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The purpose of this paper is to develop a minimal macroscopic model capable of explaining the formation of traffic jams in fast axonal transport. The model accounts for the decrease of the number density of positively (and negatively) oriented microtubules near the location of the traffic jam due to formation of microtubule swirls; the model also accounts for the reduction of the effective velocity of organelle transport in the traffic jam region due to organelles falling off microtubule tracks more often in the swirl region. The model is based on molecular-motor-assisted transport equations and the hydrodynamic model of traffic jams in highway traffic. Parametric analyses of the model’s predictions for various values of viscosity of the traffic flow, variance of the velocity distribution, diffusivity of microtubule-bound and free organelles, rate constants for binding to and detachment from microtubules, relaxation time, and average motor velocities of the retrograde and anterograde transport, are carried out.  相似文献   

This paper simulates an axon with a region of reversed microtubule (MT) polarity, and investigates how the degree of polar mismatching in this region affects the formation of organelle traps in the axon. The model is based on modified Smith–Simmons equations governing molecular-motor-assisted transport in neurons. It is established that the structure that develops as a result of a region with disoriented MTs consists of two organelle traps, the trap to the left of this region accumulates plus-end-oriented organelles and the trap to the right of this region accumulates minus-end-oriented organelles. The presence of such a structure is shown to inhibit the transport of organelles down the axon. The degree by which the transport of organelles is inhibited depends on the degree of polar mismatching of MTs in the region between MT traps. Four cases with a different degree of polar mismatching are investigated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to develop a method for calculating organelle transport in dendrites with a non-uniform cross-sectional area that depends on the distance from the neuron soma. The model is based on modified Smith–Simmons equations governing molecular motor-assisted organelle transport. The developed method is then applied to simulating organelle transport in branching dendrites with two particular microtubule (MT) orientations reported from experiments. It is found that the rate of organelle transport toward a dendrite’s growth cone heavily depends on the MT orientation, and since there is experimental evidence that the MT orientation in a particular region of a dendrite may depend on the dendrite’s developmental stage, the obtained results suggest that a rearrangement of the MT structure may depend on the amount of organelles needed at the growth cone.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical study, based on modified Smith-Simmons equations, that compares transport of intracellular organelles in two different neurite outgrowths, dendrites and axons. It is demonstrated that the difference in microtubule polarity orientations in dendrites and axons has significant implications on motor-assisted transport in these neurite outgrowths. The developed approach presents a qualitative theoretical basis for understanding important questions such as why axons exhibit almost an unlimited grows potential in vitro while dendrites remain relatively short. It is shown that the difference in a microtubule polarity arrangement between axons and dendrites may be a regulatory mechanism for limiting dendritic growth. Other biological implications of the developed theory as well as other possible reasons for the difference in microtubule structure between axons and dendrites are discussed.  相似文献   

This theoretical research is motivated by a recent model of microtubule (MT) transport put forward by Baas and Mozgova (Cytoskeleton 69:416–425, 2012). According to their model, in an axon all plus-end-distal mobile MTs move anterogradely while all minus-end-distal mobile MTs move retrogradely. Retrograde MT transport thus represents a mechanism by which minus-end-distal MTs are removed from the axon. We suggested equations that implement Baas and Mozgova’s model. We employed these equations to simulate transport of short mobile MTs from a region (such as the site of axonal branch formation) where MT severing activity results in generation of a large number of short MTs of both orientations. We obtained the exact and approximate transient solutions of these equations utilizing the Laplace transform technique. We applied the obtained solutions to calculate the average rates of anterograde and retrograde transport of short MTs.  相似文献   

