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In voltage clamp experiments, externally applied tetraethylammonium ion (TEA) was found to have minimal effects on transient sodium currents and to suppress steady-state potassium currents of Myxicola giant axons by causing a specific decrease in the maximum potassium conductance gK. The dose-response curve suggests a one-to-one stoichiometry for TEA-receptor binding with an apparent dissociation constant on 24 mM. The suppression of IK is essentially reversible. Experiments performed on high external potassium ion concentrations indicate that both outward and inward IK were blocked by external TEA. The results thus suggest the presence of TEA receptors on the outer surface of Myxicola axonal membrane similar to those reported in the frog node.  相似文献   

Several properties of the Na pump in giant axons from the marine annelid Myxicola infundibulum have been determined in an attempt to characterize this preparation for membrane transport studies. Both NaO and KO activated the Na pump of normal microinjected Myxicola axons. In this preparation, the KO activation was less and the NaO activation much greater than that found in the squid giant axon. However, when the intracellular ATP:ADP ratio of the Myxicola axon was elevated by injection of an extraneous phosphagen system, the K sensitivity of Na efflux increased to the magnitude characteristic of squid axons and the activating effect of NaO disappeared. Several axons were injected with Na2SO4 in order to determine the effect of elevated Nai on the Na efflux. Increasing Nai enhanced a component of Na efflux which was insensitive to ouabain and dependent on [Ca] in Na-free (Li) seawater. After subtracting the CaO-dependent fraction, Na efflux was related linearly to [Na]i in all solutions except in K-free (Li) seawater, where it appeared to reach saturation at high [Na]i.  相似文献   

An improved method for internally perfusing the Myxicola giant axon based on removing the axoplasm by dispersing it in KCl-KF salt solutions is described. Proteolytic enzymes are not introduced. With this improved method perfused preparations show long-term stability of their electrical properties and the ability to generate action potentials for many hours. Mean initial values for resting membrane potential, action potential amplitude, and peak inward current were -68 mV, 118 mV, and 3.62 mA/cm2, respectively. Mean resting membrane resistance was 75% of that in intact axons. In one series of voltage clamp experiments, perfused preparations remained excitable for a mean period of 5 1/2 h, but this period could exceed 10 h. 4 min are needed for exchange of internal solutions. At least 50 mM KF is required both in the axoplasm liquefying solution and in the standard perfusate to obtain stable preparations.  相似文献   

Values for the time constant of reactivation of the sodium conductance following depolarization sufficient to completely inactivate GNa have been compared over a 15 mV range of membrane potential with the time constants of inactivation during a depolarization prepulse. Over this range the reactivation time constants were consistently 30-50% larger than the inactivation time constants determined simultaneously at the same potential in the same axon. The data suggests that inactivation and reactivation do not occur by identical mechanisms, and therefore implies that there are at least three kinds of experimental procedures necessary to fully characterize the sodium inactivation process in any particular system.  相似文献   

Internal cesium (CSi), relative to internal potassium (Ki), alters Na current (INa) time course in internally perfused Myxicola giant axons. CSi slows the time to peak INa, slows its decline from peak and increases the steady state to peak current ratio, INainfinity/INapeak. Neither activation nor deactivation kinetics are appreciably affected by CSi. Na current rising phases, times to half maximum and tail current time courses are similar in CSi and Ki. Inactivation time constants determined by both one (tau h) and two (tau c) pulses are also little changed by CSi. The CSi effects are due largely or entirely to an increased INainfinity/INapeak. CSi decreases the steady level of inactivation reached during a step in potential, preventing some fraction of inactivation gates from closing at all, the rest apparently closing normally. Inactivation block in CSi decreases with increasing inward current magnitude and in Ki inactivation block is appreciable only for outward Na channel current, suggesting the site of action is located somewhere in the current pathway. If this site mediates the normal operation of the inactivation gate, then a possible mechanism for gate closure could involve a positively charged structure moving to associate with a negative site near or into the inner channel mouth.  相似文献   

