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Localization of ligand binding regions of the human formyl peptide receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formyl peptide receptor is involved in the activation of human neutrophils (PMN) and their subsequent response to chemotactic peptides such as FMLP. The normal FMLP receptor has been reported to contain both high and low affinity states and to consist of several glycoprotein components, ranging in size from 40-94 kDa. However, little is known about the functional domains of the receptor. In this study we have constructed synthetic peptides corresponding to different portions of the reported receptor structure, and have tested their involvement in ligand binding. One of these peptides, corresponding to the first extracellular loop of the N-terminus end of the molecule, has been shown to specifically inhibit FMLP binding to PMN membranes. Concomitantly, this peptide exhibited the strongest direct binding to the ligand. We propose that this portion of the FMLP receptor molecule is important in receptor-ligand interactions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of two polymorphic sites (R190W and N192K) on the binding and activation of the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) by viral and formyl peptides. WEDWVGWI, a peptide with antiviral activity derived from the membrane proximal region of feline immunodeficiency virus, binds with high affinity to FPR. The three tryptophans in the peptide are all essential for FPR binding, just as they were essential for antiviral activity [S. Giannecchini, A. Di Fenza, A.M. D'Ursi, D. Matteucci, P. Rovero, M. Bendinelli, Antiviral activity and conformational features of an octapeptide derived from the membrane-proximal ectodomain of the feline immunodeficiency virus transmembrane glycoprotein, J. Virol. 77 (2003) 3724]. Formyl-NleWEDWVGWI behaved as a weak partial agonist with FPR W190/N192 but a stronger partial agonist with FPR R190/K192 and FPR R190/N192. Formyl-NleNleWEDWVGWI behaved as a full agonist toward all three FPRs but exhibited a much higher EC(50) with W190/N192 FPR (300+/-45 nM) than for R190/K192 FPR (40+/-3 nM) or R190/N192 (60+/-8 nM). Formyl-MYKWPWYVWL preferentially activated R190/K192 and R190/N192 FPRs by>5 fold compared to W190/N192 FPR. Formyl-MFEDAVAWF, a peptide derived from a protein in Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and formyl-MFTFEPFPTN, a peptide derived from the N-terminus of chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus with an added N-terminal formyl-methionine exhibited the greatest selectivity for R190/K192 and R190/N192 FPRs with approximately 10 fold lower EC(50)s than that observed with FPR W190/N192. Thus, individuals with the W190 polymorphism may display a reduced ability to detect certain formyl peptides.  相似文献   

A number of new synthetic nociceptin ligands were studied in receptor binding and functional tests in rat brain membranes and in cloned systems. Ligand binding experiments were performed with three different radioprobes developed in our lab. The nociceptin derivatives exhibited high affinity in competition experiments. Receptor‐mediated G‐protein activation was determined in [35S]GTPgS binding assays. Among the new structures examined, Ac‐RYYRIK‐ol was found to be only a weak stimulator by itself, whereas this compound inhibited receptor‐mediated G‐protein activation. These data suggest that Ac‐RYYRIK‐ol is a high affinity peptide antagonist for the nociceptin receptor. Acknowledgements: Supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund OTKA T‐035211, T‐033078, T‐030841, and the Ministry of Education, NKFP 1/027 Hungary.  相似文献   

The cocaine photoaffinity label 3-iodo-4-azidococaine ([125I]IACoc) binds to the sigma-1 receptor with an affinity that is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than the parent compound cocaine [Kahoun, J. R., and Ruoho, A. E. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 1393-1397]. In the present study, the binding properties of several cocaine derivatives to the guinea pig liver sigma-1 receptor were determined. The results from assessing the affinity of various derivatives of cocaine which were substituted on the phenyl ring indicated that an important determinant of binding to the guinea pig sigma-1 receptor binding site may be the development of a dipole in the ring in which the pi electron density of the phenyl ring is reduced. This implies that an electron-rich source is present in the sigma-1 receptor binding site, such as the pi system of an aromatic ring or other electron-rich side chains, which interact with the phenyl ring of cocaine. The precise [125I]IACoc derivatization site in the guinea pig sigma-1 receptor was identified using chemical cleavage and purification of the resulting labeled peptides. Cyanogen bromide cleavage of the [125I]IACoc photolabeled sigma-1 receptor followed by radiosequencing identified Asp188, which is located in the putative steroid binding domain-like II (SBDL II) near the carboxyl terminus, as the site of [125I]IACoc insertion. Systematic truncation of the C-terminus indicated the requirement for the last 15 amino acid residues of the receptor for [125I]IACoc photolabeling.  相似文献   

