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ABSTRACT The grasslands of southeastern South America (SESA), comprising one of the most extensive grassland ecosystems in the Neotropics, have been negatively impacted by the development of the livestock industry, arable agriculture, and forestry. SESA grasslands have a rich avifauna that includes 22 globally threatened and near‐threatened species, and many other species have suffered local population extinctions and range reductions. In addition to habitat loss and fragmentation, grassland birds in SESA are threatened by improper use of agrochemicals, unfavorable fire management regimes, pollution, and illegal capture and hunting. Studies to date have provided information about the distribution of grassland birds, the threats populations face, and the habitat requirements of some threatened species, but more information is needed concerning dispersal and migration patterns, genetics, and factors that influence habitat use and species survival in both natural and agricultural landscapes. There are few public protected areas in the region (1% of original grasslands), and many populations of threatened grassland birds are found on private lands. Therefore, efforts to preserve grassland habitat must reconcile the interests of land owners and conservationists. Current conservation efforts include establishment of public and private reserves, promotion of agricultural activities that reconcile production with biodiversity conservation, development of multilateral conservation projects across countries, and elaboration of action plans. Measures that result in significant losses to private land owners should include economic compensation, and use of economic incentives to promote agriculture and forestry in native grassland areas should be discouraged, especially in priority areas for grassland birds. Although more studies are needed, some actions, particularly habitat protection and improved management of public and private lands, should be taken immediately to improve the conservation status of grassland birds in SESA.  相似文献   

北方牧区草地资源分类经营机制与可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘兴元  梁天刚  龙瑞军  郭正刚 《生态学报》2009,29(11):5851-5859
草地是畜牧业生产和生态保护的重要资源.在短期经济利益的驱动下造成北方牧区草地大面积退化和荒漠化、生产力下降、自我恢复能力降低、水土流失加剧和涵养功能减弱,对牧区经济发展、社会稳定和生态安全构成了威胁,严重影响着草地畜牧业的可持续发展.以新疆阿勒泰为例,依据草地资源的生产经济性能、生态服务价值重要性和季节放牧利用特征,构建了基于GIS 技术的草地生产力指数、草地生态服务价值指数和草地资源分类经营的功能分区模型,建立以主导功能和时空格局为主的草地资源分类经营调控机制,将阿勒泰牧区的草地从空间上划分为经济功能区、混合功能区和生态功能区.结果表明:(1)经济功能区,以获取最大的经济效益为目的,面积约648.69万hm2,占总可利用草地面积的65.8%,主要分布在平原荒漠;(2)生态功能区,以生态保护和社会效益为目的,面积约136.4万hm2,占总可利用草地面积的13.9%,主要分布在平原荒漠草原、山地草原、高寒草甸;(3)混合功能区,在适度利用条件下,生态效益与经济效益并重,面积约200.1万hm2,占总可利用草地面积的20.3%,主要分布在山地草原化荒漠、山地草甸草原、平地草甸、山地荒漠草原、山地草甸和高寒草原.通过对草地资源的分类经营,将畜牧业生产重心转向经济功能区,转移生态功能区的放牧家畜,减轻混合功能区的放牧压力,形成草地资源在功能、系统、时序和空间的耦合结构,实现牧区草地资源利用的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Calcareous grasslands in Central Europe harbour a high diversity of plant and animal species. However, as man-made habitats, they need to be managed in order to maintain high species diversity. Conservation efforts often aim at reintroducing historical management regimes, such as regular grazing or mowing. Despite such efforts, the diversity and number of species of calcareous grasslands is still decreasing. We propose that, besides fragmentation and eutrophication, a lack of structural heterogeneity within and around calcareous grasslands as created by historic management is causing species loss as well. Here, we review the literature on the history of calcareous grassland management in northern Switzerland, the heterogeneity that it created and the relevance of this heterogeneity for biodiversity at three spatial scales: (1) within grasslands, (2) in their close surroundings and (3) at the landscape scale. Considering that historic management has created heterogeneity at all three scales and that many species do indeed depend on this structural diversity, we conclude that in order to conserve the full range of biodiversity associated with calcareous grasslands, conservation management should aim at increasing heterogeneity in, around, and between grasslands.  相似文献   

