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Hierarchical Bayes models for cDNA microarray gene expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA microarrays are used in many contexts to compare mRNA levels between samples of cells. Microarray experiments typically give us expression measurements on 1000-20 000 genes, but with few replicates for each gene. Traditional methods using means and standard deviations to detect differential expression are not satisfactory in this context. A handful of alternative statistics have been developed, including several empirical Bayes methods. In the present paper we present two full hierarchical Bayes models for detecting gene expression, of which one (D) describes our microarray data very well. We also compare the full Bayes and empirical Bayes approaches with respect to model assumptions, false discovery rates and computer running time. The proposed models are compared to existing empirical Bayes models in a simulation study and for a set of data (Yuen et al., 2002), where 27 genes have been categorized by quantitative real-time PCR. It turns out that the existing empirical Bayes methods have at least as good performance as the full Bayes ones.  相似文献   

Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 simulated data set, we compared the technique of importance sampling to several other methods designed to adjust p-values for multiple testing: the Bonferroni correction, the method proposed by Feingold et al., and na?ve Monte Carlo simulation. We performed affected sib-pair linkage analysis for each of the 100 replicates for each of five binary traits and adjusted the derived p-values using each of the correction methods. The type I error rates for each correction method and the ability of each of the methods to detect loci known to influence trait values were compared. All of the methods considered were conservative with respect to type I error, especially the Bonferroni method. The ability of these methods to detect trait loci was also low. However, this may be partially due to a limitation inherent in our binary trait definitions.  相似文献   

Large external data sources may be available to augment studies that collect data to address a specific research objective. In this article we consider the problem of building regression models for prediction based on individual-level data from an “internal” study while incorporating summary information from an “external” big data source. We extend the work of Chatterjee et al. (J Am Stat Assoc 111(513):107–117, 2006) by introducing an adaptive empirical Bayes shrinkage estimator that uses the external summary-level information and the internal data to trade bias with variance for protection against departures in the conditional probability distribution of the outcome given a set of covariates between the two populations. We use simulation studies and a real data application using external summary information from the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial to assess the performance of the proposed methods in contrast to maximum likelihood estimation and the constrained maximum likelihood (CML) method developed by Chatterjee et al. (J Am Stat Assoc 111(513):107–117, 2006). Our simulation studies show that the CML method can be biased and inefficient when the assumption of a transportable covariate distribution between the external and internal populations is violated, and our empirical Bayes estimator provides protection against bias and loss of efficiency.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Detection of differentially expressed genes is one of the major goals of microarray experiments. Pairwise comparison for each gene is not appropriate without controlling the overall (experimentwise) type 1 error rate. Dudoit et al. have advocated use of permutation-based step-down P-value adjustments to correct the observed significance levels for the individual (i.e. for each gene) two sample t-tests. RESULTS: In this paper, we consider an ANOVA formulation of the gene expression levels corresponding to multiple tissue types. We provide resampling-based step-down adjustments to correct the observed significance levels for the individual ANOVA t-tests for each gene and for each pair of tissue type comparisons. More importantly, we introduce a novel empirical Bayes adjustment to the t-test statistics that can be incorporated into the step-down procedure. Using simulated data, we show that the empirical Bayes adjustment improved the sensitivity of detecting differentially expressed genes up to 16%, while maintaining a high level of specificity. This adjustment also reduces the false non-discovery rate to some degree at the cost of a modest increase in the false discovery rate. We illustrate our approach using a human colon cancer dataset consisting of oligonucleotide arrays of normal, adenoma and carcinoma cells. The number of genes with differential expression level declared statistically significant was about 50 when comparing normal to adenoma cells and about five when comparing adenoma to carcinoma cells. This list includes genes previously known to be associated with colon cancer as well as some novel genes. AVAILABILITY: R code for the empirical Bayes adjustment and step-down P-value calculation via resampling are available from the supplementary web-site. Supplementary information: http://www.mathstat.gsu.edu/~matsnd/EB/supp.htm  相似文献   

