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In these studies rats were subjected to diurnal light-cycling, stress, fasting and the feeding of cholestyramine, beta-sitosterol and cholesterol in various combinations. In control animals exposed to light cycling for 2 weeks the rate of hepatic cholesterogenesis was 3.7 fold higher in the mid-dark than in the mid-light phase of the light cycle. The magnitude of this difference varied with the duration of light cycling and the size of the animals. Similarly, enhanced rates of cholesterol synthesis were seen in the mid-dark phase relative to the mid-light phase of the light cycle in rats where the base-line level of hepatic cholesterogenesis was increased by feeding cholestyramine (1.6-fold) or beta-sitosterol (2.9-fold) or was depressed by fasting (19-fold) or cholesterol feeding (2.1-fold). Restraining animals for 48 h also increased the rate of cholesterol synthesis in the liver; in control animals, this stress enhanced the level of cholesterogenesis seen at both the mid-light and mid-dark phases of the light cycle. In addition, both the effects of stress and of diurnal light cycling could be identified in groups of animals where base-line cholesterogenic activity was varied by fasting or by feeding cholestyramine, beta-sitosterol or cholesterol. These studies illustrate the complexity of the control of hepatic cholesterol synthesis and suggest that the final rate of cholesterogenesis may be the result of several different effectors modifying by different mechanisms the activity of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of lipoprotein particles in hepatic Golgi fractions   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Newly synthesized phospholipids, labeled with either [14C]choline, [3H]myo-inositol, or [33P]phosphate, partioned preferentially (greater than 80% of total incorporated radioactivity) in a Golgi membrane subfraction, although the cognate content subfraction contained a relatively large amount of secretory lipoproteins. The labeling pattern was the same for all phospholipids tested in the two subfractions. An active exchange process of polar lipids between Golgi membranes and Golgi secretory lipoproteins is postulated as a plausible explanation for these findings. Less than half of all Golgi lipoprotein particles have the density of serum VLDLs and a similar, but not identical, biochemical composition. The remaining lipoprotein particles are characterized by a continuous spectrum of sizes, and (to the extent tested) by a lipid and protein composition different from that of serum VLDLs and HDLs. Results obtained in control experiments rule out the possibility that the heterogeneous population of Golgi lipoprotein particles is an artefact caused by our preparation procedures. It is assumed that these heterogeneous particles are immature precursors of both VLDLs and HDLs.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of hepatic cholesterol synthesis present in hepatic microsomes can be solubilized either by an acetone or an ethanol powder preparation. Other methods such as methanol and chloroform:methanol powder preparations and treatment with EDTA do not solubilize the factor. The factor appears to be proteinaceous since its activity is lost after exposure to proteolytic enzymes and heat treatment. In addition, the inhibitor does not require a phospholipid for activity. 3this inhibitor is stable for long periods (60 hrs.) at room temperature and can be isolated in good yield from liver maintained at 4 degrees C for 8 hours postmortem.  相似文献   

Heterologous human lipoproteins were infused into rats in order to change acutely the lipoprotein pattern to a predominant kind and the effect on hepatic cholesterogenesis was subsequently observed. A 4-h intravenous infusion of human low density and very low density lipoproteins into rats produced a significant decrease in the incorporation of acetate into cholesterol in both liver slices and homogenates. An infusion of similar concentrations of human high density lipoprotein produced a significant increase in hepatic cholesterol synthesis. These infusions did not change mevalonate conversion to cholesterol in either the homogenates or slices. Concomitant with the changes in hepatic cholesterol synthesis were changes of similar magnitudes in the activity of the enzyme 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. These alterations in hepatic cholesterol synthesis were associated with significant changes in microsomal cholesterol content. There was a significant increase in hepatic cholesterol synthesis with the infusion of apoproteins of high density lipoprotein. The apoproteins of very low density lipoprotein had no effect on hepatic cholesterogenesis. These studies indicate that circulating lipoproteins modify hepatic cholesterol synthesis and that the apoproteins of these lipoproteins may themselves be important for this action.  相似文献   

The diurnal variation in cholesterol synthesis exhibited by rat liver has been examined in fed, fasted, and adrenalectomized animals. Fasting for 3 days caused a lowering of the rate of synthesis but did not abolish the diurnal rhythm. Adrenalectomy abolished the diurnal variation, and caused synthesis to remain at a uniformly high level. We suggest that corticosterone may play an essential role in the daily rhythm of cholesterogenesis.  相似文献   

