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Summary Mitosis in the marine red algaLomentaria baileyana (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta) was studied with the electron microscope. Nucleus associated organelles known as polar rings (PRs) migrate to establish the division poles at prophase. At prometaphase, shallow invaginations in the nuclear envelope (NE) form on two sides of each PR and soon rupture. The gaps that are consequently formed contain several small fragments of NE. A larger region of NE remains intact between the two gaps. By metaphase several cisternae of perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (PER) have enclosed most of the nucleus but remain absent from the polar regions. The nucleolus disperses partially and a typical metaphase plate of chromosomes is formed. Each PR has disjoined into separate proximal and distal portions. MTs converge widely on all regions of the polar area, but do not extend into the cytoplasm. Some MTs end near or at the chromosomes while others extend slightly farther past the chromosomes or diagonally to the NE. As chromosomes move to opposite poles at anaphase, they are accompanied by nucleolar material. An interzonal midpiece (IZM) is created as the pole to pole distance increases and the NE remains intact except for the polar gaps. Following detachment from the IZM, the daughter nuclei are separated by a large central vacuole as a cleavage furrow develops and eventually constricts to form two cells following pit connection formation. It is suggested that mitosis inLomentaria represents an evolutionary intermediate between that seen in the higher and lower groups of red algae. This conclusion is in agreement with conventional morphological and light microscopic criteria used to placeLomentaria in theRhodymeniales, which is considered to be the next to most advanced order in theRhodophyta.  相似文献   

Kathleen Cole  R. G. Sheath 《Protoplasma》1980,102(3-4):253-279
Summary The major organelles within the cells of maleBangia atropurpurea (Roth) C. Ag. filaments undergo a series of ultrastructural transformations during the production of spermatia. Initially, thylakoids within the large axial chloroplast develop a reticulate pattern commencing at the central pyrenoid region. Subsequent changes involve loss of lobes and diminution of volume through division; chloroplasts in final stages contain a few dilated, distorted thylakoids and many plastoglobuli. During differentiation the large nucleolus disappears from the nucleus and four masses of chromatin aggregate near the nuclear envelope. Furrows originating from the nuclear envelope form double membranes around each of the chromatin masses and most of the nucleoplasm is eliminated. Several types of fibrillar vesicles are formed during the process and large floridean starch reserves are utilized. Multilamellar bodies and microbody-like structures occur within the cells during certain phases of spermatiogenesis.  相似文献   

J. W. Taylor 《Protoplasma》1985,126(1-2):1-18
Summary This is a report of a light and electron microscopic study of mitosis in the basidiomycetous fungusTulasnella araneosa. The study employs serial section analyses of nuclei preselected with fluorescence microscopy. It is the first such study of nuclear division in theTulasnellaceae and the first of conjugately dividing nuclei in basidiomycetous hyphal segments lacking clamp connections. Mitosis inT. araneosa is unusual in that the spindle pole body (SPB) develops asymmetrically; the SPB middle piece is large and transversely curved; and the nuclear envelopes of adjacent late anaphase nuclei fuse. Analyses of mitotic characteristics used for phylogenetic purposes indicate that, of the many characters available, only SPB characteristics are presently valuable. Available evidence indicates that the SPB ofT. araneosa is more different from that ofUredinales than it is from representatives of the other four orders ofBasidiomycotina that have been thoroughly studied.  相似文献   

