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Isolated spore coats of a marine Bacillus species were incubated in 25 mM MnCl2 at pH 7.5. Manganese precipitates, formed on the coat surfaces, were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Initially, an amorphous manganese oxide was observed on the coats which recrystallized to hausmannite after prolonged incubation in the MnCl2 solution. The spore coats catalyze the oxidation of Mn(II) and have no structural influence on the final mineral phase precipitated.  相似文献   

Isolated spore coats of a marine Bacillus species were incubated in 25 mM MnCl(2) at pH 7.5. Manganese precipitates, formed on the coat surfaces, were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Initially, an amorphous manganese oxide was observed on the coats which recrystallized to hausmannite after prolonged incubation in the MnCl(2) solution. The spore coats catalyze the oxidation of Mn(II) and have no structural influence on the final mineral phase precipitated.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores are renowned for their longevity, ubiquity, and resistance to environmental insults, but virtually nothing is known regarding whether these metabolically dormant structures impact their surrounding chemical environments. In the present study, a number of spore-forming bacteria that produce dormant spores which enzymatically oxidize soluble Mn(II) to insoluble Mn(IV) oxides were isolated from coastal marine sediments. The highly charged and reactive surfaces of biogenic metal oxides dramatically influence the oxidation and sorption of both trace metals and organics in the environment. Prior to this study, the only known Mn(II)-oxidizing sporeformer was the marine Bacillus sp. strain SG-1, an extensively studied bacterium in which Mn(II) oxidation is believed to be catalyzed by a multicopper oxidase, MnxG. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA and mnxG sequences obtained from 15 different Mn(II)-oxidizing sporeformers (including SG-1) revealed extensive diversity within the genus Bacillus, with organisms falling into several distinct clusters and lineages. In addition, active Mn(II)-oxidizing proteins of various sizes, as observed in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels, were recovered from the outer layers of purified dormant spores of the isolates. These are the first active Mn(II)-oxidizing enzymes identified in spores or gram-positive bacteria. Although extremely resistant to denaturation, the activities of these enzymes were inhibited by azide and o-phenanthroline, consistent with the involvement of multicopper oxidases. Overall, these studies suggest that the commonly held view that bacterial spores are merely inactive structures in the environment should be revised.  相似文献   

Microorganisms catalyze the formation of naturally occurring Mn oxides, but little is known about the biochemical mechanisms of this important biogeochemical process. We used tandem mass spectrometry to directly analyze the Mn(II)-oxidizing enzyme from marine Bacillus spores, identified as an Mn oxide band with an in-gel activity assay. Nine distinct peptides recovered from the Mn oxide band of two Bacillus species were unique to the multicopper oxidase MnxG, and one peptide was from the small hydrophobic protein MnxF. No other proteins were detected in the Mn oxide band, indicating that MnxG (or a MnxF/G complex) directly catalyzes biogenic Mn oxide formation. The Mn(II) oxidase was partially purified and found to be resistant to many proteases and active even at high concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Comparative analysis of the genes involved in Mn(II) oxidation from three diverse Bacillus species revealed a complement of conserved Cu-binding regions not present in well-characterized multicopper oxidases. Our results provide the first direct identification of a bacterial enzyme that catalyzes Mn(II) oxidation and suggest that MnxG catalyzes two sequential one-electron oxidations from Mn(II) to Mn(III) and from Mn(III) to Mn(IV), a novel type of reaction for a multicopper oxidase.  相似文献   

Bacterial spores are encased in a multilayered proteinaceous shell known as the coat. In Bacillus subtilis, over 50 proteins are involved in spore coat assembly but the locations of these proteins in the spore coat are poorly understood. Here, we describe methods to estimate the positions of protein fusions to fluorescent proteins in the spore coat by using fluorescence microscopy. Our investigation suggested that CotD, CotF, CotT, GerQ, YaaH, YeeK, YmaG, YsnD, and YxeE are present in the inner coat and that CotA, CotB, CotC, and YtxO reside in the outer coat. In addition, CotZ and CgeA appeared in the outermost layer of the spore coat and were more abundant at the mother cell proximal pole of the forespore, whereas CotA and CotC were more abundant at the mother cell distal pole of the forespore. These polar localizations were observed both in sporangia prior to the release of the forespore from the mother cell and in mature spores after release. Moreover, CotB was observed at the middle of the spore as a ring- or spiral-like structure. Formation of this structure required cotG expression. Thus, we