We assessed a donor-funded grassland management project designed to create both conservation and livelihood benefits in the rangelands of Mongolia's Gobi desert. The project ran from 1995 to 2006, and we used remote sensing Normalized Differential Vegetation Index data from 1982 to 2009 to compare project grazing sites to matched control sites before and after the project's implementation. We found that the productivity of project grazing sites was on average within 1% of control sites for the 20 years before the project but generated 11% more biomass on average than the control areas from 2000 to 2009. To better understand the benefits of the improved grasslands to local people, we conducted 280 household interviews, 8 focus group discussions, and 31 key informant interviews across 6 districts. We found a 12% greater median annual income as well as a range of other socioeconomic benefits for project households compared to control households in the same areas. Overall, the project generated measurable benefits to both nature and people. The key factors underlying project achievements that may be replicable by other conservation projects include the community-driven approach of the project, knowledge exchanges within and between communities inside and outside the country, a project-supported local community organizer in each district, and strong community leadership.  相似文献   

The leafhoppers, planthoppers and their allies (collectively known as the Auchenorrhyncha) are presented as a group of insects that are highly appropriate for studying grassland ecology and conservation, evaluating the conservation status of sites and monitoring environmental and habitat change. Semi-natural grasslands typically support dense populations and a wide range of species with diverse ecological strategies. Their numerical dominance in many grasslands means that they have considerable functional significance, both as herbivores and as prey for higher trophic levels. Population and assemblage studies are supported by good ecological knowledge about most species and modern identification keys. Hitherto, most studies have focused on the composition and structure of assemblages and how they are affected by conservation management. However, grasslands support many rare species with small and fragmented populations which deserve conservation attention in their own right, and recent work has started to reflect this. The effects of management on the composition and structure of grassland leafhopper populations and assemblages are described and an assessment is given of the main threats facing individual species and overall diversity. There is a need to synthesise the scattered literature on grassland leafhoppers, to provide a model for how the composition and structure of populations and assemblages respond to major environmental and anthropogenic gradients across large biogeographic areas. Such an analysis could help predict the impact of likely future changes in land use and climate.  相似文献   

Ecological functional zoning is critical for multiobjective sustainable management of social-ecological systems. However, the framework of ecological functional zoning needs to be further improved. In terms of the index system, the existing “element-structure–function” index system mainly considers the structural characteristics that have a negative impact on ecological processes, e.g., disturbances, while ignoring positive impacts, e.g., connectivity, which may weaken the role of key nodes in the ecosystem and is not conducive to regional ecological protection. In terms of research methodology, the widely used self-organizing feature mapping neural network (SOFM) produces a number of clusters that easily exceed expectations, thus increasing management difficulties. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore new combining methods. Here, an improved index system combining ecological connectivity and ecological functions and a traditional index system including only ecological functions were constructed, and a zoning method combining a self-organizing feature mapping neural network and fuzzy mean clustering (SOFM-FCM) was used for functional zoning of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River urban agglomeration. The advantages of functional zoning incorporating ecological connectivity were verified by comparing the results of both zoning procedures before and after improvement. The results indicate that the study area could be divided into ecological conservation areas, biodiversity conservation areas, urban development areas, and grain production areas. The zoning schemes before and after the improved framework were reliable compared with the national planning scheme, but there was 20.6% inconsistency in the results after the improved framework. This was mainly manifested by the shift from biodiversity conservation areas to ecological conservation areas and from urban development areas to food production areas. This shift was more conducive to improving spatial continuity and landscape multifunctionality, thus maximizing ecological conservation, pushing back smart urban growth, and achieving food security. This study expands the research perspective concerned with ecological functional zoning, and these results can provide an important reference for regional ecological protection and related research.  相似文献   

Grassland managers and scientists are increasingly interested in cost-effective alternative ways of grassland biodiversity conservation. Prescribed burning is a promising management tool which should be integrated in the planning of management efforts. In addition, small-scale prescribed burning is an effective fire suppression strategy to decrease the serious negative impacts of uncontrolled burnings on ecosystems and human life. Prescribed burning forms an integral part of the North-American grassland management practice, while in Europe it is rarely applied, despite the fact that uncontrolled burning occurs frequently in some regions. Our goal was to evaluate the use of prescribed burning as a promising but neglected management tool in European grasslands. We found that European studies on prescribed burning of grasslands are scarce and we conclude that annual burning is usually not an appropriate option for the conservation of species-rich grasslands. We reviewed burning studies from North-America to identify findings which might be adapted to the European grassland conservation strategy. In North-America, contrary to Europe, the application of burning is fine tuned in terms of frequency and timing, and usually combined with other restoration measures (grazing or seed sowing). Thus, we conclude that with the application of carefully designed prescribed burning, multiple conservation goals, e.g. invasion control and enhancing landscape-level heterogeneity, can be linked with an effective fire suppression strategy. We emphasize that for the application of prescribed burning in Europe, the general findings of carefully designed case studies should be combined with the practical knowledge of conservation managers concerning the local application circumstances to reach specific management objectives.  相似文献   