Microarrays are widely used for examining differential gene expression, identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms, and detecting methylation loci. Multiple testing methods in microarray data analysis aim at controlling both Type I and Type II error rates; however, real microarray data do not always fit their distribution assumptions. Smyth''s ubiquitous parametric method, for example, inadequately accommodates violations of normality assumptions, resulting in inflated Type I error rates. The Significance Analysis of Microarrays, another widely used microarray data analysis method, is based on a permutation test and is robust to non-normally distributed data; however, the Significance Analysis of Microarrays method fold change criteria are problematic, and can critically alter the conclusion of a study, as a result of compositional changes of the control data set in the analysis. We propose a novel approach, combining resampling with empirical Bayes methods: the Resampling-based empirical Bayes Methods. This approach not only reduces false discovery rates for non-normally distributed microarray data, but it is also impervious to fold change threshold since no control data set selection is needed. Through simulation studies, sensitivities, specificities, total rejections, and false discovery rates are compared across the Smyth''s parametric method, the Significance Analysis of Microarrays, and the Resampling-based empirical Bayes Methods. Differences in false discovery rates controls between each approach are illustrated through a preterm delivery methylation study. The results show that the Resampling-based empirical Bayes Methods offer significantly higher specificity and lower false discovery rates compared to Smyth''s parametric method when data are not normally distributed. The Resampling-based empirical Bayes Methods also offers higher statistical power than the Significance Analysis of Microarrays method when the proportion of significantly differentially expressed genes is large for both normally and non-normally distributed data. Finally, the Resampling-based empirical Bayes Methods are generalizable to next generation sequencing RNA-seq data analysis.  相似文献   

A flexible statistical framework is developed for the analysis of read counts from RNA-Seq gene expression studies. It provides the ability to analyse complex experiments involving multiple treatment conditions and blocking variables while still taking full account of biological variation. Biological variation between RNA samples is estimated separately from the technical variation associated with sequencing technologies. Novel empirical Bayes methods allow each gene to have its own specific variability, even when there are relatively few biological replicates from which to estimate such variability. The pipeline is implemented in the edgeR package of the Bioconductor project. A case study analysis of carcinoma data demonstrates the ability of generalized linear model methods (GLMs) to detect differential expression in a paired design, and even to detect tumour-specific expression changes. The case study demonstrates the need to allow for gene-specific variability, rather than assuming a common dispersion across genes or a fixed relationship between abundance and variability. Genewise dispersions de-prioritize genes with inconsistent results and allow the main analysis to focus on changes that are consistent between biological replicates. Parallel computational approaches are developed to make non-linear model fitting faster and more reliable, making the application of GLMs to genomic data more convenient and practical. Simulations demonstrate the ability of adjusted profile likelihood estimators to return accurate estimators of biological variability in complex situations. When variation is gene-specific, empirical Bayes estimators provide an advantageous compromise between the extremes of assuming common dispersion or separate genewise dispersion. The methods developed here can also be applied to count data arising from DNA-Seq applications, including ChIP-Seq for epigenetic marks and DNA methylation analyses.  相似文献   

As larger, more complex data sets are being used to infer phylogenies, accuracy of these phylogenies increasingly requires models of evolution that accommodate heterogeneity in the processes of molecular evolution. We investigated the effect of improper data partitioning on phylogenetic accuracy, as well as the type I error rate and sensitivity of Bayes factors, a commonly used method for choosing among different partitioning strategies in Bayesian analyses. We also used Bayes factors to test empirical data for the need to divide data in a manner that has no expected biological meaning. Posterior probability estimates are misleading when an incorrect partitioning strategy is assumed. The error was greatest when the assumed model was underpartitioned. These results suggest that model partitioning is important for large data sets. Bayes factors performed well, giving a 5% type I error rate, which is remarkably consistent with standard frequentist hypothesis tests. The sensitivity of Bayes factors was found to be quite high when the across-class model heterogeneity reflected that of empirical data. These results suggest that Bayes factors represent a robust method of choosing among partitioning strategies. Lastly, results of tests for the inclusion of unexpected divisions in empirical data mirrored the simulation results, although the outcome of such tests is highly dependent on accounting for rate variation among classes. We conclude by discussing other approaches for partitioning data, as well as other applications of Bayes factors.  相似文献   

A microarray experiment includes many steps, and each one of them may include systematic variations. To have a sound analysis, the systematic bias must be identified and removed prior to the data being analyzed. Based on the M-A dependency observed by Dudoit et al. (2002), we suggest that, instead of using the lowess normalization, a new normalization method called ANCOVA be used for dealing with genes with replicates. Simulation studies have shown that the performance of the suggested ANCOVA method is superior to any of the available approaches with regards to the Fisher's Z score and concordance rate. We used a microarray data from bladder cancer to illustrate the application of our approach. The edge the ANCOVA method has over the existing normalization approaches is further confirmed through real-time PCR.  相似文献   