While low apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) levels are primarily associated with increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) fractional catabolic rate (FCR), the factors that regulate the clearance of HDL from the plasma are unclear. In this study, the effect of lipid composition of reconstituted HDL particles (LpA-I) on their rate of clearance from rabbit plasma has been investigated. Sonicated LpA-I containing 1 to 2 molecules of purified human apoA-I and 5 to 120 molecules of palmitoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) exhibit similar charge and plasma FCR to that for lipid free apoA-I, 2.8 pools/day. Inclusion of 1 molecule of apoA-II to an LpA-I complex increases the FCR to 3.5 pools/day, a value similar to that observed for exchanged-labeled HDL3. In contrast, addition of 40 molecules of triglyceride, diglyceride, or cholesteryl ester to a sonicated LpA-I containing 120 moles of POPC and 2 molecules of apoA-I increases the negative charge of the particle and reduces the FCR to 1.8 pools/day. Discoidal LpA-I are the most positively charged lipoprotein particles and also have the fastest clearance rates, 4.5 pools/day. Immunochemical characterization of the different LpA-I particles shows that the exposure of an epitope at residues 98 to 121 of the apoA-I molecule is associated with an increased negative particle charge and a slower clearance from the plasma.We conclude that the charge and conformation of apoA-I are sensitive to the lipid composition of LpA-I and play a central role in regulating the clearance of these lipoproteins from plasma. conformation regulate the clearance of reconstituted high density lipoprotein in vivo.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine, phenylpyruvate and phenylacetate produced a considerable inhibition of chick liver mevalonate 5-pyrophosphate decarboxylase while mevalonate kinase and mevalonate 5-phosphate kinase were not significantly affected. Phenolic derivatives of phenylalanine produced a similar inhibition of decarboxylase activity than that found in the presence of phenyl metabolites. The degree of inhibition was progressive with increasing concentrations of inhibitors (1.25–5.00 mM). Simultaneous supplementation of different metabolites in conditions similar to those in experimental phenylketonuria (0.25 mM each) produced a clear inhibition of liver decarboxylase and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the in vitro inhibition of both liver regulatory enzymes of cholesterogenesis in phenylketonuria-like conditions. Our results show a lower inhibition of decarboxylase than that of reductase but suggest an important regulatory role of decarboxylase in cholesterol synthesis.  相似文献   

We explored whether there is an "estrogen-ERalpha-SREBP-2" (for estrogen-estrogen receptor subtype alpha-sterol-regulatory element binding protein-2) pathway for regulating hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis in ovariectomized AKR mice treated with 17beta-estradial (E2) at 6 microg/day or E2 plus the antiestrogenic agent ICI 182,780 at 125 microg/day and on chow or fed a high-cholesterol (1%) diet for 14 days. To monitor changes in cholesterol biosynthesis and newly synthesized cholesterol secreted into bile, incorporation into digitonin-precipitable sterols in mice treated with 25 mCi of [3H]water was measured in extracts of liver and extrahepatic organs 1 h later and in hepatic biles 6 h later. ERalpha upregulated SREBP-2, with resulting activation of SREBP-2-responsive genes in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. The E2-treated mice continued to synthesize cholesterol in spite of its excess availability from high dietary cholesterol, which reflects a loss in controlling the negative feedback regulation of cholesterol synthesis. These alterations augmented biliary cholesterol secretion and enhanced the lithogenicity of bile. However, these lithogenic effects of E2 were fully blocked by ICI 182,780. We conclude that during estrogen treatment, more newly synthesized cholesterol determined by the estrogen-ERalpha-SREBP-2 pathway is secreted into bile, leading to biliary cholesterol hypersecretion. These studies provide insights into therapeutic approaches to cholesterol gallstones in high-risk subjects, especially those exposed to high levels of estrogen.  相似文献   