Mammalian antimicrobial proteins, such as defensins and cathelicidin, have stimulating effects on host leukocytes. Cathelin-related antimicrobial peptide (CRAMP), the orthologue of human cathelicidin/LL-37, is the sole identified murine cathelicidin. CRAMP has been shown to have both antimicrobial and angiogenic activities. However, whether CRAMP, like human cathelicidin/LL-37, also exhibits a direct effect on the migration and function of leukocytes is not known. We have observed that CRAMP, like LL-37, was chemotactic for human monocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and mouse peripheral blood leukocytes. CRAMP also induced calcium mobilization and the activation of MAPK in monocytes. CRAMP-induced calcium flux in monocytes was desensitized by MMK-1, an agonistic ligand specific for formyl peptide receptor-like-1 (FPRL1), and vice versa, suggesting the use of FPRL1 by CRAMP as a receptor. Furthermore, CRAMP induced the chemotaxis of human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with either FPRL1 or mouse formyl peptide receptor-2, the mouse homologue of FPRL1, but not by untransfected parental human embryonic kidney 293 cells, confirming the use of FPRL1/mouse formyl peptide receptor-2 by CRAMP. Injection of CRAMP into mouse air pouches resulted in the recruitment predominantly of neutrophils and monocytes, indicating that CRAMP acts as a chemotactic factor in vivo. Finally, simultaneous administration of OVA with CRAMP to mice promoted both humoral and cellular Ag-specific immune responses. Thus, CRAMP functions as both a chemoattractant for phagocytic leukocytes and an enhancer of adaptive immune response.  相似文献   

Three states for the formyl peptide receptor on intact cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three distinct states of the formyl peptide receptor have been described. These are: 1) the ternary complex of ligand, receptor, and G protein (LRG); 2) the rapidly dissociating occupied receptor (ligand-receptor complex (LR]; and 3) a desensitized slowly dissociating guanine nucleotide-insensitive receptor (desensitized ligand-receptor complex ("LRX"]. During cell activation there is a rapid interconversion among receptor states from a rapidly dissociating form (t 1/2 approximately 10 s) to a slowly dissociating form (t 1/2 greater than or equal to 2 min). Neither the dynamics of the states nor their interconversion is influenced by ribosylation of G protein in the presence of pertussis toxin. In contrast to ribosylation, treatment of cells with either 2-deoxyglucose or fluoride ion, both of which lead to a loss of adenine and guanine nucleotides, causes a time-dependent change in ligand dissociability. After short periods of treatment (5-15 min) rapid dissociation is observed; after longer times (30-60 min), slow dissociation is once again detected. When intact cells are first ribosylated and then energy-depleted, only a rapidly dissociating receptor is detected. These results are discussed in terms of a model with the following elements: 1) intact cell dynamics during cell activation are dominated by an energy-dependent interconversion from LR to LRX; 2) under activation conditions, LRG appears and disappears too rapidly to be detected; 3) in cells depleted of energy and guanine nucleotide, LRG is stabilized; 4) in cells both ribosylated and depleted of energy, LR is stabilized.  相似文献   

