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Feng  Wenting  Schaefer  Douglas A.  Zou  Xiaoming  Zhang  Min 《Ecological Research》2011,26(2):437-444
Labile organic carbon (LOC) is a critical component of soil organic carbon (C) because of its intimate association with soil heterotrophic respiration and role in the decomposition of resistant soil organic matter. In a subtropical moist evergreen broad-leaved forest of southwest China, we examined changes of LOC and its potential turnover time, microbial biomass C (MBC), and soil microbial activity of the organic and the 0–10 cm mineral soil layers with aboveground plant litter and belowground root treatments. In February of 2004, removal of organic layer, root-trenching, and tree-girdling treatments were applied alone and in combination to manipulate plant-C inputs. In 2006, root-trenching and tree-girdling treatments did not significantly change LOC in the organic layer. In the 0–10 cm mineral soil layer, LOC increased substantially due to tree-girdling treatment, especially in the plots of tree-girdling and the combinations of three treatments, but this increase was absent in 2007. Soil MBC in these two layers generally did not change markedly after plant-C inputs manipulations except significant increase under tree-girdling treatment in 2006. The potential turnover times of LOC increased in all plots with the plant-C inputs manipulations. The lack of influence of plant-C inputs manipulations on LOC pools is likely due to high total soil organic C here, while insignificant changes of MBC suggest the soil microbes are not C limited in this forest. The changes of the potential turnover time of LOC imply that the sources of LOC have been shifted from fresh plant litter or root exudates to old soil organic C. Our results suggest that LOC recently derived from plants is preferred by microbes when available, but microbes can also use LOC from soil organic matter when fresh plant C is not available.  相似文献   

Lichen epiphytes are applied as excellent environmental indicators worldwide. However, very little is known about epiphytic lichen communities and their response to forest dynamics in subtropical China. This paper proposes the applications of the cover, diversity, and functional traits of epiphytic lichens to assess environmental changes associated with succession in subtropical forests of southwest China. Bole lichens were sampled from 120 plots of eight representative forest types in the Ailao Mountains. Total cover, species richness, diversity and community structure of bole lichens differed significantly among forest types, and the highest cover and diversity occurred in the Populus bonatii secondary forest (PBSF). Sixty-one indicator species were associated with particular forest types and more than 50% occurred in the PBSF. Both cover and diversity of most lichen functional groups varied regularly during forest succession. Lichen pioneer species were not displaced by competitively superior species as succession proceeds and cyanolichens were more prevalent in secondary forests. The results also highlight the importance of habitat variables such as canopy openness, host diversity, forest age, tree size, the size of the largest tree, tree density, and basal area on the lichen community. Consequently, our findings support the notion that epiphytic lichens, in terms of cover, diversity, species composition and functional traits can be used as effective indicators for large-scale and long-term forest monitoring. More importantly, the narrowly lobed foliose group was the best candidate indicator of environmental conditions in this region. The combined application of lichen indicator species and functional groups seemed to be a more reliable and more powerful method for monitoring forest dynamics in subtropical montane ecosystems.  相似文献   

植被凋落物和根系输入在调节森林土壤元素生物地球化学循环中扮演着关键作用。目前仍然不清楚凋落物和根系输入对热带原始林土壤主要元素含量的调控作用。针对该研究现状,以中国南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林为研究对象,通过开展凋落物与根系输入改变的控制试验(6个处理,每处理4次重复:对照、凋落物加倍、凋落物去除、断根、断根+凋落物加倍、断根+去除凋落物),探讨了凋落物和断根处理对土壤可溶性离子、土壤酸中和能力(ANC)和阳离子交换量(CEC)的短期影响。凋落物与根系处理半年后的结果显示:(1)凋落物去除与加倍处理都显著增加了0-40 cm土壤NO3-含量,并且凋落物去除效应大于添加效应;去除凋落物增加了表层土壤(0-20 cm) Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+的含量。(2)断根处理显著增加0-40 cm土壤NO3-和表层土壤Ca2+、Mg2+含量。(3)断根和去除凋落物交互处理显著增加了0-40 cm土壤NO3-和表层土壤Ca2+、Mg2+、K+含量,产生了叠加效应。(4)凋落物和断根处理并没有改变土壤pH,但降低了土壤酸中和能力(除凋落物加倍外),其降低的原因主要与阳离子交换量的降低和NO3-含量的增加有关。这些结果表明,土壤养分离子的可利用性(尤其是NO3-和Ca2+、Mg2+)和酸缓冲能力对凋落物和根系输入改变响应敏感,森林植物及其凋落物对土壤养分保留和缓冲性能具有重要调节作用。在人为干扰和气候变化加剧背景下,该研究可为森林生态系统可持续管理提供重要的理论参考。此外,植被凋落物和根系输入改变引起的长期生态学效应仍值得进一步关注。  相似文献   

