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Contact point (CP) trajectory is a crucial parameter in estimating medial/lateral tibio-femoral contact forces from the musculoskeletal (MSK) models. The objective of the present study was to develop a method to incorporate the subject-specific CP trajectories into the MSK model. Ten healthy subjects performed 45 s treadmill gait trials. The subject-specific CP trajectories were constructed on the tibia and femur as a function of extension-flexion using low-dose bi-plane X-ray images during a quasi-static squat. At each extension-flexion position, the tibia and femur CPs were superimposed in the three directions on the medial side, and in the anterior-posterior and proximal-distal directions on the lateral side to form the five kinematic constraints of the knee joint. The Lagrange multipliers associated to these constraints directly yielded the medial/lateral contact forces. The results from the personalized CP trajectory model were compared against the linear CP trajectory and sphere-on-plane CP trajectory models which were adapted from the commonly used MSK models. Changing the CP trajectory had a remarkable impact on the knee kinematics and changed the medial and lateral contact forces by 1.03 BW and 0.65 BW respectively, in certain subjects. The direction and magnitude of the medial/lateral contact force were highly variable among the subjects and the medial-lateral shift of the CPs alone could not determine the increase/decrease pattern of the contact forces. The suggested kinematic constraints are adaptable to the CP trajectories derived from a variety of joint models and those experimentally measured from the 3D imaging techniques.  相似文献   

The relation among several parameters of the ramp-and-hold isometric force contraction (peak force and dF/dtmax during the initial phase of force recruitment, and the proportion of hold-phase at target) was quantified for the right and left thumb-index finger pinch, and lower lip midline compression in 40 neurotypical right-handed young adults (20 female/20 males) using wireless force sensors and data acquisition technology developed in our laboratory. In this visuomotor control task, participants produced ramp-and-hold isometric forces as ‘rapidly and accurately’ as possible to end-point target levels at 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2 Newtons presented to a computer monitor in a randomized block design. Significant relations were found between the parameters of the ramp-and-hold lip force task and target force level, including the peak rate of force change (dF/dtmax), peak force, and the criterion percentage of force within ±5% of target during the contraction hold phase. A significant performance advantage was found among these force variables for the thumb-index finger over the lower lip. The maximum voluntary compression force (MVCF) task revealed highly significant differences in force output between the thumb-index fingers and lower lip (∼4.47–4.70 times greater for the digits versus lower lip), a significant advantage of the right thumb-index finger over the non-dominant left thumb-index finger (12% and 25% right hand advantage for males and females, respectively), and a significant sex difference (∼1.65–1.73 times greater among males).  相似文献   

Effects of the summation of forces generated by functionally isolated slow-twitch motor units (MU) of the rat soleus muscle were examined in this study. Initially, the twitch, fused tetanic and unfused tetanic contractions evoked by trains of stimuli at variable interpulse intervals were recorded for each MU. Then, two, three or four MUs were co-activated, and the recorded forces were compared to the algebraic sum of the forces of individual MUs. The mean cumulative force of twitches and the mean cumulative force of fused tetani were not statistically different from the respective algebraic sums of forces, which revealed a high degree of linearity in the summation. However, relaxation of the recorded tetanic contractions (either fused or unfused) was faster than that predicted by the linear summation of individual contractions. Moreover, for twitch and tetanic contractions, a tendency to shorten relaxation with an increasing number of co-active MUs was noted. The results indicate that forces of rat soleus slow MUs sum up more linearly than in the respective cat muscle as well as more linearly than for fast MUs in the medial gastrocnemius muscle.  相似文献   

为掌握广西植被生态质量的时空变化特征及其驱动机制,该文以植被生态质量指数(ecological quality index,EQI)为评价指标,基于气象、地形、土壤和遥感等多源数据,利用线性趋势分析、相关性分析、地理探测器等方法,分析了2000—2020年广西植被生态质量的时空变化特征及其驱动力。结果表明:(1)2000年以来广西植被生态质量指数呈显著增加趋势,区域植被生态明显改善。植被生态质量发展经历了缓慢增长、迅速增长、显著提升等演变阶段。在空间上,广西植被生态质量指数呈现四周高,中间低的特征,高值区逐渐由东部向西部和北部扩展。(2)广西植被生态质量时空演变影响因素差异显著。随海拔高度上升植被生态质量总体变化呈“增加—下降—稳定—上下波动”的趋势。壤土的植被生态质量高,砂土的植被生态质量低。森林和灌草的生态质量较高,农田植被的生态质量较低。植被生态质量与气候驱动因素呈显著正相关关系,受气温和降水共同影响,其中以气温为主要驱动(T)的区域面积最广,降水为主要驱动(P)的区域面积次之,气温降水强驱动([T+P]+)和弱驱动([T+P]-)的区域面积较小。(3)广西植被生态质量变化驱动力受地形、土壤、植被、气候、自然灾害和人类活动的共同影响。自然影响因子解释力排序为植被>地形>土壤>气候,其中植被净初级生产力和植被覆盖度是影响植被生态质量时空分异的最主要因素。自然因子对广西植被生态质量变化的影响存在交互作用,均呈非线性增强及双因子增强关系,其中地形与植被、土壤与植被、气候与植被因子交互作用最明显。自然灾害和人类活动加剧了植被生态质量变化的影响,其中干旱和低温冷害等气象灾害抑制了植被生态质量的改善,而林业生态工程等人为活动促进了植被生态质量的提升。该研究结果为合理制定广西植被生态保护与修复措施提供了科学理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

