,基因杂合度水平较高,为遗传多样性丰富的种群。采用Cervus3.0进行亲权分析,当置信度为95%和80%时,8个微卫星位点的鉴定率均达到100%。共鉴定出父-母-子24对,母-子23对,父-子19对,涉及到104只个体。根据亲缘关系分析小麂的婚配制,结果发现小麂的婚配制属于1雄多雌,但并不是目前所知的亚型,而可能是一种被称作"检查策略"的一雄多雌制。  相似文献   

目的:川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是我国特有珍稀物种,其粪便作为一种非损伤性样品,为珍稀濒危动物的种群数量调查、遗传多样性评价、亲缘关系、系统进化等研究带来了很大便利,本研究试图建立高效、简便的粪便样品保存方法。方法:在现有珍稀濒危动物粪便样品保存方法的基础上,分别使用干燥法、冷冻法和干燥-冷冻法保存川金丝猴的粪便样品,比较了不同保存方法的DNA提取效果,以及对mtDNA控制区片段的PCR扩增成功率和微卫星基因的PCR扩增效率。结果:干燥法、冷冻法和干燥-冷冻法三种不同保存方法保存粪便1周时间后,提取的粪便DNA样本扩增mtDNA片段的成功率均为92%,微卫星基因的扩增成功率分别为79%、78%、80%;保存2个月后,mtDNA片段扩增成功率分别为80%、76%和80%,微卫星基因扩增成功率分别为65%、61%、67%;保存6个月后,mtDNA片段扩增成功率分别为56%、52%和64%,微卫星基因扩增成功率分别40%、34%、46%。因此,随着保存时间的增长,三种方法的保存效率都将明显降低,但干燥-冷冻法得到的DNA样本扩增成功率相对较高。结论:粪便样品能够为川金丝猴的遗传多样性评价等相关研究提供有效信息,干燥-冷冻法保存能够更为有效的保证DNA的提取和基因扩增效率。  相似文献   

We analyzed the genotypes of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) from three populations in the westernmost part of the species main range. One population was situated at the distribution edge (NE Poland) and the two other (Latvia and Estonia) were located within the main, contiguous range of the species. The aim was to determine if the genetic composition varied among these populations and if there was evidence of isolation among them. Based on microsatellite allele frequencies, we found the allelic richness in Polish lynx to be lower than that in lynx from Latvia and Estonia. We also found significant differentiation among the lynx populations, with the NE Poland population forming a distinct genetic group relative to the two other populations (R ST = 0.15 and 0.22, P < 0.0001). We suggest that genetic differentiation among lynx populations is the result of habitat insularisation that limits gene flow. This finding emphasizes the necessity to consider the lynx genetic differentiation in conservation planning of this species in Poland.  相似文献   

Siberian stone pine, Pinus sibirica Du Tour is one of the most economically and environmentally important forest-forming species of conifers in Russia. To study these forests a large number of highly polymorphic molecular genetic markers, such as microsatellite loci, are required. Prior to the new high-throughput next generation sequencing (NGS) methods, discovery of microsatellite loci and development of micro-satellite markers were very time consuming and laborious. The recently developed draft assembly of the Siberian stone pine genome, sequenced using the NGS methods, allowed us to identify a large number of microsatellite loci in the Siberian stone pine genome and to develop species-specific PCR primers for amplification and genotyping of 70 microsatellite loci. The primers were designed using contigs containing short simple sequence tandem repeats from the Siberian stone pine whole genome draft assembly. Based on the testing of primers for 70 microsatellite loci with tri-, tetra- or pentanucleotide repeats, 18 most promising, reliable and polymorphic loci were selected that can be used further as molecular genetic markers in population genetic studies of Siberian stone pine.  相似文献   

Over the last decades the phylogeography and genetic structure of a multitude of species inhabiting Europe and North America have been described. The flora and fauna of the vast landmasses of north-eastern Eurasia are still largely unexplored in this respect. The Eurasian lynx is a large felid that is relatively abundant over much of the Russian sub-continent and the adjoining countries. Analyzing 148 museum specimens collected throughout its range over the last 150 years we have described the large-scale genetic structuring in this highly mobile species. We have investigated the spatial genetic patterns using mitochondrial DNA sequences (D-loop and cytochrome b) and 11 microsatellite loci, and describe three phylogenetic clades and a clear structuring along an east-west gradient. The most likely scenario is that the contemporary Eurasian lynx populations originated in central Asia and that parts of Europe were inhabited by lynx during the Pleistocene. After the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) range expansions lead to colonization of north-western Siberia and Scandinavia from the Caucasus and north-eastern Siberia from a refugium further east. No evidence of a Berinigan refugium could be detected in our data. We observed restricted gene flow and suggest that future studies of the Eurasian lynx explore to what extent the contemporary population structure may be explained by ecological variables.  相似文献   

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