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Estimates of speciation times are subject to a number of potential errors. One source of bias is that effective population size (Ne) has been shown to influence substitution rates. This issue is of particular interest for phylogeographic studies because population sizes can vary dramatically among genetically structured populations across species’ ranges. In this study, we used multilocus data to examine temporal phylogeographic patterns in a widespread North American songbird, the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Species tree estimation indicated that the phylogeographic structure of C. cardinalis was comprised of four well-supported mainland lineages with large population sizes (large Ne) and two island lineages comprised of much smaller populations (small Ne). We inferred speciation times from mtDNA and multilocus data and found there was discordance between events that represented island-mainland divergences, whereas both estimates were similar for divergences among mainland lineages. We performed coalescent simulations and found that the difference in speciation times could be attributed to stochasticity for a recently diverged island lineage. However, the magnitude of the change between speciation times estimated from mtDNA and multilocus data of an older island lineage was substantially greater than predicted by coalescent simulations. For this divergence, we found the discordance in time estimates was due to a substantial increase in the mtDNA substitution rate in the small island population. These findings indicate that in phylogeographic studies the relative tempo of evolution between mtDNA and nuclear DNA can become highly discordant in small populations.  相似文献   

Changes in climate and sea level are hypothesized to have promoted the diversification of biota in monsoonal Australia and New Guinea by causing repeated range disjunctions and restricting gene flow between isolated populations. Using a multilocus (one mtDNA locus, five nuclear introns) phylogeographic approach, we test whether populations of the mangrove and rainforest restricted Black Butcherbird (Cracticus quoyi) have diverged across several geographic barriers defined a priori for this region. Phylogeographic structure and estimates of divergence times revealed Plio-Pleistocene divergences and long-term restricted gene flow of populations on either side of four major geographic barriers between and within Australia and New Guinea. Overall, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that mesic-adapted species did not disperse across the open dry woodlands and grasslands that dominated the transient palaeo-landbridges during the Plio-Pleistocene despite the presence of mangrove forests that might have acted as dispersal corridors for mesic-adapted species. Our study offers one of the first multilocus perspectives on the impact of changes in climate and sea level on the population history of widespread species with disjunct ranges in Australia and New Guinea.  相似文献   

The Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager (Phaenicophilus poliocephalus), sometimes considered conspecific with its more widespread congener P. palmarum, is restricted to Haiti’s Tiburon Peninsula, a biodiversity hotspot threatened by extensive habitat loss. We used a multilocus phylogeographic approach to identify evolutionarily distinct populations of Phaenicophilus. Mitochondrial haplotypes formed two reciprocally monophyletic groups separated by 5% uncorrected divergence. Genealogical patterns of differentiation at nuclear intron alleles were congruent with those of mtDNA, and the two species also differed in body size and shape. An ancient sea channel between the Tiburon Peninsula and mainland Haiti was likely a dispersal barrier that led to allopatric divergence, a hypothesis supported by our estimates of divergence times. Our results support the recognition of two Palm-Tanager species, confirming P. poliocephalus as Haiti’s only endemic bird species and underscoring the need to protect the Tiburon Peninsula’s single primary forest reserve.  相似文献   

Abstract Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles partition the structural microhabitats available at a given site into four to six distinct categories. Most microhabitat specialists, or ecomorphs, have evolved only once on each island, yet closely related species of the same ecomorph occur in different geographic macrohabitats across the island. The extent to which closely related species of the same ecomorph have diverged to adapt to different geographic macro-habitats is largely undocumented. On the island of Hispaniola, members of the Anolis cybotes species group belong to the trunk-ground ecomorph category. Despite evolutionary stability of their trunk-ground microhabitat, populations of the A. cybotes group have undergone an evolutionary radiation associated with geographically distinct macrohabitats. A combined phylogeographic and morphometric study of this group reveals a strong association between macrohabitat type and morphology independent of phylogeny. This association results from long-term morphological evolutionary stasis in populations associated with mesic-forest environments ( A. c. cybotes and A. marcanoi ) and predictable morphometric changes associated with entry into new macrohabitat types (i.e., xeric forests, high-altitude pine forest, rock outcrops). Phylogeographic analysis of 73 new mitochondrial DNA sequences (1921 aligned sites) sampled from 68 geographic populations representing 12 recognized species and subspecies diagnoses 16 allopatric or parapatric groupings of populations differing from each other by 5–18% sequence divergence. At least some of these groupings appear to have attained species-level divergence from others. Evolutionary specialization to different macrohabitat types may be a major factor in the evolutionary diversification of Greater Antillean anoles.  相似文献   

