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Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total and inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were determined over 3 years in headwater streams draining two adjacent catchments. The catchments are currently under different land use; pasture/grazing vs plantation forestry. The objectives of the work were to quantify C and nutrient export from these landuses and elucidate the factors regulating export. In both catchments, stream water dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations exhibited strong seasonal variations. Concentrations were highest during runoff events in late summer and autumn and rapidly declined as discharge increased during winter and spring. The annual variation of stream water N and P concentrations indicated that these nutrients accumulated in the catchments during dry summer periods and were flushed to the streams during autumn storm events. By contrast, stream water DOC concentrations did not exhibit seasonal variation. Higher DOC and NO3 concentrations were observed in the stream of the forest catchment, reflecting greater input and subsequent breakdown of leaf-litter in the forest catchment. Annual export of DOC was lower from the forested catchment due to the reduced discharge from this catchment. In contrast however, annual export of nitrate was higher from the forest catchment suggesting that there was an additional NO3 source or reduction of a NO3 sink. We hypothesize that the denitrification capacity of the forested catchment has been significantly reduced as a consequence of increased evapotranspiration and subsequent decrease in streamflow and associated reduction in the near stream saturated area.  相似文献   

细菌在抗菌药选择性压力下产生耐药性并可传代,通过质粒和整合子等可移动基因元件将耐药基因在相同或不同种属中广泛传播,导致细菌多重耐药,并可通过多种途径进入水体,水环境日益成为庞大的耐药基因库,为致病菌及条件致病菌提供获得大量耐药基因的机会,若多重耐药菌再次侵入人体,可能引发严重的公共卫生问题。  相似文献   

应用CENTURY模型,对自然状态下的黑土有机碳库进行了模拟.结果表明,在自然状态下,黑土有机碳库经历了一个由快到慢的增长过程,经过长时间积累,趋向于稳定状态.0~20cm表层土壤有机碳总量最后稳定在7914.72~11672.78g·m^-2.黑土有机碳从北向南总的趋势是逐渐降低.达到稳定状态时,活性土壤有机碳库、慢分解土壤有机碳库和惰性土壤有机碳库分别占土壤全碳的3.36%~4.62%、50.54%~55.47%和36.47%~41.95%,可见慢分解和惰性组分库的增长对土壤有机碳库的积累起到了重要作用.模型模拟结果与已发表的实测结果比较接近,可以为进一步研究开垦后黑土有机碳变化提供依据.  相似文献   

Softwater lakes provide a habitat for isoetid macrophytes, which are vulnerable to eutrophication and acidification. In Ireland many catchments of such lakes are currently planted with exotic conifers. Management of these plantations can lead to increases in lake water phosphorus (P), threatening the survival of softwater macrophytes. Regional increases of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may also have a detrimental effect on aquatic plants. The persistence of the macrophyte flora in lakes with managed forested catchments in Northern Ireland was investigated by comparing the macrophyte community of 12 lakes surveyed in 2007 with a 1988-1990 survey. Contemporary data were compared with plant macrofossil records pre-dating 1900. Macrophyte abundance generally remained unchanged but Littorella uniflora (L.) Asch. and Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. showed a significant decline since 1988-1990. Water colour, alkalinity, silica, total P, total soluble P and soluble reactive P increased; conductivity and chlorophyll a decreased in the lakes over time. These changes coincided with increased pH in precipitation and potentially elevated exports of DOC to water. Conifer plantation management appeared to have less impact on the macrophyte flora than expected from the elevated lake P concentrations. It appears that a large regional increase in DOC is also a threat to macrophyte abundance and diversity in these upland catchments and conservation efforts may be more successful in lakes with longer water residence times.  相似文献   

The now finished genome sequence of Bacillus licheniformis DSM 13 allows the prediction of the genes involved in protein secretion into the extracellular environment as well as the prediction of the proteins which are translocated. From the sequence 296 proteins were predicted to contain an N-terminal signal peptide directing most of them to the Sec system, the main transport system in Gram-positive bacteria. Using 2-DE the extracellular proteome of B. licheniformis grown in different media was studied. From the approximately 200 spots visible on the gels, 89 were identified that either contain an N-terminal signal sequence or are known to be secreted by other mechanisms than the Sec pathway. The extracellular proteome of B. licheniformis includes proteins from different functional classes, like enzymes for the degradation of various macromolecules, proteins involved in cell wall turnover, flagellum- and phage-related proteins and some proteins of yet unknown function. Protein secretion is highest during stationary growth phase. Furthermore, cells grown in complex medium secrete considerably higher protein amounts than cells grown in minimal medium. Limitation of phosphate, carbon and nitrogen sources results in the secretion of specific proteins that may be involved in counteracting the starvation.  相似文献   

