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Currently, linear mixed model analyses of expression microarray experiments are performed either in a gene-specific or global mode. The joint analysis provides more flexibility in terms of how parameters are fitted and estimated and tends to be more powerful than the gene-specific analysis. Here we show how to implement the gene-specific linear mixed model analysis as an exact algorithm for the joint linear mixed model analysis. The gene-specific algorithm is exact, when the mixed model equations can be partitioned into unrelated components: One for all global fixed and random effects and the others for the gene-specific fixed and random effects for each gene separately. This unrelatedness holds under three conditions: (1) any gene must have the same number of replicates or probes on all arrays, but these numbers can differ among genes; (2) the residual variance of the (transformed) expression data must be homogeneous or constant across genes (other variance components need not be homogeneous) and (3) the number of genes in the experiment is large. When these conditions are violated, the gene-specific algorithm is expected to be nearly exact.  相似文献   

In community-intervention trials, communities, rather than individuals, are randomized to experimental arms. Generalized linear mixed models offer a flexible parametric framework for the evaluation of community-intervention trials, incorporating both systematic and random variations at the community and individual levels. We propose here a simple two-stage inference method for generalized linear mixed models, specifically tailored to the analysis of community-intervention trials. In the first stage, community-specific random effects are estimated from individual-level data, adjusting for the effects of individual-level covariates. This reduces the model approximately to a linear mixed model with the unit of analysis being community. Because the number of communities is typically small in community-intervention studies, we apply the small-sample inference method of Kenward and Roger (1997, Biometrics53, 983-997) to the linear mixed model of second stage. We show by simulation that, under typical settings of community-intervention studies, the proposed approach improves the inference on the intervention-effect parameter uniformly over both the linearized mixed-effect approach and the adaptive Gaussian quadrature approach for generalized linear mixed models. This work is motivated by a series of large randomized trials that test community interventions for promoting cancer preventive lifestyles and behaviors.  相似文献   

The relationship between the modern univariate mixed model for analyzing longitudinal data, popularized by Laird and Ware (1982, Biometrics 38, 963-974), and its predecessor, the classical multivariate growth curve model, summarized by Grizzle and Allen (1969, Biometrics 25, 357-381), has never been clearly established. Here, the link between the two methodologies is derived, and balanced polynomial and cosinor examples cited in the literature are analyzed with both approaches. Relating the two models demonstrates that classical covariance adjustment for higher-order terms is analogous to including them as random effects in the mixed model. The polynomial example clearly illustrates the relationship between the methodologies and shows their equivalence when all matrices are properly defined. The cosinor example demonstrates how results from each method may differ when the total variance-covariance matrix is positive definite, but that the between-subjects component of that matrix is not so constrained by the growth curve approach. Additionally, advocates of each approach tend to consider different covariance structures. Modern mixed model analysts consider only those terms in a model's expectation (or linear combinations), and preferably the most parsimonious subset, as candidates for random effects. Classical growth curve analysts automatically consider all terms in a model's expectation as random effects and then investigate whether "covariance adjusting" for higher-order terms improves the model. We apply mixed model techniques to cosinor analyses of a large, unbalanced data set to demonstrate the relevance of classical covariance structures that were previously conceived for use only with completely balanced data.  相似文献   

Patients who have undergone renal transplantation are monitored longitudinally at irregular time intervals over 10 years or more. This yields a set of biochemical and physiological markers containing valuable information to anticipate a failure of the graft. A general linear, generalized linear, or nonlinear mixed model is used to describe the longitudinal profile of each marker. To account for the correlation between markers, the univariate mixed models are combined into a multivariate mixed model (MMM) by specifying a joint distribution for the random effects. Due to the high number of markers, a pairwise modeling strategy, where all possible pairs of bivariate mixed models are fitted, is used to obtain parameter estimates for the MMM. These estimates are used in a Bayes rule to obtain, at each point in time, the prognosis for long-term success of the transplant. It is shown that allowing the markers to be correlated can improve this prognosis.  相似文献   