Identifying differential expressed genes across various conditions or genotypes is the most typical approach to studying the regulation of gene expression. An estimate of gene-specific variance is often needed for the assessment of statistical significance in most differential expression (DE) detection methods, including linear models (e.g., for transformed and normalized microarray data) and generalized linear models (e.g., for count data in RNAseq). Due to a common limit in sample size, the variance estimate is often unstable in small experiments. Shrinkage estimates using empirical Bayes methods have proven useful in improving the variance estimate, hence improving the detection of DE. The most widely used empirical Bayes methods borrow information across genes within the same experiments. In these methods, genes are considered exchangeable or exchangeable conditioning on expression level. We propose, with the increasing accumulation of expression data, borrowing information from historical data on the same gene can provide better estimate of gene-specific variance, thus further improve DE detection. Specifically, we show that the variation of gene expression is truly gene-specific and reproducible between different experiments. We present a new method to establish informative gene-specific prior on the variance of expression using existing public data, and illustrate how to shrink the variance estimate and detect DE. We demonstrate improvement in DE detection under our strategy compared to leading DE detection methods.  相似文献   

Sets of presence records used to model species’ distributions typically consist of observations collected opportunistically rather than systematically. As a result, sampling probability is geographically uneven, which may confound the model's characterization of the species’ distribution. Modelers frequently address sampling bias by manipulating training data: either subsampling presence data or creating a similar spatial bias in non‐presence background data. We tested a new method, which we call ‘background thickening’, in the latter category. Background thickening entails concentrating background locations around presence locations in proportion to presence location density. We compared background thickening to two established sampling bias correction methods – target group background selection and presence thinning – using simulated data and data from a case study. In the case study, background thickening and presence thinning performed similarly well, both producing better model discrimination than target group background selection, and better model calibration than models without correction. In the simulation, background thickening performed better than presence thinning when the number of simulated presence locations was low, and vice versa. We discuss drawbacks to target group background selection, why background thickening and presence thinning are conservative but robust sampling bias correction methods, and why background thickening is better than presence thinning for small sample sizes. Particularly, background thickening is advantageous for treating sampling bias when data are scarce because it avoids discarding presence records.  相似文献   

Codon-based substitution models are routinely used to measure selective pressures acting on protein-coding genes. To this effect, the nonsynonymous to synonymous rate ratio (dN/dS = omega) is estimated. The proportion of amino-acid sites potentially under positive selection, as indicated by omega > 1, is inferred by fitting a probability distribution where some sites are permitted to have omega > 1. These sites are then inferred by means of an empirical Bayes or by a Bayes empirical Bayes approach that, respectively, ignores or accounts for sampling errors in maximum-likelihood estimates of the distribution used to infer the proportion of sites with omega > 1. Here, we extend a previous full-Bayes approach to include models with high power and low false-positive rates when inferring sites under positive selection. We propose some heuristics to alleviate the computational burden, and show that (i) full Bayes can be superior to empirical Bayes when analyzing a small data set or small simulated data, (ii) full Bayes has only a small advantage over Bayes empirical Bayes with our small test data, and (iii) Bayesian methods appear relatively insensitive to mild misspecifications of the random process generating adaptive evolution in our simulations, but in practice can prove extremely sensitive to model specification. We suggest that the codon model used to detect amino acids under selection should be carefully selected, for instance using Akaike information criterion (AIC).  相似文献   