New Zealand has a relatively rich moth fauna associated with tussock grasslands, reflecting the historic importance of plant communities containing native grasses in the New Zealand landscape. Extensive grassland communities were most common in the eastern and central regions of New Zealand’s South Island where what now remains of these communities is contained within more than 350 Pastoral Leases managed for pastoral farming. Because these various grassland communities are distributed from coastal areas to the limit of vegetation on mountains there has been an uneven human impact. Grasslands at sea-level (including those on sand dunes and alluvial plains) have almost been eliminated while those in montane valleys have until now escaped intensive development. Alpine grasslands, like those of montane areas are now much less woody as a result of both Polynesian and more recent burning. From the late 1970s, based on public concern that continuing development was eliminating the natural landscapes and conservation values of the distinctive tussock grasslands of the South Island, a concerted programme of identification of the broad conservation values of the remaining grassland dominated regions was initiated. Implementation of the recommendations in the resulting published reports relating to priority areas for conservation and the subsequent full-scale review of Pastoral Leases has resulted in the formation of large grassland Conservation Parks and the reservation of a multitude of smaller areas, based on a suite of recreation, landscape and biological values. This important ongoing Tenure Review process has important implications for the conservation of tussock grassland biota including numerous native moths and their habitats.  相似文献   

The conservation and management of endangered species requires an adequate understanding of their biology and ecology. Although there has been an increasing appreciation in Australia of the need for greater efforts to conserve insects, there is only limited information available that can be used to underpin conservation efforts. The endangered golden sun moth, Synemon plana (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) is a flagship species endemic to natural temperate grassland in south-eastern Australia. Most populations of this species are at considerable risk from habitat loss, weed invasion and inadequate management. Despite the considerable knowledge that exists about the species biology and ecology, efforts to improve the species conservation status are hampered because there are still critical gaps in our understanding of the species’ natural history. In particular, the ecology of the larvae is not known. Our study examined the abundance, population structure and reproductive biology of the moths in a broad sample of both natural temperate and exotic grassland remnants in and near Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in south-eastern Australia. The results fill critical gaps in the knowledge needed to achieve effective conservation management. From our findings, it is clear that the species inhabits grasslands dominated by a mixture of native wallaby grasses (Rytidosperma spp. (formerly Austrodanthonia)) and spear grasses (Austrostipa spp.). In contrast to earlier suggestions that S. plana is entirely confined to natural temperate grassland, mature and immature life stages of the species were also present in grasslands comprised entirely of the exotic Chilean needlegrass (Nassella neesiana). Most of the S. plana populations surveyed in the ACT were characterised by low relative abundance with only very few large populations being recorded. The conservation of exotic grasslands as substitute habitat for S. plana is discussed and suggestions regarding future monitoring and research of the species are provided.  相似文献   


Semi-natural grasslands in Japan have decreased due to management abandonment and urbanization over the last 100 years, but they remain in suburban areas in addition to rural areas. Because suburban grasslands have various land-use histories and disturbance regimes, plant and herbivorous insect communities are likely to differ among grassland types. To identify grasslands with high conservation value, we conducted a comprehensive survey of grasshoppers and plants in 150 grasslands with 5 grassland types differing in land-use history and current management in northern Chiba prefecture, Japan. We then analyzed the association of the distributions of grasshopper and plant species compositions. Our results showed that grasshoppers were classified into habitat specialists and generalists. Three out of four habitat specialists were almost exclusively found in semi-natural grasslands and vacant lots, while habitat generalists were commonly observed at the cropland margins. This habitat specialist–generalist distribution gradient corresponded well to that found in plant communities, which was probably due to current disturbance regimes. We suggest that vacant lots as well as semi-natural grasslands have high conservation value for grassland organisms of various taxa in suburban areas, and grasshoppers are candidate indicator species for monitoring grassland environments.