Leptobrachium ailaonicum is a vulnerable anuran restricted to a patchy distribution associated with small mountain streams surrounded by forested slopes at mid-elevations (approximately 2000–2600 m) in the subtropical Mount Wuliang and Mount Ailao ranges in southwest China (Yunnan Province) and northern Vietnam. Given high habitat specificity and lack of suitable habitat in lower elevations between these ranges, we hypothesized limited gene flow between populations throughout its range. We used two mitochondrial genes to construct a phylogeographic pattern within this species in order to test our hypothesis. We also examined whether this phylogeographic pattern is a response to past geological events and/or climatic oscillations. A total of 1989 base pairs were obtained from 81 individuals of nine populations yielding 51 unique haplotypes. Both Bayesian and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses revealed four deeply divergent and reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages that approximately correspond to four geographical regions separated by deep river valleys. These results suggest a long history of allopatric separation by vicariance. The distinct geographic distributions of four major clades and the estimated divergence time suggest spatial and temporal separations that coincide with climatic and paleogeographic changes following the orogeny and uplift of Mount Ailao during the late Miocene to mid Pliocene in southwest China. At the southern distribution, the presence of two sympatric yet differentiated clades in two areas are interpreted as a result of secondary contact between previously allopatric populations during cooler Pleistocene glacial cycles. Analysis of molecular variance indicates that most of the observed genetic variation occurs among the four regions implying long-term interruption of maternal gene flow, suggesting that L. ailaonicum may represent more than one distinct species and should at least be separated into four management units corresponding to these four geographic lineages for conservation.  相似文献   

With its large size, complex topography and high number of avian endemics, Hispaniola appears to be a likely candidate for the in situ speciation of its avifauna, despite the worldwide rarity of avian speciation within single islands. We used multilocus comparative phylogeography techniques to examine the pattern and history of divergence in 11 endemic birds representing potential within-island speciation events. Haplotype and allele networks from mitochondrial ND2 and nuclear intron loci reveal a consistent pattern: phylogeographic divergence within or between closely related species is correlated with the likely distribution of ancient sea barriers that once divided Hispaniola into several smaller paleo-islands. Coalescent and mitochondrial clock dating of divergences indicate species-specific response to different geological events over the wide span of the island's history. We found no evidence that ecological or topographical complexity generated diversity, either by creating open niches or by restricting long-term gene flow. Thus, no true within-island speciation appears to have occurred among the species sampled on Hispaniola. Divergence events predating the merging of Hispaniola's paleo-island blocks cannot be considered in situ divergence, and postmerging divergence in response to episodic island segmentation by marine flooding probably represents in situ vicariance or interarchipelago speciation by dispersal. Our work highlights the necessity of considering island geologic history while investigating the speciation-area relationship in birds and other taxa.  相似文献   

