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The dispersal of plant-feeding mites can occur involuntarily, through transportation of infested plant parts, or voluntarily, by walking to new plant parts or to suitable spots where biotic (phoresis) or abiotic (wind, agricultural tools, etc.) factors carry them over long distances. Elucidating the dispersal mechanisms of the coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, is important for understanding the process of colonization of new fruits of a same or different plants, essential for the improvement of control strategies of this serious coconut pest. Thus, the objective of this work was to investigate the voluntary dispersal mechanisms of this mite. The hypothesis that the coconut mite disperses by walking, phoresis or wind were tested. The coconut mite was shown to be able to walk short distances between fruits of the same bunch or between bunches of the same plant. Phoresis on insects of the orders Hymenoptera (Apidae), Coleoptera (Curculionidae) and Lepidoptera (Phycitidae) was evaluated in the laboratory and in the field. Although in the laboratory mites were shown to be able to climb onto honeybees, field investigations failed to show these insects as important carriers of the pest, corroborating findings of previous works; however, both laboratory and field investigations suggested the curculionid Parisoschoenus obesulus Casey to be able to transport the coconut mite between plants. Similarly, laboratory and field investigations suggested wind to be important in the dispersal of the coconut mite between plants.  相似文献   

Aceria guerreronis Keifer can cause severe damage to coconuts in several countries around the world. Rare studies have been conducted to determine the predatory mites associated with A. guerreronis in Brazil. The study evaluated the prevalence of A. guerreronis and associated predators on the bracts and on the surface of the fruits underneath the bracts, for 12 months, on coconut palms grown along the coast of the States of Alagoas, Paraíba and Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. Mites of 10 families were found, but by far the most abundant species was A. guerreronis, corresponding to 99.5% of the mites collected. The prevailing species amongst the predators were the Phytoseiidae mites Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus paspalivorus (De Leon). These are flat mites that have short limbs, characteristics that allow them to invade the main habitat occupied by A. guerreronis. Other predators were found, but in low numbers, due mainly to their difficulty in reaching the fruit areas most inhabited by A. guerreronis. However, these mites could prey on that pest when it leaves its preferred habitat to disperse. No significant correlations were observed between the levels of abiotic factors and the population levels of A. guerreronis or of the phytoseiids associated with it. This probably occurred due to the simultaneous and conflicting effects of those factors on the mites in the field, or to significant differences between the climatic factors measured in the environment and those prevailing in the habitat occupied by A. guerreronis.  相似文献   

Aceria guerreronis Keifer is considered one of the main pests of coconuts around the world. Amongst the Phytoseiidae recorded on this crop, Amblyseius largoensis (Muma) has been reported in association with A. guerreronis. In order to verify whether A. largoensis feeds on A. guerreronis, the biology of this predator was evaluated on different food sources, including A. guerreronis. Three types of diet were tested [Tetranychus urticae Koch + castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) pollen + honey at 10%, A. guerreronis + pollen + honey, and only A. guerreronis], determining its development, survivorship, oviposition, sex ratio and longevity at 27 degrees C, 60 +/- 5% RH 12 h photophase. Fertility life tables were constructed. The duration of the immature phase was lower when feeding only on A. guerreronis, while fecundity was higher when feeding on a prey + pollen + honey. There was no difference in relation to survivorship of the immature stages between the three diets. Parameters of fertility life tables were higher when the diet included A. guerreronis or T. urticae + pollen + honey, although the predator was able to complete its life cycle and reproduce when feeding exclusively on A. guerreronis. The results suggest that A. largoensis preys upon A. guerreronis under natural condition and that it might play some role in the control of the latter.  相似文献   

An efficient, low cost and practicable mass rearing method for the predatory mite, Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) was developed using a bag made of two-ply polypropylene (gauge 150, 24 cm × 36 cm) sheets. Introducing 20 N. baraki females into the bag produced a mean number 5218 ± 212.10 offspring in 6 weeks with a 260-fold increase of the initial population.  相似文献   

The coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, is one of the main pests of coconut palms (Cocos nucifera) in northeastern Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the levels of the coconut mite and other mites on coconut palms in the state of S?o Paulo and to estimate the possible role of predatory mites in the control of this pest. The effect of cultivated genotypes and sampling dates on the mite populations was also estimated. We sampled attached fruits, leaflets, inflorescences, and fallen fruits. The coconut mite was the main phytophagous mite found on attached and fallen fruits, with average densities of 110.0 and 20.5 mites per fruit, respectively. The prevalent predatory mites on attached and fallen fruits were Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis & Gondim Jr. and Proctolaelaps bickleyi (Bram), both Melicharidae. On leaflets, the tenuipalpids Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijsks) and Tenuipalpus coyacus De Leon and the tetranychid Oligonychus modestus (Banks) were the predominant phytophagous mites. On both leaflets and inflorescences, the predominant predatory mites belonged to the Phytoseiidae. Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus paspalivorus (De Leon), predators widely associated with the coconut mite in northeastern Brazil and several other countries, were not found. The low densities of the coconut mite in S?o Paulo could be related to prevailing climatic conditions, scarcity of coconut plantations (hampering the dispersion of the coconut mite between fields), and to the fact that some of the genotypes cultivated in the region are unfavorable for its development.  相似文献   

The coconut mite (CM), Aceria guerreronis Keifer, has spread to most coconut production areas worldwide and it has been considered one of the most notorious and important pests of coconut fruits in many countries. Although CM has been reported to damage coconuts for over 40 years in the Americas and Africa it continues to cause considerable losses in countries of these continents, and in the last 15 years it has also reached countries from southeast Asia—India and Sri Lanka. Several other countries of southeast Asia are also major coconut producers and the impact by the mite in currently affected areas suggests that the dispersion of CM to these major producers could lead to very heavy losses. Great advances about our knowledge on CM and its control have been achieved, especially in the last decade, after its introduction into Asia. However, much remains to be known to allow the design of efficient strategies to it. This paper brings together information on CM invasive history, distribution, hosts, morphology, biology, dispersal, colonization process, population dynamics, symptoms and injury, estimated losses, sampling techniques, control strategies and new perspectives for its control.  相似文献   

Coconut is an important crop in tropical and subtropical regions. Among the mites that infest coconut palms, Aceria guerreronis Keifer is economically the most important. We conducted surveys throughout the coconut growing areas of Brazil. Samples were taken from attached coconuts, leaflets, fallen coconuts and inflorescences of coconut palms in 112 localities aiming to determine the occurrence and the distribution of phytophagous mites, particularly A. guerreronis, and associated natural enemies. Aceria guerreronis was the most abundant phytophagous mite followed by Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego & Gondim Jr. and Steneotarsonemus furcatus De Leon (Tarsonemidae). Infestation by A. guerreronis was recorded in 87% of the visited localities. About 81% of all predatory mites belonged to the family Phytoseiidae, mainly represented by Neoseiulus paspalivorus De Leon, Neoseiulus baraki Athias-Henriot and Amblyseius largoensis Muma; 12% were Ascidae, mainly Proctolaelaps bickleyi Bram, Proctolaelaps sp nov and Lasioseius subterraneus Chant. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki were the most abundant predators on attached coconuts. Ascidae were predominant on fallen coconuts, while A. largoensis was predominant on leaflets; no mites were found on branches of inflorescences. Leaflets harboured higher mite diversity than the attached coconuts. Mite diversity was the highest in the state Pará and on palms surrounded by seasonal forests and Amazonian rain-forests. Neoseiulus paspalivorus, N. baraki and P. bickleyi were identified as the most promising predators of A. guerreronis. Analyses of the influence of climatic factors revealed that dry ambient conditions favour the establishment of A. guerreronis. Neoseiulus paspalivorus and N. baraki have differing climatic requirements; the former being more abundant in warm and dry areas, the latter prevailing in moderately tempered and humid areas. We discuss the significance of our findings for natural and biological control of A. guerreronis.  相似文献   

记述瘿螨亚科Eriophyinae瘤瘿螨属4新种:柳州瘤瘿螨Aceria liuzhouensis sp.nov.,采自柳州的木芙蓉;狗肝菜瘤瘿螨Aceria dicliptera sp.nov.,采自武鸣县的狗肝菜;上思瘤瘿螨Aceria shangsiensis sp.nov.和破布叶瘤瘿螨Aceria microcis sp.nov.,分别采自防城市的降真香和破布叶。  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years the coconut mite Aceria guerreronis Keifer has emerged as one of the most important pests of coconut and has recently spread to most coconut production areas worldwide. The mite has not been recorded in the Indo-Pacific region, the area of origin of coconut, suggesting that it has infested coconut only recently. To investigate the geographical origin, ancestral host associations, and colonization history of the mite, DNA sequence data from two mitochondrial and one nuclear region were obtained from samples of 29 populations from the Americas, Africa and the Indo-ocean region. Mitochondrial DNA 16S ribosomal sequences were most diverse in Brazil, which contained six of a total of seven haplotypes. A single haplotype was shared by non-American mites. Patterns of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) variation were similar, again with the highest nucleotide diversity found in Brazil. These results suggest an American origin of the mite and lend evidence to a previous hypothesis that the original host of the mite is a non-coconut palm. In contrast to the diversity in the Americas, all samples from Africa and Asia were identical or very similar, consistent with the hypothesis that the mite invaded these regions recently from a common source. Although the invasion routes of this mite are still only partially reconstructed, the study rules out coconut as the ancestral host of A. guerreronis, thus prompting a reassessment of efforts using quarantine and biological control to check the spread of the pest.  相似文献   

