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Summary T(Y;2) translocations were used to cytologically localise the wingless locus of Drosophila melanogaster. We found that an existing T(Y;2), which is an insertion of a segment of 2L into the Y chromosome, has wg + within this insert. This Y chromosome was used to generate an attached XY chromosome containing wg +. The mutation claret-nondisjunctional (ca nd) was used to induce the loss of this XY chromosome and thus generate gynandromorphs with wg 1/wg 1 male tissue and wg +/wg 1/wg 1 female tissue. Analysis of these gynanders demonstrated that a genotypically wingless mutant hemithorax is usually also phenotypically mutant in these half body mosaics; thus wg 1 is discautonomous. This observation is of interest as it is known that wg is not cell autonomous.  相似文献   

A novel retrotransposon, aurora, containing 324 by long terminal repeats (LTRs) was detected in Drosophila melanogaster as a 5 kb insertion in the heterochromatic Stellate gene. This insertion causes a 5 bp duplication of the integration site. Southern analysis and in situ hybridization data show that all detectable copies of aurora are immobilized in the D. melanogaster heterochromatin. However, mobile copies of aurora were revealed in the cuchromatin of D. simulans. The element was also found in various species of the melanogaster subgroup and in the D. virilis genome.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession numbers X70361 and X70362  相似文献   

Summary The mutagen-sensitive mutant mus(1)104 D1 of Drosophila melanogaster maps to a position on the X chromosome very close to the meiotic mutant mei-41 D5 . Both mutants have been characterized as mutagen-sensitive and defective in post-replication repair. In the present report we show by complementation studies that mus(1)104 and mus(1)103 are allelic with mei-41. In addition, two reported alleles of mus(1)104 lie between the mei-41 alleles A10 and D5. The size of the mei-41 locus is estimated to be about 0.1 centimorgans (cM). Because several alleles of mei-41 have been shown to reduce recombination and increase meiotic chromosome loss and nondisjunction, mus(1)104 D1 females were examined for defects in meiosis. Although there was no evidence for reduced recombination on the second chromosome in homozygous mus(1)104 D1 females, heterozygous mus(1)104 D1 /mei-41 >D5 and mus(1)104 D1 /deficiency females showed reduced levels of recombination. However, there was no evidence of an increase in nondijunction in these females.We dedicate this article to the memory of Larry Sandler, who passed away suddenly on February 7, 1987  相似文献   

Two major forms of glutathione S-transferase are known in Drosophila melanogaster: GST D and GST 2. In the present paper we report the existence of a third major form of glutathione S-transferase in Drosophila simulans. Induction with phenobarbital revealed a different regulation of GST between these species. Despite the fact that these two species are closely related, there was a difference in the expression profile of the enzyme implicated in the detoxification system, suggesting variations in capacity to suit their environment.  相似文献   

Summary A series of P-element insertion mutations at one site in the vestigial (vg) locus was tested for cytotype dependent effects on vg expression. The mutant phenotypes for four P-element vg alleles were suppressed when the alleles were stabilized in the P-cytotype. The suppression was observed whenever repressor-producing P-elements were present in the genome. Genetic and molecular analysis indicated that the suppression is not due to excision or other irreversible alterations of the inserts. The results are consistent with a model in which somatic P-element repressor binding to the ends of P-element inserts can modify the effects of these inserts on target gene expression.  相似文献   

【目的】分离与鉴定黑腹果蝇体内醋酸杆菌,并研究其对宿主生长发育的促进作用。【方法】利用醋酸杆菌选择性培养基分离果蝇肠道醋酸杆菌;通过革兰氏染色和16S rRNA基因比对鉴定菌种;肠道定植实验验证共生关系;发育历期和生长速率实验检测其促进果蝇生长作用;免疫荧光染色技术检测肠道细胞增殖;RT-PCR法检测促生长的分子标志物和相关的信号通路。【结果】菌株为东方醋酸杆菌(Acetobacter orientalis),可以持续地定植在果蝇肠道及其培养基中,并且明显促进果蝇的生长。东方醋酸杆菌通过胰岛素信号通路增加肠分裂细胞的数量和促进蜕皮激素的分泌。【结论】东方醋酸杆菌是果蝇的一种共生菌,对果蝇肠道结构和机体发育具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Summary The gene master mind (mam) is located in bands 50C23-D1 of the second chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. mam is one of the neurogenic genes, whose function is necessary for a normal segregation of neural and epidermal lineages during embryonic development. Loss of function of any of the neurogenic genes results in a mis-routeing into neurogenesis of cells that normally would have given rise to epidermis. We describe here the molecular cloning of 198 kb of genomic DNA containing the mam gene. Ten different mam mutations (point mutants and chromosomal aberrations) have been mapped within 45 kb of the genomic walk. One of the mutations, an insertion of a P-element, was originally recovered from a dysgenic cross. Four different wild-type revertants of this mutation were characterized at the molecular level and, although modifications of the insertions were found, in no case was the transposon completely excised. An unusually high number of the repetitive opa sequence, and of an additional previously unknown element, which we have called N repeat, are scattered throughout the 45 kb where the mam mutations map. The functional significance of these repeats is unknown.  相似文献   

