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Proteolytic processing of mutant huntingtin (mHtt), the protein that causes Huntington''s disease (HD), is critical for mHtt toxicity and disease progression. mHtt contains several caspase and calpain cleavage sites that generate N-terminal fragments that are more toxic than full-length mHtt. Further processing is then required for the degradation of these fragments, which in turn, reduces toxicity. This unknown, secondary degradative process represents a promising therapeutic target for HD.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have used intrabodies, intracellularly expressed antibody fragments, to gain insight into the mechanism of mutant huntingtin exon 1 (mHDx-1) clearance. Happ1, an intrabody recognizing the proline-rich region of mHDx-1, reduces the level of soluble mHDx-1 by increasing clearance. While proteasome and macroautophagy inhibitors reduce turnover of mHDx-1, Happ1 is still able to reduce mHDx-1 under these conditions, indicating Happ1-accelerated mHDx-1 clearance does not rely on these processes. In contrast, a calpain inhibitor or an inhibitor of lysosomal pH block Happ1-mediated acceleration of mHDx-1 clearance. These results suggest that mHDx-1 is cleaved by calpain, likely followed by lysosomal degradation and this process regulates the turnover rate of mHDx-1. Sequence analysis identifies amino acid (AA) 15 as a potential calpain cleavage site. Calpain cleavage of recombinant mHDx-1 in vitro yields fragments of sizes corresponding to this prediction. Moreover, when the site is blocked by binding of another intrabody, VL12.3, turnover of soluble mHDx-1 in living cells is blocked.


These results indicate that calpain-mediated removal of the 15 N-terminal AAs is required for the degradation of mHDx-1, a finding that may have therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

The huntingtin exon 1 proteins with a polyglutamine repeat in the pathological range (51 or 83 glutamines), but not with a polyglutamine tract in the normal range (20 glutamines), form aggresome-like perinuclear inclusions in human 293 Tet-Off cells. These structures contain aggregated, ubiquitinated huntingtin exon 1 protein with a characteristic fibrillar morphology. Inclusion bodies with truncated huntingtin protein are formed at centrosomes and are surrounded by vimentin filaments. Inhibition of proteasome activity resulted in a twofold increase in the amount of ubiquitinated, SDS-resistant aggregates, indicating that inclusion bodies accumulate when the capacity of the ubiquitin-proteasome system to degrade aggregation-prone huntingtin protein is exhausted. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy with immunogold labeling revealed that the 20S, 19S, and 11S subunits of the 26S proteasome, the molecular chaperones BiP/GRP78, Hsp70, and Hsp40, as well as the RNA-binding protein TIA-1, the potential chaperone 14-3-3, and alpha-synuclein colocalize with the perinuclear inclusions. In 293 Tet-Off cells, inclusion body formation also resulted in cell toxicity and dramatic ultrastructural changes such as indentations and disruption of the nuclear envelope. Concentration of mitochondria around the inclusions and cytoplasmic vacuolation were also observed. Together these findings support the hypothesis that the ATP-dependent ubiquitin-proteasome system is a potential target for therapeutic interventions in glutamine repeat disorders.  相似文献   

In response to stress small organic compounds termed osmolytes are ubiquitously accumulated in all cell types to regulate the intracellular solvent quality and to counteract the deleterious effect on the stability and function of cellular proteins. Given the evidence that destabilization of the native state of a protein either by mutation or by environmental changes triggers the aggregation in the neurodegenerative pathologies, the modulation of the intracellular solute composition with osmolytes is an attractive strategy to stabilize an aggregating protein. Here we report the effect of three natural osmolytes on the in vivo and in vitro aggregation landscape of huntingtin exon 1 implicated in the Huntington's disease. Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) and proline redirect amyloid fibrillogenesis of the pathological huntingtin exon 1 to nonamyloidogenic amorphous assemblies via two dissimilar molecular mechanisms. TMAO causes a rapid formation of bulky amorphous aggregates with minimally exposed surface area, whereas proline solubilizes the monomer and suppresses the accumulation of early transient aggregates. Conversely, glycine-betaine enhances fibrillization in a fashion reminiscent of the genesis of functional amyloids. Strikingly, none of the natural osmolytes can completely abrogate the aggregate formation; however, they redirect the amyloidogenesis into alternative, nontoxic aggregate species. Our study reveals new insights into the complex interactions of osmoprotectants with polyQ aggregates.  相似文献   

