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Mercury (Hg) is a highly toxic element that causes bone defects and malformations. Structure and surface analyses using quantitative x-ray diffraction using the Rietveld method, High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and nanodiffraction analyses, and Fourier-Transformed Infrared spectroscopy showed that bone enriched naturally with Hg (≤ 2.3 %) contained Hg3PO4 [(Hg2)3(PO4)2] and HgO. Bone [mostly as apatite, verified as carboxyapatite Ca10(PO4)4(CO3)3(OH)2(s)] and cinnabar (HgS) dissolved releasing Hg+ (existing as dimer Hg22+) and PO43−, both of which became immobilized as (Hg2)3(PO4)2. Besides, released Hg2+ became oxidized to form HgO. The outcome of this work is novel, provided that only a handful of stable compounds of Hg22+ are found in nature.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of modern science is technically controlled experimentation. In this paper, we underline how technical developments over the last 150 years have repeatedly created new horizons in amyloid research. The main focus is on chemical and biophysical analyses of amyloid fibrils in vivo and in vitro. Investigations into mechanistic aspects of fibril formation and possible links with pathogenesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to generate phosphatidic acid and choline. Historically, much PLD work has been conducted in mammalian settings although genes encoding enzymes of this family have been identified in all eukaryotic organisms. Recently, important insights on PLD function are emerging from work in yeast, but much less is known about PLD in other organisms. In this review we will summarize what is known about phospholipase D in several model organisms, including C. elegans, D. discoideum, D. rerio and D. melanogaster. In the cases where knockouts are available (C. elegans, Dictyostelium and Drosophila) the PLD gene(s) appear not to be essential for viability, but several studies are beginning to identify pathways where this activity has a role. Given that the proteins in model organisms are very similar to their mammalian counterparts, we expect that future studies in model organisms will complement and extend ongoing work in mammalian settings. At the end of this review we will also provide a short update on phosphatidic acid targets, a topic last reviewed in 2006.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1987,132(2):167-176
The 1:1 adducts between thebis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)methane (L′-L′) or 2,2′-bis(pyrazol- 1-yl)propane (L″L″) ligand and HgX2 (with X = Cl, CN or CO2CF3) have been obtained as well as [(L′L′)2]Hg(ClO4)2 and the mercury(I) derivative (ligand)2Hg2(ClO4)2. The adducts have been characterized from analytical and spectral data (IR, proton and 13C NMR). Four-coordinated mercury is present in (L′L′)Hg(CN)2, in which the metal-(NN)2C ring adopts an asymmetric boat form. The molecular parameters are significantly different for the two independent molecules, the CHgC angles and the two Hg-N distances being 163.1(9)°and 2.55(1) plus 2.70(1) Å in the one case, and 148.2(8)° and 2.40(1) plus 2.51(1) Å, in the other; correspondingly the N-Hg-N angle, the ‘bite’ of the ligand, ranges from 79.0(5)° to 71.7(4)°, a value outside the range previously reported.  相似文献   

The mitotic cell-cycle duration of root meristematic cells of Eichhornia crassipes as determined by the colchicine labelling method was approximately 24 h at 30 +/- 1 degrees C. In one experiment the intact root meristems of E. crassipes were subjected to 1 h acute exposure to water contaminated with maleic hydrazide (MH), 56 ppm, or methyl mercuric chloride (MMCl), 0.1-0.5 ppm, followed by recovery in tap water for 4-48 h. In a second experiment the roots were subjected to 96 h exposure to water contaminated with MH, 56 ppm, or MMCl, 0.0001-0.1 ppm. In both experiments the cytological end-point measured was the frequency of cells with micronuclei (MNC). In the first experiment, while in the MH-exposed root meristems the frequency of MNC was significant at 40 h of recovery, MMCl induced significant MNC at 12, 20, 24, 40, and 40 h of recovery depending on the concentration. In the second experiment both test chemicals induced MNC which was concentration-dependent in case of MMCl. The highest ineffective concentration tested (HICT) and lowest effective concentration tested (LECT) for MMC determined in this experiment were 0.0005 ppm and 0.001 ppm, respectively. The present work provides evidence that E. crassipes could be a promising in situ environmental biomonitoring assay system.  相似文献   