J. Scott  Sharon Broadwater 《Protoplasma》1989,152(2-3):112-122
Summary Uniseriate filaments of the freshwater red algaCompsopogon coeruleus were examined by transmission electron microscopy for details of vegetative organization and cell division with the goal of providing useful taxonomic characters. Each cell's single, complex chloroplast contains a peripheral encircling thylakoid, and unlike the vast majority of red algae, the cis-regions of dictyosomes are not consistently juxtaposed with mitochondria. These subcellular features, which are present in all examined genera in theCompsopogonales, Erythropeltidales, andRhodochaetales, along with certain unique reproductive characteristics, unify these three orders. During mitosis in uncorticated axial cells, a small, ring-shaped nucleus associated organelle (NAO) is located at each division pole, an intranuclear spindle comes to a moderately acute focus at the flattened, fenestrated metaphase-anaphase division poles and perinuclear ER partially encloses dividing nuclei, including a well-developed interzonal midpiece. The cleavage furrow penetrates the large, central vacuolar region to separate daughter nuclei. These cell division features most closely resemble the pattern described for the orderCeramiales. Our observations of vegetative and dividing cells ofC. coeruleus supplement the growing volume of evidence in favour of uniting all red algae into a single class without subclass designations.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - IZM interzonal midpiece - MT microtubule - MTOC microtubule organizing center - NAO nucleus associated organelle - NE nuclear envelope - PER perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Summary Ornithogalum virens is a bicellular pollen species. In mature pollen, the generative nucleus is at advanced prophase. Mitosis of the generative cell is resumed just after pollen rehydration and prometaphase occurs within 10 min of germination. Prometaphase is manifested by nuclear envelope breakdown and the appearance of spindle microtubules in the nucleoplasm region. At this stage the number of cytoplasmic microtubules located in the generative cell periphery appears to decrease. Endoplasmic reticulum-like cisternae originating from the nuclear envelope tend to be spaced around the chromosomes, outside the area of the forming mitotic spindle. Some also begin to penetrate the spindle area. The results are discussed in terms of the generative cell cycle in bicellular pollen.  相似文献   

A variety of approaches has recently been employed to investigate how sister cells adopt distinct fates following asymmetric divisions during plant development. Surgical and drug studies have been used to analyze asymmetric divisions during both early embryogenesis in brown algae and pollen development in tobacco. Genetic screens have been used to identify genes in Arabidopsis thaliana that are required for specific asymmetric cell divisions during pollen and root development. These studies indicate that cell polarity and division orientation are closely tied to the process of cell fate specification, and suggest that differential inheritance of determinants and positional information may both be involved in the specification of cell fates following asymmetric cell division.  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  A. Beckett 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):72-83
Summary An account of mitosis in the aphid-pathogenic, entomophthoraceous fungusErynia neoaphidis is presented. The mitotic apparatus is characterized by a closed, intranuclear, polarized spindle. Chromosomes are permanently attached by kinetochore microtubules (kcMTs) to the poles during mitosis. The spindle develops as the spindle pole bodies migrate and separate. At metaphase the eccentric spindle contains only kcMTs and is located in a relatively chromatinfree zone. Paired sister kinetochores are arranged in a broad metaphase plate. During anaphase kcMTs shorten, astral and nonchromosomal microtubules develop and elongate and the interpolar distance increases.  相似文献   

P. Gori 《Protoplasma》1980,103(3):263-271
Summary Carpospores ofG. clavatum have been studied under the light and electron microscopes. They are wedge-shaped cells of 80–100 m at their longest diameters. The nucleus is an uncondensed structure provided with a regular outline and a large nucleolus. The plastids constitute heterogeneous populations of organelles differing in size and shape as well as in number and arrangement of the thylakoids. Multiplicating plastids are also present. The mitochondria are small but have well developed cristae. The Golgi apparatus consists of very numerous active dictyosomes. Starch is the main storage substance but some large lipid bodies are also present. Labyrinthine polysaccharide aggregations are present in the carposporial cytoplasm. Multilayered bodies constitute a sui generis very conspicuous cell component.  相似文献   