In some preparations the time constant of Na current inactivation determined with two pulses (tau c) is larger over some range of potentials than that determined from the current decay during a single pulse (tau h), while in others tau c(V) and tau h(V) are the same. Myxicola giant axons obtained from specimens collected from coastal waters of northeastern North America display a tau c - tau h difference under all conditions we have tested. In these axons tau c(V) and tau h(V) are unchanged by reduction of Na current density, addition of K-channel blockers, or internal perfusion. Specimens of the same species, Myxicola infundibulum, collected from a different geographical location, the south coast of England, have been studied under internal perfusion with K as the major cation internally, with reduced external Na concentration and in the presence of K-channel blockers. In these axons tau c(V) and tau h(V) approximately superpose, raising the possibility that dramatic differences in Na current kinetics may not necessarily reflect basic differences in the organization of the Na channel gating machinery.  相似文献   

Aggregation kinetics, in contrast to the Hodgkin-Huxley equations, predict that if an axon is subjected to a brief perturbing depolarization of large amplitude, the resulting perturbed current will cross over the response to a conventional maintained depolarization, and then remain smaller for the remainder of the depolarizing step. This has been experimentally tested using voltage-clamped Myxicola giant axons, compensated for series resistance and bathed in 10% Na+ sea water to minimize possible artifacts. Under such conditions perturbed and unperturbed currents are observed to cross over in a manner qualitatively consistent with the behavior predicted by an aggregation model. We suggest, therefore, that the aggregation concept may warrant further experimental and theoretical investigation.  相似文献   

Magnitude and location of surface charges on Myxicola giant axons   总被引:3,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of changes in the concentration of calcium in solutions bathing Myxicola giant axons on the voltage dependence of sodium and potassium conductance and on the instantaneous sodium and potassium current-voltage relations have been measured. The sodium conductance-voltage relation is shifted along the voltage axis by 13 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction for a fourfold decrease in calcium concentration. The potassium conductance-voltage relation is shifted only half as much as that for sodium. There is no effect on the shape of the sodium and potassium instantaneous current-voltage curves: the normal constant-field rectification of potassium currents is maintained and the normal linear relationship of sodium currents is maintained. Considering that shifts in conductances would reflect the presence of surface charges near the gating machinery and that shape changes of instantaneous current-voltage curves would reflect the presence of surface charges near the ionic pores, these results indicate a negative surface charge density of about 1 electronic charge per 120 A2 near the sodium gating machinery, about 1 e/300 A2 for the potassium gating machinery, and much less surface charge near the sodium or potassium pores. There may be some specific binding of calcium to these surface charges with an upper limit on the binding constant of about 0.2 M-1. The differences in surface charge density suggest a spatial separation for these four membrane components.  相似文献   

Time- and voltage-dependent behavior of the Na+ conductance in dialyzed intact Myxicola axons was compared with cut-open axons subjected to loose-patch clamp of the interior and to axons where Gigaseals were formed after brief enzyme digestion. Voltage and time dependence of activation, inactivation, and reactivation were identical in whole-axons and loose-patch preparations. Single channels observed in patch-clamp axons had a conductance of 18.3 +/- 2.3 pS and a mean open time of 0.84 +/- 0.12 ms. The time-dependence of Na+ currents found by averaging patch-clamp records was similar to intact axons, as was the voltage dependence of activation. Steady-state inactivation in patch-clamped axons was shifted by an average of 15 mV from that seen in loose-patch or intact axons. Substitution of D2O for H2O decreased single channel conductance by 24 +/- 6% in patch-clamped axons compared with 28 +/- 4% in intact axons, slowed inactivation by 58 +/- 8% compared with 49 +/- 6%, and increased mean open time by 52 +/- 7%. The results confirm observations on macroscopic channel behavior in Myxicola and resemble that seen in other excitable tissues.  相似文献   

The specific resistivity of the axoplasm of giant axons of squid and Myxicola was measured utilizing a single metal microelectrode subjected to alternating current in a circuit in which the voltage output varies with the conductivity of the thin layer of fluid at the exposed electrode tip. The average specific resistivity of stellar axons of Loligo pealei was 31 omegacm (1.55 times seawater [X SW]) while for Loligo opalescens it was 32 omegacm (1.30 X SW). Smaller giant axons had a higher average resistivity. Myxicola giant axons had a resistivity of 68 omegacm (2.7 X SW) in normal seawater, and 53 omegacm (2.1 X SW) in a hypertonic high-Mg++ seawater. The temperature dependence of squid axon resistivity does not differ from that of an equally conductive dilution of seawater.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments purified from invertebrate giant axons have been analyzed with the electron microscope. The neurofilaments have a helical substructure which is most easily observed when the neurofilaments are partially denatured with 0.5 M KCl or 2 M urea. When the ropelike structure comprising the neurofilaments untwists, two strands 4--5.5nm in diameter can be resolved. Upon further denaturation these strands break up into rod-shaped segments and subsequently these segments roll up into amorphous globular structures. Stained, filled densities can be resolved within the strand segments, and these resemble similar structures observed within the intact neurofilaments. The strands appear to consist of protofilaments 2--2.5 nm in diameter. These observations suggest that the neurofilament is a ropelike, helical structure composed of two strands twisted tightly around each other, and they su-port the filamentous rather than the golbular model of intermediate filament structure.  相似文献   

