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To understand the mechanism of phosphate accumulation, a gene encoding polyphosphate kinase (PPK) was cloned from the genomic library of Serratia marcescens by Southern hybridization. From the nucleotide sequence of a 4 kb DNA fragment, an open reading frame of 2063 nucleotides was identified encoding a protein of 686 amino acids with molecular mass of 70 kDa. The potential CRP binding site and pho box sequence were found upstream of the putative promoter in the regulatory region. The expression of PPK resulted in the formation of inclusion bodies and the product was active at low temperature. The E. coli strain harboring plasmid pSPK5 with ppk gene increased enzyme activity of polyphosphate kinase, resulting in increased accumulation of polyphosphate in E. coli.  相似文献   

Polyphosphate (polyP), synthesized by polyP kinase (PPK) using the terminal phosphate of ATP as substrate, performs important functions in every living cell. The present work reports on the relationship between polyP metabolism and bioinsecticide production in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti). The ppk gene of Bti was cloned into vector pHT315 and the effect of its overexpression on endotoxin production was determined. Endotoxin production by the recombinant strain was found to be consistently higher than that by the wild type strain and the strain that carried the empty plasmid. The toxicity of the recombinant mutant strain (LC50 5.8 ± 0.6 ng ml?1) against late 2nd instar Culex quinquefasciatus was about 7.7 times higher than that of Bti (LC50 44.9 ± 7 ng ml?1). To our knowledge this is the first reported study which relates polyP metabolism with bioinsecticide biosynthesis.  相似文献   



Pseudomonas aeruginosa is known to be a multidrug resistant opportunistic pathogen. Particularly, P. aeruginosa PAO1 polyphosphate kinase mutant (ppk1) is deficient in motility, quorum sensing, biofilm formation and virulence.


By using Phenotypic Microarrays (PM) we analyzed near 2000 phenotypes of P. aeruginosa PAO1 polyP kinase mutants (ppk1 and ppk2). We found that both ppk mutants shared most of the phenotypic changes and interestingly many of them related to susceptibility toward numerous and different type of antibiotics such as Ciprofloxacin, Chloramphenicol and Rifampicin.


Combining the fact that ppk1 mutants have reduced virulence and are more susceptible to antibiotics, polyP synthesis and particularly PPK1, is a good target for the design of molecules with anti-virulence and anti-persistence properties.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40659-015-0012-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection of a distinct subtype of cagA may lead to different pathological manifestation. The aim of this study is to determine the presence of cagA gene and its variants in H. pylori infection among different ethnic groups and its effect on gastroduodenal diseases. Overall detection of cagA among the 205 clinical isolates of H. pylori was 94%. Variations in size of the 3' region of cagA gene were examined among 192 Malaysian H. pylori cagA-positive strains. Results showed that three cagA variants differing in fragment length of PCR products were detected and designated as type A (621-651bp), type B (732-735bp) and type C (525 bp). Although there was no association between any of the cagA subtypes with peptic ulcer disease (p>0.05), an association between cagA subtypes with a specific ethnic group was observed. Specific-cagA subtype A strains were predominantly isolated from Chinese compared to Malays and Indians (p<0.0005), and cagA subtype B strains were predominantly isolated from Malays and Indians compared to Chinese (p<0.05). The cagA type A strains of H. pylori is commonly found in the Chinese patients who have a higher risk of peptic ulcer disease, thus indicating that it could be used as an important clinical biomarker for a more severe infection.  相似文献   

Considerable genomic microdiversity has been reported previously among Helicobacter pylori isolates. We have constructed genome maps of four unrelated H. pylori strains (NCTC11637, NCTC11639, UA802 and UA861) using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) with Notl and Nrul, hybridization with extracted PFGE DNA fragments and probing with 17 gene probes. These strains of H. pylori were compared with a fifth unrelated H. pylori strain NCTC11638 mapped previously. Considerable diversity in gene arrangement was evident among the five H, pylori maps, and no consistent gene clustering was found. The association of only four genes, katA (catalase gene), vacA (vacuo-lating cytotoxin gene), hpaA (a putative adhesin gene), and pfr (bacterial ferritin gene) were generally conserved within approximately the same 25% of the genome; however, the order of these genes also varied. Our study demonstrates that macrodiversity, i.e. variability in gene order, in addition to microdiversity, is a characteristic of the H. pylori genome.  相似文献   