基因转移因子(Gene Transfer Agent,GTA)是一种由细菌释放的、形态和有尾病毒类似的生物颗粒。GTA颗粒携带的遗传物质是宿主基因组的随机小片段而不包含编码GTA自身的基因或病毒基因组。根据4个模式菌株释放的GTA的研究,GTA具有高效的,种间介导基因水平转移的功能。近年来大规模细菌基因组测序,发现编码GTA的基因簇广泛存在于海洋细菌基因组上,GTA是在海洋环境中发生水平基因转移的重要模式。本文在总结4个模式菌株释放的GTA的认识的基础上,着重描述海洋主要类群的细菌释放的GTA的特征,讨论在海洋生态系统中,GTA对水平基因转移的贡献,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Miscanthus is a C4 bioenergy perennial crop characterized by its high potential yield. Our study aimed to compare the carbon storage capacities of Miscanthus sinensis (M. sinensis) with that of Miscanthus × giganteus (M. × giganteus) in field conditions in different types of soils in France. We set up a multi‐environment experimental network. On each trial, we tested two treatments: M. × giganteus established from rhizomes (Gr) and M. sinensis transplanted seedlings (Sp). We quantified the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock at equivalent soil mass for both genotypes in 2014 and 2019 and for two sampling depths: L1 (ca. 0–5 cm) and L1‐2 (ca. 0–30 cm). We also calculated the total and annual variation of the SOC stock and investigated factors that could explain the variation and the initial state of the SOC stock. ANOVAs were performed to compare the SOC stock, as well as the SOC stock variation rates across treatments and soil layers. Results showed that the soil bulk density did not vary significantly between 2014 and 2019 for both treatments (Gr and Sp). The SOC concentration (i.e. SOC expressed in g/kg) increased significantly between 2014 and 2019 in L1, whereas no significant evolution was found in L2 (ca. 5–30 cm). The SOC stock (i.e. SOC expressed in t/ha) increased significantly in the superficial layer L1 for M. × giganteus and M. sinensis, by 0.48 ± 0.41 and 0.54 ± 0.25 t ha?1 year?1 on average, respectively, although no significant change was detected in the layer L1‐2 for both genotypes. Moreover, SOC stocks in 2019 did not differ significantly between M. × giganteus and M. sinensis in the soil layers L1 and L1‐2. Lastly, our results showed that the initial SOC stock was significantly higher when miscanthus was grown after set‐aside than after annual crops.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown the ability of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV1)-based lentiviral vectors to infect nondividing brain and retinal neurons with high efficiency and long-term expression of the transduced gene. We show that purified embryonic motoneurons can be efficiently (>95%) transduced in culture using an HIV1-based lentiviral vector encoding LacZ. Expression of beta-galactosidase was observed for at least 9 days in these conditions. Furthermore, motoneurons transduced with a lentiviral vector expressing glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor survived in the absence of additional trophic support, showing that the overexpressed protein was biologically active. Our results demonstrate the potential of lentiviral vectors in studying the biological effects of proteins expressed in motoneurons and in the development of future gene therapy for motoneuron diseases.  相似文献   