The decomposition of mangrove litter in a subtropical mangrove forest   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Decomposition of Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. leaf and woody litter (twigs) was studied using litter bag experiments in a subtropical mangrove forest at two tidal levels (high and low) with different inundation regimes and during two seasons (summer and winter). Losses in dry weight were best described by a single exponential model which showed loss rates of both leaves and twigs were significantly higher low down on the shoreline (greater inundation) and in summer. The time (days) required for the loss of half of the initial dry weight (t 50) was summer: high 59, low 44; winter: high 98, low 78. For twigs the values (days) were summer: high 383, low 179; winter; high 1327, low 1207. There is an exponential relationship between leaf litter t 50's and latitude which indicates the importance of temperature and therefore season, to the dynamics of organic cycling and export in mangrove systems.  相似文献   

运用分解袋法研究了不同布置时间的凋落物在亚热带森林分解的初期过程, 探讨了不同布置时间的凋落物经过相同时间分解的差异及环境因子对其分解速率特别是分解速率常数k的影响。结果表明: 在凋落物分解较快的鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林, 不同时间布置的凋落物经过12个月的分解, 其残留率及k均存在较大的差异。不同布置时间的凋落物的分解率在前期(0-6个月)与其相应阶段的环境因子呈显著相关关系, 但与后期的环境因子相关性并不显著。不同布置时间的k值的变化范围为0.78-1.30, 起始于雨季的k值较大, 起始于旱季的较小(p < 0.001), 其大小与分解前期的环境因子相关性较高, 与整个分解过程中的环境因子相关性较低。因此, 凋落物的凋落时间可能影响其分解速率; 由于布置时间不同而导致k值估算的不准确将对森林生态系统的养分循环及其碳平衡的评估产生很大影响。  相似文献   

Aims With the continuing increase in the impact of human activities on ecosystems, ecologists are increasingly interested in understanding the effects of high temperature on litter decomposition since litter decomposition and the accompanying release of nutrients and carbon dioxide are key processes in ecosystem nutrient cycling and carbon flux. This study was conducted to evaluate the temperature sensitivity of forest litter decomposition and soil enzymes during litter decomposition in subtropical forest in China.Methods Two dominant litter types were chosen from Zijin Mountain in China: Quercus acutissima leaves from a broadleaf forest (BF) and Pinus massoniana needles from a coniferous forest (CF). The litter samples were incubated in soil microcosms at ambient control temperature (20°C) and 10°C warmer. During a 5-month incubation, chemical composition of litter samples, litter mass losses, and related soil enzyme activities were determined.Important findings Three main results were found: (i) high temperature accelerated decomposition rates of both litter types, and the temperature sensitivities of litter decomposition for BF leaves and that for CF needles are equivalent basically, (ii) high temperature enhanced soil enzyme activities in the two forest types, and the temperature sensitivities of polyphenol oxidase were significantly higher than those of the other soil enzymes and (iii) the temperature sensitivities of nitrate reductase were significantly higher in the CF soil than in the BF soil, while there was no significant difference in the temperature sensitivities of the other soil enzymes between BF and CF. As a long-term consequence, the high-temperature-induced acceleration of litter decomposition rates in these subtropical forests may cause carbon stored belowground to be transferred in the atmosphere, which may alter the balance between carbon uptake and release, and then alter the global carbon cycle in the coming decades.  相似文献   

