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内源激素作为调控种子萌发与休眠的主要内因一直备受关注,但其随环境条件改变的变化规律及其对种子萌发的调节机制一直缺乏普遍接受的理论或假说。本研究以广泛分布于青藏高原东北缘高寒草甸的椭圆叶花锚种子为研究材料,分析不同储藏条件和时间对椭圆叶花锚种子内源激素含量的影响,及其与种子萌发的关系。结果表明:不同储藏条件下,椭圆叶花锚种子中内源激素含量随储藏时间变化差异显著;常温条件下,储藏时间对内源激素的绝对含量及各生长促进物与抑制物的比值(IAA/ABA除外)均有较显著的影响,而在冷藏条件下,储藏时间仅对GAs、IAA、ABA和促进物总量有较显著的影响;储藏条件和时间对椭圆叶花锚种子的萌发率均有极显著影响;常温储藏条件下种子萌发率大约是冷藏条件下的4倍,且种子存在休眠循环;椭圆叶花锚种子萌发并不是促进类激素或抑制类激素绝对含量的升降调节的;种子萌发与GAs含量显著正相关、与IAA含量显著负相关,CTK的含量达到一定高度的时候,萌发率才能达到最高。因此,本研究中各内源激素的作用关系,与Khan提出的三因子学说相一致,即CTK与ABA相拮抗,减轻或消除ABA的萌发抑制作用,从而使GAs的作用表现出来。  相似文献   

五种野生观赏报春花引种驯化初报   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
报道了采自云南西北部的5种野生报春(灰岩皱叶报春Primula forrestii Franck,海仙花P,poissonii Franck,橘红灯台报春P.bulleyanan Forr.,偏花报春P.secundiflora Franch和钟花报春P.sikkimensis Hook)的引种驯化研究。将采自不同地方,不同气候以及不同生态环境下的种子,通过在不同控制条件下包括基质、温度、光照等“从种子到种子”整个过程的实验观察,得出结果如下:(1)虽然每个种的种子在不同的基质中萌发率参差不齐,但所有种子在昆明栽培条件下都有高的萌发适应性。(2)虽然它们的开花时间不同(海仙花和偏花报春除外),但所有从播种获得的植株要10—16个月才能开花,与野生报春相比栽培的报春花花期提前2—3个月,灰岩皱叶报春还出现了重瓣花。(3)苗圃的报春花结实率比在野生状态下的低,人工授粉后座果率有所提高。  相似文献   

条叶百合种子萌发的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了不同光、温对条叶百合(Lilium callosum)种子萌发的影响。研究结果表明:(1)避光条件下温度对栽培4年生条叶百合种子萌发影响最大,其种子萌发最适宜温度为25℃, 4~5天开始萌动, 1~2周萌发完全。随着温度的升高或降低其种子萌发率下降。但在5℃时萌发率又有大幅升高, 35℃种子萌发完全受到抑制。(2)同一果序不同位置果实的种子萌发以最下部果实为好,中间果实次之,上部最差。(3)同一果实内中部种子萌发最好,下部种子次之,上部种子最差,上、中、下三部分种子萌发率与其千粒重呈正相关。(4)在相同实验条件下,野生条叶百合与栽培4年生条叶百合种子萌发率一致,但萌发完全时间比栽培条叶百合多14天。(5)贮藏一年后条叶百合种子萌发率没有下降。  相似文献   

为探讨并分析栽培与野生化血丹植株中不同部位中两种化学成分的含量差异,该研究采用超声法提取、高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定栽培与野生化血丹根、茎、叶、花、混合样等部位中桃叶珊瑚苷和梓醇的含量,并进行比较。结果表明:(1)桃叶珊瑚苷在栽培与野生化血丹植株内均有分布,含量均以根中最高,其在栽培与野生化血丹植株内的含量表现分别为根叶混合样茎花、根混合样茎花叶,栽培化血丹不同部位中桃叶珊瑚苷的含量均高于野生化血丹。(2)梓醇在栽培化血丹的茎中未检出,在栽培与野生化血丹其他部位均有分布,含量均以叶中最高,其在栽培与野生化血丹植株内的含量分别表现为叶花混合样根、叶混合样茎花根,野生化血丹不同部位中梓醇的含量均高于栽培化血丹。(3)桃叶珊瑚苷和梓醇在栽培和野生化血丹植株不同部位中的含量均存在显著差异(P0.05),栽培与野生同一部位间总体上无显著差异,为该濒危药用植物资源药用部位选择和合理开发利用提供实验参考。  相似文献   