Relationships among multilocus genetic variation, geography, and environment can reveal how evolutionary processes affect genomes. We examined the evolution of an Australian bird, the eastern yellow robin Eopsaltria australis, using mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear (nDNA) genetic markers, and bioclimatic variables. In southeastern Australia, two divergent mtDNA lineages occur east and west of the Great Dividing Range, perpendicular to latitudinal nDNA structure. We evaluated alternative scenarios to explain this striking discordance in landscape genetic patterning. Stochastic mtDNA lineage sorting can be rejected because the mtDNA lineages are essentially distinct geographically for > 1500 km. Vicariance is unlikely: the Great Dividing Range is neither a current barrier nor was it at the Last Glacial Maximum according to species distribution modeling; nuclear gene flow inferred from coalescent analysis affirms this. Female philopatry contradicts known female‐biased dispersal. Contrasting mtDNA and nDNA demographies indicate their evolutionary histories are decoupled. Distance‐based redundancy analysis, in which environmental temperatures explain mtDNA variance above that explained by geographic position and isolation‐by‐distance, favors a nonneutral explanation for mitochondrial phylogeographic patterning. Thus, observed mito‐nuclear discordance accords with environmental selection on a female‐linked trait, such as mtDNA, mtDNA–nDNA interactions or genes on W‐chromosome, driving mitochondrial divergence in the presence of nuclear gene flow.  相似文献   

Two monophyletic sister species of wall lizards inhabit the two main groups of Balearic Islands: Podarcis lilfordi from islets and small islands around Mallorca and Menorca and Podarcis pityusensis from Ibiza, Formentera and associated islets. Genetic diversity within the endangered P. lilfordi has been well characterized, but P. pityusensis has not been studied in depth. Here, 2430 bp of mtDNA and 15 microsatellite loci were analysed from Ppityusensis populations from across its natural range. Two main genetic groupings were identified, although geographical structuring differed slightly between the mtDNA and the nuclear loci. In general, individuals from islets/islands adjacent to the main island of Ibiza were genetically distinct from those from Formentera and the associated Freus islands for both mtDNA and the nuclear loci. However, most individuals from the island of Ibiza were grouped with neighbouring islets/islands for nuclear loci, but with Formentera and Freus islands for the mitochondrial locus. A time‐calibrated Bayesian tree was constructed for the principal mitochondrial lineages within the Balearics, using the multispecies coalescent model, and provided statistical support for divergence of the two main Ppityusensis lineages 0.111–0.295 Ma. This suggests a mid‐late Pleistocene intraspecific divergence, compared with an early Pleistocene divergence in P. lilfordi, and postdates some major increases in sea level between 0.4 and 0.6 Ma, which may have flooded Formentera. The program IMa2 provided a posterior divergence time of 0.089–0.221 Ma, which was similar to the multispecies coalescent tree estimate. More significantly, it indicated low but asymmetric effective gene copy migration rates, with higher migration from Formentera to Ibiza populations. Our findings suggest that much of the present‐day diversity may have originated from a late Pleistocene colonization of one island group from the other, followed by allopatric divergence of these populations. Subsequent gene flow between these insular groups seems likely to be explained by recent human introductions. Two evolutionary significant units can be defined for P. pityusensis but these units would need to exclude the populations that have been the subjects of recent admixture.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical research suggests that statistical models based on coalescent theory can improve both phylogeographic and phylogenetic inference. An approach that involves elements of both statistical phylogeography (e.g. Isolation with Migration analyses) and multilocus phylogenetic inference (e.g. *beast) may be particularly useful when applied to populations with relatively old divergence times. Here, we use such an approach in the globally distributed brown booby (Sula leucogaster). We sampled 215 individuals from all major breeding areas and genotyped them at eight microsatellite and three nuclear intron loci. We found that brown booby populations were highly differentiated and that colonies can be grouped into four major genetic populations (Caribbean Sea, Central Atlantic Ocean, Indo-Central Pacific and Eastern Pacific). These populations apparently diverged in the absence of gene flow and, with one exception, currently exchange few to no migrants. The Eastern Pacific population diverged from all other populations approximately one million years ago [90% highest posterior density: 330,000-2,000,000 years ago] and exhibits a distinct male plumage, relative to other populations. However, recent gene flow from the Indo-Central Pacific into the Eastern Pacific appears to have occurred, suggesting that approximately one million years of genetic isolation and divergence in male plumage colour are not sufficient to prevent interbreeding. Gene flow following secondary contact of the Indo-Central Pacific and Eastern Pacific populations was not detected in previous mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies, and the contrast between the mtDNA results and our current results highlights the advantage of a multilocus phylogeographic approach.  相似文献   

