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Treatment of female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) with 17-beta-estradiol leads to a female-biased sex ratio in their offspring at the age of independence [Horm. Behav. 35 (1999) 135]. It is unclear whether this is due to a bias of the primary sex ratio or to sex-specific survival. We replicated this experiment and found again a significantly higher total number of daughters than sons at independence in the estradiol-treated group. This was due to higher embryonic survival of daughters compared with sons in the estradiol-treated group and the reverse in the control group. There was no effect of the hormone treatment on the primary sex ratio. Treatment with 17-beta-estradiol led to a significantly shorter hatching time and to heavier offspring at day 7 after hatching. This weight was correlated with maternal plasma estradiol levels on the day of the first egg, which were significantly higher in the estradiol-treated group than in the control group. The results do not support the idea that maternal estradiol levels influence the primary sex ratio. They indicate that maternal estradiol differentially affects survival of sons and daughters via an influence on the embryonic environment, possibly enhancing offspring growth.  相似文献   

Environmental factors play a key role in the expression of phenotypic traits and life-history decisions, specifically when they act during early development. In birds, brood size is a main environmental factor affecting development. Experimental manipulation of brood sizes can result in reduced offspring condition, indicating that developmental deficits in enlarged broods have consequences within the affected generation. Yet, it is unclear whether stress during early development can have fitness consequences projecting into the next generation. To study such trans-generational fitness effects, we bred female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, whose mothers had been raised in different experimental brood sizes. We found that adult females were increasingly smaller with increasing experimental brood size in which their mother had been raised. Furthermore, reproductive success at hatching and fledging covaried negatively with the experimental brood size in which their mothers were raised. These results illustrate that early developmental stress can have long-lasting effects affecting reproductive success of future generations. Such trans-generational effects can be life-history responses adapted to environmental conditions experienced early in life.  相似文献   

When social constraints on the expression of mate preferences are absent, variation in offspring viability is predicted to favour females and males that display mate preferences. Earlier studies showed that female and male house mice, Mus domesticus, tested individually and mated with preferred (P) partners had higher reproductive success and better progeny performance than individuals mated with nonpreferred (NP) partners. Here we tested the effects of mutual mate preferences on reproductive success, offspring viability and performance. We conducted mate preference tests and created four types of reproductive pairings. One involved females and males that preferred each other (P-P); the second type had females that preferred the male but the male did not prefer the female (P-NP); the third had females that did not prefer the male but the male did prefer the female (NP-P). The last set consisted of females and males that did not prefer each other (NP-NP). We measured components of fitness for breeders (reproductive success) and offspring viability (birth-to-weaning viability and weight variation) as well as measures of offspring performance. There were no statistical differences in reproductive success of breeders or offspring viability and quality (weight variation) among the four types of pairings. There were, however, consistent differences between P-P versus NP-NP matings. The number of pups weaned, time to first litter, birth-to-weaning viability, pup body weight at birth and weaning, and the growth rates for pups of both sexes were consistently greater for progeny from P-P matings than NP-NP matings. Significant differences occurred among the four mating types in dominance of sons during aggression trials, nest construction and predator avoidance. Progeny from P-P matings displayed behaviour associated with higher fitness more often than progeny from NP-NP matings. These data show that breeders produce more highly competent progeny, most likely to survive, when social constraints on the expression of mate preferences in both sexes are relaxed.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

The steroid environment encountered by developing vertebrates has important organizational effects on physiology and behaviour that persist throughout an organism's lifetime. Optimal allocation of maternal steroids to zygotes may be difficult to achieve because of the sexually antagonistic effects of steroids; thus, for example, a hormone environment beneficial to a developing male may be much less beneficial to a developing female. Research into the important topic of how mothers might adaptively adjust steroid titres experienced by particular young has been constrained by the difficulty of measuring the steroid environment experienced by the embryo at critical times in development. A potential approach to this problem has been suggested by research on variation in digit ratios in humans, where the ratio of the length of the second and fourth digits reflects the steroid environment experienced by the foetus; notably, digit 4 lengthens in response to androgens. In light of the conservative nature of homeobox genes regulating early development in tetrapods, we questioned whether a sex difference in digit ratio exists in a passerine bird, the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata castanotis, and whether observed variation in the ratio is consistent with the previously reported pattern that androgen allocation to zebra finch egg yolk declines across laying order. We established an aviary population of outbred, wild-type zebra finches, and allowed them to breed freely. Hatchlings were marked to correspond to their egg order, and their digit ratios were measured after birds reached adulthood. We found that digit ratio increased across egg order, which is consistent with a pattern of decreasing androgen allocation. Moreover, digit ratios differed between the sexes. We also investigated whether variation in digit ratio among adult females predicted variation in their performance in mate-choice tests. Digit ratio accounted for almost 50% of the variance in strength of female preference for an attractive male trait: specifically, females with higher (presumably less 'androgenized') ratios had stronger preferences for attractive males. Digit ratio may prove to be an extremely useful tool for addressing a wide range of questions about vertebrate differentiation and behaviour.  相似文献   