This paper describes a simple computational model of joint torque and impedance in human arm movements that can be used to simulate three-dimensional movements of the (redundant) arm or leg and to design the control of robots and human-machine interfaces. This model, based on recent physiological findings, assumes that (1) the central nervous system learns the force and impedance to perform a task successfully in a given stable or unstable dynamic environment and (2) stiffness is linearly related to the magnitude of the joint torque and increased to compensate for environment instability. Comparison with existing data shows that this simple model is able to predict impedance geometry well.  相似文献   

四川省湿地类型变化的自然-社会经济驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Landsat系列遥感影像对四川湿地进行遥感制图,通过GIS空间叠加分析获取2000—2015年间2期(2000—2010年和2010—2015年)湿地变化时空数据库,选取平均风速、降雨量、平均气温、平均日照时间、平均相对湿度、国内生产总值、人均国内生产总值、农业生产总值和人口数量9个自然和社会经济影响因子,采用典型相关分析(CCA)方法,对四川省湿地类型变化的驱动力进行研究。(1)从2000年到2015年,四川省湿地变化面积705374 hm2,沼泽和河流湿地是每期湿地面积变化的主体,库塘是变化最大的湿地类型,湖泊湿地最为稳定,主要的湿地变化类型是沼泽转化为非湿地、河流和非湿地转变为库塘。(2)平均气温、国内生产总值和人口数量分别解释湿地类型变化的16.6%、30.7%和2.1%,而降雨量和平均相对湿度仅能解释0.6%和0.3%,表明国内生产总值、平均气温和人口数量是四川省湿地类型变化的主要驱动因子。(3)四川不同湿地类型变化的驱动因子存在差异。具体表现为,随着国内生产总值的增加,沼泽湿地转化为非湿地的量减少,而且国内生产总值越高,非湿地和河流湿地转变为库塘...  相似文献   

While color vision perception is thought to be adaptively correlated with foraging efficiency for diurnal mammals, those that forage exclusively at night may not need color vision nor have the capacity for it. Indeed, although the basic condition for mammals is dichromacy, diverse nocturnal mammals have only monochromatic vision, resulting from functional loss of the short-wavelength sensitive opsin gene. However, many nocturnal primates maintain intact two opsin genes and thus have dichromatic capacity. The evolutionary significance of this surprising observation has not yet been elucidated. We used a molecular population genetics approach to test evolutionary hypotheses for the two intact opsin genes of the fully nocturnal aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), a highly unusual and endangered Madagascar primate. No evidence of gene degradation in either opsin gene was observed for any of 8 aye-aye individuals examined. Furthermore, levels of nucleotide diversity for opsin gene functional sites were lower than those for 15 neutrally evolving intergenic regions (>25 kb in total), which is consistent with a history of purifying selection on aye-aye opsin genes. The most likely explanation for these findings is that dichromacy is advantageous for aye-ayes despite their nocturnal activity pattern. We speculate that dichromatic nocturnal primates may be able to perceive color while foraging under moonlight conditions, and suggest that behavioral and ecological comparisons among dichromatic and monochromatic nocturnal primates will help to elucidate the specific activities for which color vision perception is advantageous.  相似文献   

This work displayed the force capabilities of the musculoskeletal system of the forefinger under external loading. Different states of normal and pathological fingers are studied. We evaluated the impact of losing musculo-tendon unit strength capacities in terms of maximal output fingertip force and tendon tensions distribution. A biomechanical model for a static force analysis is developed through anatomical and kinematic studies. An optimisation approach is then used to determine tendon tension distribution when performing an isometric task. Furthermore, pathological fingers with common cases of injured flexors and extensors are analysed. The method of simulation for forefinger abnormities is described. Furthermore, the simulation results are interpreted.  相似文献   

