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We examined the atmospheric conditions favourable to the occurrence of maximum concentrations of ragweed pollen with an extremely high risk of producing allergy. Over the 2002–2009 period, daily pollen data collected in Zagreb were used to identify two periods of high pollen concentration (> 600 grains/m3) for our analysis: period A (3–4 September 2002) and period B (6–7 September 2003). Synoptic conditions in both periods were very similar: Croatia was under the influence of a lower sector high pressure system moving slowly eastward over Eastern Europe. During the 2002–2009 period, this type of weather pattern (on ~ 70% of days), in conjunction with almost non-gradient surface pressure conditions in the area (on ~ 30% of days) characterised days when the daily pollen concentrations were higher than 400 grains/m3. Numerical experiments using a mesoscale model at fine resolution showed successful multi-day simulations reproducing the local topographic influence on wind flow and in reasonable agreement with available observations. According to the model, the relatively weak synoptic flow (predominantly from the eastern direction) allowed local thermal circulations to develop over Zagreb during both high pollen episodes. Two-hour pollen concentrations and 48-h back-trajectories indicated that regional-range transport of pollen grains from the central Pannonian Plain was the cause of the high pollen concentrations during period A. During period B, the north-westward regional-range transport in Zagreb was supplemented significantly by pronounced horizontal recirculation of pollen grains. This recirculation happened within the diurnal local circulation over the city, causing a late-evening increase in pollen concentration.  相似文献   

The aerobiological investigations were carriedout at five sites located in different climaticand geobotanical regions in Poland. The diurnalperiodicity of Alnus, Betula, Secale,Poaceae, Urtica, and Artemisia wasstudied during two successive years. The taxawere chosen on the basis of pollen grainabundance and allergenity. The pollen wascollected with a Burkard spore trap. Twelvetransversal transverses of microscope slidescorresponding to two-hour periods wereanalysed. The diurnal variations ofPoaceae, Alnus and Betula were irregularand varied between sites and years; highconcentrations were observed at different hoursof the day and night. Diurnal concentrations of Secale, Urtica and Artemisia hadonly one maximum in the middle of the day,constant between sites and years. The lowestconcentrations were observed between eveningand early morning. There was no close relationbetween the time of the liberation ofAlnus, Betula and Poaceae pollen and thetime of the maximum pollen counts. There was aseveral hour delay observed between the timeof Secale pollen liberation and maximumconcentration of airborne pollen.  相似文献   

In order to find the qualitative and quantitative changes in airborne pollen concentrations in Delhi metropolis area an aerobiological survey was undertaken from September 1990 to August 1997. Air samples were collected daily using a Rotorod Aeroallergen Sampler at 10?m above the ground level. Ninety-four pollen types were recorded and the major contributors include Morus, Cannabis, Chenopod/Amaranth, Prosopis, Artemisia, and Eucalyptus. Ten pollen types contributed 90% of the total pollen load. Two major pollen seasons were recorded each year (February–April and September–November), although pollen grains in low frequency were recorded throughout the whole year. A significant reduction in pollen concentration was observed in subsequent years. The number of Morus, Cannabis, Prosopis, and Artemisia pollen decreased considerably while the number of Ricinus communis pollen did not show any considerable change during the study period. It is suggested that the reduction in pollen numbers from 1990 to 1997 in Delhi is due to massive clearing of vegetation for developmental activities of the city.  相似文献   