Gating current, Ig, was recorded in Myxicola axons with series resistance compensation and higher time resolution than in previous studies. Ig at ON decays as two exponentials with time constants, tau ON-F and tau ON-S, very similar to squid values. No indication of an additional very fast relaxation was detected, but could be still unresolved. Ig at OFF also displays two exponentials, neither reflecting recovery from charge immobilization. Deactivation of the two I(ON) components may proceed with well-separated exponentials at -100 mV. INa tail currents at OFF also display two exponentials plus a third very slow relaxation of 5-9% of the total tail current. The very slow component is probably deactivation of a very small subpopulation of TTX sensitive channels. A -100 mV, means for INa tail component time constants (four axons) are 76 microseconds (range: 53-89 microseconds) and 344 microseconds (range: 312-387 microseconds), and for IOFF (six axons) 62 microseconds (range: 34-87 microseconds) and 291 microseconds (range: 204-456 microseconds) in reasonable agreement. INa ON activation time constant, tau A, is clearly slower than tau ON-F at all potentials. Except for the interval -30 to -15 mV, tau A is clearly faster than tau ON-S, and has a different dependency on potential. tau ON-S is several fold smaller than tau h. Computations with a closed2----closed1----open activation model indicated Na tail currents are consistent with a closed1----open rate constant greater than the closed2----closed1.  相似文献   

In Myxicola axons subjected to moderate depolarizations the sodium inactivation time constants obtained from the decay of sodium current during a maintained depolarizatin (TSh) are substantially smaller than inactivation time constants determined at the same potential from the effect of changes in the duration of conditioning prepulses (Tph). This report extends these observations to positive membrane potentials and demonstrates that for sufficiently large depolarizations TSh and Tph become comparable. The ratio of inactivation time constants, Tph/TSh, is unaffected by changes in [Ca++] provided total divalent cation concentration is maintained constant, while changes in total divalent ion concentrations produce simple voltage shifts comparable to those obtained from measurement of membrane sodium or potassium conductances. Sodium inactivation delay was quantitatively determined as a function of membrane potential, and found to be similarly unaffected by changes in [Ca++] at constant total divalent ion concentration. Inactivation delay is, however, directly proportional to the activation rate constant over a wide range of potentials.  相似文献   

Potassium accumulation associated with outward membrane potassium current was investigated experimentally in Myxicola giant axon. During prolonged voltage-clamp pulses to positive transmembrane potentials, the K+ equilibrium potential may approach zero mV, suggesting massive K+ accumulation outside the axonal membrane to concentrations many-fold higher than those in the bathing medium. The potassium accumulation can be satisfactorily described by a three-compartment model, consisting of the nerve fiber, a restricted physiological periaxonal space and the bulk solution. The average thickness, theta, of the periaxonal space is calculated as 177 +/- 59 A, i.e., comparable to that in the squid, while the permeability coefficient of the external barrier, PKs, was calculated to be (1.4 +/- 0.4) X 10(-4) cm/s. These conclusions are well supported by morphological study.  相似文献   

The response of a Myxicola infundibulum giant axon to a transverse mechanical stimulus is an increase in membrane conductance. The similarity of the reversal potential for this conductance increase and the reversal potential for leakage current, together with other similarities, suggest similar pathways for these two processes. Depolarization of the reversal potential with increased mechanical stimulus is best explained in terms of a gradual change in the mechanically-stimulated ionic pathways.  相似文献   