【目的】随着杀虫剂阿维菌素的广泛应用,靶标生物对其抗性问题日益严重。以往的研究显示,细胞膜转运蛋白P糖蛋白可能与抗药性有关。但在昆虫对阿维菌素的抗性研究中,由于目前市场上缺少专门针对昆虫的商业化抗体,使得这一研究受限。为此,本研究尝试应用其他物种的抗体开展P糖蛋白的检测。【方法】以果蝇为测试昆虫,以阿维菌素作为测试药物,采用免疫印迹方法用鼠抗人P糖蛋白单克隆抗体检测阿维菌素敏感品系与阿维菌素抗性品系果蝇中的P糖蛋白的表达水平。【结果】检测出果蝇体内P糖蛋白的特异性表达,且无明显非特异性条带;与敏感品系果蝇相比,阿维菌素抗性品系果蝇P糖蛋白的表达水平明显升高。【结论】用针对人及其他脊椎动物的P糖蛋白单克隆抗体检测果蝇P糖蛋白的表达可行,且果蝇对阿维菌素的抗性可能与P糖蛋白的表达升高有关。  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of P element excision and the structure of the resulting excision products were determined in three drosophilid species, Drosophila melanogaster, D. virilis, and Chymomyza procnemis. A transient P element mobility assay was conducted in the cells of developing insect embryos, but unlike previous assays, this mobility assay permitted the recovery of excision products from plasmids regardless of whether the excision event was precise or imprecise. Both quantitative and qualitative differences between the products of excision in the various species studied were observed. The frequency with which P element excision products were recovered from D. melanogaster was 10-fold greater than from D. virilis and C. procnemis; however, the proportion of all excision events resulting in the reversion of a P-induced mutant phenotype was the same. Virtually all excision products recovered, including those resulting in a reversion of the mutant phenotype, did not result in the exact restoration of the original target sequence. Sequence analysis suggested that duplex cleavage at the 3 and 5 termini of the P element, or their subsequent modification, occurred asymmetrically and interdependently. P element-encoded transposase was not absolutely required for P element excision.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster are being used increasingly for studying different biological mechanisms. However, most attempts to identify new mutations have been restricted to the X-chromosome. It has been very difficult to identify new loci on the autosomes, as recessive mutations have to be made homozygous by setting up independent cultures for each mutagenized chromosome. We introduce a mutagenesis scheme which does not require setting up independent cultures. It uses meiotic recombination in compound autosomes to make recessive mutations homozygous and allows the screening of tens of thousands of mutagenized chromosomes with relatively little effort. In a pilot experiment, we tested about 33,300 chromosomes for temperature-sensitive paralytic mutations. We obtained 62 independent paralytic mutations and a large number of other mutations. Eight out of 25 of the paralytic mutations are on the autosomes. This method makes autosomes, which constitute about 80% of the Drosophila genome, more accessible for mutational analysis of various biological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary The female-sterile mutants fs(1) 1163 of Drosophila melanogaster described by Gans et al. (1975) has been characterised as a yolk protein 1 (YP1) secretion mutant (Bownes and Hames 1978b; Bownes and Hodson 1980). We have cloned and sequenced the YP1 gene from this strain, and the strain in which the mutant was induced. One amino acid substitution was found in the predicted polypeptide sequence, an isoleucine to asparagine change at position 92. The sequence of the leader peptide was identical to previously published YP1 sequences. The possible effects of the amino acid change were investigated by computer analysis, which suggests there is no major alteration of secondary structure, but that a hydrophobic region in YP1 is lost in the mutant. This may affect higher order structure.  相似文献   

The rough homeobox gene of D. melanogaster is required for the correct patterning of the developing eye. The locus maps to cytological location 97D2-5, a region which has not been extensively characterised. As part of our genetic and molecular characterization of rough we carried out an EMS mutagenesis to generate mutants that map to the surrounding region, 97D2-9 which is deleted in Df(3R)ro-XB3. We have generated 1 visible and 13 lethal mutations which, together with the previously described Toll and ms(3)K10 loci, and other unpublished lethals, define nine complementation groups — four lethal, three semi-lethal, one visible and one male-sterile. In addition to rough, one other locus within this region, 1(3)97De, was shown to be required for formation of the normal pattern of photoreceptor cells in the compound eye.The first two authors contributed equally to the work described in this paper  相似文献   