An evaluation was made of the annual productivity of Spirulina (Arthrospira) and its ability to remove nutrients in outdoor raceways treating anaerobic effluents from pig wastewater under tropical conditions. The study was based at a pilot plant at La Mancha beach, State of Veracruz, Mexico. Batch or semi-continuous cultures were established at different seasons during four consecutive years. The protein content of the harvested biomass and the N and P removal from the ponds were also evaluated. Anaerobic effluents from digested pig waste were added in a proportion of 2% (v/v) to untreated sea-water diluted 1:4 with fresh water supplemented with 2 g L–1 sodium bicarbonate, at days 0, 3 and 5. A straight filament strain of Spirulina adapted to grow in this complex medium was utilized. A pH value 9.5 ± 0.2 was maintained. The productivity of batch cultures during summer 1998 was significantly more with a pond depth of 0.10 m than with a depth 0.065 m. The average productivity of semi-continuous cultures during summer 1999 was 14.4 g m–2 d–1 with a pond depth of 0.15 m and 15.1 g m–2 d–1 with a depth of 0.20 m. The average annual productivity for semi-continuous cultures operating with depths of 0.10 m for winter and 0.15 and 0.25 m for the rest of the year, was 11.8 g m–2 d–1. This is the highest value reported for a Spirulina cultivation system utilising sea-water. The average protein content of the semi-continuous cultures was 48.9% ash-free dry weight. NH4-N removal was in the range 84–96% and P removal in the range of 72–87%, depending on the depth of the culture and the season.  相似文献   

Question: Does ecosystem engineering by small mammals have a significant influence on vegetation patterns in the arid steppe vegetation of southern Mongolia? Location: Gobi Altay Mountains, southern Mongolia. Methods: We assessed the impact of the small lagomorph Ochotona pallasi on plant community composition, nutrient levels and biomass production in montane desert steppes. Data were derived from vegetation relevés, harvests of above‐ground standing crop and a bioassay, followed by analyses of soil and plant nutrient contents. Results: Although the local climate is arid with <150 mm annual precipitation, clear evidence of allogenic ecosystem engineering was found. Plant communities on burrows differed from those on undisturbed steppe in that they contained more species of annuals and dwarf shrubs, and a greater abundance of the important fodder grass Agropyron cristatum. Standing crop and nutrient concentrations were higher for plants growing on burrow soil. In situ measurements and a pot experiment showed that this effect was related to increased levels of soil nutrients (P, K, N) rather than moisture availability. Conclusions: The study confirms that O. pallasi positively influences soil nutrient levels on its burrows, which leads to increased grassland productivity even under dry conditions. Thus, O. pallasi does not deteriorate site conditions, and the need for presently applied pest control schemes aimed at this species should be reassessed.  相似文献   

Gigartina skottsbergii is a commercially important carrageenan producer that has been suffering severe extraction pressure in Chile’s Magellan Region and Cape Horn Archipelago since 1998. In order to create baseline information for its cultivation and repopulation, we studied the effects of agricultural fertilizers on growth of G. skottsbergii early developmental stages. The culture media utilized were: a) seawater + Bayfoland, b) seawater + Superphosphate, c) seawater + Urea, d) seawater + Provasoli and e) seawater as a control. The culture conditions were: a) 12L:12D photoperiod; b) temperature 8 ± 1°C and c) irradiance at 45 μmol photons m−2 s−1. After 60 days, higher relative growth rates between treatments were observed; the treatments that included Bayfoland and Provasoli showed greater growth (382 ± 55 and 378 ± 50 μm, respectively,) compared to Superphosphate (88 ± 16 μm), control (78 ± 10 μm) and Urea (70 ± 11 μm) treatments, after 81 days. The Urea treatment and the control had inhibitory effects on G. skottsbergii germlings growth and survival, as evidenced by progressive loss of pigmentation and death after 60 days. These results showed that Bayfoland was an excellent alternative to develop cultures.  相似文献   

Gene expression analysis of cloned embryos would enable us to better understand the early biological events during preimplantation after NT (nuclear transfer). Routine RT-PCR and Northern-blot were limited because it could not analyze tens of thousands of genes at one time and were impeded by minimum material. Based on the developed RT-PCR methodology, we previously constructed cDNA libraries with equivalent to single embryo from the pooled AI-blastocysts (artificial insemination and in vivo developed blastocysts) of cattle. To identify gene expression profiles in NT- and IVF (in vitro fertilized)-blastocysts, and search for new candidate genes involved during this period, here we created cDNA sources from three types of blastocysts (AI-, IVF- and NT-blastocysts). The expressions of 60 genes previously identified from cDNA library were compared in three types of blastocyst. Results showed that the gene expression profile of NT-blastocysts was more similar to that of AI-blastocysts than that of created from IVF-blastocysts. Several important genes, such as Oct-4 and IFN-ι, only detected in the early embryonic development, were highly expressed in three types of blastocysts and showed no significant difference, it indicated that the donor nuclear undergone efficient reprogramming by the blastocyst stage and gained totipotential after nuclear transfer. The gene expression profiles in three types of blastocysts suggested that nuclear transfer and in vitro culture environments impaired the viability of embryos in different ways.  相似文献   

