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We have determined the solution structure of epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8 (Eps8) L1 Src homology 3 (SH3) domain in complex with the PPVPNPDYEPIR peptide from the CD3ε cytoplasmic tail. Our structure reveals the distinct structural features that account for the unusual specificity of the Eps8 family SH3 domains for ligands containing a PxxDY motif instead of canonical PxxP ligands. The CD3ε peptide binds Eps8L1 SH3 in a class II orientation, but neither adopts a polyproline II helical conformation nor engages the first proline-binding pocket of the SH3 ligand binding interface. Ile531 of Eps8L1 SH3, instead of Tyr or Phe residues typically found in this position in SH3 domains, renders this hydrophobic pocket smaller and nonoptimal for binding to conventional PxxP peptides. A positively charged arginine at position 512 in the n-Src loop of Eps8L1 SH3 plays a key role in PxxDY motif recognition by forming a salt bridge to D7 of the CD3ε peptide. In addition, our structural model suggests a hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group of the aromatic ring of Y8 and the carboxyl group of E496, thus explaining the critical role of the PxxDY motif tyrosine residue in binding to Eps8 family SH3. These finding have direct implications also for understanding the atypical binding specificity of the amino-terminal SH3 of the Nck family proteins.  相似文献   

The neuronal protein FE65 functions in brain development and amyloid precursor protein (APP) signaling through its interaction with the mammalian enabled (Mena) protein and APP, respectively. The recognition of short polyproline sequences in Mena by the FE65 WW domain has a central role in axon guidance and neuronal positioning in the developing brain. We have determined the crystal structures of the human FE65 WW domain (residues 253-289) in the apo form and bound to the peptides PPPPPPLPP and PPPPPPPPPL, which correspond to human Mena residues 313-321 and 347-356, respectively. The FE65 WW domain contains two parallel ligand-binding grooves, XP (formed by residues Y269 and W280) and XP2 (formed by Y269 and W271). Both Mena peptides adopt a polyproline helical II conformation and bind to the WW domain in a forward (N-C) orientation through selection of the PPPPP motif by the XP and XP2 grooves. This mode of ligand recognition is strikingly similar to polyproline interaction with SH3 domains. Importantly, comparison of the FE65 WW structures in the apo and liganded forms shows that the XP2 groove is formed by an induced-fit mechanism that involves movements of the W271 and Y269 side-chains upon ligand binding. These structures elucidate the molecular determinants underlying polyproline ligand selection by the FE65 WW domain and provide a framework for the design of small molecules that would interfere with FE65 WW-ligand interaction and modulate neuronal development and APP signaling.  相似文献   

Here we report the first crystal structure of the SH3 domain of the cellular Src tyrosine kinase (c-Src-SH3) domain on its own. In the crystal two molecules of c-Src-SH3 exchange their -RT loops generating an intertwined dimer, in which the two SH3 units, preserving the binding site configuration, are oriented to allow simultaneous binding of two ligand molecules. The dimerization of c-Src-SH3 is induced, both in the crystal and in solution, by the binding of a PEG molecule at the dimer interface, indicating that this type of conformations are energetically close to the native structure. These results have important implications respect to in vivo oligomerization and amyloid aggregation.  相似文献   

To date, the signal transducing adaptor molecule 2 (STAM2) was shown to harbour two ubiquitin binding domains (UBDs) known as the VHS and UIM domains, while the SH3 domain of STAM2 was reported to interact with deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) like UBPY and AMSH. In the present study, NMR evidences the interaction of the STAM2 SH3 domain with ubiquitin, demonstrating that SH3 constitutes the third UBD of STAM2. Furthermore, we show that a UBPY-derived peptide can outcompete ubiquitin for SH3 binding and vice versa. These results suggest that the SH3 domain of STAM2 plays versatile roles in the context of ubiquitin mediated receptor sorting.  相似文献   

Recent 15N and 13C spin-relaxation dispersion studies of fast-folding mutants of the Fyn SH3 domain have established that folding proceeds through a low-populated on-pathway intermediate (I) where the central beta-sheet is at least partially formed, but without interactions between the NH2- and COOH-terminal beta-strands that exist in the folded state (F). Initial studies focused on mutants where Gly48 is replaced; in an effort to establish whether this intermediate is a general feature of Fyn SH3 folding a series of 15N relaxation experiments monitoring the folding of Fyn SH3 mutants N53P/V55L and A39V/N53P/V55L are reported here. For these mutants as well, folding proceeds through an on-pathway intermediate with similar features to those observed for G48M and G48V Fyn SH3 domains. However, the 15N chemical shifts extracted for the intermediate indicate pronounced non-native contacts between the NH2 and COOH-terminal regions not observed previously. The kinetic parameters extracted for the folding of A39V/N53P/V55L Fyn SH3 from the three-state folding model F<-->I<-->U are in good agreement with folding and unfolding rates extrapolated to zero denaturant obtained from stopped-flow experiments analyzed in terms of a simplified two-state folding reaction. The folding of the triple mutant was studied over a wide range of temperatures, establishing that there is no difference in heat capacities between F and I states. This confirms a compact folding intermediate structure, which is supported by the 15N chemical shifts of the I state extracted from the dispersion data. The temperature-dependent relaxation data simplifies data analysis because at low temperatures (< 25 degrees C) the unfolded state (U) is negligibly populated relative to I and F. A comparison between parameters extracted at low temperatures where the F<-->I exchange model is appropriate with those from the more complex, three-state model at higher temperatures has been used to validate the protocol for analysis of three-site exchange relaxation data.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the thermodynamic determinants of binding between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides is crucial to the development of rational strategies for designing ligands for these important domains. Recently we engineered a single-chain chimeric protein by fusing the α-spectrin Src homology region 3 (SH3) domain to the decapeptide APSYSPPPPP (p41). This chimera mimics the structural and energetic features of the interaction between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides. Here we show that analysing the unfolding thermodynamics of single-point mutants of this chimeric fusion protein constitutes a very useful approach to deciphering the thermodynamics of SH3-ligand interactions. To this end, we investigated the contribution of each proline residue of the ligand sequence to the SH3-peptide interaction by producing six single Pro-Ala mutants of the chimeric protein and analysing their unfolding thermodynamics by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Structural analyses of the mutant chimeras by circular dichroism, fluorescence and NMR together with NMR-relaxation measurements indicate conformational flexibility at the binding interface, which is strongly affected by the different Pro-Ala mutations. An analysis of the DSC thermograms on the basis of a three-state unfolding model has allowed us to distinguish and separate the thermodynamic magnitudes of the interaction at the binding interface. The model assumes equilibrium between the “unbound” and “bound” states at the SH3-peptide binding interface. The resulting thermodynamic magnitudes classify the different proline residues according to their importance in the interaction as P2∼P7∼P10 > P9∼P6 > P8, which agrees well with Lim's model for the interaction between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides. In addition, the thermodynamic signature of the interaction is the same as that usually found for this type of binding, with a strong enthalpy-entropy compensation for all the mutants. This compensation appears to derive from an increase in conformational flexibility concomitant to the weakening of the interactions at the binding interface. We conclude that our approach, based on DSC and site-directed mutagenesis analysis of chimeric fusion proteins, may serve as a suitable tool to analyse the energetics of weak biomolecular interactions such as those involving SH3 domains.  相似文献   

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