Treatment of female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) with 17-beta-estradiol leads to a female-biased sex ratio in their offspring at the age of independence [Horm. Behav. 35 (1999) 135]. It is unclear whether this is due to a bias of the primary sex ratio or to sex-specific survival. We replicated this experiment and found again a significantly higher total number of daughters than sons at independence in the estradiol-treated group. This was due to higher embryonic survival of daughters compared with sons in the estradiol-treated group and the reverse in the control group. There was no effect of the hormone treatment on the primary sex ratio. Treatment with 17-beta-estradiol led to a significantly shorter hatching time and to heavier offspring at day 7 after hatching. This weight was correlated with maternal plasma estradiol levels on the day of the first egg, which were significantly higher in the estradiol-treated group than in the control group. The results do not support the idea that maternal estradiol levels influence the primary sex ratio. They indicate that maternal estradiol differentially affects survival of sons and daughters via an influence on the embryonic environment, possibly enhancing offspring growth.  相似文献   

In mating systems with social monogamy and obligatory bi-parental care, such as found in many songbird species, male and female fitness depends on the combined parental investment. Hence, both sexes should gain from choosing mates in high rather than low condition. However, theory also predicts that an individual's phenotypic quality can constrain choice, if low condition individuals cannot afford prolonged search efforts and/or face higher risk of rejection. In systems with mutual mate choice, the interaction between male and female condition should thus be a better predictor of choice than either factor in isolation. To address this prediction experimentally, we manipulated male and female condition and subsequently tested male and female mating preferences in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata, a songbird species with mutual mate choice and obligatory bi-parental care. We experimentally altered phenotypic quality by manipulating the brood size in which the birds were reared. Patterns of association for high- or low-condition individuals of the opposite sex differed for male and female focal birds when tested in an 8-way choice arena. Females showed repeatable condition-assortative preferences for males matching their own rearing background. Male preferences were also repeatable, but not predicted by their own or females' rearing background. In combination with a brief review of the literature on condition-dependent mate choice in the zebra finch we discuss whether the observed sex differences and between-studies differences arise because males and females differ in context sensitivity (e.g. male-male competition suppressing male mating preferences), sampling strategies or susceptibility to rearing conditions (e.g. sex-specific effect on physiology). While a picture emerges that juvenile and current state indeed affect preferences, the development and context-dependency of mutual state-dependent mate choice warrants further study.  相似文献   

Experimental synchronization of onset of incubation was employed in laboratory held zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata to study whether differential resource allocation and possible bias of offspring sex in subsequent eggs in the laying order could mitigate the effects of hatching asynchrony. We found that egg mass increased with laying order, but offspring sex was not related to laying order. Among synchronized clutches, eggs hatched more synchronously than eggs from control nests. Survival probability was related to egg mass, and as expected, this effect differed between experimental groups: it was positive among synchronized broods and not significantly related among asynchronous broods. This suggests that increase in egg mass with the laying order might reduce disparities between early and late hatching chicks. Female nestlings survived better than male nestlings. However their growth was impaired in synchronized broods, whilst growth of males was not affected by hatching synchronization.  相似文献   

When the adult sex ratio differs between years in local populations, but still is predictable between adjacent years, it has been proposed that the best strategy would be to bias the offspring sex ratio in favour of the rare sex. We tested this hypothesis using a data set of great reed warbler offspring, sexed by molecular techniques, that were collected over 11 breeding seasons at two adjacent reed marshes. Three important assumptions for this hypothesis are fulfilled in the studied great reed warbler population. First, a substantial proportion of great reed warblers are living in small local populations where sex ratio distortions would be sufficiently large and common. Second, breeding adults and their offspring return to breed in the local population to a high degree. Third, females have a possibility to assess the breeding sex ratio before laying their eggs. At our study site, the breeding sex ratio was positively correlated between successive years. However, contrary to our prediction, female great reed warblers seemed not to adjust their offspring sex ratio in relation to the local breeding sex ratio.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question of how early learning processes in females influence later preferences for a male trait. I tested whether exposure to song alone (of a male other than the father) was sufficient for inducing a stable (repeatable) preference in female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) by limiting early exposure to tape tutoring. A group of controls heard no songs before also being tested in adulthood. Repeated tests for preferences for tutor or unfamiliar song were made, interspersed with additional tests involving new songs. Preferences were tested in an operant task where pecking of response keys led to song playback. Most females significantly preferred one of the two songs in a given test. In the first test, the relative preference for the tutor song was significantly higher for the tutored than for the control females. Subsequently, tutored females' preferences for the tutor song remained higher on average, but the two groups did not differ significantly. However, tutored, but not untutored females' preferences were highly repeatable between tests, suggesting that early exposure to song might lead to a consolidation ol choice behaviour, a previously unknown effect of early exposure to song in female songbirds.  相似文献   

