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In all mammals, the sensory epithelium for audition is located along the spiraling organ of Corti that resides within the conch shaped cochlea of the inner ear (fig 1). Hair cells in the developing cochlea, which are the mechanosensory cells of the auditory system, are aligned in one row of inner hair cells and three (in the base and mid-turns) to four (in the apical turn) rows of outer hair cells that span the length of the organ of Corti. Hair cells transduce sound-induced mechanical vibrations of the basilar membrane into neural impulses that the brain can interpret. Most cases of sensorineural hearing loss are caused by death or dysfunction of cochlear hair cells.An increasingly essential tool in auditory research is the isolation and in vitro culture of the organ explant 1,2,9. Once isolated, the explants may be utilized in several ways to provide information regarding normative, anomalous, or therapeutic physiology. Gene expression, stereocilia motility, cell and molecular biology, as well as biological approaches for hair cell regeneration are examples of experimental applications of organ of Corti explants.This protocol describes a method for the isolation and culture of the organ of Corti from neonatal mice. The accompanying video includes stepwise directions for the isolation of the temporal bone from mouse pups, and subsequent isolation of the cochlea, spiral ligament, and organ of Corti. Once isolated, the sensory epithelium can be plated and cultured in vitro in its entirety, or as a further dissected micro-isolate that lacks the spiral limbus and spiral ganglion neurons. Using this method, primary explants can be maintained for 7-10 days. As an example of the utility of this procedure, organ of Corti explants will be electroporated with an exogenous DsRed reporter gene. This method provides an improvement over other published methods because it provides reproducible, unambiguous, and stepwise directions for the isolation, microdissection, and primary culture of the organ of Corti.  相似文献   

The cochlear sensory epithelium and spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) in the adult mammalian inner ear do not regenerate following severe injury. To replace the degenerated SGNs, neural stem cell (NSC) is an attractive alternative for substitution cell therapy. In this study, adult mouse NSCs were transplanted into normal and deafened inner ears of guinea pigs. To more efficiently drive the implanted cells into a neuronal fate, NSCs were also transduced with neurogenin 2 (ngn2) before transplantation. In deafened inner ears and in animals transplanted with ngn2-transduced NSCs, surviving cells expressed the neuronal marker neural class III beta-tubulin. Transplanted cells were found close to the sensory epithelium and adjacent to the SGNs and their peripheral processes. The results illustrate that adult NSCs can survive and differentiate in the injured inner ear. It also demonstrates the feasibility of gene transfer to generate specific progeny for cell replacement therapy in the inner ear.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis is a highly ordered developmental program that produces haploid male germ cells. The study of male germ cell development in the mouse has provided unique perspectives into the molecular mechanisms that control cell development and differentiation in mammals, including tissue‐specific gene regulatory programs. An intrinsic challenge in spermatogenesis research is the heterogeneity of germ and somatic cell types present in the testis. Techniques to separate and isolate distinct mouse spermatogenic cell types have great potential to shed light on molecular mechanisms controlling mammalian cell development, while also providing new insights into cellular events important for human reproductive health. Here, we detail a versatile strategy that combines Cre‐lox technology to fluorescently label germ cells, with flow cytometry to discriminate and isolate germ cells in different stages of development for cellular and molecular analyses.  相似文献   

目的比较不同的流式抗体分选小鼠原位肝癌模型骨髓中的髓系来源抑制性细胞(myeloid-derived suppressor cells,MDSCs)。方法建立BALB/c小鼠原位肝癌移植模型,10d后分离荷瘤小鼠骨髓细胞,分别进行CD11b、Gr-1单色标记及CD11b和Gr-1双色标记后,进行流式分选。比较这三种方式分选的MDSCs纯度、活力,并检测分选的细胞精氨酸代谢酶1(arginase-1,Arg-1)和诱导型一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide synthase,iNOS)的表达,并通过活性氧检测试剂盒检测MDSCs活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)表达。结果三种方法分选到的细胞活力和纯度都大于90%。CD11b标记进行分选操作最为方便,易于统一,但纯度略差;Gr-1标记进行分选时,细胞群不好确定,但纯度高;双色标记进行分选纯度最高。分选的细胞高表达Arg-1、iNOS和ROS。结论三种抗体标记方法均能从小鼠原位肝癌模型骨髓中的分选到纯度高、活力好的MDSCs,而用CD11b单色标记操作方便,易于统一,可作为首选方法。MDSCs的成功分选,对于后续开展MDSCs的生物学和免疫学功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Multiparameter flow cytometry was used to identify and sort subpopulations of cells from pleural cell populations harvested from the rat without employing special stains or fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies. Cell parameters measured included electronic volume, axial light loss, 90° light scatter, and blue autofluorescence. Various bivariate combinations of these parameters were used to distinctly resolve pleural macrophages, eosinophils, mast cells, and lymphocytes. These subpopulations were separately sorted viably according to their unique electrooptical phenotypic characteristics in>90% purity. Our multiparameter flow cytometric approach, accordingly, provides a means by which pleural cell subpopulations may be easily obtained for subsequent in vitro study. Moreover, the general strategy for identifying and isolating these subpopulations may be usefully extended to the identification and isolation of subpopulations of cells occurring in other complex cell mixtures.  相似文献   

