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A relative contribution of photoreactivated (modified by visible light) and non-photoreactivated (modified by temperature) damages to UV-irradiated (250-334 nm) E. coli B cells was estimated. The contribution of damages modified by temperature to a lethal effect of UV-radiation was invariable within the range from 250 to 334 nm. The photoreactivation of E. coli B cells was also independent of lambda-inactivating UV-light within 250-313 nm, and its value exceeded that of the wild-type E. coli WP2 which did not vary by the mode of UV-damages repair. Moreover, in contrast to E. coli B. cells, the value of the photoreactivation of E. coli WP2 decreased, as lambda-inactivating UV-light increased from 250 to 313 nm.  相似文献   

Excision-deficient Escherichia coli, carrying the gene for the photolyase on a multicopy plasmid, were irradiated with ultraviolet (UV) light then photoreactivated by illumination delivered from a camera flash unit. Such instantaneous illumination monomerizes only cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers already bound by the photolyase. Whereas the lethal effect of UV light and the number of C-to-T transition-type mutations induced by UV irradiation were both significantly reduced by subsequent irradiation with a single flash of light, single-flash photoreactivation did not reverse the induction of the recA gene by UV light. The results indicate, therefore, that non-photoreactivable DNA lesions play a role in recA induction.  相似文献   

Mutations in recA, such as recA801(Srf) (suppressor of RecF) or recA441(Tif) (temperature-induced filamentation) partially suppress the deficiency in postreplication repair of UV damage conferred by recF mutations. We observed that spontaneous recA(Srf) mutants accumulated in cultures of recB recC sbcB sulA::Mu dX(Ap lac) lexA51 recF cells because they grew faster than the parental strain. We show that in a uvrA recB+ recC+ genetic background there are two prerequisites for the suppression by recA(Srf) of the UV-sensitive phenotype of recF mutants. (i) The recA(Srf) protein must be provided in increased amounts either by SOS derepression or by a recA operator-constitutive mutation in a lexA(Ind) (no induction of SOS functions) genetic background. (ii) The gene recJ, which has been shown previously to be involved in the recF pathway of recombination and repair, must be functional. The level of expression of recJ in a lexA(Ind) strain suffices for full suppression. Suppression by recA441 at 30 degrees C also depends on recJ+. The hampered induction by UV of the SOS gene uvrA seen in a recF mutant was improved by a recA(Srf) mutation. This improvement did not require recJ+. We suggest that recA(Srf) and recA(Tif) mutant proteins can operate in postreplication repair independent of recF by using the recJ+ function.  相似文献   

The recombinant plasmid pJA01 contains, besides the uvrA gene, the genes lexA, ubiA and ssb. This plasmid does not fully complement a uvrA mutation in a Rec+ background. Plasmids which contain the uvrA and ssg genes, but not the lexA gene, show a higher but still only partial complementation. Full complementation achieved when the ssb gene us inactivated by insertion of Tn5. Furthermore, it appears that the presence of the ssb gene on a multicopy plasmid sensitizes wild-type cells to UV light. The effect of Ssb (single-strand DNA binding protein) overproduction on UV survival is discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the levels of recA and umuC protein synthesis in Escherichia coli as a probe for regulatory and mechanistic events involved in mitomycin C mutagenesis. Both RecA and UmuC protein induction were greatly stimulated by mitomycin C in the wild-type strain, reached a peak at about 60 min for the recA gene, and at 90 min for the umuC gene, respectively, and maintained a plateau. The induction was blocked by recA and lexA(Ind-) mutations that conferred no mutagenesis on the cell. Mutation affecting uvrA protein markedly decreased induction of the recA gene as well as the umuC gene by mitomycin C. The results established that UvrA protein is involved in the induction of recA and umuC, and account, at least in part, for the mitomycin C nonmutability of uvrA mutants.  相似文献   

