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AUSTIN  B. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(2):251-260
An improved experimental system is described for studying therate of spore discharge in Sordaria fimicola subjected to anair-stream of controlled rate and relative humidity. Under nearlysaturated conditions the rate of air-flow does not seem to affectthe rate of discharge. Reduction of the R.H. from 95 per centto 70 per cent or 35 per cent leads to an immediate but temporaryincrease in discharge rate. 70 per cent R.H. seems only to affectactual discharge, but prolonged exposure to 35 per cent R.H.interferes as well with earlier stages in spore development.It is suggested that the immediate effect on discharge is physicalrather than biochemical. There is evidence that the perithecialwall plays some part in the control of spore discharge.  相似文献   

An account is given of experiments on the effect of the humidityof an ambient air-stream on spore discharge in Sordaria fimicola.Change from saturated to dry (35 per cent. R. H.) conditionsinvariably led to a striking increase in the rate of spore discharge,and conversely change from dry to damp conditions produced amarked decrease.  相似文献   

AUSTIN  B. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(2):262-278
The sporulation process in Sordaria fimicola has been studiedunder controlled conditions, with particular reference to discharge.Discharge occurred with a circadian periodicity for the greaterpart of the sporulation life of the culture, with peaks at about18.00 hours in either light or darkness. The consistency ofthis phenomenon was confirmed by an analysis of previous work.Fluctuations in light intensity, temperature, relative humidity,carbon dioxide concentration, and vibration were eliminatedas far as possible, as causes of this periodicity. Minor fluctuationsin discharge rate with a period of less than 24 h were probablyrandom. The general nature of the periodicity was shown to be consistentwith some aspects of endogenous rhythms in other organisms.However, spore discharge in S. fimicola is very sensitive tolight, and it is readily entrained to discharge out of phasewith the natural period. The rate of development of two stages of spore formation (delimitationand maturation) were determined, and these were related to therate and periodicity of discharge. From the data it was impossibleto establish at which stage of sporulation the periodicity arose.  相似文献   

The hymenial tubes of Polyporus betulinus were shown to be approximatelycylindrical,and to have a sporulating hymenium over the greater part oftheir surface. Sporophores were tilted through measured anglesfrom the vertical in the field and in the laboratory, and theeffect on spore liberation was measured by determining the numberof spores liberated from particular tubes in standard time.All tilting caused a reduction in spore liberation. The amountof this reduction was found to compare closely with that predictedfrom calculation of the amount of hymenium lying directly abovethe orifice at various angles of tilt. It is therefore concludedthat liberation from the tube can be accounted for by the initialviolent discharge of the spore and gravitational attractionalone. An addendum corrects an earlier paper (1959) in thisseries. It shows that the variation in density of spore depositscollected from Trametes gibbosa was due to air currents in theapparatus, not to variation in sporulation rate.  相似文献   

Violent spore discharge in the Hyphomycetes Alternaria tenuis,Memnoniella supsimplex, Curvularia lunata, C. geniculata, Corynesporacassiicola, and Zygophiala jamaicensis occurs after transferfrom a humid to a dry atmosphere. Mechanisms of discharge aresuggested.  相似文献   

OKHUOYA  J.A. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(4):405-408
Following entrainment of nine selected species of basidiomyceteswith alternating 12 h light and 12 h dark periods, circadianrhythms with nocturnal peaks of spore discharge were found topersist in continuous light or dark for periods of 4 –9d. However, when light and dark periods were reversed followingentrainment, Piptoporus belulinus. Panellus stipticus, Awiculariaauricula and Dacrymyces deliquescens made immediate readjustmentof their rhythms; Coriolus Dersicolor, Stereum hirsutum andClitocybe nebularis took 24 h to readjust with peaks of sporedischarge synchronized with the new dark time periods, whileGanoderma applanatum and Trametes betulina took 48 h to readjust.These reactions indicate exogenous rhythms Light effects, spore discharge, basidiomycetes  相似文献   

INGOLD  C. T. 《Annals of botany》1958,22(2):129-135
A rough action-spectrum curve (in the range 400–600 mµ)for light-stimulated spore discharge in Sordaria fimicola iscompared with the absorption-spectrum curve of an ethyl-alcoholextract of the fungus. The two curves show some agreement. Amutant lacking black pigment (probably melanin) is shown torespond to light in its spore discharge as does the normal,but evidence is given that it is more sensitive to light. Itseems that the melanin in the perithecial wall of the normalstrain acts as a neutral filter reducing the effectiveness ofthe incident light.  相似文献   

