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The use of two semisolid media (semisolid Rappaport and semisolid Rappaport-Vassiliadis) for the isolation of Salmonella spp. from coastal waters was compared with the use of conventional media. Two hundred and fifty six samples were studied; Salmonella spp. were detected in 83. The semisolid media were the most sensitive, detecting 73 samples instead of the 53 detected by the conventional media (P less than 0.001). The rate of isolation of Salmonella spp. showed an increase of 56.6% when the semisolid media were added to the conventional media, it being possible to detect 54.2% of the total organisms 1 day earlier.  相似文献   

The performance of two new (1-day) culture methods, Salmonella Enrichment Broth (SEB) and Revive, and an alternative pre-enrichment broth, designated Universal pre-enrichment broth (UB), was compared to the internationally accepted buffered peptone water (BPW). The study was directed towards detection of Salmonella in 100 faecal samples from porcine and 100 neck-skin samples from poultry. The sensitivity (number of positive cases per method among all the positive cases) of the conventional pre-enrichment in BPW was found to be 0.77 for swine and 0.66 for poultry samples, while a combination of the BPW method with parallel pre-enrichment of the same sample in UB resulted in high sensitivity for swine (0.92) and poultry (0.95) samples. A 2-h pre-enrichment in the non-selective Revive, followed by overnight enrichment in selective broth, resulted in a low sensitivity, particularly for the neck-skin samples (0.16, P=0.001). The SEB method in the porcine samples resulted in a sensitivity (0.71) comparable to the standard method (P=0.31). In conclusion, additional pre-enrichment of samples in UB may substantially increase the culture sensitivity. During routine screening of large numbers of samples, it may be advantageous to use SEB rather than standard culturing.  相似文献   

The presence of Salmonella and its relationship with indicator organisms of fecal pollution, such as total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci, was studied at two marine zones in Portugal. Seventeen different Salmonella serotypes were isolated and identified, S. virchow was the most frequently isolated (21.6%). In addition, a high percentage (35.1%) was recorded for some Salmonella serotypes of clinical significance, namely S. enteritidis, S. infantis, S. typhimurium and S. virchow. In any of the samples from the two zones Salmonella was not detected in the absence of any of the indicator organisms. However, the incidence of Salmonella as a function of indicator concentration intervals established by the EEC standards was 0, 10 and 19.3% at guide values of total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci, respectively in the Faro samples (south of Portugal). In contrast, Salmonella incidence rates of 37.5, 36.4 and 33.3% were recorded at the corresponding guide values the Caminha samples (north of Portugal). No significant correlations (p>0.005) were obtained between Salmonella and the indicators at the sampling stations; however, total coliforms and fecal streptococci were the indicators most closely related to Salmonella in Caminha and Faro samples, respectively. Survival experiments in Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and S. typhimurium, using diffusion chambers, were performed to verify whether the lack of correlation between indicators and Salmonella was due to different inactivation rates in seawater. The results indicate that survival percentages of the three microorganisms tested were similar after 48 h of exposure to seawater.  相似文献   

A primary, nonselective, ambient-temperature enrichment procedure for isolation of Salmonella spp. is described. The procedure was superior to elevated-temperature selective enrichment for Salmonella when estuarine water samples were examined. Five Chesapeake Bay stations were monitored, over an 8-month period, for the presence of salmonellae. Of 72 water and sediment samples collected, 17 (23.6%) yielded Salmonella spp. Seven serotypes were identified among the isolates. A seasonal pattern was noted for the incidence of the salmonellae. A most probable number procedure, performed by membrane filtration and nonselective enrichment, yielded Salmonella most probable number indices as high as 110 per 100 g of sediment. The results suggest that new methods, such as the one described in this report, are required for isolation of human intestinal pathogens from estuaries and coastal waters.  相似文献   

A primary, nonselective, ambient-temperature enrichment procedure for isolation of Salmonella spp. is described. The procedure was superior to elevated-temperature selective enrichment for Salmonella when estuarine water samples were examined. Five Chesapeake Bay stations were monitored, over an 8-month period, for the presence of salmonellae. Of 72 water and sediment samples collected, 17 (23.6%) yielded Salmonella spp. Seven serotypes were identified among the isolates. A seasonal pattern was noted for the incidence of the salmonellae. A most probable number procedure, performed by membrane filtration and nonselective enrichment, yielded Salmonella most probable number indices as high as 110 per 100 g of sediment. The results suggest that new methods, such as the one described in this report, are required for isolation of human intestinal pathogens from estuaries and coastal waters.  相似文献   