本实验采用微波消解-电感耦合等离子体-发射光谱法(ICP-OES)测定了中国仅有的龙胆科花锚属的两个种花锚和椭圆叶花锚中21种矿物元素含量。实验中各元素相关系数r≥0.9990,线性关系良好,加标回收率在86%~106%之间,RSD≤4.35%,具有较好的准确度和精确度。结果表明,花锚和椭圆叶花锚均含有丰富的矿物元素,尤以Ca、Mg、Fe含量最高。椭圆叶花锚中Ca、Mg含量较高,其Ca含量是花锚的1.6倍;Be、Cd、Co、Li、Mo、Pb、Sb、Tl 8种元素在二者中含量基本相同;其余11种元素在椭圆叶花锚中含量较低。结合标本采集地的土壤背景值,推测植物中元素含量与其所处生境有关。通过对两种花锚植物资源元素含量的比较分析,可为其深入研究与开发利用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

对一种植物花特征的地理变异及其选择压力研究首先需要了解该植物花特征在不同地区的变异式样,而利用腊叶标本是获取植物花特征地理变异的理想方法。我们利用椭圆叶花锚的腊叶标本,通过测量花的高度和距的长度,并与地理因子(海拔、纬度和经度)做回归分析,探讨椭圆叶花锚两个变种的花特征及其地理变异式样。结果表明:1)已鉴定为两个变种的距长度并没有明显的差异,而且变种大花花锚的距长度均在原变种卵萼花锚的变化范围之内;如果不考虑两个变种,椭圆叶花锚的距长度变化不存在明显的间断,因此研究结果不支持将椭圆叶花锚分为两个变种;2)椭圆叶花锚的花高度和距长度呈显著的正相关关系,而且99%的数据都在预测回归99%的置信区间内,表明花高度和距长度可能受到了相同选择压力的驱动;但仍有1%的点在预测区间之外,表明这些地点的花经历的选择压力可能与其它多数分布地点的选择压力不尽相同;3)椭圆叶花锚花的几何大小与纬度和海拔呈显著的负相关关系,而与经度呈显著的正相关关系;依据三个因子的回归系数,纬度(-2.735)对椭圆叶花锚花大小的影响最大,而海拔(-0.516)和经度(0.669)相对较小,因此如果要开展椭圆叶花锚花特征的地理变异研究,在纬度不同的地点开展相关研究将获得更为理想的数据。我们的研究结果表明椭圆叶花锚花特征地理变异可能存在不同的选择压力,而开展相关的野外观察和实验将极大的丰富我们对椭圆叶花锚的花特征地理变异及其选择压力的理解,并为如何利用腊叶标本开展相关研究提供一个思路。  相似文献   

贯叶连翘野生转家化前后生物学性状特征观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
野生贯叶连翘 (HypericumperforatumL .)在江苏经过了 3a的引种栽培 ,其生物学特性检测结果表明 ,栽培贯叶连翘的生物量、开花的一致性和生长的适应性等明显优于野生贯叶连翘 ;良好的繁殖方式使贯叶连翘的收获期提前了 1a ;成熟后 3个月采收的种子萌发率较高 ,不同浓度赤霉素处理能明显提高其种子的萌发率 ;贯叶连翘的黑色腺体即分泌细胞球数量与金丝桃素间也基本存在着正相关关系 ,贵州贵阳居群和陕西丹凤居群黑色腺体明显多于其他居群 ,其金丝桃素含量在所有居群中为最高 ,而甘肃武都居群黑色腺体最少 ,其金丝桃素含量在 6个居群中最低。 6个野生居群栽培后生物量相近 ,在 4个不同土壤pH的基地大田中均能良好生长 ,说明江苏地区环境条件完全适合贯叶连翘引种栽培。  相似文献   

川东獐牙菜的引种栽培研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
川东獐牙菜是我国的一种珍稀药用植物,湖南湘西地区是其分布区之一。针对川獐 菜野生资源受到重破坏的情况,对其人工引种栽培进行了研究,旨在为川东獐牙菜的栽培及保护提供理论依据。研究结果表明:川东獐牙菜自然状态下结实率高,但萌发率不高且随环境条件的不同有不同的休眠期,人工栽培状态下结实率与萌发率均高,而且种子休眠期较短。小苗引种情况与所选择的栽培条件有很大的关系,泥培,沙培和水培中,以沙培效果最好;高,中,低湿度培养中,以中湿度培养效果最好。实验结果同时也表明,川东獐牙菜的人工引种栽培是安全可行的。  相似文献   