The genus Apsilochorema Ulmer, 1907 is unique in the family Hydrobiosidae Ulmer, being widely distributed in the Palaearctic, Oriental and Australian Regions. All other 49 genera in the family, except the New World Atopsyche Banks, 1905, are confined to a single biogeographical Region. This unique distribution has independently stimulated researchers to formulate competing hypotheses about the biogeographical history of the genus. Molecular sequence data from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and nuclear cadherin (CAD) genes of Apsilochorema species from the Oriental and Australian areas were analysed phylogenetically. The results retain a monophyletic Apsilochorema, which forms the sistergroup to the other genera in the subfamily Apsilochorematinae. The results from the biogeographical analyses dispute the earlier assumptions of an Oriental or northern Gondwana origin for the genus, revealing unambiguously an initial Australian radiation of the ancestral Apsilochorema with a subsequent dispersal into the Oriental Region. All but one of the Apsilochorema species occurring on the Pacific islands had an Oriental ancestor. The exception is the sistergroup to the New Caledonian species, which is found in both Australia and Oriental Regions. The molecular dating analysis, using a relaxed clock model, indicates that the genus Apsilochorema is about 36.4 MY old and that it dispersed from Australia into the Oriental Region about 28.3 Ma. It also gives an estimate of the approximate ages of the dispersals into New Caledonia to about 15.3 Ma; to the Solomon Islands at about 16.2 Ma; to the Fiji Islands at about 16.1 Ma; and to the Vanuatu Islands at about 5.4 Ma.  相似文献   

复合生态系统动态足迹分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
王健民  王伟  张毅  胡梦春  唐晓燕  陈敏 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2920-2926
由Rees W E.于1992年提出、由Wackernagel M.于1996年完善的生态占用(生态足迹)原理与方法,其主要成果是评价出全球52个有代表性的国家和地区的生态占用盈亏情况,进一步得出全球人均生态占用阈值为1.74hm^2(量纲,下同)、基准值为2.0hm^2,而人均实际生态占用为2.4hm^2,人均生态赤字达0.4hm^2以上,评价结果表明全球生态环境进人了危机阶段,因此具有重要的预警战略意义。但是该方法也存在一些不足之处,如:(1)主要是反映自然生态系统承载力,未能全面反映出社会经济反馈力(人力、物资、资金、管理等方面的投人效用),尤其是忽略了现代科学技术在提高复合生态系统承载力方面的巨大作用和贡献;(2)将各生态类型加权抽象化后所得到的等量化综合指标,难于反映复合生态系统要素与要素间的复杂变化规律;(3)最初创建的方法未反映动态变化情况:(4)新开发的4种时间序列的方法,仍不能反映复合生态要素间生动地相关关系。针对以上主要缺陷,旨在将复合生态系统进行要素分解,进行要素与时间相关分析及要素间动态相关分析。将社会经济冲击力、自然生态环境资源承载力及社会经济科学技术反馈力三者相结合进行分析综合性研究的基础上,于2002年创建了复合生态系统动态足迹(生态史迹)分析原理、方法和研究案例。鉴于社会经济系统对自然生态系统的冲击力、生态环境资源系统的承载力及社会经济科学技术的反馈力都是在变动的,必需进行复合生态系统动态足迹的相关分析。在做出复合生态系统单要素(含因子,下同)随时间要素动态变化、双要素间动态相关分析的基础上;进一步建立了可反映出复合生态系统冲击力、承载力及反馈力的多要素间动态足迹相关模式图。模式图的基本原理是:反映冲击力的人均生态需求(I/P)应小于或等于复合生态承载力的人均有效生态空间(E/P)与单位有效生态空间产出(I’/E)的乘积。以E/P为横轴、I’/E为纵轴作图,图中各点为I/P;图中系列I/P理论等值线可构成复合生态系统承载力基准和序列标准曲线。模式图的基本功能和作用有:(1)通过理论研究和经验分析,可以绘制出复合生态系统有关要素承载力基准与序列标准曲线;(2)通过历史统计资料,可以绘制出复合生态系统相关生态因子冲击力的动态变化曲线;(3)可以对冲击力与承载力基准与标准序列间进行静态和动态评价;(4)可以对反馈力增加复合生态系统承载力的情况进行评价;(5)进一步再进行针对性的原因分析及包括提高反馈力在内的对策性研究。  相似文献   