Several selective media were evaluated for their suitability for the isolation and quantification of mesophilic Aeromonas species from naturally polluted samples. Satisfactory recoveries were obtained with most of them but only when densities of background microflora were low. When analysed samples were from highly polluted waters, results were inconsistent because they did not give quantitative recovery of mesophilic aeromonads or they did not permit ready differentiation of Aeromonas species from the competitive bacteria. A new medium was developed on the basis of the combination of some positive aspects of several published media, pril-ampicillin-dextrin-ethanol (PADE) agar. The medium employs dextrin (Merck 3006) as a fermentable carbohydrate and pril, ampicillin and ethanol as inhibitory substances. Recovery on PADE agar from suspensions of 15 tested strains of Aeromonas prepared from pure cultures was excellent. The confirmation rate of typical colonies designated Aeromonas spp. isolated from polluted samples exceeded 90%. Recoveries of stressed aeromonad strains on both PADE agar and a non-selective medium (TSA) did not show any significant difference ( P 0.05). PADE agar was more reliable for quantitative recovery of mesophilic aeromonads than the other selective media because of its characteristics: (i) inhibition of the swarming of Proteus , (ii) good reduction of the background, (iii) inhibition of the over growth of Klebsiella spp., (iv) absence of NaCl makes it unfavourable for the growth of halophilic vibrios, (v) combination of two pH indicators permitted a very easy differentiation between Aeromonas colonies and the competitive microflora. The medium can also be used for isolation of aeromonads from various sources by membrane filtration.  相似文献   

AIM: This study compared the performance of three Campylobacter enrichment broths: Bolton broth (BB), Campylobacter Enrichment broth (CEB) and Preston broth (PB). METHODS AND RESULTS: Pure cultures of target and competitor organisms, and naturally-contaminated food samples, were used to establish the performance of these media. In pure culture the PB supported the growth of the greatest number of strains of Campylobacter spp. but failed to inhibit some competitor organisms. The CEB showed the opposite result, inhibiting all 15 competitor organisms used but failing to support the growth of five Campylobacter strains. By comparison, BB showed the best compromise between inhibition of competitors and growth of Campylobacter. CONCLUSIONS: Plates inoculated with BB and CEB food enrichments resulted in more Campylobacter growth than those inoculated with PB, which supported significantly less typical growth (P < or = 0.001). The most common competitor organism isolated from PB was Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas spp. were frequently isolated from BB and CEB. Both BB and CEB were better than PB for the isolation of Campylobacter from naturally-contaminated foods, although BB yielded more confirmed Campylobacter growth than CEB. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study highlighted differences in performance of media used to isolate Campylobacter spp. from foods.  相似文献   

Assessment of media used for selective isolation of Aeromonas spp.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A. GAVRIEL AND A.J. LAMB. 1995. A group of selective media were evaluated for their ability to support growth and recovery of type species of the mesophilic, motile group from the genus Aeromonas . With both low and high inoculum densities Aer. hydrophila and Aer. caviae grew well on ampicillin dextrin agar, glutamate starch penicillin agar and starch glutamate ampicillin penicillin agar whereas Aer. veronii only grew with a high level of inoculum. Aeromonas sobria and Aer. schubertii displayed little growth on any of these media regardless of the inoculum size. These results indicate that environmental studies attempting to evaluate the relative distribution and abundance of the members of the motile Aeromonas group would not recover all the strains with equal effectiveness using these particular media.  相似文献   

A total of 865 Salmonella isolates from wastewaters and sewage-contaminated natural waters were tested for antimicrobial resistance by using NR10 medium and incubation at 43 degrees C. Of the strains, 12.7% were resistant to one or more of the compounds tested, and 30% transferred resistance to an Escherichia coli recipient. The highest minimal inhibitory concentrations were ca. 1,000 micrograms/ml. Transfer frequencies ranged from 10(-3) to 10(-7).  相似文献   

A total of 865 Salmonella isolates from wastewaters and sewage-contaminated natural waters were tested for antimicrobial resistance by using NR10 medium and incubation at 43 degrees C. Of the strains, 12.7% were resistant to one or more of the compounds tested, and 30% transferred resistance to an Escherichia coli recipient. The highest minimal inhibitory concentrations were ca. 1,000 micrograms/ml. Transfer frequencies ranged from 10(-3) to 10(-7).  相似文献   

We have compared the effectiveness of four media developed in the last years together with the medium GSTC(glucose-salt-tellurite-crystal violet), devised in our laboratory, for the recovery of vibrios from estuarine waters. In addition, a number of reference Vibrio and non-Vibrio strains have been tested for growth on the five media. TCBS and GSTC were the most selective media for reference strains of Vibrio spp. However, when the media were tested with samples of water from three different sites of an estuary, only TCBS was effective enough to recover vibrios inhibiting the growth of non-Vibrio populations. We also report here the usefulness of TCBS for isolation of the fish pathogen V. anguillarum, since a total of 81 strains isolated from diseased fish and water in various parts of the world grew on this medium. In conclusion, we consider the TCBS as the best medium to isolate Vibrio species pathogenic for humans and fish, and for recovery of vibrios from estuarine waters.  相似文献   