The pollen contents at different heights (1.5 and 15 m) of species of the Urticaceae family have been studied by sampling with Hirst type volumetric samplers. In order to achieve this, the two pollen types belonging to this family have been treated separately,Urtica urens-Parietaria sp. on the one hand andUrtica membranacea on the other, the latter having a smaller pollen grain. The results show that meteorological factors are bound to influence the behaviour of both these types of pollen in relation to height. With damp weather the pollen contents vary very slightly at different heights while when the weather is dry and calm, differences in pollen content at different heights become more significant. Nevertheless, when the atmosphere is stratified, the behaviour of each pollen type is different. The results show that, for most of the months considered, there is a higher pollen content ofU. membranacea at upper heights, whileU. urens-Parietaria sp. has higher levels of pollen content at a lower height. High temperatures, absence of rain and calm weather conditions favour the presence of convective phenomena which in turn create a favourable atmosphere for the vertical transportation of the small pollen grains ofU. membranacea, which are better represented in the samplers placed at 15 m.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine seasonal variation in concentrations of selected fungal spore types due to meteorological parameters. The presence of spores of thirteen taxa: Cladosporium, Torula, Alternaria, Botrytis, Epicoccum, Stemphylium, Ganoderma, Erysiphales, Entomophthora, Drechslera type, Didymella, Polythrincium and Pithomyces was recorded in Cracow using a Burkard trap. The majority of selected taxa belong to the anamorphic fungi group, the others to Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Zygomycetes. Fungal spores were present in the air in large numbers throughout the summer with the highest levels being reached in June, July and August although their highest concentrations differed with time. For most of the studied spore types: Botrytis, Ganoderma, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Torula, Drechslera type, Polythrincium, Stemphylium and Pithomyces the peak period was recorded in August. Didymella and Entomophthora spores reached their highest concentrations in July while concentrations of Erysiphales and Cladosporium spores were highest in June. Multiple regression analysis was performed for two seasonal periods: pre-peak and post-peak. In the pre-peak period concentrations of 10 spore types: Cladosporium, Botrytis, Epicoccum, Stemphylium, Drechslera type, Pithomyces, Didymella, Erysiphales, Ganoderma and Entomophthora were strongest influenced by minimum temperature while Alternaria, Polythrincium and Torula by maximum temperature (significance level of α=0.05). During the post-peak period the most important factor affecting variation in concentrations of Botrytis, Polythrincium, Didymella, Erysiphales, Ganoderma and Entomophthora spores was the minimum temperature. For Alternaria, Cladosporium, Epicoccum and Torula the maximum temperature appeared to be the most influential, whereas for Drechslera type, Stemphylium and Pithomyces it was sunshine. All correlations between spore concentration, minimum and maximum temperature and sunshine were significant (significance level of α=0.05), and positive although the percentage of explained variation (R2) was low.  相似文献   

The number of individuals allergic to plant pollen has recently been on a constant increase, especially in large cities and industrial areas. Therefore, monitoring of airborne pollen types and concentrations during the pollen season is of the utmost medical importance. The research reported in this paper aims to determine the beginning, course and end of the pollen season for the plants in the City of Zagreb, to identify allergenic plants, and to assess the variation in airborne pollen concentration as a function of temperature and precipitation changes for the year 2002. A volumetric Hirst sampler was used for airborne pollen sampling. Qualitative and quantitative pollen analysis was performed under a light microscope (magnification ×400). In the Zagreb area, 12 groups of highly allergenic plants (alder, hazel, cypress, birch, ash, hornbeam, grasses, elder, nettles, sweet chestnut, artemisia and ambrosia) were identified. Birch pollen predominated in spring, the highest concentrations being recorded in February and March. Grass pollen prevailed in May and June, and pollen of herbaceous plants of the genus Urtica (nettle) and of ambrosia in July, August and September. Air temperature was mostly higher or considerably higher than the annual average in those months, which resulted in a many days with high and very high airborne pollen concentrations. The exception was April, when these concentrations were lower because of high levels of precipitation. This also held for the first half of August and the second half of September. Pollen-sensitive individuals were at high risk from February till October because of the high airborne pollen concentrations, which only showed a transient decrease when the temperature fell or there was precipitation.  相似文献   

Objective: A survey of dental health status was conducted in the institutionalised elderly in Zagreb, Croatia in order to assess the dental and oral health of the elderly population. Participants: In 139 institutionalised elderly from a single nursing home in Zagreb, dental and oral status was registered according to World Health Organization criteria. There were 108 (77.7%) female and 31 (22.3%) male subjects aged 58–99 years. Results: The results showed that 45.3% of the interviewed persons were totally edentulous in both jaws. A significant increase in prevalence of edentulousness with the increasing age was recorded. The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth number was 27. The average number of teeth with caries was 1.03 per person, the number of the teeth extracted was 6.9 per person and teeth with fillings 0.74 per person. The average number of teeth with root caries was 0.17. Approximately 9 teeth per person were in need of treatment. Filled teeth were found 25.9% of subjects and decayed teeth in 30.9%. The mean number of remaining sound teeth, decayed teeth and residual roots in the elderly decreased with increasing age. Complete periodontal treatment was required in 5.8% of the participants and no significant differences between genders in periodontal status could be noticed. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest poor dental health in this group of the institutionalised elderly and the necessity of improving and implementing some special features in the dental health services programs for the institutionalised elderly.  相似文献   

