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Homologous recombination is suppressed at normal length telomere sequences. In contrast, telomere recombination is allowed when telomeres erode in the absence of telomerase activity or as a consequence of nucleolytic degradation or incomplete replication. Here, we review the mechanisms that contribute to regulating mitotic homologous recombination at telomeres and the role of these mechanisms in signalling short telomeres in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Cloning yeast telomeres on linear plasmid vectors   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
J W Szostak  E H Blackburn 《Cell》1982,29(1):245-255
We have constructed a linear yeast plasmid by joining fragments from the termini of Tetrahymena ribosomal DNA to a yeast vector. Structural features of the terminus region of the Tetrahymena rDNA plasmid maintained in the yeast linear plasmid include a set of specifically placed single-strand interruptions within the cluster of hexanucleotide (C4A2) repeat units. An artificially constructed hairpin terminus was unable to stabilize a linear plasmid in yeast. The fact that yeast can recognize and use DNA ends from the distantly related organism Tetrahymena suggests that the structural features required for telomere replication and resolution have been highly conserved in evolution. The linear plasmid was used as a vector to clone chromosomal telomeres from yeast. One Tetrahymena end was removed by restriction digestion, and yeast fragments that could function as an end on a linear plasmid were selected. Restriction mapping and hybridization analysis demonstrated that these fragments were yeast telomeres, and suggested that all yeast chromosomes might have a common telomere sequence. Yeast telomeres appear to be similar in structure to the rDNA of Tetrahymena, in which specific nicks or gaps are present within a simple repeated sequence near the terminus of the DNA.  相似文献   

本室从西藏采集的土壤样品中分离到了一批链霉菌,利用脉冲电泳确定了其中5株链霉菌含有较小的线型质粒。【目的】克隆、测序和分析5个线型质粒的端粒。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理和限制性内切酶酶切"的方法来克隆线型质粒的端粒DNA。【结果】克隆和测序了5个线型质粒的端粒DNA。通过与链霉菌典型端粒进行比较,发现这5个新的线型质粒的端粒序列同样含有多个回文序列。但是有的端粒保守的回文序列I不一定能够"折返"与内部序列配对形成"超级发卡"结构,回文序列的"突出环"不一定都为3nt。【结论】采用改良的方法克隆和鉴定了5个线型质粒新的端粒序列,这些新端粒的特征暗示:回文序列I的"折返"和3nt的回文序列的"突出环"不是端粒复制必需的。  相似文献   

Telomere maintenance is essential for cellular immortality, and most cancer cells maintain their telomeres through the enzyme telomerase. Telomeres and telomerase represent promising anticancer targets. However, 15% of cancer cells maintain their telomeres through alternative recombination-based mechanisms, and previous analyses showed that recombination-based telomere maintenance can be activated after telomerase inhibition. We determined whether telomeric recombination can also be promoted by telomere dysfunction. We report for the first time that telomeric recombination can be induced in human telomerase-positive cancer cells with dysfunctional telomeres.  相似文献   

Hawkins NC  Garriga G  Beh CT 《BioTechniques》2003,34(1):74-8, 80
Using a combination of primer amplification, homologous recombination, and yeast genetics, we established a method for creating precise promoter and protein fusions in genes originating from organisms other than yeast. One major advantage of this new method is its versatility. Fusions can be produced within a target gene without constraints regarding the site of insertion. Thus, fusions can be generated within a target sequence exactly at the site desired, and all sequences upstream and downstream of the insertion site were preserved. To illustrate the general applicability of this technique, we fused the gene encoding GFP to a Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of the dishevelled gene, dsh-2. This approach is not restricted to GFP fusions but can be utilized to create fusions between almost any two sequences regardless of the source. Therefore, this method provides a flexible alternative to other PCR-mediated techniques.  相似文献   

We have constructed a linear plasmid in yeast containing the entire bovine papillomavirus genome and tested its physical stability following microinjection into stage VI oocytes of Xenopus laevis. Our results show that unmodified telomeres, in contrast to the yeast-passaged telomeres, drastically affect the stability of the injected linear plasmid. Plasmids carrying unmodified Tetrahymena thermophila telomeric sequences are rapidly degraded in oocytes. When these plasmids are passed through yeast, the telomere ends become modified by the addition of yeast telomeric sequences. These plasmids are stably maintained in X. laevis oocytes, demonstrating that yeast-modified telomeres are sufficient to prevent linear DNA degradation.  相似文献   

The relapsing fever agent Borrelia hermsii undergoes multiphasic antigenic variation through gene conversion of a unique expression site on a linear plasmid by an archived variable antigen gene. To further characterize this mechanism we assessed the repertoire and organization of archived variable antigen genes by sequencing approximately 85% of plasmids bearing these genes. Most archived genes shared with the expressed gene a 相似文献   