L Goldman 《Biophysical journal》1988,54(6):1027-1038
Steady state to peak Na current ratio (INa,/INapeak) in Myxicola is greater, under some conditions, in internal Cs than in K, indicating less steady state inactivation in Csi. Csi effects are selective for steady state inactivation, with negligible effects on single-pulse inactivation time constants (Th). Mean Th ratios (Csi to Ki) were 1.04 and 1.02 at 0 and 10 mV. Two pulse inactivation time constants were also little affected. Inactivation is blocked in an all or none manner. Ki has little effect on steady state inactivation in the presence of inward INa, with INa/INapeak often declining to zero at positive potentials and independent of external Na concentration from 1/4 to 2/3 artificial sea water (ASW). Cs also has little effect at more negative potentials, but more with either more positive potentials or Na reduction, both reducing inward INa. K effects are evident when Na channel current is outward. A site in the current pathway when occupied selectively blocks inactivation gate closure. As occupancy does not depend significantly on potential, the site must not be very deep into the membrane field. Inactivation gates may associate with these sites on closure. The inactivated state may consist of a positively-charged structure occluding the inner channel mouth.  相似文献   

A spike that is the result of calcium permeability through potassium channels was separated from the action potential is squid giant axons internally perfused with a 30 mM NaF solution and bathed in a 100 mM CaCl2 solution by blocking sodium channels with tetrodotoxin. Currents through potassium channels were studied under voltage clamp. The records showed a clear voltage-dependent inactivation of the currents. The inactivation was composed of at least two components; one relatively fast, having a time constant of 20--30 ms, and the other very slow, having a time constant of 5--10 s. Voltage clamp was carried out with a variety of salt compositions in both the internal and external solutions. A similar voltage-dependent inactivation, also composed of the two components, was recognized in all the current through potassium channels. Although the direction and intensity of current strongly depended on the salt composition of the solutions, the time-courses of these currents at corresponding voltages were very similar. These results strongly suggest that the inactivation of the currents in attributable to an essential, dynamic property of potassium channels themselves. Thus, the generation of a potassium-channel spike can be understood as an event that occurs when the equilibrium potential across the potassium channel becomes positive.  相似文献   

Axoplasm from freshly isolated Myxicola giant axons was mixed with small volumes of 'artificial axoplasm' containing 45Ca and either CaEGTA/EGTA or CaDTPA/DTPA buffers giving various nominal values of [Ca2+]. The axoplasm samples were centrifuged at 100 000 X g for 30 min to form a pellet and the percentage of 45Ca bound to the pellet was determined. The fraction of bound calcium rose with increasing values of [Ca2+] along an S-shaped curve. Carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) was used to reveal the presence of mitochondrial Ca uptake. At physiological values of [Ca2+], around 100 nM, Ca uptake was insensitive to FCCP. As [Ca2+] was elevated, increasing sensitivity to FCCP was noted above [Ca2+] = 0.5 microM. At low values of [Ca2+], including the physiological range, Ca binding was significantly reduced by vanadate and quercetin, agents known to inhibit Ca uptake mediated by Ca2+-activated ATPase reactions. Inhibition of Ca binding by these agents was approximately 50% at physiological values of [Ca2+]. ATP depletion decreased the percentage of Ca binding by the pellet at physiological [Ca2+]. The results suggest that about 50% of the Ca buffering by particulate matter in axoplasm is via organelles requiring intact Ca2+-ATPase reaction at physiological values of [Ca2+].  相似文献   

The time-course of the decay of INa on resetting the membrane potential to various levels after test steps in potential was studied. The effects of different initial conditions on these Na tail currents were also studied. For postpulse potentials at or negative to -35 mV, these currents may be attributed nearly entirely to the shutdown of the activation process, inactivation being little involved. Several relaxations may be detected in the tail currents. The slower two are well defined exponentials with time constants of approximately 1 ms and 100 mus in the hyperpolarizing potential range. The fastest relaxation is only poorly resolved. Different initial conditions could alter the relative weighting factors on the various exponential terms, but did not affect any of the individual time constants. The activation of the sodium conductance cannot be attributed to any number of independent and identical two-state subunits with first order transitions. The results of this and the previous paper are discussed in terms of the minimum kinetic scheme consistent with the data. Evidence is also presented suggesting that there may exist a small subpopulation of channels with different kinetics and a faster rate of recovery from TTX block than the rest of the population.  相似文献   

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