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Vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) at Amboseli, Kenya, give acoustically different alarm calls to different predators. Each alarm evokes contrasting, seemingly adaptive, responses. Animals on the ground respond to leopard alarms by running into trees, to eagle alarms by looking up, and to snake alarms by looking down. In a 14-month field study examining the semantic properties of alarm calls, we played tape-recorded alarms to vervets in the absence of actual predators and filmed the monkeys' responses. Playbacks confirmed observations and showed that (1) alarm length, amplitude and alarmist's age/sex class had little effect on response quality, and (2) context was not a systematic determinant of response. We conclude that vervet alarm calls function to designate different classes of external danger.  相似文献   

Four groups of squirrel monkeys were observed to determine the primary basis of adult group structure. These studies included observations on (1) intact and gonadectomized males and females during and after breeding; (2) intact adults only; (3) subadults only; and, (4) a mixed group of adults and subadults. The spatial distribution of subjects in each group was used as a basic measure of social organization. It was found that for adults, regardless of hormonal status, between-sex distances were consistently greater than within-sex distances. This sexually segregated adult structure was largely attributable to the females' attaction to one another and overt rejection of the males. Subadults by themselves did not show any clear sexual segregation. However, in the presence of an adult structure, the subadults gradually manifested the segregated pattern of the adults by gravitating toward same-sex adults. These results indicate that the socialization process, rather than endogenous hormonal status, is the major determinant of adult social structure in squirrel monkeys.  相似文献   

Primate growth hormone (GH) has evolved rapidly, having undergone approximately 30% amino acid substitutions from the inferred ancestral eutherian sequence. Nevertheless, human growth hormone (hGH) is physiologically effective when administered to nonprimate mammals. In contrast, its functional counterpart, the human growth hormone receptor (hGHR), has evolved species specificity so that it responds only to Old World primate GHs. It has been proposed that this species specificity of the hGHR is largely caused by the Leu --> Arg change at position 43 after a prior His --> Asp change at position 171 of the GH. Sequence analyses supported this hypothesis and revealed that the transitional phase in the GH:GHR coevolution still persists in New World monkeys. For example, although the GH of the squirrel monkey has the His --> Asp substitution at position 171, residue 43 of its GHR is a Leu, the nonprimate residue. If the squirrel monkey truly represents an intermediate stage of GH:GHR coevolution, its GHR should respond to both hGH and nonprimate GH. Also, if the emergence of species specificity was a result of the selection for a more efficient GH:GHR interaction, then changing residue 43 of the squirrel monkey growth hormone receptor (smGHR) to Arg should increase its binding affinity toward higher primate GH. To test these hypotheses, we performed protein-binding assays between the smGHR and both human and rat GHs, using the surface plasmon resonance methodology. Furthermore, the effects of reciprocal mutations at position 43 of human and squirrel monkey GHRs are measured for their binding affinities toward human and squirrel monkey GHs. The results from the binding kinetic assays clearly demonstrate that the smGHR is in the intermediate state of the evolution of species specificity. Interestingly, the altered residue Arg at position 43 of the smGHR does not lead to an increased binding affinity. The implications of these results on the evolution of the GH:GHR interaction and on functional evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

The closed circular form of the endogenous squirrel monkey type D retrovirus (SMRV) was molecularly cloned in a bacteriophage vector. The restriction map of the biologically active clone was determined and found to be identical to that of the parental SMRV linear DNA except for the deletion of one long terminal repeat. Restriction enzyme analysis and Southern blotting indicated that the SMRV long terminal repeat was approximately 300 base pairs long. The SMRV restriction map was oriented to the viral RNA by using a gene-specific probe from baboon endogenous virus. Restriction enzyme digests of a variety of vertebrate DNAs were analyzed for DNA sequence homology with SMRV by using the cloned SMRV genome as a probe. Consistent with earlier studies, multiple copies of SMRV were detected in squirrel monkey DNA. Related fragments were also detected in the DNAs from other primate species, including humans.  相似文献   