Swamp eels of the genera Synbranchus and Ophisternon are secondary freshwater fishes whose biogeography provides evidence of their long residence in Mesoamerica, while their impoverished species-level taxonomy might suggest a more recent diversification or a conservative morphology. We have inferred the phylogenetic relationships of Synbranchus marmoratus and Ophisternon aenigmaticum from 45 drainages throughout South, Central America, and Cuba based on mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and ATPase 8/6). Phylogeographic analysis supported the monophyly of Mesoamerican O. aenigmaticum although our results suggest that S. marmoratus is not a monophyletic group. We found a evolutionary differentiated Synbranchus mtDNA lineage inhabiting Las Perlas islands (Pacific Panama) that appeared to be taxonomically distinct and separated for a long period of time from the main Synbranchus clade. Major synbranchid clades were also corroborated with the nuclear RAG-1 gene (1171-bp). Application of two fish-based mtDNA clocks (1.05-1.3% pairwise divergence/million year (Ma)), is in accordance with the Gondwanian origin suggested for the Synbranchidae. The mtDNA lineages exhibited a remarkable geographic structure in Central America suggesting that vicariance has most likely promoted the Synbranchus and Ophisternon mtDNA diversification. Although our data indicate the importance of the Pacific area in Synbranchus differentiation, the mtDNA divergence between South and Central American Synbranchus is too small to support Cretaceous colonization via the proto-Antillean bridge suggested by Rosen [Syst. Zool. 24 (1976) 431]. Instead, our phylogeographic results suggest that Ophisternon and Synbranchus mtDNA clades most likely colonized Central America during the Miocene (12.7-23Ma) prior the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama (3.3Ma).  相似文献   

Aim We surveyed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation among regionally isolated populations of 10 grassland‐associated butterfly species to determine: (1) the utility of phylogeographic comparisons among multiple species for assessing recent evolutionary patterns, and (2) the respective roles of isolation attributable to range disjunction versus isolation attributable solely to geographic distance in establishing divergence patterns. Location The Peace River grasslands of northern Alberta and British Columbia, Canada, which are isolated by 300+ km from similar communities to the south. Methods We sequenced mtDNA (1420 bp of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) from five grassland‐restricted butterfly species that have geographically disjunct populations and from five ecologically broader species that have more continuous distributions across the same regions. Using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), Mantel and partial Mantel tests, and haplotype networks, we compared population structure within and between species in order to assess the validity of single‐species phylogeographic characterizations. We then contrasted variance components between disjunct and continuously distributed species to assess whether divergences were correlated more with disjunction or with geographic distance. Results Single‐species analyses varied substantially within both the disjunct and the continuous groups. One species in each of these groups had mtDNA with unusually deep intraspecific mitochondrial lineage divergences. On the whole, however, the five species with disjunct ranges exhibited greater divergence between geographically distant populations than did the five species with continuous distributions. Comparison of variance components between disjunct and continuous species indicated that isolation attributable only to geographic distance was responsible for up to half of the total sequence variation between disjunct populations of grassland butterflies. Main conclusions Our findings show that single‐species phylogeographic analyses of post‐Pleistocene butterfly distributions are inadequate for characterizing regional biogeographic divergence histories. However, comparison of mtDNA sequence divergences between groups of disjunct and continuously distributed species can allow isolation attributable to range interruption to be quantitatively distinguished from isolation attributable solely to gene flow attenuation over the same geographic area.  相似文献   

