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Subordinates often have to wait for dominants to obtain food. As a result, their foraging success should be less predictable and they should therefore maintain a higher level of energy reserves compared with dominants. A corollary of this prediction is that subordinates should gain mass earlier in the day and maintain higher mass than dominants. We tested these predictions with captive Carolina chickadees. In two different experiments (one where birds were given ad libitum access to food and the other with food access limited to 60 min/day), we formed social flocks of two previously unfamiliar birds and compared their energy management (body fat and food caches) while they were in the flock with energy management when housed alone. Results from both experiments failed to support the predictions. Of all the parameters of body mass and food caching we measured only the following results were significant: (1) On the ad libitum food schedule, both subordinates and dominants accumulated more mass over the day when in a flock compared with when they were solitary, and there were no differences in mass gain between dominants and subordinates. (2) When analysed separately, dominants showed a higher evening mass in the flock compared with the solitary condition, a trend that runs opposite to the prediction. Our results suggest that when in favourable foraging conditions, social interactions might cause dominant and subordinate birds to accumulate more energy reserves as a result of competition. On the other hand, if food supply is limited, both dominants and subordinates may be forced to maintain similar fat reserves as an insurance against increased risk of starvation. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of dominance rank on fat deposition and hoarding behaviour in Willow Tits Parus montanus . Dominant individuals can displace subordinates which gives them priority to new food sources; they can also pilfer stored food from subordinates. This gives subordinates less certain access than dominants both to their own caches and to new food sources. Theory predicts that subordinates should invest more than dominants both in body fat reserves and stored food. Empirical evidence is equivocal; some studies have shown that subordinates built up larger reserves than dominants, whereas others show the opposite. In an earlier indoor experiment, Pravosudov and Lucas found no effect of rank on either hoarding rate or fat reserves, but the experimental design was such that the results were ambiguous. This paper reports on a similar, but improved, experiment in outdoor aviaries. However, our results agree with the earlier experiment, since we found no effect of rank on either food storing or fat deposition. The reasons for this are explored.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between social dominance,competition for food, and strategies of body mass and fat regulationin the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). In birds housedin groups of three, subdominant birds stored more fat than dominants.A removal experiment established a causal link between socialdominance and fat reserves; in groups that had the dominantindividual removed, the remaining birds reduced body mass andfat, relative to control groups that had the subordinate removed.In a second experiment, we investigated the influences of degreeof competition for food and dominance on body mass and fat reserves.Birds under high competition increased fat reserves and tendedto have higher body mass than birds under low competition. Theincrease in fat reserves was higher in the subdominants thanin the dominants. These results are consistent with hypothesesconcerning dominance-dependent access to food; subdominant birds,or birds under increased competition, may store more fat asan insurance against periods when food cannot be obtained. However,relations between dominance, body mass, and fat reserves mayalso arise through other proximate factors relating to dominance-dependentcosts and benefits of fat storage, such as predation risk andenergetic expenditure.  相似文献   

Within-brood or -litter dominance provides fitness-related benefits if dominant siblings selfishly skew access to food provided by parents in their favour. Models of facultative siblicide assume that dominants exert complete control over their subordinate sibling's access to food and that control is maintained, irrespective of the subordinate's hunger level. By contrast, a recent functional hypothesis suggests that subordinates should contest access to food when the cost of not doing so is high. Here, we show that within spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) twin litters, dominants most effectively skew access to maternal milk in their favour when their aggression prompts a highly submissive response. When hungry, subordinates were less submissive in response to aggression, thereby decreasing lost suckling time and increasing suckling time lost by dominants. In a species where adult females socially dominate adult males, juvenile females were more often dominant than males in mixed-sex litters, and subordinate sisters used more effective counter-tactics against dominant brothers than subordinate brothers against dominant sisters. Our results provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence in a mammal that dominant offspring in twin litters do not exert complete control over their sibling's access to resources (milk), and that sibling dominance relationships are influenced by sibling sex and training effects.  相似文献   