cDNA arrays allow quantitative measurement of expression levels for thousands of genes simultaneously. The measurements are affected by many sources of variation, and substantial improvements in the precision of estimated effects accompany adjustments for these effects. Two generic nuisance variations, one associated with the magnitude of expression and the other associated with array location, are common in data from filter arrays. Procedures, like normalization using lowess regression, are effective at reducing variation associated with magnitude, and they have been widely adopted. However, variation associated with location has received less attention. Here, a simple, but effective method based on localized median is expounded for dealing with these nuisance effects, and its properties are discussed. The proposed methodology handles location-dependent variation ("splotches") and magnitude-dependent variation (background and/or saturation) effectively. The procedure is related to lowess when implemented to adjust magnitude-dependent variation, and it performs similarly. The proposed methodology is illustrated with data from the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR), where treatment differences in levels of mRNA from rat hepatocytes were assessed using 33P-labeled samples hybridized to cDNA spotted arrays. Normalizing intensities by the median-of-subsets removes systematic variation associated with the location of a gene on the array and/or the level of its expression. This procedure is easy to implement using iteratively reweighted least-squares algorithms. Although less sophisticated than lowess, this procedure works nearly as well for normalizing intensities based upon their magnitude. Unlike lowess, it can adjust for location-dependent effects.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: An important goal in analyzing microarray data is to determine which genes are differentially expressed across two kinds of tissue samples or samples obtained under two experimental conditions. Various parametric tests, such as the two-sample t-test, have been used, but their possibly too strong parametric assumptions or large sample justifications may not hold in practice. As alternatives, a class of three nonparametric statistical methods, including the empirical Bayes method of Efron et al. (2001), the significance analysis of microarray (SAM) method of Tusher et al. (2001) and the mixture model method (MMM) of Pan et al. (2001), have been proposed. All the three methods depend on constructing a test statistic and a so-called null statistic such that the null statistic's distribution can be used to approximate the null distribution of the test statistic. However, relatively little effort has been directed toward assessment of the performance or the underlying assumptions of the methods in constructing such test and null statistics. RESULTS: We point out a problem of a current method to construct the test and null statistics, which may lead to largely inflated Type I errors (i.e. false positives). We also propose two modifications that overcome the problem. In the context of MMM, the improved performance of the modified methods is demonstrated using simulated data. In addition, our numerical results also provide evidence to support the utility and effectiveness of MMM.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in understanding how the brain utilizes synchronized oscillatory activity to integrate information across functionally connected regions. Computing phase-locking values (PLV) between EEG signals is a popular method for quantifying such synchronizations and elucidating their role in cognitive tasks. However, high-dimensionality in PLV data incurs a serious multiple testing problem. Standard multiple testing methods in neuroimaging research (e.g., false discovery rate, FDR) suffer severe loss of power, because they fail to exploit complex dependence structure between hypotheses that vary in spectral, temporal and spatial dimension. Previously, we showed that a hierarchical FDR and optimal discovery procedures could be effectively applied for PLV analysis to provide better power than FDR. In this article, we revisit the multiple comparison problem from a new Empirical Bayes perspective and propose the application of the local FDR method (locFDR; Efron, 2001) for PLV synchrony analysis to compute FDR as a posterior probability that an observed statistic belongs to a null hypothesis. We demonstrate the application of Efron''s Empirical Bayes approach for PLV synchrony analysis for the first time. We use simulations to validate the specificity and sensitivity of locFDR and a real EEG dataset from a visual search study for experimental validation. We also compare locFDR with hierarchical FDR and optimal discovery procedures in both simulation and experimental analyses. Our simulation results showed that the locFDR can effectively control false positives without compromising on the power of PLV synchrony inference. Our results from the application locFDR on experiment data detected more significant discoveries than our previously proposed methods whereas the standard FDR method failed to detect any significant discoveries.  相似文献   

DNA microarray experiments have generated large amount of gene expression measurements across different conditions. One crucial step in the analysis of these data is to detect differentially expressed genes. Some parametric methods, including the two-sample t-test (T-test) and variations of it, have been used. Alternatively, a class of non-parametric algorithms, such as the Wilcoxon rank sum test (WRST), significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) of Tusher et al. (2001), the empirical Bayesian (EB) method of Efron et al. (2001), etc., have been proposed. Most available popular methods are based on t-statistic. Due to the quality of the statistic that they used to describe the difference between groups of data, there are situations when these methods are inefficient, especially when the data follows multi-modal distributions. For example, some genes may display different expression patterns in the same cell type, say, tumor or normal, to form some subtypes. Most available methods are likely to miss these genes. We developed a new non-parametric method for selecting differentially expressed genes by relative entropy, called SDEGRE, to detect differentially expressed genes by combining relative entropy and kernel density estimation, which can detect all types of differences between two groups of samples. The significance of whether a gene is differentially expressed or not can be estimated by resampling-based permutations. We illustrate our method on two data sets from Golub et al. (1999) and Alon et al. (1999). Comparing the results with those of the T-test, the WRST and the SAM, we identified novel differentially expressed genes which are of biological significance through previous biological studies while they were not detected by the other three methods. The results also show that the genes selected by SDEGRE have a better capability to distinguish the two cell types.  相似文献   