The thallus ofThorea ramosissima was studied electron microscopically. The cells of the medulla, the cortex and the assimilatory hairs differ not only in size and number of plastids and their equipment with thylakoids but also in cell wall structure, the number of mitochondria and the activity of the Golgi apparatus, with dictyosomes transforming complete cisternae into Golgi vesicles with mucilaginous contents in the outer region of the cortex. The pit connections have plugs with a distinct plate—like (not dome-like) outer cap layer. BecauseT. riekei was reported to have dome-like outer cap layers and because this character was the main reason to place theThoreaceae into theBatrachospermales (Pueschel & Cole 1982),T. riekei was reinvestigated, too. A distinct outer cap could not be detected. The reliability of pit plug structure as a taxonomic character and the taxonomic position ofThorea is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of mitosis and cytokinesis of the uninucleateTribonema regulare has been investigated by employing transmission electron microscopy. Prophase is characterized by settlement of a pair of centrioles at the presumptive poles of the spindle, metaphase by equatorial bulging of the nucleus, anaphase by non-synchronous separation of the chromosomes, and telophase by a persistent, strongly elongated, interzonal spindle. Throughout mitosis, at each pole dictyosomes are associated with the polar gaps of the nuclear envelope that otherwise remains intact. Cytokinesis does not immediately follow mitosis; from the static images it can be concluded that it is necessary for the daughter nuclei to approach each other before cytokinesis is initiated by complete division of the protoplast via plasma membrane cleavage. Afterwards, a ring of cell wall material is deposited close near the lateral wall in the plane of protoplast separation followed by a simultaneous or centripetal development of a single integral partitioning septum. Once the septum is completed, the cylindrical portion of the H-shaped segment is manufactured. The phylogenetic position ofTribonema amongst those algae, which may have evolved from unicells into filaments, is discussed.  相似文献   

Four unialgal strains of the freshwater coccoid red algaPorphyridium aerugineum Geitler were cultivated under laboratory conditions. Cell morphology was studied with the light microscope. The cell surface was examined by means of electron microscopy in order to contribute to the knowledge of polysaccharide sheaths and cytoplasmic membranes. Optimum growth conditions were determined. The range of cell sizes and the average dry masses of single cells were compared in all four strains cultivated at exactly defined temperatures and irradiances. Photosynthetic pigment maxima were measured in intact cells. The red-coloured phycobiliprotein phycoerythrin was not found in any of the examined strains.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   

This paper deals with electron microscopic observations on cultivated plants of the marine red alga Gracilaria verrucosa which developed simple galls; also sea collected material, without galls, had been studied. The galls showed unusual but characteristic cell structures, caterpillar-like bodies, containing rows of fusiform bodies. These were found mostly in the cytoplasm near the plastids, in one case connected with the endoplasmic reticulum, occasionally even inside the nucleus, and are described here, as far as we know, for the first time. It does not seem probable that the caterpillar-like bodies represent mitochondria or bacteria, but the hypothesis that fusiform bodies are related to virus-like structures is discussed. The normal tissues as well as the gall tissue of the laboratory plants contained, besides plastids typical for the red algae, another type of plastids characterized by tubular thylakoids.This work was supported by grants from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Rome) and Ministero dell'Agricoltura e delle Foreste of Italy.  相似文献   

Summary In hyphae of the basidiomyceteSchizophyllum commune Fr. mitosis occurs through a longitudinal division of a strand of chromatin, which is followed by a parallel separation of the daughter strands.  相似文献   

A detailed account of female reproductive features ofPlumariella yoshikawae is presented.Plumariella yoshikawae is recognized as morphologically similar toDelesseriopsis elegans in several features, particularly in the sequence of branch initiation, the presence of gland cells on the abaxial sides of the basal segments of the lateral branches, having carpogonial branches on the basal segments of unmodified lateral branches, and the maturation of the carposporophyte at well below the thallus apices. These features indicate thatPlumariella yoshikawae is best removed from the Ptiloteae and is correctly placed in the tribe Delesseriopsideae. The generaPlumariella andBalliella are retained along withDelesseriopsis within the tribe Delesseriopsideae.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) mutants of the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe, previously characterized as defective in nuclear division were examined by thin section electron microscopy. All of the mutants failed to enter mitosis, rather they accumulated at one of four distinct terminal phenotypes. Class one were arrested with a nucleus rectangular in cross-section and a laterally situated spindle pole body (SPB). The second group had spherical or rectangular nuclei with a single SPB. The sole member of the third group wascdc 27. K 3, which had a spherical crenated nucleus with a single SPB from which microtubules emerged and extended into the cytoplasm. Allelic variants ofcdc 25 comprised the fourth group all of which displayed aberrant nuclear morphologies. Utilizing this ultrastructural data together with a knowledge of the transition points of these mutants a model for the interdependence of certain cell cycle event is proposed in which the initiation of DNA synthesis is uncoupled from the replication and separation of the SPB. This paper also provides new information on SPB structure inS. pombe. This is discussed in connection with the transient assembly of both spindle and cytoplasmic microtubules.  相似文献   