目的研究不同来源幽门螺杆菌菌株的ureB基因和hspA基因的同源性。方法在GenBank中调取全球来源于幽门螺杆菌不同菌株的ureB基因序列23个和中国境内来源于幽门螺杆菌不同菌株的hspA基因序列20个,利用ClustalW2生物软件,分别对ureB基因和hspA基因序列进行同源性比较分析,并建立基因进化树,分析其特点。结果不同国家之间ureB基因序列并不一致,同一国家ureB基因序列相似性较高;中国境内hspA基因序列相似性程度很高。结论中国境内不同幽门螺杆菌菌株ureB基因序列和hspA基因序列的相似性程度都很高,都具有很高的同源性。  相似文献   

Lactobacillus johnsonii La1, a probiotic bacterium with demonstrated health effects, grows in milk, where it ferments lactose to D- and L-lactate in a 60:40% ratio. The D-lactate dehydrogenase (D-LDH) gene (ldhD) of this strain was isolated, and an in vitro-truncated copy of that gene was used to inactivate the genomic copy in two strains, La1 and N312, by gene replacement. For that, an 8-bp deletion was generated within the cloned ldhD gene to inactivate its function. The plasmid containing the altered ldhD was transferred to L. johnsonii via conjugative comobilization with Lactococcus lactis carrying pAMbeta1. Crossover integrations of the plasmid at the genomic ldhD site were selected, and appropriate resolution of the cointegrate structures resulted in mutants that had lost the plasmid and in which the original ldhD was replaced by the truncated copy. These mutants completely lacked D-LDH activity. Nevertheless, the lower remaining L-LDH activity of the cells was sufficient to reroute most of the accumulating pyruvate to L-lactate. Only a marginal increase in production of the secondary end products acetaldehyde, diacetyl, and acetoin was observed. It can be concluded that in L. johnsonii D- and L-LDH are present in substantial excess for their role to eliminate pyruvate and regenerate NAD(+) and that accumulated pyruvate is therefore not easily redirected in high amounts to secondary metabolic routes.  相似文献   

Lee YC  Lee SY  Pyo JH  Kwon DH  Rhee JC  Kim JJ 《Helicobacter》2005,10(3):240-248
BACKGROUND: Antibiotic-susceptible and -resistant Helicobacter pylori can be present simultaneously in the same host. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genomic diversity of H. pylori strains resulting in heteroresistant antibacterial phenotypes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-one pairs of H. pylori strains isolated from the antrum and body displaying heteroresistant antibacterial phenotypes were included. We compared the genotypes of paired-isolates by random arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR), flagella gene PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism, and flaA gene sequencing. In metronidazole-heteroresistant isolates, the sequence variation of rdxA and frxA genes was analyzed using phylogenetic analysis. RESULTS: The DNA fingerprinting patterns of the paired isolates revealed that 12 pairs (57.1%) were identical, whereas one pair (3.8%) was different. The remaining eight pairs (38.1%) of isolates showed minor heterogenecity in fingerprinting patterns. In flaA gene sequencing, these identical and similar isolates showed close sequence similarity between the antrum and body, whereas different isolate showed 31 points of different nucleotide sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of the metronidazole-heteroresistant pairs showed consistent genetic relatedness of each paired isolates despite the sequence variation of the rdxA or frxA genes in five pairs (71.4%). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that continuing genomic diversities in the same strain may play an important role in modulating the antibiotic-heteroresistant H. pylori in vivo.  相似文献   

Polyphosphate kinase (PPK) catalyzes the reversible transfer of the terminal phosphate of ATP to form a long-chain polyphosphate (polyP) (Ahn, K., and Kornberg, A. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 11734-11739). The Escherichia coli gene (ppk) encoding PPK has been cloned, sequenced, and overexpressed (about 100-fold). The gene possesses an open reading frame for 687 amino acids (mass of 80,278 Da). PPK has been purified from overproducing cells after release from attachment to the cell outer membrane; the purified soluble PPK reassociate with cell membrane fractions. About 850 molecules of PPK are found in a wild type cell.  相似文献   