Inferring the evolutionary and ecological processes that have shaped contemporary species distributions using the geographic distribution of gene lineages is the principal goal of phylogeographic research. Researchers in the field have recognized that inferences made from a single gene, often mitochondrial, can be informative regarding the pattern of diversification but lack conclusive information regarding the evolutionary mechanisms that led to the observed patterns. Here, we use a multilocus (20 loci) data set to explore the evolutionary history of the White‐breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). A previous single‐locus study found S. carolinensis is comprised of four reciprocally monophyletic clades geographically restricted to the pine and oak forests of: (i) eastern North America, (ii) southern Rocky Mountain and Mexican Mountain ranges, (iii) Eastern Sierra Nevada and Northern Rocky Mountains and (iv) Pacific slope of North America. The diversification of the clades was attributed to the fragmentation of North American pine and oak woodlands in the Pliocene with subsequent divergences owing to the Pleistocene glacial cycles. Principal component, clustering and species tree analyses of the multilocus data resolved the same four groups or lineages found in the single‐locus study. Coalescent analyses and hypothesis testing of nested isolation and migration models indicate that isolation and not gene flow has been the major evolutionary mechanism responsible for shaping genetic variation, and all the divergence events within S. carolinensis have occurred in response to the Pleistocene glacial cycles.  相似文献   

Codistributed species may display either congruent phylogeographic patterns, indicating similar responses to a series of shared climatic and geologic events, or discordant patterns, indicating independent responses. This study compares the phylogeographic patterns of two similarly distributed salamander species within the Pacific Northwest of the United States: Cope's giant salamander (Dicamptodon copei) and Van Dyke's salamander (Plethodon vandykei). Previous studies of P. vandykei support two reciprocally monophyletic lineages corresponding to coastal populations, located from the Olympic Mountains to the mouth of the Columbia River, and inland populations within the Cascade Mountains. We hypothesized that D. copei would have a congruent phylogeographic pattern to P. vandykei due to similarity in distribution and dependence upon similar stream and stream-side habitats. We test this hypothesis by estimating the phylogeny of D. copei using approximately 1800bp of mitochondrial DNA and comparing it to that of P. vandykei. Sympatric populations of D. copei and of P. vandykei display an identical phylogeographic pattern, suggesting similar responses within their shared distribution. Populations of D. copei occurring outside the range of P. vandykei displayed high levels of genetic divergence from those sympatric to P. vandykei. Overall, phylogeographic patterns between the two species were ultimately incongruent due to the high divergence of these allopatric populations. These results provide an example of codistributed species displaying overall incongruent phylogeographic patterns while simultaneously displaying congruent patterns within portions of their shared geographic distribution. This pattern demonstrates that a simple dichotomy of congruent and incongruent phylogeographic patterns of codistributed species may be too simplistic and that more complex intermediate patterns can result even from minor differences in species' ranges.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the history of colonization, diversification and introgression among major phylogroups in the American pika, Ochotona princeps (Lagomorpha), using comparative and statistical phylogeographic methods. Our goal was to understand how Pleistocene climatic fluctuations have shaped the distribution of diversity at mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA) loci in this alpine specialist. Location North America’s Intermountain West. Methods We accumulated mtDNA sequence data (c. 560–1700 bp) from 232 pikas representing 64 localities, and sequenced two nuclear introns (mast cell growth factor, c. 550 bp, n = 148; protein kinase C iota, c. 660 bp, n = 139) from a subset of individuals. To determine the distribution of major mtDNA lineages, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis on the mtDNA sequence data, and we calculated divergence times among the lineages using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. Relationships among nuclear alleles were explored with minimum spanning networks. Finally, we conducted coalescent simulations of alternative models of population history to test for congruence between nDNA and mtDNA responses to Pleistocene glacial cycles. Results We found that: (1) all individuals could be assigned to one of five allopatric mtDNA lineages; (2) lineages are associated with separate mountain provinces; (3) lineages originated from at least two rounds of differentiation; (4) nDNA and mtDNA markers exhibited overall phylogeographic congruence; and (5) introgression among phylogroups has occurred at nuclear loci since their initial isolation. Main conclusions Pika populations associated with different mountain systems have followed separate but not completely independent evolutionary trajectories through multiple glacial cycles. Range expansion associated with climate cooling (i.e. glaciations) promoted genetic admixture among populations within mountain ranges. It also permitted periodic contact and introgression between phylogroups associated with different mountain systems, the record of which is retained at nDNA but not mtDNA loci. Evidence for different histories at nuclear and mtDNA loci (i.e. periodic introgression versus deep isolation, respectively) emphasizes the importance of multilocus perspectives for reconstructing complete population histories.  相似文献   