The limitations of methods for analysis of variance(ANOVA)in estimating genetic variances are discussed. Among the three methods(maximum likelihood ML, restricted maximum likelihood REML, and minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation MINQUE)for mixed linear models, MINQUE method is presented with formulae for estimating variance components and covariances components and for predicting genetic effects. Several genetic models, which cannot be appropriately analyzed by ANOVA methods, are introduced in forms of mixed linear models. Genetic models with independent random effects can be analyzed by MINQUE(1)method whieh is a MINQUE method with all prior values setting 1. MINQUE(1)method can give unbiased estimation for variance components and covariance components, and linear unbiased prediction (LUP) for genetic effects. There are more complicate genetic models for plant seeds which involve correlated random effects. MINQUE(0/1)method, which is a MINQUE method with all prior covariances setting 0 and all prior variances setting 1, is suitable for estimating variance and covariance components in these models. Mixed model approaches have advantage over ANOVA methods for the capacity of analyzing unbalanced data and complicated models. Some problems about estimation and hypothesis test by MINQUE method are discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown that maximum likelihood estimation of variance components from twin data can be parameterized in the framework of linear mixed models. Standard statistical packages can be used to analyze univariate or multivariate data for simple models such as the ACE and CE models. Furthermore, specialized variance component estimation software that can handle pedigree data and user-defined covariance structures can be used to analyze multivariate data for simple and complex models, including those where dominance and/or QTL effects are fitted. The linear mixed model framework is particularly useful for analyzing multiple traits in extended (twin) families with a large number of random effects.  相似文献   

A class of generalized linear mixed models can be obtained by introducing random effects in the linear predictor of a generalized linear model, e.g. a split plot model for binary data or count data. Maximum likelihood estimation, for normally distributed random effects, involves high-dimensional numerical integration, with severe limitations on the number and structure of the additional random effects. An alternative estimation procedure based on an extension of the iterative re-weighted least squares procedure for generalized linear models will be illustrated on a practical data set involving carcass classification of cattle. The data is analysed as overdispersed binomial proportions with fixed and random effects and associated components of variance on the logit scale. Estimates are obtained with standard software for normal data mixed models. Numerical restrictions pertain to the size of matrices to be inverted. This can be dealt with by absorption techniques familiar from e.g. mixed models in animal breeding. The final model fitted to the classification data includes four components of variance and a multiplicative overdispersion factor. Basically the estimation procedure is a combination of iterated least squares procedures and no full distributional assumptions are needed. A simulation study based on the classification data is presented. This includes a study of procedures for constructing confidence intervals and significance tests for fixed effects and components of variance. The simulation results increase confidence in the usefulness of the estimation procedure.  相似文献   

Guo W 《Biometrics》2002,58(1):121-128
In this article, a new class of functional models in which smoothing splines are used to model fixed effects as well as random effects is introduced. The linear mixed effects models are extended to nonparametric mixed effects models by introducing functional random effects, which are modeled as realizations of zero-mean stochastic processes. The fixed functional effects and the random functional effects are modeled in the same functional space, which guarantee the population-average and subject-specific curves have the same smoothness property. These models inherit the flexibility of the linear mixed effects models in handling complex designs and correlation structures, can include continuous covariates as well as dummy factors in both the fixed or random design matrices, and include the nested curves models as special cases. Two estimation procedures are proposed. The first estimation procedure exploits the connection between linear mixed effects models and smoothing splines and can be fitted using existing software. The second procedure is a sequential estimation procedure using Kalman filtering. This algorithm avoids inversion of large dimensional matrices and therefore can be applied to large data sets. A generalized maximum likelihood (GML) ratio test is proposed for inference and model selection. An application to comparison of cortisol profiles is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data usually consist of a number of short time series. A group of subjects or groups of subjects are followed over time and observations are often taken at unequally spaced time points, and may be at different times for different subjects. When the errors and random effects are Gaussian, the likelihood of these unbalanced linear mixed models can be directly calculated, and nonlinear optimization used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the fixed regression coefficients and parameters in the variance components. For binary longitudinal data, a two state, non-homogeneous continuous time Markov process approach is used to model serial correlation within subjects. Formulating the model as a continuous time Markov process allows the observations to be equally or unequally spaced. Fixed and time varying covariates can be included in the model, and the continuous time model allows the estimation of the odds ratio for an exposure variable based on the steady state distribution. Exact likelihoods can be calculated. The initial probability distribution on the first observation on each subject is estimated using logistic regression that can involve covariates, and this estimation is embedded in the overall estimation. These models are applied to an intervention study designed to reduce children's sun exposure.  相似文献   