Biotoxicity of mercury as influenced by mercury(II) speciation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Integration of physicochemical procedures for studying mercury(II) speciation with microbiological procedures for studying the effects of mercury on bacterial growth allows evaluation of ionic factors (e.g., pH and ligand species and concentration) which affect biotoxicity. A Pseudomonas fluorescens strain capable of methylating inorganic Hg(II) was isolated from sediment samples collected at Buffalo Pound Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. The effect of pH and ligand species on the toxic response (i.e., 50% inhibitory concentration [IC50]) of the P. fluorescens isolated to mercury were determined and related to the aqueous speciation of Hg(II). It was determined that the toxicities of different mercury salts were influenced by the nature of the co-ion. At a given pH level, mercuric acetate and mercuric nitrate yielded essentially the same IC50s; mercuric chloride, on the other hand, always produced lower IC50s. For each Hg salt, toxicity was greatest at pH 6.0 and decreased significantly (P = 0.05) at pH 7.0. Increasing the pH to 8.0 had no effect on the toxicity of mercuric acetate or mercuric nitrate but significantly (P = 0.05) reduced the toxicity of mercuric chloride. The aqueous speciation of Hg(II) in the synthetic growth medium M-IIY (a minimal salts medium amended to contain 0.1% yeast extract and 0.1% glycerol) was calculated by using the computer program GEOCHEM-PC with a modified data base. Results of the speciation calculations indicated that complexes of Hg(II) with histidine [Hg(H-HIS)HIS+ and Hg(H-HIS)2(2+)], chloride (HgCl+, HgCl2(0), HgClOH0, and HgCl3-), phosphate (HgHPO4(0), ammonia (HgNH3(2+), glycine [Hg(GLY)+], alanine [Hg(ALA)+], and hydroxyl ion (HgOH+) were the Hg species primarily responsible for toxicity in the M-IIY medium. The toxicity of mercuric nitrate at pH 8.0 was unaffected by the addition of citrate, enhanced by the addition of chloride, and reduced by the addition of cysteine. In the chloride-amended system, HgCl+, HgCl2(0), and HgClOH0 were the species primarily responsible for observed increases in toxicity. In the cysteine-amended system, formation of Hg(CYS)2(2-) was responsible for detoxification effects that were observed. The formation of Hg-citrate complexes was insignificant and had no effect on Hg toxicity.  相似文献   

Although coprophagy is practiced in the wild by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), it occurs more frequently and under more varied circumstances in captivity. This study was designed to determine if different forage materials and amount of residual undigested grain particles found in the feces might cause an increase in coprophagous behavior in those animals which already exhibited the behavior. A possible effect of availability of seed pits and fibrous leaves for “wadge” making, a typical chimpanzee behavior, on levels of coprophagy was also considered. Observations for coprophagous behavior were conducted on 65 juvenile, adolescent, and adult chimpanzees. Coprophagy levels were significantly lower with popcorn than either chicken scratch or sweet feed. A significant increase in coprophagy was noted for all weeks of forage types when tested against the wadge weeks. Residual grain content analysis showed no significant difference in coprophagous behavior between any of the testing conditions. Decreasing levels of coprophagous behaviors may be assisted by the provision of wadge materials. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Integration of physicochemical procedures for studying mercury(II) speciation with microbiological procedures for studying the effects of mercury on bacterial growth allows evaluation of ionic factors (e.g., pH and ligand species and concentration) which affect biotoxicity. A Pseudomonas fluorescens strain capable of methylating inorganic Hg(II) was isolated from sediment samples collected at Buffalo Pound Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. The effect of pH and ligand species on the toxic response (i.e., 50% inhibitory concentration [IC50]) of the P. fluorescens isolated to mercury were determined and related to the aqueous speciation of Hg(II). It was determined that the toxicities of different mercury salts were influenced by the nature of the co-ion. At a given pH level, mercuric acetate and mercuric nitrate yielded essentially the same IC50s; mercuric chloride, on the other hand, always produced lower IC50s. For each Hg salt, toxicity was greatest at pH 6.0 and decreased significantly (P = 0.05) at pH 7.0. Increasing the pH to 8.0 had no effect on the toxicity of mercuric acetate or mercuric nitrate but significantly (P = 0.05) reduced the toxicity of mercuric chloride. The aqueous speciation of Hg(II) in the synthetic growth medium M-IIY (a minimal salts medium amended to contain 0.1% yeast extract and 0.1% glycerol) was calculated by using the computer program GEOCHEM-PC with a modified data base. Results of the speciation calculations indicated that complexes of Hg(II) with histidine [Hg(H-HIS)HIS+ and Hg(H-HIS)2(2+)], chloride (HgCl+, HgCl2(0), HgClOH0, and HgCl3-), phosphate (HgHPO4(0), ammonia (HgNH3(2+), glycine [Hg(GLY)+], alanine [Hg(ALA)+], and hydroxyl ion (HgOH+) were the Hg species primarily responsible for toxicity in the M-IIY medium. The toxicity of mercuric nitrate at pH 8.0 was unaffected by the addition of citrate, enhanced by the addition of chloride, and reduced by the addition of cysteine. In the chloride-amended system, HgCl+, HgCl2(0), and HgClOH0 were the species primarily responsible for observed increases in toxicity. In the cysteine-amended system, formation of Hg(CYS)2(2-) was responsible for detoxification effects that were observed. The formation of Hg-citrate complexes was insignificant and had no effect on Hg toxicity.  相似文献   