The formyl peptide receptor (FPR) is a prototypical chemoattractant receptor expressed in neutrophils. It is well known that the FPR couples to G(i) proteins to activate phospholipase C, chemotaxis, and cytotoxic cell functions, but the in vivo role of the FPR in man has remained elusive. Recently, F110S and C126W mutations of the FPR have been associated with localized juvenile periodontitis. We studied FPR-F110S and FPR-C126W in comparison with wild-type FPR (FPR-WT) by coexpressing epitope-tagged versions of these receptors with the G protein Galpha(i2)beta(1)gamma(2) in Sf9 insect cells. FPRs were efficiently expressed in Sf9 membranes as assessed by immunoblotting using the beta(2)-adrenoreceptor as a standard. FPR-C126W differed from FPR-WT and FPR-F110S in migration on SDS-polyacrylamide gels and tunicamycin-sensitive glycosylation. FPR-WT efficiently reconstituted high-affinity agonist binding and agonist- and inverse agonist-regulated guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPgammaS) binding to Galpha(i2)beta(1)gamma(2). In contrast, FPR-F110S only weakly reconstituted agonist-stimulated GTPgammaS binding, and FPR-C126W was completely inefficient. Collectively, our data show almost complete and complete loss of G(i) protein coupling in FPR-F110S and FPR-C126W, respectively. The severe functional defects in FPR-F110S and FPR-C126W contrast with the discrete clinical symptoms associated with these mutations, indicating that loss of FPR function in host defense is, for the most part, readily compensated.  相似文献   

The formyl peptide receptor (FPR) has been widely used to study the kinetics of the interaction between ligand, receptor and G protein with real-time fluorescence methods. Because the wild type receptor rapidly signals, and is then desensitized and internalized once occupied by ligand, it has been difficult to study the uncoupled receptor form. We have examined a mutant form of the FPR expressed in U937 cells that does not bind G protein and is thus ideal to study the uncoupled form of the FPR in the intact cell. Using kinetic flow cytometry, we have measured the dissociation kinetics of a fluorescent ligand from this mutant in intact, permeabilized and fixed cells. We observed a novel uncoupled receptor form in the intact cell with a dramatically reduced off-rate (approximately 0.02 s-1) from LR in a broken cell preparation (approximately 0.2 s-1). Both receptor forms are retained in the presence of formaldehyde. We also observed this novel receptor form coexisting with the LRG complex when the wild type receptor is fixed in neutrophils or transfectants. These results complex when the wild type receptor is fixed in neutrophils o transfectants. These results lead us to suggest that there are distinct receptor structures in cells and membranes and that only a fraction of receptors in intact cells exist in the uncoupled form.  相似文献   

The angiogenic growth factor VEGF binds to the receptor tyrosine kinases Flt-1 and KDR/Flk-1. Immunoglobulin (Ig)-like loop-2 of Flt-1 is involved in binding VEGF, but the contribution of other Flt-1 Ig-loops to VEGF binding remains unclear. We tested the ability of membrane-bound chimeras between the extracellular domain of Flt-1 and the cell adhesion molecule embigin to bind VEGF. VEGF bound as well to receptors containing Flt-1 loops 1-2 or 2-3 as it did to the entire Flt-1 extracellular domain. Chimeras containing only loop-2 of Flt-1 bound VEGF with 22-fold lower affinity. We conclude that high-affinity VEGF binding requires Ig-like loop-2 plus either loop-1 or loop-3. In addition, Flt-1 amino acid residues Arg-224 and Asp-231 were not essential for high-affinity binding of VEGF to membrane-bound Flt-1.  相似文献   

