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The potential of the microflora in nutrient solutions to produce cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDE) was investigated by adding glucose or substrates of CWDE, such as chitin, cellulose, curdlan and preparations of fungal mycelia (0, 0.01 and 0.1%, w/v). The results indicate the potential of the microflora in nutrient solutions to produce proteolytic, chitinolytic, cellulolytic as well as β‐1,3‐glucanolytic enzymes. All enzyme complexes were induced by addition of preparations of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cyclaminis (Focy) and Pythium ultimum, respectively. In contrast, addition of glucose to nutrient solution resulted in only slight increase of protease and chitinase. No correlation between increased activity of CWDE and survival of Focy was found.  相似文献   

The defence reactions of sorghum seedlings 7 days after inoculation with Fusarium thapsinum and F. proliferatum, and interactions with wounding and exposure to light were studied to determine whether responses to these fungi differed from those to abiotic stresses. In non‐wounded plants, inoculation with both fungi increased concentrations of anthocyanins and soluble phenolics and activities of peroxidase (POX), chitinase and β‐1,3‐glucanase in the roots, and increased β‐1,3‐glucanase activity in the mesocotyls. There was no effect of inoculation on phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase (PAL) activity. Wounding by itself increased anthocyanin content of mesocotyls. Wounding also had a variety of interactions with inoculation. Exposure to light had very little effect on any defence response measured. A time course experiment showed that induction of chitinase and β‐1,3‐glucanase occurred in less than 24 h after inoculation. POX activity increased 2 days after inoculation, followed by a transient increase in PAL activity. The content of anthocyanins and soluble phenolics in roots of inoculated seedlings increased gradually compared with controls over 6 days. The responses of sorghum seedlings to inoculation with F. thapsinum and F. proliferatum were similar to those found by other workers following challenge by necrotrophic pathogens and were different from those induced by wounding and exposure to light.  相似文献   

The interactions between barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) and Fusarium head blight (FHB), caused by Fusarium graminearum, were studied in the two winter wheat cultivars (cvs.), Agent (susceptible to FHB) and Petrus (moderately resistant to FHB), using ultrastructural and immunocytochemical methods. Infections of wheat plants of both cvs. by BYDV increased susceptibility to FHB. BYDV infection caused numerous cytological changes in lemma tissue of both cvs. such as formation of vesicles in the cytoplasm, degradation of fine structures of chloroplasts of both cvs. and accumulation of large starch grains in the chloroplasts. Electron microscopical studies showed that the development of F. graminearum on spike surfaces was not affected in BYDV‐infected plants. After penetration and intercellular growth in lemma tissue, defence responses to Fusarium infections were markedly reduced in BYDV‐diseased plants compared to the tissue of virus‐free plants. At sites of contact of fungal cells with host tissue, depositions of cell wall material were distinctly less pronounced than in tissues of virus‐free plants of cv. Petrus. Detection of β‐1,3‐glucanases and chitinases in lemma tissue of cv. Agent revealed no appreciably increased accumulation of both defence enzymes in F. graminearum‐infected virus‐free and BYDV‐infected tissues compared to the non‐infected control tissue. On the other hand, in cv. Petrus, infection with F. graminearum induced a markedly enhanced activity of both enzymes 3 days after inoculation. The increase of both enzyme activities was less pronounced in BYDV‐infected plants than in tissue exclusively infected with F. graminearum. Cytological studies suggest that in contrast to the susceptible cv. Agent postinfectional defence responses may play still an important role in the resistance of the moderately resistant cv. Petrus to FHB.  相似文献   

Very little is yet known regarding the molecular mechanisms involved in pathogen defense responses in citrus fruit. Recently, a basic β-1,3-endoglucanase (EC belonging to the pathogenesis-related (PR) group of proteins, has been purified from Citrus sinensis (L) Osbeck cv. `Valencia' orange callus. Specific antibodies raised against the purified protein were used to screen `Valencia' callus and flavedo cDNA expression libraries, and to isolate its corresponding cDNA, designated gns1. The gns1 gene encodes a predicted polypeptide of 336 amino acids with a molecular mass of 37.3 kDa and a basic pI of 9.19, and shares 55–65% identity with several other plant β-1,3-endoglucanase proteins. Hereby, we show that the expression of the gns1 gene is markedly induced by wounding and inoculation with Penicillium digitatum (Pers. Fr.) Sacc., and following treatments with various elicitors that induce fruit resistance against P. digitatum . These treatments include UV irradiation, application of jasmonic acid (JA), β-aminobutyric acid (BABA), Candida oleophila antagonist yeast cells and hot water rinsing and brushing. Overall, based on various RNA gel blot hybridizations, we assume that gns1 is most likely to be part of the molecular mechanisms involved in pathogen defense responses in citrus fruit. *  相似文献   