Fixation and transfer of nitrogen (N) from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to different grass species including timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) were studied under field conditions, using the15N dilution technique.The percentage of alfalfa N derived from fixation (%NF) increased throughout the growing seasons and ranged from 62 to 83%. Nitrogen transfer (NT) from alfalfa to associated grasses was evident and contributed 26,46 and 38% of the total annual N yield of associated grasses or represented absolute amounts of 5, 20 and 19 kg N ha–1 during the first, second and third year, respectively. The gradual and consistent percentage of NT that occurred before first harvest indicated that this transfer is a result of a direct excretion of N compounds from alfalfa root systems. Decomposition of root and nodule debris seems to contribute to the NT from alfalfa to associated grasses in the later cuts. All grass species benefitted similarly from alfalfa, although earlier maturing species with greater competitive ability were slightly more responsive.Contribution No. 1159 from the Plant Research Centre  相似文献   

以牡竹属(Dendrocalamus Nees)的清甜竹(D.sapidus Q.H.Dai et D.Y.Huang)、花吊丝竹[D.minor var.amoenus(Q.H.Dai et C.F.Huang) Hsueh et D.Z.Li]和勃氏甜龙竹[D.brandisii (Munro) Kurz]盆栽苗为实验材料,测定了模拟低温(0℃、-5℃、-10℃、-15℃、-20℃和-25℃)条件下3个竹种离体叶片的相对电导率和伤害率,在此基础上根据Logistic方程推算出3个竹种的低温半致死温度(LT50);对自然低温(15℃、10℃、5℃、3℃、0℃和-2 C)条件下3个竹种叶片的形态变化以及相对电导率、叶绿素和MDA含量及SOD活性的变化也进行了比较分析.结果表明:在模拟低温条件下,3个竹种离体叶片的相对电导率和伤害率均随温度降低逐渐增大,且总体上与对照(25℃)有显著差异(P<0.05);根据Logistic方程推算出花吊丝竹、勃氏甜龙竹和清甜竹的LT50分别为-3.07℃、-1.83℃和-1.40 C.在日最低温度大于5℃的自然低温条件下3个竹种的叶片均能够正常生长,而随温度降低,叶片逐渐出现水浸斑点、失绿等症状直至干枯脱落,其中清甜竹叶片伤害症状最重;在自然低温条件下,随日最低气温的降低,3个竹种叶片的叶绿素含量总体呈下降趋势、相对电导率则逐渐升高、MDA含量和SOD活性总体上均呈波动的趋势;与日最低气温15℃相比,在日最低气温-2℃条件下清甜竹叶片叶绿素含量和SOD活性降幅最大而花吊丝竹降幅最小,清甜竹叶片相对电导率最高而花吊丝竹最低.根据LT50和叶片形态及生理指标的变化,可确定3个竹种的抗寒性均较差,其中清甜竹的耐寒能力最弱.  相似文献   

光照是影响植物生长和分布的重要环境因子,而叶片结构相对稳定,其性状对植物的碳收获非常重要,并且各性状间的相互关系格局相似,通过叶片性状有助于研究植物对不同光环境的响应及生态适应策略。本研究分析了南方灌草丛3种典型灌木——巴柳(Salix etosia)、川莓(Rubus setchuenensis)和马桑绣球(Hydrangea aspera)的叶片性状(单叶面积、叶干重、比叶面积、叶碳含量、叶氮含量、叶磷含量)之间的相关性以及在林内-林外2种不同光环境下叶片性状的差异,探讨不同植物叶片性状在不同光环境下的响应及适应策略。结果表明:1)3种灌木叶片性状之间的相关性差别较大,具有物种特异性。2)巴柳叶片性状在不同光环境下无显著差异,川莓和马桑绣球均提高了林内叶片的比叶面积和叶氮含量以适应弱光环境,且马桑绣球叶碳含量在林内显著增加,表现出较强的固碳能力。3)不同光环境中,影响川莓和马桑绣球叶片性状变化的主要环境因子均为土壤温度。研究结果进一步揭示了植物叶片性状具有表型可塑性,不同植物对环境变化的响应及适应策略具有物种特异性。  相似文献   