This paper develops analytical solutions describing slow neurofilament (NF) transport in axons. The obtained solutions are based on two theories of NF transport: Nixon–Logvinenko’s theory that postulates that most NFs are incorporated into a stationary cross-linked network and only a small pool is slowly transported and Jung–Brown’s theory that postulates a single dynamic pool of NFs that are transported according to the stop-and-go hypothesis. The simplest two-kinetic state version of the model developed by Jung and Brown was compared with the theory developed by Nixon and Logvinenko. The model for Nixon–Logvinenko’s theory included stationary, pausing, and running NF populations while the model used for Jung–Brown’s theory only included pausing and running NF populations. Distributions of NF concentrations resulting from Nixon–Logvinenko’s and Jung-Brown’s theories were compared. In previous publications, Brown and colleagues successfully incorporated slowing of NF transport into their model by assuming that some kinetic constants depend on the distance from the axon hillock. In this paper we defined the average rate of NF transport as the rate of motion of the center of mass of radiolabeled NFs. We have shown that for this definition, if all kinetic rates are assumed constant, Jung–Brown’s theory predicts a constant average rate of NF transport. We also demonstrated that Nixon–Logvinenko’s theory predicts slowing of NF transport even if all kinetic rates are assumed constant, and the obtained slowing agrees well with published experimental data.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of nanoparticle transport in neurons. It is assumed that nanoparticles are transported inside endocytic vesicles by a combined effect of dynein-driven transport and diffusion. It is further assumed that in axons nanoparticles are internalised only at axon terminals, whereas in dendrites nanoparticles can enter through the entire plasma membrane. This causes differences in transport of nanoparticles in axons and dendrites; these differences are investigated in this paper. Another difference is microtubule (MT) orientation in axons and dendrites; in axons, all MTs have their plus-ends oriented towards the axon terminal; in a proximal region of a dendrite, MTs have mixed orientation, whereas in a distal dendritic region the MT orientation is similar to that in an axon. It is shown that if molecular-motor-driven transport were powered by dynein alone, such MT orientation in a dendrite would result in a region of nanoparticle accumulation located at the border between the proximal and distal dendritic regions.  相似文献   

This paper develops a method of calculating the transport of intracellular organelles in neurons with branching neurites which is based on the Smith–Simmons equations of motor-assisted transport. The method is aimed at understanding the effects of microtubule (MT) polarity orientation in branching neurites on transport of organelles at the fundamental level. The method is applied to calculating the organelle transport in axons and dendrites of Drosophila neurons, using the map of MT orientation in such neurons developed by Stone et al. (Mol Biol Cell 19:4122–4129, 2008). The proximal dendrite is assumed to branch and form two distal dendrites. Two different MT polarity arrangements in a proximal dendrite are considered, and implications of these MT arrangements on organelle transport are analysed. It is demonstrated that the MT arrangement found in Drosophila dendrites (MTs have their minus ends out in a proximal dendrite) results in much more efficient motor-driven transport than the structure with a mixed MT orientation in proximal dendrites.  相似文献   

1. Chlorobium limicola forma sp. thiosulfatophilum was cultivated at 22 and 22000 lux. 2. The content of bchl d on a protein basis in the low light intensity cultures was about twice that of the high light intensity cultures. 3. After growth at 22 lux the red bchl d peak was at c. 743 nm, while at the higher intensity this peak was at c. 732 nm. 4. Electron microscopy of thin sections of Chlorobium revealed that vesicle size was greater at the low light intensity than at the high. 5. This was confirmed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation of differentially 14C-labelled vesicles from cultures grown at the two intensities. 6. The optimum temperature for growth was about 35°C. Incubation at the optimum temperature was particularly beneficial at high light intensity.Abbreviation bchl bacteriochlorophyll  相似文献   

The effects of ruthenium red, lanthanum, fluorescein isothiocyanate and trifluoperazine, all antagonists of Ca2+ function in cells, have been studied in growing pollen tubes of Tradescantia virginiana. All four drugs inhibit pollen-tube growth but bring about different ultrastructural changes at the growing tips and within the cytoplasm. The results strongly support the hypothesis that Ca2+ plays a vital role in the mechanism of pollen-tube tip growth. The effect of ruthenium red provides evidence that sequestration of Ca2+ by mitochondria critically adjusts the concentration of these ions at tube tips. Fluorescein isothiocyanate appears to be a potent inhibitor of vesicle fusion at the plasma membrane, with vesicles accumulating in the tip at rates equivalent to those determined previously for their production. Both vesicle fusion and tip extension are regulated by Ca2+ but appear to be independently controlled processes.  相似文献   