In the analysis of genome-wide association (GWA) data, the aim is to detect statistical associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the disease or trait of interest. These SNPs, or the particular regions of the genome they implicate, are then considered for further study. We demonstrate through a comprehensive simulation study that the inclusion of additional, biologically relevant information through a 2-level empirical Bayes hierachical model framework offers a more robust method of detecting associated SNPs. The empirical Bayes approach is an objective means of analyzing the data without the need for the setting of subjective parameter estimates. This framework gives more stable estimates of effects through a reduction of the variability in the usual effect estimates. We also demonstrate the consequences of including additional information that is not informative and examine power and false-positive rates. We apply the methodology to a number of genome-wide association (GWA) data sets with the inclusion of additional biological information. Our results agree with previous findings and in the case of one data set (Crohn's disease) suggest an additional region of interest.  相似文献   

We introduce new robust small area estimation procedures basedon area-level models. We first find influence functions correspondingto each individual area-level observation by measuring the divergencebetween the posterior density functions of regression coefficientswith and without that observation. Next, based on these influencefunctions, properly standardized, we propose some new robustBayes and empirical Bayes small area estimators. The mean squarederrors and estimated mean squared errors of these estimatorsare also found. A small simulation study compares the performanceof the robust and the regular empirical Bayes estimators. Whenthe model variance is larger than the sample variance, the proposedrobust empirical Bayes estimators are superior.  相似文献   

Lolle et al. reported a high frequency of genomic changes in ARABIDOPSIS plants carrying the hothead mutation and proposed that the changes observed were the result of a gene correction system mediated by a hypothetical RNA cache. Here, we propose a very different hypothesis to explain the data reported by Lolle et al. Our hypothesis is based on a relatively straightforward developmental aberration in which maternal cells ("Legacy cells") fuse with the developing embryo, resulting in a chimera, which could then give rise to the aberrant genetic segregations reported by Lolle et al.  相似文献   

Xue  Liugen; Zhu  Lixing 《Biometrika》2007,94(4):921-937
A semiparametric regression model for longitudinal data is considered.The empirical likelihood method is used to estimate the regressioncoefficients and the baseline function, and to construct confidenceregions and intervals. It is proved that the maximum empiricallikelihood estimator of the regression coefficients achievesasymptotic efficiency and the estimator of the baseline functionattains asymptotic normality when a bias correction is made.Two calibrated empirical likelihood approaches to inferencefor the baseline function are developed. We propose a groupwiseempirical likelihood procedure to handle the inter-series dependencefor the longitudinal semiparametric regression model, and employbias correction to construct the empirical likelihood ratiofunctions for the parameters of interest. This leads us to provea nonparametric version of Wilks' theorem. Compared with methodsbased on normal approximations, the empirical likelihood doesnot require consistent estimators for the asymptotic varianceand bias. A simulation compares the empirical likelihood andnormal-based methods in terms of coverage accuracies and averageareas/lengths of confidence regions/intervals.  相似文献   

We develop an approach for microarray differential expression analysis, i.e. identifying genes whose expression levels differ between two or more groups. Current approaches to inference rely either on full parametric assumptions or on permutation-based techniques for sampling under the null distribution. In some situations, however, a full parametric model cannot be justified, or the sample size per group is too small for permutation methods to be valid. We propose a semi-parametric framework based on partial mixture estimation which only requires a parametric assumption for the null (equally expressed) distribution and can handle small sample sizes where permutation methods break down. We develop two novel improvements of Scott's minimum integrated square error criterion for partial mixture estimation [Scott, 2004a,b]. As a side benefit, we obtain interpretable and closed-form estimates for the proportion of EE genes. Pseudo-Bayesian and frequentist procedures for controlling the false discovery rate are given. Results from simulations and real datasets indicate that our approach can provide substantial advantages for small sample sizes over the SAM method of Tusher et al. [2001], the empirical Bayes procedure of Efron and Tibshirani [2002], the mixture of normals of Pan et al. [2003] and a t-test with p-value adjustment [Dudoit et al., 2003] to control the FDR [Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995].  相似文献   

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