Many diverse human diseases are associated with protein aggregation in ordered fibrillar structures called amyloid. Amyloid formation may mediate aberrant protein interactions that culminate in neurodegeneration in Alzheimer, Huntington, and Parkinson diseases and in prion encephalopathies. Studies of protein aggregation in the brain are hampered by limitations in imaging techniques and often require invasive methods that can only be performed postmortem. Here we describe transgenic mice in which aggregation-prone proteins that cause Huntington and Parkinson disease are expressed in the ocular lens. Expression of a mutant huntingtin fragment or alpha-synuclein in the lens leads to protein aggregation and cataract formation, which can be monitored in real time by noninvasive, highly sensitive optical techniques. Expression of a mutant huntingtin fragment in mice lacking the major lens chaperone, alphaB-crystallin, markedly accelerated the onset and severity of aggregation, demonstrating that the endogenous chaperone activity of alphaB-crystallin suppresses aggregation in vivo. These novel mouse models will facilitate the characterization of protein aggregation in vivo and are being used in efficient and economical screens for chemical and genetic modifiers of disease-relevant protein aggregation.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a nonspecific bulk degradation pathway for long-lived cytoplasmic proteins, protein complexes, or damaged organelles. This process is also a major degradation pathway for many aggregate-prone, disease-causing proteins associated with neurodegenerative disorders, such as mutant huntingtin in Huntington's disease. In this review, we discuss factors regulating the degradation of mutant huntingtin by autophagy. We also report the growing list of new drugs/pathways that upregulate autophagy to enhance the clearance of this mutant protein, as autophagy upregulation may be a tractable strategy for the treatment of Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

CAG-triplet repeat extension, translated into polyglutamines within the coding frame of otherwise unrelated gene products, causes 9 incurable neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington's disease. Although an expansion in the CAG repeat length is the autosomal dominant mutation that causes the fully penetrant neurological phenotypes, the repeat length is inversely correlated with the age of onset. The precise molecular mechanism(s) of neurodegeneration remains elusive, but compelling evidence implicates the protein or its proteolytic fragments as the cause for the gain of novel pathological function(s). The authors sought to identify small molecules that target the selective clearance of polypeptides containing pathological polyglutamine extension. In a high-throughput chemical screen, they identified compounds that facilitate the clearance of a small huntingtin fragment with extended polyglutamines fused to green fluorescent protein reporter. Identified hits were validated in dose-response and toxicity tests. Compounds have been further tested in an assay for clearance of a larger huntingtin fragment, containing either pathological or normal polyglutamine repeats. In this assay, the authors identified compounds selectively targeting the clearance of mutant but not normal huntingtin fragments. These compounds were subjected to a functional assay, which yielded a lead compound that rescues cells from induced mutant polyglutamine toxicity.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 1 in 10 000 individuals. The underlying gene mutation was identified as a CAG‐triplet repeat expansion in the gene huntingtin. The CAG sequence codes for glutamine, and in HD, an expansion of the polyglutamine (poly‐Q) stretch above 35 glutamine residues results in pathogenicity. It has been demonstrated in various animal models that only the expression of exon 1 huntingtin, a 67‐amino acid‐long polypeptide plus a variable poly‐Q stretch, is sufficient to cause full HD‐like pathology. Therefore, a deeper understanding of exon 1 huntingtin, its structure, aggregation mechanism and interaction with other proteins is crucial for a better understanding of the disease. Here, we describe the synthesis of a 109‐amino acid‐long exon 1 huntingtin peptide including a poly‐Q stretch of 42 glutamines. This microwave‐assisted solid phase peptide synthesis resulted in milligram amounts of peptide with high purity. We also synthesized a nonpathogenic version of exon 1 huntingtin (90‐amino acid long including a poly‐Q stretch of 23 glutamine residues) using the same strategy. In circular dichroism spectroscopy, both polypeptides showed weak alpha‐helical properties with the longer peptide showing a higher helical degree. These model peptides have great potential for further biomedical analyses, e.g. for large‐scale pre‐screenings for aggregation inhibitors, further structural analyses as well as protein–protein interaction studies. Copyright © 2010 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Huntington disease is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the expansion of polyglutamine (polyQ) at the N-terminal of the huntingtin exon 1 protein. The detailed structure and the mechanism behind this aggregation remain unclear and it is assumed that the polyQ undergoes a conformational transition to the β-sheet structure when it aggregates. Investigating the misfolding of polyQ facilitates the determination of the molecular mechanism of aggregation and can potentially help in developing a novel approach to inhibit polyQ aggregation. Moreover, the flanking sequences of the polyQ region play a vital role in structural changes and the aggregation mechanism. We performed all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to gain structural insights into the aggregation mechanism using eight different models with glutamine repeat lengths Q27, Q27P11, Q34, Q35, Q36, Q40, Q50, and Q50P11. In the models without flanking polyPs, we noticed that the transformation of a random coil to β-sheet occurs when the number of Q increases. We also found that the flanking polyPs prevent aggregation by decreasing the probability of forming a β-sheet structure. When polyQ length increases, the 17 N-terminal flanking residues are more likely to adopt a β-sheet conformation from α-helix and coil. From our simulations, we suggest that at least 34 glutamines are required for initiating aggregation and 40 residues length is critical for the aggregation of huntingtin exon 1 protein for disease onset. This study provides structural insights into misfolding and the role of flanking sequences in huntingtin aggregation which will further help in developing therapeutic strategies for Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder. Here we demonstrate that expression of arfaptin 2/POR1 (partner of Rac1) in cultured cells induces the formation of pericentriolar and nuclear aggregates, which morphologically resemble mutant huntingtin aggregates characteristic of HD. Endogenous arfaptin 2 localizes to aggregates induced by expression of an abnormal amino-terminal fragment of huntingtin that contains polyglutamine (polyQ) expansions. A dominant inhibitory mutant of arfaptin 2 inhibits aggregation of mutant huntingtin, but not in the presence of proteasome inhibitors. Using cell-free biochemical assays, we show that arfaptin 2 inhibits proteasome activity. Finally, we show that expression of arfaptin 2 is increased at sites of neurodegeneration and the protein localizes to huntingtin aggregates in HD transgenic mouse brains. Our data suggest that arfaptin 2 is involved in regulating huntingtin protein aggregation, possibly by impairing proteasome function.  相似文献   