conclude not only that the spore coat is a multilayered assembly but also that it exhibits uneven spatial distribution of particular proteins.Proper localization and assembly of proteins in cells and subcellular structures are essential features of living organisms. Complex protein assemblies, including ribosomes, flagella, and the cytokinetic machinery, play important roles in bacteria (26, 27, 40). Studying how these complex structures are formed is a fundamental theme in molecular biology. In this work, we developed a method to analyze one of the most complex bacterial protein assemblies: the spore coat of Bacillus subtilis.Sporulation of B. subtilis is initiated in response to nutrient limitation, and it involves a highly ordered program of gene expression and morphological change (33, 42). The first morphological change of sporulation is the appearance of an asymmetrically positioned septum that divides the cell into a larger mother cell and a smaller forespore. Next, the mother cell membrane migrates around the forespore membrane during a phagocytosis-like process called engulfment. The completion of engulfment involves fusion of the mother cell membrane to pinch off the forespore within the mother cell. Compartment-specific gene expression brings about maturation of the spore and its release upon lysis of the mother cell (reviewed in reference 19). Mature spores remain viable during long periods of starvation and are resistant to heat, toxic chemicals, lytic enzymes, and other factors capable of damaging vegetative cells (30). Spores germinate and resume growth when nutrients become available (32).The outer portions of Bacillus spores consist of a cortex, a spore coat layer, and in some cases, an exosporium. The cortex, a thick layer of peptidoglycan, is deposited between the inner and the outer membranes of the forespore, and it is responsible for maintaining the highly dehydrated state of the core, thereby contributing to the extreme dormancy and heat resistance of spores. Spore coat assembly involves the deposition of at least 50 protein species (12, 21, 24) into two major layers: an electron-dense outer layer, called the outer coat, and a less electron-dense inner layer with a lamellar appearance, called the inner coat (50). These layers provide a protective barrier against bactericidal enzymes and chemicals, such as lysozyme and organic solvents (30). Although disruption of any one gene encoding a spore coat protein typically has little or no effect on spore resistance, morphology, or germination, a few proteins, referred to as morphogenetic proteins, play central roles in the assembly of the spore coat (7, 10, 13). One of the morphogenetic proteins, CotE, is located between the inner and outer coats and directs the assembly of most or all of the outer coat proteins and also a few of the inner coat proteins (2, 9, 17, 25, 52). The locations of CotE, CotS, and SpoIVA in the spore coat were determined previously by immunoelectron microscopy (9, 43). CotA, CotB, CotC, and CotG were shown to be externally exposed on the surface of the spore by single-molecule recognition force spectroscopy or antibody accessibility (15, 18, 45, 28). However, the positions of most of the spore coat proteins in the coat have not been determined experimentally, although provisional assignments were made based largely on the control of assembly into the coat by CotE (17). In this study, we developed methods to estimate the positions of proteins in the spore coat layers by using fluorescence microscopy analysis of coat protein-fluorescent protein fusions, with resolution that allowed us to distinguish between the inner and outer coats. In addition, we discovered an asymmetric spatial distribution of four spore coat proteins and a ring- or spiral-like structure of CotB. These observations suggest that spore coat assembly is more intricate than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Superdormant spores of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium were isolated in 4 to 12% yields following germination with high nutrient levels that activated one or two germinant receptors. These superdormant spores did not germinate with the initial nutrients or those that stimulated other germinant receptors, and the superdormant spores'' defect was not genetic. The superdormant spores did, however, germinate with Ca2+-dipicolinic acid or dodecylamine. Although these superdormant spores did not germinate with high levels of nutrients that activated one or two nutrient germinant receptors, they germinated with nutrient mixtures that activated more receptors, and using high levels of nutrient mixtures activating more germinant receptors decreased superdormant spore yields. The use of moderate nutrient levels to isolate superdormant spores increased their yields; the resultant spores germinated poorly with the initial moderate nutrient concentrations, but they germinated well with high nutrient concentrations. These findings suggest that the levels of superdormant spores in populations depend on the germination conditions used, with fewer superdormant spores isolated when better germination conditions are used. These findings further suggest that superdormant spores