MDSC are a heterogeneous population of immature macrophages, dendritic cells and granulocytes that accumulate in lymphoid organs in pathological conditions including parasitic infection, inflammation, traumatic stress, graft-versus-host disease, diabetes and cancer1-7. In mice, MDSC express Mac-1 (CD11b) and Gr-1 (Ly6G and Ly6C) surface antigens7. It is important to note that MDSC are well studied in various tumor-bearing hosts where they are significantly expanded and suppress anti-tumor immune responses compared to naïve counterparts7-10. However, depending on the pathological condition, there are different subpopulations of MDSC with distinct mechanisms and targets of suppression11,12. Therefore, effective methods to isolate viable MDSC populations are important in elucidating their different molecular mechanisms of suppression in vitro and in vivo.Recently, the Ghansah group has reported the expansion of MDSC in a murine pancreatic cancer model. Our tumor-bearing MDSC display a loss of homeostasis and increased suppressive function compared to naïve MDSC 13. MDSC percentages are significantly less in lymphoid compartments of naïve vs. tumor-bearing mice. This is a major caveat, which often hinders accurate comparative analyses of these MDSC. Therefore, enriching Gr-1+ leukocytes from naïve mice prior to Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) enhances purity, viability and significantly reduces sort time. However, enrichment of Gr-1+ leukocytes from tumor-bearing mice is optional as these are in abundance for quick FACS sorting. Therefore, in this protocol, we describe a highly efficient method of immunophenotyping MDSC and enriching Gr-1+ leukocytes from spleens of naïve mice for sorting MDSC in a timely manner. Immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice are inoculated with murine Panc02 cells subcutaneously whereas naïve mice receive 1XPBS. Approximately 30 days post inoculation; spleens are harvested and processed into single-cell suspensions using a cell dissociation sieve. Splenocytes are then Red Blood Cell (RBC) lysed and an aliquot of these leukocytes are stained using fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies against Mac-1 and Gr-1 to immunophenotype MDSC percentages using Flow Cytometry. In a parallel experiment, whole leukocytes from naïve mice are stained with fluorescent-conjugated Gr-1 antibodies, incubated with PE-MicroBeads and positively selected using an automated Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting (autoMACS) Pro Separator. Next, an aliquot of Gr-1+ leukocytes are stained with Mac-1 antibodies to identify the increase in MDSC percentages using Flow Cytometry. Now, these Gr1+ enriched leukocytes are ready for FACS sorting of MDSC to be used in comparative analyses (naïve vs. tumor- bearing) in in vivo and in vitro assays.  相似文献   

The DNA of Babesia spp. parasites within host intact red blood cells was labeled using the fluorescent bisbenzimidazole dye 33258 Hoechst. The labeled cells were sorted on a fluorescence activated cell sorter on the basis of cell fluorescence (proportional to DNA content) and the intensity of light scattered from the cells at low angles (related to cell size). The optimal conditions for dye uptake were established for the murine parasite Babesia rodhaini and the bovine parasites B. bovis and B. bigemina. Uninfected cells were nonfluorescent after incubation with the dye and could be completely separated from infected fluorescent cells. The fluorescence of cells infected with B. rodhaini was proportional to the number of parasite nuclei per cell. With saturation levels of dye, samples infected with B. bovis or B. bigemina in which erythrocytes contained one or two parasites, both exhibited only one fluorescent cell peak. Cell sorting did not eliminate the infectivity of B. rodhaini. The method may be used to separate populations of uninfected blood cells and cells infected with Babesia spp. for biochemical and immunochemical experiments.  相似文献   

Here we examine how BMP, Wnt, and FGF signaling modulate activin-induced mesendodermal differentiation of mouse ES cells grown under defined conditions in adherent monoculture. We monitor ES cells containing reporter genes for markers of primitive streak (PS) and its progeny and extend previous findings on the ability of increasing concentrations of activin to progressively induce more ES cell progeny to anterior PS and endodermal fates. We find that the number of Sox17- and Gsc-expressing cells increases with increasing activin concentration while the highest number of T-expressing cells is found at the lowest activin concentration. The expression of Gsc and other anterior markers induced by activin is prevented by treatment with BMP4, which induces T expression and subsequent mesodermal development. We show that canonical Wnt signaling is required only during late stages of activin-induced development of Sox17-expressing endodermal cells. Furthermore, Dkk1 treatment is less effective in reducing development of Sox17+ endodermal cells in adherent culture than in aggregate culture and appears to inhibit nodal-mediated induction of Sox17+ cells more effectively than activin-mediated induction. Notably, activin induction of Gsc-GFP+ cells appears refractory to inhibition of canonical Wnt signaling but shows a dependence on early as well as late FGF signaling. Additionally, we find a late dependence on FGF signaling during induction of Sox17+ cells by activin while BMP4-induced T expression requires FGF signaling in adherent but not aggregate culture. Lastly, we demonstrate that activin-induced definitive endoderm derived from mouse ES cells can incorporate into the developing foregut endoderm in vivo and adopt a mostly anterior foregut character after further culture in vitro.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer has one of worst prognosis among all human malignancies around the world, the development of novel and more efficient anti-cancer agents against this disease is urgent. In the current study, we tested the potential effect of INK-128, a novel mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 and 2 (mTORC1/2) dual inhibitor, against pancreatic cancer cells in vitro. Our results demonstrated that INK-128 concentration- and time-dependently inhibited the survival and growth of pancreatic cancer cells (both primary cells and transformed cells). INK-128 induced pancreatic cancer cell apoptosis and necrosis simultaneously. Further, INK-128 dramatically inhibited phosphorylation of 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1), ribosomal S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) and Akt at Ser 473 in pancreatic cancer cells. Meanwhile, it downregulated cyclin D1 expression and caused cell cycle arrest. Finally, we found that a low concentration of INK-128 significantly increased the sensitivity of pancreatic cancer cells to gemcitabine. Together, our in vitro results suggest that INK-128 might be further investigated as a novel anti-cancer agent or chemo-adjuvant for pancreatic cancer treatment.  相似文献   

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