These studies examine the regulation of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol levels by varying quantities of dietary saturated and polyunsaturated triacylglycerols. At a constant load of 0.12% cholesterol and 20% triacylglycerol, substitution of polyunsaturated for saturated triacylglycerols caused LDL receptor activity to increase from 25% to 80% of control and reduced the LDL-cholesterol production rate from nearly 200% to 155%. These changes caused the plasma LDL-cholesterol concentration to decrease from nearly 190 to 50 mg/dl. When the dietary content of each triacylglycerol alone was incrementally increased, the saturated lipid suppressed receptor activity while the polyunsaturated triacylglycerol increased receptor-dependent LDL transport. The magnitude of these effects was quantitatively similar, although oppositely directed. However, the saturated triacylglycerol also caused a dose-dependent increase in the LDL-cholesterol production rate and markedly increased the plasma LDL-cholesterol level while the polyunsaturated lipid did not affect either of these. These independent effects were also evident in experiments where it was found that substituting polyunsaturated triacylglycerol for saturated lipid increased receptor activity significantly more than did simply reducing the dietary content of saturated triacylglycerol. Thus, these studies show that triacylglycerols containing saturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids have effects on the major processes that regulate the plasma LDL-cholesterol level that are qualitatively and quantitatively distinct.  相似文献   

The fact that colchicines inhibits hepatic secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles has been interpreted to mean that microtubules are involved in hepatic VLDL secretion. To further define this relationship, we have attempted to see if changes in hepatic VLDL secretion are associated with changes in hepatocyte microtubule or tubulin content. Accordingly, hepatic secretion of VLDL was increased in rats, and the hepatocyte content of both microtubules (using quantitative morphometric methods) and tubulin (using a time-decay colchicine binding assay) was determined. In acute experiments, VLDL secretion was increased by perfusion of isolated rat livers for 2 h with varying concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA). Results indicate that hepatic VLDL triglyceride (TG) secretion at perfusate FFA levels of 0.7 μEq/ml is threefold greater (P < 0.01) than when livers are perfused without added FFA. However, no differences are observed in the content of microtubules in these livers: specifically, microtubules occupy 0.029 percent of hepatocyte cytoplasm in livers perfused without FFA and 0.030 percent of cytoplasm in livers perfused with FFA. In chronic experiments, rats were fed for 1 wk with either standard rat chow or a hyperlipidemic (sucrose/lard) diet. With the experimental diet, plasma triglyceride levels increase threefold over controls, and liver VLDL-TG production, as determined by [(3)H]glycerol turnover studies, is 55 percent greater (P < 0.01) than controls. However, microtubules occupy 0.027 percent of the cytoplasm of hepatocyte cytoplasm whether rats are on standard or hyperlipidemic diets. Furthermore, the tubulin content of isolated hepatocytes does change, and represents 1 percent of hepatocyte soluble protein, irrespective of diet. These results suggest that increases in hepatic VLDL secretion can occur without any demonstrable change in hepatocyte assembled microtubule or tubulin content, and raise questions as to the role played by microtubules in hepatic VLDL secretion.  相似文献   