require an increased signal for triggering spore germination compared to most spores in populations. One factor determining whether a spore is superdormant is its level of germinant receptors, since spore populations with higher levels of germinant receptors yielded lower levels of superdormant spores. A second important factor may be heat activation of spore populations, since yields of superdormant spores from non-heat-activated spore populations were higher than those from optimally activated spores.Spores of various Bacillus species are formed in sporulation and are metabolically dormant and very resistant to environmental stress factors (21, 37). While such spores can remain in this dormant, resistant state for long periods, they can return to life rapidly through the process of germination, during which the spore''s dormancy and extreme resistance are lost (36). Spore germination has long been of intrinsic interest, and continues to attract applied interest, because (i) spores of a number of Bacillus species are major agents of food spoilage and food-borne disease and (ii) spores of Bacillus anthracis are a major bioterrorism agent. Since spores are much easier to kill after they have germinated, it would be advantageous to trigger germination of spores in foods or the environment and then readily inactivate the much less resistant germinated spores. However, this simple strategy has been largely nullified because germination of spore populations is heterogeneous, with some spores, often called superdormant spores, germinating extremely slowly and potentially coming back to life long after treatments are applied to inactivate germinated spores (8, 9, 16). The concern over superdormant spores in populations also affects decisions such as how long individuals exposed to B. anthracis spores should continue to take antibiotics, since spores could remain dormant in an individual for long periods and then germinate and cause disease (3, 11).In many species, spore germination can be increased by a prior activation step, generally a sublethal heat treatment, although the changes taking place during heat activation are not known (16). Spore germination in Bacillus species is normally triggered by nutrients such as glucose, amino acids, or purine ribosides (27, 36). These agents bind to germinant receptors located in the spore''s inner membrane that are specific for particular nutrients. In Bacillus subtilis, the GerA receptor responds to l-alanine or l-valine, while the GerB and GerK receptors act cooperatively to respond to a mixture of l-asparagine (or l-alanine), d-glucose, d-fructose and K+ ions (AGFK [or Ala-GFK]) (1, 27, 36). There are even more functional germinant receptors in Bacillus megaterium spores, and these respond to d-glucose, l-proline, l-leucine, l-valine, or even salts, such as KBr (6). Glucose appears to trigger germination of B. megaterium spores through either of two germinant receptors, GerU or GerVB, while l-proline triggers germination through only the GerVB receptor, and KBr germination is greatly decreased by the loss of either GerU or GerVB (6). Nutrient binding to the germinant receptors triggers the release of small molecules from the spore core, most notably the huge depot (∼10% of spore dry weight) of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid [DPA]) present in spores predominantly as a 1:1 diluted chelate with Ca2+ (Ca-DPA) (35, 36). Ca-DPA release then triggers the activation of one of two redundant cortex lytic enzymes (CLEs) that degrade the spore''s peptidoglycan cortex, and cortex degradation completes spore germination and allows progression into outgrowth and then vegetative growth (27, 33, 36).Spore germination can also be triggered by nonnutrient agents, including Ca-DPA and cationic surfactants (27, 33, 36). With B. subtilis spores, Ca-DPA triggers germination by activating one particular CLE, termed CwlJ, and bypasses the spore''s germinant receptors. Germination by the cationic surfactant dodecylamine also bypasses the germinant receptors, and this agent appears to release small molecules including Ca-DPA from the spore core either by opening a normal channel in the spore''s inner membrane for Ca-DPA and other small molecules or by creating such a channel (31, 38, 39).Almost all work on the specifics of the germination of spores of Bacillus species has focused on the majority of spores in populations, and little detailed attention has been paid to that minority of spores that either fail to germinate or germinate extremely slowly. However, it is these latter spores that are most important in unraveling the cause of superdormancy and perhaps suggesting a means to germinate and thus easily inactivate such superdormant spores. Consequently, we have undertaken the task of isolating superdormant spores from spore populations, using buoyant density centrifugation to separate dormant spores from germinated spores. The properties of these purified superdormant spores were then studied, and this information has suggested some reason(s) for spore superdormancy.