Formation of intracellular aggregates is the hallmark of polyglutamine (polyQ) diseases. We analyzed the components of purified nuclear polyQ aggregates by mass spectrometry. As a result, we found that the RNA-binding protein translocated in liposarcoma (TLS) was one of the major components of nuclear polyQ aggregate-interacting proteins in a Huntington disease cell model and was also associated with neuronal intranuclear inclusions of R6/2 mice. In vitro study revealed that TLS could directly bind to truncated N-terminal huntingtin (tNhtt) aggregates but could not bind to monomer GST-tNhtt with 18, 42, or 62Q, indicating that the tNhtt protein acquired the ability to sequester TLS after forming aggregates. Thioflavin T assay and electron microscopic study further supported the idea that TLS bound to tNhtt-42Q aggregates at the early stage of tNhtt-42Q amyloid formation. Immunohistochemistry showed that TLS was associated with neuronal intranuclear inclusions of Huntington disease human brain. Because TLS has a variety of functional roles, the sequestration of TLS to polyQ aggregates may play a role in diverse pathological changes in the brains of patients with polyQ diseases.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction and elevated reactive oxygen species are strongly implicated in both aging and various neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington disease (HD). Because reactive oxygen species can promote the selective oxidation of protein cysteine sulfhydryl groups to disulfide bonds we examined the spectrum of disulfide-bonded proteins that were specifically altered in a HD context. Protein extracts from PC12 cells overexpressing the amino-terminal fragment of the Huntingtin (Htt) protein with either a nonpathogenic or pathogenic polyglutamine repeat (Htt-103Q) were resolved by redox two-dimensional PAGE followed by mass spectrometry analysis. Several antioxidant proteins were identified that exhibited changes in disulfide bonding unique to Htt-103Q expressing cells. In particular, the antioxidant protein peroxiredoxin 1 (Prx1) exhibited both decreased expression and hyperoxidation in response to mutant Htt expressed in either PC12 cells or immortalized striatal cells exposed to 3-nitropropionic acid. Ectopic expression of Prx1 in PC12 cells attenuated mutant Htt-induced toxicity. In contrast, short hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown of Prx1 potentiated mHtt toxicity. Furthermore, treatment with the dithiol-based compounds dimercaptopropanol and dimercaptosuccinic acid suppressed toxicity in both HD cell models, whereas monothiol compounds were relatively ineffective. Dimercaptopropanol treatment also prevented mutant Htt-induced loss of Prx1 expression in both cell models. Our studies reveal for the first time that pathogenic Htt can affect the expression and redox state of antioxidant proteins; an event countered by specific dithiol-based compounds. These findings should provide a catalyst to explore the use of dithiol-based drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