We conducted three experiments on social problem solving by chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes. In each experiment a subordinate and a dominant individual competed for food, which was placed in various ways on the subordinate's side of two opaque barriers. In some conditions dominants had not seen the food hidden, or food they had seen hidden was moved elsewhere when they were not watching (whereas in control conditions they saw the food being hidden or moved). At the same time, subordinates always saw the entire baiting procedure and could monitor the visual access of their dominant competitor as well. If subordinates were sensitive to what dominants did or did not see during baiting, they should have preferentially approached and retrieved the food that dominants had not seen hidden or moved. This is what they did in experiment 1 when dominants were either uninformed or misinformed about the food's location. In experiment 2 subordinates recognized, and adjusted their behaviour accordingly, when the dominant individual who witnessed the hiding was replaced with another dominant individual who had not witnessed it, thus demonstrating their ability to keep track of precisely who has witnessed what. In experiment 3 subordinates did not choose consistently between two pieces of hidden food, one of which dominants had seen hidden and one of which they had not seen hidden. However, their failure in this experiment was likely to be due to the changed nature of the competition under these circumstances and not to a failure of social-cognitive skills. These findings suggest that at least in some situations (i.e. competition with conspecifics) chimpanzees know what conspecifics have and have not seen (do and do not know), and that they use this information to devise effective social-cognitive strategies. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Juvenile flounder Paralichthys olivaceus were size‐graded into three groups (small, large and mixing of small and large) and social interactions (feeding, aggressive attacking and activity) and growth of the fish were investigated. Growth of the subordinates (small flounder) was markedly suppressed by the presence of the dominants (large flounder). Dominants did not significantly suppress the overall food intake of the subordinates, but exhibited high aggressive attacking on the subordinates and consequently inhibited their activity. Size dominant interactions had little influence on the aggressive behaviour, feeding, activity and growth of the dominants. Results substantiated the hypothesis that the retardation in the growth of the subordinate flounder was attributed to the physiological costs of ‘stress’ by the aggression of the dominants. Individual differences in aggressive behaviour, feeding and activity were at least partly responsible for the growth depensation of the juvenile flounder. The dominants could not effectively defend the food in excess and disproportional food acquisition of the subordinates and dominants was not the primary mechanism responsible for the size hierarchy effect. In culture, size grading of the early juvenile flounder could markedly improve the growth and survival and thus possibly increase the overall biomass production of the flounder.  相似文献   

Juvenile flounder Paralichthys olivaceus were size‐graded into three groups (small, large and mixing of small and large) and social interactions (feeding, aggressive attacking and activity) and growth of the fish were investigated. Growth of the subordinates (small flounder) was markedly suppressed by the presence of the dominants (large flounder). Dominants did not significantly suppress the overall food intake of the subordinates, but exhibited high aggressive attacking on the subordinates and consequently inhibited their activity. Size dominant interactions had little influence on the aggressive behaviour, feeding, activity and growth of the dominants. Results substantiated the hypothesis that the retardation in the growth of the subordinate flounder was attributed to the physiological costs of 'stress' by the aggression of the dominants. Individual differences in aggressive behaviour, feeding and activity were at least partly responsible for the growth depensation of the juvenile flounder. The dominants could not effectively defend the food in excess and disproportional food acquisition of the subordinates and dominants was not the primary mechanism responsible for the size hierarchy effect. In culture, size grading of the early juvenile flounder could markedly improve the growth and survival and thus possibly increase the overall biomass production of the flounder.  相似文献   

Groups of recently emerged coho salmon fry Oncorhynchus kisutch were reared for 3 months on food that appeared either asynchronously at a single location (localized) or synchronously and spatially dispersed (dispersed). Groups were further subdivided into those receiving low (1%) or high (3% body weight per day) rations, with five replicate groups for each treatment combination. At low ration there was greater growth depensation, i.e. growth variation, in groups receiving localized as compared to dispersed food. At high ration there was no difference. There was no effect of food distribution upon mean fish weight, but groups receiving high rations had greater mean fish weights than groups receiving low rations. There was no overall difference in the frequency of chasing between any of the treatment combinations. However, in localized food groups, dominants defended positions close to where food entered the tank, giving them greater access than subordinates. In dispersed food groups, while dominants also defended particular areas, this did not result in greater access to food. These results demonstrate that although feeding methodology may not directly influence the frequency of aggressive interactions, feeding methods which facilitate food monopolization by dominants can accelerate the growth of these individuals at the expense of subordinates. In aquacultural applications where greater size is desirable, or otherwise selected for, this may result in the unintentional selection for increased aggressiveness.  相似文献   