藏药椭圆叶花锚中抗肝炎有效成分的含量测定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用RP-HPLC建立了花锚中青兰苷、去甲氧基花锚苷和花锚苷的含量分析方法,为栽培花锚替代野生花锚入药提供一定的科学依据。花锚苷、去甲氧基花锚苷和青兰苷分别在0.68~3.40μg(r=0.9998)、0.36~1.80μg(r=0.9990)和0.80~4.00μg(r=0.9979)有良好线性关系,平均回收率分别为100.39%(RSD=2.60%)、99.79%(RSD=3.55%)和100.71%(RSD=2.19%)。栽培花锚中花锚苷和去甲氧基花锚苷的含量(抗肝炎活性成分)和在野生花锚中的含量相比无明显差别,可以初步证明栽培花锚可以替代野生花锚入药。  相似文献   

4种野生牡丹种子休眠和萌发特性及与其致濒的关系(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与栽培牡丹相比,野生矮牡丹、四川牡丹和紫斑牡丹的种子一般较小,但野生黄牡丹种子则明显大于栽培牡丹。这4 种濒危的野生牡丹种子的休眠与萌发特性与栽培牡丹的有明显差异:萌发生根期需半年以上,但通过胚培养可使之减至2 周;萌发温度以10~15℃为宜, 超过20℃则明显不利于生根及上胚轴生长; 打破上胚轴休眠需要严格的低温;野生牡丹种子的萌发率及打破上胚轴休眠后的出苗率也大大低于栽培牡丹,而且在不同分布地之间存在较大差异。实验证明:在自然状态下野生牡丹缺乏充分的传粉,特别是居群间的传粉不足,导致其种子质量低下;而野生牡丹种子特殊的萌发特性,特别是严格的上胚轴休眠,则是导致其出苗率极低及自然状态下幼苗和种群稀少的重要内因。生化测定结果表明:在低温打破牡丹种子上胚轴休眠过程中,子叶中的萌发促进剂GA3 含量明显升高,抑制剂ABA 含量显著下降;而胚乳中的各种激素含量则变化不大,胚轴中的激素变化无明显规律,因此认为子叶是控制牡丹种子上胚轴休眠的关键部位。  相似文献   

藏药花锚指纹图谱研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用反相高效液相色谱-二极管阵列的检测方法,对不同产地的10批野生花锚药材的水溶性成分进行了分析,建立了花锚药材的指纹图谱,并对栽培花锚进行了指纹图谱的特征比较。结果证明,栽培花锚中的主要化学成分及数量符合花锚药材的指纹特征,可以代替野生花锚药材入药。  相似文献   

The current views on lentil domestication are based on biological attributes of the wild progenitorLens culinaris ssp. orientalis and on assumptions which have never been tested. Seed dormancy, a major factor in the adaptation of ssp.orientalis to its natural habitat, makes it inappropriate for cultivation, because poor germination causes seed yield following cultivation to be equal to the amount of sown seeds. Higher yield, resulting from the evolution of a non-dormant type can be obtained only after five or six cycles of unprofitable cultivation. It is doubtful that incipient farmers would have undertaken such an endeavor without preexisting knowledge that non-dormant types could eventually be obtained. Experiments involving the sowing of wild lentil would have been much more successful if the non-dormant types were present in appreciable quantities in the seed stock. Establishment of that type in the natural population would have required a period of seven to eight years with favorable growing conditions allowing the non-dormant type to become widespread in the population, followed by massive predation by man reducing the hazard of a population explosion. The close similarity between isozyme profiles of the cultivated lentil and its wild progenitor indicates that lentil cultivation was attempted with seeds derived from different populations and in different areas.  相似文献   