N-terminal proteolysis of huntingtin is thought to be an important mediator of HD pathogenesis. The formation of short N-terminal fragments of huntingtin (cp-1/cp-2, cp-A/cp-B) has been demonstrated in cells and in vivo. We previously mapped the cp-2 cleavage site by mass spectrometry to position Arg167 of huntingtin. The proteolytic enzymes generating short N-terminal fragments of huntingtin remain unknown. To search for such proteases, we conducted a genome-wide screen using an RNA-silencing approach and an assay for huntingtin proteolysis based on the detection of cp-1 and cp-2 fragments by Western blotting. The primary screen was carried out in HEK293 cells, and the secondary screen was carried out in neuronal HT22 cells, transfected in both cases with a construct encoding the N-terminal 511 amino acids of mutant huntingtin. For additional validation of the hits, we employed a complementary assay for proteolysis of huntingtin involving overexpression of individual proteases with huntingtin in two cell lines. The screen identified 11 enzymes, with two major candidates to carry out the cp-2 cleavage, bleomycin hydrolase (BLMH) and cathepsin Z, which are both cysteine proteases of a papain-like structure. Knockdown of either protease reduced cp-2 cleavage, and ameliorated mutant huntingtin induced toxicity, whereas their overexpression increased the cp-2 cleavage. Both proteases partially co-localized with Htt in the cytoplasm and within or in association with early and late endosomes, with some nuclear co-localization observed for cathepsin Z. BLMH and cathepsin Z are expressed in the brain and have been associated previously with neurodegeneration. Our findings further validate the cysteine protease family, and BLMH and cathepsin Z in particular, as potential novel targets for HD therapeutics.  相似文献   

In several neurodegenerative disorders, including Huntington's disease, aspects concerning the earliest of protein structures that form along the aggregation pathway have increasingly gained attention because these particular species are likely to be neurotoxic. We used time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering to probe in solution these transient structures formed by peptides having the N-terminal sequence context of mutant huntingtin exon 1. We obtained snapshots of the formed aggregates as the kinetic reaction ensued to yield quantitative information on their size and mass. At the early stage, small precursor species with an initial radius of gyration of 16.1 ± 5.9 Å and average mass of a dimer to trimer were monitored. Structural growth was treated as two modes with a transition from three-dimensional early aggregate formation to two-dimensional fibril growth and association. Our small-angle neutron scattering results on the internal structure of the mature fibrils demonstrate loose packing with ∼1 peptide per 4.75 Å β-sheet repeat distance, which is shown to be quantitatively consistent with a β-helix model. This research provides what we believe to be new insights into the structures forming along the pathway of huntingtin exon 1 aggregation and should assist in determining the role that precursors play in neuronal toxicity.  相似文献   

We have developed yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) transgenic mice expressing normal (YAC18) and mutant (YAC46 or YAC72) human huntingtin (htt), in a developmental- and tissue-specific manner, that is identical to endogenous htt. YAC72 mice develop selective degeneration of medium spiny projection neurons in the lateral striatum, similar to what is observed in Huntington disease. Mutant human htt expressed by YAC transgenes can compensate for the absence of endogenous htt and can rescue the embryonic lethality that characterizes mice homozygous for targeted disruption of the endogenous Hdh gene (-/-). YAC72 mice lacking endogenous htt (YAC72 -/-) manifest a novel phenotype characterized by infertility, testicular atrophy, aspermia, and massive apoptotic cell death in the testes. The testicular cell death in YAC72 -/- mice can be markedly reduced by increasing endogenous htt levels. YAC72 mice with equivalent levels of both wild-type and mutant htt (YAC72 +/+) breed normally and have no evidence of increased testicular cell death. Similar findings are seen in YAC46 -/- mice compared with YAC46 +/+ mice, in which wild-type htt can completely counteract the proapoptotic effects of mutant htt. YAC18 -/- mice display no evidence of increased cellular apoptosis, even in the complete absence of endogenous htt, demonstrating that the massive cellular apoptosis observed in YAC46 -/- mice and YAC72 -/- mice is polyglutamine-mediated toxicity from the mutant transgene. These data provide the first direct in vivo evidence of a role for wild-type htt in decreasing the cellular toxicity of mutant htt.  相似文献   