Indenestrol A (IA) and indenestrol B (IB) are analogs and metabolites of diethylstilbestrol (DES). These compounds have high binding affinity with the estrogen receptor (ER) but possess weak uterotropic activity. Due to their chemical structures, IA and IB exist as mixtures of enantiomers. We investigated whether the poor biological activity of these compounds was due to differential activity of the enantiomers. We also utilized these compounds as probes to determine the extent of stereochemical sensitivity in the ER ligand binding site. The IA and IB enantiomers were separated to greater than 98% purity using a chiral high pressure liquid chromatography column. Their enantiomeric nature was confirmed by mass spectrometry and NMR. The purified IA enantiomer peak 1 was derivatized with 4-bromobenzoyl chloride. The resulting di(4-bronobenzoate) IA was analyzed by x-ray crystallography and the absolute enantiomeric conformation assigned is C(3)-R. The IA enantiomers designated IA-R and A-S were assayed by competitive binding to cytosolic ER. The competitive binding index was estradiol, 100; DES, 286; IA-Rac (racemic mixture of IA), 143; IA-R, 3; and IA-S, 285; the index showed that ER demonstrates a stereochemical chiral preference. The IB enantiomers did not show a binding preference: IB, 145; IB-1, 100; and IB-2, 143. The differences in the IA enantiomer binding were shown to be due to competitive interactions by Lineweaver-Burk analysis of saturation binding of estradiol to ER in the presence of 1-, 5-, and 10-fold molar excess of competitor. Differences in binding affinity of the enantiomers could be partially explained by differences in the association rate constant (k+1) determined by association rate inhibition studies in which IA-S was 15 times more active than IA-R. Nuclear estrogen receptor levels were measured 1 h after in vivo treatment with doses of 5-20 micrograms/kg. The IA-Rac produced only 60% of the levels is compared with DES. Nuclear ER levels were checked every 30 min up to 2 h with no apparent difference, indicating that the low early levels were not due to a delayed estrogen receptor retention. When the enantiomers were tested individually only a dose of 10 micrograms/kg IA-S translocated ER to a level comparable to DES, while IA-R showed low levels at several doses. These results suggest that the poor biological activity of IA may be related to the differential ER interaction of its enantiomers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kisspeptins, endogenous peptide ligands for GPR54, play an important role in GnRH secretion. Since in vivo administration of kisspeptins induces increased plasma LH levels, GPR54 agonists hold promise as therapeutic agents for the treatment of hormonal secretion diseases. To facilitate the design of novel potent GPR54 ligands, residues in kisspeptins that involve in the interaction with GPR54 were investigated by kisspeptin-based photoaffinity probes. Herein, we report the design and synthesis of novel kisspeptin-based photoaffinity probes, and the application to crosslinking experiments for GPR54-expressing cells.  相似文献   

Galanin, a neuroendocrine peptide of 29 amino acids, binds to Gi/Go-coupled receptors to trigger cellular responses. To determine which amino acids of the recently cloned seven-transmembrane domain-type human galanin receptor are involved in the high-affinity binding of the endogenous peptide ligand, we performed a mutagenesis study. Mutation of the His264 or His267 of transmembrane domain VI to alanine, or of Phe282 of transmembrane domain VII to glycine, results in an apparent loss of galanin binding. The substitution of Glu271 to serine in the extracellular loop III of the receptor causes a 12-fold loss in affinity for galanin. We combined the mutagenesis results with data on the pharmacophores (Trp2, Tyr9) of galanin and with molecular modelling of the receptor using bacteriorhodopsin as a model. Based on these studies, we propose a binding site model for the endogenous peptide ligand in the galanin receptor where the N-terminus of galanin hydrogen bonds with Glu271 of the receptor, Trp2 of galanin interacts with the Zn2+ sensitive pair of His264 and His267 of transmembrane domain VI, and Tyr9 of galanin interacts with Phe282 of transmembrane domain VII, while the C-terminus of galanin is pointing towards the N-terminus of th  相似文献   

Cyclosporin A (CsA) is a fungus-derived cyclic undecapeptide with potent immunosuppressive activity. Its analog, cyclosporin H (CsH), lacks immunosuppressive function but can act as an antagonist for the human formyl peptide receptor (FPR). More recent studies have shown that CsA also inhibits fMLF-induced degranulation in differentiated HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells. However, it is unclear whether CsA interferes with ligand-receptor interaction, G protein activation, or other downstream signaling events. In this study we used human neutrophils, differentiated HL-60 cells, and rat basophilic leukemia (RBL)-2H3 cells expressing human FPR (RBL-FPR) to identify the action site of CsA. In functional assays, CsA inhibited fMLF-stimulated degranulation, chemotaxis, calcium mobilization, and phosphorylation of the MAPKs ERK 1/2 and the serine/threonine protein kinase Akt. CsA also blocked Trp-Lys-Tyr-Met-Val-D-Met (WKYMVm)-induced functions in RBL-FPR cells. Concentrations for half-maximal inhibition with CsA are generally 6- to 50-fold higher than that of CsH. CsA was compared with another immunosuppressant, ascomycin, relative to the inhibitory effects on FPR-mediated chemotaxis, calcium mobilization, and degranulation. In these experiments, ascomycin produced no inhibitory effects at low micromolar concentrations (1-4 microM), whereas the inhibitory effects of CsA were prominent at comparable concentrations. Finally, CsA dose-dependently inhibited the uptake of fNle-Leu-Phe-Nle-Tyr-Lys-fluoresceine and [3H]fMLF or [125I]WKYMVm binding to FPR. However, CsA and CsH did not show any obvious inhibitory effect on FPR-like 1-mediated cellular functions. These results demonstrate that CsA is a selective antagonist of FPR and that its inhibition of fMLF-stimulated leukocyte activation is at the level of cognate ligand binding.  相似文献   