Within southern Africa, a link between past climatic changes and faunal diversification has been hypothesized for a diversity of taxa. To test the hypothesis that evolutionary divergences may be correlated to vegetation changes (induced by changes in climate), we selected the widely distributed four-striped mouse, Rhabdomys, as a model. Two species are currently recognized, the mesic-adapted R. dilectus and arid-adapted R. pumilio. However, the morphology-based taxonomy and the distribution boundaries of previously described subspecies remain poorly defined. The current study, which spans seven biomes, focuses on the spatial genetic structure of the arid-adapted R. pumilio (521 specimens from 31 localities), but also includes limited sampling of the mesic-adapted R. dilectus (33 specimens from 10 localities) to act as a reference for interspecific variation within the genus. The mitochondrial COI gene and four nuclear introns (Eef1a1, MGF, SPTBN1, Bfib7) were used for the construction of gene trees. Mitochondrial DNA analyses indicate that Rhabdomys consists of four reciprocally monophyletic, geographically structured clades, with three distinct lineages present within the arid-adapted R. pumilio. These monophyletic lineages differ by at least 7.9% (±0.3) and these results are partly confirmed by a multilocus network of the combined nuclear intron dataset. Ecological niche modeling in MaxEnt supports a strong correlation between regional biomes and the distribution of distinct evolutionary lineages of Rhabdomys. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock suggests that the geographic clades diverged between 3.09 and 4.30Ma, supporting the hypothesis that the radiation within the genus coincides with paleoclimatic changes (and the establishment of the biomes) characterizing the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. Marked genetic divergence at the mitochondrial DNA level, coupled with strong nuclear and mtDNA signals of non-monophyly of R. pumilio, support the notion that a taxonomic revision of the genus is needed.  相似文献   

Species with fragmented distributions are particularly useful models for investigating processes underlying biological diversification in the Neotropics. The Phaeothlypis wood-warbler complex (Aves: Parulidae) is comprised of six disjunct or parapatric populations. The geographic distribution of these six populations mirrors the classic map of Neotropical areas of endemism that were originally proposed as putative Pleistocene forest refugia, but the magnitude of mitochondrial DNA divergence between these populations suggests that they are each substantially older, with origins in the late Pliocene. Phylogenetic reconstructions based on long mtDNA coding sequences show that the Guiana Shield and Atlantic Forest populations are sister lineages, and group this combined lineage and the remaining four population-specific lineages in a five-way hard polytomy. MtDNA-based phylogenetic reconstructions provide no evidence that the three populations with conspicuous yellow rump and tail feathers currently grouped as the Buff-rumped Warbler (P. fulvicauda) form a monophyletic group. Furthermore, there is a broad discordance between mtDNA and plumage along a transect just east of the Andes, where the contact zone between highly divergent mtDNA clades is more than 1000 km north of the phenotypic hybrid zone between the bright and dark plumage forms. This discordance between mtDNA genotype and plumage phenotype is similar to patterns seen on a finer geographic scale in other avian hybrid zones and may result from asymmetric introgression of the bright plumage trait.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic studies provide critical insight into the evolutionary histories of model organisms; yet, to date, range-wide data are lacking for the rough periwinkle Littorina saxatilis, a classic example of marine sympatric speciation. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data to demonstrate that L. saxatilis is not monophyletic for this marker, but is composed of two distinct mtDNA lineages (I and II) that are shared with sister species Littorina arcana and Littorina compressa. Bayesian coalescent dating and phylogeographic patterns indicate that both L. saxatilis lineages originated in the eastern North Atlantic, around the British Isles, at approximately 0.64 Ma. Both lineages are now distributed broadly across the eastern, central and western North Atlantic, and show strong phylogeographic structure among regions. The Iberian Peninsula is genetically distinct, suggesting prolonged isolation from northeastern North Atlantic populations. Western North Atlantic populations of L. saxatilis lineages I and II predate the last glacial maximum and have been isolated from eastern North Atlantic populations since that time. This identification of two distinct, broadly distributed mtDNA lineages further complicates observed patterns of repeated incipient ecological speciation in L. saxatilis, because the sympatric origins of distinct ecotype pairs on eastern North Atlantic shores may be confounded by admixture of divergent lineages.  相似文献   