The augmentation of categorical outcomes with underlying Gaussian variables in bivariate generalized mixed effects models has facilitated the joint modeling of continuous and binary response variables. These models typically assume that random effects and residual effects (co)variances are homogeneous across all clusters and subjects, respectively. Motivated by conflicting evidence about the association between performance outcomes in dairy production systems, we consider the situation where these (co)variance parameters may themselves be functions of systematic and/or random effects. We present a hierarchical Bayesian extension of bivariate generalized linear models whereby functions of the (co)variance matrices are specified as linear combinations of fixed and random effects following a square‐root‐free Cholesky reparameterization that ensures necessary positive semidefinite constraints. We test the proposed model by simulation and apply it to the analysis of a dairy cattle data set in which the random herd‐level and residual cow‐level effects (co)variances between a continuous production trait and binary reproduction trait are modeled as functions of fixed management effects and random cluster effects.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for constructing an exact confidence interval for the ratio of the two variance components in a possibly unbalanced mixed linear model that contains a single set of m random effects. This procedure can be used in animal and plant breeding problems to obtain an exact confidence interval for a heritability. The confidence interval can be defined in terms of the output of a least squares analysis. It can be computed by a graphical or iterative technique requiring the diagonalization of an m X m matrix or, alternatively, the inversion of a number of m X m matrices. Confidence intervals that are approximate can be obtained with much less computational burden, using either of two approaches. The various confidence interval procedures can be extended to some problems in which the mixed linear model contains more than one set of random effects. Corresponding to each interval procedure is a significance test and one or more estimators.  相似文献   

Bivariate mixed effects models are often used to jointly infer upon covariance matrices for both random effects ( u ) and residuals ( e ) between two different phenotypes in order to investigate the architecture of their relationship. However, these (co)variances themselves may additionally depend upon covariates as well as additional sets of exchangeable random effects that facilitate borrowing of strength across a large number of clusters. We propose a hierarchical Bayesian extension of the classical bivariate mixed effects model by embedding additional levels of mixed effects modeling of reparameterizations of u‐ level and e ‐level (co)variances between two traits. These parameters are based upon a recently popularized square‐root‐free Cholesky decomposition and are readily interpretable, each conveniently facilitating a generalized linear model characterization. Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, we validate our model based on a simulation study and apply it to a joint analysis of milk yield and calving interval phenotypes in Michigan dairy cows. This analysis indicates that the e ‐level relationship between the two traits is highly heterogeneous across herds and depends upon systematic herd management factors.  相似文献   

The meta-analytic approach to evaluating surrogate end points assesses the predictiveness of treatment effect on the surrogate toward treatment effect on the clinical end point based on multiple clinical trials. Definition and estimation of the correlation of treatment effects were developed in linear mixed models and later extended to binary or failure time outcomes on a case-by-case basis. In a general regression setting that covers nonnormal outcomes, we discuss in this paper several metrics that are useful in the meta-analytic evaluation of surrogacy. We propose a unified 3-step procedure to assess these metrics in settings with binary end points, time-to-event outcomes, or repeated measures. First, the joint distribution of estimated treatment effects is ascertained by an estimating equation approach; second, the restricted maximum likelihood method is used to estimate the means and the variance components of the random treatment effects; finally, confidence intervals are constructed by a parametric bootstrap procedure. The proposed method is evaluated by simulations and applications to 2 clinical trials.  相似文献   

Summary .   Biometrical genetic modeling of twin or other family data can be used to decompose the variance of an observed response or 'phenotype' into genetic and environmental components. Convenient parameterizations requiring few random effects are proposed, which allow such models to be estimated using widely available software for linear mixed models (continuous phenotypes) or generalized linear mixed models (categorical phenotypes). We illustrate the proposed approach by modeling family data on the continuous phenotype birth weight and twin data on the dichotomous phenotype depression. The example data sets and commands for Stata and R/S-PLUS are available at the Biometrics website.  相似文献   

Extensions of linear models are very commonly used in the analysis of biological data. Whereas goodness of fit measures such as the coefficient of determination (R2) or the adjusted R2 are well established for linear models, it is not obvious how such measures should be defined for generalized linear and mixed models. There are by now several proposals but no consensus has yet emerged as to the best unified approach in these settings. In particular, it is an open question how to best account for heteroscedasticity and for covariance among observations present in residual error or induced by random effects. This paper proposes a new approach that addresses this issue and is universally applicable for arbitrary variance‐covariance structures including spatial models and repeated measures. It is exemplified using three biological examples.  相似文献   

In many longitudinal studies, the number and timing of measurements differ across study subjects. Statistical analysis of such data requires accounting for both the unbalanced study design and the unequal spacing of repeated measurements. This paper proposes a time-heterogeneous D-vine copula model that allows for time adjustment in the dependence structure of unequally spaced and potentially unbalanced longitudinal data. The proposed approach not only offers flexibility over its time-homogeneous counterparts but also allows for parsimonious model specifications at the tree or vine level for a given D-vine structure. It further provides a robust strategy to specify the joint distribution of non-Gaussian longitudinal data. The performance of the time-heterogeneous D-vine copula models are evaluated through simulation studies and by a real data application. Our findings suggest improved predictive performance of the proposed approach over the linear mixed-effects model and time-homogeneous D-vine copula model.  相似文献   