中国东西部中小城市景观格局及其驱动力   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中小城市的数量及其所承载的城市人口迅速增加是当今和将来全球城市化的最为显著的特征之一.因此,对中小城市的发展规律及其城市化带来的生态和环境影响的研究日趋重要.然而,迄今为止的大多数有关城市化的研究聚焦于大型城市.通过对长三角地区和新疆地区24个中小城市的景观格局分析,结合人口经济数据,探究这两个地区总体城市景观格局的变化,城市间景观格局变化的变异性,以及城市景观格局变化的驱动力,并在此基础之上进行两地区间的对比分析.结果表明,1986年至2000年15a间,长三角地区和新疆地区中小城市的总体景观格局变化基本相似,景观的破碎化程度均不断上升,斑块形状更趋于不规则,景观多样性呈小幅增加;长三角地区中小城市间景观格局变异性下降,而新疆地区中小城市间景观格局变异性上升.长三角地区中小城市景观格局变化的驱动力主要是人口的增加和流动所导致的城市景观变化,新疆地区则为人口的增加和流动所导致的耕地景观面积增加.研究结果有助于解决我国中小城市急速发展所带来的一些生态和环境问题,以及通过土地利用规划来改善我国中小城市的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The influence of different breeds of sire and dam types on cow productivity in an arid, subtropical environment was studied. Cows with calves sired by Simmentaler, Hereford and Bonsmara bulls were more (P<0.05) productive than those with calves sired by Afrikaner bulls. Simmentaler sires were superior (P<0.05) to Bonsmara sires. Crossbred cows of predominant (>50%)Bos taurus breeding were generally superior to crossbreds of predominantB. indicus breeding and purebreds. Crossbreeding systems to utilize breed effects to optimise cow productivity within environmental constraints are discussed.  相似文献   

基于QuickBird遥感影像数据,在GIS支持下,分析2000-2010年沈阳市铁西老工业区土地利用变化的时空特征及驱动力.结果表明:研究期间,铁西老工业区工矿仓储用地格局变化最大,由“南宅北厂”历史格局逐渐演变为以居住用地为主的土地利用格局.其中,居住用地面积增加9%,主要来自于建设大路以北地区工矿仓储用地的搬迁转化;工矿仓储用地面积减少20%;商业服务业设施用地、公共管理与公共服务用地面积都有不同程度的增加,分别增加1.3%和3.1%;建设用地是变化幅度较大的土地利用类型,总体变化率达76.9%.研究区2000-2005年的土地利用变化率高于2005-2010年.国家发展战略和政策、区域发展规划、行政体制改革、产业升级等是铁西老工业区土地利用变化的主要驱动力.  相似文献   

Sulfated glucuronyl glycolipids (SGGL) have been implicated as important target antigens in patients with demyelinating polyneuropathy and IgM paraproteinemia. Sulfated glucuronyl paragloboside (SGPG), a major species of SGGL, was identified in the subcellular fractions of human peripheral motor and sensory nerves using a simple and quantitative method. SGPG was found to be concentrated in the myelin-enriched fractions of both motor and sensory nerves (1.3±0.3 and 1.5±0.4 µg/mg protein, respectively), whereas its concentration was 0.9±0.2 and 1.8±0.6 µg/mg protein in the axolemma-enriched fractions of motor and sensory nerves, respectively. Our finding that SGPG is more abundant in the human sensory nerve axolemma-enriched fraction may account for the clinical and pathological observations that the lesions are more heavily concentrated in the sensory nerve than in other parts of the nerve tissues in this disorder.  相似文献   