Neosaimiri fieldsi, from the South American middle Miocene locality of La Venta, is represented by a relatively complete mandible and dentition that strongly resembles that of extantSaimiri. Comparison with a large sample of mandibles ofSaimiri indicates that this specimen cannot be distinguished from modern populations on the basis of any reportedly diagnostic feature, such as cingulid development, molar length ratio, trigonic/talonid ratio, or mandibular depth. The fossil is best considered an extinct species of the modern genusSaimiri until further material indicates otherwise.  相似文献   

A review of Endo's experimental and theoretical procedures and data indicates that the magnitude of the principal strains in the glabella region of both humans and gorillas are low as compared to other parts of the face. Therefore, his data do not provide support for the hypothesis that the glabella region is a highly stressed region during biting. In addition, increased levels of strain in the supraorbital region are directly related to increased levels of masticatory muscle and reaction forces, and not necessarily to anterior tooth loading as opposed to posterior tooth loading. His data also indicate that the supraorbital region in extant humans cannot be accurately modeled as a beam. These conclusions either differ from those of Endo or are not clearly presented or emphasized throughout any of Endo's papers. Therefore, we suggest that a number of investigators have made unsupported or erroneous conclusions based on Endo's work. This is particularly true for those studies that have emphasized the existence of powerful bending stress in the glabella region during incisor biting in both humans and non-human primates.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin is one of the best characterized of the photosynthetic electron transfer proteins. Since the determination of the structure of poplar plastocyanin in 1978, the structure of algal (Scenedesmus, Enteromorpha, Chlamydomonas) and plant (French bean) plastocyanins has been determined either by crystallographic or NMR methods, and the poplar structure has been refined to 1.33 Å resolution. Despite the sequence divergence among plastocyanins of algae and vascular plants (e.g., 62% sequence identity between theChlamydomonas and poplar proteins), the three-dimensional structures are remarkably conserved (e.g., 0.76 Å rms deviation in the C positions between theChlamydomonas and poplar proteins). Structural features include a distorted tetrahedral copper binding site at one end of an eight-stranded antiparallel -barrel, a pronounced negative patch, and a flat hydrophobic surface. The copper site is optimized for its electron transfer function, and the negative and hydrophobic patches are proposed to be involved in recognition of physiological reaction partners. Chemical modification, cross-linking, and site-directed mutagenesis experiments have confirmed the importance of the negative and hydrophobic patches in binding interactions with cytochromef and Photosystem I, and validated the model of two functionally significant electron transfer paths in plastocyanin. One putative electron transfer path is relatively short (4 Å) and involves the solvent-exposed copper ligand His-87 in the hydrophobic patch, while the other is more lengthy (12–15 Å) and involves the nearly conserved residue Tyr-83 in the negative patch.  相似文献   

Highlights? IGFBP-like domain structure suggests that it is incompetent for IGF binding ? Kazal-like domain structure shows distorted “P1” loop incompetent for inhibition ? Protease domain shows catalytic readiness in apo form ? SAXS envelope for full-length HtrA1  相似文献   