Lineage, or true ‘species’, trees may differ from gene trees because of stochastic processes in molecular evolution leading to gene‐tree heterogeneity. Problems with inferring species trees because of excessive incomplete lineage sorting may be exacerbated in lineages with rapid diversification or recent divergences necessitating the use of multiple loci and individuals. Many recent multilocus studies that investigate divergence times identify lineage splitting to be more recent than single‐locus studies, forcing the revision of biogeographic scenarios driving divergence. Here, we use 21 nuclear loci from regional populations to re‐evaluate hypotheses identified in an mtDNA phylogeographic study of the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana), as well as identify processes driving divergence. Nuclear phylogeographic analyses identified hierarchical genetic structure, supporting a basal split at approximately 32°N latitude, splitting northern and southern populations, with mixed patterns of genealogical concordance and discordance between data sets within the major lineages. Coalescent‐based analyses identify isolation, with little to no gene flow, as the primary driver of divergence between lineages. Recent isolation appears to have caused genetic bottlenecks in populations in the Sierra Madre Oriental and coastal mountain ranges of California, which may be targets for conservation concerns.  相似文献   

Ameiva chrysolaema is distributed across the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies. The species is restricted to dry lowlands between major mountain ranges and along the southern and eastern coasts. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses of mtDNA sequence variation from 14 sampling localities identify at least three independent evolutionary lineages, separated from one another by major mountain ranges. Nested clade phylogeographic analysis (NCPA) suggests a complex history of population fragmentation, consistent with geological evidence of seawater incursions into the Azua and Enriquillo basins during the Pliocene/Pleistocene (approximately 1.6 mya). Significantly negative Fu's F(S) values and parameters of mismatch distributions suggest that formerly fragmented populations have recently expanded their ranges. Significantly large average population clade distances (APCD) for two sampling localities in the Azua basin suggest secondary contact at these localities of previously separated populations. The distribution of haplotypes among polymorphic populations of A. chrysolaema suggests that variation in dorsal pattern represents a polymorphism within evolutionary lineages. Ameiva leberi is ecologically indistinguishable from and syntopic with A. chrysolaema. Genetic data suggest that A. leberi is a junior synonym of A. chrysolaema.  相似文献   

The plethodontid genus Batrachoseps , the slender salamanders, is the most diverse clade of salamanders in western North America, but it has posed taxonomic difficulties because it contains many morphologically cryptic species. A segment of the mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome b was studied for 278 individuals densely sampled from throughout the range of all 18 described species and several undescribed species. Phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA data identify six major clades, one corresponding to the subgenus Plethopsis and five within a monophyletic subgenus Batrachoseps. All major clades and most species within these clades display strong phylogeographic structuring. Comparisons of mtDNA and allozyme data show that several allozymically cohesive groups are not monophyletic with respect to mtDNA. We suggest that this phenomenon results from fragmentation of populations, divergence in allopatry, and then recontact and gradual merging of units caused predominantly by male-mediated gene flow. The mtDNA offers evidence that populations were once more isolated than they are now, while the patterns of allozyme variation reflect recent and current interactions among populations. The complex patterns of morphological, allozymic and mtDNA variation associated with the constantly changing geological landscape give insight into the nature of processes responsible for species formation in Batrachoseps .  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 361–391.  相似文献   

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