Native plants are increasingly used for revegetation and restoration. These plants are cultivated for several generations at plant nurseries and often they are of unknown provenance. Therefore, cultivated plants often differ from their wild progenitors in life‐history traits. Using germination behavior as example, we tested the assumption that cultivated plants have different life‐history traits than their uncultivated progenitors. Cultivated as well as wild individuals of Plantago lanceolata and Lotus corniculatus, two species frequently used in revegetation, were tested in a common garden experiment as well as in incubators for their germination behavior. We observed significantly faster and more abundant germination in cultivated varieties. Using artificial crossings, we found that also hybrids of cultivated varieties and wild relatives germinate faster and more abundant than the wilds. As wild plants acquire their life‐history traits by natural selection, we have to assume that they represent the optimal adaptation to the environmental conditions. If these traits are changed by cultivation or by hybridization between cultivated varieties and local populations, the long‐term survival probabilities of local populations may be altered. Therefore, the use of cultivated varieties of native plants should be avoided in revegetation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of low temperature, soil moisture and freezing time on the germination of Tetracentron sinense Oliv. seeds were studied by simulating wild environment conditions, and the factors influencing the natural regeneration of Tsinense population were discussed. The results are as follows: (1) The imbibition process of Tsinense seed can be divided into four stages, the water absorbing capacity of Tsinense seed after imbibition would increase with the increase of soil moisture, and the seeds would be fully imbibed under the condition of 30% soil moisture; (2) The germination rate, germination force and water content of Tsinense seed increased with the increase of storage time, and the vigor index gradually decreased after increasing before; (3) At different low temperature, the germination rate of Tsinense seed reached the highest when the soil moisture is 20% or 30%; (4) When treated at 20% soil moisture for 2-4 days or 21-28 days, 0℃ is best for the germination rate of Tsinense seed; when treated at 30% soil moisture for 14-28 days, -7℃ is best fort he germination rate of Tsinense seed; (5) When treated at the same condition of freezing time, the germination rate of seeds in fallen leaves had no significant difference with the decrease of low temperature; under the same condition of low temperature (0℃ low temperature except), the germination rate increased after frozen 28 days. The results showed that there is no significant influence of low temperature during imbibition on germination characteristics of Tetracentron sinense seeds and indicating that low temperature during imbibition is not the main factor influencing the natural regeneration of Tsinense population.  相似文献   

喀什霸王(Zygophyllum kaschgaricum)是生长于中国新疆南部荒漠环境的稀有种及二级保护植物。当前, 该物种在自然种群中呈分散式及片段化分布, 且种群密度低, 种群老龄化较严重。因此, 为了了解该物种种子萌发特性及其对荒漠环境的响应, 该文采用室内控制实验方法, 对该物种的自然坐果率、结籽率、种子吸水特性、种子休眠和萌发特性及对干旱胁迫的响应进行了比较研究。结果表明: 喀什霸王在自然种群中的坐果率及结籽率较低, 且种子的败育率较高。不同干藏时间种子的吸水速率间存在显著差异; 随着干藏时间的延长, 种子的吸水率逐步增强。刚成熟的种子在不同温度及光周期下均可萌发; 其中高温(10/20 ℃, 20/30 ℃)及黑暗条件下的萌发率比低温(10/5 ℃, 5/2 ℃)及光照条件下的萌发率高。不同干藏时间的种子在不同浓度赤霉素(GA3)下的萌发率均较高; 但低温储藏时间对该物种种子的打破休眠及萌发率没有促进作用。以上结果说明该物种存在非深度生理休眠; 而干藏时间、高温且黑暗及高浓度(50 mmoloL -1) GA3是打破休眠及促进种子萌发的最合适条件。高温条件下的干旱胁迫对喀什霸王种子萌发具有抑制作用; 春季和秋季降水量决定种子的萌发率。总之, 喀什霸王种子在物候上表现出的春秋季萌动及非深度生理休眠以提高幼苗存活力及保障种群稳定性, 是一种对新疆南部干旱及高温胁迫荒漠环境的适应策略。  相似文献   

鸭儿芹种子具有休眠特性,且休眠期长,不经任何处理的种子很难萌发,影响其人工种植。研究了鸭儿芹种子的休眠特性和解除休眠的最佳方法,为我国人工种植野生鸭儿芹提供理论依据。结果表明:TTC法对种子活力的测定表明有活力的种子为(55.33±3.71)%;切破种皮种子与完整种子吸水率在前12 h相差较大,但最终吸水率相差不大,分别达到(70.00±1)%和(68.32±0.32)%,表明种皮并不阻碍种子吸水;种子中存在内源抑制物,其粗提液在较低浓度下即可抑制芹菜种子的萌发;鸭儿芹种子成熟时胚未分化完全,胚率为(28.65±2.488)%,经过低温处理后完成后熟,胚率达到(65.93±3.86)%,萌发率达到100%,因此鸭儿芹种子具有形态生理休眠特性。清水浸种和低温冷藏共同处理可有效解除其休眠,浸种和低温冷藏具有交互效应,浸种36 h、5℃冷藏30d即可解除其休眠,萌发率达到100%,发芽势达到(91.11±0.91)%。已破除休眠的种子适宜其萌发的温度范围扩大(15.0—27.5℃),而且在土壤中也可较好地萌发,萌发率达到(96.67±3.33)%,发芽势达到(71.11±1.93)%。  相似文献   