Aceria guerreronis Keifer is a major coconut pest in the Americas, Africa and some Asian countries, and occurs in high population levels in northeastern Brazil. The determination of the climatic conditions that favorably affect its population growth and the prevalence and abundance of predatory mites can promote more efficient control practices. Our objective was to evaluate the pattern of occurrence and population dynamics of A. guerreronis, their associated predators and other mites during a 2?year period in a hybrid coconut plantation in the municipality of Una, state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Monthly samples of fruits were taken from June 2008 to May 2010 for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of mites. Aceria guerreronis represented 99.9?% of the mites. An average density of 1,117 mites per fruit and a maximum of 23,596 mites per fruit indicated that the level of infestation can be high in Bahia. Bdella ueckermanni Hernandes, Daud and Feres was the most abundant and frequent predator. Population increase of A. guerreronis was directly related to the temperature rise and inversely related to both the increase of air relative humidity and rainfall. The highest population densities occurred from November to March. The largest A. guerreronis populations occurred in fruits with 32 and 48?% of damaged surface. The relationship between prevailing wind direction and incidence of A. guerreronis could not be corroborated or refuted.  相似文献   

Mites are one of the serious pests of turfgrass. Our survey of turfgrass fields from 2013 to 2015 in Korea showed that the occurrence of leaf chlorotic symptom has gradually extended to at least 60% of the examined golf courses. We identified the zoysiae mite Aceria zoysiae in most damaged zoysiagrasses. Artificial infestation of A. zoysiae into zoysiagrasses in pots resulted in symptoms of chlorosis and marginal rolling of the leaves within 3 weeks. We firstly determined the nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA region of A. zoysiae. The variations in COI and ITS2 between A. zoysiae and other species of the genus were 20.9%–43.0% and 7.5%–67.3%, respectively, suggesting significant genetic divergence within the genus. Our study provides valuable information for the rapid diagnosis and infestation monitoring of A. zoysiae in turfgrass fields.  相似文献   

The coconut palm is an important crop in the sub arid coastal plain of Dhofar, Oman, for the high demand for its nut water and its use as ornamental plant. Damage of coconut fruits by the eriophyid mite Aceria guerreronis Keifer was first reported in that region in the late 1980s, but background information about the ecology of the pest in Oman was missing. Four surveys were conducted in different seasons from 2008 to 2009, to assess the distribution and prevalence of the coconut mite and its damage as well as the presence of natural enemies. Infestation by the coconut mite was conspicuous on most (99.7 %) palm trees, with 82.5 % damaged fruits. The average (±SE) density of coconut mites per fruit was 750 ± 56; this level of infestation led to the incidence of over 25 % of surface damage on more than half of the fruits. The mite appeared more abundant at the end of the cold season through the summer. No significant differences were observed between infestation levels on local varieties, hybrids and on dwarf varieties. Neoseiulus paspalivorus (De Leon), Cydnoseius negevi (Swirski & Amitai) and Amblyseius largoensis (Muma) were the predatory mites found under the bracts of over 30 % of the coconut fruits and on 68 % of the coconut trees. Considering all sampling dates and all varieties together, average (± SE) phytoseiid density was 1.4 ± 1.19 per fruit. Other mites found in the same habitat as A. guerreronis included the tarsonemids Steneotarsonemus furcatus De Leon and Nasutitarsonemus omani Lofego & Moraes. The pathogenic fungus Hirsutella thompsonii Fisher was rarely found infecting the coconut mite in Dhofar. Other fungal pathogens, namely Cordyceps sp. and Simplicillium sp., were more prevalent.  相似文献   