Mitosis in vegetative cells of the siphonocladalean algaBoergesenia forbesii (Harvey) Feldmann was investigated mainly by electron microscopy. The mitotic spindle was centric and closed. The interphase nucleus contained a spherical nucleolus. The nucleolus was slightly dispersed at prophase, but nucleolar materials remained during nearly all stages of mitosis. Kinetochores were evident on chromosomes. The polar regions of nuclear envelope had no fenestrae during mitosis. Anaphase separation of the chromosomes was asynchronous. Elongation of interzonal spindle at telophase separated the two daughter nuclei widely. The ultrastructural features of mitosis inB. forbesii revealed by the present investigation are compared with those of other siphonous and siphonocladous algae in the Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

B. A. Palevitz 《Protoplasma》1990,157(1-3):120-127
Summary Previous observations indicate that division of the generative cell inTradescantia virginiana is characterized by several unusual features, including persistence of surrounding microtubule (Mt) bundles during karyokinesis, lack of a distinct metaphase plate and direct contribution by mitotic Mts to the cytoskeleton of young sperm. We have further probed karyokinesis in these cells using additional antitubulin and chromosome staining, as well as kinetochore visualizations with CREST serum. The CREST antibodies reveal kinetochores as paired and single fluorescent dots similar to those seen in other species stained with this preparation. Double localizations show that the dots are located at the ends of Mt bundles previously identified as kinetochore fibers (Palevitz and Cresti 1989). Before anaphase, paired kinetochores are distributed along the length of the cell. They also tend to be located at the cell periphery or are directly connected to peripheral Mt bundles by their kinetochore (K)-fibers. Twelve pairs of dots can be counted per cell, equal to the expected number of chromosomes. During anaphase, kinetochore separation starts at various positions along the length of the cell, producing single, relatively uniformly distributed kinetochores in the crotches of forks formed by K-fiber trunks and elongating Mt branches attached to the base of the trunks. Eventually, K-fibers with attached kinetochores aggregate in stepwise fashion on thick Mt bundles at both ends of the cell. This pattern is reflected in the cytoskeleton of young sperm. These results further document the unusual distribution of chromosomes and kinetochores inTradescantia generative cells and the origin of the Mt cytoskeleton in sperm cells.Abbreviations CREST Calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasia - K-fiber kinetochore fiber - Mt microtubule Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   