Further Observations on Light and Spore Discharge in Certain Pyrenomycetes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A ‘spore-clock’ for studying the hourly rate ofspore discharge over a 24-hour period is described. A numberof the experiments reported in this paper have involved theuse of this apparatus. In Sordaria fimicola there is a distinct positive light-dischargereaction in a dark-conditioned culture, the rate of spore dischargeincreasing steeply to a peak 2–3 hours after brief stimulationby bright light. Although darkening a light-conditioned cultureleads to an immediate decrease in the rate of discharge, thereis no evidence of a delayed negative dark-discharge reaction. In S. verruculosa with a 12-hours light: 12-hours dark dailyreëgime, more spores are discharged in the dark than inthe light periods if the intensity of illumination is low. Withhigher light intensity there is no significant difference betweenthe number of spores discharged in light and dark periods. Asin S. fimicola there is a positive light-discharge reaction,the interval between stimulus and maximum response being muchlonger (8–12 hours). When a dark-conditioned culture istransferred to light for 48 hours and then returned to darknessfor a further 48 hours it is apparent that not only is therea positive light-discharge reaction but also a negative dark-dischargeresponse. The ‘plateau’ level of discharge is essentiallythe same in light and darkness. It is confirmed that in Hypoxylon fuscum light inhibits discharge.  相似文献   

MEREDITH  D. S. 《Annals of botany》1962,26(2):233-241
In Cordana musae and Zygosporium oscheovides violent spore dischargeoccurs under conditions of rapidly decreasing vapour-pressure;discharge is not dependent on light. Mechanisms of dischargeare postulated. In C. musae, on drying, water evaporates frominside the conidium and conidiophore, causing a negative pressureto develop in the solutions inside these structures and thewalls to be drawn inwards under tension. The sudden appearanceof a gas bubble in one or both of these structures releasesthe tension, and the resultant jolt causes the conidium to beshot away. In Z. oscheoides similar tension and wall distortiondevelop in a specialized conidiophore cell, the vesicle, onwhich the conidia are poised. On appearance of a gas phase,the vesicle wall springs back to its original form and the conidiaare shot away. The vesicle is likened to a single annulus cellin the fern sporangium. The similarity between discharge inC. musae, Z. oscheoides, and Deightoniella torulosa is brieflydiscussed.  相似文献   

Spore Discharge in Deightoniella torulosa (Syd.) Ellis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MEREDITH  D. S. 《Annals of botany》1961,25(3):271-278
Violent spore discharge in the Hyphomycete Deightoniella torulosais described. On drying, a negative pressure develops in thesolution inside the swollen head of the conidiophore. This causesthe thin wall at the top of the conidiophore to cave inwardsand to be brought into a state of tension. The sudden appearanceof a gas phase in the conidiophore head releases this tension,and the wall rapidly returns to its original rounded shape.The conidium, which is attached to the top of the conidiophore,is thus catapulted away. This appears to be the first recordof a gas phase being associated with violent spore dischargein a fungus.  相似文献   

Periodicity of Spore Discharge in Daldinia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INGOLD  C. T.; COX  V. J. 《Annals of botany》1955,19(2):201-209
In Daldinia concentrica spore discharge under natural conditionsis periodic, most spores being discharged during the night andfew in the daytime. An experimental study has been made of dischargeunder controlled conditions of light and temperature. In continuousdarkness periodic discharge was maintained for 12 days, butthen, although spore output continued, it ceased to be periodic.Return to alternating light (12 hrs., 100 f.c.) and darkness(12 hrs.) at once re-established the periodicity. In continuouslight (100 f.c.) periodic discharge ceased after 2 to 3 days,but was immediately re-established in alternating light (12hrs.) and darkness (12 hrs.). When the fungus was placed underconditions of alternating light and darkness each of 6 hours'duration, two peaks of spore-output were soon developed in the24-hour period. The experiments suggest that the natural periodicityis determined by the alternation of day and night.  相似文献   