Continuous-flow, packed-bed column reactors, which provide an experimental model of a soil profile, were used to investigate survival of, and plasmid transfer between, strains of Enterobacter cloacae. When columns, inoculated with nutrient-sufficient donor and recipient strains, were provided with a minimal salts medium with no added carbon source, transconjugant cells appeared in their effluents. During the first few days of such experiments, the concentration of cells in the effluent declined but then the donor population stabilized, while the recipient and transconjugant populations continued to decrease. The results indicate that the amount of nutrient required to maintain and transfer plasmids is very low. No transconjugants were observed in the effluent from columns inoculated with pre-starved donor and recipient strains.  相似文献   

Microcystin-LR (MCLR) degradation capability of biofilm was investigated with and without additional nutrients (nitrate, ammonium, peptone and glucose) at concentrations of 100 and 1000 mg L(-1). The MCLR-degradation was stimulated with nitrate and inhibited with other nutrients, except for that glucose of low concentration had no obvious effect. Both stimulatory and inhibitory effects enhanced with increasing concentration of corresponding nutrient. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) indicated that enhanced inhibition in biodegradation correlated to increased inhibition in functional gene (mlrA) abundance, as nutrient concentration increased. Stimulated biodegradation under low nitrate concentration may result from more rapid increase in mlrA gene abundance. These suggested that MCLR-degradation largely depended upon responsible bacterial population, which was affected by population of other bacteria in biofilm according to 16S rDNA-targeting qPCR. However, inhibited mlrA gene abundance implied that the stimulated biodegradation under high nitrate concentration might be involved in the mechanisms not related to MCLRDB population.  相似文献   

2H NMR is a very useful tool in isotope tracing studies. This technique was applied to a quantitative study of a site-specific deuterium affiliation among the substrate, the medium, and a product (glycerol), in glucose fermentation with yeast. The quality of the results depends on the quantitative 2H NMR analysis of glycerol. After comparing several potential analysis probe molecules, the derivative of glycerol, 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane-4-methanol, was chosen as the most advantageous. Using this probe in a set of isotope-labeling experiments, we describe how a complete quantitative site-specific hydrogen isotope transfer model, which connects the site-specific isotopic ratios of the substrate, the medium, and the products, can be established. This model can provide information on complex hydrogen transfer mechanisms during biochemical reactions and can be useful for the prediction of site-specific hydrogen isotopic ratios at natural abundance of the products, based on that of the substrate or reactants and the medium.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of dietary taurine supplementation on productive performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant status, and the gene expression of ileal nutrient transporters in laying quails reared under heat stress (HS). One hundred and eighty laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were fed a basal diet or basal diet supplemented with either 2.5 or 5 g of taurine per kg of diet, and reared at either 22 ± 2 °C for 24 h/d (thermoneutral, TN) or 34 ± 2 °C for 8 h/d (HS) for 12 weeks. The quails reared under HS consumed less feed, produced less egg, and had lower dry matter, organic matter and crude protein apparent digestibilities compared with the quails reared under the TN condition (P = 0.001). However, increasing taurine concentrations in the diet improved feed intake and egg production (P = 0.001), but also the apparent digestibilities (P ≤ 0.027) in quails reared under HS. The greater doses (5 g/kg) of taurine resulted in more responses. The quails reared under HS had greater serum and liver MDA concentrations (P = 0.0001) which decreased with dietary taurine supplementations, particularly greater doses. The gene expressions of ileal PEPT1, EAAT3, CAT1, CAT2, SGLT1, SGLT5, GLUT2, and GLUT5 decreased under HS conditions (P = 0.001). However, supplementing taurine, in a dose-dependent fashion, to the diet of quails reared under HS resulted in increases in the gene expressions of the transporters (P < 0.05) except for CAT1. The results of the present work showed that taurine supplementation, particularly with greater doses (5 g/kg), to the diet of laying quails kept under HS acts as alleviating negative effects of HS, resulting in improvements in productive performance and nutrient digestion, and also upregulation of ileal nutrient transporters.  相似文献   

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