Nadelhoffer  K. J.  Johnson  L.  Laundre  J.  Giblin  A. E.  Shaver  G.R. 《Plant and Soil》2002,242(1):107-113
We used ingrowth cores to estimate fine root production in organic soils of wet sedge and moist tundra ecosystems near Toolik Lake on Alaska's North Slope. Root-free soil cores contained in nylon mesh tubes (5 cm diameter, 20–30 cm long) were placed in control and chronically fertilized (N plus P) plots in mid-August 1994 and were retrieved 1 year later. Estimated fine root production in control plots was 75 g m–2 year–1 in wet sedge and 56 g m–2 year–1 in moist tussock tundra. Fine root production in fertilized plots was 85 g m–2 year–1 in wet sedge and 67 g m–2 year–1 in moist tussock tundra. Although our estimates of fine root production were higher on fertilized than control plots, differences were not statistically significant within either tundra type. Comparisons between our estimates of fine root production and other estimates of aboveground (plus rhizome) production on the same (wet sedge tundra) or similar (moist tussock tundra) plots suggest that fine root production was about one-third of total net primary production (NPP) under non-fertilized conditions and about one-fifth of total NPP under chronic fertilization. Fine root N and P concentrations increased with fertilization in both tundra types, but P concentrations increased more than N concentrations in wet sedge tundra, whereas relative increases in N and P concentrations in moist tundra roots were similar. These data are consistent with other studies suggesting that NPP in wet sedge tundra is often P limited and that co-limitation by N and P is more important in moist tussock tundra.  相似文献   

土壤动物群落结构和多样性可能随凋落物分解进程和基质质量的变化不断改变。为了解亚热带森林凋落叶分解过程中土壤节肢动物群落变化特征,以四川盆地亚热带森林麻栎(Quercus acutissima)和柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)凋落叶为对象,于2011-2015年采用分解袋法研究了2种凋落叶分解过程中土壤节肢动物组成、结构和多样性动态变化。整个研究期间,柳杉和麻栎凋落叶分解袋中共捕获土壤节肢动物3855只,分属于16目51科,且均以等节跳科和棘跳科为优势类群;麻栎凋落叶中土壤节肢动物的个体密度随分解进程呈现增加趋势,在分解的1079天达最高值后降低,而柳杉凋落叶则在分解的156天急剧增加后快速降低,2种凋落叶中土壤节肢动物类群数量具有相似的动态变化过程;2种凋落叶中土壤节肢动物总体以菌食性数量比例最高,腐食性最低,且随凋落叶分解进程,植食性土壤节肢动物占比明显下降,菌食性则上升;非度量多维尺度(NMDS)分析显示,2种凋落叶中土壤节肢动物群落组成具有显著差异,聚类分析表明,2种凋落叶土壤节肢动物群落结构相似性随分解进程不断降低。亚热带森林凋落叶分解过程中土壤节肢动物群落组成、结构和多样性受凋落叶类型影响。  相似文献   

It is increasingly recognized that understanding the functional consequences of landscape change requires knowledge of aboveground and belowground processes and their interactions. For this reason, we provide novel information addressing insect herbivory and edge effects on litter quality and decomposition in fragmented subtropical dry forests in central Argentina. Using litter from Croton lachnostachyus (a common shrub species in the region) in a decomposition bed experiment, we evaluated whether litter quality (carbon and nitrogen content; carbon: nitrogen ratio) and decomposability (percentage of remaining dry weight) differ between litter from forest interiors or edges (origin) and with or without herbivory (damaged/undamaged leaves). We found that edge/interior origin had a strong effect on leaf litter quality (mainly on carbon content), while herbivory was associated with a smaller increase in nitrogen content. Herbivore damage increased leaf litter decomposability, but this effect was related to origin during the initial period of litter incubation. Overall, undamaged leaf litter from the forest edge showed the lowest decomposability, whereas damaged leaf litter decomposed at rates similar to those observed in litter from the forest interior. The interacting edge and herbivory effects on leaf litter quality and decomposability shown in our study are important because of the increasing dominance of forest edges in human-modified landscapes and the profound effect of leaf litter decomposition on nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

植物残体添加和去除试验(The Detritus Input and Removal Treatments, DIRT)是研究地上凋落物以及植物根系对土壤营养物质循环过程及机制探究的一种试验设计。于2012年6月选择福建省三明森林生态系统与全球变化研究站的米槠常绿阔叶天然林,设置5种处理:对照(CT)、去除凋落物(NL)、去除根系(NR)、去除凋落物与根系(NI)、添加双倍凋落物(DL),在2018年12月对各处理不同土层(0—10cm、10—20cm)土壤磷组分及其影响因子进行研究,结果表明:(1)在0—10cm土层中DL处理总磷含量显著大于NL处理,NI处理无机磷含量最低,在10—20cm中DL处理有机磷含量显著大于其他处理;(2)DL处理活性磷(Resin-P、NaHCO3-Pi、NaHCO3-Po)含量在0—10cm土层中显著大于其他处理。在10—20cm土层中NR处理活性磷以及中等活性磷显著大于NL处理。残留态磷(Residual-P)含量最高,但在各处理与土层之间并没有明显差异;(3)酸性磷酸酶在0—10 cm土层不同处理间的变化...  相似文献   