The effects of systemically introduced neurotoxic solvents 2,5-hexanedione (2,5-HD) and 3,4-dimethyl-2,5-hexanedione (DMHD) on retrograde axonal transport (RT) of125I-labeled tetanus toxin (TT) was studied in rat and mouse sciatic nerves. The rate of retrograde transport of TT in control rat sciatic nerves was slightly higher (6.8±0.4 mm/h) than in mouse sciatic nerves (5.4±0.5 mm/h). A single high dose of 2,5-HD (1,000 mg/kg, i.p.) produced a time-dependent effect on RT in mouse sciatic nerves. 2,5-HD caused a gradual decrease in the velocity of RT (approximately 65% inhibition between 2.0–2.5 h) with a reversal to normal rate 3–5 h after the toxin administration. The effect of DMHD on RT was examined following semi-chronic treatment in rats. DMHD caused a significant decrease (approximately 50%) in the rate of TT transport, in addition, it produced weight loss and hind-limb paralysis.I had the good opportunity of being a member of Professor Alan N. Davison' research team during 1971–1977. This research paper is dedicated to his retirement.  相似文献   

BackgroundCalcium signaling and membrane fusion play key roles in exocytosis of drug-containing vesicles through the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Identifying the role of synaptotagmin-like protein4-a (Slp4-a) in the presence of Ca2+ ions, at the pre-fusion stage of a vesicle with the basolateral membrane of endothelial cell, can reveal brain drug transportation across BBB.MethodsWe utilized molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with a coarse-grained PACE force field to investigate the behaviors of Slp4-a with vesicular and endothelial membranes at the pre-fusion stage of exocytosis since all-atom MD simulation or experiments are more time-consuming and expensive to capture these behaviors.ResultsThe Slp4-a pulls lipid membranes (vesicular and endothelial) into close proximity and disorganizes lipid arrangement at contact points, which are predictors for initiation of fusion. Our MD results also indicate that Slp4-a needs Ca2+ to bind with weakly-charged POPE lipids (phosphatidylethanolamine).ConclusionsSlp4-a is an important trigger for membrane fusion in BBB exocytosis. It binds to lipid membranes at multiple binding sites and triggers membrane disruption for fusion in calcium-dependent case.General significanceUnderstanding the prefusion process of the vesicle will help to design better drug delivery mechanisms to the brain through formidable BBB.  相似文献   

Copper deficiency in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Nazareno Stramppeli) markedly affects photosynthetic activity. Flag leaves of copper-deficient plants showed a 50% reduction of the photosynthetic rate expressed as mg CO2 dm−2h−1. The activities of PSI and PSII, determined for isolated chloroplasts, as well as fluorescence measurements on intact leaves of copper-deficient plants, indicated a low activity of photosynthetic electron transport. Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity was not affected by copper deficiency but copper deficiency affected the chloroplast ultrastructure, especially at the level of grana, where a disorganization of thylakoids is evident.  相似文献   

Potassium deficiency caused putrescine accumulation in the leaves of barley, radish, pea, bean and spinach plants. Magnesium deficiency caused putrescine accumulation in barley, pea and bean leaves, and also in the leaves of older radish plants. In young radish plants less putrescine was found in magnesium deficiency, and in spinach magnesium deficiency was without effect on putrescine levels. Putrescine content may be a useful guide to the mineral status of legumes, since accumulation of this amine may be detected before deficiency symptoms appear. Radioactivity from l-arginine-[U-14C] fed to barley seedlings was detected in agmatine within 2 hr, and probably also in the hordatines after 24 hr, feeding. After 2 hr the label in the agmatine was greatest in the potassium-deficient plants, but after 24 hr the level declined to that found in the agmatine of the leaves of the magnesium-deficient and control seedlings. The rate of putrescine formation was high in both potassium and magnesium deficiency. Incorporation of radioactivity in spermidine and spermine on feeding putrescine-[1,4-14C] to barley seedlings was estimated in the dansylated amines after separation by TLC. Activity was higher in spermidine and lower in spermine in the potassium-deficient plants than in the controls. The spermidine/spermine ratio declined on excision of barley leaves.  相似文献   