In a dominance-structured flock, social status may determinepriority of access to food. Birds of low social status mayperceive present and future access to food as less predictable,and so have a higher risk of starvation, than birds of highsocial rank. Theoretical models predict that subordinate birdsshould carry larger fat reserves and incur higher mass-dependentcosts than dominants. However, empirical tests of the assumptionsof these models are still scarce and controversial. We investigatedthe effect of dominance rank on daily mass gain under conditionsof fluctuating food availability in a laboratory experimentusing four flocks of four coal tits (Parus ater) each. Thesame amount of food was delivered in two treatments, but inone treatment the food was offered at a constant rate betweendays (fixed treatment), while in the other treatment the dailyfood supply varied in an unpredictable sequence between days(variable treatment). All birds showed greater variance inbody mass in the variable treatment than in the fixed treatment.Body mass within birds showed the same variability at dawn thanat dusk in the fixed treatment, but less variability at dawnthan at dusk in the variable treatment. This may be a mechanismto reduce the immediate risk of starvation at the beginningof the day, when fat reserves are at their lowest and the aggressionbetween flock members when feeding highest. Subordinate birdswere excluded from the feeders by dominants more often in theearly morning than in the rest of the day, and they showedmore variability in daily mass gain and body mass at dawn thandominant birds. These results support the hypothesis that subordinatebirds have a reduced probability of surviving when food availabilitychanges unexpectedly compared to dominants.  相似文献   

Wild groups ( n = 167) of the cooperatively breeding Lake Tanganyika cichlid, Neolamprologus pulcher , were used to investigate how social status and sex influence liver investment. In contrast to expectations, males and females (controlling for body size) had similar liver investment and subordinates (both sexes) had relatively larger livers compared with dominants. Three hypotheses were considered for why social status results in liver size disparity: liver mass might reflect status-dependent differences in (1) energy expenditure, (2) energy storage and (3) energy acquisition. First, dominants performed more energetically costly behaviours ( e.g . social policing and care) compared with subordinates, supporting the notion that energy expenditure drives liver investment. Moreover, dominants in large groups (with many subordinates to monitor) and those holding multiple territories (with large areas to patrol), tended to have smaller livers. Second, subordinates did not appear to use the liver as a strategic energy storage organ. In laboratory and field experiments, subordinates ascending in rank had similar or larger livers during periods of rapid growth compared with non-ascending controls. Third, although subordinates fed more frequently than dominants, a negative relationship was found between feeding rates and liver size. Hence, these results contrast with previous liver studies and suggest that liver investment patterns were linked to status-driven differences in energy expenditure but not to energy intake or storage in N. pulcher .  相似文献   

Winter acclimatization in birds is a complex of several strategies based on metabolic adjustment accompanied by long-term management of resources such as fattening. However, wintering birds often maintain fat reserves below their physiological capacity, suggesting a cost involved with excessive levels of reserves. We studied body reserves of roosting great tits in relation to their dominance status under two contrasting temperature regimes to see whether individuals are capable of optimizing their survival strategies under extreme environmental conditions. We predicted less pronounced loss of body mass and body condition and lower rates of overnight mortality in dominant great tits at both mild and extremely low ambient temperatures, when ambient temperature dropped down to ?43 °C. The results showed that dominant great tits consistently maintained lower reserve levels than subordinates regardless of ambient temperature. However, dominants responded to the rising risk of starvation under low temperatures by increasing their body reserves, whereas subdominant birds decreased reserve levels in harsh conditions. Yet, their losses of body mass and body reserves were always lower than in subordinate birds. None of the dominant great tits were found dead, while five young females and one adult female were found dead in nest boxes during cold spells when ambient temperatures dropped down to ?43 °C. The dead great tits lost up to 23.83 % of their evening body mass during cold nights while surviving individuals lost on average 12.78 % of their evening body mass. Our results show that fattening strategies of great tits reflect an adaptive role of winter fattening which is sensitive to changes in ambient temperatures and differs among individuals of different social ranks.  相似文献   