Xu  Xiaoniu  Hirata  Eiji  Enoki  Tsutomu  Tokashiki  Yoshihiro 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(2):161-170
Decomposition of typhoon-generated and normal leaf litter and their release patterns for eight nutrient elements were investigated over 3 yr using the litterbag technique in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on Okinawa Island, Japan. Two common tree species, Castanopsis sieboldii and Schima wallichii, representative of the vegetation and differing in their foliar traits, were selected. The elements analyzed were N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, Fe and Mn. Dry mass loss at the end of study varied in the order: typhoon green leaves > typhoon yellow leaves > normal leaves falling for both species. For the same litter type, Schima decomposed faster than Castanopsis. Dry mass remaining after 2 yr of decomposition was positively correlated with initial C:N and C:P ratios. There was a wide range in patterns of nutrient concentration, from a net accumulation to a rapid loss in decomposition. Leaf litter generated by typhoons decomposed more rapidly than did the normal litter, with rapid losses for N and P. Analysis of initial quality for the different litter types showed that the C:P ratios were extremely high (range 896 – 2467) but the P:N ratios were < 0.05 (range 0.02 – 0.04), indicating a likely P-limitation for this forest. On average 32% less N and 60% less P was retranslocated from the typhoon-generated green leaves than from the normal litter for the two species, Castanopsis and Schima. An estimated 2.13 g m–2 yr–1 more N and 0.07 g m–2 yr–1 more P was transferred to the soil as result of typhoon disturbances, which were as high as 52% of N and 74% of P inputted from leaf litter annually in a normal year. Typhoon-driven maintenance of rapid P cycling appears to be an important mechanism by which growth of this Okinawan subtropical forest is maintained.  相似文献   

Lin  Dunmei  Pang  Mei  Fanin  Nicolas  Wang  Hongjuan  Qian  Shenhua  Zhao  Liang  Yang  Yongchuan  Mi  Xiangcheng  Ma  Keping 《Plant and Soil》2019,434(1-2):467-480
Plant and Soil - Home-field advantage (HFA) hypothesis predicts that plant litter decomposes faster beneath the plant species from which it was derived than beneath other plant species. However, it...  相似文献   

The leaf litter decomposition of 12 tree species was examined for three years in a subtropical forest in Japan to follow the pattern of changes in organic chemical constituents and nitrogen (N) and the relationship between these components. The remaining mass of the leaf litter reached 7–53% of the original mass at the end of the field incubation, and the decomposition constants (k) ranged from 0.37 to 2.39 year?1. The decomposition constant was significantly negatively correlated with the initial content of acid-unhydrolyzable residue (AUR) for all 12 tree species. A net increase of AUR that lasted for the first 3 to 6 months was noted for leaf litter of four tree species. The absolute amount of total N increased initially and then decreased thereafter in leaf litter of five tree species, whereas total N mass decreased throughout the study period in leaf litter of the other species. Contents of AUR and total N in leaf litter generally increased linearly with the accumulated mass loss of litter during decomposition, resulting in positive slopes of linear regressions. Lignocellulose index and AUR to N ratio of the litter showed convergent trends for 12 tree species as the decomposition progressed. When compared with datasets for an Asian climatic gradient, the decomposition rates in the subtropical forest was intermediate between the rates in tropical and temperate forests, and AUR and N contents in decomposing litter were consistently lower than those in temperate forests, indicating faster loss of AUR and N.  相似文献   

Lak  Zana A.  Sandén  Hans  Mayer  Mathias  Rewald  Boris 《Plant and Soil》2020,453(1-2):615-626
Plant and Soil - Specific root respiration (RRS) is a key root trait, determining i.e. nutrient foraging and uptake efficiencies. However, a considerable uncertainty exists regarding the effects of...  相似文献   