Processing of the formyl peptide receptor by HL-60 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Processing of the formyl peptide receptor by differentiated HL-60 cells has been studied using the photoaffinity label N-formyl-Nle-Leu-Phe-Nle-125I-Tyr-Lys-N epsilon-6-(4'-azido-2' -nitrophenylamino)-hexanoate. The receptor on live cells has an apparent molecular weight of 60,000 to 80,000 and possesses one predominant papain cleavage site on the cell exterior yielding a 35,000-Da fragment that contains the binding site. The affinity-labeled receptor was internalized with a t1/2 = 3.2 min at 37 degrees C, a t1/2 = 12 min at 24 degrees C, and was not internalized at 15 degrees C. The internalized receptor was localized in two intracellular compartments with buoyant densities less than that of the plasma membrane. The compartment with the lowest buoyant density was coincident with the Golgi marker galactosyltransferase. Intracellular dissociation of noncovalently bound peptide from the receptor occurred with a t1/2 = 25-28 min. Following a 3-h lag period, internalized affinity-labeled receptor was degraded by a first-order process with a t1/2 = 7 h.  相似文献   

The receptor for formylated peptides such as FMLP has been reported to consist of glycoprotein components ranging from 24-95 kDa, and to exhibit both high and low affinity for ligand. Controversy exists on the molecular size and number of these components, and whether the different affinities represent distinct ligand binding sites. In this study, the receptor was found to be comprised of components, of 94, 68, and approximately 40 kDa molecular size. Competitive binding inhibition experiments showed that FMLP bound to the components in the following order from highest to lowest affinity: 68 kDa greater than approximately 40 kDa greater than 94 kDa. Our findings suggest that the FMLP receptor of human neutrophils contains at least three components, and that each component has a different affinity for FMLP.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated a specific vascular receptor for the neurotransmitter peptide, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and have suggested that the receptor is positively coupled to vascular adenylate cyclase. The present study addressed the questions whether the vascular VIP receptor is subject to regulation by guanine nucleotides and whether a disulfide reducing agent, dithiothreitol, would perturb the binding function of the vascular VIP receptor. Guanosine triphosphate (GTP) and its non-hydrolyzable analogs, guanylyl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) and guanosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP-gamma-S), increased the rate of dissociation of radiolabeled VIP from arterial receptors in a concentration-dependent manner. GTP-gamma-S increased the equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of the high affinity vascular VIP binding site, a result consistent with decreased high affinity binding of VIP induced by GTP-gamma-S. These results are consistent with a regulatory role for guanine nucleotides in the function of the vascular VIP receptor. The disulfide reducing agent, dithiothreitol, caused a decrease in specific binding of radiolabeled VIP. Upon Scatchard analysis the effect of dithiothreitol was characterized by an increase in the KD and a decrease in the maximum number of binding sites (Bmax) of the high affinity binding site. These results suggest that disulfide bonds are important for ligand binding to vascular VIP receptors. The sulfhydryl alkylating agents, N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetamide, had minimal effects on radioligand binding.  相似文献   

Insulin binding to its receptor is characterized by high affinity, curvilinear Scatchard plots, and negative cooperativity. These properties may be the consequence of binding of insulin to two receptor binding sites. The N-terminal L1 domain and the C-terminus of the alpha subunit contain one binding site. To locate a second site, we examined the binding properties of chimeric receptors in which the L1 and L2 domains and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat of the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor were replaced by corresponding regions of the insulin receptor. Substitutions of the L2 domain and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat together with the L1 domain produced 80- and 300-fold increases in affinity for insulin. Fusion of these domains to human immunoglobulin Fc fragment produced a protein which bound insulin with a K(d) of 2.9 nM. These data strongly suggest that these domains contain an insulin binding site.  相似文献   

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