CD and infrared spectroscopic studies were performed on (i) the inhibitory effects of equimolar quantities of LPFFD-OH and LPYFD-NH(2) on the time-dependent aggregation of amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) (1-42) and (ii) the beta-sheet-breaker effects of two-fold molar excess of the pentapeptides on aggregated Abeta(1-42) aged 1 week. The data obtained from the time-dependent studies demonstrated that LPFFD-OH did not significantly influence, whereas LPYFD-NH(2) exerted some inhibitory effect on the aggregation of Abeta(1-42). When added to a solution of Abeta(1-42) aged 1 week, LPFFD-OH accelerated, while LPYFD-NH(2) delayed, but did not prevent further fibrillogenesis. The difference in the effects of these two pentapeptides on the aggregational profile of Abeta(1-42) is probably due to the difference in their conformational preferences: LPFFD-OH adopts a beta-turn and extended structures, while LPYFD-NH(2) adopts a prevailing beta-turn conformation.  相似文献   

The metalloprotein metallothionein (MT) is remarkable in its metal binding properties: for the mammalian protein, well-characterized species exist for metal to sulfur ratios of M7S20, M12S20, and M18S20, where M = Cd(II), Zn(II), Hg(II), Ag(I), Au(I), and Cu(I). Optical spectra in general, and circular dichroism (CD) and luminescence spectra in particular, provide rich detail of a complicated metal binding chemistry when metals are added directly to the metal-free or zinc-containing protein. CD spectral data unambiguously identify key metal to protein stoichiometric ratios that result in well-defined structures. Electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry data are reported for reactions in which Hg(II) binds to apo-MT 2A as previously described from CD data. Emission spectra in the 450-750 nm region have been reported for metallothioneins containing Ag(I), Au(I), and Cu(I). The luminescence of Cu-MT can also be detected directly from mammalian and yeast cells. We report both steady-state and new dynamic data for titrations of Zn-MT with Cu(I). Analysis of kinetic data for the addition of the first two Cu(I) atoms to Zn-MT indicates a first-order mechanism over a concentration range of 5-50 microM. Three-dimensional modeling was carried out using the results of the CD and EXAFS studies, model calculations for Zn7-MT, Hg7-MT, and Cu12-MT are described.  相似文献   

This study represents the first evidence of mercury contamination in the family Scarabaeidae, with a close focus on Coprophanaeus lancifer, the largest copro-necrophagous beetle in South America. This work shows the repartition of total mercury (THg) in the insect body and lays the groundwork for additional future studies. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

M Nishimura  A Kast 《Jikken dobutsu》1989,38(2):127-133
Control litter data from reproduction toxicity studies in SD derived rats bred in our closed colony were investigated for historical changes, differences due to study design or generations, seasonal variations and effects of vehicle-treatment. The litter size did not change visibly during the entire 16-year period, but the number of live fetuses differed significantly between study designs or generations. The fetal weight gradually increased during these years. The malformation rate decreased, while the rate of 14 th ribs remained stable. There were no seasonal variations and no effects of vehicle-treatment.  相似文献   

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