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The interaction of the second and third AT-hooks of HMGA1 (formerly HMGI/Y), which bind selectively in the minor groove of an AT-rich DNA sequence, was studied at different temperatures and ionic strengths by spectropolarimetry, spectrofluorimetry, isothermal titration calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. The data show that binding of the ten amino acid core element of the two AT-hooks, which penetrates deep into the minor groove, is entropically driven: both the entropy and enthalpy of association of the peptides to the target DNA are positive up to 50 degrees C. The seven amino acid extension of the core in the second AT-hook, which extends out from the minor groove and loops over the phosphodiester backbone, adds a substantial negative enthalpic component into the binding of the 17 residue DBD2 peptide to DNA that corresponds in magnitude to the enthalpy of formation of two hydrogen bonds. The ionic strength dependence of the association constant allowed an estimation of the electrostatic component of binding and, by subtraction, the contribution of the non-electrostatic component, which results from dehydration of the contacting surfaces and makes up almost 70% of the total energy of complex formation. The exceptionally large positive entropy and enthalpy of association of the core AT-hook peptides with target DNA suggest that the water, which is removed from the minor groove of DNA upon binding, is in a highly ordered state. Acetylation of the lysine residue in the second AT-hook, which corresponds to Lys65 of HMGA1, has little effect on the DNA binding; so it appears that repression of the hIFNbeta gene, which follows this modification, is not a direct result of the abrogation of DNA binding.  相似文献   

Poland D 《Biopolymers》2006,81(2):127-135
In this article we use the published heat capacity data of Dragan et al. (J Mol Biol 2003, 327, 293-411) for a short DNA duplex to calculate the enthalpy probability distribution for this species as a function of temperature. Our approach is based on a procedure that we developed (Poland, D. J Chem Phys 2000, 112, 6554) whereby one obtains moments of the enthalpy distribution from the temperature dependence of the heat capacity. One then uses the maximum-entropy method to construct the enthalpy probability distribution from the set of enthalpy moments. For the DNA duplex treated here the heat capacity goes through a maximum as a function of temperature reflecting the unwinding of the duplex structure. In the neighborhood of the heat capacity maximum, the enthalpy distribution functions show a clear bimodal structure, indicating the coexistence of two distinct states, the duplex and the single-strand state. The probabilities of theses two states can be estimated from the enthalpy distribution functions and can be used to calculate the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant for the unwinding of the DNA duplex. This example illustrates that the temperature dependence of the heat capacity can be used to give a detailed picture of conformational transitions in biological macromolecules. In particular, the structure of the enthalpy distribution in this case allows one to see the temperature evolution of the two-state distribution in detail.  相似文献   

The DNA binding domain of the transposon Tn916 integrase (INT-DBD) binds to its DNA target site by positioning the face of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet within the major groove. Binding of INT-DBD to a 13 base pair duplex DNA target site was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, thermal melting followed by circular dichroism spectroscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The observed heat capacity change accompanying the association reaction (DeltaC(p)) is temperature-dependent, decreasing from -1.4 kJ K(-1) mol(-1) at 4 degrees C to -2.9 kJ K(-1) mol(-1) at 30 degrees C. The reason is that the partial molar heat capacities of the free protein, the free DNA duplex, and the protein-DNA complex are not changing in parallel when the temperature increases and that thermal motions of the protein and the DNA are restricted in the complex. After correction for this effect, DeltaC(p) is -1.8 kJ K(-1) mol(-1) and temperature-independent. However, this value is still higher than DeltaC(p) of -1.2 kJ K(-1) mol(-1) estimated by semiempirical methods from dehydration of surface area buried at the complex interface. We propose that the discrepancy between the measured and the structure-based prediction of binding energetics is caused by incomplete dehydration of polar groups in the complex. In support, we identify cavities at the interface that are large enough to accommodate approximately 10 water molecules. Our results highlight the difficulties of structure-based prediction of DeltaC(p) (and other thermodynamic parameters) and emphasize how important it is to consider changes of thermal motions and soft vibrational modi in protein-DNA association reactions. This requires not only a detailed investigation of the energetics of the complex but also of the folding thermodynamics of the protein and the DNA alone, which are described in the accompanying paper [Milev et al. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 3492-3502].  相似文献   