刘洋  毕军  吕建树 《生态学报》2019,39(19):7067-7078
生态系统服务权衡与协同关系研究是生态系统综合管理的前提。以太湖流域江苏省为例,通过空间显示的生物物理模型计算氮、磷净化、水量供给及土壤保持4种服务指标,借助GIS空间分析表征氮、磷指标与其他指标之间关系,并利用多元Logistic模型定量识别主导驱动力。结果表明:2000到2010年间,各指标的单位面积年均值呈现不同程度的变化,氮输出指标先增加后略下降,磷输出指标逐渐增加,水量供给先下降后上升,土壤保持逐渐下降,并且服务指标的空间格局显著差异。氮、磷净化与水量供给关系在空间上表现为广泛分布的权衡及协同变化区,但与土壤保持的关系不明显,氮、磷之间主要为协同变化关系。氮净化与水量供给的正向主导驱动力为城镇建设用地和农村居民点密度,而植被覆盖度和水网密度具有显著负作用。氮、磷关系的主要影响因素为植被覆盖度,其次是耕地及林地比例,且均起到正向促进作用。主导驱动力识别有助于明确生态系统服务间关系的作用机制,为区域环境管理及生态保护规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Summary The rotatory motor of bacterial flagella is driven by a transmembrane electrochemical gradient of protons. A model of the flagellar motor is analysed, which is based on the notion that protons passing through the motor use a channel-like pathway formed by ligand groups located partly on the rotor, partly on the stator. Proton translocation is linked to the displacement of stator elements which are elastically bound to the cell wall. The model is described by a cyclic sequence of translocation steps and proton binding and release reactions. Stochastic simulations of the model are carried out in which transitions between the states of the reaction cycle are treated as random events. In this way the rotation frequency can be predicted as a function of experimental variables such as driving force and viscous load. Furthermore, the effects of microscopic parameters such as the transition frequencies of stator elements and the force constant of elastic coupling on the dynamic properties of the motor can be studied. The model allows for intrinsic uncoupling (“slippage”) resulting from translocation steps without associated rotational movement. It is shown that mechanistic information can be obtained by studying random fluctuations of rotational speed. Offprint requests to: P. Lauger  相似文献   

余思洁  侯鹰  刘长峰  刘宝印  陈卫平 《生态学报》2023,43(24):10443-10453
快速城市化导致城市及周边区域生态风险不断增加,认知城市化区域生态风险,探究其变化的驱动因素,提出行之有效的风险管控策略,对城市化区域生态环境与社会经济协调发展具有重要意义。以北京市为例,基于生态系统服务对生态风险进行了定量表征,分析了城市化因素对生态风险的驱动作用,探究了生态风险管控策略。研究结果表明:不透水地表扩张、经济增长、人口增长均对生态风险有显著的驱动作用,其中不透水地表扩张的驱动作用占主导地位。经济增长和人口增长通过影响不透水地表率间接作用于生态风险,在2005年时,人口密度对生态风险的驱动作用大于GDP强度,在2010年及之后,GDP强度对生态风险的驱动作用则变得比人口密度的驱动作用更大。北京市的生态风险管控策略为:在不透水地表率介于40%—70%的区域降低不透水地表率和实施土地利用及景观格局优化;不透水地表率大于70%的区域应防止不透水地表进一步扩张;不透水地表率低于40%的区域需通过提升生态系统质量、强化风险防范、降低风险暴露等途径来管控风险。此外,应通过提高海淀、昌平、通州、顺义等辖区的人口和经济城市化集约水平来降低生态风险。本研究阐明了城市化对区域生态风险的驱动作用...  相似文献   

The tri-phasic reflex in hermit crab (Pagurus pollicarus) abdomen is triggered by local mechanoreceptors and is essential for postural control. The reflex consists of three stereotypical phases: a brief, high-frequency burst, a transient cessation of firing, and a late-discharge that is much lower in frequency than the initial burst. To better understand the reflex generation of force, variability of motoneuron discharge in each of five parameters of reflex activation was assessed. An intracellular current injection routine was used to correlate each of these parameters with force production. Phase 3 motoneuron firing frequency showed the greatest correlation with force production. Phase 3 spike rate increased as a function of phase 2 duration, but the relationship between phase 2 duration and force produced by the reflex was weak. Junction potential amplitude decreased as phase 2 duration increased, and we hypothesize that this trend counteracts the increased phase 3 frequency, explaining the weak relationship of phase 2 duration and force production. Surprisingly, when phase 3 frequency was held constant and phase 2 was increased in duration, the concurrent decrease in junction potential amplitude did not reduce force production.  相似文献   

Juvenile reef fish communities represent an essential component of coral reef ecosystems in the current focus of fish population dynamics and coral reef resilience. Juvenile fish survival depends on habitat characteristics and is, following settlement, the first determinant of the number of individuals within adult populations. The goal of this study was to provide methods for mapping juvenile fish species richness and abundance into spatial domains suitable for micro and meso-scale analysis and management decisions. Generalized Linear Models predicting juvenile fish species richness and abundance were developed according to spatial and temporal environmental variables measured from 10 m up to 10 km in the southwest lagoon of New Caledonia. The statistical model was further spatially generalized using a 1.5-m resolution, independently created, remotely sensed, habitat map. This procedure revealed that : (1) spatial factors at 10 to 100-m scale explained up to 71% of variability in juvenile species richness, (2) a small improvement (75%) was gained when a combination of environmental variables at different spatial and temporal scales was used and (3) the coupling of remotely sensed data, geographical information system tools and point-based ecological data showed that the highest species richness and abundance were predicted along a narrow margin overlapping the coral reef flat and adjacent seagrass beds. Spatially explicit models of species distribution may be relevant for the management of reef communities when strong relationships exist between faunistic and environmental variables and when models are built at appropriate scales.  相似文献   