Proximate mechanisms underlying reproductive skew are obscure in many animals that breed communally. Here, we address causes of reproductive skew in brood-parasitic associations of burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides). Male and female burying beetles feed and defend their larvae on buried carcasses. When several females locate the same small carcass, they engage in violent physical altercations. The subordinate then acts as an intraspecific brood parasite, laying eggs, but not providing care. The dominant female largely monopolizes access to the carcass; she alone provides parental care and her share of the brood is much larger than the subordinate's. On larger carcasses, subordinates have greater access to the carcass than on small ones, and reproductive skew is reduced. Differential fecundity, ovicide and larvicide have been suggested as causes of skew on small carcasses. Here, we report the results of the experiments pertaining to the first two of these potential mechanisms. Ovicide did not significantly contribute to reproductive skew on small carcasses, but differential fecundity did. Fecundity differences were due to dominance status, not body size per se. Fecundity differences disappeared when supplemental food was available, suggesting that reduced access to the carcass limits fecundity by causing nutritional deficiencies. Supplemental food prevented such nutritional deficiencies and allowed subordinates to produce as many eggs as dominants. Apparently, aggressive behaviour by dominants functions in the context of reproductive competition, limiting subordinate reproduction by preventing food intake on the carcass.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that in avian social groups subordinate individuals should maintain more energy reserves than dominants, as an insurance against increased perceived risk of starvation. Subordinates might also have elevated baseline corticosterone levels because corticosterone is known to facilitate fattening in birds. Recent experiments showed that moderately elevated corticosterone levels resulting from unpredictable food supply are correlated with enhanced cache retrieval efficiency and more accurate performance on a spatial memory task. Given the correlation between corticosterone and memory, a further prediction is that subordinates might be more efficient at cache retrieval and show more accurate performance on spatial memory tasks. We tested these predictions in dominant-subordinate pairs of mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli). Each pair was housed in the same cage but caching behavior was tested individually in an adjacent aviary to avoid the confounding effects of small spaces in which birds could unnaturally and directly influence each other's behavior. In sharp contrast to our hypothesis, we found that subordinate chickadees cached less food, showed less efficient cache retrieval, and performed significantly worse on the spatial memory task than dominants. Although the behavioral differences could have resulted from social stress of subordination, and dominant birds reached significantly higher levels of corticosterone during their response to acute stress compared to subordinates, there were no significant differences between dominants and subordinates in baseline levels or in the pattern of adrenocortical stress response. We find no evidence, therefore, to support the hypothesis that subordinate mountain chickadees maintain elevated baseline corticosterone levels whereas lower caching rates and inferior cache retrieval efficiency might contribute to reduced survival of subordinates commonly found in food-caching parids.  相似文献   

The higher metabolic rate of dominant individuals, found in different species, has been interpreted as the cost that prevents subordinates from cheating by adopting large badges of status. However, an alternative prediction for status-signalling species, in which subordinates may recognize dominants, is that subordinates have the higher metabolic rate because of the greater stress of locating and actively avoiding aggressive interactions with them. In this study, the size of the black bib of the siskin, Carduelis spinus, which is a badge of dominance, was negatively correlated with metabolic rate in daylight, even when controlling for the bird's activity level in the respirometer chamber and its body mass. The size of the black bib, however, was not correlated with metabolic rate in darkness. This suggests that the difference between dominance classes is not related to intrinsic physiological differences, but that subordinates are more susceptible to stressful conditions. When controlling for metabolic rate, a positive correlation appeared between dominance status and body mass. This stresses the importance of knowing the effects of social status on energy requirements for understanding the relationship between body mass and dominance. We conclude that maintaining a high social status may be more stressful to subordinates than to dominant birds. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

One view depiets dominance and subordination as roles with equal fitness played as parts of a mixed behavioural strategy, but subordination can also be maintained as a transient strategy of ‘hopeful dominants’. Resource access in groups of non-kin willow tits, Parus montanus, was related to social rank. Dominants excluded subordinates from the preferred microhabitat. Fitness in terms of survival was correlated with access to the preferred foraging sites, indicating that a mixed-strategy explanation is inadequate. Social rank was linked to age, and first-year subordinates behaved as predicted for hopeful dominants. They were not ‘herded’ by dominant group mates because subordinates actively maintained contact with dominants. One possible reason for subordinates joining winter groups might be the opportunity to reduce dominants' pay-off from aggression.  相似文献   

Actively granting food to a companion is called pro-social behavior and is considered to be part of altruism. Recent findings show that some non-human primates behave pro-socially. However, pro-social behavior is not expected in despotic species, since the steep dominance hierarchy will hamper pro-sociality. We show that some despotic long-tailed macaques do grant others access to food. Moreover, their dominance hierarchy determines pro-social behavior in an unexpected way: high-ranking individuals grant, while low-ranking individuals withhold their partner access to food. Surprisingly, pro-social behavior is not used by subordinates to obtain benefits from dominants, but by dominants to emphasize their dominance position. Hence, Machiavellian macaques rule not through “fear above love”, but through “be feared when needed and loved when possible”.  相似文献   