In spite of the low atmospheric pollen levels, Artemisia sensitisation and allergy has been reported widely. The aim of the study was to determine the length of pollen season, intradiurnal, daily and monthly pollen variation, and the effect of some meteorological parameters on atmospheric pollen concentrations in Central Croatia. Seven-day Hirst volumetric pollen and spore traps were used for pollen sampling. The Artemisia pollen season lasted from the end of July until the end of September with the highest concentrations in August. The percentage of the total pollen count ranged from 0.52% to 0.92%. The intradiurnal peak occurred between 10 a.m. and 12 a.m. Statistical analysis showed a significant correlations between higher air temperature and high pollen concentration as well as high precipitation and low pollen concentration. Results of this study are expected to help in preventing the symptoms of allergic reaction in individuals with Artemisia pollen hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Pollen concentrations recorded during three years sampling in north-central London have shown distinctive diurnal variations. This paper identifies these patterns for three pollen taxa and attempts to account for the variations observed. The diurnal variations identified are interpreted in relation to meteorological conditions, pollen source area and phenological patterns of pollen release. A hypothesis of pollen dispersal to the sampling site is suggested.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess birth weight of healthy newborns from the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County, Croatia. Birth weights of healthy newborns, born at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Center "Zagreb" in the year 2001, were included into analysis. Since there were only few newborns in the 22nd-27th week of gestation, they were excluded from the study. Small number of data points was also noticed in 28th-36th week of gestation, and was supplemented with the data from the years 2000, 2002 and 2003. The method of analysis used in this study was described by Altman and Chitty (Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol., 101 (1994) 29). After the application of well defined exclusion criteria, the final sample consisted of 4252 newborns. Percentile values for the four groups of newborns (male gender-primipara, male gender-multipara, female gender-primipara, female gender-multipara) were defined, yielding highest birth weight values in the male gender-multipara group (50th percentile of 40th gestational week was 3551.3 g), while female gender-primipara newborns were the lightest among the four sub-samples studied (50th percentile of 40th gestational week was 3399.9 g). New percentile values for percentile curves plotting are presented here and recommended for use in the clinical practice.  相似文献   

The level of information on biometeorologic reports and mood effects of weather conditions on the Zagreb population were assessed in a sample of 782 subjects. Only 103 (13.2%) study subjects had not been informed on biometeorologic reports. Mood effects of weather conditions were reported by more than 76% of study subjects, 18.3% of them reporting meteorosensitivity. Meteorosensitivity showed a female predominance, and increased with age and level of education. 88% of chronic patients reported discomforts caused by changes in atmospheric conditions. Apathy and sleepiness were the most common mood changes associated with weather changes, whereas humid weather was indicated as a weather type that caused most discomforts in study subjects.  相似文献   

People's sensitivity to allergies may representone of the most important health factors of thenext century to which attention must be paid inorder to reduce the incidence of social costsand improve the quality of life.Taking into consideration the earnest requestsof the medical-scientific communityEmilia-Romagna ARPA (Regional Agency for thePrevention of the Environment) moved theattention from the monitoring to a short andmedium term prediction of the concentration ofallergenic pollens in the air in order toachieve a more effective therapeutic action.Our main objectives are to improve seasonalforecasts and to interpret anomalous years.A neural network model for grass pollenforecasting has been implemented. Inputvariables were meteorological situations, i.e.,daily temperature (max., min. and average) andrainfall, in addition to combinations ofindividual variables and their thresholds. Theoutput was daily pollen concentration.The model was able to understand and predictanomalous years. We demonstrate that therelationships between pollen concentrations andmeteorological situations are independent fromsite. This means that such models canunderstand the differences in differentareas.  相似文献   

In this work we establish theoretical daily pollen variation grains for the 24 taxa most frequently occurring in the atmosphere of Córdoba (Spain) during three consecutive years, namely Alnus glutinosa, Broussonetia papyrifera, Casuarina equisetifolia, Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cupressaceae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Fraxinus, Gramineae, Mercurialis, Morus, Myrtaceae, Olea europaea, Palmae, Pinaceae, Pistacia, Plantago, Platanus hybrida, Populus, Quercus, Rumex, Typha domingensis, Ulmus minor and Urticaceae. Sampling was carried out using a Burkard spore-trap and the data collected were used to establish theoretical patterns of daily variation represented by an ideal day with accounts for the daily behaviour of each taxon.