Autotropism in Fungal Spores   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Autotropism was examined in germinating spore pairs of Rhizopusstolonifer, Mucor plumbeus, Trichoderma viride, and Botrytiscinerea. When germinated on agar surfaces the first three speciesexhibited negative autotropism, B. cinerea being neutral inits autotropic behaviour. More pronounced negative autotropismwas shown by the first three species when germinated on a filmof Cellophane applied to an agar surface. Under these conditionsB. cinerea displayed positive autotropism. Spore pairs of R. stolonifer germinated on agar containing cellulosepowder or charcoal showed less negative autotropism than onagar alone. Touching spore pairs of each species showed a markedtendency towards cis-ness, i.e. germ-tubes beginning on thesame side of a line joining the two spore centres, under theculture conditions described, the one exception being the reductionin cis-ness recorded when R. stolonifer was germinated on agarcontaining charcoal. Time courses of germination were determined for single sporesand touching spore pairs of R. stolonifer and M. plumbeus anda significant promotion was obtained in the spore pairs as comparedwith the single spores. Although both these species exhibitmarked negative autotropism there was a strong tendency forthe positive germ-tube, i.e. one beginning more nearly towardsits neighbour, to emerge before the negative germ-tube in thosespore pairs having one germtube positive and the other negativein orientation. Also, in R. stolonifer, the replacement of germination-promotersby germination-inhibitors in filtrates from spore suspensionsas they age is correlated with a change from positive to negativeautotropism in germinating members of (+ –) spore pairs. Possible mechanisms are discussed to account for the observedeffects.  相似文献   

The effects of light on spore germination (protrusion of protonemata)in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha L. were examined. Sporegermination was found to be light dependent and light irradiationfor 10 h or longer was necessary. Test using specific wavelengthsshowed that the entire spectrum from near UV to red light waseffective, red light being the most effective. Spore germinationcould be induced by intermittent irradiation with 15-min redlight pulses given every 1 or 2 h for 24 h. The effect of intermittentred light was not reversed by subsequent or simultaneous far-redlight irradiation. However, spore germination was inhibitedby the photosynthesis inhibitor DCMU (100 µM). Completeinhibition of spore germination was found when DCMU was givenduring the light period. When DCMU was applied during the darkperiods, only a slight reduction of germination rate was observed.Further, it was found that Chl formed in the spores during imbibitionin darkness. Light sensitivity increased at nearly the samerate as the appearance of Chl. Moreover, spore germination wasinduced in total darkness by the addition of glucose to themedium. These results clearly indicate that photosynthesis mediatesthe photoinduction of spore germination in Marchantia polymorpha. (Received May 13, 1999; Accepted July 14, 1999)  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of tapetal cells in Timmiela barbuloideswas investigated in relation to events of sporogenesis. Aftertheir establishment both internally and externally to the sporogonialinitials, tapetal cells enlarge and assume a permanently polarizedorganization after completion of meiosis. A large vacuole isformed in the cell region distal to the spore sac, the nucleusbecomes centrally located, and amyloplasts lie in the cytoplasmadjacent to the spore sac. An extensive endomembrane systemdevelops in tapetal cells during the stage of exine depositionin spore tetrads. Sheets of rough endoplasmic reticulum developfirst around the nucleus then also in close proximity to theplasma membrane abutting the spore sac. Concomitantly, interveningdictyosomes produce a variety of vesicles. Unusual structureswith vesicle-like profiles also occur in the inner tapetum cellwalls abutting the spore sac. At the same time most of the starchis lost from the plastids in which grana-fretwork systems develop.A massive secretion of extremely electron-opaque material isassociated with perine deposition onto the free spore surfaces.Degeneration of the tapetal cells during the terminal stagesof spore maturation is marked by distortion of the organelles,increase in vacuolation and the appearance of electron-opaquematerial between the sheets of endoplasmic reticulum.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Bryophytes, endomembrane dynamics, Timmiella, ultrastructure, development, tapetum  相似文献   

Spore Germination Patterns in the Ferns, Cyathea and Dicksonia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell division patterns during germination of spores of Cyatheaaustralis, C. cooperi and Dicksonia antarctica were examinedby light microscopy of sectioned materials and by the scanningelectron microscope. In C. australis and C. cooperi the rhizoidwas traced to a small cell formed by an asymmetric divisionof the spore by a wall parallel to its equatorial plane. Incontrast, the rhizoid was formed by a division of the sporeparallel to its polar axis in D. antarctica. In spores of bothgenera, a second division wall oriented in a plane perpendicularto the first gave rise to the protonemal cell. Certain aspectsof germination described here in spores of Cyathea and Dicksoniaare in conflict with the published accounts of spore germinationin these genera. Cyathea, Dicksonia, spore germination, cell division pattern  相似文献   