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, are known to persist in the host lungs for prolonged periods of time, however the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrated that BclA, a major surface protein of B. anthracis spores, mediated direct binding of complement factor H (CFH) to spores. The surface bound CFH retained its regulatory cofactor activity resulting in C3 degradation and inhibition of downstream complement activation. By comparing results from wild type C57BL/6 mice and complement deficient mice, we further showed that BclA significantly contributed to spore persistence in the mouse lungs and dampened antibody responses to spores in a complement C3-dependent manner. In addition, prior exposure to BclA deletion spores (ΔbclA) provided significant protection against lethal challenges by B. anthracis, whereas the isogenic parent spores did not, indicating that BclA may also impair protective immunity. These results describe for the first time an immune inhibition mechanism of B. anthracis mediated by BclA and CFH that promotes spore persistence in vivo. The findings also suggested an important role of complement in persistent infections and thus have broad implications.  相似文献   

In 2001, envelopes loaded with Bacillus anthracis spores were mailed to Senators Daschle and Leahy as well as to the New York Post and NBC News buildings. Additional letters may have been mailed to other news agencies because there was confirmed anthrax infection of employees at these locations. These events heightened the awareness of the lack of understanding of the mechanism(s) by which objects contaminated with a biological agent might spread disease. This understanding is crucial for the estimation of the potential for exposure to ensure the appropriate response in the event of future attacks. In this study, equipment to simulate interactions between envelopes and procedures to analyze the spread of spores from a “payload” envelope (i.e., loaded internally with a powdered spore preparation) onto neighboring envelopes were developed. Another process to determine whether an aerosol could be generated by opening contaminated envelopes was developed. Subsequent generations of contaminated envelopes originating from a single payload envelope showed a consistent two-log decrease in the number of spores transferred from one generation to the next. Opening a tertiary contaminated envelope resulted in an aerosol containing 103 B. anthracis spores. We developed a procedure for sampling contaminated letters by a nondestructive method aimed at providing information useful for consequence management while preserving the integrity of objects contaminated during the incident and preserving evidence for law enforcement agencies.In September and October of 2001, letters containing Bacillus anthracis spores were distributed through the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), resulting in contamination of the mail processing and distribution center in Hamilton, NJ, as well as affiliated processing centers in Washington, DC, in New York City, NY, and in Wallingford, CT, as well as postal facilities along the path transited by letters mailed to a targeted media company in Florida. Subsequently, 22 individuals, including postal workers, persons who received or handled the contaminated letters, and persons exposed to environments contaminated by the letters, developed cases of anthrax, including both the inhalation and cutaneous forms of the disease (5, 18-20). Five of these cases of anthrax resulted in death (4, 7). There have been investigations into the relationships of infection and exposure in areas where known exposures occurred (1, 6, 8). However, for two of the individuals who developed inhalational anthrax, an elderly woman in Connecticut and a nurse in New York City, no B. anthracis spores were detected (based on environmental sampling) on their mail or in their homes (2, 17, 19, 20). A third individual, a bookkeeper from New Jersey, survived a cutaneous anthrax infection, and only a single positive environmental sample in her workplace was identified (19).For the three specific cases mentioned above, the authors of the corresponding studies hypothesized that infection may have resulted from exposure to mail cross contaminated by mail that went through the same sorting equipment around the time that the letters to Senators Leahy and Daschle were processed. Without evidence of B. anthracis spores in their homes and other areas they were known to have frequented and the lack of additional cases in these geographic areas, there is no way to confirm the route of their exposure. We hypothesize that these people may have been exposed by inhaling spores released from envelopes that they tore open and then discarded. The delay between exposure and disease would have been sufficient to permit the discarded items to enter into the solid waste or recycling stream, and any residual spores may have been removed by normal housekeeping activities. Alternatively, the true source of exposure may have been undetectable due to a low concentration of spores.Those cases of anthrax raise the question of what, if any, hazards may have been encountered in handling mail with secondary and tertiary contamination. These cases raise particular questions concerning the ability of disease-causing organisms to spread through cross