In the peripheral nerves of birds and mammals, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) exists in four main molecular forms (G1, G2, G4, and A12). The two heaviest forms (G4 and A12) are carried by rapid axoplasmic transport, whereas the two lightest forms (G1 and G2) are probably much more slowly transported. Here we report that nerves innervating fast-twitch (F nerves) and slow-twitch (S nerves) muscles of the rabbit differ both in their AChE molecular form patterns and in their anterograde and retrograde axonal transport parameters. Since we had previously shown a selective regulation of this enzyme in fast and slow parts of rabbit semimembranosus muscle, we wondered whether the differences observed in the nerve could be affected by the twitch properties of muscle. The results reported here show that in F nerves that reinnervate slow-twitch muscles, both the AChE molecular form patterns and axonal transport parameters turn into those of the S nerve. These data suggest the existence of a retrograde specific effect exerted by the muscles on their respective motoneurons.  相似文献   

Weightlessness is known to effect cellular functions by as yet undetermined processes. Many experiments indicate a role of the cytoskeleton and microtubules. Under appropriate conditions in vitro microtubule preparations behave as a complex system that self-organises by a combination of reaction and diffusion. This process also results in the collective transport and organisation of any colloidal particles present. In large centimetre-sized samples, self-organisation does not occur when samples are exposed to a brief early period of weightlessness. Here, we report both space-flight and ground-based (clinorotation) experiments on the effect of weightlessness on the transport and segregation of colloidal particles and chromosomes. In centimetre-sized containers, both methods show that a brief initial period of weightlessness strongly inhibits particle transport. In miniature cell-sized containers under normal gravity conditions, the particle transport that self-organisation causes results in their accumulation into segregated regions of high and low particle density. The gravity dependence of this behaviour is strongly shape dependent. In square wells, neither self-organisation nor particle transport and segregation occur under conditions of weightlessness. On the contrary, in rectangular canals, both phenomena are largely unaffected by weightlessness. These observations suggest, depending on factors such as cell and embryo shape, that major biological functions associated with microtubule driven particle transport and organisation might be strongly perturbed by weightlessness.  相似文献   

The potential of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) roots for net NO 3 - absorption increased two-to five fold within 2 d of being deprived of NO 3 - supply. Nitrogen-starved barley roots continued to maintain a high potential for NO 3 - absorption, whereas NO 3 - absorption by tomato roots declined below control levels after 10 d of N starvation. When placed in a 0.2 mM NO 3 - solution, roots of both species transported more NO 3 - and total solutes to the xylem after 2 d of N starvation than did N-sufficient controls. However, replenishment of root NO 3 - stores took precedence over NO 3 - transport to the xylem. Consequently, as N stress became more severe, transport of NO 3 - and total solutes to the xylem declined, relative to controls. Nitrogen stress caused an increase in hydraulic conductance (L p) and exudate volume (J v) in barley but decrased these parameters in tomato. Nitrogen stress had no significant effect upon abscisic acid (ABA) levels in roots of barley or flacca (a low-ABA mutant) tomato, but prevented an agerelated decline in ABA in wild-type tomato roots. Applied ABA had the same effect upon barley and upon the wild type and flacca tomatoes: L p and J v were increased, but NO 3 - absorption and NO 3 - flux to the xylem were either unaffected or sometimes inhibited. We conclude that ABA is not directly involved in the normal changes in NO 3 - absorption and transport that occur with N stress in barley and tomato, because (1) the root ABA level was either unaffected by N stress (barley and flacca tomato) or changed, after the greatest changes in NO 3 - absorption and transport and L p had been observed (wild-type tomato); (2) changes in NO 3 - absorption/transport characteristics either did not respond to applied ABA, or, if they did, they changed in the direction opposite to that predicted from changes in root ABA with N stress; and (3) the flacca tomato (which produces very little ABA in response to N stress) responded to N stress with very similar changes in NO 3 - transport to those observed in the wild type.Abbreviation and symbols ABA abscisic acid - Jv exudate volume - Lp root hydraulic conductance  相似文献   