A lcaide , E., M artinez , J.P. & G aray , E. 1984. Comparative study on Salmonella isolation from sewage contaminated natural waters. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 56 , 365–371.
A comparative study of five factors influencing the isolation of salmonellas from sewage-contaminated natural waters was carried out. The effect of pre-enrichment in buffered peptone water was compared with single-step enrichment in NR10 broth incubated at 43C. A modification of NR10 has been compared with the original composition. Bismuth sulphite agar (BSA), Hektoen enteric agar (HE) and brilliant green agar (BGA) have been used as plating media. Other factors considered have been temperature of the water and sampling site. A total of 759 salmonella strains belonging to 36 different serotypes has been recovered in a two-year study. All five factors considered in the study have shown a significant effect on the recovery of salmonellas. The combination of direct enrichment in NR10, followed by BSA or HE as plating media was most effective for the isolation of Salmonella . The influence of water temperature and characteristics of the sampling sites have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Soil biodiversity plays a key role in the sustainability of agriculture systems and indicates the level of health of soil, especially when considering the richness of microorganisms that are involved in biological control of soilborne diseases. Cultural practices may produce changes in soil microflora, which can be quantified through the isolation of target microorganisms. Rhizosphere soil samples were taken from an assay with different crop rotations and tillage systems, and populations of Trichoderma spp., Gliocladium spp. and actinomycetes were quantified in order to select the general and selective culture media that better reflect the changes of these microbial populations in soil. The most efficient medium for the isolation of Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium spp. was potato dextrose agar modified by the addition of chloramphenicol, streptomycin and rose bengal, and for actinomycetes was Küster medium, with cycloheximide and sodium propionate.  相似文献   

Seven enrichment media (two proposed by the authors) for detecting salmonellas from polluted freshwater were compared. The Most Probable Number technique for enumeration of salmonellas in water samples was used, directly adding filtered water to buffered peptone water as the pre-enrichment medium. The results indicate that Rappaport-Vassiliadis/43 and Rappaport-Vassiliadis/43 supplemented with 10 μg of sodium novobiocin per ml are the best media for the recovery and enumeration of salmonellas from water samples.  相似文献   

Seven enrichment media (two proposed by the authors) for detecting salmonellas from polluted freshwater were compared. The Most Probable Number technique for enumeration of salmonellas in water samples was used, directly adding filtered water to buffered peptone water as the pre-enrichment medium. The results indicate that Rappaport-Vassiliadis/43 and Rappaport-Vassiliadis/43 supplemented with 10 micrograms of sodium novobiocin per ml are the best media for the recovery and enumeration of salmonellas from water samples.  相似文献   

We studied the capacity of 10 selective media (Rambach agar, RB; salmonella-shigella agar, SS; SM-ID medium, SM; Hektoen enteric agar, HE; modified semisolid Rappaport-Vassiliadis agar, MSRV; bismuth sulphite agar, BS; MacConkey agar, MC; brilliant green agar, BG; novobiocin-brilliant green-glucose agar, NBG; and novobiocin-brilliant green-glycerol-lactose agar, NBGL), and the C8-esterase test (MUCAP test, Biolife, Italy) to detect the growth of 14 strains of lactose-positive Salmonella (12 Salm. virchow and two Salm. montevideo ) and 16 Salm. arizonae. Suspensions of pure strain were plated on the aforementioned media and on Mueller-Hinton, used as a control, with inocula of 3 x 102 cfu ml-1. The performance of BS was excellent, determining the 30 strains as typical Salmonella colonies (H2S+). On NBG, 27 strains were detected. On MSRV, only some strains grew and only one produced swarming. On the other media, the two Salm. montevideo and the 12 Salm. virchow strains produced coliform colonies. Some of these latter were inhibited on BG and NBGL. The 16 Salm. arizonae strains produced typical colonies on all the media, except on RB, SM and MSRV. On NBGL, two strains did not produce H2S. The C8-esterase test was only successful with Salm. montevideo and Salm. virchow on NBG and RB (with a few exceptions on the latter). However, with Salm. arizonae the test was positive on SS, MC, HE, BG and NBG. In summary, BS was the best medium of those used (all the 30 strains were isolated), followed by NBG (27 isolates).  相似文献   

Starch ampicillin agar (SA), starch glutamate ampicillin penicillin agar (SGAP) and Aeromonas medium (AM) were evaluated for enumeration of Aeromonas spp. from foods. Recovery from pure cultures of Aer. hydrophila and Aer. caviae was excellent on all media. Recovery of Aer. sobria was best on AM agar, where 95.5% were recovered, compared with 31.9% on SA agar and 33.3% on SGAP medium.  相似文献   

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