Irradiation of simian virus 40 (ori mutant)-transformed Chinese hamster embryo cells (OD4 line) with UV light induced a cellular capacity which supported a full cycle of helper-independent adeno-associated virus replication. Monochromatic UV light at 254 nm was about 1,000-fold more effective than UV light at 313 nm, indicating that cellular nucleic acid is the primary chromophore in the UV-induced process leading to permissiveness for adeno-associated virus replication. The UV irradiation and the infection could be separated for up to 12 h without substantial loss of permissiveness. During this time interval, the induction process was partly sensitive to cycloheximide, suggesting a requirement for de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The expression of the Escherichia coli uvrA gene in human cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cells cultured from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients are defective in excision repair of damaged DNA specifically at the incision step. In Escherichia coli this step is mediated by the UvrA, UvrB and UvrC gene products. Our goal is to express each of these genes in XP cells, singly or in combination, and to determine the most suitable conditions for generating faithful E. coli Uvr protein copies in functional concentrations and properly localized for the eventual repair of damaged chromosomal DNA or DNA which is introduced exogenously. The E. coli gpt gene in pSV2gpt is used as a selection marker for uvr gene transfection into XP cells. The uvr genes were cloned into composite pBR322, SV40 and gpt vectors in which each E. coli gene is flanked by individual SV40 regulatory elements. SV40-transformed XP-A cells were transfected with pSV2uvrASV2gpt, gpt+ colonies were selected, and cell lines established. Several lines were examined in detail. Cell lines 714 and 1511 contain uvrA together with flanking SV40 regulatory elements integrated intact in genomic DNA and express UvrA protein as well as a 95,000-dalton UvrA-related protein. The expression of uvrA was found to be 50-100-fold lower than the expression of gpt. Attempts were made to assay the mammalian UvrA protein for functionality, but endogenous activities interfered with assays for each of the UvrA protein's three activities. The peptide maps derived from partial proteolysis of the "mammalian" UvrA protein are identical to the E. coli UvrA protein. The sub-cellular location of UvrA protein in uvrA+ XP cells was investigated by fractionation of cell extracts in which an indirect immunofluorescence method revealed its location as being largely extra-nuclear. Two uvrA+ cell lines were examined for their UV-resistant phenotype and not unexpectedly were found not to be reverted to a state of repair proficiency.  相似文献   

Cloning of uvrA, lexC and ssb genes of Escherichia coli.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The L' subunits, phosphorylatable precursors of L-type pyruvate kinase, can be proteolyzed in vivo and in vitro, and transformed into several molecular species.Trypsin induces the appearance of a phosphorylatable form similar to liver L-type enzyme.Subtilisin splits the phosphorylatable site and induces the appearance of a form similar to the minor form occuring with red cell aging.Sensitivity to proteolysis of some pyruvate kinase variants is modified.  相似文献   

Irradiation of Candida utilis with near-UV (313 nm) was found to inhibit respiration; the degree of the inhibition correlated with the number of killed cells. Irradiation of the yeast mitochondria inhibited the activity of succinate oxidase; the dependence of the inhibition on the dose of near-UV (313 nm) was close to the dose dependence of the photoinhibition of respiration in whole cells. The action spectrum for the inhibition of the activity of succinate oxidase was recorded; it corresponded to the absorption spectrum of ubiquinone isolated from the yeast cells. The data obtained suggest that ubiquinone is a target molecule in the effects of inhibition of respiration and death of yeast cells induced with near-UV (313 nm).  相似文献   

Mutation to virulence has been measured in intact bacteriophage lambda 15 infected into host cells pre-treated with UVC (254 nm), UVB (313 nm), UVA (334 nm, 365 nm) or visible (405 nm) radiations. We have confirmed that UVC radiation leads to a large enhancement (maximum enhancement factor of 140 in wild-type) of the background spontaneous mutation frequency (non-targeted mutagenesis) and have further shown that this is at least partially dependent on excision repair (maximum enhancement factor of 14 in uvrA strain). In contrast, UVB (313 nm) radiation enhances the mutation frequency by less than a factor of 2. Longer wavelength UVA radiation (334 nm, 365 nm) actually reduces the mutation frequency to 25% of the background levels presumably by reducing the levels of viral replication occurring in the host cells. A visible wavelength (405 nm) has no effect on mutation frequency over the fluence range employed.  相似文献   

J B Sweasy  E M Witkin 《Biochimie》1991,73(4):437-448
E coli recA430 mutants are recombination-proficient, extremely UV sensitive, UV nonmutable and partially deficient in RecA-mediated proteolysis and in RecA-dependent 'induced replisome reactivation' (IRR), the ability to recover DNA replication activity after UV irradiation. To determine how this pleiotropic phenotype can be altered by mutation, we isolated 10 independent derivatives of a recA430 strain, selecting for increased UV resistance. Eight of the 10 owed their resistance to altered recA alleles. We here describe the phenotypes conferred by two of the new recA alleles (recA720 and recA727), each of which contains the original recA430 mutation (G662 to A) and a second-site transition: T167 to C in recA720, and G103 to A in recA727. The second-site change in recA720 suppresses all the defects caused by recA430, and causes RecA720 to exhibit greater activity than RecA+ in some respects. Some, but not all, of the recA430 defects are partially corrected by the second-site mutation in recA727.  相似文献   

The Na+ channels of Chinese Hamster lung fibroblasts have receptor sites for tetrodotoxin, batrachotoxin, veratridine, dihydrograyanotoxin, scorpion and sea anemone toxins. The binding properties of these toxic compounds were determined and shown to be very similar to those found in a variety of excitable cells. Electrophysiological experiments indicate that these Na+ channels cannot be electrically activated unless previously treated by veratridine.  相似文献   

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