Gorfe AA  Jelesarov I 《Biochemistry》2003,42(40):11568-11576
The N-terminal domain of the bacterial integrase Tn916 specifically recognizes the 11 bp DNA target site by positioning the face of a three-stranded beta-sheet into the major groove. Binding is linked to structural adaptation. We have characterized INT-DBD binding to DNA in detail by calorimetry [Milev, S., Gorfe, A., Karshikoff, A., Clubb, R. T., Bosshard, H. R., and Jelesarov, I. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 3481-3491]. Our thermodynamic analysis has indicated that the major driving force of association is the hydrophobic effect while polar interactions contribute less. To gain more comprehensive information about the binding process, we performed a computational analysis of the binding free energy and report here the results. A hybrid molecular mechanics/continuum approach was followed. The total binding free energy is predicted with reasonable accuracy. The calculations confirm that nonpolar effects stabilize the protein-DNA complex while electrostatics opposes binding. Structural changes optimizing surface complementarity are costly in terms of energy. The energetic consequences from the replacement of nine DNA-contacting residues by alanine were investigated. The calculations correctly predict the binding affinity decrease of eight mutations and the destabilizing effect of one wild-type residue. Bulky side chains stabilize the wild-type complex through packing interactions and favorable nonpolar dehydration, but the net nonpolar energy changes do not correlate with the relative affinity loss upon mutation. Discrete protein-DNA electrostatic interactions may be net stabilizing or net destabilizing depending on the local environment. In contrast to nonpolar energy changes, the magnitude of the electrostatic free energy ranks the mutations according to the experimentally measured DeltaDeltaG. Free energy decomposition analysis from a structural perspective leads to detailed information about the thermodynamic strategy used by INT-DBD for sequence-specific DNA binding.  相似文献   

This paper describes protocols for studies of structure and dynamics of DNA and protein-DNA complexes with atomic force microscopy (AFM) utilizing the surface chemistry approach. The necessary specifics for the preparation of functionalized surfaces and AFM probes with the use of silanes and silatranes, including the protocols for synthesis of silatranes are provided. The methodology of studies of local and global conformations DNA with the major focus on the time-lapse imaging of DNA in aqueous solutions is illustrated by the study of dynamics of Holliday junctions including branch migration. The analysis of nucleosome dynamics is selected as an example to illustrate the application of the time-lapse AFM to studies of dynamics of protein-DNA complexes. The force spectroscopy is the modality of AFM with a great importance to various fields of biomedical studies. The AFM force spectroscopy approach for studies of specific protein-DNA complexes is illustrated by the data on analysis of dynamics of synaptic SfiI-DNA complexes. When necessary, additional specifics are added to the corresponding example.  相似文献   

This article provides step-by step instructions for the preparation of double- and single-stranded DNA and RNA molecules and protein-DNA complexes for electron microscopy (EM). Absorption, spreading, staining, dark-field imaging, and metal shadowing techniques are described in detail. A number of examples are illustrated on analysis of DNA replication, DNA repair and DNA recombination to demonstrate the usefulness of the technique for EM visualisation. Application of immunogold labeling of specific protein in DNA-protein complexes is also covered.  相似文献   

The single-stranded DNA binding protein of Ustilago maydis decreases the contour length of φX174 DNA. When DNA complexes were prepared with subsaturating amounts of the protein, its distribution on the DNA was markedly non-random, indicating a high degree of co-operativity in its binding to single-stranded DNA. The analagous Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and bacteriophage T7 binding proteins also reduced DNA contour lengths to a similar extent, whereas the bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein, as shown previously, increased the contour length. Despite the fact that the U. maydis protein efficiently denatures poly[d(A-T) · d(A-T)], it appears to initiate denaturation of native bacteriophage λ DNA rather inefficiently.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Direct recognition, or direct readout, of DNA bases by a DNA-binding protein involves amino acids that interact directly with features specific to each base. Experimental evidence also shows that in many cases the protein achieves partial sequence specificity by indirect recognition, i.e., by recognizing structural properties of the DNA. (1) Could threading a DNA sequence onto a crystal structure of bound DNA help explain the indirect recognition component of sequence specificity? (2) Might the resulting pure-structure computational motif manifest itself in familiar sequence-based computational motifs? RESULTS: The starting structure motif was a crystal structure of DNA bound to the integration host factor protein (IHF) of E. coli. IHF is known to exhibit both direct and indirect recognition of its binding sites. (1) Threading DNA sequences onto the crystal structure showed statistically significant partial separation of 60 IHF binding sites from random and intragenic sequences and was positively correlated with binding affinity. (2) The crystal structure was shown to be equivalent to a linear Markov network, and so, to a joint probability distribution over sequences, computable in linear time. It was transformed algorithmically into several common pure-sequence representations, including (a) small sets of short exact strings, (b) weight matrices, (c) consensus regular patterns, (d) multiple sequence alignments, and (e) phylogenetic trees. In all cases the pure-sequence motifs retained statistically significant partial separation of the IHF binding sites from random and intragenic sequences. Most exhibited positive correlation with binding affinity. The multiple alignment showed some conserved columns, and the phylogenetic tree partially mixed low-energy sequences with IHF binding sites but separated high-energy sequences. The conclusion is that deformation energy explains part of indirect recognition, which explains part of IHF sequence-specific binding.  相似文献   

M G Surette  S J Buch  G Chaconas 《Cell》1987,49(2):253-262
We report that two types of stable protein-DNA complexes, or transpososomes, are generated in vitro during the Mu DNA strand transfer reaction. The Type 1 complex is an intermediate in the reaction. Its formation requires a supercoiled mini-Mu donor plasmid, Mu A and HU protein, and Mg2+. In the Type 1 complex the two ends of Mu are held together, creating a figure eight-shaped molecule with two independent topological domains; the Mu sequences remain supercoiled while the vector DNA is relaxed because of nicking. In the presence of Mu B protein, ATP, target DNA, and Mg2+, the Type 1 complex is converted into the protein-associated product of the strand transfer reaction. In this Type 2 complex, the target DNA has been joined to the Mu DNA ends held in the synaptic complex at the center of the figure eight. Supercoils are not required for the latter reaction.  相似文献   