Benjamin Krause  Heike Culmsee 《Flora》2013,208(5-6):299-311
There is a growing concern that land use intensification is having negative effects on semi-natural grasslands and that it leads to a general loss of biodiversity among all types of formerly extensively managed grasslands of poor to medium nutrient richness. Since the 1950s, many Central European uplands have been subject to an increase in grassland cover as a result of changes in land use practices. Using such a landscape in Lower Saxony, Germany, as a model region, we assessed environmental factors that control grassland diversity, including plant community composition, species richness and pollination trait composition. In 2007, 189 vegetation sampling sites were randomly distributed among grasslands covering some 394 ha within a 2500 ha study area. Plant communities were classified using TWINSPAN and the effects of environmental factors (soil, topography, current management and habitat continuity) were analysed by canonical correspondence analysis and regression analysis reducing for the effects of spatial autocorrelation by using principal coordinates of neighbour matrices.We found a wide range of six species-poor (<15 plant spp.) to extremely species-rich (>27 spp.) grassland types under mesic to dry site conditions, including sown, Cynosurion, Arrhenatherion and semi-natural grasslands. Grassland community composition was best explained by soil factors and species richness and pollination type composition by combined effects of current management and habitat continuity. During the 1950/60s, the extent of grassland area within the studied landscape rapidly increased to more than double its previous extent, and in 2007, grasslands comprised 16%. Natura 2000 grassland types comprised 1% of the surveyed site and medium-rich, high-nature-value grasslands a further 5%. While the number of wind-pollinated plant species was equal among all grassland types, there was a parallel decline in insect-pollinated plants and overall median species richness in the grassland communities along a gradient of increasing land use intensity (mowing, nutrient supply). Moreover, insect-pollinated plants occurring in intensively managed grasslands were found to additionally have the ability for self-pollination. Species-rich grasslands – including semi-natural grasslands and a semi-improved, species-rich Arrhenatherion community – occurred exclusively on old sites (with >100 years of habitat continuity) that had been used for traditional sheep grazing (environmental contracting). Medium-rich Arrhenatherion grasslands were established primarily on less productive, formerly arable fields (<30 years). We conclude that conservation efforts should focus on extant species-rich grassland types and should aim to implement traditional land use practices such as sheep grazing. Additional restoration efforts should focus on establishing new grasslands on less productive sites in the proximate surroundings of species-rich grasslands to facilitate seed dispersal, but nitrogen deposition should be buffered where appropriate. These measures would enhance the interaction between nature reserves and agricultural grasslands and thus improve the ecological quality of grasslands at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Butterflies are strongly declining on grassland habitats of Central Europe. Therefore, the success of conservation measures on high quality grassland habitats is controversially discussed. We compared the changes in butterfly diversity and community structure on six managed calcareous grasslands with eight unmanaged vineyard fallows. We obtained strong losses of species diversity and remarkable shifts of community compositions on both habitat types. However, the changes on vineyard fallows were only slightly more severe but more stochastic than on the calcareous grasslands. The shifts in community composition with respect to functional species traits were rather similar between the two different grassland types so that complex butterfly communities evolved into generalist-dominated ones. Connectivity was higher among vineyard fallows than among calcareous grasslands. Consequently, conservation measures on calcareous grasslands only partly achieved their goal to maintain the high species diversity and functional complexity still observed in the 1970s. The negative impacts of eutrophication and monotonisation of the landscape as well as climate change are affecting all habitats, independently from management concepts. Therefore, management on conservation sites can buffer against these effects, but is not sufficient for a full compensation.  相似文献   

High densities of Colchicum autumnale may endanger grassland management in Austria. As the toxic components persist in hay and silage, the continuation of the management of these grasslands, which are often characterised by a high biodiversity, is uncertain. Farmers possess valuable and context-specific know-how on toxic plants and grassland management. This study aims at assessing the contribution of farmers’ knowledge to nature conservation research on toxic plants in grasslands. In total, we conducted 170 face-to-face interviews with farmers managing grasslands with C. autumnale in four areas of Lower Austria. In addition, the farmers were invited to regional workshops to discuss C. autumnale, control measures and related problems. We also encouraged farmers to carry out on-farm experiments. To provide triangulation of the participatory with academic research results, C. autumnale was mapped in three municipalities, covering in total 686 ha. The majority of all grassland plots were extensively managed meadows. More than half of them were not fertilised and were subject to nature conservation regulations. Farmers reported an increase of C. autumnale on 44% of all grassland plots. Of these, grassland management has been extensified in 64%. About 27% of all farmers regarded C. autumnale as a problem. Among farmers who sold hay, 48% considered it as problematic. The field survey showed that C. autumnale covers up to 73% of grasslands. Farmers’ knowledge is an important contribution to nature conservation research and should be included in the design and implementation of agri-environmental schemes so that long-term extensive grassland management can be assured.  相似文献   