Many genetic mouse models of Huntington’s disease (HD) have established that mutant huntingtin (htt) accumulates in various subcellular regions to affect a variety of cellular functions, but whether and how synaptic mutant htt directly mediates HD neuropathology remains to be determined. We generated transgenic mice that selectively express mutant htt in the presynaptic terminals. Although it was not overexpressed, synaptic mutant htt caused age-dependent neurological symptoms and early death in mice as well as defects in synaptic neurotransmitter release. Mass spectrometry analysis of synaptic fractions and immunoprecipitation of synapsin-1 from HD CAG150 knockin mouse brains revealed that mutant htt binds to synapsin-1, a protein whose phosphorylation is critical for neurotransmitter release. We found that polyglutamine-expanded exon1 htt binds to the C-terminal region of synapsin-1 to reduce synapsin-1 phosphorylation. Our findings point to a critical role for synaptic htt in the neurological symptoms of HD, providing a new therapeutic target.  相似文献   

The A+U-rich element (ARE) in the 3′ non-coding region (3′ NCR) of short-lived cytokine mRNAs binds several regulatory proteins, including hnRNP D/AUF1, which comprises four isoforms of 37, 40, 42 and 45 kDa. ARE-mRNA degradation involves ubiquitin–proteasome activity, and one or more AUF1 proteins are thought to be ubiquitinated. Here we have characterized the mechanism for differential ubiquitination and degradation of the different AUF1 protein isoforms. We demonstrate in an in vitro ubiquitination system that the p37, followed by the p40 protein, are strongly ubiquitinated, whereas the p42 and p45 forms are not. Over expression in cells of enzymes that control the ubiquitin cycle were found to control p37 and p40 AUF1 protein levels through ubiquitination and proteasome activity, but not p42 and p45 forms. The p42 and p45 AUF1 proteins share a C-terminal exon 7 that is not found in the p37/p40 isoforms. Our studies show that exon 7 blocks ubiquitination and rapid degradation of AUF1 proteins, whereas its deletion permits ubiquitination to occur and promotes rapid turnover of AUF1 proteins. Thus, the stabilities of AUF1 isoforms are differentially controlled by insertion of an alternate exon that regulates ubiquitin targeting activity.  相似文献   

Huntingtin is a widely expressed 350-kDa cytosolic multidomain of unknown function. Aberrant expansion of the polyglutamine tract located in the N-terminal region of huntingtin results in Huntington's disease. The presence of insoluble huntingtin inclusions in the brains of patients is one of the hallmarks of Huntington's disease. Experimentally, both full-length huntingtin and N-terminal fragments of huntingtin with expanded polyglutamine tracts trigger aggregate formation. Here, we report that upon the formation of huntingtin aggregates; endogenous cytosolic huntingtin, Hsc70/Hsp70 (heat shock protein and cognate protein of 70kDa) and syntaxin 1A become aggregate-centered. This redistribution suggests that these proteins are eventually depleted and become unavailable for normal cellular function. These results indicate that the cellular targeting of several key proteins are altered in the presence of mutant huntingtin and suggest that aggregate depletion of these proteins may underlie, in part, the sequence of disease progression.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by expression of polyglutamine-expanded mutant huntingtin protein (mhtt). Most evidence indicates that soluble mhtt species, rather than insoluble aggregates, are the important mediators of HD pathogenesis. However, the differential roles of soluble monomeric and oligomeric mhtt species in HD and the mechanisms of oligomer formation are not yet understood. We have shown previously that copper interacts with and oxidizes the polyglutamine-containing N171 fragment of huntingtin. In this study we report that oxidation-dependent oligomers of huntingtin form spontaneously in cell and mouse HD models. Levels of these species are modulated by copper, hydrogen peroxide, and glutathione. Mutagenesis of all cysteine residues within N171 blocks the formation of these oligomers. In cells, levels of oligomerization-blocked mutant N171 were decreased compared with native N171. We further show that a subset of the oligomerization-blocked form of glutamine-expanded N171 huntingtin is rapidly depleted from the soluble pool compared with "native " mutant N171. Taken together, our data indicate that huntingtin is subject to specific oxidations that are involved in the formation of stable oligomers and that also delay removal from the soluble pool. These findings show that inhibiting formation of oxidation-dependent huntingtin oligomers, or promoting their dissolution, may have protective effects in HD by decreasing the burden of soluble mutant huntingtin.  相似文献   

Enhancing the degradation of mutant protein is one of the most investigated approaches in experimental therapy of the polyglutamine-related disorders such as Huntington disease (HD). Inhibition of rho-associated kinases (ROCKs) reduced the aggregation and levels of mutant huntingtin in cellular models of HD via activation of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) and macroautophagy. This unique effect makes the Rho/ROCK pathway and its downstream effectors attractive therapeutic targets for polyglutamine-related diseases.  相似文献   

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