Animals in wave-exposed habitats must constantly contend with the hydrodynamic forces of lift and drag. In this study, we investigated aspects of the metabolic response of Haliotis iris to simulated wave forces varying in magnitude up to 9.6 N applied to the shell at 69° to horizontal, alternately from anterior and posterior directions, with a period of 10s. Shell adductor muscle activity (electromyogram, EMG), heart rate, and oxygen consumption were monitored during force application and during extended recovery. EMG spiking was absent at zero force, but increased markedly with increasing force, in synchrony with the wave cycle. In contrast, heart rate was unaffected by wave forces and varied by only 5% over the whole range of applied forces. During force application, oxygen consumption increased by 10-25% above resting rates and remained elevated throughout a 5-hour recovery period, indicating a switch to anaerobic metabolism. It is concluded that living in a wave-swept environment is metabolically costly for abalone although this may be compensated by improved food availability and more efficient ventilation induced by external flow.  相似文献   

Control strategies were evaluated over a 6-month period in a home simulation model comprising a series of similar carpeted pens, housing matched groups of six cats, in which the life-cycle of the flea Ctenocephalides felis felis Bouche (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) had been established. Additional adult fleas were placed on the cats at intervals to mimic acquisition of extraneous fleas from outside the home. Treatment strategies included a single subcutaneous deposition of injectable lufenuron supported by initial treatments with a short-acting insecticidal spray, or monthly topical applications of imidacloprid or fipronil. An untreated control group indicated that conditions were suitable for flea replication and development. Controls had to be combed on 18 occasions to remove excessive flea burdens and two developed allergic reactions. Lufenuron cats were combed once and required two insecticidal treatments in the first month to achieve control. Even so, small flea burdens were constantly present thereafter. Imidacloprid and fipronil treatments appeared to give virtually complete control throughout. Single fleas were found on imidacloprid cats on two occasions, whereas none were recovered from fipronil cats at any time after the first treatment. Tracer cats were used to monitor re-infestation rates at the end of the trial period. Small numbers of host-seeking fleas were demonstrated in all treatment pens, indicating that total eradication had not been accomplished. It is concluded that the home environment simulation model incorporating tracer animals could provide a powerful tool for studying flea population dynamics under controlled conditions but improved techniques are needed for quantifying other off-host life-cycle stages.  相似文献   

王力  卫三平  吴发启 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1543-1553
调查了黄土丘陵沟壑区燕沟流域刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia)林地、辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林地、荒草地、农地等不同植被类型条件下7种地类的土壤水分环境,分析不同植被类型对水分环境的生长响应.结果认为,各地类均存在一定程度的水分亏缺,亏缺量由大到小依次为:阳坡刺槐林地991.57mm、阳坡荒草地941.21mm、阴坡刺槐林地866.53mm、阳坡辽东栎林地815.89mm、阴坡荒草地790.27mm、阴坡辽东栎林地745.20mm、农地325.55mm.土壤水分的交换深度农地达320cm,阴坡荒草地为240cm,阴坡辽东栎林地为200cm,阴坡刺槐林地和阳坡辽东栎林地均为160cm,阳坡荒草地为140cm,阳坡刺槐林地为120cm.试验期间,林地、荒草地和农地分别约有10%、14%、30%的降水储存于土壤中,林地、荒草地600cm深土壤水库可利用水量62.6~309.0mm,与农地728.6mm相比土壤水库的调节能力很有限.受林木耗水量和土壤供水能力的双重影响,阳坡刺槐林枯梢现象严重,有整株枯死林木;阴坡刺槐林有明显的枯梢,但没有整株枯死的林木;辽东栎林也存在枯梢现象,但较刺槐林轻微,林木生长仍然十分旺盛.人工林地植被较高的截留和蒸腾耗水是造成土壤干燥化的主要原因,在植被建设中应遵循区域植被的演替规律,以水定植,尽量选择低耗水的适生乡土树种,采取自然修复为主、人工栽植为辅的措施,同时实施好水土保持措施.黄土丘陵区天然辽东栎林是当地植被演替的顶级群落,林地土壤的干燥化是黄土高原气候整体趋于旱化造成的,并不是人为干扰导致植被过度耗水造成的,这种土壤干燥化不宜归属于干层的范畴.判别土壤干层应以当地稳定天然植被群落的生物量水平和土壤水分状况为基准.  相似文献   

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