C A Swenson  P A Ritchie 《Biochemistry》1979,18(17):3654-3658
The enthalpies of binding adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) and 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate [AMP-P(NH)P] to rabbit skeletal myosin have been measured in Pipes and Tris buffers at pH 7.8 and 15 degrees C. For ADP the enthalpy of binding was exothermic, whereas the enthalpy of binding AMP-P(NH)P, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, was small and endothermic. For the reaction of ATP and myosin, the development of enthalpy was resolved into two phases: a fast endothermic phase, which is the summation of binding and hydrolysis, and a slow exothermic phase, which is associated with product-release steps. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for energy transduction.  相似文献   

Cation-pi interactions between an aromatic ring and a positive charge located above it have proven to be important in protein structures and biomolecule associations. Here, the role of these interactions at the interface of protein-DNA complexes is investigated, by means of ab initio quantum mechanics energy calculations and X-ray structure analyses. Ab initio energy calculations indicate that Na ions and DNA bases can form stable cation-pi complexes, whose binding strength strongly depends on the type of base, on the position of the Na ion, and whether the base is isolated or included in a double-stranded B-DNA. A survey of protein-DNA complex structures using appropriate geometrical criteria revealed cation-pi interactions in 71% of the complexes. More than half of the cation-pi pairs involve arginine residues, about one-third asparagine or glutamine residues that only carry a partial charge, and one-seventh lysine residues. The most frequently observed pair, which is also the most stable as monitored by ab initio energy calculations, is arginine- guanine. Arginine-adenine interactions are also favorable in general, although to a lesser extent, whereas those with thymine and cytosine are not. Our calculations show that the major contribution to cation-pi interactions with DNA bases is of electrostatic nature. These interactions often occur concomitantly with hydrogen bonds with adjacent bases; their strength is estimated to be from three to four times lower than that of hydrogen bonds. Finally, the role of cation-pi interactions in the stability and specificity of protein-DNA complexes is discussed.  相似文献   

A series of enantiomerically pure polypyridyl ruthenium(II) complexes, delta- and lambda-[Ru(bpy)2 (HPIP)](PF6)2 (delta-1 and lambda-1; bpy=2,2'-bipyridine, HPIP = 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline), delta and lambda-[Ru(bpy)2(HNAIP)](PF6)2 (delta-2 and lambda-2; HNAIP = 2-(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline), delta- and lambda-[Ru(bpy)2 (HNOIP)](PF6)2 (delta-3 and lambda-3; HNOIP = 2-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline), and delta- and lambda-[Ru(bpy)2(DPPZ)](PF6)2 (delta-4 and lambda-4; DPPZ= dipyridophenazine), have been synthesized. Binding behavior of these chiral complexes to calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) has been investigated by electronic absorption, steady-state emission, and circular dichroism spectroscopies, as well as by viscosity measurements and equilibrium dialysis binding studies. Several points came from the results. (1) The DNA-binding properties were distinctly different for the [Ru(bpy)2L]2+ (L=HPIP, HNAIP, HNOIP) series of ruthenium(II) complexes, which indicates that the photophysical behavior of the complexes on binding to DNA can be modulated through ligand design. (2) Different binding rates of individual enantiomers of complexes 1 and 4 to DNA were observed through dialysis experiments. The lambda enantiomer bound more rapidly than the lambda enantiomer and their different intercalative binding geometries were suggested to be responsible. (3) Both delta-2 and lambda-2 bound weakly to CT-DNA; delta-2 may bind through a partial intercalation mode, whereas lambda-2 may bind in the DNA groove. (4) There was no noticeable enantioselectivity for complexes 1, 3, and 4 on binding to CT-DNA. Both of their enantiomers can intercalate into DNA base pairs. It is noted that delta-3 and lambda-3 exhibited almost identical spectral changes on addition of CT-DNA, and a similar binding manner of the isomers to the double helix was proposed.  相似文献   

The following observations concerning the DNA secondary structures in various nucleohistone complexes were made by infrared spectroscopy: 1/ in chromatin, chromatin extracted by 0.6 M NaCl, nucleosomes, and histone-DNA reconstituted complexes, the DNA remains in a B type conformation at low relative hygrometry; 2/ in chromatin extracted by tRNA and in non histone protein-DNA reconstituted complexes, the DNA can adopt an A type conformation. Infrared linear dichroism data show that in NHP-DNA complexes the low relative hygrometry conformation of DNA may be modified and that the infrared parameter -1090 is close to that measured for RNA's or DNA-RNA hybrids. It is concluded that the histones block the DNA in a B form and that some of the NHP could be involved in the control of the secondary structure of DNA in chromatin.  相似文献   

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