Quantitative cell and organelle dynamics of the male gamete-producing lineage of Plumbago zeylanica were examined using serial transmission electron microscopic reconstruction at five stages of development from generative cell inception to sperm cell maturity. The founder population of generative cell organelles includes an average of 3.88 plastids, 54.9 mitochondria, and 3.7 vacuoles. During development the volume of the pollen grain increases from 6,200 μm3 in early microspores to 115,000 μm3 at anthesis, cell volume of the male germ lineage decreases more than 67% from 362.3 μm3 to 118.4 μm3. By the time the generative cell separates from the intine, plastid numbers increase by >600%, mitochondria by 250%, and vesicles by 43 times. A cellular projection elongates toward and establishes an association with the vegetative nucleus; this leading edge contains plastids and numerous mitochondria. When the generative cell completes its separation from the intine, organellar polarity is reversed and plastids migrate to the opposite pole of the cell. Cytoplasmic microtubules are common in association with cellular organelles. Plastids accumulate at the distal end of the cell as a linked mass, apparently adhered by lateral electron dense regions. Before division of the highly polarized generative cell, plastids decrease in number by 16%, whereas mitochondria increase by ∼90% and vacuoles increase by ∼140% from the prior stage. After mitosis, the resultant sperm cells differ in size and organelle content. The sperm cell associated with the vegetative nucleus (Svn) contains 62.7% of the cytoplasm volume, 87% of the mitochondria, 280.4 vesicles (79% of those in the generative cell), and 0.6% of the plastids. At maturity, the Svn mitochondria increase by 31% and the cell contains an average of 0.4 plastids, 158.9 vesicles, and 0.36 microbodies. The mature unassociated sperm (Sua) contains 39.8 mitochondria (up 3.3%), 24.3 plastids (down 31%), 91.1 vesicles (up 54.9%), and 3.18 microbodies. The small number of organelles initially in the generative cell, followed by their rapid multiplication in a shrinking cytoplasm suggests a highly competitive cytoplasmic environment that would tend to eliminate residual organellar heterogeneity. Cell and cytoplasmic volumes vary as a consequence of fluctuations in the number and size of large vesicles or vacuoles, as well as loss of cytoplasmic volume by (1) formation of “false cells” involving amitotic cytokinesis, (2) “pinching off” of cytoplasm, and (3) dehydration of pollen contents prior to anthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Reproductive cells (androgonidia) ofVolvox carteri f.weismannia divide to form packets of 64 or 128 sperm cells. The androgonidium morphology, stages of mitosis, and cytokinesis were examined by electron microscopy. The biflagellate androgonidium loses its flagella before mitosis but the flagellar bases at the anterior end of the cell are retained. Two additional basal bodies are formed and the nucleus migrates from its central position to the area of the basal bodies before mitosis begins. A five-layered kinetochore is present on the chromosomes and remnant nucleolar material persists during mitosis. A furrow at the chloroplast end of the cell and the formation of phycoplast microtubules and vesicles signal the beginning of cytokinesis at early telophase. The cells maintain cytoplasmic connections until after the packet of sperm cells completes its development.  相似文献   

Summary Immunofluorescence microscopy, conventional and high voltage transmission electron microscopy were used to describe changes in the flagellar apparatus during cell division in the motile, coccolithbearing cells ofPleurochrysis carterae (Braarud and Fagerlund) Christensen. New basal bodies appear alongside the parental basal bodies before mitosis and at prophase the large microtubular (crystalline) roots disassemble as their component microtubules migrate to the future spindle poles. By prometaphase the crystalline roots have disappeared; the flagellar axonemes shorten and the two pairs of basal bodies (each consisting of one parental and one daughter basal body) separate so that each pair is distal to a spindle pole. By late prometaphase the pairs of basal bodies bear diminutive flagellar roots for the future daughter cells. The long flagellum of each daughter cell is derived from the parental basal bodies; thus, the basal body that produces a short flagellum in the parent produces a long flagellum in the daughter cell. We conclude that each basal body in these cells is inherently identical but that a first generation basal body generates a short flagellum and in succeeding generations it produces a long flagellum. At metaphase a fibrous band connecting the basal bodies appears and the roots and basal bodies reorient to their interphase configuration. By telophase the crystalline roots have begun to reform and the rootlet microtubules have assumed their interphase appearance by early cytokinesis.Abbreviations CR1, CR2 crystalline roots 1 and 2 - CT cytoplasmic tongue microtubules - DIC differential interference contrast light microscopy - H haptonema - HVEM high voltage transmission electron microscopy - IMF immunofluorescence microscopy - L left flagellum/basal body - M metaphase plate - MT microtubule - N nucleus - R right flagellum/basal body - R1, R2, R3 roots 1, 2, and 3 - TEM transmission electron microscopy  相似文献   

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