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The efficacy of eprinomectin on Dictyocaulus filaria and Cystocaulus ocreatus in naturally infected sheep was evaluated in the present study. In total, 30 infected sheep were randomly divided into two groups: treated (n?=?15) and untreated (n?=?15). A single pour-on dose of eprinomectin (0.5?mg/kg) was administered to the treated group. No medication was used in the untreated group. Faecal larval counts were performed on pre-treatment (day 0) and post-treatment (days 7, 14, 21 and 42) days. Eprinomectin was found to be 100% effective against D. filaria on day 7 post-treatment when compared with the untreated group and it maintained this effect on days 14, 21 and 42. However, the decrease in faecal larval count of C. ocreatus was found to be 86, 86 and 91%, on days 14, 21 and 42, respectively.  相似文献   

The results of analysis of phospholipids (PL) and fatty acid content in the blood of sheep infected with the nematodes Dictyocaulus filaria are displayed. A significant increase of lysophosphatidylcholine and arachidonic acid as well as a decrease of docozagexaenic acid in PL of infected sheep have been recorded. That points out to structural and functional disorders of cellular membranes during the infection. These disorder could be used as a metabolic criterion to estimate the relationships within the host-parasite system examined.  相似文献   

Alterations in the sheep erythrocyte membrane constituents during the course of Dictyocaulus filaria infection were studied in 4–6 month old Nali lambs. During the acute course of infection, plasma cholesterol, membrane cholesterol, cholesterol: phospholipid ratio and acetylcholinesterase activity fell significantly when compared with uninfected controls. The onset of the fall in the values of these parameters was observed 1–2 weeks prior to an increase in the osmotic fragility of erythrocytes. The altered values persistently remained at sub-normal levels during the chronic stage of the infection. However, the membrane proteins and phospholipids of sheep erythrocytes remained unaffected during the entire period of study. The clinico-parasitological picture of the disease, as judged by the clinical course of disease, faecal larval output and necropsy worm recovery, was typical of ovine dictyocauliosis.  相似文献   

Hydatidosis is a zoonotic disease caused by Echinococcus granulosus larvae, which affects sheep worldwide, especially in rural communities. This study aims to determine the prevalence and structure of hydatid cyst in sheep. A total number of 1,198 sheep in different age groups G1 (<1 year), G2 (1–2 years) and G3 (>2 years) were slaughtered at Taif abattoirs, then examined for the presence of hydatid cysts in lung, liver, and mesentery. Prevalence of hydatid cyst infection in imported sheep (13.0%) was higher than of local sheep (10.2%). Particularly, as per gender, prevalence of imported females (71.9%) was higher than those of local females (28.1%), while that of imported males (66.3%) was higher than those of local males (33.7%). Large sizes of hydatid cysts and fertility recorded in G3 were higher in both local and imported sheep than those of G1 and G2. Morphometric analysis of pathological lesions in liver of all infected sheep showed a significant increase compared to non-infected healthy sheep (have no lesions) (P < 0.001). In addition, for all infected sheep, histochemical investigation with Masson’s trichrome stain showed collagen fibers inside the hydatid cyst capsules and in pericystic region. The collagen fibers content and the cellular laminated membranes took the green color, while immunohistochemical evaluation detected a positive reaction for CD3.  相似文献   

C-banding has been performed on Dictyocaulus filaria using both original and modified techniques. The karyotype is reported based on C band observations. The existence of large heterochromatic blocks appears to be the cause of the low chiasmata frequency.  相似文献   

The bionomics of the free-living larvae of Dictyocaulus filaria on pasture, and the transmission of infection between lambs, were studied during different seasons of the year in North-East England. The rate of development of first-stage larvae to the third stage took 4-9 days in late spring and summer, 1 1/2-4 weeks in autumn and 5 1/2-7 weeks in winter. The proportion of first-stage larvae developing to the third stage ranged from 10-28% in autumn and winter, and 2-25% in spring and summer. The rate of mortality of the third-stage larvae was approximately logarithmic in nature, although the survival time was shorter in spring and summer than in autumn and winter. Third stage larvae were able to survive from autumn until the spring of the following year in sufficient numbers to perpetuate transmission but not to cause clinical disease. In a transmission study, the survival of the infective larvae on the experimental plot was poor in summer, but the larval population increased in the autumn and then declined slowly throughout the winter. Infection in the susceptible lambs was related to the level of infection on the herbage increasing in severity from early summer to late autumn. However, those lambs infected in the summer were resistant to the heavy autumn challenge of larvae on pasture.  相似文献   

Composite sheep embryos (N = 110) were produced by aggregation of blastomeres from 2-, 4- or 8-cell embryos. Each composite embryo consisted of equal numbers of blastomeres from 2-8 parent embryos, the total cell number ranging from one quarter of the normal cell number to 8 times the normal cell number. The embryos were embedded in agar and transferred to ligated sheep oviducts to allow development up to the early blastocyst stage. Of the 101 embryos subsequently recovered, 77 had formed normally organized blastocysts and 74 of these were transferred to 51 recipients. Thirty-eight recipients went to full term, producing a total of 53 lambs. Of the 48 lambs which survived to be blood typed at 60 days of age, 36 were judged to be chimaeric on the basis of their blood type and/or on the basis of external features. The proportion of chimaeras was larger amongst the lambs produced from composite embryos of the normal number of cells or more (25/26) than amongst lambs produced from composite embryos of less than the normal cell number (11/22).  相似文献   

The serologic and cell-mediated immune responses of hamsters exposed to 2 strains of Entamoeba histolytica (HM-1 and HM-19) were evaluated by a series of in vitro tests. The pathogenicity of the 2 strains was evaluated in terms of their ability to produce liver abscesses and spleen enlargement. Antibody response was evaluated by the indirect hemagglutination test. The cellular immune response was assayed by increased DNA synthesis by lymphocytes and migration inhibition of macrophages.  相似文献   

The influence of Coxsackie B4 and AI3 viruses on the pancreas of mice (resistant and susceptible to diabetes) was studied. Glucose intolerance and changes in the synthesis of immunoreactive insulin were detected in all the treated groups of animals. Biochemical changes were more prominent in male DBA/2 mice, infected with Coxsackie B4 virus, in FI (CBA X C57Bl/6) hybrids and in female DBA/2 mice infected with Coxsackie AI3 virus and alloxan.  相似文献   

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