Chitin, chitosan and peptidoglycan induced chitinase (EC 3. 2. 1. 14) activity in Parthenocissus quinquefolia cells cultured in vitro, while cellulose did not. The real inducers seemed to be oligomers released from the large size polymers by hydrolytic enzymes secreted into the medium during the cell growth and division. This effect was mimicked by the addition to the medium of a partially purified Parthenocissus chitinase/lysozyme (EC 3. 2. 1. 17), which was also able to hydrolyse chitosan. Oligomers of chitin and of chitosan induced the activity to the same level and with the same time course, while peptidoglycan oligomers induced less activity. Oligomers also induced β-1,3-glucanase (EC 3. 2. 1. 6) activities. The changes with time of both activities and the relative effects of the three kinds of polymers suggested that the induction of both enzymes involves a common element early in the signal pathway.  相似文献   

The induction of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) leaves and suspension-cultured cells in response to treatment with a glycoprotein elicitor isolated from Colletotrichum falcatum (the red rot pathogen) was investigated. Treatment of leaves and cells with the elicitor resulted in a much marked increase in the activities of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase in red rot resistant (BO 91) than susceptible (CoC 671) sugarcane cultivar. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that C. falcatum elicitor induced the accumulation of several proteins in suspension-cultured cells of resistant cultivar (BO 91); among them the 35 kDa protein was predominant. Whereas, a 27 kDa protein was induced predominantly in the cells of susceptible cultivar upon treatment with the elicitor. When sugarcane leaves were treated with C. falcatum elicitor, two proteins with apparent molecular masses of 25 and 27 kDa were induced both in the resistant and susceptible cultivars. However, the induction was stronger in the resistant than the susceptible cultivar. Immunoblot analysis for chitinase indicated that a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 37 kDa cross-reacting with barley chitinase antiserum was strongly induced in the suspension cultured cells of both the cultivars. The induction of 37 kDa chitinase was more in the cells of resistant cultivar than in the susceptible cultivar. Western blot analysis revealed that a 25 kDa thaumatin-like protein (TLP) cross-reacting with bean TLP antiserum was strongly induced in leaves and cultured cells of both resistant and susceptible cultivars due to elicitor treatment.  相似文献   

Treatment of tomato leaves with aqueous extract (0.5%) of the galls of Quercus infectoria significantly reduced infection from subsequent inoculation with Alternaria solani, the tomato early blight pathogen. When the leaves were challenge-inoculated with A. solani 3 d after application of Q. infectoria gall extract (QIGE), the percent defoliation decreased from 33.6 to 7.3. Two to three day pre-treatment with QIGE reduced the percent defoliation by 77 percent. The biochemical responses of tomato plants to QIGE were also studied. In tomato plants treated with QIGE, phenolic content increased rapidly, reached the maximum at 2 d after treatment. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity increased significantly from 1 d after treatment and the maximum enzyme activity was recorded 2 d after treatment at which period a 3-fold increase in PAL activity was observed when compared to the control. Peroxidase (PO) activity was also significantly increased 1 d after treatment and the maximum activity was reached 2 d after treatment. Peroxidase isozyme analysis indicated that PO-1 was increased dramatically in tomato leaves 1 d after treatment and maintained at the same level throughout the experimental period of 6 d. When tomato leaves were treated with QIGE, a two-fold increase in chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities was recorded 2 and 3 d respectively, after treatment. The enhanced activities of defense-related enzymes and elevated levels of phenolics in QIGE-treated tomato plants between 1 and 3 d after treatment suggest that these induced biochemical defenses may be involved in the suppression of early blight by QIGE.  相似文献   

Summary The PR-like proteins, class I -1,3-glucanase (GLU I) and chitinase (CHN I), are induced as part of a stereotypic response that can provide protection against viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens. We have identified two Nicotiana plumbaginifolia ankyrin-repeat proteins, designated lucanohydrolase inding roteins (GBP) 1 and 2, that bind GLU I and CHN I both in vitro and when expressed in yeast cells. Sense as well as antisense transformants of tobacco carrying the GBP1 gene elaborated graft-transmissible acropetally moving signals that induced the downward curling of young leaves. This phenotype was associated with reduced starch, sucrose, and fructose accumulation; the formation of necrotic lesions; and, the induction of markers for the hypersensitive response. GBP1/2 are members of a conserved lant-specific yrin- repeat (PANK) family that includes proteins implicated in carbohydrate allocation, reactive oxygen metabolism, hypersensitive cell death, rapid elicitor responses, virus pathogenesis, and auxin signaling. The similarity in phenotype of PANK transformants and transformants altered in carbohydrate metabolism leads us to propose that PANK family members are multifunctional proteins involved in linking plant defense responses and carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

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