细根在森林生态系统C分配和养分循环过程中发挥着重要作用, 但对地下细根与植物多样性之间关系的研究相对较少。该研究选择中亚热带从单一树种的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林到多树种的常绿阔叶林(青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)-石栎(Lithocarpus glaber)林)的不同植物多样性梯度, 用根钻法采集细根并测定其生物量, 用Win-RHIZO 2005C根系分析系统测定细根形态参数, 以验证以下3个假设: 1)植物种类丰富度高的林分其细根生产存在“地下超产”现象; 2)根系空间生态位的分离水平是否随着植物多样性增多而增大? 3)细根是否通过形态可塑性对林木竞争做出响应?结果显示: 从单一树种的杉木人工林到植物种类较复杂的青冈-石栎常绿阔叶林, 0-30 cm土层的林分细根总生物量和活细根生物量均呈增加的趋势, 即细根总生物量为杉木林(305.20 g·m-2) <马尾松(Pinus massoniana)林(374.25 g·m-2) <南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)林(537.42 g·m-2) <青冈林(579.33 g·m-2), 活细根生物量为杉木林(268.74 g·m-2) <马尾松林(299.15 g·m-2) <南酸枣林(457.32 g·m-2) <青冈林(508.47 g·m-2), 各森林类型之间的细根总生物量差异显著(p < 0.05), 但活细根生物量差异不显著。土壤垂直剖面上, 除杉木林细根生物量随土层变化不显著外, 其他森林类型的活细根生物量和总细根生物量均随土层变化显著, 表层细根生物量随树种多样性的升高呈减小趋势, 据此推测树种间的生态位分离水平逐渐增大。植物多样性的不同对林分的细根形态及空间分布格局影响不显著, 细根形态可塑性对生物量变化响应不明显。  相似文献   

The involvement of ligninolytic and cellulolytic enzymes, such as laccase, lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), and filter paper activity (FPA), in the decomposition process of leaf litter driven by 6 soil-inhabiting fungi imperfecti was studied under solid-state fermentations. All the tested fungi exhibited varied production profiles of lignocellulolytic enzymes and each caused different losses in total organic matter (TOM) during decomposition. Based on the results, the 6 fungi could be divided into 2 functional groups: Group 1 includes Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp., Acremonium sp., and Trichoderma sp., and Group 2 includes Pestalotiopsis sp. and Aspergillus fumigatus. Group 1, with higher CMCase and FPA activities, showed a higher decomposition rate than the fungi of Group 2 over the first 16 d, and thereafter the cellulolytic activities and decomposition rate slowed down. Group 2 showed the maximum and significantly higher CMCase and FPA activities than those of the Group 1 fungi during the later days. This, combined with the much higher laccase activity, produced a synergistic reaction that led to a much faster average mass loss rate. These results suggest that the fungi of Group 1 are efficient decomposers of cellulose and that the fungi of Group 2 are efficient decomposers of lignocellulose. During cultivation, Pestalotiopsis sp. produced an appreciable amount of laccase activity (0.56+/-0.09 U/ml) without the addition of inducers and caused a loss in TOM of 38.2%+/-3.0%, suggesting that it has high potential to be a new efficient laccase-producing fungus.  相似文献   

潘玉梅  张乃莉 《生物多样性》2021,29(11):1447-82
森林生物多样性与生态系统功能关系是当前群落生态学的热点研究领域。然而, 以往研究更多聚焦在森林植物多样性丧失对群落生产力的影响, 而对森林凋落物分解的相关研究稍显不足。森林凋落叶分解的快慢直接受控于凋落物分解者分泌的胞外酶的活性, 后者更是指示森林生态系统养分循环的重要指标之一。本研究依托我国江西亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能控制实验, 通过对不同植物多样性梯度样方内目标树种凋落叶胞外酶活性、理化性质以及腐生真菌的分析, 探索树种多样性丧失对胞外酶活性的影响及其调控机制, 以探讨森林树种多样性对地表、地下生态过程和功能的影响。结果表明, 样方水平树种多样性丧失显著影响胞外酶的活性, 除单种样方外, 随着样方水平树种丰富度的增加, 胞外酶活性呈现出增长趋势; 与碳周转相关的α-葡萄糖苷酶(AG)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)、纤维二糖水解酶(CB)在树种多样性最大时活性达到最高; 而木糖苷酶(XS)以及与氮、磷和顽拗有机养分分解相关的N-乙酰-β-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)、酸性磷酸酶(AP)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)在树种多样性较低时活性较高。针对目标树种周围的邻居树种多样性进一步分析发现, 各胞外酶活性随着邻居树种多样性的变化呈“单峰”响应趋势, 酶活性大多在邻居树种丰富度为6时呈现峰值。研究发现真菌分解者在胞外酶活性对植物多样性的响应上可能存在重要的调控作用, 可以推测树种多样性通过改变腐生真菌分解者的群落结构和多度, 从而影响胞外酶活性。  相似文献   