contamination of second- and even third-generation fomites in sufficient numbers to cause infection and possible death.Following the attacks, numerous studies were conducted in the contaminated postal buildings to assess the degree of contamination and to better understand sampling methodologies. Subsequent laboratory studies have been performed to improve B. anthracis sample collection and detection (11, 16, 22, 24, 30). Programs have monitored aerosols within federal buildings, hospitals, and mail facilities (10, 15, 25, 27). Additionally, studies of mail sorting machinery and the potential of this machinery to cross contaminate mail have been done (3, 10). However, to date, no laboratory studies that examined the potential for cross contamination of mail through contact or mixing with contaminated letters have been published.Reaerosolization in general is a poorly studied phenomenon. Characterization of reaerosolization under a variety of circumstances was undertaken following the B. anthracis incidents in 2001 (21, 29). The concept of fomite-to-fomite transference of powdered pathogen residues has been even less well studied.The settling of a primary aerosol comprised of charged particles may be due at least in part to an increase in the mass of these charged particles that occurs when they interact with oppositely charged particles. Once deposited on a surface, several factors may act against reaerosolization. Charged particles that have interacted with oppositely charged particles and have effectively increased in mass may be substantially more difficult to entrain in an aerosol than the initial particles. For charged particles that have not interacted with other particles, there may be a direct electrostatic interaction between the charged particle and the surface on which it has landed which would tend to hold these particles onto the surface. Both of these effects should reduce the potential for reaerosolization.Particulate preparations have a variety of properties, such as hydrophobicity, zeta potential, particle shape, and other characteristics that may also affect the potential for reaerosolization. It would be interesting to characterize a large number of powders, to create a database of the characteristics and their potential for aerosol formation and reaerosolization of these powders, and to use this database of information for comparison of unknown powders. Knowing this information may assist in the public health and risk management decision making processes. Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive database for these characteristics, nor is there any well-accepted unifying theory for deriving the likelihood of reaerosolization from the characteristics of powders that are commonly measured. In addition, there may be unknown variables that have an impact on aerosolization or reaerosolization that become known over time with improvements in understanding the theory of aerosolization and technology for measurement of these variables. A further confounding factor would be the inability to collect this information from the actual material used in any incident. In the case of the 2001 attacks (and likely in future incidents), there was (and will likely be) little material available for such study. The material used in the attacks is inherently hazardous and must be handled in highly controlled settings. The material is therefore difficult and expensive to work with (23). Material used in an attack is also generally sequestered as evidentiary material, and information concerning preparation of a biological weapon used in an attack may be considered too sensitive for public release. This sensitivity may include unwillingness to provide access to information on the efficacy of a specific preparation method to malevolent individuals and the requirement to preserve information for use in successful identification and prosecution of the perpetrator of such an attack. However, it may be possible to collect fomites contaminated with trace amounts of the agent in the course of public health investigations. The current study details a method for dealing with these contaminated fomites to yield information useful for public health protection.A confounding factor in these cases may be the necessity to treat as much of the available bulk material as can be collected as evidence. As evidence, even small amounts of this material may not be available for scientific testing. There may also be restrictions on the handling and treatment of fomites contaminated with residual traces of biological threat agents. For instance, the owners of the fomites may value them highly and may not wish to see them destroyed in the hope that the object may be somehow decontaminated and returned or the owner may wish to prevent public disclosure of the nature or contents of a contaminated object, such as a letter. It is therefore incumbent upon researchers to develop methods that are as minimally invasive and destructive as possible to investigate the potential for fomite-to-fomite transmission.We constructed a device designed to expose uncontaminated fomites to envelopes bearing a powdered preparation of spores or to fomites that had been exposed to other fomites contaminated by