We report here the formation of symbiotic plasmids (pSyms), by genetic recombination between rearranged pSyms, which lack symbiotic information, and resistance plasmids carrying parts of different symbiotic plasmids (R's). This recombination was found to occur both between plasmids derived from different Rhizobium phaseoli isolates, and between plasmids derived from strains obtained from the same original isolate. We also present evidence on the formation of a functional symbiotic plasmid by recombination of an R', carrying nif and nod genes from strain CFN42, and an indigenous plasmid present in this strain (pCFN42e), which was thought to be unrelated to its symbiotic plasmid (pCFN42d). These data are discussed with respect to the stability and transfer of Rhizobium symbiotic information.  相似文献   

Three cryptic DNA plasmids have been identified in a strain of the yeast Pichia inositovora that are 18, 13, and 10 kbp in size. All are sensitive to digestion by DNase I, restriction endonucleases, and exonuclease III, but are resistant to the activities of RNase A and lambda exonuclease. These results indicate that each plasmid is a linear DNA molecule whose 5' ends are protected. A restriction map has been developed for each of the plasmids, demonstrating that each is unique and confirming their linear nature. The plasmids are a major constituent of DNA prepared from whole cells, but are absent from DNA preparations of purified mitochondria and nuclei, indicating that the plasmids are located in the cytoplasm. These plasmids share many of the physical characteristics described for the linear plasmids of the yeasts Kluyveromyces lactis and Saccharomycopsis crataegensis. Unlike the linear plasmids of K. lactis, however, they appear not to be capable of killer toxin production.  相似文献   

Microbial linear plasmids   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
While plasmids were originally considered to be generally circular until almost two decades ago, linear elements were reported to exist as well. They are now known to be common genetic elements in both, pro- and eukaryotes. Two types of linear plasmids exist, the so-called hairpin plasmids with covalently closed ends and those with proteins bound to their 5′ termini. Hairpin plasmids are common in human-pathogenic Borrelia spirochetes, in which they are instrumental in escape from the immunological response; cryptic hairpin elements are present in mitochondria of the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Plasmids with 5′ attached proteins constitute the largest group. In actinomycetous bacteria they are conjugative and usually confer advantageous phenotypes, e.g. formation of antibiotics, degradation of xenobiotics, heavy-metal resistance and growth on hydrogen as the sole energy source. In contrast, the majority of linear plasmids from eukaryotes are cryptic, with only a few exceptions. In some yeasts a killer phenotype may be associated, the most thoroughly investigated elements being those from Kluyveromyces lactis killer strains. In Neurospora spp. and in Podospora anserina, senescence and longevity respectively are correlated with linear plasmids. This review focuses on the biology of linear plasmids, their environmental significance and their use as tools in molecular and applied microbiology. Received: 15 November 1996 / Received revision: 23 December 1996 / Accepted: 30 December 1996  相似文献   

The linear DNA killer plasmids (pGKL1 and pGKL2) isolated from a Kluyveromyces lactis killer strain are also maintained and expressed its killer character in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. After these killer plasmid DNAs isolated from S. cerevisiae were treated with alkali, four terminal fragments from each plasmid DNAs were cloned separately. Using these and other cloned DNA fragments, the terminal nucleotide sequences of pGKL2 and the complete nucleotide sequence of pGKL1 were determined. The inverted terminal repetitions of 202 bp and 182 bp were found in pGKL1 and pGKL2, respectively. The pGKL1 sequence showed an extremely high A + T content of 73.2% and it contained five large open reading frames. The largest of these open reading frame was suggested to code for a membrane-bound precursor of glycoprotein subunit of the killer toxin.  相似文献   

Protection of telomeres by the Ku protein in fission yeast   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells survive loss of telomeres by a unique pathway of chromosome circularization. Factors potentially involved in this survival mechanism include the heterodimeric Ku protein and ligase IV, both of which are involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells. Furthermore, Ku plays a role in telomere maintenance as well as in DNA double-strand break repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have identified Ku and ligase IV homologues in S. pombe and analyzed their functions during normal growth and in cells undergoing senescence. In the absence of either a Ku subunit (pku70(+)) or ligase IV (lig4(+)), nonhomologous DNA end-joining was severely reduced. Lack of functional Ku led to shorter but stable telomeres and caused striking rearrangements of telomere-associated sequences, indicating a function for Ku in inhibiting recombinational activities near chromosome ends. In contrast to S. cerevisiae, concurrent deletion of pku70(+) and the gene for the catalytic subunit of telomerase (trt1(+)) was not lethal, allowing for the first time the dissection of the roles of Ku during senescence. Our results support a model in which Ku protects chromosome termini from nucleolytic and recombinational activities but is not involved in the formation of chromosome end fusions during senescence. The conclusion that nonhomologous end-joining is not required for chromosome circularization was further supported by analysis of survivors in strains lacking the genes for both trt1(+) and lig4(+).  相似文献   