The application of centred-data analysis (CDA) allowed two groups of taxa to be established, namely (a) those with a homogeneous variation pattern and small differences between the times of maximum and minimum occurrence, and (b) those with a heterogeneous variation pattern arising from large differences between maxima and minima or from a rather erratic variation.

As a rule, maximum pollen concentrations were found to coincide with the times of maximum sunlight and temperature.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the onset, length and end of the ragweed pollen season, taking into account diurnal, day-to-day, monthly and annual pollen variations, the effect of some meteorological parameters on atmospheric pollen concentrations and possible differences in the airborne pollen season and concentration due to sampling site. Airborne pollen was collected at three sites in central Croatia (Zagreb, Samobor and Ivanić Grad) during three pollen seasons (2002–2004). Seven-day Hirst-type volumetric pollen traps were used for pollen sampling. Ragweed pollen was the third most abundant pollen type to occur in the atmosphere of central Croatia. Total Ambrosia pollen concentration was the highest in the 2003 pollen season and the lowest in 2004 at all sampling sites. Maximum emissions were restricted to August and September. Intradiurnal periodicity showed a peak from 1000 to 1200 hours. The concentration of ragweed pollen during the pollen season was greatly influenced by temperature and precipitation: on rainy days accompanied by temperature decline, the air pollen concentration decreased abruptly. The results of this study are aimed at helping to alleviate the symptoms of allergic reactions in individuals with ragweed pollen hypersensitivity, thus improving their quality of life.  相似文献   

We examined the long-term trends in airborne fungal-spore concentrations in Thessaloniki, Greece, over the period 1987–2005. We estimated trends in the spore levels for the 14 taxa that contribute at least 0.1 % to the total airborne spore concentration. We also tested for trends towards earlier, longer or more highly peaked spore seasons. There was decreasing concentration of spores for 11 of the 14 taxa, especially for Agrocybe, Botrytis, Cladosporium, and Nigrospora, where this trend was significant. Using ANCOVA, there was a highly significant negative trend overall (p < 0.001). Regarding the spore-season related attributes, there were very few significant trends. However, the main spore season tended to start later (for 12 of the 14 taxa) and become shorter (for 10 of the 14 taxa); later onset was more pronounced during the most recent part of the study period. Fungi seem to display a delayed and slower response to climate change than plants and in a direction opposite to that of pollen.  相似文献   

Pulse-labeling with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in combination with fluorescence in situ hybridization was applied to quantify the percentage of proliferating cells in coastal North Sea waters. In order to assess diurnal variability, we sampled eight or nine times, respectively, within 3 consecutive days at two seasons. Bacteria affiliated with the Roseobacter, SAR86, and NOR5 lineages constituted on average 19% +/- 3%, 8% +/- 2%, and 6% +/- 1% of all cells in May 2002 and 17% +/- 3%, 10% +/- 2%, and 11% +/- 3% in August. The relative abundances of the three populations either remained stable, or they changed very gradually during the observation periods. On average, 38 and 39% of all Bacteria exhibited DNA de novo synthesis in May and August, respectively. The fractions of proliferating cells in bacteria of the SAR86 (May, 59%; August, 72%) and the Roseobacter (48 and 53%) lineages were significantly above the community average. A substantial cell proliferation of population NOR5 (34%) was only encountered in August, concomitant with a dinoflagellate bloom. Significant short-term fluctuations of DNA-synthesizing cells were observed in Roseobacter during May and in NOR5 during August, hinting at a pronounced (temporal or spatial) mesoscale patchiness of growth rates in these populations. Since the BrdU proliferation assay is susceptible to misinterpretation, we also modeled the expected number of labeled cells at increasing BrdU incubation times in a slowly growing bacterial population. We suggest that the absence of visible DNA synthesis in marine bacterioplankton cells after DNA pulse-labeling must not be interpreted as an indication of cell "inactivity."  相似文献   

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