A field study of the vocal behavior of 22 wild adult female squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in Parque Nacional del Manu, Peru, found that 21% of vocalizations were “caregiver” calls. Caregiver calls are brief, low frequency calls, often with numerous harmonics, that are addressed by caregivers to their own infants in three contexts: 1) prenurse, signalling the caregiver's location and willingness to nurse; 2) nurse, while nursing; and 3) end nurse, indicating the end of the nursing bout. Three measures (start, end, and peak frequency) of the acoustic structure of the fundamental frequency of the caregiver calls significantly differed across the contexts. Duration of caregiver calls, however, was not distinguished by context. Compared to other primate taxa, the specificity and importance of caregiver calls in squirrel monkey vocal behavior appears unusual, if not unique. That S. sciureus caregiver calls are highly developed and employed so extensively probably follows from an unusual combination of ecological and life history factors. These factors include delayed weaning and large infant body size, high levels of indirect foraging competition which encourages spatial separation, susceptibility to predation, and specialization on a densely foliated, branch-end microhabitat in which visual contact is often impeded. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Smith MN  Kwok SC  Hodges RS  Wood JM 《Biochemistry》2007,46(11):3084-3095
Transporter ProP of Escherichia coli senses extracellular osmolality and responds by mediating cytoplasmic accumulation of organic solutes such as proline. Lesions at the proQ locus reduce ProP activity in vivo. ProQ was previously purified and characterized. Homology modeling predicted that ProQ possesses an alpha-helical N-terminal domain (residues 1-130) and a beta-sheet C-terminal domain (residues 181-232) connected by an unstructured linker. In this work, we tested the structural model for ProQ, explored the solubility and folding of full length ProQ and its domains in diverse buffers, and tested the impacts of the putative ProQ domains on ProP activity in vivo. Limited tryptic proteolysis of ProQ revealed protease resistant fragments corresponding to the predicted N-terminal and C-terminal domains. Polypeptides corresponding to the predicted N- and C-terminal domains could be overexpressed and purified to near homogeneity using nickel affinity, size exclusion and reversed phase chromatographies. Circular dichroism spectroscopy of the purified proteins revealed that the N-terminal domain was predominantly alpha-helical, whereas the C-terminal domain was predominantly beta-sheet, as predicted. The domains were soluble and folded in neutral buffers containing 0.6 M NaCl. The N-terminal domain was soluble and folded in 0.1 M MES (2-[N-morpholino]-ethane sulfonic acid) at pH 5.6. Despite high solubilities, the proteins were not well folded in Na citrate (0.1 M, pH 2.3). The ProQ domains and the linker were expressed at physiological levels, singly and in combination, in bacteria lacking the chromosomal proQ locus. Among these proteins, the N-terminal domain could partially complement the proQ deletion. The full length protein and a variant lacking only the linker restored full activity of the ProP protein.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2001,22(2):129-138
The functional variability in leaf angle distribution within the canopy was analysed with respect to regulation of light interception and photoprotection. Leaf orientation strongly determined the maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) during summer: horizontal leaves were highly photoinhibited whereas vertical leaf orientation protected the leaves from severe photoinhibition. The importance of leaf orientation within the canopy was analysed in two Mediterranean macchia species with distinct strategies for drought and photoinhibition avoidance during summer. The semi-deciduous species (Cistus monspeliensis) exhibited strong seasonal but minimal spatial variability in leaf orientation. Reversible structural regulation of light interception by vertical leaf orientation during summer protected the leaves from severe photoinhibition. The evergreen sclerophyll (Quercus coccifera) exhibited high spatial variability in leaf angle distribution throughout the year and was less susceptible to photoinhibition. The importance of both strategies for plant primary production was analysed with a three-dimensional canopy photoinhibition model (CANO-PI). Simulations indicated that high variability in leaf angle orientation in Q. coccifera resulted in whole-plant carbon gain during the summer, which was 94 % of the maximum rate achieved by theoretical homogeneous leaf orientations. The high spatial variability in leaf angle orientation may be an effective compromise between efficient light harvesting and avoidance of excessive radiation in evergreen plants and may optimize annual primary production. Whole plant photosynthesis was strongly reduced by water stress and photoinhibition in C. monspeliensis; however, the simulations indicated that growth-related structural regulation of light interception served as an important protection against photoinhibitory reduction in whole-plant carbon gain.  相似文献   