Summary Tree growth is assumed to be mainly the result of three components: (i) an endogenous component assumed to be structured as a succession of roughly stationary phases separated by marked change points that are asynchronous among individuals, (ii) a time‐varying environmental component assumed to take the form of synchronous fluctuations among individuals, and (iii) an individual component corresponding mainly to the local environment of each tree. To identify and characterize these three components, we propose to use semi‐Markov switching linear mixed models, i.e., models that combine linear mixed models in a semi‐Markovian manner. The underlying semi‐Markov chain represents the succession of growth phases and their lengths (endogenous component) whereas the linear mixed models attached to each state of the underlying semi‐Markov chain represent—in the corresponding growth phase—both the influence of time‐varying climatic covariates (environmental component) as fixed effects, and interindividual heterogeneity (individual component) as random effects. In this article, we address the estimation of Markov and semi‐Markov switching linear mixed models in a general framework. We propose a Monte Carlo expectation–maximization like algorithm whose iterations decompose into three steps: (i) sampling of state sequences given random effects, (ii) prediction of random effects given state sequences, and (iii) maximization. The proposed statistical modeling approach is illustrated by the analysis of successive annual shoots along Corsican pine trunks influenced by climatic covariates.  相似文献   

Elashoff RM  Li G  Li N 《Biometrics》2008,64(3):762-771
Summary .   In this article we study a joint model for longitudinal measurements and competing risks survival data. Our joint model provides a flexible approach to handle possible nonignorable missing data in the longitudinal measurements due to dropout. It is also an extension of previous joint models with a single failure type, offering a possible way to model informatively censored events as a competing risk. Our model consists of a linear mixed effects submodel for the longitudinal outcome and a proportional cause-specific hazards frailty submodel ( Prentice et al., 1978 , Biometrics 34, 541–554) for the competing risks survival data, linked together by some latent random effects. We propose to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters by an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm and estimate their standard errors using a profile likelihood method. The developed method works well in our simulation studies and is applied to a clinical trial for the scleroderma lung disease.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a two-stage approach to modeling multilevel clustered non-Gaussian data with sufficiently large numbers of continuous measures per cluster. Such data are common in biological and medical studies utilizing monitoring or image-processing equipment. We consider a general class of hierarchical models that generalizes the model in the global two-stage (GTS) method for nonlinear mixed effects models by using any square-root-n-consistent and asymptotically normal estimators from stage 1 as pseudodata in the stage 2 model, and by extending the stage 2 model to accommodate random effects from multiple levels of clustering. The second-stage model is a standard linear mixed effects model with normal random effects, but the cluster-specific distributions, conditional on random effects, can be non-Gaussian. This methodology provides a flexible framework for modeling not only a location parameter but also other characteristics of conditional distributions that may be of specific interest. For estimation of the population parameters, we propose a conditional restricted maximum likelihood (CREML) approach and establish the asymptotic properties of the CREML estimators. The proposed general approach is illustrated using quartiles as cluster-specific parameters estimated in the first stage, and applied to the data example from a collagen fibril development study. We demonstrate using simulations that in samples with small numbers of independent clusters, the CREML estimators may perform better than conditional maximum likelihood estimators, which are a direct extension of the estimators from the GTS method.  相似文献   

Prediction accuracies of estimated breeding values for economically important traits are expected to benefit from genomic information. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels used in genomic prediction are increasing in density, but the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation of SNP effects can be quite time consuming or slow to converge when a large number of SNPs are fitted simultaneously in a linear mixed model. Here we present an EM algorithm (termed “fastBayesA”) without MCMC. This fastBayesA approach treats the variances of SNP effects as missing data and uses a joint posterior mode of effects compared to the commonly used BayesA which bases predictions on posterior means of effects. In each EM iteration, SNP effects are predicted as a linear combination of best linear unbiased predictions of breeding values from a mixed linear animal model that incorporates a weighted marker-based realized relationship matrix. Method fastBayesA converges after a few iterations to a joint posterior mode of SNP effects under the BayesA model. When applied to simulated quantitative traits with a range of genetic architectures, fastBayesA is shown to predict GEBV as accurately as BayesA but with less computing effort per SNP than BayesA. Method fastBayesA can be used as a computationally efficient substitute for BayesA, especially when an increasing number of markers bring unreasonable computational burden or slow convergence to MCMC approaches.  相似文献   

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