外源茉莉酸及枸杞瘿螨危害诱导的枸杞防御反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用植物的诱导抗性防治病虫害越来越受重视, 为寻求枸杞害虫防治的新方法, 探索外源茉莉酸对枸杞的诱导反应及机制, 本研究测定了外源茉莉酸(jasmonic acid, JA)及枸杞瘿螨Aceria pallida Keifer危害对枸杞叶蛋白酶抑制剂(protease inhibitors, PIs)、 超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)、 苯丙氨酸解氨酶(phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, PAL)活性及多糖(polysaccharide)、 木质素(xylogen)含量的变化。结果表明: 外源JA处理或枸杞瘿螨危害均使枸杞叶PIs, SOD和PAL活性及木质素含量显著提高, 却使多糖含量显著降低。胰凝乳蛋白酶抑制剂(chymotrypsin inhibitors, CI)和胰蛋白酶抑制剂(trypsin inhibitor, TI)在喷洒JA或枸杞瘿螨危害的第5 天增幅最大, 且在JA浓度、 瘿螨危害间差异显著(P<0.05), 其中, 0.1 mmol/L JA处理使CI增加了96%, TI增加了128%, 枸杞瘿螨危害使CI增加了94%, TI增加了122%。枸杞叶多糖含量在JA处理或瘿螨危害后显著降低(P<0.05), 且与JA浓度有关, 浓度越高, 降低越明显。 JA或瘿螨危害使枸杞叶木质素增加的最大值出现在处理后的第5 天, 高浓度JA、 瘿螨危害及低浓度JA分别使其增加了70%, 41%和36%, 三者之间差异显著(P<0.05), 第10 天增加幅度减低。 3种处理同样使SOD和PAL活性显著增加(P<0.05), 第5天时增幅最大, 高浓度JA 处理使枸杞叶SOD活性由对照的70.77 U增加到128.98 U, PAL活性由10.91 U增加到20.59 U, 第10天时呈现下降趋势。这些与抗性有关物质的变化及其变化趋势, 说明外源茉莉酸及枸杞瘿螨均可诱导枸杞产生防御反应, 而且反应的程度与茉莉酸浓度及处理后的时间有关。  相似文献   

A method was developed for the rearing of coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae), and its predatory mite Neoseiulus baraki (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on embryo culture seedlings of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in the laboratory. Seedlings in the ages of <2, 2–4 and 4–6 months were infested with 75 field-collected coconut mites and the population growth was determined up to six weeks after introduction. The populations of coconut mites increased exponentially up to five weeks after introduction and declined thereafter on seedlings of all ages with significant differences among the three groups of seedlings occurring over time. At week 5, a significantly higher mean number (±SE) of coconut mites (20,098 ± 3,465) was bred on 4–6-month-old seedlings than on smaller seedlings, and on the largest seedlings the numbers were highest at all time intervals, except at week 2. Neoseiulus baraki was reared on embryo culture seedlings of the three age groups infested with coconut mites, by introduction of five female deutonymphs and one male, three weeks after introducing coconut mites. Predator numbers progressed significantly over time, but the size of seedlings did not significantly influence the numbers. On all groups of seedlings, the mean number of N. baraki increased up to two weeks after introduction on to seedlings and then declined. Many coconut mites were successfully reared in the laboratory for a longer period by this method and it could also be used as an alternative method to rear N. baraki. Development of this method may contribute to the progress of studies on the biology and ecology of coconut mite and its interactions with natural enemies.  相似文献   

Biological characteristics of Hyalomma rufipes parasitising on rabbits and sheep were compared under laboratory conditions in Gansu, China. Mature ticks could parasitize both rabbits and sheep, while immature ticks only fed on rabbits successfully. Adults sucked blood on sheep significantly longer than on rabbits (16 and 13 days, respectively). Other adult parasite characteristics fed on the two hosts were similar, including the weight of engorged adult, female daily oviposition, and the weight and amount of the egg mass laid. Those indicated that this tick species showed little host specificity between sheep and rabbits during its adult stage. In total, the life cycle of H. rufipes was completed in an average period of 179 days. The average developmental periods were 59 days for egg incubation, 3 and 21 days for immature tick prefeeding and feeding, 2, 12 and 40 days for adult prefeeding, female preoviposition and oviposition. The longer female fed for engorgement, the shorter preoviposition period of engorged female needed, although when the feeding period was less than 15 days, this relationship was not obvious. The results confirmed the correlation between the weight of the engorged female and the number of eggs laid (r = 0.909). The reproductive efficiency index (REI) and reproductive fitness index (RFI) in females was 10.63 and 7.22, respectively. Engorged nymphs moulting to females were significantly heavier (27.6 ± 0.89 mg) than those moulting to males (22.3 ± 0.52 mg). Males outnumbered females by 1.4:1.  相似文献   