格氏栲天然林与人工林细根生物量、季节动态及净生产力   总被引:59,自引:14,他引:59  
通过对福建三明格氏栲天然林及在其采伐迹地上营造的33年生格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林细根分布、季节动态与净生产力进行的为期3a(1999~2001)的研究,结果表明,格氏栲天然林、格氏栲和杉木人工林活细根生物量分别为4.944t/hm2、3.198t/hm2和1.485t/hm2,死细根生物量分别为3.563t/hm2、2.749t/hm2和1.287t/hm2;死细根生物量占总细根生物量的比例分别为41.9%、46.2%和46.4%;<0.5mm细根生物量占总细根生物量的比例分别为31.2%、29.4%和69.9%。3种林分活细根生物量和死细根生物量季节间差异显著(P<0.05),但年份间差异则不显著(P>0.05);活细根生物量最大值均出现在3月份,最小值一般出现在5~7月份或11~翌年1月份间。0~10cm表土层格氏栲天然林活细根生物量高达295.65g/m2,分别是格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林的2.4倍和8.1倍;该层格氏栲天然林活细根生物量占全部活细根生物量的59.8%,均高于格氏栲人工林(39.07%)和杉木人工林(24.51%)。格氏栲天然林、格氏栲人工林和杉木人工林细根分解1a后的干重损失率分别为68.34%~80.13%、63.51%~77.95%和47.69%~60.78%;年均分解量分别为8.747、5.143和2.503t/hm2;死亡量分别为8.632、5.148和2.492t/hm2;年均净生产量分别为8.797、5.425和2.513t/hm2,年周转速率分别为1.78、1  相似文献   

杨光  孙涛  安思危  郭攀  马明 《生态学报》2019,39(6):2101-2108
森林凋落物对于汞在林地土壤的生物地球化学循环中起到重要作用,为研究森林凋落物分解过程中汞的迁移转化特征,以重庆四面山风景名胜区典型林分(常绿阔叶林)作为研究对象。于2014年3月—2015年3月连续监测典型林分凋落物中各形态汞浓度和有机质变化量,同时监测周围土壤中汞浓度变化。结果表明:四面山典型林分凋落物分解过程中汞浓度整体上升,总汞浓度(初始浓度:78 ng/g)的增幅最高达53%,甲基汞浓度(初始浓度:0.32 ng/g)最高增幅达138%;在春季和夏季,水溶态和酸溶态两种活性态汞含量分别增加了851%和96%,在分解前期和末期,凋落物汞的中惰性汞比例最高,占比达75%。土壤腐殖质层中总汞和甲基汞浓度比较稳定。凋落物中活性态汞通过雨水淋洗进入土壤与有机质络合并发生甲基化/去甲基化过程,通过地表径流、地下径流进入水体。凋落物中C含量减少了22%,N含量增加了15%,总汞浓度与C/N比呈负相关,与N含量呈正相关。凋落物中微生物C、N含量整体增加,与汞浓度峰值同步,且夏季含量显著高于冬季含量(P0.05),说明微生物与凋落物固定汞和汞的甲基化过程密切相关。  相似文献   

The distribution of species and communities in relation to environmental heterogeneity is a central focus in ecology. Co‐occurrence of species with similar functional traits is an indication that communities are determined in part by environmental filters. However, few studies have been designed to test how functional traits are selectively filtered by environmental conditions at local scales. Exploring the relationship between soil characteristics and plant traits is a step toward understanding the filtering hypothesis in determining plant distribution at local scale. Toward this end, we mapped all individual trees (diameter >1 cm) in a one‐ha subtropical forest of China in 2007 and 2015. We measured topographic and detailed soil properties within the field site, as well as plant leaf functional traits and demographic rates of the seven most common tree species. A second one‐ha study plot was established in 2015, to test and validate the general patterns that were drawn from first plot. We found that variation in species distribution at local scale can be explained by soil heterogeneity and plant functional traits. (From first plot). (1) Species dominant in habitats with high soil ammonium nitrogen and total phosphorus tended to have high specific leaf area (SLA) and relative growth rate (RGR). (2) Species dominant in low‐fertility habitats tended to have high leaf dry matter content (LDMC), ratio of chlorophyll a and b (ratioab), and leaf thickness (LT). The hypothesis that functional traits are selected in part by environmental filters and determine plant distribution at local scale was confirmed by the data of the first plot and a second regional site showed similar species distribution patterns.  相似文献   

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