The vestigal (vg) gene encodes a nuclear protein which plays a major role in the formation of the wing of Drosophila. Resistance or sensitivity to aminopterin, an inhibitor of the dihydrofolate reductase enzyme in D. melanogaster, seems to be associated with a specific alteration in vg gene function. Wild-type and vg mutant strains selected for growth on increasing concentrations of aminopterin display changes in physiological and biochemical parameters such as viability on normal and aminopterin-containing media, duration of development, wing phenotype, dihydrofolate reductase activity, and cross-resistance to fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) and to methotrexate. Our results indicate that the mechanisms of resistance differ in the wild-type and mutant strains. The vg 83b27 mutant, in which the major part of intron 2 of the vg gene is deleted, is associated with a high rate of resistance to FUdR, an inhibitor of thymidylate synthetase. Moreover, vg 83b27/vg BGheterozygotes, which are wild type when grown on normal medium, display a strong vg phenotype when grown on aminopterin. Our results indicate a role for the vestigial locus in mediating resistance to inhibitors of dTMP synthesis.  相似文献   

The genome of Drosophila bifasciata harbours two distinct subfamilies of P-homologous sequences, designated M-type and O-type elements based on similarities to P element sequences from other species. Both subfamilies have some general features in common: they are of similar length (M-type: 2935 bp, O-type: 2986 bp), are flanked by direct repeats of 8 by (the presumptive target sequence), contain terminal inverted repeats, and have a coding region consisting of four exons. The splice sites are at homologous positions and the exons have the coding capacity for proteins of 753 amino acids (M-type) and 757 amino acids (O-type). It seems likely that both types of element represent functional transposons. The nucleotide divergence of the two P element subfamilies is high (31%). The main structural difference is observed in the terminal inverted repeats. Whereas the termini of M-type elements consist of 31 by inverted repeats, the inverted repeats of the O-type elements are interrupted by non-complementary stretches of DNA, 12 by at the 5 end and 14 by at the 3 end. This peculiarity is shared by all members of the O-type subfamily. Comparison with other P element sequences indicates incongruities between the phylogenies of the species and the P transposons. M-type and O-type elements apparently have no common origin in the D. bifasciata lineage. The M-type sequence seems to be most closely related to the P element from Scaptomyza pallida and thus could be considered as a more recent invader of the D. bifasciata gene pool. The origin of the O-type elements cannot be unequivocally deduced from the present data. The sequence comparison also provides new insights into conserved domains with possible implications for the function of P transposons.  相似文献   

Harry Schachter   《Carbohydrate research》2009,344(12):607-6164
There is a rich diversity of paucimannose N-glycans in worms and flies, and these may play a role in the survival of these organisms. Although paucimannose N-glycans are not expressed in vertebrates, complex N-glycans may take over some of the functions of paucimannose N-glycans. Identification of the target proteins of β-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnTI) in worms and flies and elucidation of their functions may thus lead to a better understanding of the role of GnTI-dependent glycoproteins in the survival/longevity of both invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

LINE-like retrotransposons, the so-called I elements, control the system of I-R (inducer-reactive) hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. I elements are present in many Drosophila species. It has been suggested that active, complete I elements, located at different sites on the chromosomes, invaded natural populations of D. melanogaster recently (1920–1970). But old strains lacking active I elements have only defective I elements located in the chromocenter. We have cloned I elements from D. melanogaster and the melanogaster subgroup. In D. melanogaster, the nucleotide sequences of chromocentral I elements differed from those on chromosome arms by as much as 7%. All the I elements of D. mauritiana and D. sechellia are more closely related to the chromosomal I elements of D. melanogaster than to the chromocentral I elements in any species. No sequence difference was observed in the surveyed region between two chromosomal I elements isolated from D. melanogaster and one from D. simulans. These findings strongly support the idea that the defective chromocentral I elements of D. melanogaster originated before the species diverged and the chromosomal I elements were eliminated. The chromosomal I elements reinvaded natural populations of D. melanogaster recently, and were possibly introduced from D. simulans by horizontal transmission.  相似文献   

I factor is a functional LINE (long interspersed nucleotidic element) which is mobilized in the germ-line of dysgenic SF females during I-R hybrid dysgenesis. Such females are obtained when an oocyte from a reactive stock, devoid of I factors but characterized by a level of reactivity, i.e. its potential for hybrid dysgenesis, is fertilized by a spermatozoon from an I factor-containing inducer stock. In a previous paper we described the expression of an I factor-lacZ fusion. Expression was detected in the ovaries of reactive and dysgenic flies only. In this paper we show that this transgenic activity can be quantified and depends upon the maternally inherited reactivity. Reactivity is not just a permissive state and modifiers of the reactivity level such as heat treatment and ageing change the level of expression of our transgenic fusion accordingly. Moreover, ageing through generations has the same cumulative and reversible effect on both reactivity and I factor expression. Using our fusion as a test for reactivity we show that the silencing of I factor after its introduction into a reactive genome may not be established in a single generation.  相似文献   

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