Social influences on food caching in willow tits: a field experiment   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
We studied the food hoarding behavior of willow tits (Parusmontanus), a scatter-hoarding passerine wintering in dominance-structuredflocks. We examined social influences on microhabitat selectionand spatial cache distribution at temporary feeders. Dominantadult males stored food closer to die feeder and at a greaterrate than did subordinates. When alone, the birds stored foodcloser to the feeder than when accompanied by conspecifics.Conifers were preferred over deciduous trees as cache trees.The subordinates cached more in die outer parts of branchesthan dominants. There were no significant differences in dierelative or absolute heights of die caches, nor in the verticalor horizontal hoarding niche breadths between dominants andsubordinates. We experimentally removed die dominants from dieflock for 90 min and recorded the behavior of die remainingsubordinates immediately after die removal. The removal resultedin a decrease in die hoarding distance of die remaining birds,indicating that die presence of dominants directly affecteddie behavior of subordinates and suggesting that kleptopar-asitismby dominants may be prevented by rarhing farther away. Withdie dominants removed, die subordinates cached at a greaterrate than before die removal. The decrease in die hoarding distanceand increase in die hoarding rate were die only significanteffects of die experiment, perhaps suggesting that, during ashort absence of dominants, die subordinates do not benefitfrom changing dieir caching microhabitat They might be excludedfrom those new, possibly safer, microhabitats after die dominantbird rejoins die flock.  相似文献   

The influence of predation risk on threat display in great tits   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In wintering birds, conflicts over food are often resolved bythreat displays. For displays to be effective, there oughtto be a cost associated with displaying. We investigated whetherincreased vulnerability to predators due to reduced vigilancecould be such a cost. Conflicts ought then to be resolved usingfewer or less intense displays in conditions of high risk. We also looked for differences between dominants and subordinatesin their reaction to risk. Because there is considerable evidencethat subordinate wintering birds forage in riskier places thandominants, one might expect dominants to be less successfulin conflicts under high predation risk. In our experiment,nine flocks of four or five wintering male great tits were keptin outdoor aviaries. In the predation risk treatment, a stuffedpygmy owl was briefly shown before birds were allowed accessto a feeder. In the control treatment the owl did not appear.The predator presentation caused a reduction in the amountof aggression shown by subordinates, whereas for dominants there was no statistically significant change. Dominants were at leastas successful in subduing subordinates under high risk as underlow risk. A possible interpretation is that our experimentreflected a natural foraging situation for great tits, whereephemeral resources can appear unpredictably. In such situations,dominants may need to be bold to gain priority of access even under increased risk of predation, whereas a subordinate wouldgain little by risking a conflict with small chances of winning.  相似文献   

In many hierarchical animal societies, dominant individuals control group membership owing to their power to evict subordinates. In such groups, the presence of subordinates, and therefore group stability, is continually dependent on subordinates being tolerated by dominants. The dominant decision to tolerate or evict is, in turn, dependent on the costs and benefits to dominants of subordinate presence. We investigated the effect of subordinate presence on dominants in the female dominance hierarchy of the dwarf angelfish Centropyge bicolor, using both observations of natural groups and experimental removals of subordinates. We found that the presence of subordinates had no effect on dominant access to resources, as measured by dominant foraging rates and home range areas, nor on dominant fitness, as measured by growth rates and spawning frequencies. Our results suggest that the presence of subordinates has a neutral effect on the current fitness of dominants, so that dominants have no great incentive to evict subordinates. We discuss the possibility that tolerance of subordinates might be further explained by considering future fitness, as dominant females in these haremic protogynous angelfish stand to inherit the male position, whereupon subordinate females change from potential competition to useful mates.  相似文献   

In most wild and captive monkey groups, some females are clearly dominant over others. Dominant animals have priority of access to resources, and well fed animals generally outreproduce poorly fed ones. So why is it that only in some social groups are dominant female monkeys more fecund than subordinate ones? The distribution of food influences the intensity of competition between group members, and it appears that dominants do better only when interference competition is intense. In addition, dominance influences reproductive performance via reproductive parameters other than simple fecundity. Analysis of the different components of reproductive success, and of the environmental conditions under which dominants outreproduce subordinates, should help our understanding of the biological processes by which differential reproductive performance arises.  相似文献   

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