放牧对草地生态系统影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
全球草地占据30%左右的陆地面积, 在全球气候变化、碳氮及养分循环、保持水土、调节畜牧业生产等方面具有重要的作用。目前草地的主要利用方式之一就是放牧, 不同的牲畜种类、放牧强度、年限、历史和制度等, 会影响草地植物群落、生物多样性及土壤微生物, 进而影响草地生态系统结构、功能和过程。该文围绕放牧对草地生态系统结构、功能和过程的影响, 1)回顾了20世纪50年代到现在各个历史阶段放牧对草地生态系统影响的研究; 2)利用文献计量分析的方法, 剖析了放牧对草地影响研究的热点内容、重要区域和关键词等; 3)阐明了放牧对草地植物生长、群落特征、碳氮及养分循环、生产力及土壤质量等的各方面影响的研究进展及国内相关研究的优势及存在的主要问题和不足; 4)基于上述分析, 从草地放牧精准管理、经典假说验证、放牧和全球变化研究相结合等方面, 提出未来研究的前沿方向和优先领域。该文在系统总结放牧对草地生态系统影响的研究进展、研究优势及存在问题的基础上, 提出未来的研究应与全球变化相结合, 为我国的草地放牧生态学研究、适应性管理和可持续利用等提供科学基础。  相似文献   

Zoning is an important tool used in the management of protected areas and wetlands. It has been developed to apply conservation objectives at different levels of management where conflicting uses can be taking place. GIS is increasingly used to solve land allocation problem with techniques based on zoning, varying from simple overlays to complex multi-criteria evaluation techniques (MCE). This study presents a new approach to the development of zoning plans for Ramsar sites that exhibit major seasonal variations in conservation value and human use and threats. It employs a well-defined GIS-based MCE technique which involves both expert judgment and a set of criteria based on ecological and potential threats. A GIS model using the additive approach in MCE was developed to evaluate Sabkhat Al-Jabboul the only Ramsar site in Syria. The model was applied separately for the spring and winter to accommodate seasonal changes in the intensity and spatial distribution of conservation areas and threats across the site. Separate zoning plans were developed for each of the two main seasons. The zoning plan of the spring season, which is the birds breeding season, included three management zones; the special conservation zone, the conservation buffer zone, and the wise use zone. The winter zoning plan, where the bird feeding activity was the major activity includes two zones: a special conservation zone and a wise use zone. Thus, in cases like Sabkhat Al-Jabboul, where the wetlands are subject to significant seasonal variations, in their ecology and human utilization, it is recommended that flexible seasonal zoning plans are developed to assist in the organization of permitted activities, and to reduce the potential human impacts throughout the year.  相似文献   

Two grassland management patterns, multi-household and single-household, have developed in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China since grasslands came under household control. In the multi-household management pattern (MMP), grassland is jointly managed by two or more households without fences between individual household pastures. The single-household management pattern (SMP) refers to a system in which grassland is separately managed by an individual household with fences separating these pastures from those of other households. This paper compares the benefits of the two management patterns using a field investigation and a social survey. We found that the MMP has greater economic benefits compared with the SMP because multi-household cooperation was more likely to reduce production costs and so reduce resource expenditures. Furthermore, the social benefits from MMP collaboration were also important. The results also indicated that the SMP was more likely to cause grassland degradation. In conclusion, the comprehensive benefits created under the MMP were greater as a result of social learning in this coupled human and natural ecosystem. The MMP has important policy implications for conservation and development initiatives in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and other similar areas.  相似文献   