Summary Linear plasmids are genetic elements commonly found in yeast, filamentous fungi, and higher plants. In contrast to all other plasmids they possess terminal inverted repeats and terminal bound proteins and encode their own DNA and RNA polymerases. Here we present alignments of conserved amino acid sequences of both the DNA and RNA polymerases encoded by those linear plasmids for which DNA sequence data are available. Additionally these sequences are compared to a number of polymerases encoded by related viral and cellular entities. Phylogenetic trees have been established for both types of polymerases. These trees appear to exhibit very similar subgroupings, proving the accuracy of the method employed.Abbreviations TIR terminal inverted repeats - mt mitochondrial - ORF open reading frame Offprint requests to: F. Kempken  相似文献   

Transfer of plasmids by conjugation in Streptococcus pneumonias   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Transfer of resistance plasmids occurred by conjugation in Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) similarly to the process in other streptococcal groups. The 20-megadalton plasmid pIP501 mediated its own DNase-resistant transfer by filter mating and mobilized the 3.6-megadalton non-self-transmissible pMV158. Pneumococcal strains acted as donors or as recipients for intraspecies transfers and for interspecific transfers with Streptococcus faecalis. Transconjugants contained the plasmids expected from their phenotypes and acted as donors for further transfers. Deficiency in an endonuclease essential for entry of transforming DNA did not affect the frequency of transfer. Transfer-deficient mutants of pIP501 have been found.  相似文献   

Limitations of silencing at native yeast telomeres   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Pryde FE  Louis EJ 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(9):2538-2550
Silencing at native yeast telomeres, in which the subtelomeric elements are intact, is different from silencing at terminal truncations. The repression of URA3 inserted in different subtelomeric positions at several chromosome ends was investigated. Many ends exhibit very little silencing close to the telomere, while others exhibit substantial repression in limited domains. Silencing at native ends is discontinuous, with maximal repression found adjacent to the ARS consensus sequence in the subtelomeric core X element. The level of repression declines precipitously towards the centromere. Mutation of the ARS sequence or an adjacent Abf1p-binding site significantly reduces silencing. The subtelomeric Y' elements are resistant to silencing along their whole length, yet silencing can be re-established at the proximal X element. Deletion of PPR1, the transactivator of URA3, and SIR3 overexpression do not increase repression or extend spreading of silencing to the same extent as with terminally truncated ends. sir1Delta causes partial derepression at X-ACS, in contrast to the lack of effect seen at terminal truncations. orc2-1 and orc5-1 have no effect on natural silencing yet cause derepression at truncated ends. X-ACS silencing requires the proximity of the telomere and is dependent on SIR2, SIR3, SIR4 and HDF1. The structures found at native yeast telomeres appear to limit the potential of repressive chromatin.  相似文献   

Typical telomeres of linear chromosomes and plasmids of soil bacteria Streptomyces consist of tightly packed palindromic sequences with a terminal protein (‘TP’) covalently attached to the 5′ end of the DNA. Replication of these linear replicons is initiated internally and proceeds bidirectionally toward the telomeres, which leaves single-strand overhangs at the 3′ ends. These overhangs are filled by DNA synthesis using the TPs as the primers (‘end patching’). The gene encoding for typical TP, tpg, forms an operon with tap, encoding an essential telomere-associated protein, which binds TP and the secondary structures formed by the 3′ overhangs. Previously one of the two translesion synthesis DNA polymerases, DinB1 or DinB2, was proposed to catalyze the protein-primed synthesis. However, using an in vitro end-patching system, we discovered that Tpg and Tap alone could carry out the protein-primed synthesis to a length of 13 nt. Similarly, an ‘atypical’ terminal protein, Tpc, and its cognate telomere-associated protein, Tac, of SCP1 plasmid, were sufficient to achieve protein-primed synthesis in the absence of additional polymerase. These results indicate that these two telomere-associated proteins possess polymerase activities alone or in complex with the cognate TPs.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination generates T-loop-sized deletions at human telomeres   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Wang RC  Smogorzewska A  de Lange T 《Cell》2004,119(3):355-368
The t-loop structure of mammalian telomeres is thought to repress nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) at natural chromosome ends. Telomere NHEJ occurs upon loss of TRF2, a telomeric protein implicated in t-loop formation. Here we describe a mutant allele of TRF2, TRF2DeltaB, that suppressed NHEJ but induced catastrophic deletions of telomeric DNA. The deletion events were stochastic and occurred rapidly, generating dramatically shortened telomeres that were accompanied by a DNA damage response and induction of senescence. TRF2DeltaB-induced deletions depended on XRCC3, a protein implicated in Holliday junction resolution, and created t-loop-sized telomeric circles. These telomeric circles were also detected in unperturbed cells and suggested that t-loop deletion by homologous recombination (HR) might contribute to telomere attrition. Human ALT cells had abundant telomeric circles, pointing to frequent t-loop HR events that could promote rolling circle replication of telomeres in the absence of telomerase. These findings show that t-loop deletion by HR influences the integrity and dynamics of mammalian telomeres.  相似文献   

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