Extant variants of henequen (Agave fourcroydes Lem.) and wild populations of its putative ancestor A. angustifolia Haw. were grown in the Mexican state of Yucatan for 10 yr under homogeneous conditions. A statistical and numerical analysis of their patterns of morphological variation was performed as part of broader research to provide evidence of its genetic diversity, evolutionary relationships and changes under human selection. A comparison with results of a similar analysis under natural growing conditions was also made. The study indicated the following. (1) Under natural growth conditions, the three putative wild ecotypes are morphologically distinct, but under uniform conditions only populations growing in Tropical subdeciduous forest may be distinguished from the other two, thus indicating the probable existence of only two ecotypes: one growing in Coastal dunes and Tropical subdeciduous forest, and the other growing in Tropical deciduous forest. (2) This last ecotype is the most similar to cultivated variants. Within its populations, the most similar to the cultivated is that known as Chelem White, gathered by artisans for its textile use. (3) The cordage-cultivated Sac Ki and Yaax Ki differ from wild populations in four syndromes of domestication: gigantism, greater fibrosity, less thorniness, and less reproductive capacity. The lower cv of their characteristics compared with those of wild populations suggest less genetic diversity. (4) Kitam Ki is probably a textile-cultivated variant of recent introduction and/or a variant in which the artificial selection process has had different direction and intensity. (5) Improved growth conditions in the botanic garden resulted in a decreased cv, an increase in size and fiber content, and a reduction of thorniness for both wild and cultivated variants. Given that wild populations with desirable characteristics exist and that these characteristics are highly plastic and respond positively to cultivation, then selection and cultivation of populations such as those from Tropical deciduous forest may well have been the path taken by the ancient Maya during henequen domestication.  相似文献   

The genetics of domestication of the azuki bean (Vigna angularis)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Kaga A  Isemura T  Tomooka N  Vaughan DA 《Genetics》2008,178(2):1013-1036
Genetic differences between azuki bean (Vigna angularis var. angularis) and its presumed wild ancestor (V. angularis var. nipponensis) were resolved into QTL for traits associated with adaptation to their respective distinct habits. A genetic linkage map constructed using progenies from a cross between Japanese cultivated and wild azuki beans covers 92.8% of the standard azuki bean linkage map. A reciprocal translocation between cultivated and wild azuki bean parents was identified on the basis of the linkage map having a pseudolinkage group and clustering of seed productivity-related QTL with large effect near the presumed breakpoints. In total, 162 QTL were identified for 46 domestication-related traits. Domestication of azuki bean has involved a trade-off between seed number and seed size: fewer but longer pods and fewer but larger seeds on plants with shorter stature in cultivated azuki bean being at the expense of overall seed yield. Genes found related to germination and flowering time in cultivated azuki bean may confer a selective advantage to the hybrid derivatives under some ecological conditions and may explain why azuki bean has evolved as a crop complex in Japan.  相似文献   

Song ZP  Lu BR  Wang B  Chen JK 《Annals of botany》2004,93(3):311-316
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Introgression of crop genes into populations of wild relatives has important implications for germplasm conservation as well as for the persistence of novel transgenes in wild populations. Studies of hybrid fitness can be used to evaluate the potential for introgression to occur following episodes of interspecific hybridization. METHODS: This study estimated relative fitness of interspecific hybrids through performance comparison of F(1) hybrids with their parental species, a cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) Minghui-63 and perennial common wild rice (O. rufipogon) under the cultivation conditions. KEY RESULTS: Compared with their parents, the hybrids had the lowest values of seedling survival ability, pollen viability and seed production; intermediate values of seed germination, spikelet production and flag leaf areas; and the highest values of plant height, number of tillers and panicles. The hybrids performed poorly at the stage of sexual reproduction, although they had a slightly higher hybrid vigour at the vegetative growth stage and better tillering ability than their wild parent. There were no significant differences in composite fitness across the whole life-history between the hybrids and their wild parental species. CONCLUSIONS: Rice genes, including transgenes, might persist in wild rice populations through vegetative and sexual reproduction. Further studies are needed to examine whether the extent of gene flow from rice is sufficiently significant to influence genetic diversity in wild populations of O. rufipogon, a species that has become endangered in some regions of south-east Asia.  相似文献   

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