Actinomycin D (actD) (0.003–0.10 μg/ml) and cordycepin (3–30 μg/ml) were used to examine the requirement of de novo RNA synthesis in the pH 6.6-induced expression of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in C-1300 mouse neuroblastoma cells. ActD at 0.03 and 0.10 μg/ml caused a pronounced stimulation in neurite formation following 20 h of treatment, although by 30 h exposure to actD (0.01–0.10 μg/ml), neurite formation had rapidly declined. Cordycepin (3–30 μg/ml) also inhibited neurite formation in a concentration- and time-dependent manner, although it did not produce an initial stimulation in neurite formation. The pH 6.6-induced increase in acetylcholinesterase activity was inhibited by both actD and cordycepin in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Cell viabilities in the presence of actD and cordycepin were 90% or greater throughout the course of these studies.The effects of actD on [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine transport into cells and on incorporation into acid-insoluble material showed that actD inhibited RNA synthesis to a greater extent than it inhibited protein synthesis. Cordycepin caused only minor effects on [3H]uridine and [3H]leucine transport into cells and incorporation into acid-insoluble material; these effects were variable and neither concentration- nor time-dependent. The results of this study show that actD can inhibit the pH 6.6-induced expression of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells at concentrations which were relatively non-toxic and which caused a greater inhibition of RNA synthesis than of protein synthesis. This suggests that de novo RNA synthesis is required for the expression and maintenance of neurites and acetylcholinesterase activity in mouse neuroblastoma cells. Experiments with cordycepin were consistent with this conclusion.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of an infection with Hymenolepis diminuta on ion transport in an isolated colon and blood picture of rats. Fifty rats were orally infected with five cysticercoids of H. diminuta. The experimental groups of rats were assigned to four groups: group I - 8 days post-infection (dpi), group II - 16 dpi, group III - 40 dpi and group IV- 60 dpi. The control group comprised non-infected rats. The experiments consisted of measuring the transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD) and the transepithelial electrical resistance (R) of the rat colon under controlled conditions as well as during mechanical stimulation (MS) using a modified Ussing chamber. Ion transport was modified using inhibitors of the epithelial sodium channel (amiloride - AMI) and the epithelial chloride channel (bumetanide - BUME), and also using capsaicin (CAPSA), a substance which activates C-fibres. The experimental data presented in this study indicates that experimental hymenolepidosis inhibits sodium and chloride ion transport in the epithelium of the rat colon, with preserved tight junction continuity (except at 40 dpi) and a decreased mechanical sensitivity. The effect of capsaicin on ion transport in the rat colon was varied. In control rats it increased ionic current, and in H. diminuta-infected rats it did not cause any changes in PD.Blood picture in this study showed a statistically significantly lower red blood cells (RBC) count and haemoglobin (HGB) concentration in infected rats in comparison to non-infected. Red cell distribution width (RDW) values and platelet (PLT) count were negatively correlated with the duration of infection, whereas mean corpuscular volume (MCV) value was positively correlated. We did not observe leukocytosis during infection, and amongst the differential leukocyte counts eosinophils and basophils showed statistically significant lower values in infected rats in comparison to non-infected.Our results indicate that hymenolepidosis is associated with the activation of inflammatory mediators and stimulation of nervous fibres, which significantly affects the function of ion channels in the epithelium of the colon in the host. At the same time, a significant decrease in eosinophil count during infection suggests that such an infection did not trigger a strong immunological reaction in rats.  相似文献   

Native and high pressure-treated (water suspensions, 650 MPa) waxy maize starch, containing mainly amylopectin, and Hylon VII, rich in amylose, were studied for their ability to generate free radicals upon thermal treatment at 180–230 °C. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to characterize the nature, number and stability of radicals. Various stable and short living (stabilized by N-tert-butyl-α-phenylnitrone (PBN) spin trap) radical species were formed. It was found, that at given conditions the waxy maize starch reveals higher ability to generate radicals, than Hylon VII. The presence of water and high pressure pretreatment of starches, both resulted in the reduction of the amount of thermally generated radicals. The decrease in crystallinity of waxy maize starch and of Hylon VII, occurring upon high pressure treatment, leads to the increase of the relative amount of fast rotating component in the EPR spectrum of both types of starches.  相似文献   

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