the initial powder-bearing envelope. Specifically, fomites used in this study were envelopes containing a piece of paper. This device was designed to conduct the exposure in a consistent, reproducible manner and to allow investigation of the interaction and cross contamination that might be encountered between a “payload” letter (a letter that had been loaded internally with a powdered spore preparation) and other pieces of mail. Uncontaminated envelopes were tumbled with a single envelope containing a payload of milled Bacillus atrophaeus subsp. globigii spores. After tumbling three successive generations of envelopes, CFU counts from the outsides of the envelopes were taken. These estimates of spore loads on the outside of these envelopes may be compared to published human 50% lethal dose (LD50) estimates for aerosolized B. anthracis spores (12, 13). An additional series of envelopes was exposed to envelopes that had been contaminated during this first round of exposures, and those envelopes were found to be externally contaminated as well. We also studied opening an envelope that had been exposed to a payload envelope with either a finger or a letter opener to determine if these activities caused an aerosolization or reaerosolization of a sufficient number of spores to pose a risk of disease through inhalation.It is difficult to balance the concerns of making information public during a public health response and providing sufficient information for information risk management decision making while at the same time preserving the evidence for use by law enforcement agencies for eventual prosecution of individuals accused of committing crimes. We identified a nondestructive procedure by which contaminated mail can be analyzed and biological material collected while still preserving evidence for law enforcement agencies, allowing the payload envelope to be used as evidence while still permitting an assessment of its biological contaminant burden.  相似文献   

Methionine residues in α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) of Bacillus species were readily oxidized to methionine sulfoxide in vitro by t-butyl hydroperoxide (tBHP) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These oxidized α/β-type SASP no longer bound to DNA effectively, but DNA binding protected α/β-type SASP against methionine oxidation by peroxides in vitro. Incubation of an oxidized α/β-type SASP with peptidyl methionine sulfoxide reductase (MsrA), which can reduce methionine sulfoxide residues back to methionine, restored the α/β-type SASP’s ability to bind to DNA. Both tBHP and H2O2 caused some oxidation of the two methionine residues of an α/β-type SASP (SspC) in spores of Bacillus subtilis, although one methionine which is highly conserved in α/β-type SASP was only oxidized to a small degree. However, much more methionine sulfoxide was generated by peroxide treatment of spores carrying a mutant form of SspC which has a lower affinity for DNA. MsrA activity was present in wild-type B. subtilis spores. However, msrA mutant spores were no more sensitive to H2O2 than were wild-type spores. The major mechanism operating for dealing with oxidative damage to α/β-type SASP in spores is DNA binding, which protects the protein’s methionine residues from oxidation both in vitro and in vivo. This may be important in vivo since α/β-type SASP containing oxidized methionine residues no longer bind DNA well and α/β-type SASP-DNA binding is essential for long-term spore survival.  相似文献   

When exposed to nutrient or nonnutrient germinants, individual Bacillus spores can return to life through germination followed by outgrowth. Laser tweezers, Raman spectroscopy, and either differential interference contrast or phase-contrast microscopy were used to analyze the slow dipicolinic acid (DPA) leakage (normally ∼20% of spore DPA) from individual spores that takes place prior to the lag time, Tlag, when spores begin rapid release of remaining DPA. Major conclusions from this work with Bacillus subtilis spores were as follows: (i) slow DPA leakage from wild-type spores germinating with nutrients did not begin immediately after nutrient exposure but only at a later heterogeneous time T1; (ii) the period of slow DPA leakage (ΔTleakage = TlagT1) was heterogeneous among individual spores, although the amount of DPA released in this period was relatively constant; (iii) increases in germination temperature significantly decreased T1 times but increased values of ΔTleakage; (iv) upon germination with l-valine for 10 min followed by addition of d-alanine to block further germination, all germinated spores had T1 times of less than 10 min, suggesting that T1 is the time when spores become committed to germinate; (v) elevated levels of SpoVA proteins involved in DPA movement in spore germination decreased T1 and Tlag times but not the amount of DPA released in ΔTleakage; (vi) lack of the cortex-lytic enzyme CwlJ increased DPA leakage during germination due to longer ΔTleakage times in which more DPA was released; and (vii) there was slow DPA leakage early in germination of B. subtilis spores by the nonnutrients CaDPA and dodecylamine and in nutrient germination of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium spores. Overall, these findings have identified and characterized a new early event in Bacillus spore germination.