The c-Myc (Myc) oncoprotein regulates numerous phenotypes pertaining to cell mass, survival and metabolism. Glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and mitochondrial biogenesis are positively controlled by Myc, with myc−/− rat fibroblasts displaying atrophic mitochondria, structural and functional defects in electron transport chain (ETC) components, compromised OXPHOS and ATP depletion. However, while Myc influences mitochondrial structure and function, it is not clear to what extent the reverse is true. To test this, we induced a state of mitochondrial hyper-fission in rat fibroblasts by de-regulating Drp1, a dynamin-like GTPase that participates in the terminal fission process. The mitochondria from these cells showed reduced mass and interconnectivity, a paucity of cristae, a marked reduction in OXPHOS and structural and functional defects in ETC Complexes I and V. High rates of abortive mitochondrial fusion were observed, likely reflecting ongoing, but ultimately futile, attempts to normalize mitochondrial mass. Cellular consequences included reduction of cell volume, ATP depletion and activation of AMP-dependent protein kinase. In response to Myc deregulation, apoptosis was significantly impaired both in the absence and presence of serum, although this could be reversed by increasing ATP levels by pharmacologic means. The current work demonstrates that enforced mitochondrial fission closely recapitulates a state of Myc deficiency and that mitochondrial integrity and function can affect Myc-regulated cellular behaviors. The low intracellular ATP levels that are frequently seen in some tumors as a result of inadequate vascular perfusion could favor tumor survival by countering the pro-apoptotic tendencies of Myc overexpression.  相似文献   

Phospholipase activity is important in bacterial pathogenicity and could contribute to the pathogenic role of Helicobacter pylori by degradation of the gastric mucus, and in maintaining long-term colonisation. Our aim was to determine the degree of variation in the phospholipase A gene (pldA) of H. pylori from different geographic locations, and to investigate links between pldA genotype and clinical disease severity, as well as with variation in cagA status and vacA genotypes. PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with MboI and HaeIII was used to study 124 isolates from 10 countries that included the two genome-sequenced strains (26695 and J99), as well as Tx30a and NCTC 11637 (type strain). The 925-bp pldA fragment was amplified with a frequency of 90%. The presence of pldA was confirmed in the other strains using an alternative forward primer. Isolates were distinguished by PCR-RFLP analysis with 10 MboI and four HaeIII restriction patterns that combined to give 25 distinct pldA RFLP types. The pldA M2H2 strain genotype was most common (20%) in the UK but similar strains came from several other countries. Microdiversity was evident in pldA sequences of strains representing different RFLP types, and five M2H2 strains each had a distinct pldA sequence type. Intragenic variation was independent of gastric disease severity as well as strain cagA status and vacA genotype, with the exception of eight geographically diverse strains all with the pldA M4H3/cagA+/vacA s1m1 genotype predominantly from peptic ulcer patients. The study indicated a spectrum of genotypic variants and was supportive of a pldA function in H. pylori colonisation and persistence rather than in chronicity of infection.  相似文献   

AIMS: To characterize the molecular fingerprinting of Helicobacter pylori population isolated in duodenal ulcer patients treated with triple therapy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Gastric biopsy specimens from corpus and antrum, were cultured for H. pylori isolation. Helicobacter pylori eradication was evaluated after 4 and 16 weeks. DNAs of all isolates were characterized by random amplified polymorphic DNA typing and cagA gene was also detected. After the therapy, five patients harboured the microorganism at 4 weeks and two of them remained H. pylori positive at 16 weeks. The analysis of DNA fingerprinting of strains isolated from antrum and corpus of patients susceptible to treatment, showed similar patterns. Instead, when the therapy was not effective, strains isolated from sequential biopsies from initial and after 4 and 16 weeks, showed distinct fingerprintings and retained the cagA status, over time. CONCLUSIONS: The drugs used for therapy could exercise an effect in genotypical rearrangement among H. pylori cells. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The variableness among H. pylori strains represents a way to challenge environmental stress.  相似文献   