In the first of two studies six like-sexed pairs of rhesus macaques early in their third year of life were observed for two days, then separated for two days, and finally reunited for two days. In the second, about nine months later, the same animals were paired across sex and were separated in a similar fashion to that in the previous study. The number of distress-related clear calls uttered by females remained stable through both studies, but the males showed a decrease with age in this behavior. The results of these two studies are compared with other research in which maturation-related sex differences have become apparent. These comparisons suggested that decreases in the production of clear calls accompany the onset of puberty. Since the females which were involved in our research reached puberty shortly before the time of our first study and the males did so shortly before the second, the decreases in male clear-call rate which we observed across these two studies appears to have been linked with peri-pubertal influences.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkey retrovirus (SMRV) was isolated by cocultivation of squirrel monkey lung cells with canine cells. 3H-labeled 60-70S SMRV RNA, isolated from virus grown in canine cells, hybridized to the same extent and to the same Cot1/2 value to the DNA of all tissues of all squirrel monkeys tested; Cot1/2 values show that SMRV proviral sequences are present in the low repetitive range. No SMRV proviral sequences were detected in tissues from a variety of other New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, or apes. Murine, feline, bovine, and canine cells also contain no detectable SMRV proviral sequences. Competitive molecular hybridization studies revealed no detectable sequence homology between the 60-70S RNAs of SMRV and Mason-Pfizer virus (MPV). The virion-associated DNA polymerase of SMRV is similar to that of MPV in that it has a molecular weight of approximately 80,000 and prefers magnesium as a divalent cation using oligo(dG)-poly(rC) as primer-template. The virion-associated DNA polymerase of SMRV can be clearly distinguished from those of MPV and the mouse mammary tumor viruses, however, by its preference for manganese as a divalent cation in the presence of high salt.  相似文献   

Twenty weanling 6-month-old male squirrel monkeys were allotted to the following treatments: 1) first control animals were killed at weaning; 2) second control animals were killed when 24 months old; and 3) malnourished animals were fed on a low-protein diet and killed at age 24 months. Lateral and vertical teleradiographies were taken. Growth of the neurocranial and splanchnocranial components were measured by volumetric (size estimators) and morphometric (shape estimators) indices. All facial components grew. The neurocranial components showed a heterogeneous behavior: The anteroneural component remained stable, and the increase of the midneural component was compensated by a decrease in the posteroneural component. Malnutrition affected the growths of 1) the craniofacial complex, 2) the splanchnocranium, and 3) the respiratory and midneural components. Growth influenced skull shape through 1) increases of the splanchnocranium and the midneural component relative to the neurocranium; 2) decreases of the masticatory and optic components relative to the splanchnocranium, and 3) decreases of the anteroneural and posteroneural components relative to the neurocranium. Malnutrition influenced skull shape through the relationship between the anteroneural component and the neurocranium. These results confirmed the existence of functional interrelationships among the cranial components. A new approach to craniological studies is suggested.  相似文献   

Bidirectional promoters are relatively abundant in eukaryotic genomes, suggesting that they have an important biological significance. As yet, few of these promoters have been characterized in detail. Here, using a promoter::GUS transgene approach has revealed that the intergenic region of Arabidopsis thaliana divergent genes At1g71850 and At1g71860 is an asymmetric bidirectional promoter, which exhibits an orientation-dependent expression profile. The strength of the forward promoter was greater than that of the reverse promoter, and their tissue specificities were not identical. Deletion analyses revealed that this bidirectional promoter could be divided into three functional regions. The basal level and tissue specificity of the promoter in the reverse orientation were regulated positively by region II and negatively by region III, whereas promoter activity in the forward orientation was regulated negatively by region II and positively by region I. Thus the 52-bp stretch of Research Artregion II had a dual function, enhancing expression in the reverse orientation and suppressing it in the forward orientation. These results demonstrated that the activity of the At1g71850-At1g71860 bidirectional promoter was modulated by complex interactions between both positive and negative cis-acting elements. These findings will enhance our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of plant bidirectional promoters.  相似文献   



Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is a primordial process in development and its dysregulation has a central role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Angiogenin (ANG), a peculiar member of the RNase A superfamily, is a potent inducer of angiogenesis involved in many different types of cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and also with a possible role in the innate immune defense. The evolutionary path of this family has been a highly dynamic one, where positive selection has played a strong role. In this work we used a combined gene and protein level approach to determine the main sites under diversifying selection on the primate ANG gene and analyze its structural and functional implications.  相似文献   

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