The minimum life cycle of Dermacentor silvarum Olenev had a mean duration of 87.5 days (range 74–102 days) under laboratory conditions [(27±1 °C), 70% RH, 6 L: 18 D]. The mean time in (days) for the different stages of its cycle was as follows: incubation period of eggs was 15.3 days; prefeeding, feeding and premoulting periods of larvae and nymphs averaged 5.5, 4.0 and 7.3 days, and 5.2, 5.0 and 14.6 days, respectively; prefeeding, feeding, preoviposition and oviposition periods of female adults lasted for 7.8, 4.5, 4.3 and 14.0 days, respectively. There existed a highly significant correlation between engorged body weight of females and egg masses laid (r = 0.9877, p<0.001). the=" reproductive=" efficiency=" index=" (rei)=" and=" reproductive=" fitness=" index=" (rfi)=" in=" females=" were=" 11.09=" and=" 9.58,=" respectively.=" no=" relationship=" between=" nymphal=" engorged=" body=" weight=" and=" resultant=" sexes=" was=" observed.=" delayed=" feeding=" and=" non-oviposition=" (in=" june=" and=" july)=" existed=" in=" females,=" and=" low=" temperature=" (−10 °c)=" treatment=" for=" 45 days=" could=" terminate=" oviposition=" diapause.=" however,=" the=" egg=" masses=" laid=" by=" post-diapause=" females=" were=" significantly=" smaller=" than=" those=" laid=" by=" females=" engorged=" in=" march,=" april=" and=">  相似文献   

Using a continuous exposure technique, the toxicity of 35 compounds to the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze and Robin) was examined after 48 h. Sixteen acaricides yielded an LC50 of <1.0 mg cm2. The highest toxicity was exhibited by cyclodiene GABA antagonists (dieldrin, endrin and aldrin), some organophosphate (chlorpyrifos, diazinon and azinphosethyl) and carbamate (carbofuran) anticholinesterases and a thiazolidine flubenzimine. Oxythioquinox, fenazaflor, fenazaquin and amitraz were less toxic than the cyclodienes, organophosphates and carbamates. The sodium channel agonists (DDT and pyrethroids) and several specific acaricides with other modes of action were inactive (LC50 >11.0 mg cm-2).  相似文献   

Biological data of three generations of Amblyomma tigrinum in the laboratory are reported and the suitability of different host species for immature ticks are compared. Grouping the three generations, infestations by both the larval and nymphal stages were performed on chickens (Gallus gallus), wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus),wild mice (Calomys callosus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and opossums (Didelphis albiventris). Only dogs were used for infestations by adult ticks. Tick developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27°C and RH 90%. The proportion of engorged larvae recovered from chickens (21.7% of the exposed larvae) was significantly larger (p<0.001) than those from the five mammal species used in the infestations (maximum of 3.1%). A significant larger (p<0.01) proportion of engorged larvae successfully molted after being fed on chickens than on mammal hosts. The proportion of engorged nymphs recovered from chickens (28.8% of the exposed nymphs) was significantly larger (p<0.001) than those from mammal hosts (range: 0–2.1%). Larvae showed similar feeding periods on exposure to different host species, except for those larvae fed on C. callosus, which showed significantly longer (p<0.001) feeding periods. Engorged larvae detachment peaked on the 5th feeding day, followed by the 6th day, on all hosts except for C. callosus. Larval premolt periods were similar for engorged ticks exposed to different host species, except for larvae fed on dogs, which showed significantly longer (p<0.001) premolt periods. Host detachment of engorged nymphs peaked on the 6th feeding day on chickens. Although nymphal detachment on rats peaked on the 8th day, only 15 nymphs were recovered from this host species. In a sample of 144 F3 nymphs fed on chickens no significant difference (p>0.10) was found between the feeding or premolt periods of 82 males and 62 females, but female nymphs were significantly heavier (p<0.005) than male nymphs. Sixteen engorged females (61.5% of the exposed ticks) were recovered after being fed on dogs, and all these females laid viable eggs. Chickens, the only avian host, were the most suitable host when compared with the five mammal species. Dogs were demonstrated to be a suitable host for adults of A. tigrinum, which is consistent with, several reports of adult A. tigrinum ticks parasitizing dogs in different areas of South America. Our results reinforce that in these same areas avian species are the major hosts for immature stages of this tick species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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