全球草地占据30%左右的陆地面积, 在全球气候变化、碳氮及养分循环、保持水土、调节畜牧业生产等方面具有重要的作用。目前草地的主要利用方式之一就是放牧, 不同的牲畜种类、放牧强度、年限、历史和制度等, 会影响草地植物群落、生物多样性及土壤微生物, 进而影响草地生态系统结构、功能和过程。该文围绕放牧对草地生态系统结构、功能和过程的影响, 1)回顾了20世纪50年代到现在各个历史阶段放牧对草地生态系统影响的研究; 2)利用文献计量分析的方法, 剖析了放牧对草地影响研究的热点内容、重要区域和关键词等; 3)阐明了放牧对草地植物生长、群落特征、碳氮及养分循环、生产力及土壤质量等的各方面影响的研究进展及国内相关研究的优势及存在的主要问题和不足; 4)基于上述分析, 从草地放牧精准管理、经典假说验证、放牧和全球变化研究相结合等方面, 提出未来研究的前沿方向和优先领域。该文在系统总结放牧对草地生态系统影响的研究进展、研究优势及存在问题的基础上, 提出未来的研究应与全球变化相结合, 为我国的草地放牧生态学研究、适应性管理和可持续利用等提供科学基础。  相似文献   

The South Brazilian grasslands occupy some 13.7 million ha and support very high levels of biodiversity. This paper reviews the current state of ecological knowledge on South Brazilian Campos and of threats and challenges associated with their conservation. The principal factors shaping grassland physiognomy and diversity are discussed, and information is presented on diversity of plant species; best estimates suggest that 3000–4000 phanerophytes occur in the South Brazilian grasslands.It is argued that, despite their high species richness, Campos vegetation is not adequately protected under current conservation policies. In the past three decades, approximately 25% of the grassland area has been lost due to land use changes, and this trend continues. However, representation of Campos grasslands in conservation units is extremely low (less than 0.5%), and the management in most of these is inadequate to preserve the grasslands, as grazing and fire are important factors for their persistence. In conclusion, the following urgent needs are identified: (1) to create more conservation units in different regions, including different grassland types throughout southern Brazil, (2) to develop proper management strategies where grasslands are subject to shrub encroachment and forest expansion, (3) to conduct research on biodiversity and ecological processes in the Campos region and (4) to raise public awareness of the value and vulnerability of this vegetation type.  相似文献   

临泽盐渍化草地空间格局的可塑性面积单元问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李广  侯扶江  黄高宝 《生态学报》2008,28(1):154-161
通过对临泽盐渍化草地群落取样资料的分析表明,草地空间格局的分布对样地尺度变化和划区方案选择均存在敏感性.样地面积在12500m2以下时,尺度增聚效应表现非常明显.在同一取样面积单元下不同的划区方案对草地的空间分布都有一定的影响,但随着取样面积的增大,区划方案的影响也是减少的.因此在研究草地空间分布格局时,要力求寻找一个最佳的区划方案和取样尺度,使得面积单元内的差异最小是非常有必要的.  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity affects the spatial distribution of species. This makes it an important consideration for conservation planning, particularly when designing sustainable production landscapes. We determine whether conserving landscape elements within a transformed landscape is adequate for conserving dung beetle biodiversity. Dung beetles are excellent indicators for landscape biodiversity studies as they are ecologically sensitive. Here we measure dung beetle alpha-diversity, as well as beta-diversity within landscape elements and across different landscape elements. In doing so, we assess the value of landscape elements, as well as variation within landscape elements, in determining the spatial distribution of dung beetles across a production landscape. The study was conducted in the commercial timber production area of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, South Africa. In this system, the different landscape elements are a mosaic of natural indigenous forests, grasslands and alien pine plantation blocks. Our results show that the only response for dung beetle alpha-diversity was higher species richness in grasslands and pine blocks compared to natural forests. The highest beta-diversity for a landscape element was the grassland, for elevational category was low elevational areas and grassland type was the Midlands Mistbelt Grassland. The compositional diversity (beta-diversity between elements) was significantly different for all pairwise variations between landscape elements, the elevational categories and grassland types. Natural forests embedded in the two different grassland types had greater differences in compositional diversity than those embedded in natural (grassland) or transformed (pine blocks) matrices. This highlights the need to conserve a range of similar remnant patches of natural vegetation regionally, in addition to conserving broad landscape elements (i.e. grasslands or natural forests) as conservation targets. Furthermore, our results are encouraging for the potential benefits from the ecosystem service provided by dung beetles across the whole landscape, even in the transformed elements.  相似文献   

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