We have identified a Helicobacter pylori d-glycero-d-manno-heptosyltransferase gene, HP0479, which is involved in the biosynthesis of the outer core region of H. pylori lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Insertional inactivation of HP0479 resulted in formation of a truncated LPS molecule lacking an alpha-1,6-glucan-, dd-heptose-containing outer core region and O-chain polysaccharide. Detailed structural analysis of purified LPS from HP0479 mutants of strains SS1, 26695, O:3, and PJ1 by a combination of chemical and mass spectrometric methods showed that HP0479 likely encodes alpha-1,2-d-glycero-d-manno-heptosyltransferase, which adds a d-glycero-d-manno-heptose residue (DDHepII) to a distal dd-heptose of the core oligosaccharide backbone of H. pylori LPS. When the wild-type HP0479 gene was reintegrated into the chromosome of strain 26695 by using an "antibiotic cassette swapping" method, the complete LPS structure was restored. Introduction of the HP0479 mutation into the H. pylori mouse-colonizing Sydney (SS1) strain and the clinical isolate PJ1, which expresses dd-heptoglycan, resulted in the loss of colonization in a mouse model. This indicates that H. pylori expressing a deeply truncated LPS is unable to successfully colonize the murine stomach and provides evidence for a critical role of the outer core region of H. pylori LPS in colonization.  相似文献   

Pantothenate kinase (PanK) catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of the essential and ubiquitous cofactor coenzyme A (CoA) in all organisms. Two well characterized isoforms of the enzyme are known: a prokaryotic PanK that predominates in eubacteria and a eukaryotic isoform that has primarily been characterized from mammalian and plant sources. Curiously, the genomes of certain pathogenic bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, do not contain a PanK similar to either isoform, although these organisms possess all the other biosynthetic machinery required for CoA production. In this study we cloned, overexpressed and characterized an enzyme from Bacillus subtilis and its homologue from H. pylori and show that they catalyze the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of pantothenate. These enzymes do not share sequence homology with any known PanK, and unlike the bacterial and eukaryotic PanK isoforms their activity is not regulated by either CoA or acetyl-CoA. They also do not accept the pantothenic acid antimetabolite N-pentylpantothenamide as a substrate or are inhibited by it. Taken together, these results point to the identification of a third distinct isoform of PanK that accounts for the only known activity of the enzyme in pathogens such as H. pylori and P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

You Y  He L  Zhang M  Fu J  Gu Y  Zhang B  Tao X  Zhang J 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38528
In this study, a whole-genome CombiMatrix Custom oligonucleotide tiling microarray with 90,000 probes covering six sequenced Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) genomes was designed. This microarray was used to compare the genomic profiles of eight unsequenced strains isolated from patients with different gastroduodenal diseases in Heilongjiang province of China. Since significant genomic variation was found among these strains, an additional 76 H. pylori strains associated with different clinical outcomes were isolated from various provinces of China. These strains were tested by polymerase chain reaction to demonstrate this distinction. We identified several highly variable regions in strains associated with gastritis, gastric ulceration, and gastric cancer. These regions are associated with genes involved in the bacterial type I, type II, and type III R-M systems. They were also associated with the virB gene, which lies on the well-studied cag pathogenic island. While previous studies have reported on the diverse genetic characterization of this pathogenic island, in this study, we find that it is conserved in all strains tested by microarray. Moreover, a number of genes involved in the type IV secretion system, which is related to horizontal DNA transfer between H. pylori strains, were identified in the comparative analysis of the strain-specific genes. These findings may provide insight into new biomarkers for the prediction of gastric diseases.  相似文献   

DNA motifs at several informative loci in more than 500 strains of Helicobacter pylori from five continents were studied by PCR and sequencing to gain insights into the evolution of this gastric pathogen. Five types of deletion, insertion, and substitution motifs were found at the right end of the H. pylori cag pathogenicity island. Of the three most common motifs, type I predominated in Spaniards, native Peruvians, and Guatemalan Ladinos (mixed Amerindian-European ancestry) and also in native Africans and U.S. residents; type II predominated among Japanese and Chinese; and type III predominated in Indians from Calcutta. Sequences in the cagA gene and in vacAm1 type alleles of the vacuolating cytotoxin gene (vacA) of strains from native Peruvians were also more like those from Spaniards than those from Asians. These indications of relatedness of Latin American and Spanish strains, despite the closer genetic relatedness of Amerindian and Asian people themselves, lead us to suggest that H. pylori may have been brought to the New World by European conquerors and colonists about 500 years ago. This thinking, in turn, suggests that H. pylori infection might have become widespread in people quite recently in human evolution.  相似文献   

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