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus megaterium were examined for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). Although dormant spores showed no GAD activity, spores given sonic treatment and heat-activated spores had high activities when assayed for this enzyme. Several parameters of GAD in heat-activated spores were examined. The effects of KCN, NaN(3), 2,4-dinitrophenol, and KF on GAD activity were examined. Only KCN was an effective inhibitor of GAD activity in heated spores and was also shown to be the only effective inhibitor of GAD activity in vegetative bacteria. Similar patterns of inhibition were obtained with GAD activity and with spore germination, KCN being the only effective inhibitor of both, although at different concentrations. Spore GAD activity in heat-activated spores showed a loss with storage at 4 C; on the other hand, storage at 25 C was not accompanied by a loss, but, to the contrary, showed an increase in GAD activity of about 30%. A comparison of GAD activity at different times during germination, growth, and sporulation showed it to be highest in freshly germinated spores. Although vegetative cells contained GAD activity, the level in log-phase cells was approximately one-half the level obtained with freshly germinated spores. Heat-activated mutant spores with a requirement of gamma-aminobutyric acid for germination gave no GAD activity. GAD activity appeared in mutant spores after germination and increased to levels comparable to parent spores after 9 min of germination.  相似文献   

The geochemical cycling of cobalt (Co) has often been considered to be controlled by the scavenging and oxidation of Co(II) on the surface of manganese [Mn(III,IV)] oxides or manganates. Because Mn(II) oxidation in the environment is often catalyzed by bacteria, we have investigated the ability of Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria to bind and oxidize Co(II) in the absence of Mn(II) to determine whether some Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria also oxidize Co(II) independently of Mn oxidation. We used the marine Bacillus sp. strain SG-1, which produces mature spores that oxidize Mn(II), apparently due to a protein in their spore coats (R.A. Rosson and K. H. Nealson, J. Bacteriol. 151:1027-1034, 1982; J. P. M. de Vrind et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52:1096-1100, 1986). A method to measure Co(II) oxidation using radioactive 57Co as a tracer and treatments with nonradioactive (cold) Co(II) and ascorbate to discriminate bound Co from oxidized Co was developed. SG-1 spores were found to oxidize Co(II) over a wide range of pH, temperature, and Co(II) concentration. Leucoberbelin blue, a reagent that reacts with Mn(III,IV) oxides forming a blue color, was found to also react with Co(III) oxides and was used to verify the presence of oxidized Co in the absence of added Mn(II). Co(II) oxidation occurred optimally around pH 8 and between 55 and 65°C. SG-1 spores oxidized Co(II) at all Co(II) concentrations tested from the trace levels found in seawater to 100 mM. Co(II) oxidation was found to follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. An Eadie-Hofstee plot of the data suggests that SG-1 spores have two oxidation systems, a high-affinity-low-rate system (Km, 3.3 × 10-8 M; Vmax, 1.7 × 10-15 M · spore-1 · h-1) and a low-affinity-high-rate system (Km, 5.2 × 10-6 M; Vmax, 8.9 × 10-15 M · spore-1 · h-1). SG-1 spores did not oxidize Co(II) in the absence of oxygen, also indicating that oxidation was not due to abiological Co(II) oxidation on the surface of preformed Mn(III,IV) oxides. These results suggest that some microorganisms may directly oxidize Co(II) and such biological activities may exert some control on the behavior of Co in nature. SG-1 spores may also have useful applications in metal removal, recovery, and immobilization processes.  相似文献   

[This corrects the article on p. 690 in vol. 14.].  相似文献   

Attempts to demonstrate the presence of the spore outer membrane in mature, dormant spores of a strain of Bacillus megaterium are described. The outer, integument, layers of this organism were found to contain one-third of the total spore cytochrome content, several enzymes of the electron transport chain (specifically NADH oxidase, dehydrogenase, cytochrome c reductase and NADPH dehydrogenase) and a large number of polypeptides extractable with sodium dodecylsulphate in the presence of dithiothreitol and protease inhibitors. These all suggest the presence of a membraneous element. Electron microscopic evidence is presented on the structure of the dormant integument enzymes. Changes in the integument enzymes and in the gel electrophoresis profile of the extractable integument polypeptides which occur during spore gemination, are described and compared with those that take place in the spore inner membrane. The heat sensitivity of the integument enzymes is compared with that of the inner membrane enzymes and the implications for theories of spore heat resistance discussed.  相似文献   

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