To study whether offspring sex is related to the amount of resources invested in eggs we performed an experiment on zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. By manipulating their food supply, we forced two groups of females either to increase or to decrease investment in subsequent eggs. Since zebra finches are sexually dimorphic and the reproductive value of the sexes may vary with maternal nutritional status, we predicted that females would adjust the sex of their offspring to egg quality. Females that received poor-quality food for 7 weeks before egg laying, then food supplemented with proteins after they laid the first egg, significantly increased the mass of subsequent eggs. An increase of egg mass with laying sequence was less pronounced in females that received high-quality food before laying and experienced food deterioration after starting to lay. The proportion of sons in subsequent eggs tended to increase in the latter group (although this was marginally significant) but was not related to laying sequence in the other group: these patterns differed significantly between the groups. Offspring sex was not related to egg mass, but newly hatched male chicks were heavier than female chicks. Furthermore, the hatching success of male eggs was lower than that of female eggs. We suggest that differential hatching success of the sexes and sex differences in mass at hatching may constitute important factors shaping brood sex ratios. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the exaggeration of male sexual ornaments and the intensity of female mate preferences of a wild guppy population change over a period of several months. However, the factors that determine the short-term changes in male ornaments and female preferences remained unclear. In this study, we examined the effect of season on these short-term changes by measuring these traits in the same seasons of different years for a wild guppy population in Okinawa, Japan. We also compared the characteristics of the offspring in each collection term, as female guppies are known to have the ability to control offspring characteristics, such as brood size and sex ratios, depending on their mates' attractiveness. Results showed that the total lengths of the males changed seasonally; males in the summer were larger than those in the spring. In contrast, the size of orange spots in males and the intensity of female mating preferences differed in the same seasons of different years. Brood size and offspring body size in each term showed seasonal changes. However, offspring sex ratios exhibited different patterns in the same seasons of different years. Females produced female-biased broods when attractive males with large orange spots were rare. These results suggest that short-term changes in some traits of adult male and female guppies as well as offspring sex ratios may be not determined by seasonal factors, and that these traits may be interrelated.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious species, females sacrifice fitness by not producing pollen, and hence must have a fitness advantage over hermaphrodites. Because females are obligately outcrossed, they may derive a fitness advantage by avoiding selfing and inbreeding depression. However, both sexes are capable of biparental inbreeding, and there are currently few estimates of the independent effects of maternal sex and multiple levels of inbreeding on female advantage. To test these hypotheses, females and hermaphrodites from six Alaskan populations of Silene acaulis were crossed with pollen from self (hermaphrodites only), a sibling, a random plant within the same population, and a plant from a different population. Germination, survivorship and early growth revealed inbreeding depression for selfs and higher germination but reduced growth in sib-crosses, relative to outcrosses. Independent of mate relatedness, females germinated more seeds that grew faster than offspring from hermaphrodites. This indicates that inbreeding depression as well as maternal sex can influence breeding system evolution. The effect of maternal sex may be explained by higher performance of female genotypes and a greater abundance of female genotypes among the offspring of female mothers.  相似文献   

Male and female zebra finches are affected by the colour of plastic leg bands worn by opposite-sex conspecifics. They find certain colours more attractive, and others less attractive, than the natural unbanded condition. Females prefer red-banded males over unbanded ones, and avoid light-blue and light-green banded males. Males prefer black and pink banded females and avoid those wearing light-blue or light-green bands. These findings may have utility for the study of mate choice in monogramous species; they also raise important questions about a widely used experimental technique.  相似文献   

Nulliparous female Syrian hamsters were used to investigate the effect of two different breeding systems on the fertility of the female Syrian hamster. We hypothesized that females submitted to a harem system (HS) would deliver smaller and more female-biased litters than in a monogamic system. Ten female and 10 adult male hamsters housed individually (G1) were kept in a monogamic temporary breeding system, while 10 females and five males (G2) were submitted to HS with two females and a male permanently housed together since female weaning. Females from G1 and G2 delivered, respectively, 47 and 50 litters, and produced 364 (G1) and 383 (G2) weaned pups without any difference in litter size, mean weight of weaned pups and body condition of dams. Interparturition intervals were shorter and the percentage of male pups per litter was higher in the HS possibly as a result of different endocrine conditions provided by different breeding systems. Besides providing evidence that housing conditions can influence the sex of hamster offspring, our findings suggest a mechanism for the non-random distribution of male and female pups in hamster litters.  相似文献   

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