Previously we showed that 24(S),25-epoxycholesterol is formed from acetate, via squalene 2,3(S),22(S),23-dioxide and 24(S),25-oxidolanosterol, during the normal course of cholesterol biosynthesis in S10 rat liver homogenate (Nelson, J. A., Steckbeck, S. R., and Spencer, T. A. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 1067-1068; Nelson, J. A., Steckbeck, S. R., and Spencer, T. A. (1981) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 6974-6975). Herein we demonstrate that the nonsaponifiable extract from human liver tissue contains 24(S),25-epoxycholesterol in an amount approximately 10(-3) relative to cholesterol. We show that 24(S),25-epoxycholesterol, like many other oxygenated sterols, represses hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity in cultured cells and binds to the cytosolic oxysterol-binding protein. Furthermore, we show that this epoxide is not rapidly metabolized in cultured cells. These results suggest that 24(S),25-epoxycholesterol may participate in the regulation of hepatic cholesterol metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that insulin is internalized into the hepatic Golgi apparatus was tested by the diaminobenzidine-shift protocol of Courtoy et al. (1984, J. Cell Biol. 98, 870). Highly purified Golgi fractions were isolated after the coinjection of [125I]insulin and the synthetic ligand, galactose-bovine serum albumin-horseradish peroxidase. Golgi fractions were subsequently reacted in the presence or absence of diaminobenzidine, then subjected to Percoll gradient centrifugation. For incubations carried out in the absence of diaminobenzidine, [125I]insulin-containing components were found at a low density (peak density congruent to 1.042) identical to that of the Golgi marker enzyme galactosyltransferase. However after incubations carried out in the presence of diaminobenzidine, the majority of [125I]insulin-containing components was shifted to a higher density of greater than 1.06 while that of galactosyltransferase remained unchanged (peak congruent to 1.042). These observations indicate that the majority of internalized insulin is not located in galactosyltransferase-containing Golgi components.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study the rumen digestion characteristics of whole feeds (WF) and the neutral detergent fibre (aNDF) and neutral detergent soluble (NDS) fractions of a range of starch-rich feeds using an automated in vitro gas production (GP) technique. In addition, the ruminal digestibility values predicted from the GP data were compared to previously acquired in vivo data. Nine feeds with starch concentrations ranging from 389 to 712 g/kg dry matter and with known in vivo digestibilities were subjected to neutral detergent extraction. The GP for each WF and the corresponding aNDF fractions were measured in duplicate in buffered rumen fluid during 72 h on two occasions. The fermentation residues were collected and analyzed for aNDF concentration to estimate their true organic matter (OM) and NDF digestibility. The GP from the NDS fraction was calculated by subtracting the GP from the aNDF fraction from the GP of the WF. A three-pool Gompertz model was fitted to the GP profiles (R2 = 0.99) and a two compartment, mechanistic and dynamic rumen model was used to predict the digestibility of the potentially digestible feed fraction and the effective digestion rate (kd). The true OM and NDF digestibility determined for the WF ranged from 0.804 to 1.011 and from 0.362 to 1.107, respectively. The NDF digestibility determined for the aNDF fraction ranged from 0.410 to 0.985. The effective kd values estimated using GP data varied from 0.118 to 0.282/h for the WF and from 0.123 to 0.301/h for the NDS fraction, and were less (P<0.05) for maize compared to small grains (SG) but did not differ between barley and wheat (P>0.05). The effective kd values for the aNDF fraction ranged from 0.039 to 0.082/h and did not differ (P>0.05) either between maize and SG or between barley and wheat. The predicted ruminal NDS digestibility determined using GP data closely matched the in vivo data describing starch digestion (R2 = 0.81). The effective kd values for the WF were strongly related (R2 = 0.94) to those for the NDS fractions. The results indicate that when measured with the GP technique, the differences in the digestion characteristics of maize and small grains are less than those previously reported in studies using the in situ method. It is concluded that the predicted NDS digestibility determined using GP data corresponded well to the in vivo starch digestibility. Our results also suggest that the first order digestion rates of NDS (starch) in starch-rich feeds can be accurately determined by incubating WF samples in the GP system and using the GP kinetic data in a dynamic, mechanistic rumen model.  相似文献   

In isolated cell studies, the internalization and degradation of hepatic lipase (HL) has been linked to its binding to the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). We have utilized the receptor-associated protein (RAP), a universal inhibitor of high affinity ligand binding to LRP, to evaluate the participation of LRP in the endocytosis of HL and lipoprotein lipase (LPL). We isolated a total endosome fraction from rat livers after a 30-min infusion of recombinant RAP, administered as a glutathione S-transferase conjugate (GST-RAP). GST-RAP infusion had no effect on the concentration of HL in liver homogenates, but its concentration in blood plasma increased progressively by 20%, and enrichment over homogenate of HL in endosomes was reduced by 50% as compared with infusion of GST alone. The concentrations of LPL in liver and plasma were 1.4 and 0.5%, respectively, those of HL, but endosomal enrichment of the two enzymes was similar ( approximately 10-fold). GST-RAP infusion had no effect on the concentration of LPL in liver but increased its concentration in blood plasma by 250% and reduced its endosomal enrichment by 95% or greater. GST-RAP infusion also reduced endosomal enrichment of LRP by 40%, but enrichment of several other endocytic receptors was unaffected. Endosomal enrichment of several membrane trafficking proteins associated with the endocytic pathway in hepatocytes was unaffected by GST-RAP with the exception of early endosome endosome antigen 1, which was reduced by 85%. We conclude that HL is partially and LPL almost exclusively taken up into rat hepatocytes after binding to the endocytic receptor LRP.  相似文献   

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