The phenomenon of auto-inhibition of spore germination has beendemonstrated in the slime moulds Dictyostelium purpureum, strainno. 2; Dictyostelium discoideum, strain no. 1; Dictyosteliummucoroides, strain no. 2; and Polysphondy-Iium violeceum, strainno. 6. A water-soluble substance present in spores was shownto cause this self-inhibition. The substance was isolated fromeach species studied. Evidence as presented indicates that thesame substance occurs in each species of Dictyostelium, butthat it differs from that found in Pv6. An attempt was alsomade to relate this inhibitory substance to the phenomenon of'differential inhibition' in Dp2, Dd, Dm2, and Pu6. An explanationbased on evidence for differential sensitivity to a common inhibitorof spore germination in Dictyostelium and an inhibition in otherthan the spore stage in Pu6 is presented. Apparent differentialproduction of a common inhibitor in Dictyostelium is also reported.  相似文献   

HEMSLEY  ALAN R. 《Annals of botany》1989,64(3):359-367
The ultrastructure of the spores of Parka decipiens Flemingwas investigated by SEM and TEM. The spores are shown to havea structured wall consisting of two distinct layers, one ofwhich exhibits a lamellate organization. The deposition of thespore wall by a tapetum is suggested to account for these lamellae.Comparison is made between the spore ultrastructure of Parkaand that of algae and bryophytes. It is suggested that the sporewall of Parka bears some similarities with the lamellate exinefound in the Hepaticae. Parka decipiens, Devonian, fossil, spore wall, ultrastructure, lamellae, tapetum  相似文献   

On the Megaspores of Four Species of Lepidostrobus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CHALONER  W. G. 《Annals of botany》1953,17(2):263-294
This paper is an account of the megaspores borne by four speciesof Carboniferous Lycopod cones, referred to the genus Lepidostrobus.The megaspores (assigned to the genus Triletes) have been knownisolated for more than twenty years, but the identities of theirparent cone species have not previously been established. Thisstudy suggests the limits of variation that can reasonably beallowed in a ‘spore species’. Three of the conespecies are emended in the light of their spore content, anda new species (Lepidostrobus allantonensis) is described. Usingthe megaspores as a diagnostic cone character, it has provedpossible to correlate a species of isolated cone (Lepidostrobusdudius Binney) with the tree which bore it (Lepidodendron smileKidst.). A cone previously attributed on doubtful evidence toBothrodendron is shown to bear megaspores indistinguishablefrom those of a species reliably attributed to Lepidodendron,suggesting that the attribution to Bothrodendron is incorrect.  相似文献   

Action spectra between 350 and 500 nm for the inhibition ofphytochrome-dependent spore germination in the fern Pteris vittatawere obtained. Both action spectra obtained before and afterred light irradiation have peaks at about 440 nm and 380 nmand shoulders from 440 to 480 nm. These results suggest thatthe phytochrome system is not involved in the inhibitory processof spore germination induced by short irradiation with bluelight. (Received October 8, 1970; )  相似文献   

INGOLD  C. T.; OSO  B. A. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(3):463-471
Spore discharge in Ascobolus crenulatus occurs both in the lightand in the dark. In a 12 h light: 12 h dark daily regime discharge-ratehas peaks in the dark periods, due apparently to light stimulationwith about half a day's interval between stimulus and response. Using a ‘spore clock’ the course of discharge hasbeen followed for a single apothecium on changing from darknessto light. Exposure to light (500 lux) of wave-lengths around400, 440 and 460 mµ immediately causes ’puffing‘,whilst light of longer wave-length (504 and 580 mµ) hasno effect. Change from darkness to white light has no immediateeffect, but there is a delayed stimulation with a marked increasein discharge-rate 10–14 h later. Simultaneous illuminationof an apothecium, which has been in darkness, by blue light(420 mµ, or 440 mµ, 500lux) and yellow light (580mµ, 500 lux) does not result in puffing. The yellow appearsto prevent the blue light from exerting its effects.  相似文献   

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